Phoenix Award

Vergeben durch Children's Literature Association (ChLA)

Andere Namen: Phoenix Picture Book Award from the Children's Literature Association (Englisch)
60 Werke 99,450 Bücher 2,699 Rezensionen ½ 4.0
Award for children's literature originally published in English that twenty years previously did not receive a major award at the time of its publication.
Alle, Winner (40), Honor (22)
Alle, Bilderbuch (2), Keine Kategorie (60)

Winner 38

When the Emperor Was Divine von Julie Otsuka2022
Finding Grace von Alyssa Brugman2021
Many Stones von Carolyn Coman2020
The Birchbark House von Louise Erdrich2019
Restless Spirit: The Life and Work of Dorothea Lange von Elizabeth Partridge2018
Wish Me Luck. von James Heneghan2017
Frindle von Andrew Clements2016
One Bird von Kyoko Mori2015
Jesse von Gary Soto2014
The Frozen Waterfall von Gaye Hicyilmaz2013
Letters from Rifka von Karen Hesse2012
The Mozart Season von Virginia Euwer Wolff2011
Die glorreichen Dreihundert von Rosemary Sutcliff2010
Weetzie Bat von Francesca Lia Block2009
Eva. Roman. von Peter Dickinson2008
Im Bann der Erinnerung von Margaret Mahy2007
Sophie im Schloss des Zauberers von Diana Wynne Jones2006
Catalogue of the Universe von Margaret Mahy2005
White Peak Farm von Berlie Doherty2004
The Long Night Watch von Ivan Southall2003
Bist du traurig, Spiegelbild? von Zibby Oneal2002
Der siebte Rabe von Peter Dickinson2001
The Keeper of the Isis Light von Monica Hughes2000
Throwing Shadows von E. L. Konigsburg1999
A Chance Child von Jill Paton Walsh1998
Ich bin das, was übrig bleibt von Robert Cormier1997
The Stone Book Quartet von Alan Garner1996
Dragonwings von Laurence Yep1995
Of Nightingales That Weep von Katherine Paterson1994
Hörst du, es ist ganz nah von Nina Bawden1993
A Sound of Chariots von Mollie Hunter1992
A Long Way from Verona von Jane Gardam1991
Wächterin der Sterne von Sylvia Engdahl1990
The Night-Watchmen von Helen Cresswell1989
The Rider and His Horse von Erik Christian Haugaard1988
Smith von Leon Garfield1987
Queenie Peavy von Robert Burch1986
Das Stirnmal des Königs von Rosemary Sutcliff1985

Honor 22


Award for children's literature originally published in English that twenty years previously did not receive a major award at the time of its publication. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)
The Phoenix Award is for children's literature, originally published in English, twenty years previously that did not receive a major award at the time of it's publication. The Phoenix Honor books are the finalists for the award that did not win. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)