Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Children's Books
Vergeben durch Children's Literature Center
Andere Namen: Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Best Children's Book (Englisch), Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children (Englisch)
3,143 Werke / 3,420 Elemente 1,364,668 Bücher 27,508 Rezensionen 4.0
Annual best-books selection from the Children's Literature Center of the Library of Congress, produced 1964-1983 under the direction of Virginia Haviland.
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Continued by Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children
1975-1978, 1982 pending addition. All other yesrs believed complete but unverified. weniger anzeigen
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Continued by Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children
1975-1978, 1982 pending addition. All other yesrs believed complete but unverified. weniger anzeigen
* Grüner Text ist „berechneter“ Text. Berechneter Text wird basierend auf globalen LibraryThing-Daten bereitgestellt.
Annual best-books selection from the Children's Literature Center of the Library of Congress, produced 1964-1983 under the direction of Virginia Haviland.Full text available via HathiTrust
Continued by Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children
1975-1978, 1982 pending addition. All other yesrs believed complete but unverified. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)
Annual best-books selection from the Children's Literature Center of the Library of Congress, produced 1985-1995 under the direction of Margaret N. Coughlan.
Full text available via HathiTrust
Continues Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Children's Books.
Unofficially succeeded by Capitol Choices. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)
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