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Elsewhere von Gabrielle Zevin
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Elsewhere (2007. Auflage)

von Gabrielle Zevin

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
3,6691973,574 (3.9)236
After fifteen-year-old Liz Hall is hit by a taxi and killed, she finds herself in a place that is both like and unlike Earth, where she must adjust to her new status and figure out how to "live."
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My daughter dropped this off for me to read, not realizing I've long been a Zevin fan, but hadn't read this one. It's an interesting take on the afterlife, which in this story, is lived in reverse. Liz is only 15, so feels she had a lot of life left. She is fortunate to make a young friend on the SS Nile on the way to Elsewhere, and that a grandmother she never knew is there to meet her. It doesn't stop her from the teen angst of wanting to see what everybody back home is doing, but she finally embraces an avocation which broadens her new life. ( )
  ethel55 | Aug 19, 2024 |
I have a good old sob fest each time I read this. ( )
  cmharvey | Jun 23, 2024 |
Read this at the recommendation of a friend, and was thoroughly pleased when I did. With it's strange writing style and unique take on life after death, this book really made me think and I loved that. Heck, I love the book in general! ( )
  AngelReadsThings | Jun 1, 2024 |
Part Benjamin Button, part Dead Like Me. I enjoyed discovering the world of Elsewhere, but the talking dogs were the best part. ( )
  jennifergeran | Dec 23, 2023 |
Reread June 2019 because I needed a hug and an ugly cry and if possible I love it more. I'd forgotten just how every sentence is worthy of highlighting and so perfectly constructed. And I think I wrote this review in like 2014, but it should be known that I have no fewer than three copies in my office right now, just waiting for some unsuspecting human to come along needing this in their life.

Elsewhere is my favourite book of all time. I've read a lot of books in my days, and this is the book that I keep coming back to.I'm glad I read it when I was younger, however, as I think if I were to pick it up as an adult it wouldn't quite speak to me the way it did then. Despite no longer being a teenager, however, this book makes me bawl my eyes out every single time I read it. Zevin knows how to make you think without you realising she's doing so. She raises questions of life and death and love, as well as what happens when we age, how we can grow out of love and how experiences and memories really influence our age. Her writing is gorgeous--very precise and never entering the minds of her characters. She shows us what's happening and allows us to make our own inferences and come to our own realisations. This book makes me feel hopeful and in love and naive all over again. I own two physical copies in addition to my kindle edition just so I can force people to read it. It's an easy read, and well worth the time ( )
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |

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Gabrielle ZevinHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
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Gommers, KarienÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Kempe, YlvaÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Morris, CassandraErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Neuhoff, AnoukÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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The end came quickly, and there wasn't any pain.
Elizabeth Hall wakes in a strange bed in a strange room with the strange feeling that her sheets are trying to smother her.
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Liz considers what the strange little boy has said. As much as she longs to be with her family and her friends, she doesn't want to be a ghost. She certainly doesn't want to cause more pain to the people she loves. She knows there is only one thing to do.
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After fifteen-year-old Liz Hall is hit by a taxi and killed, she finds herself in a place that is both like and unlike Earth, where she must adjust to her new status and figure out how to "live."

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Durchschnitt: (3.9)
0.5 5
1 17
1.5 1
2 56
2.5 16
3 224
3.5 64
4 378
4.5 59
5 315


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