
fiction (2,330), series (927), juvenile (821), science fiction (770), fantasy (629), usa (519), read 1986-1992 (416), lesbian (403), uk (392), read 1993-1998 (324), romance (302), filmed (228), nonfiction (212), aliens (182), read 1975-1983 (168), new zealand (165), read 1999-2004 (164), read in 2023 (162), horses (156), disposed (145), mystery (139), short stories (131), unread (117), historical fiction (116), orphans (113), read in 2020 (110), alternate world (110), space opera (109), read in 2005 (103), awards (102), novella (102), other planet (101), school story (98), animals (97), NZHR (97), collection (92), read in 2022 (92), post-apocalyptic (91), read in 2006 (87), read in 2007 (84), psychic powers (83), read in 2024 (82), legalised fanfic (82), military (79), read in 2019 (77), humanity transformed (76), lost colony (76), picture book (75), read in 2008 (71), holiday story (69), twins (69), australia (66), uber (65), graphic novel (64), alternate history (64), time travel (63), read in 2021 (63), boats (61), ai (60), read in 2018 (60), adventure mystery (57), anthology (56), wizards (55), cross dressing (54), read in 2017 (53), 19th century (53), dystopia (53), dragons (50), chalet school (50), read in 2014 (49), queersff2023 (49), novelization (48), read in 2016 (46), translated (44), epidemic (44), historical fantasy (42), classic (41), quest (39), canada (39), first contact (38), superhero (38), slavery (37), anthropomorphism (37), near future (37), religion (36), illustrated (36), invasion (35), humour (35), star wars (33), read 1984-1985 (32), needs better cover (31), campus novel (31), single gender society (30), mythology (29), ghosts (28), cats (28), different title (28), fairytale reimagining (28), read in 2009 (27), switzerland (27), dcu (27), music (26), animal bond (26), puffin classic (26), female warrior (26), farming (25), cyberpunk (25), coming of age (25), arthurian (24), cli-fi (24), poetry (24), famous five (23), horror (23), history (23), clones (23), meta (23), middle earth (23), winged steeds (23), runaways (23), anthropological (23), imaginary land (22), autobiography (22), desert island shelf (22), read in 2011 (22), serial numbers filed off (22), read for school (22), colonisation (21), steampunk (21), golden age (21), mental health (20), hugo winner (20), read in 2010 (20), austria (20), survival (20), apocalyptic (19), problems (18), linked stories (18), read in 2015 (17), reference (17), signed (17), wwii (17), fpreg (17), immediate reread (17), nebula winner (16), biography (16), māori (16), generation ship (16), natural history (16), books Helen might like (16), hollywood (16), us (16), cyborgs (15), photographs (15), family (15), alliance-union universe (15), secret seven (15), sailing (15), strangers in paradise (15), v series (15), vampires (15), superman (14), pern (14), france (14), textbook (14), read in 2013 (14), hainish cycle (14), cults (14), vorkosiverse (14), war (14), biographical (13), lone envoy (13), roman britain (13), oracle (13), movie (13), aliens bearing gifts (13), china (13), folklore reimagining (13), amnesia (13), pirates (13), space station (13), autism (13), ancient greece (13), within solar system (13), newbery winner (12), kidnapping (12), romney marsh (12), wainscot (12), new york city (12), black stallion (12), time dilation (12), awaiting earlier books in series (12), writing (12), native american (12), europe (12), language (12), disability (12), racing (12), urban fantasy (12), greek (11), wimsey (11), fairytale (11), carol ashton (11), mary sue eyes (11), italy (11), sisters (11), witches (11), birds (11), short story expansion (11), returned to the wild (11), darkover (11), mythopoeic winner (11), world fantasy winner (10), in fire and hemlock (10), civil war (10), zombies (10), transgender (10), christianity (10), writer (10), rec for julie (10), island (10), formulaic (10), dogs (10), thriller (10), robots (10), ifmhisf (10), memoir (10), caravans (10), y the last man (10), birds of prey (10), gay (10), pioneer (10), computers (9), essays (9), robin hood (9), beauty and the beast (9), ireland (9), shape shifters (9), wayward children (9), based on true story (9), mermaids (9), gods (9), batman (9), utopia (9), solarpunk (9), revolution (9), aliensverse (9), dido twite (9), carnegie winner (9), comic strips (9), prison (9), apes (9), jill ponies (9), sleeping beauty (9), fairies (9), wrong cover (9), popular science (8), play (8), games (8), ancient greek (8), rabbits (8), blind (8), shipwreck (8), androids (8), tiptree winner (8), a song of ice and fire (8), regency (8), dinosaurs (8), h.o.m.e. (8), space (8), linguist (8), toys (8), wales (8), place of adventure (8), nomadic (8), punchbowl (8), marlow family (8), dictionary (8), intersex (8), terraforming (8), black canary (8), gothic (8), clarke's law (8), alien trolls (7), aztec elves (7), politics (7), africa (7), green gables (7), mars (7), borrowed (7), ballet (7), archaeology (7), afrofuturism (7), anthropology (7), art (7), dolphins (7), retelling (7), atevi (7), holiday 2007 (7), tomorrow when (7), stone circles (7)
Tag-Wolke, Autoren-Wolke, Tag-Spiegel
Sep 15, 2005
Über meine Bibliothek

For some of my all time favorite books try my desert island shelf. And for more recent joys there is immediate reread.

I've just marked everything for kids and teens as juvenile, because the line between children's and young adult was just too blurry and arbitrary. Of course the line between juvenile and adult isn't much better.

psychic powers is a tag because I've only marked a few books as being truly a blend of science fiction and fantasy, but plenty of sf has magical handwaving in (though saying that does not mean I believe all the books marked with psychic powers are engaging in this). And I've been pretty lazy about it. Really I should have gone through and marked all the Pern and Star Wars books with it too.

uber has a specific meaning in Xena fandom, and I've used it broadly as it tends to be used by the fanfic archives; if the story includes a lesbian romance and is written from within the fandom it has been included as uber, whether the characters and storyline shares any characteristics with the original archetypes or not.

As far as tieins and movie/tv/comic novelizations and continuations go, I've used novelization to mark a retold story, and legal fanfiction to mark a new story set in the same universe. I mostly don't like novelizations, but I collect them compulsively. They are at least usually cheap. Related tags would include fairytale reimagining, arthurian and robin hood. I'm going to need some sort of retold folklore tag to cover the Tam Lin reworkings as well, I think.

I very briefly on the 20th September 2005 made the 25 largest libraries list with 720 books. It'll never happen again, so I'm recording it for posterity.

And on the 19th April 2006 I made it into the top tagger list, with 6,430 tags (an average of 5.99 tags per book). That won't last either.

I've now done most of my collection, barring a couple of boxes I need to dig out of the garage.

It's interesting to look at what I own versus what I've read, I've mostly not bothered to buy many of the books my parents own, so I'm missing a lot of the mainstream lit, and various classics. I'll see books in other people's libraries and think "I own that, I should add it" and then realise actually I don't, my mother does.

And this is not always up to date - it's been a very spotty record for read and owned from about 2009, and got systematic again from about 2019 onwards.

Here's a very out of date wishlist from before collections were a thing, created from an Amazon wishlist import.

Here's my movies:

Here are my DVD's, I'm still debating whether to try and put them into Library thing.

If you've read this far, leave me a comment to say Hi!

Auckland, New Zealand
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Buchhandlungen: Borders - Auckland, Borders - Sylvia Park, Gay's the Word, Gotham Comics, Onehunga, Hard To Find Books (Auckland), Hares and Hyenas, Real Groovy, Auckland, The Other Change of Hobbit, The Women's Bookshop, UBIQ University Bookshop, , Unity Books

Bibliotheken: Auckland Central City Library Tāmaki Pātaka Kōrero, University of Auckland General Library

Sonstige: Hay Festival of Literature & the Arts

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