Kontroverse Bücher für tofarawayplaces

Diese Seite zeigt die "kontroversesten" Bücher in dieser Bibliothek, gemessen an der höchsten Standardabweichung der Sternebewertungen der Mitglieder.

Standardabweichung Durchschnittliche Bewertung Deine Bewertung Titel
1.379 3.88 The Write-Brain Workbook: 366 Exercises to Liberate Your Writing von Bonnie Neubauer
1.373 2.58 The Notebook Girls: Four Friends, One Diary von Julia Baskin
1.087 3.85 Journal to the Self: Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth - Open the Door to Self-Understanding by Writing, Reading, and Creating a Journal of Your Life von Kathleen Adams
1.065 3.6 The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn: Family Politics at the Court of Henry VIII (Canto) von Retha M. Warnicke
1.044 3.53 Anne Boleyn: A New Life of England's Tragic Queen von Joanna Denny
1.037 3.5 Alles über mich von Philipp Keel
1.015 3.83 Living Out Loud von Keri Smith
0.996 4.02 Rotes Glas von Maria McCann
0.995 3.45 Der Geliebte der Königin von Philippa Gregory
0.992 4.07 Alphabetica: An A-Z Creativity Guide for Collage and Book Artists von Lynne Perrella
0.985 4.07 Artist Trading Card Workshop von Bernie Berlin
0.973 3.69 Keeping a Journal You Love von Sheila Bender
0.962 3.93 Everyday Matters von Danny Gregory
0.957 3.58 The Princes in the Tower von Alison Weir
0.956 3.51 Das Vermächtnis der Anne Boleyn von Robin Maxwell
0.952 3.71 Mary Queen of Scots and the Murder of Lord Darnley von Alison Weir
0.944 3.91 Found: The Best Lost, Tossed, and Forgotten Items from Around the World von Davy Rothbart
0.932 3.93 Urgent 2nd Class: Creating Curious Collage, Dubious Documents, and Other Art from Ephemera von Nick Bantock
0.894 4.13 The New Diary: How to Use a Journal for Self-guidance and Expanded Creativity von Tristine Rainer
0.894 3.89 Innocent Traitor by Weir, Alison (2007) Paperback von Alison Weir
0.893 3.55 Savage Kingdom: The True Story of Jamestown, 1607, and the Settlement of America von Benjamin Woolley
0.892 3.71 Die Hofnärrin von Philippa Gregory
0.891 3.66 Die ewige Prinzessin von Philippa Gregory
0.891 3.53 The Last Wife of Henry VIII von Carolly Erickson
0.884 3.75 Fünf Viertel einer Orange von Joanne Harris
0.884 3.86 The Lady Elizabeth von Alison Weir
0.875 3.68 Im Herzen des Winters. von Anita Shreve
0.874 4.13 Shining von Stephen King
0.871 3.97 Suite française von Irène Némirovsky
0.87 3.75 In The Dark Of The Night von John Saul
0.87 3.58 Mistress Anne: The Exceptional Life of Anne Boleyn von Carolly Erickson
0.866 4.18 The Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission to Be The Artist You Truly Are von Danny Gregory
0.855 3.72 Alexandra Romanowa. Die letzte Zarin von Carolly Erickson
0.846 4.12 Ich, Heinrich VIII. von Margaret George
0.846 3.76 Die grauen Seelen von Philippe Claudel
0.843 3.82 Das Erbe der Königin von Philippa Gregory
0.841 4.24 Spilling Open: The Art of Becoming Yourself von Sabrina Ward Harrison
0.84 4.09 1000 Journals Project von Someguy
0.839 4.11 Graffiti World: Street Art from Five Continents von Nicholas Ganz
0.838 4.26 PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives von Frank Warren
0.833 3.74 The Last Days of Henry VIII: Conspiracies, Treason and Heresy at the Court of the Dying Tyrant von Robert Hutchinson
0.827 3.89 Graffiti woman: Graffiti und street art von fünf Kontinenten von Nicholas Ganz
0.821 4.06 Found II: More of the Best Lost, Tossed, and Forgotten Items from Around the World von Davy Rothbart
0.818 4.25 The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn von Eric Ives
0.813 4.08 Cover to Cover von Shereen LaPlantz
0.8 4.24 Expedition ins Alte Ägypten : die Suche Nach dem Grab des Osiris ; das Reisetagebuch von Miss Emily Sands ; November 1926 von Emily Sands
0.795 4.19 Nikolaus und Alexandra: Die letzten Romanows und das Ende des zaristischen Rußland von Robert K. Massie
0.78 3.94 Henry VIII: King and Court von Alison Weir
0.775 3.81 The First Elizabeth von Carolly Erickson
0.771 4.32 Faerie-ality: The Fashion Collection from the House of Ellwand von Eugenie Bird
0.759 4.17 Creative Bead Weaving: A Contemporary Guide to Classic Off-Loom Stitches: A Contemporary Guide to Classic Off-loom Stitches von Carol Wilcox Wells
0.756 4 Drawing From Life: The Journal as Art von Jennifer New
0.755 4.35 The Journey is the Destination: The Journals of Dan Eldon von Dan Eldon
0.749 4.13 Six Wives Of Henry VIII von Alison Weir
0.742 4.04 The Children of Henry VIII von Alison Weir
0.735 4.01 Der Knochenleser von William M. Bass
0.733 4.04 The Life of Elizabeth I von Alison Weir
0.726 3.73 Duchess: A Novel of Sarah Churchill von Susan Holloway Scott
0.7 3.91 Brave on the Rocks: If You Don't Go, You Don't See von Sabrina Ward Harrison
0.691 3.88 Bloody Mary: The Life of Mary Tudor von Carolly Erickson