Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Children's Books1971

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Andere Namen: Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Best Children's Book (Englisch), Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children (Englisch)
200 Werke 55,987 Bücher 1,027 Rezensionen 4.0
Annual best-books selection from the Children's Literature Center of the Library of Congress, produced 1964-1983 under the direction of Virginia Haviland.

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Continued by Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children

1975-1978, 1982 pending addition. All other yesrs believed complete but unverified.
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Alle, Arts and Hobbies (142), Biographie (138), Fiction for Older Readers (95), Folklore (105), Folklore and Literature (40), Foreign Languages (5), History, Peoples, and Places (193), Nature and Science (262), Picture and Picture-Story Books (366), Poems, Rhymes, and Verbal Fun (8), Poesie, Dichtkunst, Lyrik (7), Poetry and Rhymes (51), Poetry, Plays, and Bible Stories (23), Poetry, Plays, and Essays (11), Science and Nature (30), Stories for Older Boys and Girls (236), Stories for the Middle Group (434), Keine Kategorie (1,274)
Alle, 1995 (52), 1994 (12), 1990 (84), 1989 (1), 1986 (110), 1983 (168), 1982? (1), 1979, 1981 (3), 1981 (94), 1979, 1980 (2), 1980 (116), 1979 (118), 1971; 1979? (1), 1964-1978 (512), 1974 (71), 1973 (202), 1972 (196), 1971 (200), 1970 (215), 1969 (225), 1968 (222), 1967 (206), 1966 (204), 1965 (204), 1964 (198)
Masks (Little craft book series) von Chester Jay Alkema
Arts and Hobbies1971
Holly, Reindeer, and Colored Lights: The Story of the Christmas Symbols von Edna Barth
Arts and Hobbies1971
Of Course You Can Sew von Barbara Corrigan
Arts and Hobbies1971
Card and cardboard von Franklin Watts Inc
Arts and Hobbies1971
The Art of the Southwest Indians von Shirley Glubok
Arts and Hobbies1971
The Bread Book: All About Bread and How to Make It (Voyager Book ; Avb 106) von Carolyn Meyer
Arts and Hobbies1971
Boxed-in doll houses von Betsy Pflug
Arts and Hobbies1971
Costumes for you to make von Susan Gold Purdy
Arts and Hobbies1971
El Toro Pinto And Other Songs in Spanish von Anne Rockwell
Arts and Hobbies1971
The Seeing Eye. von Victor B. Scheffer
Arts and Hobbies1971
Lens and shutter; an introduction to photography von Harvey Weiss
Arts and Hobbies1971
Gandhi, von Olivia E. Coolidge
The Life of Malcolm X von Richard Curtis
Pablo Picasso;: An introduction von Howard Greenfeld
Mendelssohn (The Great composers) von Michael Hurd
The hidden contributors: Black scientists and inventors in America von Aaron E. Klein
Shalom Golda von Terry Morris
Good Old Boy: A Delta Boyhood von Willie Morris
Emmeline and her daughters: The Pankhurst suffragettes von Iris Noble
Paintbrush & Peacepipe: The Story of George Catlin von Anne F. Rockwell
The Making Of An Afro-american: Martin Robison Delany, 1812-1885 von Dorothy Sterling
His was the voice; the life of W. E. B. Du Bois von Emma (Gelders) Sterne
The Buffalo King: The Story of Scotty Philip von Nancy Veglahn
The man who built a city : a life of Sir Christopher Wren. von Rosemary Weir
American painter in Paris; a life of Mary Cassatt von Ellen Janet (Cameron) Wilson
Die Lady aus Cornwall. von Joan Aiken
Fiction for Older Readers1971
The man from the sea von J. S Andrews
Fiction for Older Readers1971
I thought you were a unicorn, and other stories von Paul Darcy Boles
Fiction for Older Readers1971
A Room Made of Windows von Eleanor Cameron
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Iron Mountain von Mavis Thorpe Clark
Fiction for Older Readers1971
The Mock Revolt von Vera Cleaver
Fiction for Older Readers1971
This Is a Recording von Barbara Corcoran
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Somebody will miss me von Deborah Crawford
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Emma Tupper's Diary von Peter Dickinson
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Es geschah in der Prärie. ( Ab 10 J.). ( RTB Tierbuch). von Allan W. Eckert
Fiction for Older Readers1971
The Link boys = Tom Hawke von Constance Fecher
Fiction for Older Readers1971
The Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris von Leon Garfield
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Die Gräber von Atuan von Ursula K. Le Guin
Fiction for Older Readers1971
The Planet of Junior Brown von Virginia Hamilton
Fiction for Older Readers1971
The Seal-Singing von Rosemary Harris
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Wolf Run: A Caribou Eskimo Tale von James Houston
Fiction for Older Readers1971
The Thirteenth Member von Mollie Hunter
Fiction for Older Readers1971
The master of miracle; a new novel of the Golem von Sulamith Ish-Kishor
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Pulga von Siny van Iterson
Fiction for Older Readers1971
The Healer von Daniel P. Mannix
Fiction for Older Readers1971
A Game of Dark von William Mayne
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Hunt Down the Prize von Sheila Moon
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Pennington's Seventeenth Summer von K. M. Peyton
Fiction for Older Readers1971
My kingdom for a grave von Stephanie Plowman
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Almost Year von Florence Engel Randall
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Vengeance of the Zulu king von Jenny Seed
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Der weite Weg nach Vermont - By the Highway home von Mary Stolz
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Linnet von Sally Watson
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Unsere kleine Farm: Unsere kleine Farm 8. Almanzo und Laura: Bd 8 von Laura Ingalls Wilder
Fiction for Older Readers1971
Caius geht ein Licht auf: Der Lausbub aus dem alten Rom von Henry Winterfeld
Fiction for Older Readers1971
King Arthur in Fact and Legend von Geoffrey Ashe
The Ox of the Wonderful Horns and Other African Folktales von Ashley Bryan
Three stone woman von Glo Coalson
The pedlar of Swaffham von Kevin Crossley-Holland
The book of wishes and wishmaking von Duncan Emrich
Daedalus and Icarus. von Penelope Farmer
Fourteen hundred cowries, and other African tales von Abayomi Fuja
Die Götter des Olymp. ( Ab 13 J.) von Leon Garfield
The Kaha Bird: Tales from the Steppes of Central Asia von Mirra Ginsburg
Tales of Mogho; African stories from Upper Volta von Frederic Guirma
Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Denmark von Virginia Haviland
Gassire's Lute; a West African epic von Alta Jablow
The Moon Painters and Other Estonian Folk Tales von Selve Maas
About Wise Men and Simpletons: Twelve Tales from Grimm von Elizabeth Shub
Tristan and Iseult von Rosemary Sutcliff
Hawaiian Tales of Heroes and Champions (Kolowalu Books) von Vivian L. Thompson
Tales the people tell in China, von Robert Wyndham
Tooni, the elephant boy von Astrid Bergman Sucksdorff
History, Peoples, and Places1971
The quest for Atlantis von John Stewart Bowman
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Great civilizations of ancient Africa von Lester Brooks
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Black Odyssey: The Case of the Slave Ship `Amistad' von Mary Cable
History, Peoples, and Places1971
From Vietnam to Cambodia: A Background Book About the Struggle in Southeast Asia. von Hal Dareff
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Ireland: the edge of Europe von Arnold Dobrin
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Taiwan: The Other China von I. G. Edmonds
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Camera on Ghana; the world of a young fisherman von Victor Englebert
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Dahomey von F. Blanche Foster
History, Peoples, and Places1971
State capital cities von Delia Goetz
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Arms and armor in Africa von Helmut Nickel
History, Peoples, and Places1971
This is Australia von Miroslav Šašek
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Air Raid--Pearl Harbor!: The Story of December 7, 1941 von Theodore Taylor
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Reconstruction: The Great Experiment, von Allen W. Trelease
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Athens at war von Rex Warner
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Shurik: A WWII Saga of the Siege of Leningrad von Kyra Petrovskaya Wayne
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Continent in turmoil: a background book on Latin America von Byron Williams
History, Peoples, and Places1971
A Time for Courage: The Story of the Declaration of Independence. von Esmond Wright
History, Peoples, and Places1971
Mysteries from the past; stories of scientific detection from Nature and science magazine von Thomas G. Aylesworth
Nature and Science1971
Enzymes in Action von Melvin Berger
Nature and Science1971
The Nightwatchers von Angus Cameron
Nature and Science1971
Look what I found! von Marshal T Case
Nature and Science1971
Watchers in the Wild: The New Science of Ethology. von Daniel Cohen
Nature and Science1971
Cockroaches von Joanna Cole
Nature and Science1971
The balance of living; survival in the animal world von Margaret Rice Cooper
Nature and Science1971
Our Dirty Air von Sarah M Elliott
Nature and Science1971
Me and My Bones von Roy A. Gallant
Nature and Science1971
Space Puzzles: Curious Questions and Answers About the Solar System von Martin Gardner
Nature and Science1971
Guardians of tomorrow; pioneers in ecology von S. Carl Hirsch
Nature and Science1971
Collecting Small Fossils von Lois Jackson Hussey
Nature and Science1971
Scaly wings; a book about moths and their caterpillars von Ross E. Hutchins
Nature and Science1971
What Does a Bee See? von D. C. Ipsen
Nature and Science1971
Winds and weather von John Kaufmann
Nature and Science1971
Cold against disease von Lucy Kavaler
Nature and Science1971
Of Man and Mouse von Patricia Lauber
Nature and Science1971
Animal movers; a collection of ecological surprises von George Laycock
Nature and Science1971
Birds in the Street: The City Pigeon Book von Winifred Lubell
Nature and Science1971
The earth's crust von William H. Matthews
Nature and Science1971
The Blue Whale von Kazue Mizumura
Nature and Science1971
Graph Games, (Young Math Books) von Frederique Papy
Nature and Science1971
Aquarium fish from around the world von Klaus Paysan
Nature and Science1971
The day they parachuted cats on Borneo; a drama of ecology von Charlotte Pomerantz
Nature and Science1971
Animals in the night; senses in action after dark von J. H. Prince
Nature and Science1971
One earth, many people; the challenge of human population growth von Laurence P. Pringle
Nature and Science1971
Octopus von Evelyn S. Shaw
Nature and Science1971
Living Lanterns: Luminescence in Animals von Hilda Simon
Nature and Science1971
Chipmunks on the Doorstep von Edwin Tunis
Nature and Science1971
Curious Ways of Common Birds von Robert Henry, Wright
Nature and Science1971
A Woggle of Witches von Adrienne Adams
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Ma nda la von Arnold Adoff
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Nobody Asked Me If I Wanted a Baby Sister von Martha Alexander
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Upside Downers: More Pictures to Stretch the Imagination von Mitsumasa Anno
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Look What I Can Do von Jose Aruego
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Lisen kan inte sova von Kaj Beckman
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
the hunting trip von Robert Burch
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Mr. Gumpy's Outing COPY 3 von John Burningham
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Go and Hush the Baby von Betsy Byars
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Harry's Bee von Peter Campbell
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Die kleine Maus sucht einen Freund von Eric Carle
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
If All The Seas Were One Sea von Janina Domanska
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Bear Circus von William Pène Du Bois
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Moja Means One: Swahili Counting Book von Muriel Feelings
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Shrewbettina's Birthday von John S. Goodall
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
The bears who stayed indoors von Susanna Gretz
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
LOOK AGAIN! von Tana Hoban
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
When Will It Snow? von Syd Hoff
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
One Fine Day von Nonny Hogrogian
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Changes, Changes von Pat Hutchins
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Can I Keep Him? von Steven Kellogg
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
The Fat Cat: A Danish Folktale von Jack Kent
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Joey and the birthday present von Maxine Kumin
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
On the Day Peter Stuyvesant Sailed into Town von Arnold Lobel
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
The tortoise's tug of war von Giulio Maestro
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
If I Built a Village. von Kazue Mizumura
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Do you have the time, Lydia? von Evaline Ness
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Theodore's Rival von Edward Ormondroyd
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Hey riddle diddle; a book of traditional riddles von Rodney Peppé
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
The Toolbox von Anne Rockwell
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Hildilid's Night von Cheli Durán Ryan
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Charles von Liesel Moak Skorpen
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Amos und Boris - Ein farbiges Bilderbuch von William Steig
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Up on a hilltop (A Watts international picture book) von Kota Taniuchi
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
The Tenth Good Thing About Barney von Judith Viorst
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Father Fox's Pennyrhymes von Clyde Watson
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Brian Wildsmith's Puzzles von Brian Wildsmith
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Sixes and Sevens von John Yeoman
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
A Penny a Look: An Old Story von Harve Zemach
Picture and Picture-Story Books1971
Haiku: The Mood of Earth von Ann Atwood
Poesie, Dichtkunst, Lyrik1971
In the Trail of the Wind: American Indian Poems and Ritual Orations von John Bierhorst
Poesie, Dichtkunst, Lyrik1971
The Pied Piper of Hamelin von Robert Browning
Poesie, Dichtkunst, Lyrik1971
David He No Fear, von Lorenz B. Graham
Poesie, Dichtkunst, Lyrik1971
The Trees Stand Shining von Hettie Jones
Poesie, Dichtkunst, Lyrik1971
I Am a Man: Ode to Martin Luther King, Jr. von Eve Merriam
Poesie, Dichtkunst, Lyrik1971
Persephone: Bringer of Spring von Sarah F. Tomaino
Poesie, Dichtkunst, Lyrik1971
Treffpunkt K von Joan Aiken
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Die kleine Meerjungfrau von Hans Christian Andersen
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Goody Hall von Natalie Babbitt
Stories for the Middle Group1971
As tall as a spear, von Leona Bond
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Nothing Said von L. M. Boston
Stories for the Middle Group1971
The Shades von Betty Brock
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Viento salvaje de verano von Bo Carpelan
Stories for the Middle Group1971
The Prettiest Gargoyle von William Corbin
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Die blaue Katze, die Oliven ißt von Meindert DeJong
Stories for the Middle Group1971
What's the prize, Lincoln? von Dale Fife
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Jingo Django von Sid Fleischman
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Who Really Killed Cock Robin? von Jean Craighead George
Stories for the Middle Group1971
The magic mirrors von Judith Berry Griffin
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Schorschi schrumpft von Florence Parry Heide
Stories for the Middle Group1971
The making of Joshua Cobb von Margaret Hodges
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Boss Cat von Kristin Hunter
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Herbst im Mumintal von Tove Jansson
Stories for the Middle Group1971
A Cat Called Camouflage von Cordelia Jones
Stories for the Middle Group1971
It happened in Chichipica von Francis Kalnay
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Insect summer von James Kirkup
Stories for the Middle Group1971
The year of Small Shadow von Evelyn Sibley Lampman
Stories for the Middle Group1971
The Astonishing Stereoscope von Jane Langton
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Rita, the Weekend Rat von Sonia Levitin
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Sir MacHinery von Tom McGowen
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Annie and the Old One von Miska Miles
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Johnny/Bingo von Browning Norton
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Frau Frisby und die Ratten von NIMH von Robert C. O'Brien
Stories for the Middle Group1971
The old powder line von Richard Parker
Stories for the Middle Group1971
The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon (I Mean Noel) von Ellen Raskin
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Magdalena von Louisa R. Shotwell
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Jake von Alfred Slote
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Zoe's Zodiac von M. J. Stephens
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Thursday's Child von Noel Streatfeild
Stories for the Middle Group1971
Nobody is Perfick von Bernard Waber
Stories for the Middle Group1971


Annual best-books selection from the Children's Literature Center of the Library of Congress, produced 1964-1983 under the direction of Virginia Haviland.

Full text available via HathiTrust

Continued by Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children

1975-1978, 1982 pending addition. All other yesrs believed complete but unverified. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)
Annual best-books selection from the Children's Literature Center of the Library of Congress, produced 1985-1995 under the direction of Margaret N. Coughlan.

Full text available via HathiTrust

Continues Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Children's Books.

Unofficially succeeded by Capitol Choices. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)


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