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Maniac Magee (Newbery Medal Winner) von…
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Maniac Magee (Newbery Medal Winner) (Original 1990; 1999. Auflage)

von Jerry Spinelli (Autor)

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9,566234857 (3.97)1 / 142
After his parents die, Jeffrey Lionel Magee's life becomes legendary, as he accomplishes athletic and other feats which awe his contemporaries.
Titel:Maniac Magee (Newbery Medal Winner)
Autoren:Jerry Spinelli (Autor)
Info:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (1999), Edition: second, 180 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


East End, West End und dazwischen Maniac Magee von Jerry Spinelli (1990)

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 Name that Book: YA boy coming of age from 80's or 90's3 ungelesen / 3RockStarNinja, November 2011

» Siehe auch 142 Erwähnungen/Diskussionen

Really sweet book about belonging. Quick, good characters. Classic Spinelli— a tinge of sadness, but overall such a heartwarming story. Like soup on a cold,rainy day.
  znslinkm | Jul 7, 2024 |
“…the history of a kid is one part fact, two parts legend, and three parts snowball.”

Homelessness = sad. Allergic to pizza? Devastating! 😆 But in all seriousness, this is a pretty decent read, that touches on issues of homelessness and race. Maybe 'lightly' touches is a more accurate description, as someone as famous as Maniac would probably not be allowed to be unhoused and not in school in a 'real' town, East End or West End. And the really uninformed things some of the white people 'say' in this book seem otherworldly ignorant, and I wondered several times what year this was supposed to be occurring in? (yes, I do know how ignorant some folks are, but many of the questions that Grayson asks are just... come on!)

At the end of the book, I just hoped Maniac would end up in school and using his physical gifts to his benefit! As a baseball nut myself, I hope he ended up on the diamond! ( )
  Stahl-Ricco | Sep 4, 2023 |
Newberry Medal Winner!
  vashonpatty | Aug 1, 2023 |
I don't care much for protagonists who are perfect at everything and develop a savior complex (besides Harry Potter) - as in, I didn't much care for Maniac Magee. However, I did like the Beale family and the Pickwell family quite a bit; loving and easy-going families that can welcome in any strangers and make them feel like part of the family are a bit of a weakness of mine. ( )
  blueskygreentrees | Jul 30, 2023 |
Independent Reading Level: 5th Grade
Awards/Honors: Newbery Medal ( )
  Taylorsapp | May 4, 2023 |
Adrian Jackson (Books for Keeps No. 96, January 1996)
A marvellous and special book (a Newbery winner) - worth having as a set. It's the part mythic story of Maniac, always running, looking for, a home, how he got his name and how he became a legend. In between the stories of his untying the legendary Cobble's Knot, the baseball game involving a frog, sleeping alongside the buffalo at the-zoo and beating an ace sprinter by running backwards, is the racial, divide of the town. Maniac runs between the two, fighting his own battles, but also battling to bring people together. A wonderful read and read-aloud. Category: Middle/Secondary. . ...., Hippo, D3.50. Ages 10 to 14.
hinzugefügt von kthomp25 | bearbeitenAdrian Jackson, Books for Keeps
Fran Lantz (KLIATT Review, September 1992 (Vol. 26, No. 6))
Jeffrey "Maniac" Magee is a scruffy 12-year-old runaway orphan with some exceptional powers--he can run faster than anyone, he can hit an inside-the-park homerun bunt, and he can untie any knot. One day he wanders into Two Mills, a highly segregated town. But Jeffrey is an innocent who makes friends with both black kids from the East Side and white kids from the West Side, and eventually--with only the force of his personality and unusual talents to help him--manages to unite the town. Spinelli has written an unusual and moving story. He presents Maniac as a legendary figure, and leaves it to the reader to decide what is true and what is myth. Although the book is a bit difficult to get into, the persistent reader will be well rewarded. Winner of the 1991 Newbery Medal. KLIATT Codes: J*--Exceptional book, recommended for junior high school students. 1990, Harper-Trophy, $3.95. Ages 12 to 15.
hinzugefügt von kthomp25 | bearbeitenKLIATT, Fran Lantz

» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (3 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Jerry SpinelliHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Steinhöfel, AndreasÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt


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For Ray and Jerry Lincoln
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Maniac Magee was not born in a dump.
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But that’s okay, because the history of a kid is one part fact, two parts legend, and three parts snowball.
She was right, of course. Inside his house, a kid gets one name, but on the other side of the door, it’s whatever the rest of the world wants to call him.
Never again to return to the house with two toasters. Never again to return to school.
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After his parents die, Jeffrey Lionel Magee's life becomes legendary, as he accomplishes athletic and other feats which awe his contemporaries.

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