Kontroverse Bücher für trace2

Diese Seite zeigt die "kontroversesten" Bücher in dieser Bibliothek, gemessen an der höchsten Standardabweichung der Sternebewertungen der Mitglieder.

Standardabweichung Durchschnittliche Bewertung Deine Bewertung Titel
1.281 3.49 The Swiss Family Robinson [abridged - Classic Starts] von Johann David Wyss
1.246 3.4 What People Wore von Douglas Gorsline
1.201 3.29 Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy von Warren Commission
1.175 3.43 Pioneer Woman Black Heels To Tractor Wheels von Ree Drummond
1.167 3.64 Das goldene Notizbuch von Doris Lessing
1.03 3.84 A Field Guide to Western Birds (Peterson Field Guides) von Roger Tory Peterson
1.012 3.92 The Boys' War: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk About the Civil War von Jim Murphy
1.007 3.85 Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 von Charles C. Mann
1.002 3.98 The Perfect Horse: The Daring U.S. Mission to Rescue the Priceless Stallions Kidnapped by the Nazis von Elizabeth Letts
0.965 3.89 The Three Musketeers (Great Illustrated Classics) von Alexandre Dumas
0.954 3.95 The Adventures of Robin Hood [abridged - Classic Starts] von Howard Pyle
0.942 4.03 Die Odyssee von Homer
0.941 4.38 The Selected Poems of Nikki Giovanni: 1968-1995 von Nikki Giovanni
0.939 4.08 Glorie des Abendlandes. (Civilisation) von Kenneth Clark
0.937 3.79 Train Go Sorry: Inside a Deaf World von Leah Hager Cohen
0.92 3.82 The Handy History Answer Book von Rebecca Nelson
0.919 3.86 Die Geister des Mount Everest von Jochen Hemmleb
0.91 4.07 The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America's Man-Made Landscape von James Howard Kunstler
0.907 4.05 Die tausend Tage Kennedys von Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
0.906 3.99 Black Elk speaks von John G. Neihardt
0.906 4.19 First Light von Geoffrey Wellum
0.898 3.93 The Only Thing Worth Dying For: How Eleven Green Berets Forged a New Afghanistan von Eric Blehm
0.894 3.97 Der Tod des Iwan Iljitsch von León Tolstói
0.87 4.24 Baseball: An Illustrated History von Geoffrey C. Ward
0.862 3.75 Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme von L. Sprague de Camp
0.851 4 All The Broken Pieces von Ann E. Burg
0.845 3.96 An American Plague: The True and Terrifying Story of the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 von Jim Murphy
0.844 4.3 501 Spanish Verbs von Christopher Kendris
0.843 4.21 Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen von Christopher McDougall
0.84 4.31 Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Agent, Märtyrer und Prophet von Eric Metaxas
0.84 3.94 Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith von Jon Krakauer
0.831 3.9 Around the World in 80 Days [abridged - Classic Starts] von Jules Verne
0.822 3.81 Around the World in 80 Days (Great Illustrated Classics) von Marian Leighton
0.811 4.13 Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation von Jeff Chang
0.808 4.26 Wurzeln ( Roots). von Alex Haley
0.805 4.25 The Great War and Modern Memory von Paul Fussell
0.799 4.19 In eisige Höhen: Das Drama am Mount Everest von Jon Krakauer
0.79 4.12 Die Watergate-Affäre von Bob Woodward
0.776 4.32 Elfen, Goblins und Spukgestalten von Brian Froud
0.772 3.42 America's Hidden History: Untold Tales of the First Pilgrims, Fighting Women, and Forgotten Founders Who Shaped a Nation von Kenneth C. Davis
0.767 4.04 Mein Iran: Ein Leben zwischen Revolution und Hoffnung von Shirin Ebadi
0.74 4.15 Der Untergang der Lusitania von Erik Larson
0.732 4.16 The Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia von Candace Fleming
0.702 4.16 The Promised Land: The Great Black Migration and How It Changed America von Nicholas Lemann
0.696 4.11 The Boys Who Challenged Hitler: Knud Pedersen and the Churchill Club von Phillip Hoose
0.689 4.4 4 Plays: Hamlet; King Lear; Macbeth; Othello von William Shakespeare