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Les Aventures de Telemaque, Fils d'Ulysse. Tome Premier & Second (2 Bde.) (1699)

von François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon

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2726101,337 (3.35)3
Fénelon's Telemachus (1699) is, alongside Bossuet's Politics, the most important work of political theory of the grand siècle in France. It was also the most widely read work of the time, influencing Montesquieu and Rousseau in its attempt to combine monarchism with republican virtues. Fénelon tells of the moral and political education of Telemachus, young son of Ulysses, by his tutor Mentor (the goddess Minerva in disguise). Telemachus visits every corner of the Mediterranean world and learns patience, courage, modesty and simplicity, the qualities he will need when he succeeds Ulysses as King of Ithaca. It is the story of the transformation of an egoistic young man into a model ruler, and is meant (among other things) as a commentary on the bellicosity and luxuriousness of Louis XIV. The present English edition follows closely that of Tobias Smollett published in 1776.… (mehr)
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  Murtra | Sep 8, 2021 |
  Murtra | Sep 2, 2021 |
  Murtra | Oct 7, 2020 |
> Par Adrian ( : Les 150 classiques de la littérature française qu’il faut avoir lus !
07/05/2017 - L’évêque de Cambrai, grand pédagogue, reprend l’épopée homérique dans ce roman qui eut un immense succès ! Ce plaidoyer contre la monarchie absolue est-il une première lueur des Lumières qui viennent ? Ou Fénelon est-il un auteur « réactionnaire » ? Comme souvent, on est l’un en voulant être l’autre.
  Joop-le-philosophe | Jan 26, 2019 |
I'm a sucker for Telemachus, and I'm a sucker for Athena cross-dressing, and I'm a sucker for coming-of-age roadtrips. This should be my ideal book.

Not so much; the symbolism is heavy-handed, Telemachus is totally wooden (yes, I know it's meant to instruct Louis; it can still be interesting!), and basically it was a chore to finish. Apparently I like novels. ( )
  cricketbats | Apr 18, 2013 |
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
François de Salignac de La Mothe- FénelonHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Fasquelle, LouisHerausgeberCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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Fénelon's Telemachus (1699) is, alongside Bossuet's Politics, the most important work of political theory of the grand siècle in France. It was also the most widely read work of the time, influencing Montesquieu and Rousseau in its attempt to combine monarchism with republican virtues. Fénelon tells of the moral and political education of Telemachus, young son of Ulysses, by his tutor Mentor (the goddess Minerva in disguise). Telemachus visits every corner of the Mediterranean world and learns patience, courage, modesty and simplicity, the qualities he will need when he succeeds Ulysses as King of Ithaca. It is the story of the transformation of an egoistic young man into a model ruler, and is meant (among other things) as a commentary on the bellicosity and luxuriousness of Louis XIV. The present English edition follows closely that of Tobias Smollett published in 1776.

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