Figuren/CharaktereDaniel Webster

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (138)

Acceptance and unveiling of the statue of Daniel Webster in Washington on January 18, 1900 von William E. Chandler
Action Presidents #4: John F. Kennedy! von Fred Van Lente
The Adventures of Mark Twain [1985 film] von Will Vinton
The Age of Jackson von Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
America Becomes a World Power von Saddleback Educational Publishing
America's First Dynasty: The Adamses, 1735–1918 von Richard Brookhiser
America's Great Debate: Henry Clay, Stephen A. Douglas, and the Compromise That Preserved the Union von Fergus M. Bordewich
America's Jubilee: How in 1826 a generation remembered fifty years of independence von Andrew Burstein
The American Civil War von Winston S. Churchill
American Political and Social History von Harold Underwood Faulkner
American Political Speeches von Terry Golway
American Speeches: Political Oratory from the Revolution to the Civil War von Ted Widmerr
Andrew Jackson and the Bank War: A Study in the Growth of Presidential Power von Robert V. Remini
Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Democracy, 1833-1845 von Robert V. Remini
Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Freedom, 1822-1832 von Robert V. Remini
April 1865: The Month That Saved America von Jay Winik
The Barbary Coast: An Informal History of the San Francisco Underworld von Herbert Asbury
Before the Civil War von Academic Industries
Biographical and other articles von William Cleaves Todd
Black Daniel, the Love Story of a Great Man von Honoré Morrow
Die Blüte Neuenglands von Van Wyck Brooks
Brother against Brother von William C. Davis
Builders of America Vol. XVIII, Daniel Webster von Clifford Smyth
The Cargo Rebellion: Those Who Chose Freedom von Jason Chang
The Civil War von Academic Industries
The Civil War: An Illustrated History von Geoffrey C. Ward
Congress and the Crisis of the 1850s von Paul Finkelman
Conscience and the Constitution with Remarks on the Recent Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster in the Senate of the United States on the Subject of Slavery von Moses Stuart
Constitution Illustrated von R. Sikoryakof "The Kin-der-Kids"
Dan Webster: Union Boy von Bradford Smith
Daniel Webster von Alfred Steinberg
Daniel Webster von John Bach McMaster
Daniel Webster von Irving H. Bartlett
Daniel Webster von Claude Moore Fuess
Daniel Webster von Henry Cabot Lodge
Daniel Webster von Allan L Benson
Daniel Webster & the Supreme Court von Maurice G. Baxter
Daniel Webster - Volume I: 1782-1830 von Claude Moore Fuess
DANIEL WEBSTER AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES Life of Daniel Webster von Charles W. March
Daniel Webster and Jacksonian democracy von Sydney Nathans
Daniel Webster and the Oratory of Civil Religion von Craig R. Smith
Daniel Webster and the Politics of Availability von Norman D. Brown
Daniel Webster and the Rise of National Conservatism von Richard Nelson Current
Daniel Webster and the Trial of American Nationalism, 1843-1852 von Robert F. Dalzell
Daniel Webster's horses von Elizabeth Jane Coatsworth
Daniel Webster, "The Completest Man": Documents from The Papers of Daniel Webster von Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster, Defender of the Union von Bob Allen
Daniel Webster: Liberty and Union, Now and Forever (Historical American Biographies) von Bonnie C. Harvey
Daniel Webster: The Life and Legacy of One of America's Most Famous Senators and Orators von Charles River Editors
Daniel Webster: The Man and His Time von Robert V. Remini
Daniel Webster; his life and public services von Rev. Joseph Banvard
David Crockett in Congress: The Rise and Fall of the Poor Man's Friend von James R. Boylston
Day of Heroes von Thomas S. Gressman
Decade of Disunion: How Massachusetts and South Carolina Led the Way to Civil War, 1849-1861 von Robert W. Merry
The Devil and Daniel Webster [1941 film] von William Dieterle
The Devil and Daniel Webster [short fiction] von Stephen Vincent Benét
The Devil and Daniel Webster and Other Stories von Stephen Vincent Benét
The Devil and Daniel Webster and Other Writings von Stephen Vincent Benét
The Devil and Daniel Webster {play} von Stephen Vincent Benét
Disunion!: The Coming of the American Civil War, 1789-1859 von Elizabeth R. Varon
Doctor in Buckskin von T. D. Allen
Eminent Americans: Comprising Brief Biographies of Three Hundred and Thirty Distinguished Persons von Benson John Lossing
The Fire of His Genius: Robert Fulton and the American Dream von Kirkpatrick Sale
The first Bunker Hill oration of Daniel Webster von Daniel Webster
The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt von T. J. Stiles
Four Great Americans: Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln: A Book for Young Americans von James Baldwin
Eine Geschichte des amerikanischen Volkes von Howard Zinn
Great Americans of History Daniel Webster A Character Sketch von Elizabeth A. Reed
The Great Triumvirate: Webster, Clay, and Calhoun von Merrill D. Peterson
The growth of the American Republic von Samuel Eliot Morison
Heirs of the Founders: The Epic Rivalry of Henry Clay, John Calhoun and Daniel Webster, the Second Generation of American Giants von H. W. Brands
Henry Clay : Statesman for the Union von Robert V. Remini
Henry Clay and the American System von Maurice G. Baxter
Historical Almanac of the United States Senate von Robert J. Dole
A History of the American People von Nathaniel W. Stephenson
History of the House of Representatives von George B. Galloway
How the States Got Their Shapes von Mark Stein
How to Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age von Theodore Schick
The Impending Crisis, 1848-1861 von David M. Potter
John Adams von David McCullough
John Marshall and the Heroic Age of the Supreme Court von R. Kent Newmyer
John Quincy Adams von Robert V. Remini
John Tyler von Gary May
The Letters of Daniel Webster von Daniel Webster
Letters of Note - Briefe, die die Welt bedeuten von Shaun Usher
Life of Daniel Webster von George Ticknor Curtis
The Life, Speeches and Memorials of Daniel Webster von Samuel M. Smucker
Die Like a Hero von Clyde Linsley
Lincoln as I Knew Him: Gossip, Tributes, and Revelations from His Best Friends and Worst Enemies von Harold Holzer
Lincoln's War Cabinet von Burton Jesse Hendrick
Little Journeys to the Homes of American Statesmen {complete} von Elbert Hubbard
Little Journeys to the Homes of American Statesmen: Daniel Webster von Elbert Hubbard
Makers Of American History: John Caldwell Calhoun, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay (1905) von John S. Jenkins
Mathematics Beyond the Numbers von George T. Gilbert
Men of Erie von Edward Hungerford
Millard Fillmore von Paul Finkelman
Mr. Webster's address at Andover, November 9, 1843 von Daniel Webster
A Necessary Evil: A History of American Distrust of Government von Garry Wills
The North Eastern Boundary Controversy And The Aroostook War (1910) von John Francis Sprague
Numbers Rule: The Vexing Mathematics of Democracy, from Plato to the Present von George G. Szpiro
On the Brink of Civil War: The Compromise of 1850 and How It Changed the Course of American History von John C. Waugh
One and Inseparable: Daniel Webster and the Union (Belknap Press) von Maurice G. Baxter
Ordeal of the Union: Complete von Allan Nevins
The Oxford Book of American Literary Anecdotes von Donald Hall
The Oxford History of the American People von Samuel Eliot Morison
The papers of Daniel Webster von Daniel Webster
The Papers of Daniel Webster: Diplomatic Papers: Volume 2, 1850–1852 von Daniel Webster
Patriot Hearts von Barbara Hambly
Penguin Parade 1 von Denys Kilham Roberts
The private correspondence of Daniel Webster (2 vols.) von Daniel Webster
The Private Life of Daniel Webster von Charles Lanman
The Real Lincoln: a New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War von Thomas DiLorenzo
Der Reisende. Die Legende von Alvin dem Schmied 04. von Orson Scott Card
The Rise and Fall of the American Whig Party: Jacksonian Politics and the Onset of the Civil War von Michael F. Holt
The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln von Sean Wilentz
Secessionists at Bay, 1776-1854 von William W. Freehling
Select Speeches of Daniel Webster, 1817-1845 von Daniel Webster
Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benét, Volumes 1-2: Poetry and Prose von Stephen Vincent Benét
The Senate, 1789-1989. Vol. 1. Addresses on the history of the United States Senate von Robert C. Byrd
The Shattering of the Union: America in the 1850s von Eric H. Walther
A Slave in the White House: Paul Jennings and the Madisons von Elizabeth Dowling Taylor
Speak for yourself, Daniel; a life of Webster in his own words von Daniel Webster
Speak of the Devil von Ned E. Hoopes
Speeches and forensic arguments von Daniel Webster
Speeches of Daniel Webster von B. F. Tefft
The Tamarack Tree von Howard Breslin
The true Daniel Webster von Sydney George Fisher
Washington's Farewell Address and Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration von George Washington
Washington, Webster and Lincoln; selections for the college entrance English requirements von Joseph Villiers Denney
What Great Infidels Have Done to Advance Civilization von Robert G. Ingersoll
Which Way to a Free World?: A Consideration of the Difference Between the Natural and Supernatural, with Reasons why the Former is the Better Way to Go von Robert G. Ingersoll
The works of Daniel Webster von Daniel Webster
Works of Daniel Webster, The (vol. 1) von Daniel Webster
The World's History ahd Its Makers: (Vol VIII) Famous American Statesmen von Edgar Sanderson
The writings and speeches of Daniel Webster von Daniel Webster
Zivilcourage von John F. Kennedy