
Jasper Fforde

Autor von Der Fall Jane Eyre

33+ Werke 69,797 Mitglieder 2,472 Rezensionen Lieblingsautor von 687 Lesern
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Über den Autor

He worked for many years in the film industry as a camera technician. He was raised in England, he lives & works in Wales. (Publisher Provided) Author Jasper Fforde was born on January 11, 1961 in London, England. He spent numerous years as a focus puller in the film industry, where he worked on mehr anzeigen films such as Quills, Golden Eye, and Entrapment. His first novel, The Eyre Affair, was published in 2001. He is the author of the Thursday Next, Nursery Crime and Dragonslayer series and the novel Shades of Gray. In 2004, he won the Wodehouse Prize for comic fiction for The Well of Lost Plots. In 2013, his title The Last Dragonslayer made The New York Times best seller list. (Bowker Author Biography) weniger anzeigen
Bildnachweis: I took this picture at one of his US Book Signing events at Politics & Prose in Washington, D.C. Never miss a chance to see my favorite author :-)


Werke von Jasper Fforde

Der Fall Jane Eyre (2001) 15,719 Exemplare, 608 Rezensionen
In einem anderen Buch (2002) 9,251 Exemplare, 235 Rezensionen
Im Brunnen der Manuskripte (2004) 8,036 Exemplare, 181 Rezensionen
Es ist was faul (2004) 6,952 Exemplare, 144 Rezensionen
The Big Over Easy (2005) 5,754 Exemplare, 180 Rezensionen
Irgendwo ganz anders: Roman (2007) 5,094 Exemplare, 164 Rezensionen
The Fourth Bear (2006) 4,135 Exemplare, 116 Rezensionen
Grau: Ein Eddie-Russett-Roman (2009) 4,128 Exemplare, 266 Rezensionen
Wo ist Thursday Next?: Roman (2011) 2,439 Exemplare, 122 Rezensionen
Die letzte Drachentöterin (2010) 2,296 Exemplare, 141 Rezensionen
Eiswelt (2018) 1,251 Exemplare, 61 Rezensionen
The Song of the Quarkbeast (2011) 982 Exemplare, 65 Rezensionen
The Eye of Zoltar (2014) 616 Exemplare, 42 Rezensionen
The Constant Rabbit (2020) 596 Exemplare, 35 Rezensionen
Red Side Story (2024) 214 Exemplare, 10 Rezensionen
The Great Troll War (2021) 122 Exemplare, 3 Rezensionen
Dark Reading Matter (2025) 96 Exemplare
The Thursday Next Chronicles I-V (2014) 70 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Thursday Next Chronicles I-IV (2005) 46 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Last Great Tortoise Race 39 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Thursday Next Chronicles I-III (2013) 22 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Locked Room Mystery Mystery (2007) 20 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Eyre Affair: Red Side Story 1 Exemplar, 1 Rezension

Zugehörige Werke

Voices from the Past (2011) — Mitwirkender — 18 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
Relics, Wrecks and Ruins (2021) — Mitwirkender — 9 Exemplare, 1 Rezension
The Last Dragonslayer [2016 film] — Original book — 2 Exemplare


21. Jahrhundert (239) alternative Realität (879) alternatives Universum (338) Alternativweltgeschichte (1,070) Bibliothek (249) Britisch (771) Bücher (569) Bücher über Bücher (850) Detektiv (701) Dystopie (258) E-Book (355) England (733) Fantasy (7,571) Fforde (235) Fiktion (8,482) Gelesen (1,285) Humor (4,385) Hörbuch (242) Im Besitz (423) Jasper Fforde (336) Kinderreim (293) Komödie (436) literarisch (302) Literatur (903) Metafiktion (583) Mystery (3,900) noch zu lesen (3,332) Nursery Crime (241) Reihe (1,169) Roman (766) Satire (432) Science-Fiction (1,837) SF (260) SFF (449) signiert (456) spekulative Fiktion (235) Thursday-Next-Reihe (2,899) ungelesen (398) Verbrechen (609) Zeitreise (1,145)




Red Side Story - February 6th 2024 in Fforde Ffans (Juni 9)
The Woman Who Died a Lot in Fforde Ffans (Februar 2013)
Shades of Grey in Fforde Ffans (März 2012)
Fforde Ffebruary general discussion thread in The 12 in 12 Category Challenge (Februar 2012)
One of Our Thursdays is Missing in Fforde Ffans (Juli 2011)
The Fourth Bear in Fforde Ffans (Juni 2011)
***Group Read: The Eyre Affair in 75 Books Challenge for 2010 (Dezember 2010)
First Among Sequels Discussion Thread in Fforde Ffans (September 2008)


Not as thrilling and witty as the first volume of the Thursday Next series. The finale rescues the book, but you have to force yourself reading through the lenghty part before it.
historytoby | 234 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 27, 2018 |
Jennifer Strange lives as a foundling in a magic tower and runs an employment agency for magicians. Then a prophecy about the death of the last dragon appears.
The book is funny and clever, like Ffordes other books. It is a childrens´ book and therefore much simpler. But it has nice characters like the Quarkbeast.
Wassilissa | 140 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 24, 2014 |
Ein super Buch für Leute die neue Ideen mögen und Bücher aus einem anderen Blickwinkel sehen wollen!
SusiC | 607 weitere Rezensionen | Aug 2, 2010 |



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Tom Gauld Cover artist
Jasper Fforde Narrator
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