Buch-Charaktere für zebnavarro

Charaktere in den Büchern in der Bibliothek von zebnavarro

Big Brother

Caleb Garth

The Canon

Celia Brooke

Chaucer the Pilgrim

The Clerk

Coleman Silk

The Cook

Delphine Roux

Doctor Tertius Lydgate

Dorothea Brooke

Faunia Farley

Fliegendes Spaghettimonster

The Franklin

Fred Vincy

The Friar

Grand Inquisitor


Holden Caulfield

Jesus Christ

John Raffles


Karamasow, Alexei Fjodorowitsch

Karamazov, Dmitri Fyodorovich

Karamazov, Fyodor Pavlovich

Karamazov, Ivan Fyodorovich

The Knight

Lester Farley

Lorenzo de' Medici

The Man of Law

The Manciple

Mary Garth

The Merchant

The Miller

The Monk

Mr Farebrother

Mr. Brooke

Mrs. Cadwallader

Nathan Zuckerman

Nicholas Bulstrode

The Nun

The Nun's Priest


The Pardoner

The Parson

Peter Featherstone

Petrus Abaelard

Petrus Venerabilis

The Physician

The Prioress

The Reeve

Reverend Edward Casaubon

Rosamond Vincy

The Shipman

Sir James Chettam

Smerdyakov, Pavel

The Squire

The Summoner

Susan Garth

Svetlova, Agrafena Alexandrovna

Verkhovtseva, Katerina Ivanovna

The Wife of Bath/Alisoun/Alyson/Alys

Will Ladislaw

Winston Smith

Zosima the elder