
Victoria PinderRezensionen

Autor von Secret Crush

82+ Werke 274 Mitglieder 21 Rezensionen


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Beth is in love with Nathan, her childhood best friend, but they haven’t spoken since their one night stand a year earlier. When she attends a speed dating service on Valentine’s Day, she’s shocked to find Nathan there as one of her many eight-minute dates.
Beth thought about Nathan constantly and repeatedly reminded herself that he didn’t love her, never wanted her, and had used her for years when they were growing up, but she still loved him. It became repetitive. Since the story is told only in Beth’s POV, I felt as though I didn’t get to know Nathan or what he wanted.
There were a few typos, and I found some of the scenes hard to visualize. Overall, I liked the plot, but I couldn’t connect with the H/h.
3 stars
AmberDaulton | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Nov 20, 2023 |
It was ok. I really liked both of the main characters and narration for the audiobook version was great. I just didn't feel the connection and the story seemed a little rushed. I am very glad I listened but would not count it as a favorite.
SillyViolet | 1 weitere Rezension | Dec 3, 2022 |
[b:Returning for Valentine's|17191569|Returning for Valentine's|Victoria Pinder||23644277] by [a:Victoria Pinder|8120316|Victoria Pinder|] is a Contemporary Romance Short of about 50 pages.
The first chapter is the best part of the story. The composition is uncoordinated. It is very hard to follow when the main character, Beth can't have a complete thought. The conversations she has with Nathan follows this same pattern. The entire layout of this story is disjointed and muddled. You get the impression you are missing enormous amounts of information that you NEED to feel any connection to the characters. The so-called love-making scene is ridiculous. In fact, there is no such scene. It jumps from a few gropes and kisses to the next morning. It all comes off as juvenile and inexperienced. Both Nathan and Beth are supposed to be 30 years old. There is no way any 30 year old ever allows their parents to control their lives the way the end of this story conveys. It is completely impossible for someone to hack your emails, especially for a year, and you not notice.
The best thing I can say about this story is that is was written or published in 2012. An author can do a lot of growing in 4 years.
bodebeabay | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Sep 25, 2022 |
3.5 stars

This was one of my most anticipated books of this series because of the title alone. Add in this gorgeous cover and the blurb I thought this would be everything I could possibly want. Especially, since it was part of the Cocky Hero world. Sadly, it was not at all what I was expecting. France is one of my favorite places in the world. There is a certain type of charisma that they exude, and being arrogant and cocky go hand in hand with the men of this nationality. That was not the case with Quentin. Quentin was sweeter than anything with a touch of whiney, "oh woe is me". instead of what I was both wanting and expecting. Kara was okay but I really wanted more in regards to this relationship. I needed her to have a battle of wills against a true cocky French 'wanker".

This was still an okay book, it just didn't jive with the rest of this world.
MagicalRi | 1 weitere Rezension | Feb 24, 2022 |
With all the excitement around the real world royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle I've been doing a book marathon of the PRINCES OF AVCE books. I LOVED this one as the seemingly out of place Amy who grew up with two loveliness she herself didn't believe in love finds her very own Prince. Lucio only recently became aware he needs to marry imminently or lose his recently acquired crown. Having grown up in the England, his family was only brought back to the monarchy within the last decade. Unbeknownst to him there was an archaic law saying he must marry by a certain day or lose his claim. With his father currently in a coma it's more important than ever. With factions working against his family to overthrow them, his father ill, and the discovery of the law Lucio and his brothers all attempt to find brides. Lucio however goes about it in a rather unorthodox and hi-tech way....via a computer program. How was he too know it would match him with his ex girlfriends little sister from when he was a teenager?! He's determined for this to just be a contract and not out of love....boy is he in for a surprise with Amy and his country. Amy originally thinks shes there for a secretarial job interview. She's quickly informed that's not the case....somehow he gets her to agree, and to come see his country. All types of mayhem, court intrigue, kidnapping, and more happens once they touch down in his beloved country. You WON'T be bored reading this book that's for sure. I LOVED seeing Amy come into her own and become the woman she's meant to become!
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
Makes you smile

This series continues to get better. In typical Morgan form this is filled with all kinds of mystery, intrigue, romance and all kinds of craziness. Axl is the rock star Morgan and fast tiring of touring. With all his siblings finding love he finds himself lonely. How would he gave guessed a possible love match was waiting at a crazy Morgan wedding. Pregnant bride Jennifer that nobody trusts who she claims is the father of said baby. Guests and Morgan's alike are working to find who the true father is. All to help to groom Peter since everyone knows he doesn't love her, but instead guys ex wife. Here's hoping everyone finds their real love match! Victoria Linder books always make me smile in the end.
txbritgal | Apr 6, 2021 |
A fun read in the afternoon.
bit-of-a-list-tiger | 1 weitere Rezension | Mar 21, 2021 |
I just couldn't get into this.
Not for me.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
I am reviewing one book in this set: Second Chance Christmas by Merrillee Whren

Melanie married tennis player JD Reid for the wrong reasons. She runs into him again after a four-year separation, during which time she has given birth to their son. Melanie agrees to meet him for dinner where she plans to talk with him about Danny, but not expecting him to step up and become a father figure.

She is surprised when father and son make an immediate connection and finds that JD is so responsive to their child. Their own relationship is strained as they try to find where this unexpected reunion will lead them. There is no shortage of emotional ups and downs as Melanie and JD work out their relationship status.

This is a charming romance which is perfectly suited for those who do not have the time or desire to read a full-length novel. It is included as part of a multi-book set by multiple authors.

The author provided me with a copy of the e-book in exchange for an honest review.
catchat | 1 weitere Rezension | May 26, 2018 |

Secret Dad by author Victoria Pinder, book 5 of the House of Morgan series, begins with a crime. The new Morgan on the block has big troubles; someone kidnapped Elizabeth Morgan's son. Rafe Soliz, the "go to cop", when the Morgan's have problems, knocks on Elizabeth door. What neither Elizabeth or Rafe realize, they know each other, at least physically. Unknown to Rafe, he's the father of Elizabeth's son. Neither knew the others full name or history as lust took over and Elizabeth ran the "morning after" before Rafe woke. But fate is a fickle lady, as she places all the pieces in their proper places to bring Elizabeth and Rafe together again.

Rafe's hired help, not part of the ultra wealthy Morgan clan's social sphere; now he finds he has a son with a Morgan. Rafe feels Elizabeth is above his reach. However, he will do everything in his power to keep her and his son safe from vicious threats, kidnapping, and possibly harm. Will Elizabeth change Rafe's prejudice against their different social positions? Can Rafe save both of the people who mean so much to him?

My reviews for romance novel, Secret Dad, follows.


Victoria Pinders latest novel of the House of Morgan, is a winner. Although primarily a family saga and romance thriller, Pinder filled it with prejudice, mystery, and suspense. Pinder grabs the reader in the first few paragraphs and holds them in the palm of her hand. I must tell you, this is the first House of Morgan novel I have read; complicated family's dynamics and plotting held my attention. Pinder crafted a fine mystery thriller romance, filling it with varied characters and emotions.

Also I must say, at times, I became very impatient with Rafe's preconceived notions of class distinctions; his feeling of inferiority because he was not of the wealthy class. At times, I wanted to shake him until his eyes rolled. The son of the Morgan's maid, he can not see past the inequity of their classes. Pinder allowed his character to grow as the story progressed and broadens his attitudes.

Elizabeth's character, insecure in her emotional relationship with Rafe, can't understand why he would want her when he can have her very beautiful rival. She has issues to overcome; raised in boarding schools without family has made her insecure and self doubting. Her son has been the focus of her life until Rafe appeared in her life again. The attraction still burns between these two. However, Pinder gave them hurdles to climb, issues to resolve, and a criminal to find.

With many threads to bring together for the plotting, Pinder skillfully wove them all together to form an intriguing romance novel. The villain's identity was a mystery to me until Pinder revealed the culprit. Secret Dad has a fast paced emotional ending and the epilogue's great.

Finally, in concluding my reviews for romance novel, Secret Dad, I found an intriguing story-line which held my attention. With intriguing plot lines and a smooth steady pace, this book provided hours of entertainment.


Additionally, Secret Dad's a standalone read. Pinder gives enough background to bring you up to speed, however to give you a deeper understanding of the emotions and dynamics, I feel it would be beneficial to read the previous books.


Additionally, I received this book from the author, choosing to voluntarily review the book/novel with honest reviews for romance novel, Secret Dad. Furthermore, book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book/novel review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book/novel reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinions. No one influenced my voluntary reviews for romance novel, Secret Dad.
vera_mallard | Apr 24, 2017 |
A very good suspenseful love story. It has romance, second chance love and just enough twist and turns, you won't want to put it down.
Sandralb | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 13, 2017 |
A sweet love story about second chances. Beth is trying speed dating in attempt to get over Nathan, the man she has always loved. Then in walks the one individual she wants to forget. Nathan is here for her, but she is not sure she believes him. As they talk it becomes clear that others have contrived to keep them apart.
angbenton | 2 weitere Rezensionen | Apr 1, 2017 |
I’ve basically considered myself well exposed on the internet for some time now. I’ve got a blog on both BlogSpot and on WordPress these days. I’ve got an account on Twitter, with two on FaceBook [regular and fan based], and also on AuthorsDen. Yet the one thing I haven’t tried to do yet is to set up a newsletter. Perhaps it might have something to my currently lacking the gumption to have one.

I found Ms. Pinder’s informative non-fiction endeavor to be quite useful in having her readers to seriously consider setting one up so they might consider setting one up for their own use.

Since Ms. Pinder is an author herself, who’s been through the marketing process of promoting a book, she knows how to communicate the importance of having a newsletter and to describe the process in creating one in an easy to understand manner, starting from the basic foundation in having one, along with considerations of what to include as far as having the right features for it and its design.

It can be quite cumbersome to keep in constant and timely contact with one’s followers so they don’t feel forgotten and at the same time feel being engaged in conversation, etc. by the author. A newsletter is one way of handling and make sure follow-up contacts are done on a timely basis through the use of automated emails which Ms. Pinder has made sure to include.

After reading this book I feel I’ve gotten enough information to attempt to create one myself, all I need to do is to find the time. So, in having given her readers what can be considered a soup to nuts guide in setting up a newsletter I’ve decided to give Ms. Pinder 5 STARS.

I asked for and have received a mobi.file from this author for this book, and the above has been my honest opinion.
MyPenNameOnly | Dec 18, 2016 |
The Kampala Peppermint Twist from Sweet Christmas Kisses 3
Start out with Amy and she's attending a family friends wedding as the maid of honor. She's lost her job, her boyfriend who was her boss and it's Christmastime and her mother in Africa finds out.
Isabelle invites Amy to come visit and she gets a plane ride-despite getting injured before she even gets on the plane. Love all the plans and how much the author tells you about Amy's past and her paretns work in Africa.
So unpredictable for a Christmas holiday as they are in Africa, no snow and no cold. Love how she quickly helps others to only discover the doctor she already knew from the plane-she had gotten the wrong impression of him.
A huge gala party for the holiday and again she meets the doctor who not only dances with her but they get to know one another better. With all the help she's been giving the area she's neglected to explore and he invites her...
Precious gift she is able to give her mother-awesome idea for tinsel! Loved the travel and points of interest-so descriptive and informative!
Love how the book got its title, so unexpected from traditional Christmas holidays.
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
jbarr5 | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 27, 2016 |
I received this book through the Kindle Scout Program to read and review. Erica Mira is driving her car in the middle of a Maine snowstorm when she crashes into a tree. Once out of the car, Erica manages to reach a nearby chateau, located high on a mountain, where she seeks shelter. There she meets Gabriel, a man who lives alone and has not really had much contact with anyone for ages. Gabriel is very close-mouthed. Though she tries and tries during her lengthy stay because of the heavy snowfalls during winter storms, Erica cannot get him to divulge much information about himself or his past, other than to say he is a former marine who has holed up in the chateau, which was once a ski resort, for months, since his wife’s death. Gabriel consistently helps Erica survive the bad winter storms, but Erica continues to have a nagging sense that something important is missing, something or things Gabriel is not telling her, as she adjusts to being snowed in with Gabriel. After a great deal of cajoling and pushing, she does manage to get Gabriel to tell her some of his story, but that only makes her more curious about what happened and why he is so strange and unwilling to talk . Meanwhile, as Gabriel is rehabbing the chateau, Erica snoops around and discovers secrets that make her wonder more about this strange man and his past.

The story only intensified during the last 10-15% of the book. Before this, the book dragged on and on. How many times can you read about Erica’s lusting after Gabriel? About her pushing him for more information or details? About her sleuthing in the chateau to discover what happened in the past? It is bad enough Erica spends lots and lots of time lusting over Gabriel, while nevertheless never telling him what she has found while prying--never even thinking that somethings might help Gabriel himself chase his demons and figure out what happened in the chateau or help him piece together the past so he will know what happened while his wife was alive. I had decided to stop reading several times because the book just was not holding my interest, but plodded through because I did agree to read this book. I had even figured out the ending early on, so that was no real surprise. At least, the ending was action filled—well, sort of, that is. I originally thought this would be an action filled suspense novel, but I know better now. The plot was pretty god. I just did not find the execution very well done.
KMT01 | Sep 10, 2015 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
This was a very interesting premise. Three different worlds, with three different takes on love and marriage, romance and sex, social interactions, the role of men and women, etc etc. And a faceless enemy that is seemingly unstoppable. Not very well done, but I wouldn't count this author out, I think she shows great promise. Romance just make me go ugh.
BellaFoxx | 1 weitere Rezension | Jul 6, 2015 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Member Giveaways geschrieben.
** I received a free copy of this book from LibraryThing and Victoria Pinder in exchange for an honest review**

I found this book difficult to rate, as I really enjoyed some aspects of it while other aspects irritated me. In terms of positives, I loved the story itself and once I got past the first few chapters, I found it hard to put down. The characters, particularly Ariel and Cross, were interesting and well-developed and I enjoyed reading about the physiological and cultural differences between the different alien races. However, in my opinion, the book could've really benefitted from some editing. I found the author's writing to be very repetitive and often confusing, which detracted from my enjoyment of the book.
SuzieV | 1 weitere Rezension | Apr 6, 2015 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I have not received this book so that I could review it. I was supposed to receive it as a part of Library Thing's Early Reviewers group.
ladyoflorien | Mar 4, 2015 |
Chaperoning Paris is a delightful story about lost love, reconnecting, forgiveness, and getting a second chance at love. Author Victoria Pinder weaves a sweet romantic tale that follows Gigi Dumont and Sean Collins as they chaperone their students on a school trip to Paris, and discover that reuniting and overcoming the trauma and obstacles from their past relationship can bring a reconnection and second chance at finding true love.

This is a wonderful tale that has a nice mixture of romance, drama and humor that easily draws the reader into Gigi and Sean's story. The reader is transported to the beautiful Paris setting as Gigi and Sean are reunited years after their high school relationship has traumatically come to an end. Circumstances puts them together to chaperone Gigi's French class trip to Paris, and along the way they face their past and learn to work through the obstacles that stand in their way to getting a second chance at love. When you add in the humorous antics of their students, this trip to Paris is sure to be a memorable one for Gigi and Sean!

I loved how the author intertwines flashbacks to Gigi and Sean's past with the drama of the present, she captures the essence of their relationship, and the emotional trials and tribulations that they face as their story unfolds. I would be remiss if I didn't mention the author's rich description of Paris and its famous scenic landmarks, it made me wish that I could take a once in a lifetime trip to see the city of light.

Chaperoning Paris is a captivating romantic story of a couple's chance at facing their past, reconnecting with the hope of forgiveness and redemption for a second chance at true love, and getting a happily ever after ending.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour hosted by Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours.
JerseyGirlBookReview | 1 weitere Rezension | Sep 26, 2014 |
Theseus leaves home to seek fame and acceptance by his father, the King of Athens. Along the road, he encounters and rescues a damsel in distress who turns out to be the daughter of King Midas. Ari is on her way to wed a foreign prince, but unknown to her, he’s been killed and she is meant to be prey for the nasty Minotaur. Various adventures follow Ari and Theseus, who fall in love but are unable to be together. Monsters, legends, Greek heroes, labyrinths, sea voyages—this story has it all. Mything You is a fast-paced romantic fantasy adventure that will have you cheering for the main characters to be together. It has all the ingredients for a breezy, fast read with a strong heroine and a caring hero who lives up to his heritage.
NancyJCohen | Jan 2, 2014 |
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