Bücher-Reihen für shokatlibrary

Reihen, zu denen die Bücher in der Bibliothek von shokatlibrary gehören

Zusammenfassung: 205 Reihen

12 Rules for Life

A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts

Alice's Adventures

The American Empire Project

American Pioneers and Patriots

American Political Thought

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Readers

Aquinas Lecture

Arguments of the Philosophers

Aristotelian Society Monographs


The Basics

Blackwell Great Minds

Blackwell Philosopher Dictionaries

Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies

Blackwell Philosophy Guides

Blackwell Readers

Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy

The Blackwell/Brown Lectures in Philosophy

Books that Changed the World

Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science

The Bucknell Lectures in Literary Theory

Butler-Bowden's 50 Classics

Cambridge Companions

Cambridge Companions to Philosophy

Cambridge Companions to the Ancient World

The Cambridge Dictionary

The Cambridge History of Modern France

The Cambridge History of Political Thought

Cambridge Introductions to Key Philosophical Texts

Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy

Cambridge Philosophy Classics

Cambridge Studies in Religion, Philosophy, and Society

Capital: A Critique of Political Economy

Les carrefours du labyrinthe


Chicago Studies in American Politics

Collected Works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Columbia Studies in Political Thought / Political History

Columbia Themes in Philosophy

Compact Irish history

Comparative Studies in Religion and Society

Concepts in Social Thought

Conflict of the Ages

Contemporary Philosophy in Focus

Contestations: Cornell Studies in Political Theory

Critics of the Twentieth Century

Deutsche Geschichte der neuesten Zeit

Dimensions of Philosophy

Discovering the Mind

The Divine Comedy

Documents of Revolution


Economic Controversies

Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment


Fifty Key Thinkers

The Fontana Economic History of Europe

Fontana History of the Ancient World

Fontana Modern Masters

For Beginners

Foundations of Modern Political Thought

Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought

Gifford Lectures

Goethe's Faust

The Great Philosophers - Routledge

Guides for the Perplexed

Hajji Baba of Ispahan

The Handy Answer Book Series

The Hibbert Lectures

Hilary Putnam Philosophical Papers

The History of al-Tabari

The History of England

History of European Morals From Augustus to Charlemagne

The History of Freemasonry

A History of Greek Philosophy

History of Rome

History of the Crusades

History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe

A History of Western Philosophy (Russell)

Home University Library of Modern Knowledge

Homer's Epic Cycle

How to Read

Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy


Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture


Isaiah Berlin: Letters

Jean Nicod Lectures

Jewish Lives - Yale University Press

The John Dewey Essays in Philosophy

The John Robert Seeley Lectures

Josephine Bonaparte Trilogy


Key Contemporary Thinkers

Key Ideas

Koestler's Trilogy

The Landmark Ancient Histories

The Lawrence Stone Lectures

The Legendary Past

Lenin Collected Works

Library of America Special Anthologies

The Life of Reason

The Life of the Mind

Lines of Thought

Little Histories

MaddAddam Trilogy

Main Currents of Marxism

Mainstreams of Civilization

The Man Without Qualities

Modern European Philosophy

The Muscle for Life Series

Museo Casa de León Trotsky & CEIP León Trotsky: Obras Escogidas de León Trotsky

Mythen Alter Kulturen

New Directions in Critical Theory

New French Thought

New Left Review

The New Oxford World History

The New Patriotism Series

The Norton Anthology of English Literature

Nouvelle histoire de la France contemporaine

Novelas de Lituma

Oedipus Cycle

The Open Yale Courses Series

The Oresteia

The Origins of the World War

Orlando Furioso

Our Ancestors

Oxford Handbooks

Oxford Handbooks of Political Science

Oxford History of Early Modern Europe

Oxford Illustrated History

Oxford Pocket Dictionary

Oxford: Bilingual Dictionaries

The Paris Review

Paul Carus Lectures

Penguin & Companhia das Letras: Grandes Ideias

Peoples of the Ancient World (Routledge)

Persian Heritage Series

Petite bibliothèque Payot / Voyageurs

Philosophers in 90 Minutes

Philosophy and Public Affairs Readers

Philosophy and Social Criticism Series

Philosophy Bites

Philosophy Of Mind

Plutarch's Lives, Dryden translation, edited by Clough

Politics today

Postmodern Encounters

Princeton Monographs in Philosophy

Princeton Studies on the Near East

Problem Books in Mathematics

Problems of Philosophy

The Prophet


Re-Reading the Canon

Reader's Guides

The Rede Lecture


Religion and Postmodernism

Religion, Culture, and Public Life

Remembering Auschwitz

Representation and Mind

Representation and Mind

Revival of the Religious Sciences--Ihya 'ulum al-din

Riley Kovachs

Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy

Routledge Critical Thinkers

Routledge Key Guides

Routledge Philosophers

Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements

The School of Life

The Search for a Naturalistic World View

The Seminar of Jacques Lacan

The Seminars of Alain Badiou

The Showa Anthology: Modern Japanese Short Stories

The Sleepwalkers

Social Structure and Forms of Consciousness

Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy

A Study of History

A Study of History - Somervell Abridgement

SUNY Series in Contemporary Italian Philosophy

SUNY Series in Philosophy

SUNY Series in Social and Political Thought

SUNY Series in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences

SUNY Series, Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Theory

Taking Sides

Teach Yourself History

Teachings of Don Juan

Textual Sources for the Study of Religion

Thinking the Political

Trotsky Trilogy

The Trump Trilogy

The Tschappeler and Krogerus Collection

The Venture of Islam

Very Short Introductions

Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings

The Western Heritage

Wheelock's Latin Series

Why X Matters

Wilhelm Meister