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The Hours von Michael Cunningham
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The Hours (Original 1998; 2002. Auflage)

von Michael Cunningham

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12,799231502 (3.93)590
Winner of the Pulitzer prize, the Pen/Faulkner Award for Fiction, and nominated for 9 Academy Awards, The Hours is now available on Unabridged CD. Passionate, profound, and deeply moving, The Hours tells the story of three women: Clarissa Vaughan, who one New York morning goes about planning a party in honor of a beloved friend; Laura Brown, who in a 1950s Los Angeles suburb slowly begins to feel the constraints of a perfect family and home; and Virginia Woolf, recuperating with her husband in a London suburb and beginning to write Mrs. Dalloway. By the end of the novel, the stories have intertwined, and finally come together in an act of subtle and haunting grace, demonstrating Michael Cunningham's deep empathy for his characters as well as the extraordinary resonance of his language.… (mehr)
Titel:The Hours
Autoren:Michael Cunningham
Info:Picador (2002), Paperback, 240 pages
Sammlungen:Read, Deine Bibliothek, Lese gerade, Noch zu lesen, Gelesen, aber nicht im Besitz


Die Stunden von Michael Cunningham (1998)

  1. 141
    Mrs Dalloway von Virginia Woolf (twomoredays, TammyMarshall, kjuliff)
    twomoredays: If you don't read Mrs. Dalloway before The Hours, I suspect it wouldn't be nearly as fulfilling a reading experience.
    TammyMarshall: It gives you a much fuller appreciation of what Cunningham accomplished with his wonderful novel, "The Hours."
    kjuliff: Mrs Dalloway over several hours
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    aulsmith: Cunningham is constantly referencing Prufrock. If you haven't read it, you should
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The Hours von Michael Cunningham

Ein Roman über drei Frauen: Virginia Woolf in den 1920er Jahren, als sie mit der Arbeit an "Mrs. Dalloway" beginnt, eine amerikanische Hausfrau in den 1950er Jahren, die versucht, in ihrem Spießerleben ein bisschen Platz zum Lesen des genannten Buches zu finden, und Clarissa, eine New Yorkerin, die in den 90er Jahren dabei ist, eine Party für einen Aids-kranken Freund zu organisieren.
Es geht nur um einen Tag im Leben der drei Frauen, welche Gemeinsamkeiten sie haben (hier: Selbstmord, eigene Gedanken der Sinnlosigkeit, Begrenzung).

Tja. Nein, es hat mir nicht besonders gefallen. Viel zu konstruiert (der Autor lehrt Creative Writing), die beschriebenen Gefühle konnte ich selten nachvollziehen, die Bilder waren schief, die Motive nicht stimmig. Warum ist Mrs. Brown depressiv, etc.
Es kam mir öfter vor wie ein unscharf gestellter Film: Wenn nur einige Details anders gewesen wären, hätte vieles gepasst und wäre statt banal tiefgreifend gewesen. Aber so waren in den ganzen Beschreibungen nur ein paar wenige Perlen klarer, schöner Wahrheit versteckt.
Viel hat dazu die Übersetzung beigetragen, die leider schlecht war (konnte nicht am Original abgleichen, aber so viele unpassende Wörter, die man nicht oder so im Zusammenhang nicht benutzen würde).

Gerade am Schluss, der wohl am meisten "konstruiert" war, fand ich das Buch dann doch gut. Da wurde für mich dann noch mal scharf gestellt, es war stimmig und versöhnte mich. ( )
  Tangotango | Sep 20, 2014 |
Die drei Hauptpersonen um Virginia Wolff werden einfach überragend geschildert, beschrieben und nahe gebracht. Menschliche Gefühle werden nur selten so eindringlich beschrieben. Wem man sich am nächsten fühlt, bleibt dem Leser überlassen... ( )
  Kaysbooks | Sep 21, 2007 |
. ( )
  Riverblue13 | Oct 1, 2015 |
Cunningham gives you every chance to hear his echoes of Woolf's style: the whimsical similes, the rueful parentheses, the luminous circumstantial detail. And the narrative method is a homage to Woolf's novel. Each section imitates Mrs Dalloway by being restricted to the events of a single day, and follows the stream of one consciousness, only to leave it, for a sentence or a paragraph, for another....Imitation is fitting because Woolf's original novel was trying to do justice to the sharpness of new experience, even as it detonates old memories, and this endeavour is always worth trying afresh.
hinzugefügt von KayCliff | bearbeitenThe Guardian, John Mullan (Jun 24, 2011)
We don't have to read ''Mrs. Dalloway'' before we can read ''The Hours,'' and no amount of pedantic comparison-hunting will help us understand it if we don't understand it already. But the connections between the two books, after the initial, perhaps overelaborate laying out of repetitions and divergences, are so rich and subtle and offbeat that not to read ''Mrs. Dalloway'' after we've read ''The Hours'' seems like a horrible denial of a readily available pleasure -- as if we were to leave a concert just when the variations were getting interesting.
hinzugefügt von KayCliff | bearbeitenThe New York Times, Michael Wood (Nov 24, 1998)

» Andere Autoren hinzufügen (29 möglich)

AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Cunningham, MichaelHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Alopaeus, MarjaÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Cotroneo, IvanÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Goddijn, ServaasÜbersetzerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
Hodge, PatriciaErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt
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We'll hunt for a third tiger now, but like the others this one too will be a form of what I dream, a structure of words, and not the flesh and bone tiger that beyond all myths paces the earth. I know these things quite well, yet nonetheless some force keeps driving me in the vague, unreasonable, and ancient quest, and I go on pursuing through the hours another tiger, the beast not found in verse.
- J.L. Borges, The Other Tiger, 1960
I have no time to describe my plans. I should say a good deal about The Hours, and my discovery; how I dig out beautiful caves behind my characters; I think that gives exactly what I want; humanity, humour, depth. The idea is that the caves shall connect, and each comes to daylight at the present moment.
- Virginia Wolf, in her diary, August 30, 1923
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This book is for Ken Corbett
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Sie hastet aus dem Haus, wirft einen für die Witterung zu schweren Mantel über: 1941.
She hurries from the house, wearing a coat too heavy for the weather. It is 1941.
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"We live our lives, do whatever we do, and then we sleep–it's as simple and ordinary as that. A few jump out of windows or drown themselves or take pills; more die by accident; and most of us, the vast majority, are slowly devoured by some disease or, if we're very fortunate, by time itself. There's just this for consolation: an hour here or there when our lives seem, against all odds and expectations, to burst open and give us everything we've ever imagined, though everyone but children (and perhaps even they) knows these hours will inevitably be followed by others, far darker and more difficult. Still, we cherish the city, the morning; we hope, more than anything, for more.
Heaven only knows why we love it so."
What a thrill, what a shock, to be alive on a morning in June, prosperous, almost scandalously privileged, with a simple errand to run.
It had seemed like the beginning of happiness, and Clarissa is still sometimes shocked, more than thirty years later, to realize that it was happiness; that the entire experience lay in a kiss and a walk, the anticipation of dinner and a book...What lives undimmed in Clarissa's mind more than three decades later is a kiss at dusk on a patch of dead grass, and a walk around a pond as mosquitoes droned in the darkening air. There is still that singular perfection, and it's perfect in part because it seemed, at the time, so clearly to promise more. Now she knows: That was the moment, right then. There has been no other.
Clarissa dislikes arrangements. She prefers flowers to look as if they've just arrived, in armloads, from the fields.
Virginia thinks of Leonard frowning over the proofs, intent on scouring away not only the setting errors but whatever taint of mediocrity errors imply.
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Winner of the Pulitzer prize, the Pen/Faulkner Award for Fiction, and nominated for 9 Academy Awards, The Hours is now available on Unabridged CD. Passionate, profound, and deeply moving, The Hours tells the story of three women: Clarissa Vaughan, who one New York morning goes about planning a party in honor of a beloved friend; Laura Brown, who in a 1950s Los Angeles suburb slowly begins to feel the constraints of a perfect family and home; and Virginia Woolf, recuperating with her husband in a London suburb and beginning to write Mrs. Dalloway. By the end of the novel, the stories have intertwined, and finally come together in an act of subtle and haunting grace, demonstrating Michael Cunningham's deep empathy for his characters as well as the extraordinary resonance of his language.

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