Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Children's Books1965

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Andere Namen: Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Best Children's Book (Englisch), Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children (Englisch)
204 Werke 43,687 Bücher 578 Rezensionen ½ 4.0
Annual best-books selection from the Children's Literature Center of the Library of Congress, produced 1964-1983 under the direction of Virginia Haviland.

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Continued by Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children

1975-1978, 1982 pending addition. All other yesrs believed complete but unverified.
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Alle, Arts and Hobbies (142), Biographie (138), Fiction for Older Readers (95), Folklore (105), Folklore and Literature (40), Foreign Languages (5), History, Peoples, and Places (193), Nature and Science (262), Picture and Picture-Story Books (366), Poems, Rhymes, and Verbal Fun (8), Poesie, Dichtkunst, Lyrik (7), Poetry and Rhymes (51), Poetry, Plays, and Bible Stories (23), Poetry, Plays, and Essays (11), Science and Nature (30), Stories for Older Boys and Girls (236), Stories for the Middle Group (434), Keine Kategorie (1,274)
Alle, 1995 (52), 1994 (12), 1990 (84), 1989 (1), 1986 (110), 1983 (168), 1982? (1), 1979, 1981 (3), 1981 (94), 1979, 1980 (2), 1980 (116), 1979 (118), 1971; 1979? (1), 1964-1978 (512), 1974 (71), 1973 (202), 1972 (196), 1971 (200), 1970 (215), 1969 (225), 1968 (222), 1967 (206), 1966 (204), 1965 (204), 1964 (198)
Coppelia: The Girl with Enamel Eyes von Warren Chappell
Arts and Hobbies1965
Musical instruments of Africa; their nature, use, and place in the life of a deeply musical people von Betty Warner Dietz
Arts and Hobbies1965
Punch & Judy; a play for puppets von Ed Emberley
Arts and Hobbies1965
The Art of Africa von Shirley Glubok
Arts and Hobbies1965
The Stitchery Book: Embroidery for Beginners von Irene Preston Miller
Arts and Hobbies1965
Magic of the World von John Mulholland
Arts and Hobbies1965
What's up in architecture; a look at modern building von W. G. Rogers
Arts and Hobbies1965
Yankee Doodle von Richard Shackburg
Arts and Hobbies1965
The story of printing, from wood blocks to electronics von Irving Bernard Simon
Arts and Hobbies1965
Lullabies and Night Songs von Alec Wilder
Arts and Hobbies1965
Man of steel; Joseph Stalin von Jules Archer
Happily ever after; a portrait of Frances Hodgson Burnett von Constance Buel Burnett
Look to this day! The lively education of a great woman doctor: Connie Guion, M.D von Nardi Reeder Campion
Andrew Jackson von Margaret L. Coit
We Dickinsons; the life of Emily Dickinson as seen through the eyes of her brother Austin von Aileen Lucia Fisher
Jules Verne: Portrait of a Prophet von Russell Freedman
Clarence Darrow von Miriam Gurko
The Swedish Nightingale: Jenny Lind von Elisabeth Kyle
John Quincy Adams, son of the American Revolution von Milton Lomask
Tongue of Flame: The Life of Lydia Maria Child von Milton Meltzer
Johann Sebastian Bach von Reba Paeff Mirsky
Breakthrough to the Big League von Jackie Robinson
Lift Every Voice: The Lives of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Mary Church Terrell and James Weldon Johnson von Dorothy Sterling
Sir Henry Morgan, buccaneer von Ronald Syme
Seven Stages von Geoffrey Trease
The Gales of Spring: Thomas Jefferson, the Years: 1789-1801 von Leonard Wibberley
The Tiger and the Rabbit and Other Tales von Pura Belpre
Down from the lonely mountain; California Indian tales von Jane Louise Curry
Badger, the Mischief Maker von Kay Hill
15 fables of Krylov von Ivan Andreevich Krylov
The world of Manabozho : tales of the Chippewa Indians von Thomas B. Leekley
Ghosts Go Haunting von Sorche Nic Leodhas
A Book of Dragons von Ruth Manning-Sanders
Persian Folk and Fairy Tales von Anne Sinclair Mehdevi
The Kitchen Knight von Barbara Schiller
The Sea of Gold and Other Tales From Japan von Yoshiko Uchida
Æsop's Fables (A Giant Golden Book) von Louis Untermeyer
Cortes and the Aztec Conquest von Irwin R. Blacker
History, Peoples, and Places1965
The Newspaper: Its Place in a Democracy von Duane Bradley
History, Peoples, and Places1965
Here is England von Elizabeth Burton
History, Peoples, and Places1965
The First Book of Puerto Rico von Antonio J. Colorado
History, Peoples, and Places1965
How to Give Your Baby Encyclopedic Knowledge- The Gentle Revolution von Glenn Doman
History, Peoples, and Places1965
The French Revolution (A Horizon Caravel Book) von Editors of Horizon Magazine
History, Peoples, and Places1965
The World of Columbus and Sons von Genevieve Foster
History, Peoples, and Places1965
The Volga: Lifeline of Russia von Elvajean Hall
History, Peoples, and Places1965
The Land and People of Hungary von Emil Lengyel
History, Peoples, and Places1965
The battle for Quebec von F. van Wyck Mason
History, Peoples, and Places1965
"I saw you from afar"; a visit to the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert von Carol Morse Perkins
History, Peoples, and Places1965
Red-flannel hash and shoo-fly pie; American regional foods and festivals von Lila Perl
History, Peoples, and Places1965
Russia von Harrison E. Salisbury
History, Peoples, and Places1965
This is Hong Kong von Miroslav Šašek
History, Peoples, and Places1965
The Dreyfus affair von Betty Schechter
History, Peoples, and Places1965
UNICEF and the world von Jean Speiser
History, Peoples, and Places1965
Colonial craftsmen and the beginnings of American industry von Edwin Tunis
History, Peoples, and Places1965
Lonely Planet : Greece von David Willett
History, Peoples, and Places1965
Electricity in your life von Irving Adler
Nature and Science1965
The wildlife of Africa von Jocelyn Arundel
Nature and Science1965
A Book of the Milky Way Galaxy for You von Franklyn M. Branley
Nature and Science1965
Biography of an Atom von Jacob Bronowski
Nature and Science1965
All About Elephants von Carl Burger
Nature and Science1965
What makes TV work? von Scott Corbett
Nature and Science1965
The Gull's Way von Louis Darling
Nature and Science1965
String, Straightedge, and Shadow The Story of Geometry von Julia E. Diggins
Nature and Science1965
Medicine from Microbes: The Story of Antibiotics von Beryl Williams Epstein
Nature and Science1965
All About Light and Radiation von Ira Maximilian Freeman
Nature and Science1965
Spiders, Snakes, and Other Outcasts. von Robert Froman
Nature and Science1965
Bridges and how they are built von Daniel Goldwater
Nature and Science1965
Bionics, the science of "living" machines von D. S. Halacy
Nature and Science1965
The First Book of Energy von George Russell Harrison
Nature and Science1965
Moon moth von Carleen Maley Hutchins
Nature and Science1965
The amazing seeds von Ross E. Hutchins
Nature and Science1965
Bioluminescence von H. Arthur Klein
Nature and Science1965
Caterpillars and How They Live von Robert M. McClung
Nature and Science1965
The crab that crawled out of the past von Lorus Johnson Milne
Nature and Science1965
Deserts: silent lands of the world von Alonzo William Pond
Nature and Science1965
Weather; the science of meteorology from ancient times to the space age von Frank Ross
Nature and Science1965
Hawk in the sky von Franklin Russell
Nature and Science1965
Animals as Parents von Millicent E. Selsam
Nature and Science1965
Saucer in the Sea: The Story of the Cousteau Diving Saucer in the Pacific Coast Waters. von Terry Shannon
Nature and Science1965
The world of the living von Earl Ubell
Nature and Science1965
Motion von Evans G. Valens
Nature and Science1965
Dinosaur hunt von George O. Whitaker
Nature and Science1965
Leonardo da Vinci von Jay Williams
Nature and Science1965
Die Nachtigall von Hans Christian Andersen
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The Ugly Duckling von Hans Christian Andersen
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The Dog Who Thought He Was A Boy von Cora Annett
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The Case of the Cat's Meow von Crosby Bonsall
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Andrew Henry's Meadow von Doris Burn
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The courtship, merry marriage, and feast of Cock Robin and Jenny Wren, to which is added The doleful death of Cock Robin von Barbara Cooney
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Just Me von Marie Hall Ets
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Who's in charge of Lincoln? von Dale Fife
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
In the Middle of the Night von Aileen Fisher
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Grandpa's Farm von James Flora
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego von Paul Galdone
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The Old Stump von John Hawkinson
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Birds in the Sky von Lucy Ozone Hawkinson
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The Rain Puddle von Adelaide Holl
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Three by Three von James Krüss
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
ABC von Edward Lear
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Always Room for One More von Sorche Nic Leodhas
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The cock and the ghost cat von Betty Jean Lifton
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Chie and the sports day von Masako Matsuno
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The magic tree von James McCrea
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Tom Tit Tot von Evaline Ness
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Big Max von Kin Platt
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The Valiant Chattee Maker von Christine Price
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
David and Goliath von Beatrice Schenk de Regniers
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Let's Get Turtles von Millicent E. Selsam
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Hector Protector and As I Went Over the Water: Two Nursery Rhymes von Maurice Sendak
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The Story of the Three Bears von William Stobbs
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Hide and Seek Fog von Alvin Tresselt
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The mischievous cat. Le vilain chat von Denise Trez
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Just say hic! A Turkish silly tale von Barbara K. Walker
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Nic of the woods von Lynd Ward
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Mother Goose : A Collection of Nursery Rhymes von Brian Wildsmith
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The Rich Man and the Shoemaker von Brian Wildsmith
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
The Question Box von Jay Williams
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Noah's ark von Miche Wynants
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Salt von Harve Zemach
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Harry by the Sea von Gene Zion
Picture and Picture-Story Books1965
Cats and Bats and Things With Wings von Conrad Aiken
Poetry and Rhymes1965
The Golden Journey: Poems for Young People von Louise Bogan
Poetry and Rhymes1965
Hand in Hand We'll Go: Ten Poems by Robert Burns von Robert Burns
Poetry and Rhymes1965
In the woods, in the meadow, in the sky von Aileen Fisher
Poetry and Rhymes1965
On a grass-green horn, old Scotch and English ballads von Ati Forberg
Poetry and Rhymes1965
Lean Out of the Window von Sara Hannum
Poetry and Rhymes1965
In a Spring Garden von Richard Lewis
Poetry and Rhymes1965
Sprints and Distances: Sports in Poetry and the Poetry in Sport von Lillian Morrison
Poetry and Rhymes1965
A Child's Calendar von John Updike
Poetry and Rhymes1965
Taran - Der Schwarze Kessel von Lloyd Alexander
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
The loser von Elizabeth Allen
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Wagon Scout: A Story of Leadership von Jane Annixter
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
The Big Sea von Richard Armstrong
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Walk the World's Rim von Betty Baker
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Head into the wind von Robinson Barnwell
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Campion Towers von John Louis Beatty
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Durango Street von Frank Bonham
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Flight into Spring von Bianca Bradbury
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
The Strange Intruder (Adventure Library) von Arthur Catherall
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Mystery at Love's Creek von Betty Cavanna
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
The big road von Tom E. Clarke
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Die schwarzen Füchse. von Eilís Dillon
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
The Sea Wall von Eilís Dillon
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Bond of the Fire von Anthony Fon Eisen
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Ring the Judas Bell von James D. Forman
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Hunger valley von Edward S. Fox
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Talargain von Joyce Gard
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Jack Holborn. von Leon Garfield
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
North Town von Lorenz Graham
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
A Slave's Tale von Erik Christian Haugaard
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Weisse Haut - schwarzer Blues: Ein Roman aus der Welt der Jazzmusiker von Nat Hentoff
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Ich bin David. von Anne Holm
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Verdeckte Spuren von Roderic Jeffries
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
A Peculiar Magic von Annabel Johnson
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Berries Goodman von Emily Cheney Neville
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
The Universe Between von Alan E. Nourse
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
The Maplin Bird von K. M. Peyton
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
The White Twilight von Madeleine Polland
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Trace Through The Forest von Barbara Robinson
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
A question of harmony von Gretchen Sprague
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Das Stirnmal des Königs von Rosemary Sutcliff
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Der Freund des Malers. von Elizabeth Borton de Trevino
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Run with the ring von Kathryn Vinson
Stories for Older Boys and Girls1965
Coll und sein weißes Schwein [Kurzgeschichte] von Lloyd Alexander
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Doctor's Boy von Karin Anckarsvärd
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Steve and the guide dogs von Alberta Armer
Stories for the Middle Group1965
On the Run von Nina Bawden
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Die schwarze Katze ist Zeuge. von Paul Berna
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Two on an Island von Bianca Bradbury
Stories for the Middle Group1965
D. J.'s worst enemy von Robert Burch
Stories for the Middle Group1965
A man of the family von Elizabeth Burleson
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Starlight in Tourrone von Suzanne Butler
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Ice king von Ernestine N. Byrd
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Empty Schoolhouse von Natalie Savage Carlson
Stories for the Middle Group1965
A Certain Small Shepherd von Rebecca Caudill
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Mouse and the Motorcycle von Beverly Cleary
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Those Miller Girls! von Alberta Wilson Constant
Stories for the Middle Group1965
You were princess last time von Laura Fisher
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Ghost in the Noonday Sun von Sid Fleischman
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Broom-Adelaide von Barbara C. Freeman
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Twelfth Night Santons von Marion Garthwaite
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Tikta'liktak: An Inuit-Eskimo Legend von James A. Houston
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Animal Family von Randall Jarrell
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Whisper of Glocken von Carol Kendall
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Die Tür zu einer anderen Welt von Alexander Key
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Sierra summer von Jeanne Loisy
Stories for the Middle Group1965
A Dog Like No Other von William MacKellar
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The outcasts von Daniel Pratt Mannix
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Sand von William Mayne
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Mississippi possum von Miska Miles
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Gentle Ben von Walt Morey
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Susan & Martin von Gene Inyart Namovicz
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Storms of Victory von Andre Norton
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Threat to the Barkers von Joan Phipson
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Goldfinch Garden von Barbara Leonie Picard
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Milepost 67 von Marian Potter
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Bayou boy von George Smith
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Velvet Room von Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Spider Plant von Yetta Speevack
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Bushbaby von William Stevenson
Stories for the Middle Group1965
The Noonday Friends von Mary Stolz
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Rain boat von Adrien Stoutenburg
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Three and one to carry von Barbara Willard
Stories for the Middle Group1965
Tal and the Magic Barruget von Eva-Lis Wuorio
Stories for the Middle Group1965


Annual best-books selection from the Children's Literature Center of the Library of Congress, produced 1964-1983 under the direction of Virginia Haviland.

Full text available via HathiTrust

Continued by Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Books for Children

1975-1978, 1982 pending addition. All other yesrs believed complete but unverified. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)
Annual best-books selection from the Children's Literature Center of the Library of Congress, produced 1985-1995 under the direction of Margaret N. Coughlan.

Full text available via HathiTrust

Continues Library of Congress Children's Literature Center Children's Books.

Unofficially succeeded by Capitol Choices. (English, Von Mitgliedern verfasst)


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