THE KITCHEN - come on in for a cuppa


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THE KITCHEN - come on in for a cuppa

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Jan. 16, 2008, 6:09 pm

I have created a thread like this on at least one other group, and I thought it might be appropriate for this group (although it's not so different that a message board).

At most parties and events I go to which granted isn't many, we all end up standing around the kitchen, drinking (whatever) and grazing. So, here's the Atwoodians kitchen where we can meet and hang out. We could start by introducing ourselves (to the degree that you are comfortable with, of course).

I'm Lois and I live about 45 minutes outside of Boston (USA). I read all kinds of fiction but primarily literary fiction and fiction from other countries at the moment. I also read a fair amount of classic and contemporary poetry, and various kinds of nonfiction. I joined LT back in October 2006 when I was working out my notice at the bookstore. It was thought by the friend who recommended it to me, to be a good way to help me 'adjust' to not working around books. It worked! I'm back in school for another six months or so.

I started this group and a few others. One might think it a bit of a reach to start a group solely around ONE author, but I was sure Atwood fans would all be fabulous readers and the group would survive. And it does.

So, come on in and have a cuppa or a glass of something and introduce yourself!

Jan. 18, 2008, 2:44 am

Hi! I'm Jennifer and I live about an hour out of Sydney, Australia. I heard about LT through a Radio National broadcast and have thoroughly enjoyed myself chatting to other like-minded book lovers since joining in December 2007. When I couldn't attend my local library book group anymore because of work commitments, I was devestated. LT helped me to 'adjust' as well. Atwoodians was the first group I joined. I read mainly literary fiction and I'm currently reading a lot of Japanese fiction which is quite different. My guilty pleasure is reading crime novels.

Jan. 18, 2008, 8:18 am

(don't know if you like tea or prefer something stronger, socialpages:-)

My husband and I are planning to vacation in Australia this August! I might not of thought to do that had it not been for the people I've met on LT. Who would you recommend of Australian authors for other Atwoodians to read?

Jan. 18, 2008, 5:59 pm

My favourite Aussie authors are: Tim Winton, Elliot Perlman and Geraldine Brooks. I believe the last two live in the States. If you're into YA fiction we have a plethora of talent down under. Sydney also holds a Writer's Festival in the last week of May if your holiday time is flexible (the weather is warmer then too, though coming from Boston you'll no doubt find our winter very mild).
There are some great australian wines available. Yes, I like the odd glass of wine though I find it better to drink tea or coffee whilst reading otherwise I tend to nod off.

Jan. 18, 2008, 8:34 pm

Mustn't have you nodding off now. I wonder who else is around here. . .

Note: I am completely enamored of Aussie YA author Margo Lanagan.

Jan. 21, 2008, 10:11 pm

You must be pyschic. She was the very author I was thinking of but couldn't remember how to spell her surname. Have you read her book of short stories Black Juice?

Jan. 22, 2008, 6:59 am

I've read all three available here in the states: White Time, Black Juice, and Red Spikes. She is a remarkably inventive and thoughtful writer. I should add that there are other Aussie writers I enjoy, it's just that's the only 'YA' writer that came to mind.

Jan. 23, 2008, 5:11 am

You've actually read more of her work than I have I'm ashamed to admit.

The Atwoodians seem to be a very quiet group. I hope some of them join us in the kitchen soon.

Favourite Atwood book?

Jan. 23, 2008, 7:31 am

Oh, hands down, Handmaid's Tale, mostly because of the effect it had on me at a certain time in my life. And you?

Yes, the group is quiet despite my attempts to draw everyone out:-) An Atwood group doesn't have to just talk about Margaret Atwood, it can be a place with Margaret Atwood fans talk about anything. I guess we'll be patient and see who shows up. . .

Jan. 23, 2008, 11:15 pm

Ok, here's some fresh blood!

Anna, 24, from Montréal (and Toulouse, France... and London, England... I've moved around quite a bit).

I read voraciously, anything from Harry Potter to Doestoevsky to Nancy Mitford... but Atwood has to be among my top five.
I'd have trouble explaining exactly what it is in her books that captivate me so much; her amazing, inimitable writing style, her wry attitude to life, her incredible perception, her sense of satire... but above all, the way every so often while reading her books I stop and say to myself "but that's ME!".
I have read just about everything she's written, fiction-wise. If I had to pick out a few favorites I suppose they would be The Handmaid's Tale, The Blind Assassin, Lady Oracle and Cat's Eye. The only one I didn't enjoy was Bodily Harm, for some reason.

Oh, and I'm partial to the odd glass of red, or three!

Jan. 24, 2008, 9:35 am

Welcome, Anna, pouring now!

Jan. 26, 2008, 2:34 am

Hi Anna, nice to meet you. I'll join you and Lois in a glass of red. My favourite Atwood is also The Handmaid's Tale followed by The Robber Bride and Cat's Eye. I didn't like Bodily Harm much at all either. I also found Surfacing quite a difficult read.

Feb. 20, 2008, 8:04 am

Latest picture from the British opera production based on the Danish original (I believe).

Feb. 24, 2008, 4:53 pm

Hi everyone, and thanks to Avaland for inviting me to join this group.
I'm Rachel, British, living in Belgium. I read mainly literary fiction, and Atwood has to be one of my very favourite writers; I've read all her fiction, although I've yet to venture into her poetry or non-fiction.
My favourite Atwood? Probably Cat's Eye, followed by The Handmaid's Tale, and The Blind Assassin. I enjoyed the short stories in Moral Disorder, but I find her occasional writing much harder going (recently read The Tent, and have been ploughing through Good Bones for months now!)

Feb. 26, 2008, 4:44 am

Hi all

I'm Charlotte, living in London.

The Robber Bride is my favourite Atwood, followed by The Blind Assassin and Alias Grace. I think I've said somewhere on a previous thread that when reading Atwood I feel entirely immersed in the world she creates. When I have to stop reading (like when I have to change trains) it feels like I have emerged from underwater - the real world is a shock!

Any suggestions for a tipple to sooth a sore throat? Bearing in mind it is only 10am here, so the brandy in warm milk will have to wait until later!

Mrz. 8, 2008, 6:13 pm

Hope your throat is better by now Charlotte! But for next time try an infusion of lemon juice, thyme and honey. That's actually good for colds/flu in general. Or honey made with propolis in warm milk.

Mrz. 13, 2008, 8:55 am

Hi everyone-

I'm Katie in Austin, Texas. I think I'll have a nice, spicy chai tea, thank you.

Atwood is my favorite author and I obsessively collect her novels. My favorites are The Blind Assassin, The Handmaid's Tale, and Alias Grace. I also really liked Surfacing, because I loved the language of it all; I couldn't get over calling canned food "tinned." How utterly fantastic is that? Not to mention that the cabin in the woods? The one where no one could pop by for a visit and they were surrounded by a lake and wildlife? That's where I want to live one day.

But I'm with a lot of you: I wasn't a big fan of Bodily Harm. I'm not sure what it was, but it just didn't hold my attention like the rest of her work.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 16, 2008, 9:19 pm

Welcome, Katie. We're a fairly tame crowd here and are happy to have newbies join us:-)

one spicy chair cuppa coming up!

Apr. 19, 2008, 5:05 pm

Hi everyone! I see a lot of familiar names on here, which is very welcoming. My real name is Jill, and I am relatively new to Atwood's writings. I am looking forward to reading more in the near future, starting with The Handmaid's Tale.

I read The Blind Assassin last year and that was my first Atwood book. I liked the book except for the science fiction element (I am not a SF fan - in any way, shape or form). I then read Penelopiad, which I just thought was clever, clever, clever.

I studied feminist literature in college, so you would think I would have read more Atwood in my reading years, but alas, she has never made my reading lists. I hope to rectify that now!

Oh my drink! I am not a coffee or tea drinker, but I do enjoy lemonade! =)

Apr. 20, 2008, 12:44 am

Hi there, my name is Judy (Melbourne, Aust) and I have only read a couple of Atwood's, but have enjoyed them all. I will be reading more in the future and hope to join in on the group read next month.

And like Jill, I don't drink tea or coffee, but I am partial to a nice cold Diet Coke occasionally.

Apr. 20, 2008, 9:13 am

Hi, I'm Kaeli in Irving, TX (though I was in Katie's neck of the woods for about a year-best place to live). I've never really thought of myself as a literary reader-I read nonfiction almost exclusively. The main exception is Atwood. I feel like I know her characters, that I'd actually know what to serve each if they stopped by for a drink. I'm also in awe of her ability to create so many different worlds along with her ability to understand this world so well. My favorites are Cats Eye, Handmaid's Tale, Alias Grace and Oryx and Crake (all of which are taking their sweet times loading touchstones this morning). And I get a very strange kick out of reading The Red Tent, then Handmaid's Tale.

I'm a university librarian and am so glad when I have the chance to introduce a student to her works-which is not very often. But every once in a while, someone asks for something to read that's like an "updated Kate Chopin" (guess I know who they assign in the literature department) and I get to show them to her.

Apr. 20, 2008, 12:14 pm

kaelirenee, I'd love to hear more about your back to back readings of The Red Tent and The Handmaid's Tale. . .

Apr. 20, 2008, 4:20 pm

:) I'll post more on it when we do the book club reading, if you'd like. It's just interesting to intersperse the view of the relationship between Rachel and Leah from The Red Tent and then read how it could be interpreted in a dystopia. It's kind of a mind-trip, but in a good way. I swear that's the section of the Bible I must know the best because of how often I read those two books, and I think it's important to read the Scripture upon which they are based.