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Vom Winde verweht (1936)

von Margaret Mitchell

Weitere Autoren: Siehe Abschnitt Weitere Autoren.

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
23,730446151 (4.27)1278
Leben u. Liebe einer eigenwilligen Frau in den Südstaaten der USA zur Zeit des amerikan. Bürgerkrieges.
  1. 90
    The Wind Done Gone von Alice Randall (lquilter, petersonvl)
    lquilter: This work was rewritten to tell the other side of Gone With the Wind, the story that Mitchell elided with her romanticized view of racism and slavery and its "happier when they were slaves" survivors. The Mitchell estate chose to sue for copyright infringement, but lost because the court recognized that this work is an important critical commentary on Gone with the Wind, and the beliefs that animated the original.… (mehr)
  2. 50
    Amber von Kathleen Winsor (avalon_today)
    avalon_today: They are both scandalous women. It’s a love hate relationship.
  3. 30
    Flieht wie ein Vogel auf eure Berge von Margaret Walker (lquilter)
    lquilter: Jubilee is the true story of the author's great grandmother, a woman born to slavery as the daughter of a slave and a white slave-owner. She acted as servant to her white sister, and was a witness to antebellum life, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.
  4. 42
    Stolz und Vorurteil von Jane Austen (StarryNightElf)
  5. 10
    Oh, Kentucky! von Betty Layman Receveur (blonderedhead)
    blonderedhead: Strong female heroine in a sweeping, romantic and exciting historical fiction novel. I loved both books...and think others might, too.
  6. 11
    Krieg und Frieden von Leo Tolstoy (GCPLreader, fulner)
    GCPLreader: melodrama in the midst of war and the invasion (and burning!) of a major city
    fulner: rich people sit around and talk about war as if it didn't matter
  7. 00
    Am grünen Rand der Welt von Thomas Hardy (Lapsus_Linguae)
    Lapsus_Linguae: Both main heroines are strong-willed independent women who take up entrepreneurship.
  8. 11
    A Skeptic's Luck von A.D. Morel (A.D.Morel)
    A.D.Morel: There's this feeling of longing, that she will not quite get there, yet we are passionately rooting for the main character, we go through her travails with her.
  9. 00
    The Wind Is Never Gone: Sequels, Parodies and Rewritings of Gone with the Wind von M. Carmen Gomez-galisteo (Prinzipessa, Prinzipessa)
    Prinzipessa: This book explains Gone with the Wind and analyzes its sequels, parodies as well as the fan fiction stories based on Gone With the Wind.
  10. 00
    Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows von Balli Kaur Jaswal (fulner)
    fulner: The amount of similarities between the girls of antebellum South in Gone with the Wind and the Indian girls in Erotic Stories for Punjabi widows is striking.
  11. 00
    Das geheime Vermächtnis: Roman von Katherine Webb (tesskrose)
  12. 00
    Westwärts. von Penelope Williamson (theshadowknows)
    theshadowknows: These books share a similar epic, sweeping feel in bringing to life a lost and fading ideal (the American frontier in Heart of the West and the old, genteel south in Gone with the Wind.)
  13. 00
    The Winds of Tara: The Saga Lives On von Katherine Pinotti (veracity)
    veracity: 'Winds of Tara' is an unauthorised sequel to 'Gone with the Wind'.
  14. 01
    My Name is Mary Sutter von Robin Oliveira (BookshelfMonstrosity)
  15. 57
    Scarlett von Alexandra Ripley (Nyxn)
  16. 02
    Lady Katarina von Anya Seton (avalon_today)
    avalon_today: Its about having to deal with a very strong, charismatic man. *Sigh*
  17. 13
    Rhett von Donald McCaig (mrstreme)
Elevenses (193)
1930s (123)
BitLife (120)
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Amazing Reader! I think I'm going to enjoy this story very much. Really excellent book - about which I was surprised at the story. You hear about Gone with the Wind over years and years in reference - but nothing you hear can tell you the story. Its just an excellent story. Will definately read/listen again. ( )
  asl4u | Jul 21, 2024 |
Eh, I got about halfway through it and found myself still waiting for it to get better. Scarlett remains pretty despicable at least that far in. Maybe she gets better later, but I decided I didn’t have the patience to find out.
Not badly written, especially for the time period, but decidedly not my thing. ( )
  illarai | Jun 26, 2024 |
My mother never stopped for illness or disinclination. She was the Protestant Work Ethic come to life, and I both admired and disdained her for it, as my moods dictated. In the last summer of her life she confided that as a teenager she had missed school, pretended to be sick, so that she could read Gone with the Wind. I was intrigued to find that there was something that kept my mother from her goal of perfect attendance, and I bought a copy of it. I'd never read the book - I fear weighty tomes - but now, three years after her passing, I have finished her favourite book, and in doing so, immediately I can see why she loved the book. It is all-encompassing and incredibly powerful.

I have been to the plantation where parts of Gone with the Wind wer filmed (I believe it was Boone Hall), seen its stately columns and lovely wide lawns. I didn't need Mitchell's descriptions to imagine what Tara looked like. The characters spring to life on the page - the imperious, selfish Scarlett; Rhett, manly and handsome, a rake; the wan Ashley, out of place in Reconstruction Atlanta; Melanie, who is truly and deeply good; Mammy, with her white apron and fierce loyalty.

In Grade 13 (it was a thing in Ontario until the end of the 1980s) I took a class in American History, and was bored stiff for most of it. I learned more about the American Civil War from this novel than I ever did from that class. That speaks to really fine historical fiction.

It was an excellent book. I feel all sorts of pride for getting through 1,056 pages. It's long, but if you're wavering about the investment of time, pursue it. The book is worth every minute you pour into it. ( )
1 abstimmen ahef1963 | Jun 10, 2024 |
Histrionic Personality Disorder marries a Sadist. Hilarity ensues. ( )
  DocHobbs | May 27, 2024 |
WOW. That's my one word summary of this book. And that one word is meant both in good ways and very dark, very bad ways. Gone with the Wind is a powerhouse, again a double-edged sword. I had always mentally brushed off the novel, thinking it was one of those poorly written, fluff pieces that is so often what a popular bestseller amounts to. I was WRONG. This book is well written and contains extremely well-developed and vividly portrayed characters and lays their emotions bare. No holds barred. Ultimately it has disturbed me more deeply than any other book I can remember reading. Its racist diatribes are the worst I have seen. And these rants go on at length including countless demeaning descriptions of slaves, and in particular, former slaves. It is a love letter to the Confederacy and their perceived white supremacy. It condones the KKK, and all of their vile, despicable actions. And I am not talking about artistic license for the sake of literature. I am talking about heartfelt, clearly expression emotions of beliefs held by the author. There is absolutely no other way to explain this book. In that respect, it is a vile, disgusting, disheartening work. It's hard to look past that, but assuming we do, I'll move on to other aspects of the book.

Gone with the Wind also contains the most vividly portrayed and well developed characters I can recall in a book. The plot is masterfully woven throughout. The attributes of each of the main characters become quite clear, as well as their relationships to one another. While, of course, Scarlett's character is defined in much more detail in the book (as opposed to the movie that we are all familiar with). And although, rarely, I thought I might be on the brink of discovering an admirable characteristic in her; ultimately I failed to do so. Because both she and Rhett are so narcissistic and hateful, I could never develop a sympathetic feeling for either one of them. Nor could I ever empathize with their "romance", which I never viewed as such. There was no romantic feeling at all for me between those two, or in fact in the entire novel. The only character I could like, fully embrace and develop an empathy for is morally upright, nearly angelic Melanie. And I discovered sadly, even she is full of the bitter poison of racism. In fact, I was appalled to find out that she was responsible for possibly the most vile quote I have yet come across in a book; to the effect that she would teach her children hatred of the Yankees and she hoped they would pass that hatred to their children, and they to their children, and so on down the generations. I think you can begin to see why I said I found this book so disturbing.

It is a dark, bleak, war-torn landscape that is portrayed and the characters are masterfully crafted to match the setting. From the beginning, it is clear that this is no happily-ever-after tale. But, again, it's most powerful and extemely disturbing message is one drenched in hate, racism and division. It's a message that has scarred our Country from its inception and continues to affect our lives on a daily basis. ( )
  shirfire218 | May 25, 2024 |
This is beyond a doubt one of the most remarkable first novels produced by an American writer. It is also one of the best.
hinzugefügt von Shortride | bearbeitenThe New York Times Book Review, J. Donald Adams (bezahlte Seite) (Jul 5, 1936)

» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (24 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Mitchell, MargaretHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Auterinen, MaijaliisaÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Beheim-Schwarzbach, MartinÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Conroy, PatVorwortCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Roldanus, Willem Jacob AarlandÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Stahl, BenIllustratorCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Stephens, LindaErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
אריוך, ג.ÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Epigraph (Motto/Zitat)
Ein Mensch ist in seinem Leben wie Gras/er blühet wie eine Blume auf dem Felde;/wenn der Wind darüber geht, so ist sie nimmer da,/ und ihre Stätte kennet sie nicht mehr. Psalm 103
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To J. R. M.
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Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm, as the Tarleton twins were.
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As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again. (Scarlett)
I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies. (Prissy)
After all, tomorrow is another day.
My dear, I don't give a damn.
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This LT work is for Margaret Mitchell's original 1936 novel, Gone with the Wind. Please distinguish it both from partial copies of the work (one or another volume from a 2, 3 or 4-volume set) and from the 1939 movie version of the same name. Thank you.
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