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Dear Deborah,

I am absolutely, wholly, completely in love. Your book has my heart. Like all of it. I keep thinking about this book, dreaming about it, loving it. I think I love it more the longer I think about it.

Winnie is kind of my favorite. I love her journey to figuring herself out, and coming to appreciate her differences from her family. I loved how she claimed things she knew were true about herself (I’m Winnie Freaking Knox!), and was (most of the time) mature enough to know when she didn’t know something and ask for help. Obviously no one is perfect (and she should have asked sooner), but I like her tenacity and desire to do well in the things she does. Her character arc was the best and I love her to pieces! I want to be her friend and go visit her in her grand English estate and watch her improved medieval festival. Pretty sure I need this in my life.

The enemies to lovers aspect of this one was perfect. Matthew’s hot and cold attitude was actually kind of funny. The fact that he was hopelessly attracted to Winnie, but endlessly bothered by her at the same time, made for some fantastic tension and I was here for it! Also, Matthew really is the best. Aside from his prickliness with Winnie, he’s basically perfect (in that imperfect way I love all my favorite heroes and which you write so beautifully). He can push my car out of the mud in his suit of armor anytime. Also, I want to see him joust.

The setting on this was absolute perfection. You had me right in England feeling the weather and moodiness of it, next to the sea, in a clearing, in a horse barn, in a medieval castle. I was completely immersed in the place and thought you did a fabulous job on that!

I loved the tension, and the problems they had, but that they also learned to work together and were humble enough to change. Oh! And I loved Matthew’s group of friends! I loved their friendship, and care for each other. I’ve always loved female friend groups in the books I read, but guy friend groups are sooo good too!

I just love this book. I’m obsessed. I need a reread. I cannot WAIT for book two! And I’m so happy you’re giving us some contemporaries in addition to historicals. You rock this genre!

Your friend,

**Many thanks to the author for the e-copy. A positive review was not required; all thoughts are my own.
LovelyBookishDelight | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 15, 2024 |
When consultant Winnie Knox travels to Yorkshire, England to help revitalize an English estate, she encounters a knight in shining armor and ends up with the job of revitalizing his medieval festival instead. Matthew loves all thing medieval and especially jousting, but he needs help making his festival more exciting and profitable.

I thoroughly enjoyed traveling vicariously to England for this charming and delightful tale. I’ve actually been to Yorkshire and visited some of the places in this story, so it was easy to visualize the area. Winnie and Matthew were both realistic and engaging, and I loved seeing their relationship grow and change.

Talented author Deborah M. Hathaway has written a delicious, clean and wholesome contemporary romance with endearing main characters and a creative premise. I was especially struck by some of the themes of the story, including not expecting perfection all the time, believing in oneself, and following your heart.

“Perfection is nice to strive for in theory, but all it really does is cause us disappointment.”

“If there was no heart or passion involved in what she did—then why was she doing it at all?”

I’m looking forward to more fun stories in this series. Matthew’s friends are so delightful, and I can’t wait to see the fair damsels that can tame these “Men of the Isles.” 4.5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.½
swissgranny | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jun 1, 2024 |
An unforgettable modern day knight’s tale! I loved this book! Enemies to lovers is one of my favorite tropes and wow did the sparks fly in this fun romcom. I adored Winnie & Matthew. Their delightful, unique romance had me quickly turning the pages.

Winnie Knox has two problems. The first is her overbearing father who takes it upon himself to micromanage her life. The second is a handsome knight who looks like he walked straight out of a medieval fairytale. Winnie’s a consultant who’s in England to help revitalize the massive Wintour estate. When her car runs into a ditch, on her way from the airport to the estate, it’s a handsome knight dressed head to foot in medieval armor on a horse no less who rescues her. The charming knight soon turns to an intriguing nemesis when he discovers that she’s the one his father hired to interfere in the estate and his beloved Medieval Festival.

Desperate to succeed and way out of her comfort zone, Winnie takes on the beleaguered festival determined to make it profitable. The only one standing in her way is her boss’ son who loves the history the festival represents and doesn’t want any changes made. As these two battle wits, they soon begin to grudgingly respect each other. As Winnie learns to appreciate the history and Matthew sees Winnie’s struggles and softer side, their relationship changes from enemies to friends to something more. But, can Winnie make the festival a success before her time in England is up?

From their funny meet-cute to playing hide & seek in a castle to the medieval festival, I loved how these two enemies became friends to more. I adored exploring Yorkshire with them and all the hilarious situations they find themselves in. The gorgeous descriptions made me feel like I was there and I wished I could have experienced the festival for myself. I also appreciated Matthew’s lovely family and his fun “mates!” Looking forward to Finn’s story!

One of the many things I love about Deborah M. Hathaway’s books are the heartfelt themes she weaves throughout her stories. In this case, it’s learning how to handle criticism, whether it’s helpful or hurtful. Winnie accepts the unfair criticism from her father much to her detriment. Matthew’s stubbornness prevents him from listening to helpful suggestions. I loved the way these two characters grew throughout the story and helped each other. The final scenes had me cheering!

Highest of recommendations! I can’t wait for the next book. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.
Melissas-Bookshelf | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 21, 2024 |
I was absolutely charmed by this story and the world of St. Michael’s Mount. August and Livvy couldn’t be more night and day on the surface, but beneath they both share a love of the Mount, honesty, and their friendship. August doesn’t have to hide his true self, whereas Livvy feels like she must hide to survive, having been teased practically her entire life for being “odd” which is actually her authentic self. So, when she finds the one that accepts her for who she is, she can’t let go, and who can blame her!

When I first started reading the English accents in the dialogue threw me a bit, but it grew on me, and I found myself hearing the authentic English twang in my mind clear as day, which added to the charm. I really appreciated the fact that despite being teased mercilessly that Livvy likes, and is secure in, who she is. So many times when I read a story from the regency era that has a heroine that goes against the norm, I see said heroine shy away from being herself around others. Not Livvy! She is unapologetic about being odd, and I am here for it! This is something I definitely need to heed, so thank you Livvy for the inspiration.

There are moments of pure romance that had me all swoony and other moments with such heart, showing the full range of emotions entailed within these pages. There is also a sliver of mystery surrounding Livvy’s mother’s death, this question looming throughout the story that adds the perfect amount of tension.

All in all, I loved this story! The flow is so natural, the characters are lovable, and the Mount is quite charming. This read has everything you could want in a clean romance and more!

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | May 1, 2023 |
Set in Cornwall in 1815 and populated with colorful and interesting characters, To Know Miss May had me dreaming of a vacation to St. Michael’s Mount. It sounds like such a fascinating place, and Deborah M. Hathaway’s descriptions made it easy to visualize.

Livvy is such a sweet, shy girl who lacks self-confidence and is known for her love of books. She doesn’t socialize often and feels misunderstood. When August Moon comes back to be a gardener on the Mount, he is intrigued by Livvy. I enjoyed the interactions between the two as August brought Livvy’s personality out and helped her socialize and become more accepted. I loved that he took the time to really get to know Livvy instead of believing what others thought about her.

The epigraph quotes at the beginning of the chapters were a fun touch. They gave a bit of a hint as to the contents of each chapter. I also enjoyed the author’s notes at the end of the book.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 28, 2023 |
All the stars for this lovely romance! From the start, it was a book lovers dream with quotes at the beginning of each chapter from beloved classic books. I found a kindred spirit in Lavinia “Livvy” May. Her delight for reading and desire to share her books with others completely drew me in. The romance was amazing and the charming location was so well described that it made me want to visit. Definitely another winner and new favorite from Deborah M. Hathaway!

Livvy went through some difficult hardships at a young age which caused her to retreat into her book world. She struggles between her desire to find friends and fear of rejection. Those who truly appreciate her intelligence and quick wit find her delightful, but others including her own father find her an oddity and constantly admonish her not to discuss her books.

When August Moon comes home after several years, Livvy finds her crush on him has not diminished. She admires the outgoing, friendly, kind man and his love of plants and the outdoors. Their meet cute had me smiling and from there I was anticipating each meeting.

August is definitely a favorite swoonworthy hero! He’s loyal, thoughtful, and funny. His charming teasing is adorable. I loved it when he play acts with Livvy while discussing books and challenges her to grow. I also loved it when they visit the gardens at night and those sizzling, tender kisses. But, August is caught in a tangled web that will test his new found love and friendship with Livvy.

The suspense, romance, and angst near the end had me quickly turning the pages. Don’t skip the author’s note where she offers a fantastic explanation for her story choices. It’s a swoony, endearing romance that I can’t wait to read again. I received a complimentary copy from the author but also purchased the book through Kindle Unlimited. All opinions are my own and voluntarily given.
Melissas-Bookshelf | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 24, 2023 |
This story was so sweet and so swoon worthy. It is a feel good read. I couldn’t help but smile throughout 95% of the book. The other 5%… well that hit me right in the feels.
The FMC, Claire, is so very relatable. And the MMC, Liam, has things every one wants in a relationship. Just making me swoooooooon.
Also it made me want to travel to London.
This book was wonderful. Delightful. Dreamy. Lovable.
lam31777 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Jan 2, 2023 |
Deborah M. Hathaway pens a beautiful second-chance love story in her captivating tale, From the Fields of Porthlenn. This book stars Poppy Honeysett and Lt. Edmund Harris as they meet again two years after their relationship ended in heartbreak. The characters are well-drawn, colorful, and engaging, and I enjoyed seeing their interactions change to friendship and more again while they work together to solve the problems of the community.

With lovely and intriguing descriptions of Cornwall and the small communities striving to thrive there, this series has captured my heart and stirred a desire to visit this area. I would recommend this book to those who enjoy well-written, clean and wholesome historical fiction. While it can be read as a stand-alone book, the previous books in the series introduce some of the recurring characters.
swissgranny | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 6, 2022 |
I’ve read and enjoyed all of Deborah M. Hathaway’s historical romances set in Cornwall. Christmas Baggage is her first foray into contemporary romance, and I must say I was impressed with it. With a setting in London, well-drawn and engaging characters, and an enemies-to-more trope, the stage is set for a charming, delightful Christmas story. Claire Frost and Liam Everhart each have their problems and things they had to work out, but this tale had me longing for England and red telephone booths. From the very first meet-cute to the satisfying ending, this story kept me turning pages

“Life will pass you by if you wait for the stars to align. Because stars don’t align for us. They live out their days in the same way we’re supposed to—on the path that will help us shine the most.”

If you enjoy clean, wholesome contemporary romance with an underlying uplifting message, you’ll enjoy this delicious trip to merry old England. I’m looking forward to more books from this talented author.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 27, 2022 |
I’ve long been anticipating Poppy’s & Edmund’s story! Deborah M. Hathaway delivers a powerful second chance love story with so much emotion, depth, and well written longing. It’s one of those stories that will stay with you long after finishing. There’s some weighty subject matter in this story which the author presents in a thoughtful, insightful way. There’s also a dash of humor and lightness sprinkled throughout that balances everything beautifully. If you haven’t read one of her Cornish Regency romances, grab this one, then go back and read the others.

When Poppy was 16 years old, she fell in love with Lt. Edmund Harris. Several years later, she was old enough for Edmund to ask her to marry him, but leaving her beloved Cornwall where her family is and her dear father is buried was too much. She was hoping Edmund would come back, but year after year goes by with no sign of him. Then suddenly he’s back in Cornwall recuperating from an old injury.

Instead of the welcoming embrace she imagined, she’s met with cool formality. Poppy’s changed as well though and isn’t the carefree girl she once was. Edmund broke her heart, plunging her into a dark place she’s not wanting to revisit. But as they’re forced into each other’s presence, the familiar teasing and feelings return. What happens though when he leaves for the sea? Will he break her heart again?

Edmund’s heart was torn to pieces when Poppy chose Cornwall over him. He’s not wiling to risk his heart again. Since he was a little boy, his trust has been broken especially by his mother. Her abusive treatment of him deeply scarred him. Will he have the courage to heal from the past and make a future with Poppy, or will he return to the only safe place he’s known, the sea?

I loved Poppy & Edmund. There was so much depth and growth in their relationship. It was hard to see them so at odds at first. Both are hurting and can’t seem to let down their guard. Their relationship grows very organically with two steps forward and one step back. When they finally share their feelings, it’s powerful. The slow build up to their first kiss is well worth the wait.

Edmund’s past was absolutely tragic. His mother is awful and I felt so sorry for him and the pain he carries. Poppy’s such a sunny personality, yet her believable experience with depression reveals the depth of her character. Her fear of returning to that painful bleakness strikes a familiar chord with anyone who has experienced depression or has a loved one who’s experienced it.

The historical detail, vivid descriptions of Cornwall, heartfelt romance, the angst, longing, and endearing characters make this a must read! It can be read as a standalone, but those familiar with the series will welcome seeing familiar characters again. Poldark fans will love this! I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author. All opinions are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review.
Melissas-Bookshelf | 1 weitere Rezension | Oct 23, 2022 |
I’ve loved Deborah M. Hathaway’s Regency romances & couldn’t wait to read her first foray into a contemporary romcom. This book does not disappoint! It’s funny, sweet, romantic, & in LONDON! It’s a grumpy/sunshine, enemies to lovers, heartfelt romance that was so fun to read & definitely got me in the Christmas spirit.

Claire Frost feels like she’s everyone’s second choice, from her parents to her ex-boyfriends. When her friend Melody offers her the trip of a life time to spend Christmas in London, this Colorado horticulturist decides to take a chance & go. Her vacation is amazing until she learns she’ll be spending it with Melody’s jerk of a cousin.

Liam Everhart is grumpy & a bit sullen. The first two times Claire meets him leaves little to be desired. Liam just lost the job promotion he’s been working eight years for to an American. The last thing he needs is to spend Christmas with another one. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances & being a gentleman, he offers to show Claire around London. As they get to know each other, this gorgeous guy with the adorable accent, might be the Poldark to Claire’s Demelza.

Claire is adorable if a bit of a klutz (which I can easily relate to). She finds herself in some pretty awkward situations. She’s very sweet & my heart ached for her because of her self absorbed parents.

Liam totally grew on me & I ended up loving him. Because the author’s husband is British, we get all those authentic English sayings & delightful mannerisms. I absolutely adored their first kiss, the Christmas tree fiasco, the Nutcracker, & his Christmas gifts!

As a total Anglophile, I loved get glimpses of all the amazing sites from the Tube to the Tower of London to the outdoor Christmas markets. I also enjoyed the fun pop culture references to Harry Potter & Star Wars, and little Easter eggs referencing the author’s regency works.

This is definitely one you’ll want to read if you like clean, sweet romcoms! And while it’s set at Christmas time, it’s not the main focus of the book. It can definitely be read any time of the year. Thanks to the author for the arc. All opinions are my own & freely given.½
Melissas-Bookshelf | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 19, 2022 |
Mr. Frederick Hawkins happens upon a woman asleep in the path of the incoming tide, gently waking her, and they share a moment that is utterly charming; the perfect beginning of a fairy tale romance. Sadly, the illusive damsel in distress is the daughter of Fredrick’s new business associate and after a dinner at their home, Miss Sophia Rosewall is not the woman Fredrick thought she was.

It takes a fall from grace to make Sophia realize just how right Frederick is, the situation she finds herself in truly humbling, opening her eyes to the truth that has been right in front of her, her privileged life blinding her for far too long.

I have adored the A Cornish Romance series thus far, but there is something special about For the Lady of Lowena. Maybe it’s the fact that the heroine is taken down a peg, not something you normally read about in regency era novels. Or the fact that all the characters are so well fleshed out that it feels truly believable!

The author does such an incredible job of bringing her stories to life. I could smell the sea, feel the cold and angst, as well as the wind of change that blew through Cornwall. I felt all the feels, including incredible frustration at the majority of the upper class and their privileged attitudes and behavior, and utter heartbreak at the working class and everything they had to endure, especially during that time period.

The ending was immensely satisfying, yet sad, but only because I wasn’t ready for this charming story to end! I adored this novel so much, and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book in the series!
cflores0420 | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Feb 2, 2022 |
What fun to travel back to Cornwall in Deborah M. Hathaway’s newest book, In the Waves of Tristwick! Her books just keep getting better and better. The mermaid theme was fresh and creative, and the story gave insight into the prevailing thoughts and customs of 1815 Cornwall. The characters were colorful, layered, and intriguing. Trevik Honeysett is an industrious, considerate, likeable hero who seems to carry the weight of the entire fishing community on his shoulders. The heroine, Morvoren Hollow, is spunky, courageous, and longing for a different life away from her controlling uncle. What she finds is a warm, mostly welcoming, stay with the Honeysett family. The chemistry between Trevik and Morvoren was perfect as they slowly got to know each other and their relationship and perceptions changed and grew.

Filled with adventure, intrigue, romance, and wonderful historical detail, this story is a fantastic journey back in time to a small Cornish fishing village you won’t soon forget. It’s a delightful read for those who enjoy visiting other countries through historical fiction. 4.5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.½
swissgranny | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 17, 2022 |
“She blew out a breath. What was the world coming to, now that she, Morvoren Hollow, admired a fisherman?” I absolutely loved this fourth book in Deborah M. Hathaway’s Cornish Romance series. Morvoren, the sassy spirited heroine and Trevik, the handsome flirtatious fisherman completely drew me into the story. I loved the witty dialogue, enemies to lovers slow-burn romance, and the twists and turns in this original story.

The last thing Morvoren wants is life with a fisherman. Running away from a cruel uncle and untenable marriage proposal, she decides to indulge in something her uncle has forbidden, a swim in the ocean. She has no idea her indulgence will land her in a fisherman’s net.

When Trevik and his fellow drifters pull in their net, the last thing they expect is a “mermaid” known to bring havoc and destruction. So when Morvoren is found caught in Trevik’s net, rumors quickly fly and to one superstitious older man, Edern, she’s a menace that needs to go. Trevik may have saved Morvoren’s life, but there’s hardly gratitude expressed. In fact, her sharp tongue at once intrigues but also infuriates him. With nowhere else to go and an injured ankle, Morvoren must find a way to endure until she can travel to her friend’s house. What she doesn’t expect is to find friendship, romance, and feeling part of a family again.

I loved the characters, not only Trevik and Morvoren, but his mother and sister Poppy too. Also enjoyed Trevik’s fellow fishermen, even the irascible Edern, and fell in love with this endearing fishing village where they all look out for each other and work together to survive.

There were so many swoonworthy scenes. I especially loved it when Morvoren accuses Trevik of not knowing how to flirt and boy does he show her he does. The romantic tension between the two is palpable and I loved the humorous good natured teasing moments between the two.

The Cornish setting is amazing and Ms. Hathaway really makes it come alive with her beautiful descriptions. I felt like I could hear the waves crashing on the shore and smell the salty sea air. I enjoyed the historical aspects of the novel and the careful detail the author includes in the story.

Highly recommend this book and look forward to reading the other books in the series. This book can definitely be read as a standalone, though may be more enjoyable for those familiar with previous characters who show up in the book. I can’t wait to read Poppy’s story and look forward to the next book in the series. Thank you to Deborah M. Hathaway for the advanced copy. All opinions are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review.½
Melissas-Bookshelf | 1 weitere Rezension | Jan 15, 2022 |
Usually when I start a novel by the amazing Deborah M. Hathaway I am instantly intrigued, but for some reason I started out not knowing how I felt about Carving for Miss Coventry. I struggled to relate to the unique Marianne and connect with the struggling Edward at first, but I refused to give up, and am so thankful that I stuck with it.

Marianne is a peculiar character, at first giving off a vibe that I haven't felt with a character for awhile. While that is refreshing and different, it also put a unique slant to the story that I couldn't put my finger on until later on in the story. I couldn't tell if it was charming or alarming, but finally settled on charming, especially when she started to interact with woodcarver, Edward, intrigued to see how their relationship would progress.

My heart truly went out to Marianne and her sister. Their father obviously cared more about the family's status and not about the feelings of his daughters, and this truly enraged me, showing the true talent of Debrah M. Hathaway. The pace and flow were perfection, and all ended well, and though predictable, it was still satisfying.

This is the first book in the Sons of Somerset series, and if Carving for Miss Coventry is any indication, it's going to be a wonderful series!

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I read through Kindle Unlimited. All views and opinions are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 1 weitere Rezension | Aug 26, 2021 |
Set in Regency England and brimming with colorful, realistic characters, Carving for Miss Coventry is a charming tale that quickly drew me in. Deborah Hathaway did a fantastic job in showing the bigotry and class distinctions that were prevalent during that time period. As a woodcarver whose now-deceased father was wrongly accused, causing their business to fail, Edward Steele is determined to get out of debt and rebuild the business. Marianne Coventry is determined to find out what she’s missing by not being allowed out in society, since her older sister isn’t married yet. A friendship develops between them when Edward is hired to do some carving in the Coventry library. I enjoyed the camaraderie between them and seeing their relationship grow and change.

“Sometimes, the brightest sunsets shine only after the longest rains.”

There were a couple of themes I liked in this story. The first is not judging others or believing everything you hear about them, and the other is being careful what you wish for. Sometimes, the grass may look greener on the other side of the fence, but when you get there, you find it’s an illusion.

I greatly enjoyed this story, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the Sons of Somerset series written by different authors. It will be interesting to see what tales they write.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 13, 2021 |
How I adore the moment a story immediately captures my imagination and whisks me away to another enchanted time and place, immersing me in a world that is so far removed from my own, and the most delicious escape. That's is exactly what I experienced when I read The Cottage by Coniston.

Beautifully and eloquently written by the immensely talented Deborah M. Hathaway, this novel transports you to Coniston, an enchanting village that is bursting with beauty and charm that it makes me wish I could really go and experience this region for real.

It's stories like these that make you just adore amour. I saw a lot of myself and the early moments of my relationship with my husband reflected in this read. Maybe that's why I feel so head over heels in love with it! Amy and William are such wonderful characters, their chemistry magnetic. The scenes with them together left me with goofy grins on my face, especially when they challenge each other to a game of shuttlecock, the banter between them was absolutely charming! The ending is swoon-worthy, the happiest of endings, and is immensely satisfying.

To say I enjoyed The Cottage by Conistion is an understatement. This novel is beautifully written with such heart, it captures the imagination, is the perfect escape and is hands down a MUST READ of 2021 for me.

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher. All views and opinions are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 8, 2021 |
On the Second Day of Christmas is a delightful Christmas story which is part of The Belles of Christmas: Frost Fair series. The books in this series are written by separate authors, but they all center around the Frost Fair which is a rare occurrence in history when the Thames River in London would freeze over. Vendors would set up their wares on the ice.

In this tale of second chances, adventuresome and plucky Lucy Lincoln is in London with her Aunt Harriet when they are drawn to the Frost Fair. When Lucy slips on the ice and hits her head, she is treated by Dr. Benjamin Kent, a shy, reserved acquaintance she had rejected four years earlier. Now a physician in London, he has gained some confidence and respect, and, of course, Lucy is intrigued. Benjamin wants nothing more than to forget about Lucy and the embarrassing incident. I enjoyed seeing their feelings and relationship slowly change.

This is an endearing and entertaining Christmas story that is easy to read and hard to put down. It’s a wonderful addition to my Christmas reading list. I have read several of author Deborah M. Hathaway’s books and enjoyed them all. She is a talented, creative writer, and I’m looking forward to more of her work.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | Nov 15, 2020 |
The Cottage by Coniston is a delightful Regency tale full of wit and charm. I’ll admit that for the first couple of chapters I was wondering if I’d like the heroine and enjoy the story, but it quickly grew on me. Amy was realistically flawed--a bit brash, outspoken, and perhaps a little socially inept, so she came across as a bit unlikable at first. I enjoyed seeing her mellow and mature a bit and gain a few social graces. William is finally feeling some freedom when his oppressive grandfather passes away, and he’s looking forward to making some changes and being in charge of his own life and property. It was fun to see their relationship develop and progress. The witty banter and plot twists added much to the tale.
“This was silly of her to feel so disheartened. She’d liked the gentleman for what, a quarter of an hour?”
Deborah Hathaway is a talented author, and this story is a wonderful addition to her growing list of books. I’m looking forward to more of her writing.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 5, 2020 |
I thought this might be a fluff read, but it ended up being a tad more than fluff. Now I have nothing against fluff as my brain sometimes just need a fluff book.
Sophia has grown up in Fynway Hall, a very rich, spoiled young lady, however, when her life suddenly changes and she and her family are removed from her home and are to live in a hut, Sophia is forced to change her behavior. Frederick Hawkins is the one who purchased her family's estate due to her father's bad business practices. I loved the interaction between the two and how Sophia changes her attitude.
Great Read.
travelgal | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Mar 11, 2020 |
For the Lady of Lowena (A Cornish Romance Book 2) b
Deborah M. Hathaway is delightful Regency Romance set in Cornwell. It can be read as a stand alone.
"A Cornish Romance Series
On the Shores of Tregalwen (A Prequel Novella):
Behind the Light of Golowduyn (Book One)
For the Lady of Lowena (Book Two)":

This author is a new author to me. But I will be reading more of her books
Steady paced, well crafted, and flows seamlessly with charming characters. Follow, Frederick Hawkins, who purchases an estate in Cornwall, longing to escape is mother's meddling and society. Sophia Rosewall, who was born into wealth, is now faced with her father losses their fortune, now they can not continue to fund their affluent life.
"For the Lady of Lowena" has
twists and turns, drama,
secrets, personal growth with a HEA.
Fans of Regency, Romance, secrets, where the characters have personal growth and a steady paced story, will enjoy this novel. An enjoyable and satisfying romance.
"I voluntarily received a complimentary copy, however, these are my honest opinions. I was in no way required nor compensated to write a review."

Rating: 4
Heat rating: Sweet
Reviewer: AprilR
Reasons I enjoyed this book:
tarenn | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Oct 1, 2019 |
After reading the prequel novella of the A Cornish Romance series, On the Shores of Tregalwen, and not being too impressed, I was apprehensive about reading Behind the Light of Golowduyn, but I am so glad that I gave it a chance.

Set in Cornwall, England in 1815, the Regency era with the breathtaking sea as a backdrop, made the novel charming and irresistible. Captain Gavin Kendricks is the perfect man: charming, handsome, and has incredible instincts and a heart of gold. Pure perfection. When Captain Kendricks has to make a challenging decision, to purposely crash his ship into the rocks at the base of Golowduyn lighthouse, a choice that leads the captain literally into the arms of the young lighthouse keeper, Abigail Moore, it is a chance meeting that alters the course of both of their lives.

Abigail is a heavily guarded woman who is haunted by her past, and has given every part of herself to the running of the lighthouse, all to help the many sailers out at sea. It's this strain that created an insecure, negative, untrusting character that after awhile began to grate on my nerves, almost to the point that I almost put the book down, but luckily I did not give up, namely due to several subjects that were shrouded in mystery until the very end, and worth the wait.

Behind the Light of Golowduyn is an enchanting, whimsical story that transports you to a beautiful lighthouse, is filled with plenty of mystery, angst, and tragedy and is a truly exquisitely written and powerful love story.
cflores0420 | May 5, 2019 |
While I am a sucker for a good romance there must be some kind of conflict or tension to keep me interested and I felt like On the Shores of Tregalwen fell flat in this area big time. Hannah and Thomas are childhood friends that have developed more than a friendship as the years have gone by, so when you start the story they're pretty much already in love with each other. Hannah's mother forces her to leave the beautiful shores of Tregalwen for the stuffy London society, which is everything Hannah hates. While in London, Hannah can no longer stand not being where she wants to be, so she runs away back to Tregalwen and back into Thomas's arms.

Sugary sweet and hard to swallow is how I would define this novella, to the point to where I skimmed the last few chapters because the outcome is so blatantly obvious that I completely lost interest. The story started off with such promise but it quickly left me wanting more.

On that note, I will say that the descriptions of Tregalwen paints a beautiful mind portrait and the writing itself is well done, which makes giving a negative review heartbreaking for me. Still, I refuse to give up on this new series and hope that the next installment will have more intrigue.
cflores0420 | Feb 10, 2019 |
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