Figuren/CharaktereRichard Cobden

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (35)

'Organise! Organise! Organise!' : a study of reform agitations in Wales, 1840-1886 von Ryland Wallace
100 Facts on the Liberal Party - Smatterbooks Number 27 von Liberal Party
The age of Peel and Cobden : a history of the English people, 1841-1852 von Élie Halévy
The American Civil War von Winston S. Churchill
The American Diaries of Richard Cobden von Elizabeth Hoon Cawley
Bagehot's Historical Essays von Walter Bagehot
British Liberalism: Liberal Thought from the 1640s to 1980s (Documents in Political Ideas) von Robert Eccleshall
British Orations von Ernest Rhys
Classical Economics: An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, Volume 1 von Murray Rothbard
Cobden and Bright. A Victorian political partnership. With portraits von Donald Read
Cobden and modern political opinion. Essays on certain political topics von James E. Thorold Rogers
Cobden as a citizen : a chapter in Manchester history; a facsimile of Cobden's pamphlet "Incorporate Your Borough" von William E. A. Axon
Dictionary of Liberal Biography von Duncan Brack
The Dictionary of Liberal Thought von Duncan Brack
The European diaries of Richard Cobden, 1846-1849 von Miles Taylor
Great Liberal Speeches von Duncan Brack
Kindlers Kulturgeschichte: Europäische Revolutionen. 1789 bis 1848. (Kindlers Kulturgeschichte) von Eric Hobsbawm
The Letters of Richard Cobden: Volume II: 1848-1853 (Letter of Richard Cobden) von Anthony Howe
The Letters of Richard Cobden: Volume III: 1854-1859 (Letter of Richard Cobden) von Anthony Howe
Liberal Crusader: the Life of Sir Archibald Sinclair von Gerard J. De Groot
Liberal Thinkers von Liberal Democrat History Group
Liberty & the Liberal Heritage von Isaac Foot
The Life of Richard Cobden von John Morley
Lincoln von David Herbert Donald
Lincoln's War Cabinet von Burton Jesse Hendrick
Peace, Reform and Liberation - A History of Liberal Politics in Britain 1679-2011 von Robert Ingham
Prince Albert, his life and work von Hermione Hobhouse
The radical tradition : Tom Paine to Lloyd George von John Wesley Derry
Richard Cobden and John Morley von F. W. Hirst
Richard Cobden and the Free Traders, Australian edition, no date but first published London 1883 von Lewis. Apjohn
Richard Cobden, the international man von J. A. Hobson
Richard Cobden: A Victorian Outsider von Wendy Hinde
Salisbury von Eric Midwinter
Steidl Taschenbücher, Nr.85, Ein Leben für die Rechte der Frauen von Emmeline Pankhurst
Ten Englishmen of the Nineteenth Century von James Richard Joy