Autoren-Cloud für Stan627

Loren Abdulezer(1) Nikhil Abraham(1) Dean Acheson(1) Paul J. Achtemeier(1) Amir D. Aczel(2) Scott Adams(1) Mortimer J. Adler(1) Kal Ahmed(1) Peter G. Aitken(1) Charlotte Allen(1) Gar Alperovitz(1) Lynn Anderson(1) Scott Anderson(2) Hannah Arendt(1) Aristotle(1) Karen Armstrong(5) Reza Aslan(1) Rick Atkinson(1) Ken Auletta(1) Robert Axelrod(1) Ian Ayres(1) Tony Baer(1) Ann Marie B. Bahr(1) William Baird(1) Sarah Bakewell(1) Julian Barbour(1) Donald L. Barlett(1) Thomas P. M. Barnett(1) John D. Barrow(1) John Barton(1) Marcia Bartusiak(2) Jacques Barzun(1) Seth Bates(1) Susan Wise Bauer(3) Marco Bellinaso(1) Michael R. Beschloss(1) Ananyo Bhattacharya(1) Bonnie Biafore(1) Kai Bird(1) Allan Bloom(1) Lawrence Boadt(1) Edmund Blair Bolles(1) Daniel Boorstin(3) Marcus J. Borg(5) Rob Bovey(1) Taylor Branch(1) Raymond E. Brown(2) Alvin Bruney(2) Andrew Brust(1) William F. Buckley, Jr.(1) Michael L. Budde(1) Stephen Bullen(1) Jim Buyens(1) Caroline Walker Bynum(1) Bruce Campbell(1) Joseph Campbell(2) Antonio Cangiano(1) Conrad Carlberg(1) James De Carli(1) Robert A. Caro(1) Sean Carroll(1) Zachary D. Carter(2) David Cassidy(1) David C. Cassidy(1) John L. Casti(1) Elizabeth Castro(2) Bruce Catton(1) C. David Chase(1) Ron Chernow(1) Jim Cheshire(2) Winston S. Churchill(6) Francis S. Collins(1) Jennet Conant(2) John D. Conley, III(1) James A. Connor(1) Michael D. Coogan(2) Paul Cornell(3) Gini Courter(1) Peter V. Coveney(1) Joseph Rubin CPA(1) Kenneth Cracknell(1) Richard Ben Cramer(1) John Dominic Crossan(7) Steve Cummings(1) Paul Davies(2) Kenneth C. Davis(1) Richard Dawkins(5) Richard Delorme(1) Jim DeMarco(1) Daniel C. Dennett(1) Jared Diamond(1) David Herbert Donald(1) Charles Van Doren(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(1) Dr. John(1) Terri Duhon(2) Avery Dulles(1) Will Durant(1) Emile Durkheim(1) Freeman Dyson(1) George B. Dyson(1) David Edmonds(1) Bart D. Ehrman(3) Albert Einstein(1) Bill English(1) Graham Farmelo(1) John Feinstein(1) Kitty Ferguson(1) Niall Ferguson(2) Timothy Ferris(3) Georgina Ferry(1) Ludwig Feuerbach(1) Richard P. Feynman(7) Joel W. Finler(1) Michael Fitzgerald(1) Seth Fletcher(2) Charles Flowers(1) Albrecht Fölsing(1) Nancy Forbes(1) Rana Foroohar(1) Philipp Frank(1) Paula Fredriksen(2) Richard Elliott Friedman(2) Lisa Friedrichsen(3) Curtis Frye(1) Murray Gell-Mann(1) Jim George(1) Mark Gerow(1) Edward Gibbon(1) Stan Gibilisco(2) Gary Giddins(1) Martin Gilbert(2) George Gilder(1) Louisa Gilder(1) Anand Giridharadas(1) Malcolm Gladwell(4) James Gleick(1) Rebecca Goldstein(1) Rob Goodman(1) Denise M. Gosnell(1) Anthony Gottlieb(3) Stephen Jay Gould(3) Preston Gralla(1) Michael Grant(1) Brian Greene(2) John Gribbin(2) Dawn Griffiths(2) Allen C. Guelzo(1) Alan Guth(1) Jonathan Haidt(1) David Halberstam(2) Paul Halpern(2) Adam Hamilton(5) Yuval Noah Harari(5) István Hargittai(1) Jan L. Harrington(1) Sam Harris(1) Guy Hart-Davis(2) Doug Harts(1) Bill Hatfield(1) Stephen Hawking(3) Raina Hawley(1) Eugene Hecht(1) J. L. Heilbron(1) Werner Heisenberg(1) Nick Herbert(1) James G. Hershberg(1) Tony Hey(1) John Hick(1) Adam Higginbotham(1) Roger Highfield(1) Mike Higton(1) Scot Hillier(1) Tim Hill(1) Robert A. Hinde(1) William I. Hitchcock(1) Christopher Hitchens(4) Steve Hoberman(1) Bert Holtje(1) Homer(1) Ted Honderich(1) Richard A. Horsley(1) Sabine Hossenfelder(1) David Hunter(1) Larry W. Hurtado(1) Walter Isaacson(6) Kathy Ivens(1) Mary Jackson(1) Jean Jacques(1) William James(1) Bill Jelen(1) George Johnson(2) Luke Timothy Johnson(2) Paul Johnson(1) Roger Johnson(1) Roger A. Johnson(1) William Stacy Johnson(1) Tony Judt(2) Stanley Karnow(1) Stuart Kauffman(1) John Keegan(2) Julia Kelly(1) Paul Kennedy(2) Ralph Kimball(1) Paul T. Kimmel(1) Étienne Klein(1) Bradley D. Kliewer(1) Morris Kline(1) Helmut Koester(2) Olga Kokoreva(1) Helge Kragh(1) Stephanie Krieger(2) Irving Kristol(1) Thomas S. Kuhn(2) Philip B. Kunhardt(1) Erik Larson(1) Solid Quality Learning(2) Derek Leebaert(1) Michael D. Lemonick(1) C. S. Lewis(3) Michael Lewis(2) Jesse Liberty(4) Neil R. Lightfoot(1) Alan Lightman(2) William M. Linden(1) David Lindley(1) Michael Lineberger(1) Michael W Litchfield(2) Mario Livio(1) Seth Lloyd(1) Olga Londer(1) Diarmaid MacCulloch(2) Matthew MacDonald(4) Burton L. Mack(1) Nancy MacLean(1) Brenda Maddox(2) Basil Mahon(2) Benoit B. Mandelbrot(1) Charles C. Mann(1) David Mann(1) David Marco(1) Howard Markel(1) Ian Marshall(1) Brett Martin(1) John Matranga(1) James Clerk Maxwell(1) David McCullough(2) Alister E. McGrath(1) Edgar V. McKnight(1) James M. McPherson(1) Tieraona Low Dog(2) John P. Meier(3) Eric Metaxas(1) Arthur I. Miller(2) Robert J. Miller(2) Ray Monk(2) Gary F. Moring(1) Edmund Morris(1) Randall Munroe(1) Cullen Murphy(1) Sylvia Nasar(1) (1) John Newhouse(1) Tony Northrup(1) Paul Nurse(1) Hans C. Ohanian(1) Michael C. Oldenburg(1) Dennis Overbye(1) Ted Padova(1) Elaine Pagels(2) Abraham Pais(1) Fabian Pascal(1) Jaroslav Pelikan(3) Roger Penrose(1) Gail A. Perry(1) Greg Perry(1) Ron Person(1) Charles Petzold(1) Kevin P. Phillips(1) Lee Anne Phillips(2) Thomas Piketty(4) Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology Steven Pinker(1) Steven Pinker(2) Plato(1) David Pogue(2) Maayan Poleg(1) John Polkinghorne(3) Robert Pollack(1) Maurizio Pompella(1) Robert Powell(2) Thomas Powers(1) Michael Price(1) Prof. Pedro G. Ferreira(1) Jack J. Purdum(1) David Quammen(1) Jane Bryant Quinn(1) Cliff Ragsdale(1) Ralph Kimball & Joe Caserta(1) Elizabeth Eisner Reding(2) Richard Reeves(1) American Academy Of Religion(1) Robin A. Reynolds-Haertle(1) Richard Rhodes(1) Matt Ridley(1) Jeremy Rifkin(1) Rebecca M. Riordan(1) Peter Rising(1) Lesley Anne Robertson(1) Andrew Robinson(1) Marilynne Robinson(1) Mark Robinson(1) Ash Rofail(1) Steven Roman(2) Jeffrey Rosen(1) Charlie Russel(3) Patrice-Anne Rutledge(1) Zak Ruvalcaba(1) Carl Sagan(2) David E. Sanger(1) Dejan Sarka(1) Caleb Scharf(1) Stacy Schiff(1) Richard Schulenberg(1) David N. Schwartz(1) Gino Segrè(1) Alan Shalloway(1) Hershel Shanks(1) Devan Shepherd(1) Neil Asher Silberman(2) Jinjer Simon(1) P. W. Singer(1) Simon Singh(1) Bud E. Smith(1) Hedrick Smith(1) George Smoot(1) Dava Sobel(1) George Soros(2) John Shelby Spong(2) Mark A. Sportack(1) Robert Stanek(2) William R. Stanek(4) Matthew Stanley(3) Rodney Stark(2) Marshall Stearns(1) Irwin Steig(1) Sid Steward(1) Matthew Stewart(1) Mark Stiver(1) Simon St. Laurent(1) A. Douglas Stone(1) Katrin Straub(1) David Strom(1) Leonard Susskind(2) David Sussman(1) Kristin Swenson(1) Dentrix Dental Systems(1) Nassim Nicholas Taleb(2) Nassim Nicholas Nicholas Taleb(1) Gay Talese(1) Nick J. Tate(1) Allen G. Taylor(1) Jeni Tennison(1) Gillian Tett(1) Richard H. Thaler(1) Kip S. Thorne(1) Lester C. Thurow(1) Koen Timmers(1) Patrick Tisseghem(1) Ed Tittel(1) Alvin Toffler(1) Robert B. Toplin(1) Michael Venerable(1) Geoffrey Wainwright(1) Mitchell M. Waldrop(1) John Walkenbach(1) Evan Harris Walker(1) Walter Isaacson & Evan Thomas(1) Peter Watson(2) Andrew Watt(1) Paul D. Wegner(1) Steven Weinberg(1) Eric Wells(1) Mark Whitehorn(1) Theodore H. White(2) George F. Will(2) Kevin Williams(1) Robin Williams(1) Rowan Williams(1) Garry Wills(1) Woodrow W. Windischman(1) Ben Witherington, III(1) Fred Alan Wolf(1) Stephen Wolfram(1) Van Wolverton(1) Bob Woodward(1) John Woram(1) N. T. Wright(4) Kenneth S. Wuest(1) Philip Yancey(2) Fareed Zakaria(1) Timothy Zapawa(1)