Autoren-Cloud für Pearle

Louisa May Alcott(5) Dante Alighieri(1) Aristotle(1) Marcus Aurelius(1) Lina Beard(1) Isabella Beeton(1) Crossway Bibles(1) William Bradford(1) Hilaire) Ernest and (Preface by- Belloc Bramah(1) Charlotte Brontë(1) Stopford Augustus Brooke(1) Max Brooks(1) Frances Hodgson Burnett(1) G.K. Chesterton(3) Susanna Clarke(1) Barbara Cohen(1) Katharine Eisaman Maus Jean E. Howard Cohen, Step(1) Walter Cohen(1) Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1) Roald Dahl(1) Dante(3) Charles Darwin(1) Charles Dickens(1) T. S. Eliot(1) E. M. Forster(1) Sigmund Freud(1) Neil Gaiman(1) Stella Gibbons(1) Kenneth Grahame(1) Kate Greenaway(1) Henry Sydnor Harrison(1) Paul Heins(1) Mark Helprin(1) O. Henry(1) George Herbert(1) Georgette Heyer(2) Homer(2) Trina Schart Hyman(2) George Iles(1) Helen Hunt Jackson(1) Bruno Scott James(1) Max Jammer(1) Ed. ) Sophocles (Richard C. Jebb(1) Diana Wynne Jones(1) Bruce Lansky(1) Harper Lee(1) C. S. Lewis(1) William John Locke(1) Maud Hart Lovelace(11) George MacDonald(1) Thomas Malory(2) Judith Martin(1) Daphne du Maurier(1) Robin McKinley(4) Herman Melville(1) Edna St. Vincent Millay(1) John Milton(1) Bruce Mitchell(1) Geoffrey of Monmouth(1) L. M. Montgomery(9) Kenneth O. Morgan(1) Friedrich Nietzsche(1) Baroness Orczy(1) Ovid(1) Plato(1) Daniel Pool(1) David H. Richter(1) Barbara Rogasky(1) Terry Ryan(1) Ruth Sawyer(1) Dorothy L. Sayers(6) Kate Seredy(2) William Shakespeare(2) Sophocles(1) Johanna Spyri(1) Bram Stoker(1) Christopher Tolkien(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(2) Virgil(1) Penelope Wilcock(1) Virginia Woolf(1) Patricia C. Wrede(1)