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Andrew Jackson
Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag
Zeige alle 308
David Nevin
1812: A Nation Emerges
Sidney Hart
1812: The Rivers of War (The Trail of Glory)
Eric Flint
1812: The War That Forged a Nation
Walter R. Borneman
187 Things You Should Know about the War of 1812
Donald R. Hickey
Action Presidents #3: Theodore Roosevelt!
Fred Van Lente
After the White House: Former Presidents as Private Citizens
Max J. Skidmore
The Age of Jackson
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Almost America : From the Colonists to Clinton : A "What If" History of the U.S.
Steve Tally
Alternate Presidents
Mike Resnick
in fiction
Amateurs, to Arms!: A Military History of the War of 1812
John R. Elting
America's First Families: An Inside View of 200 Years of Private Life in the White House (Lisa Drew Books)
Carl Sferrazza Anthony
America's Constitution: A Biography
Akhil Reed Amar
America's First Dynasty: The Adamses, 1735–1918
Richard Brookhiser
America's Jubilee: How in 1826 a generation remembered fifty years of independence
Andrew Burstein
American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies
Michael W. Kauffman
The American Civil War
Winston S. Churchill
American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900
H. W. Brands
American Heritage Book of the Presidents and Famous Americans, Volume 3
American Heritage
American History at a Glance: From the Earliest Settlements to the Present
Marshall Smelser
American Legends: The Life of Andrew Jackson
Charles River Editors
American Political and Social History
Harold Underwood Faulkner
American Political Cultures
Richard J. Ellis
The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made it
Richard Hofstadter
The American President: A Complete History
Kathryn Moore
The American Presidents
David C. Whitney
American Presidents
David Levine
The American Presidents: Biographies of the Chief Executives from Washington through George W. Bush
David C. Whitney
The American Presidents: Biographies of the chief executives from Washington through Reagan
David C. Whitney
American Speeches: Political Oratory from the Revolution to the Civil War
Ted Widmerr
American Timeline: Washington to Jackson, 1789-1837
ein amerikanischer alptraum. die letzten tage der ära nixon
Bob Woodward
Andrew Jackson
Jeannette Covert Nolan
Andrew Jackson
William Graham Sumner
Andrew Jackson
Robert V. Remini
Andrew Jackson
Sean Wilentz
Andrew Jackson
Katie Marsico
Andrew Jackson & His America (Milton Meltzer Biographies)
Milton Meltzer
Andrew Jackson (An Initial Biography)
Genevieve Foster
Andrew Jackson (Childhoods of the Presidents)
Daniel E. Harmon
Andrew Jackson (Great Americans)
Monica Rausch
Andrew Jackson (Presidential Series) (Presidential Series)
Linda Wade
Andrew Jackson (Profiles of the Presidents)
Barbara A. Somervill
Andrew Jackson and His Family : Paper Dolls
Tom Tierney
Andrew Jackson and His Indian Wars
Robert V. Remini
Andrew Jackson and the Bank War: A Study in the Growth of Presidential Power
Robert V. Remini
Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Democracy, 1833-1845
Robert V. Remini
Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Empire [3-volume set]
Robert V. Remini
Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Empire, 1767-1821
Robert V. Remini
Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Freedom, 1822-1832
Robert V. Remini
Andrew Jackson and the Creek War: Victory at the Horseshoe
James Wendell Holland
Andrew Jackson and the Miracle of New Orleans: The Battle That Shaped America's Destiny
Brian Kilmeade
Andrew Jackson frontier president
Nancy Whitelaw
Andrew Jackson vs. Henry Clay: Democracy and Development in Antebellum America
Harry L. Watson
Andrew Jackson {poem}
Martha Keller
Andrew Jackson's America: 1824-1850 (Drama of American History)
Christopher Collier
Andrew Jackson, an epic in homespun
Gerald W. Johnson
Andrew Jackson, hero
Donald Barr Chidsey
Andrew Jackson, nullification and the State-rights tradition
Charles Grier Sellers
Andrew Jackson, The Border Captain
Marquis James
Andrew Jackson: A Life From Beginning to End (One Hour History US Presidents Book 6)
Hourly History
Andrew Jackson: A MyReportLink.com Book (Presidents)
Stephen Feinstein
Andrew Jackson: A Photo-illustrated Biography
Steve Potts
Andrew Jackson: A Profile
Charles Grier Sellers
Andrew Jackson: Fighting Frontiersman
Frances Fitzpatrick Wright
Andrew Jackson: Frontier Patriot
Louis Sabin
Andrew Jackson: Heroic Leader or Cold-Hearted Ruler? (Fact Finders: Perspectives on History)
Nel Yomtov
Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times
H. W. Brands
Andrew Jackson: Our Seventh President (Spirit of America: Our Presidents)
Ann Gaines
Andrew Jackson: Pioneer and President
John Parlin
Andrew Jackson: Seventh President of the United States (Encyclopedia of Presidents)
Alice Osinski
Andrew Jackson: Seventh President of the United States (Encyclopedia of Presidents)
Rebecca Stefoff
Andrew Jackson: Soldier and Statesman
Ralph K. Andrist
Andrew Jackson: Symbol for an Age
John William Ward
Andrew Jackson: The Making of America
Teri Kanefield
Andrew Jackson: The Man Who Preserved Union and Democracy - Builders of America, Volume XVII
Clifford Smyth
Andrew Johnson (Checkerboard Biography Library: U.S. Presidents)
Anne Welsbacher
Andy Jackson: Boy Soldier
Augusta Stevenson
April 1865: The Month That Saved America
Jay Winik
The Assassination: Death of the President
Champ Clark
mentioned as target of previous unsuccessful assassination attempt
Assata : eine Autobiographie aus dem schwarzen Widerstand in den USA
Assata Shakur
The Awakening of American Nationalism, 1815-1828
George Dangerfield
The Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson and America's First Military Victory
Robert V. Remini
A Being So Gentle: The Frontier Love Story of Rachel and Andrew Jackson
Patricia Brady
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Greg Palast
The Birth of Modern Politics: Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and the Election of 1828
Lynn Hudson Parsons
The Birth of the Modern: World Society, 1815-1830
Paul Johnson
Black AF History : the un-whitewashed story of America
Michael Harriot
Brother against Brother
William C. Davis
The Buck Stops Here: The Presidents of the United States
Alice Provensen
The Cavalier of Tennessee
Meredith Nicholson
The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears
Theda Perdue
The Civil War of 1812: American Citizens, British Subjects, Irish Rebels, & Indian Allies
Alan Taylor
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 3: Red River to Appomattox
Shelby Foote
The Civil War: An Illustrated History
Geoffrey C. Ward
Coming to America: Immigrants from the British Isles
Shirley Blumenthal
The Commodores
Leonard F. Guttridge
The Complete Memoirs of Andrew Jackson : Seventh President of the United States : Containing a Full Account of His Military Life and Achievements, with His Career as President.
John Henry Eaton
Confederate Admiral: The Life and Wars of Franklin Buchanan
Craig L. Symonds
Congress and the Emergence of Sectionalism: From the Missouri Compromise to the Age of Jackson
Paul Finkelman
The courageous heart;: A life of Andrew Jackson for young readers,
Bessie Rowland James
The Creek War of 1813 and 1814
Henry S. Halbert
Daniel Webster: The Man and His Time
Robert V. Remini
David Crockett in Congress: The Rise and Fall of the Poor Man's Friend
James R. Boylston
David Crockett: The Lion of the West
Michael Wallis
Davy Crockett
Academic Industries
Democracy's Big Day: The Inauguration of our President 1789-2009
Jim Bendat
The Devil's Backbone: the Story of the Natchez Trace
Jonathan Daniels
A Dog Named Doug
Karma Wilson
The Dominion of War: Empire and Liberty in North America, 1500-2000
Fred Anderson
Don't Know Much About the Presidents
Kenneth C. Davis
Drawing the Vote: An Illustrated Guide to Voting in America
Tommy Jenkins
Driven West: Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears to the Civil War
A. J. Langguth
Dumpty: The Age of Trump in Verse
John Lithgow
The Edwards Papers Being a Portion of the Collection of the Letters, Papers, and Manuscripts of Ninian Edwards
Elihu Washburne
The Election of Andrew Jackson
Robert Vincent Remini
Eminent Americans: Comprising Brief Biographies of Three Hundred and Thirty Distinguished Persons
Benson John Lossing
Empire of Mud: The Secret History of Washington, DC
J. D. Dickey
Encyclopedia of U.S.Presidents
David Rubel
The Faking of the President: Nineteen Stories of White House Noir
Peter Carlaftes
Famous American Duels, With Some Account of the Causes That Led Up to Them and the Men Engaged
Don Carlos Seitz
Fathers and Children: Andrew Jackson and the Subjugation of the American Indian
Michael Paul Rogin
Fault Lines in the Constitution: The Graphic Novel (World Citizen Comics)
Cynthia Levinson
The Fire of His Genius: Robert Fulton and the American Dream
Kirkpatrick Sale
Fire Spirit
Graham Masterton
First Ladies
Betty Boyd Caroli
First Ladies: The Saga of the Presidents' Wives and Their Power, 1789-1961
Carl Sferrazza Anthony
The First Populist: The Defiant Life of Andrew Jackson
David S. Brown
The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt
T. J. Stiles
Gloria Jahoda
For Honour's Sake: The War of 1812 and the Brokering of an Uneasy Peace
Mark Zuehlke
The Forging of the American Empire: From the Revolution to Vietnam: A History of Ameri (Human Security)
Sidney Lens
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation
Joseph J. Ellis
From Exploration to Statehood
Alice E. Smith
From Sea to Shining Sea: From the War of 1812 to the Mexican War; The Saga of America's Expansion
Robert Leckie
The Generals: Andrew Jackson, Sir Edward Pakenham, and the Road to the Battle of New Orleans
Benton Rain Patterson
Genl. Jackson's conduct in the Seminole War affording reasons why he should not be the next President.
Samuel Perkins
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson (Presidents Who Dared)
Edmund Lindop
Eine Geschichte des amerikanischen Volkes
Howard Zinn
Great Zombies in History
Joe Sergi
The growth of the American Republic
Samuel Eliot Morison
Hacks, Sycophants, Adventurers, and Heroes: Madison's Commanders in the War of 1812
David Fitz-Enz
The Heathen School: A Story of Hope and Betrayal in the Age of the Early Republic
John Demos
Henry Clay : Statesman for the Union
Robert V. Remini
Henry Clay and the American System
Maurice G. Baxter
Henry Clay and the War of 1812
Quentin Scott King
Henry Clay: America's Greatest Statesman
Harlow Giles Unger
Herndon's Life of Lincoln
William Henry Herndon
A History of the American People
Nathaniel W. Stephenson
The Home University Bookshelf Volume 09: Boys and Girls Who Became Famous
The Editorial Board of the University Society
Homes of the American Presidents
Cranston Jones
Homes of the Presidents
Bill Harris
The House: The History of the House of Representatives
Robert V. Remini
How Lincoln Learned to Read: Twelve Great Americans and the Educations That Made Them
Daniel Wolff
How the States Got Their Shapes
Mark Stein
In Bitterness and in Tears: Andrew Jackson's Destruction of the Creeks and Seminoles
Sean Michael O'Brien
In the Line of Fire Presidents' Lives At Stake
Judith St. George
In the shadow of Presidents;: The American Vice-Presidency and succession system
Michael Harwood
Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States
United States Presidents
Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States from George Washington 1789 to George Bush 1989
President of the United States
Indian Lover: Sam Houston & the Cherokees
Jack Jackson
Indian Removal: The Emigration of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians
Grant Foreman
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano and Declaring Rights and: Andrew Jackson v. Henry Clay and William Lloyd Garrison
Robert J. Allison
The Invisibles: The Untold Story of African American Slaves in the White House
Jesse Holland
Jacksonian America: Society, Personality, and Politics
Edward Pessen
The Jacksonian Epoch
Charles H. Peck
Jacksonland: President Andrew Jackson, Cherokee Chief John Ross, and a Great American Land Grab
Steve Inskeep
The Jacksons of Tennessee
Marguerite Vance
James Buchanan
Jean H. Baker
James Monroe
Gary Hart
John Adams
David McCullough
John C. Calhoun, Nullifier, 1829-1839
Charles Maurice Wiltse
John Marshall and the Heroic Age of the Supreme Court
R. Kent Newmyer
John Quincy Adams
Robert V. Remini
John Quincy Adams and the Foundations of American Foreign Policy
Samuel Flagg Bemis
John Tyler
Gary May
Kampf um Vorherrschaft
Brendan Simms
Kid Cowboys of Boys Ranch
Joe Simon
Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from America's Presidents (Kid Legends)
David Stabler
Killing Crazy Horse: The Merciless Indian Wars in America
Bill O'Reilly
The Kissing Game
Kasey Michaels
Leaders of the Frontier
Mathilda Schirmer
The Leaven of Democracy: The Growth of the Democratic Spirit in the Time of Jackson
Clement Eaton
Let the Eagle Soar: The Foreign Policy of Andrew Jackson
John M. Belohlavek
The Liberal Redneck Manifesto: Draggin' Dixie Outta the Dark
Various Authors
Liberty and Slavery : Southern Politics to 1860
William J. Jr. Cooper
Life of Andrew Jackson
James Parton
The Life of Andrew Jackson
Robert V. Remini
The Life of Andrew Jackson
Marquis James
Life Of Andrew Jackson V1
James Parton
Life Of Andrew Jackson V2
James Parton
Life of Andrew Jackson, in Three Volumes. volume III
James Parton
The life of Andrew Jackson, major-general in the service of the United States
John Henry Eaton
Life of Andrew Jackson, President of the United States of America
William Cobbett
Lincoln as I Knew Him: Gossip, Tributes, and Revelations from His Best Friends and Worst Enemies
Harold Holzer
Lincoln's New Salem
Benjamin P. Thomas
Lincoln's War Cabinet
Burton Jesse Hendrick
Lions of the West: Heroes and Villains of the Westward Expansion
Robert Morgan
The lives of our presidents: From Washington to Wilson. For young people. Containing an account of the boyhood days, adventures, careers and homes of the twenty-eight presidents of the U.S. of America
Charles Morris
Lives of the Presidents: Fame, Shame (and What the Neighbors Thought)
Kathleen Krull
Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans
T. R. Fehrenbach
The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians
Anthony F. C. Wallace
The Longman history of the United States of America
Hugh Brogan
The Look-It-Up Book of Presidents
Wyatt Blassingame
Lucky Baldwin: The Story of an Unconventional Success
Carl B. Glasscock
Magnificent Destiny
Paul I. Wellman
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer
James L. Swanson
Martin Van Buren
Ted Widmerr
Meet Andrew Jackson
Ormonde De Kay
Memoirs of Andrew Jackson, late major general and commander in chief of the Southern division of the army of the United States
John Henry Eaton
Mostly Rapscallions: Salient Sillies About the Rich and Infamous in History
P. J. Sullivan
Mr. Madison's War: Politics, Diplomacy and Warfare in the Early American Republic, 1783-1830
J. C. A. Stagg
Music for patriots, politicians, and presidents: Harmonies and discords of the first hundred years
Vera Brodsky Lawrence
A new history of the United States
William Miller
New Orleans 1815: Andrew Jackson Crushes the British
Tim Pickles
Nineteenth-Century Gallery - Portraits of Power and Rebellion
S. E. Ayling
Obacht! Lumpenpack
Kate Beaton
Old Hickory
Noel B. Gerson
Old Hickory's town : an illustrated history of Jacksonville
James Robertson Ward
Old Hickory's War: Andrew Jackson and the Quest for Empire
David Stephen Heidler
One and Inseparable: Daniel Webster and the Union (Belknap Press)
Maurice G. Baxter
The One-Party Presidential Contest: Adams, Jackson, and 1824's Five-Horse Race (American Presidential Elections)
Donald Ratcliffe
Other Worlds
Barbara Michaels
Our Country, Right or Wrong: The Life of Stephen Decatur, the U.S. Navy's Most Illustrious Commander
Leonard F. Guttridge
Our Lost Constitution: The Willful Subversion of America's Founding Document
Mike Lee
Our Presidents: Their Lives and Stories
Nancy J. Skarmeas
The Oxford History of the American People
Samuel Eliot Morison
The Passions of Andrew Jackson
Andrew Burstein
Patriot Hearts
Barbara Hambly
Patriotic Fire: Andrew Jackson and Jean Laffite at the Battle of New Orleans
Winston Groom
The Peg Leg Politician: Adam Huntsman of Tennessee
Kevin D. McCann
Penguin Dictionary of American Folklore
Alan Ph.D. Axelrod
The Petticoat Affair: Manners, Mutiny, and Sex in Andrew Jackson's White House
John F. Marszalek
A pictorial biography of Andrew Jackson
John Frost
The pictorial field-book of the War of 1812
Benson J. Lossing
Pictorial life of Andrew Jackson; embracing anecdotes, illustrative of his character
John Frost
A Picture Book of Davy Crockett
David A. Adler
The Pirates Laffite: The Treacherous World of the Corsairs of the Gulf
William C. Davis
The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to Bill Clinton
Stephen Skowronek
Polk: The Man Who Transformed the Presidency and America
Walter R. Borneman
Pox Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82
Elizabeth A. Fenn
Prelude to Civil War: The Nullification Controversy in South Carolina, 1816-1836
William W. Freehling
The Presidency
Michael Nelson
The Presidency of Andrew Jackson
Donald B. Cole
The Presidency of Andrew Jackson
James Parton
Presidential Anecdotes
Paul F. Boller
Presidential Campaigns: From George Washington to George W. Bush
Paul F. Boller
Presidential Leadership: Rating the Best and the Worst in the White House
James Taranto
Presidents North Carolina gave the nation : addresses and papers in connection with the unveiling of a monument to the t
The Presidents of the United States of America
Frank Freidel
Presidents of the United States Reading Discovery Level 3 Reader (Fast Facts Book)
Dalmatian Press
The presidents of the United States: From Washington to Pierce
John Frost
Problems of the New Nation
Academic Industries
Race and the Making of the Mormon People
Max Perry Mueller
Rachel Jackson: Tennessee Girl
Christine Noble Govan
The Raleigh Register, 1799-1863
Robert Neal Elliott
The Real Book about Andrew Jackson
Harold Coy
Removal of the Choctaw Indians
Arthur H. DeRosier
The restless centuries; a history of the American people
Peter N. Carroll
The Revolutionary Age of Andrew Jackson
Robert V. Remini
Rhonda's Irregulars
Blaine Pardoe
The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln
Sean Wilentz
A River Unvexed: A History and Tour Guide to the Campaign for the Mississippi River (The Civil War Campaigns Series)
Jim Miles
The Rockets' Red Glare: An Illustrated History of the War of 1812
Donald R. Hickey
The Santee: River of the Carolinas
Henry Savage Jr.
The Second American Party System: Party Formation in the Jacksonian Era
Richard P. McCormick
Secret Lives of the First Ladies: What Your Teachers Never Told You About the Women of the White House
Cormac O'Brien
Secret Lives of the U.S. Presidents: What Your Teachers Never Told You About the Men of the White House
Cormac O'Brien
Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country
William Greider
The Senate, 1789-1989. Vol. 1. Addresses on the history of the United States Senate
Robert C. Byrd
Ships of Oak, Guns of Iron: The War of 1812 and the Forging of the American Navy
Ronald Utt
Signers of the Constitution
Robert G. Ferris
Sink or Be Sunk! The Naval Battle in the Mississippi Sound That Preceded the Battle of New Orleans
Paul Estonza LA Violette
So You Want to Be President?
Judith St. George
Social Theories of Jacksonian Democracy: Representative Writings of the Period 1825-1850
Joseph L. Blau
Soul of a Democrat: The Seven Core Ideals That Made Our Party - And Our Country - Great
Thomas B. Reston
Stolen Continents: The Americas through Indian Eyes since 1492
Ronald Wright
The Story of Andrew Jackson
Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft
The Story of our Presidents from Washington to Taft, for Young People
Charles Morris
The story of the red man
Flora Warren Seymour
The Story of the White House
Kate Waters
Strictly Speaking
Edwin Newman
A Synopsis of American History, Eighth Edition--Complete
Neil R. McMillen
Tennessee: A History
Wilma Dykeman
Tennessee: A Short History
Robert Ewing Corlew
Tenting Tonight: The Soldier's Life
James I. Robertson
The Texas Senator
June Rayfield Welch
To the Best of My Ability
James M. McPherson
The trail of tears
Gloria Jahoda
Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation
John Ehle
Union 1812: The Americans Who Fought the Second War of Independence
A. J. Langguth
United States History to 1877
Arnold S. Rice
United States Presidents: Washington to Garfield
Marion McGuire
Vindicating Andrew Jackson: The 1828 Election and the Rise of the Two-Party System (American Presidential Elections)
Donald B. Cole
Waking Giant: America in the Age of Jackson (American History)
David S. Reynolds
The War of 1812
John K. Mahon
The War of 1812: A Complete Chronology with Biographies of 63 General Officers
Bud Hannings
Major General
Washington Irving: An American Original
Brian Jay Jones
Die Washington-Akte: Thriller
Steve Berry
We Are Lincoln Men: Abraham Lincoln and His Friends
David Herbert Donald
We Had a Little Real Estate Problem: The Unheralded Story of Native Americans and Comedy
Kliph Nesteroff
When Washington Burned
Arnold Blumberg
William Henry Harrison
Gail Collins
The World of Washington Irving
Van Wyck Brooks
Yo, Millard Fillmore!: (And all those other Presidents you don't know)
Will Cleveland
Young Hickory,: A story of the frontier boyhood and youth of Andrew Jackson,
Stanley Young
Young Hickory: The Making of Andrew Jackson
Hendrik Booraem
Über den Tod hinaus
Irving Stone
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Zugehörige Figuren/Charaktere
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
John Quincy Adams
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
James Monroe
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
Henry Clay
Martin van Buren
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Theodore Roosevelt
William Henry Harrison
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Andrew Johnson
James Knox Polk
James Buchanan
Woodrow Wilson
John F. Kennedy
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Zachary Taylor
John C. Calhoun
John Tyler
Harry S. Truman
Millard Fillmore
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Richard M. Nixon
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison
Franklin Pierce
Rutherford B. Hayes
William Howard Taft
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
James A. Garfield
Ronald Reagan
Alexander Hamilton
Jimmy Carter
Warren G. Harding
Daniel Webster
William McKinley
Chester A. Arthur
Gerald Ford
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Benjamin Franklin
Aaron Burr
Napoleon Bonaparte
George W. Bush
Jefferson Davis
Abigail Adams
Stephen A. Douglas
Winfield Scott
Robert E. Lee
William Henry Seward
Sam Houston
Dolley Madison
Horace Greeley
Patrick Henry
Davy Crockett
Mary Todd Lincoln
William Lloyd Garrison
Thomas Hart Benton
Salmon P. Chase
Rachel Jackson
Edwin M. Stanton
Frederick Douglass
Roger Brooke Taney
John Wilkes Booth
Charles Sumner
Thomas Paine
John Brown, abolitionist
John Randolph
Oliver Hazard Perry
Walt Whitman
William Tecumseh Sherman
Martha Custis Washington
Albert Gallatin
Eleanor Roosevelt
Julia Dent Grant
George B. McClellan
Henry Adams
Montgomery Blair
William Jennings Bryan
Wendell Phillips
Joseph E. Johnston
Alexander H. Stephens
Marquis de Lafayette
Robert F. Kennedy
Stonewall Jackson
George Bancroft
Charles A. Dana
Lewis Cass
Andrew Carnegie
Barack Obama
Robert Todd Lincoln
John Jay
Ralph Waldo Emerson
John Hay
Gideon Welles
William Cullen Bryant
Carl Schurz
Winston Churchill
Henry W. Halleck
John Charles Frémont
George III, King of the United Kingdom
Robert Anderson
John Cabell Breckinridge
Stephen Decatur
Nat Turner
David Dixon Porter
Jubal A. Early
Sojourner Truth
Benjamin F. Butler
Daniel Boone
Thaddeus Stevens
Schuyler Colfax
Braxton Bragg
Henry Dearborn
Henry David Thoreau
Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams
George Armstrong Custer
John Hancock
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Edward Bates
George Gordon Meade
John Marshall, 4th Chief Justice of the United States
Mark Twain
Gouverneur Morris
Joseph Hooker
Ward Hill Lamon
Elbridge Gerry
Tad Lincoln
Barry Goldwater
William Hull
Robert Morris
William S. Rosecrans
Oliver Ellsworth
Robert Toombs
William Wirt
Joseph Holt
Jay Gould
Martin Van Buren
Thomas Macdonough, jr.
David Davis
Henry Kissinger
Nathan Bedford Forrest
David Glasgow Farragut
John Pope
George Mason
John D. Rockefeller
Samuel Adams
Judah P. Benjamin
William Ewart Gladstone
Benjamin Rush
Meriwether Lewis
Charles Francis Adams
William Penn
James Wilson
John Bell
John Jacob Astor
Thurlow Weed
Willie Lincoln
John Marshall
George A. Atzerodt
Thomas Edison
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Ethan Allen
Charles Carroll
Simon Cameron
Nicholas Biddle
Varina Howell Davis
Gustavus Vasa Fox
Orville Hickman Browning
Alexander Haig
Joshua R. Giddings
Henry A. Wise
DeWitt Clinton
Edwin Booth
Joseph K. Barnes
John Winthrop
Junius Brutus Booth
Thomas Hutchinson
Bess Truman
Daniel Shays
Muhammad Ali
Dean Acheson
Henry Lee
Adam Smith
James Speed
Elvis Presley
Harriet Beecher Stowe
David Hunter
William Henry Herndon
Alexis de Tocqueville
George Clinton
Isaac Chauncey
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Isaac Hull
Hannibal Hamlin
John Armstrong, Secretary of War
John Ross
John Locke
Nathaniel P. Banks
Isaac Brock
William Shakespeare
Ambrose E. Burnside
Edmund Randolph
John Sherman
Edward Everett
Dred Scott
Lewis Powell
Donald Trump
Washington Irving
John Coffee
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Clara Harris Rathbone
Howell Cobb
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston
Theodore Parker
John P. Hale
John B. Floyd
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
John Singleton Mosby
John C. Pemberton
Pat Nixon
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Montgomery Meigs
John Bell Hood
Wade Hampton
Leonidas Polk
James Wilkinson
George E. Pickett
Dan Rather
James Fenimore Cooper
Elizabeth Monroe
Clara Barton
Roger Sherman
Archibald Cox
Edward Livingston
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Douglas MacArthur
Ira Harris
John Ehrlichman
John Mitchell
Don Carlos Buell
Henry Wilson
Ely Moore
Jean Lafitte
Napoleon III
Richard S. Ewell
Julia Gardiner Tyler
Robert Fulton
Walter Mondale
James Otis
William Randolph Hearst
Frank James
Thomas T. Eckert
Edward Dickinson Baker
Cotton Mather
John A. Campbell
Edward M. Kennedy
Lucretia Mott
Antonio López de Santa Anna
George Templeton Strong
Henry Ward Beecher
Irvin McDowell
Mamie Eisenhower
P. G. T. Beauregard
Horatio Seymour
Boston Corbett
Zachariah Chandler
Charles Francis Adams, Jr.
James K. Polk
W. E. B. Du Bois
John Taylor
David Herold
Samuel J. Tilden
William Carroll
John Trumbull
Christopher Columbus
David Walker
P. T. Barnum
J. E. B. Stuart
Laura Keene
Philip Hone
Rufus King
Benjamin Franklin Wade
Philip Henry Sheridan
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Noah Brooks
Henry J. Raymond
Winfield Scott Hancock
John B. Magruder
Benjamin Banneker
Mathew Brady
Hubert Humphrey
Frances Wright
Newt Gingrich
Al Gore
John Slidell
Phineas Densmore Gurley
Francis Lieber
Fisher Ames
Thurgood Marshall
Karl Marx
Susan B. Anthony
Andrew Young
Spiro T. Agnew
Christopher C. Augur
Francis Preston Blair
George Prevost
Sally Hemings
Robert M. T. Hunter
John Dickinson
Samuel Slater
Henry Cabot Lodge
Paul Revere
Theodore Sorensen
James Russell Lowell
Charles A. Leale
Harriet Tubman
Rosa Parks
Simón Bolívar
James Longstreet
Colin Powell
Ross Perot
Edgar Allan Poe
Ida Tarbell
John A. Logan
J. Edgar Hoover
Charles Dickens
William Bainbridge
Denmark Vesey
Joseph McCarthy
Mary Wollstonecraft
John Harrison Surratt, Jr.
Francis Preston Blair, Jr.
William James
James B. McPherson
Otto von Bismarck
Saddam Hussein
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Stephen A. Hurlbut
Helen Keller
George McGovern
Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico
Stephen R. Mallory
Oliver Cromwell
Cassius Marcellus Clay
Francis B. Carpenter
John Mason
David Porter
William Pitt the Younger
John Dean
James Oglethorpe
Caspar Weinberger
John Lewis
James Wadsworth
H. R. Haldeman
Vladimir Lenin
Booker T. Washington
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Betty Ford
George M. Dallas
Samuel Gompers
William Morris
Black Hawk
Jacob Brown
Simon Bolivar Buckner
Roger Williams
Mikhail Gorbachev
A. P. Hill
Albert Sidney Johnston
John Kerry
Alexander Cochrane
Gabriel Prosser
Sarah Childress Polk
William Blount
Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt
Grace Coolidge
James Chesnut, Jr.
William Thornton
Thomas Ewing, Jr.
George Wythe
George Wallace
Edith Wilson
Mercy Otis Warren
Nellie Taft
Frederick William Seward
Brigham Young
Clement L. Vallandigham
Gilbert Stuart
Lucy Webb Hayes
James F. Byrnes
Richard M. Johnson
Harriet Lane
Kit Carson
Jane Pierce
Charles Forbes
William Pitt Fessenden
Mary Boykin Chesnut
Samuel B. Arnold
David Dudley Field
Henry Winter Davis
Ralph Nader
Lord Byron
Ho Chi Minh
Asia Booth Clarke
Joseph Gillespie
Jesse Jackson
Benjamin West
Godfrey Weitzel
Noah Webster
William Clark
Joel Barlow
Louis T. Wigfall
Charles Wilkes
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
August Belmont
Henry Reed Rathbone
Dorothea Dix
Edward Porter Alexander
John Adams Dix
Lafayette C. Baker
Patrick Ronayne Cleburne
William H. Crawford
Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur
Preston King
Harry Hawk
Daniel E. Sickles
Adolf Hitler
Preston Brooks
Vine Deloria, Jr.
John Rodgers
Sanford Dole
Robert Ross, British General
Edward Pakenham
Laura Secord
Dean Rusk
Henry Ford
Martha Jefferson Randolph
Nelson Rockefeller
Hernán Cortés
John F. Hartranft
Letitia Christian Tyler
John T. Ford
Alexander Gardner
Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison
Daniel Ellsberg
John Foster Dulles
Alexander Graham Bell
John G. Nicolay
James Kent
James Watson Webb
Samuel Cox, Sr.
Appolonia Dean
John M. Schofield
William Howard Russell
John Russell, 1st Earl Russell
Francis Wayland
Edmund Ruffin
Clement Claiborne Clay
Everton Conger
Timothy Dwight
Stephen D. Lee
Rudy Giuliani
Cyrus B. Comstock
Silas T. Cobb
Maurice Stans
John Sleeper Clarke
John Clarvoe
Ted Cruz
William Westmoreland
Nathaniel Lyon
Tom Wicker
Sir Walter Raleigh
C. Dwight Hess
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom
George H. Thomas
John Fletcher, stable foreman
Red Eagle
William Winder
C. L. Sulzberger
John Sununu
Thomas A. Jones
Maunsell B. Field
George IV, King of the United Kingdom
Reverdy Johnson
Edwin Forrest
Alan Greenspan
Frances Trollope
James R. Ford
Theodore Lyman
G. Gordon Liddy
James P. Ferguson
William S. Jett
Henry Wallace
Richard L. Taylor
Edmund Kirby Smith
Thomas Harbin
James Hemings
Edward P. Doherty
Henry Clay Ford
John Ashcroft
John Sedgwick
Gunning Bedford
Lucy Lambert Hale
Mary Surratt
Franz Sigel
Ellen Ewing Sherman
E. Howard Hunt
Izora Gouldman
Lucy Stone
Samuel Knapp Chester
Robert Rantoul, Jr.
Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton
Augustus Seward
John Newton
Mary Owens
John Forsyth
John F. Parker
Charles Pinckney
Thomas Ritchie
Fitz-John Porter
John Murrin
Edman Spangler
Oliver North
Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor
Abigail Powers Fillmore
Robert King Stone
Eliza Johnson
John Pierpont Morgan
Herman Melville
Lucretia Rudolph Garfield
Frances Clara Cleveland
Michael O'Laughlen
Samuel A. Mudd
George Dewey
William Paterson
Mary Custis Lee
William H. Rehnquist
Terence Powderly
James Reston
David Rockefeller
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Jesse Grant
Samuel Chase
Dick Cheney
George S. Patton
Billy Graham
Robert Treat Paine
Fanny Kemble
Nathaniel Greene
Joseph Stalin
Andrew Oliver
Francis Marion
William Duane
John Hunt Morgan
Caroline Lavinia Harrison
Ida Saxton McKinley
David Kellogg Cartter
Wilmer McLean
Horatio Gates
Robert McFarlane
William H. Bell
Joseph Wheeler
Mary Ann Holmes Booth
Joseph Burroughs
Stand Watie
W. C. Fields
Sterling Price
Gouverneur K. Warren
Boris Yeltsin
Washington Briscoe
Buffalo Bill Cody
Lew Wallace
Sitting Bull
Leonard Wood
Robert Winthrop
Henry Wirz
Robert McNamara
William Wallace
Horace Porter
John Fitch
Florence Harding
William Miller
Eli Whitney
Lou Hoover
Jim Bowie
Lady Bird Johnson
Stephen F. Austin
William Franklin
Victoria Woodhull
George Ashmun
John Atzerodt
Joseph Baden
Absalom R. Bainbridge
Harriet Martineau
George C. Marshall
Strom Thurmond
Luther Byron Baker
Charles Marshall
John McCone
Gerrit Smith
Thomas Smith
Stephen Crane
Medgar Evers
George Henry Evans
John A. Macdonald
John Eaton
William L. Marcy
Michael Dukakis
Winslow Homer
William O. Douglas
Parke Godwin
Henry VIII, King of England
Isaac Newton
Samuel Morse
Fidel Castro
William Lee
William Faulkner
Paul Fannin
William Smith
Cadwallader Colden
Amos Kendall
Stokely Carmichael
Richard Stockton
Edmund Burke
Benjamin Stoddert
McGeorge Bundy
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Fanny Seward
Edward Brooke
Samuel Francis Du Pont
Daniel Drew
John Gregg
William Lowndes Yancey
James Bowdoin
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Samuel G. Howe
Henry Procter
Peter B. Porter
Alexander Macomb
Gordon Drummond
George Cockburn
Nathanael Greene
John McLean
Charles Mason
Andrew Goodman
Herbert Clark Hoover
George Bush
Gerald R. Ford
William Gatewood
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Francis Pickens
Marcus Garvey
Major Ridge
Thomas Gage
Henry Clay Frick
John C. Frémont
Theodore Frelinghuysen
John Hope Franklin
Josiah Quincy
Jacob Thompson
Eric Foner
John Greenleaf Whittier
John McCain
David Wilmot
William Bradford
Richard Yates
Fred Hampton
James Walker
Amy Carter
Charles II, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
Nathaniel Bacon
Joseph Bailey
Francis Channing Barlow
Marquis de Chambrun
Abigail Adams Smith
Theodore Sedgwick
William Scott
James II and VII, King of England, Ireland, and Scotland
Philip Schuyler
Thomas Jefferson Randolph
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
Timothy Pickering
Charles Willson Peale
Angela Davis
Henry Laurens
Sir Walter Scott
Samuel Johnson
Joseph Davis
Edward Coles
William Cobbett
Clement Attlee
Andrew H. Foote
Martha Ballard
Dick Cavett
Benedict Arnold
Sammy Davis, Jr.
Francisco Franco
Thomas Boylston Adams
Allan Pinkerton
Eugene V. Debs
Julian Bond
Jeffrey Amherst
Joshua Barney
Francis Scott Key
Hugh Lawson White
John Armstrong
Joshua Fry Speed
William Dennison
Charles Beard
Bernard Baruch
Ella Baker
J. Rowan Herndon
John Hanks
Les Aspin
Philip Armour
Bowling Green
Mentor Graham
Bob Dylan
Malcolm X
George Forquer
Horatio Greenough
William White
Jesse K. Dubois
Elizabeth Keckly
Samuel W. Crawford
George Jackson
Langston Hughes
Angelina Grimké
Margaret Fuller
Jack Armstrong
Hannah Armstrong
Lee Atwater
Fannie Lou Hamer
John B. Gordon
Robert R. Livingston
Kate Chase Sprague
Richard Henry Lee
Thomas Lincoln
Pierre Charles L'Enfant
James McHenry
George Canning
George Kennan
Thomas Mifflin
Samuel Huntington
Bernie Sanders
Henry Knox
Boss Tweed
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Joseph Story
Edwin Stanton
Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Harold Ickes
Leonard Swett
Rayford Logan
Jay Cooke
Stephen Girard
Dennis Hanks
Marie Antoinette
George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland
Benjamin Lincoln
Henry James
Robert Livingston
Giuseppe Garibaldi
William Walker
William Dean Howells
Roscoe Conkling
Seth Luther
John Langdon
Jesse James
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
Anthony Burns
Michael Schwerner
Mary Lease
Thomas E. Dewey
Jeremiah Dixon
Julia Ward Howe
Richard Helms
Nikita Khrushchev
Theophilus H. Holmes
James G. Blaine
Lyman Trumbull
John D. Johnston
William Simon
Upton Sinclair
Fitzhugh Lee
Henry L. Dawes
Anita Hill
Ralph Emery
Terry Ree
May Rogers
George Lopez
Robert Klein
Vaughn Eaglebar
Jessica H. L. Elm
Danny Elfman
Richard Lyons, 1st Viscount Lyons
JR Redwater
Robert Rogers
Zach Galifianakis
Vic Dunlop
Drew Lacapa
Will Rogers
Hy Gardner
Pete Red Jacket
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Mike Douglas
Thomas Ryan Redcorn
Lizzy Fast Horse
Ringling Brothers
Max Gail
Betty Blake Rogers
Naomi Klein
August V. Kautz
Jeff Foxworthy
Paul Rodriguez
John Ford
Jonny Roberts
George W. Julian
Redd Foxx
Al Franken
Carita Roane
William H. Crook
Hal Roach
Hiram R. Revels
Clem Rogers
Jane Fonda
Jim Rogers
Ben Frommer
Lone Ranger
André-Philippe Gagnon
Mary A. Rogers
Whitelaw Reid
John McArthur
John A. Dahlgren
Frances Miller Seward
John A. Rawlins
Don Rickles
Samuel R. Curtis
Lillie Rosa Minoka-Hill
George Crook
Gregg Deal
Snoop Dogg
Brock Littlechief
Sharice Davids
Craig Lauzon
Smothers Brothers
Jack Davidson
Dave Dedrick
Dan Snyder
Truman Seymour
Eugene A. Carr
Courtney Skye
Jay Silverheels
Jocelyn Littlechief
Walter Lantz
Edward R. S. Canby
Baby Rae Littlechief
Dolores Short
Andrew J. Smith
George Lindsey
David Letterman
Lippy the Lion
John Standing Horse
Curtiss and Tracy
Jay Leno
Norman Lear
Evander McIvor Law
James H. Ledlie
Luther Standing Bear
Drew Dalby
Sylvester Stallone
Will Spottedbear
Sylvanus Cadwallader
Rodney Dangerfield
John Littlechief
Ted Lange
Martin Dies
Jacob D. Cox
Cecil B. DeMille
Danny Littlejohn
Marv Dennis
Soupy Sales
Benjamin M. Prentiss
Sac and Fox
Jim Ruel
Sylvia McAdam Saysewahum
Rowan and Martin
Chester Diablo
Don Diamond
Christopher Lloyd
Thomas Crawford
Will Rogers, Jr.
Benjamin F. Kelley
Daniel Littlefield
Sammy Shore
Garry Shandling
Pauly Shore
William W. Loring
Mitzi Shore
Raphael Semmes
Frank DeKova
Dick Shawn
Mansfield Lovell
Oliver La Farge
Michael Schur
Paul Littlechief
James A. Seddon
Philip Deloria
Fritz Lang
Karen DeLuce
George Schlatter
Buffy Sainte-Marie
Alfred N. A. Duffié
John Lupton
James Junes
Bob Newhart
Joe Namath
Dakota Ray Hebert
Hugh Hefner
J. Carrol Naish
Florence Henderson
Dillon S. Myer
E. A. Hayt
Oliver P. Morton
William J. Hardee
Charlie Hill
Edward R. Murrow
William Mahone
Janis Joplin
Eileen Johnson Hill
Marx Brothers
Ira Hayes
Lenora Hatathlie Hill
Fred Grant
Chief Many Treaties
Rich Hall
Tonia Jo Hall
Buster Keaton
Garbriel Night Shield
Jim Halsey
Lafayette McLaws
Jack Nicholson
James B. Eads
William Nelson
Andy Kaufman
Sally Marr
Benjamin H. Grierson
Trayvon Martin
Argus Hamilton
Matys Brothers
Eddie Murphy
Arsenio Hall
Scott Montoya
Amos Hopkins-Dukes
Charles Mercer
Daniel Hough
Edward Everett Horton
Mighty Mouse
Benjamin H. Hill
James Hovis
Vere Johns
H. L. Mencken
Hunter Brothers
Joseph Mayo
Daniel Harvey Hill
Tom Humphreys
Elaine Miles
Tara Houska
Howie Miller
Paul Mooney
James M. Mason
Simon Moya-Smith
Norbert Hill, Sr.
Thomas J. Morgan
Nasbah Hill
Wayne Maunder
Ralphie May
Isham Haynie
Jim Jones
Jason Jones
Floyd E. Maytubby
Benjamin Hardin Helm
Alexander Hays
Edwin D. Morgan
Grandpa Jones
Norbert Hill, Jr.
William B. Hazen
Bob Hope
Russell Means
Richard J. Oglesby
Edward O. C. Ord
Don Kirshner
Jim Fisk
Buck McKee
James D. Johnston
Alexander Posey
Ken Kesey
Porky Pig
Popeye the Sailor Man
Henry Stuart Foote
Birgil Kills Straight
Edward Platt
Earl Boyd Pierce
Frank Phillips
Regis Philbin
Migizi Pensoneau
Leonard Peltier
Richard McKenzie
Ben McCulloch
Fus Fixico
Tim Giago
Joni Mitchell
Murray W. Garsson
Justin Gauthier
Jason Gavin
Percival Drayton
Loretta Lynn
Jim McCawley
John A. McClernand
Lara Rae
Wiley Post
Anthony Quinn
Matthew D. Ector
Sam Kinison
William McConnell
Richard Pryor
Richard Henry Pratt
Ollie Joe Prater
Hanay Geiogamah
Camille Armand Jules Marie Polignac
Oak Ridge Boys
Guardians of the Oglala Nation
Dick Gregory
Merv Griffin
Andy Griffith
Michael Keaton
D. W. Griffith
George W. Gordon
Larry Omaha
Richard O. Linke
Bob Orben
Deb Haaland
George Manuel
Josiah Gorgas
Tiffany Haddish
Mary Mercer Thompson Ord
Jack O'Brian
J. Pat O'Malley
Dave Madden
Jackie Gleason
Buck Owens
Minnie Pearl
John W. Geary
Alfred Pleasonton
Joe Parnello
Jack Paar
Frank Glicksman
Ryan McMahon
Johnny Otis
Amy Goodman
Jackie Keliiaa
Rube Goldberg
Dallas Goldtooth
Sierra Teller Ornelas
Tom Goldtooth
Samuel Goldwyn
Deanna MAD
Sterlin Harjo
Louisa May Alcott
Jackie Curtiss
Lorenzo Thomas
Babe Ruth
Régis de Trobriand
Alfred Davenport
Dick Morris
Frances Clalin
Ivan the Terrible
Enoch T. Baker
William Waud
Robert J. Walker
Leroy Pope Walker
David E. Twiggs
George Croghan
John van Buren
Monica Lewinsky
William Charles Cole Claiborn
George Izard
Robert Barnwell Rhett, Sr.
Dominique Youx
James Miller
John Ridge
Roger Pryor
Lyndon B. Johnson
Alexander Smyth
J. P. Morgan
Paul O'Neill
John S. Marmaduke
John Livingston
John M. Garrett
Thomas Gibbons
James Hall
Peregrine Davis
Charles H. Davis
Martha Carter
George Shultz
Lucrezia Borgia
Mary Jane Anderson
Cesare Borgia
Peter Wilson
Samuel Mitchell
Wendell Willkie
James Gordon
Sally Tompkins
Leander Stilwell
Karl Rove
Henry H. Sibley
Pat Robertson
Louis XIV, 1638-1715
Carrie Chapman Catt
Robert Smith
Samuel Swartwout
Victor Hugo
Dangerfield Newby
Robert H. Barclay
John J. Hughes
Lewis Tappan
William G. Greene
James Wilson Grimes
Louis Agassiz
James Guthrie
James A. Hamilton
George Whitefield
Horace White
Ozias Mather Hatch
Milton Hay
Archer G. Herndon
Elliott B. Herndon
Adolphe Thiers
James G. Birney
Augustus Saint-Gaudens
William Jayne
Jonathan Russell
Norman B. Judd
Zebulon Montgomery Pike, Jr.
Charles Wilson Peale
William Kirkpatrick
Gustav Koerner
Nancy Hanks Lincoln
Thomas Nelson
Sarah Lincoln Grigsby
Austin Gollaher
William Engle
Amos Lawrence
William L. Dayton
James Lane
Morgan Lewis
Robert Ross
James Yeo
John A. Andrew
Margaret Garner
William Berry
Alice Roosevelt
William Butler
Abner Doubleday
Alexander II, Emperor of Russia
Jefferson C. Davis
Ninian Wirt Edwards
John J. Crittenden
Andrew Crawford
Shelby Moore Cullom
Samuel Colt
Fred Koch
David Koch
Daniel S. Dickinson
Azel W. Dorsey
Daniel Drake
Thomas Drummond
Elizabeth Todd Edwards
William Dunlap
John Lee
John Milton
Adlai Stevenson II
Luis de Onis
James Polk
Nathaniel Pope
William Rector
Henry M. Rice
Alvin Saunders
Peter Stuyvesant
John C. Sullivan
John Sutter
John Hardeman Walker
Thomas Walker
James Smith
James Marshall
William Woods Holden
Earl Warren
John Paul Stevens
Lee Harvey Oswald
Geraldine Ferraro
Elizabeth Abell
Robert Allen
John Roberts
Vincent Bogue
Eliza Caldwell Browning
Richard Lawrence
Roger Miller
Fayette McMullen
William Carpenter
William Ruckelshaus
Joe Frazier
Robert Burns
Patrick Buchanan
Henry M. Jackson
Benjamin Butler
Eugene McCarthy
Salvador Allende
Spiro Agnew
Mao Zedong
Charles Percy
Elliott Richardson
Anwar el-Sadat
Robert Lucas
Moses Austin
John Berkeley
Joseph C. Brown
George Carteret
Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
Thomas Cram
Sidney Edgerton
James Gadsden
Robert Heath
Richard Henderson
James VI and I, King of Scots and King of England
John Calhoun, surveyor of Sangamon County
Peter Cartwright
William Lucas
Mortimer B. Ruggles
Daniel Tompkins
Sundiata Acoli
Jacques Cartier
Mary Ann Turner
Oswell Swann
Anna Surratt
Richard Stuart
Frederick Stone
Joseph B. Stewart
George Frideric Handel
Henry Safford
William Rollins
Edmund Pendleton Gaines
Nicholas Murray Butler
Hartman Richter
Michel Chevalier
Elizabeth Quesenberry
Randolph Peyton
William Petersen
Richard Oglesby
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby
John Matthews
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Daniel D. Tompkins
Louis A. Warren
Charles Chandler
John J. Hardin
Isaac Cogsdale
Henry Enoch Dummer
Jason Duncan
Jacob M. Early
Cyrus Edwards
Abner Y. Ellis
John Ferguson
Orlando Bell Ficklin
Russell Godby
Nancy Green
Isaac Shelby
William Thompson
Margaret Bayard Smith
Samuel Hill
Elijah Iles
Stephen T. Logan
Belle Boyd
James Short
William Claiborne
Coleman Snoot
John Todd Stuart
Lorenzo Dow Thompson
Frederick Jackson Turner
William Morgan
Niccolò Machiavelli
Edward S. Curtiss
Francis Boggs
Sandra Bernhard
Betty Boop
Mike Binder
Steve Binder
Jaime Sommers
Tommy Littlehorse
Joey Bishop
Charlie Blackfeet
Amanda Blackhorse
Monte Blue
Ed Bluestone
Elayne Boosler
Milton Berle
Colten Boushie
Earl Boyd
Sam Boyd
Marlon Brando
J. Ojijatekha Brant-Sera
Buddy Bregman
Lehman Brightman
Rick Bronson
Mel Brooks
Laura Browder
Orlando B. Willcox
Irving Berlin
Polly Bergen
Lucas Brown-Eyes
Lucille Ball
Steve Allen
Allen and Rossi
Jeff Altman
Chad Anderson
Antone and Curtiss
Marc Antone
Fatty Arbuckle
Desi Arnaz
Tex Avery
Chizz Bah
Brian Bahe
Dennis Banks
Jack Benny
Vance Banzo
Herbie Barnes
Roseanne Barr
Isaac N. Arnold
Beach Boys
Cody Bearpaw
Victor Beaumont
Bello and Curtiss
Al Bello
Harry J. W. Belvin
Jane Austen
Dee Brown
Kevin Brownlow
Norman Alden
Frederick Steele
Abel D. Streight
Teresa Choyguha
George Stoneman
Roy Clark
Charles P. Stone
Clifford and Wayne
Joey Clift
Carter L. Stevenson
Iron Eyes Cody
Red Coffee
George M. Cohan
Bud Collyer
Kenny Colman
Sean Connery
Gary Cooper
Irwin Corey
Bob E. Craig
Vincent Craig
Suzy Creamcheese
Ed Cree
Isabel Crocker
Homer Croy
Art Cullison
Maurice Chevalier
Cheech and Chong
Lenny Bruce
George Carlin
Louis Bruce
Gene Buck
Eric Burdon
Don Burnstick
Pat Buttram
Geoffrey Cambridge
Glen Campbell
John G. Walker
John Caponera
James S. Wadsworth
James Waddell
Kitty Carlisle
William Swinton
Emory Upton
Johnny Carson
Johnny Cash
Adrianne Chalepah
Charlie Chaplin
Graham Chapman
George Todd
Larry Charles
Richard Chartrand
Walter Taylor
Dean Chavers
Fred Allen
Thomas Ewing
Henry McHenry
Tony Blair
Beverley Tucker
William Gilmore Simms
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Richard Moore
Marilyn Monroe
Jack Kemp
John Maynard Keynes
Felix Grundy
James Robertson
John Sevier
Julia Taft Bayne
Samuel F. B. Morse
Josiah Crawford
Bruce Herschensohn
David Halberstam
John H. Littlefield
Robert Henry Newell
L. Patrick Gray III
Henry Villard
Sam Ervin
Alfred E. Smith
Elias Boudinot
James Doyle
James Kirke Paulding
John P. Kennedy
Everett M. Dirksen
Katherine Harris
Joseph Medill
John Rolfe
William Apess
Ebenezer Peck
Hiram Powers
Richard Henry Dana
Ann Rutledge
William Collins
George Rogers Clark
William Sprague
William Osborn Stoddard
Barbara Bush
Georges Pompidou
Rosalynn Carter
Al Smith
Hubert H. Humphrey
Boston King
Henry Clinton
David George
George McDuffie
Lucretia Hart Clay
John James Audubon
Washington Allston
Allen Ginsberg
Bob Dole
Lyman Beecher
Roger Ailes
Alexander Kelly McClure
Ella Turner
Paul Hamilton
Benjamin Tappan
Thomas Sumter
William Emmons
George L. Stearns
Theophilus Fisk
James Barron, American naval officer
William Foster
Frederick Law Olmsted
William M. Gouge
Duff Green
John H. Eaton
Lighthorse Harry Lee
Benjamin F. Hallett
Samuel Jones
William Howard
Mark Hanna
David Henshaw
John Brown
Richard Hildreth
Richard Garrett
James Abram Garfield
Abbott and Costello
Karl von Clausewitz
Sam Watkins
Walter Cronkite
Virginia Dare
John Bigelow
Carol Moseley Braun
David Duke
Orestes A. Brownson
Frank Carlucci
Samuel Tilden
Hiram Revels
Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Alexander Butterfield
Henry C. Carey
Homer Plessy
Patrick J. Buchanan
James Lawrence
Duke Ellington
Mary White Ovington
Emmett Till
Ralph Abernathy
Tom Corwin
George Ticknor Curtis
Caleb Cushing
Joseph Alsop
Charles Stewart
Andrew Jackson Donelson
William Lewis
William Clarke Quantrill
Russell Peters
Stan Steiner
John Schroeder
Melancton Smith
Justin H. Smith
John Smith
Henry Nash Smith
Abbot Smith
John Shy
Martin Sherwin
Irwin Shaw
George Bernard Shaw
Nate Shaw
Job Shattuck
Stephen Shalom
James Schlesinger
Morton Sobell
Jonathan Schell
Benjamin Sasway
Jean-Paul Sartre
Margaret Sanger
Anthony Sampson
Andrea Salsedo
Russell Sage
Staughton Lynd
Robert Lynd
Helen Lynd
Alice Lynd
Robert Lowell
Jack London
Ruby Doris Smith
F. A. Sorge
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.
Gustavus Swift
Henry MacNeal Turner
Joseph Tumulty
Dalton Trumbo
William Monroe Trotter
John Todd
Johnnie Tilimon
Lou Tikas
Charles Tiffany
Grace Thorpe
Studs Terkel
Maxwell Taylor
Frederick W. Taylor
Georgia Lee Tatum
Linda Stout
August Spies
I. F. Stone
John Stockwell
James Stillman
Richard Steinke
John Steinbeck
Herbert Stein
Lincoln Steffens
Franklin Buchanan
Leland Stanford
Julia Spruill
Joel Spring
Alexander Spotswood
Benjamin Spock
J. W. Loguen
Kenneth Lockridge
Dale Van Every
Cordell Hull
Herman Kahn
Claude Julien
Matthew Josephson
June Jordan
Pope John Paul II
Aunt Molly Jackson
Francis Jennings
Maynard Jackson
Molly Ivins
Rhys Isaac
Akira Iriye
Howard Hunt
Aldous Huxley
Nathan Huggins
Marvin L. Michael Kay
Hosea Hudson
Michael Howard
Morton Horwitz
Harry Hopkins
Richard Hofstadter
Ronald Hoffman
Dirk Hoerder
Ethan Allen Hitchcock
James J. Mill
Christopher Hill
Howard Hiatt
Mark Hertsgaard
Seymour Hersh
Irving Kaufman
Eartha Kitt
Henry Demarest Lloyd
Leonard Lehrmann
Arthur Link
Louis Lingg
Sinclair Lewis
Mollie Lewis
Leonard Levy
Howard Levy
Lawrence Levine
Julius Lester
Meridel LeSueur
Wassily Leontief
James T. Lemon
Robert Lekachman
Benjamin Leisler
John Lehman
Richard Kleindienst
Richard Lee
Owen Lattimore
Aubrey Land
Robert LaMonte
Fiorello La Guardia
Robert La Follette
Walter Lafeber
Peter Kropotkin
Irving Kristol
Joyce Kornbluh
Hans Koning
Gabriel Kolko
Peter Kolchin
Arthur Vandenberg
Robert Vesco
James Henretta
Gary B. Nash
Peter Oliver
Kate Richards O'Hare
Arnold Offner
Richard Oakes
Sam Nunn
Marion Nowack
Robert Novak
Frank Norris
Manuel Noriega
Huey P. Newton
Gaylord Nelson
Carver Neblett
Victor Navasky
Luigi Nardella
John O'Sullivan
Gustavus Myers
A. J. Muste
Frank Munsey
Lewis Mumford
Gerald Mullin
Peg Mullen
Mary Moylan
Bob Moses
Richard Morris
Samuel Eliot Morison
Edmund Morgan
Tom Mooney
David Montgomery
Richard Olney
Roi Ottley
Gottlieb Mittelberger
A. Philip Randolph
James Roosevelt
Michael Rogin
William Rockefeller
John Robinson
Paul Robeson
Adrienne Rich
Robert Remini
Erich Maria Remarque
John Reed
J. Saunders Redding
George L. Record
George Rawick
Jeannette Rankin
Norman Pollack
Thomas Nelson Page
Francisco Pizarro
Frances Piven
Douglas Pike
Pablo Picasso
Ulrich Phillips
Kevin Phillips
Edward Pessen
George W. Perkins
Ben Patterson
Matthew Paterson
Albert Parsons
Christabel Pankhurst
Radhabinod Pal
Moctezuma II
Richard Minear
Henry Vincent
Sumner Welles
Samuel Worcester
C. Vann Woodward
Stewart Woodford
Lawrence Wittner
James Q. Wilson
Edmund Wilson
Darryl B. Wilson
Charles E. Wilson
William Appleman Williams
Robert Wiebe
Walter White
Burton Wheeler
Barbara Welter
James Weinstein
Margaret Wright
Jon Wiener
Simone Weil
John Weems
James Weaver
William Weatherby
Anthony Wayne
Tom Watson
Wilcomb Washburn
John Wall
Margaret Walker
Charles R. Walker
Virgil Vogel
Fred Vinson
Richard Wright
Marilyn Young
C. Wright Mills
Charles Macune
Walter Millis
Samuel Miller
Douglas Miller
Arthur Miller
Marvin Meyers
James Mellon
Andrew Mellon
Paul Mattick
Mary Musgrove Matthews
Robert Manning
Jackson Main
Pauline Maier
A. T. Mahan
James McPherson
Thomas Young
William G. McLoughlin
Archibald MacLeish
Floyd McKissick
Cynthia McKinnon
Claude McKay
John McNaughton
Dwight Macdonald
James McCord
Elizabeth McAlister
Elizabeth Martinez
Ferdinand Marcos
David MacMichael
Arthur MacArthur
Angelo Herndon
Ernest Hemingway
Theodore Rosengarten
Bernard Bailyn
Barton Bernstein
Alexander Berkman
Victor Berger
Margaret Benston
Gwendolyn Bennett
Bernard Bellush
Andrew Belcher
Donald Barlett
Richard Barnet
John Barbot
George Ball
Samuel Baldwin
Hanson Baldwin
William Bagley
Philip Berrigan
Herman Badillo
Tariq Aziz
Philip Avillo
Crispus Attucks
Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Herbert Aptheker
Gar Alperovitz
Elliot Abrams
Emma Willard
John Sweeney
Jerry Sousa
Pete Seeger
Julius Rosenberg
Daniel Berrigan
Rowland Berthoff
Óscar Romero
David J. Brewer
Bruce Catton
Albert Camus
William Calley
William Byrd
John Burgess
Herbert Brownell
William Garrott Brown
Sam Brown
Robert E. Brown
Harold Brown
Antoinette Brown Blackwell
Heywood Broun
Carl Bridenbaugh
William Brennan
Albert Beveridge
Bill Breeden
Jeremy Brecher
Fred Branfman
William Brandon
Louis Brandeis
Luis Brandaon
Randolph Bourne
Raymond Bonner
Dorothy Bolden
Michael Blumenthal
Allan Bloom
Eula Bingham
Warren Billings
Ethel Rosenberg
Patricia Robinson
Zechariah Chafee
John Page
Joan Baez
Mumia Abu-Jamal
King Philip, Sachem of the Wampanoags
William Van Ness
William Tudor
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
William Short
John Rutledge
Richard Rumbold
Maria Reynolds
Joseph Priestley
Nathaniel Pendleton
James Jackson
David Barsamian
David Hume
David Hosack
Philip Hamilton
William Duer
Tench Coxe
Pierce Butler
Edward Braddock
John Beckley
James Bayard
Abraham Baldwin
Benjamin Franklin Bache
Joseph Addison
Pierre L'Enfant
Polly Baker
Catharine Beecher
Malvina Reynolds
Betty Friedan
Jessica Mitford
Sid Mills
Jonathan Kozol
Ron Kovic
George Kistiakowsky
Mother Jones
Ivan Illich
Anne Hutchinson
Harriot Hunt
Abbie Hoffman
Joe Hill
Sarah Grimké
Emma Goldman
Jocelyn Elders
Edward Bellamy
Barbara Ehrenreich
Marian Wright Edelman
Mary Dyer
Ngo Dinh Diem
George Denison
Noam Chomsky
César Chávez
Bartolomé de las Casas
Susan Brownmiller
Anne Braden
Amelia Bloomer
Elizabeth Blackwell
Roy Benavidez
William Chafe
Edgar Chamorro
Joseph Heller
Nicholas Gage
Henry Gonzalez
John Golden
Harry Gold
Henri Giraud
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Joshua Giddings
Marvin Gettleman
Henry George
Eugene Genovese
Willard Gaylin
Elbert Gary
Lloyd Garner
Hamlin Garland
Paul Fussell
Henry Grady
Carlos Fuentes
Isaac Friend
George Franklin
William Z. Foster
Thomas Fortune
Randall Forsberg
Grant Foreman
Ford Madox Ford
Philip Foner
Robert Fogel
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Eleanor Flexner
Benjamin Fletcher
Lawrence Goodwyn
Thomas Grantham
Marlin Fitzwater
James Hammond
Joel Tyler Headley
Big Bill Haywood
Tom Hayden
Vaclav Havel
Bret Harte
Patricia Harris
E. H. Harriman
Averell Harriman
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Samuel Harp
John Harlan
Yip Harburg
Mar Hanna
Richard Hamilton
James Green
Alonzo Hamby
Robert Allan
Mauritz Haligren
Bolton Hall
Douglas Haig
Bernard Gwertzman
Herbert Gutman
Leslie R. Groves
William Grover
Richard Grenville
William Greider
David Greenglass
Jack Greene
H. M. Flagler
Emerson Fite
Landon Carter
Marvel Cooke
Merle Curti
Countee Cullen
Herbert Croly
Hector St. John de Crevecouer
George Creel
James Crawford
Thomas Crafts
E. Merton Coulter
Nancy Cott
Ezra Cornell
Margaret Corbin
John Copeland
Richard Cooper
Russell Conwell
Clarence Darrow
Robert Conot
William P. Connery
Paul Conkin
John Commons
John Collier
Robert Coles
William Harvey Coin
Thomas Cochran
Richard Cloward
Lucinda Cisler
Henry Christman
Shirley Chisholm
James Chancy
Marcus Daly
Basil Davidson
John Fiske
Ralph Easley
Adolph Fischer
Shulamith Firestone
Sidney Fine
Henry Feingold
Harold Faulkner
James Farmer
Rowland Evans
Joseph Ettor
Stanley Engerman
George Engel
Stanley Elkins
Max Eastman
Crystal Eastman
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Benjamin Davis
James Duke
Robert Drinan
Elizabeth Drew
Charles Drew
Theodore Dreiser
John Dos Passos
Thomas Dorr
Ignatius Donnelly
Chauncey Depew
Carl Degler
Luke Day
Alan Dawley
Hugh Davis
Elihu Root
James Steele
Harry Rositzke
Britten A. Hill
Roy Wilkins
Sammy Tone-Kei White
Floyd Westerman
Clarence Wesley
Joe Welch
Jack Webb
Master Karlh Wayne
Muriel Waukazoo
Midge Williams
Clyde Warrior
Michael Henry
Kelcy Warren
LaNada War Jack
Oliver Wolcott
Thomas M. Harris
Amy M. Ware
Hank Williams
Joseph Warren
Raoul Walsh
Charles Witbeck
Elihu Adams
Marc Yaffee
Gretchen Wyler
Link Wray
Charles Adams
Ed Wood
Dennis Wolfberg
Jonathan Winters
Robin Williams
Daniel Carroll
Nathaniel P. Tallmadge
Flip Wilson
Dick Wilson
Bradley T. Johnson
Bobby Wilson
Williams and Rees
Samuel Ward
James Blair
James A. Hardie
Joseph Adams
Thomas A. Hendricks
Mel Tillis
Simon Gavacan
Chief Thundercloud
Three Stooges
Richard H. Garrett
Bobbi Jean Three Legs
Jim Thorpe
Barnard E. Bee
Tom and Jerry
Hunter S. Thompson
Honora Fitzpatrick
Benjamin F. Ficklin
John J. Pershing
Patrick Thomas
James Bennett
James Gordon Bennett
Mel Thom
Zachariah W. Gemmill
James J. Gifford
James C. Hall
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
Kateri Walker
Jimmie Walker
Dan Walker
John Greenawalt
Thomas Green
Julia Gouldman
Jesse Gouldman
Lindsay Wagner
Henry W. Allen
Nick Vanoff
Dave Tyree
Tina Turner
Ike Turner
Ernie Tsosie
John Trudell
Bill Tracy
George Washington Adams
Ben Yagoda
Charles A. Dunham
Joseph Galloway
Samuel Young
John Hall
Crazy Horse
Rembrandt Peale
William Branch Giles
John Ericsson
Thomas Pickney
Philip Freneau
Frederick Robinson
Charles James Fox
Benjamin Lundy
John Dunlap
James Duane
James Murray Mason
Hugh Williamson
Josiah Quincy, Jr.
Levi Woodbury
Francis Hopkinson
Stephen Van Rensselaer
William Kent
Louis XVI, King of France
Arthur Lee
Joseph Smith
Thomas Lynch
Thomas McKean
Jacob Collamer
William Maclay
Gilbert Vale
Jean-Antoine Houdon
Stephen Simpson
John Paul Jones
Michael Shiner
Alice Rossi
Theodore Sedgwick, Jr.
Mike Walsh
David Humphreys
Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson
Silas Deane
William Davie
Jerry Zucker
William Leggett
Abbott Lawrence
John Bartram
James Franklin
Ezra Stiles
Cave Johnson
David Zucker
Henny Youngman
John Shaw
Chauncey Yellow Robe
Tito Ybarra
Jonathan Dayton
Peter Adams
Charles Thomson
Rhiana Yazzie
Isaih Yazzie
Thomas Truxtun
Thomas A. Scott
Zabdiel Boylston
Caleb Strong
George Read
Francis Dana
Thomas Morris
William Crawford
William Cranch
David Rittenhouse
John Singleton Copley
Samuel Cooper
Caesar Rodney
Locke, John, 1632-1704
John Clark
Albert Gallatin Riddle
Anne Royall
Richard Rush
Edward Rutledge
John Burgoyne
Elijah P. Lovejoy
Charles Darwin [Charles Robert: 1809-1882]
Andrew Ellicott
Paul Winchell
Richard Cobden
Robert Bruce, King of Scots
Finis L. Bates
William Jones
Mary Devlin
Nelson W. Aldrich
Joel Chandler Harris
Junius Brutus Booth, Jr.
David Dana
Walter S. Cox
George Cottingham
Deanne Stillman
William Bennett
James G. Blunt
Clarence Thomas
George W. Bunker
Allan Stephen
Henry L. Burnett
James Iredell
John W. Clampitt
Fred Stone
Nancy Reagan
Frederick A. Aiken
Thomas Nelson Conrad
Ed Sullivan
William T. Clark
William C. Cleary
Joshua Humphreys
Adam Badeau
Benito Mussolini
Thomas Fortune Ryan
James Wilson [signatory of the Declaration of Independence]
Joseph E. Brown
John Poindexter
John Floyd, 1769 - 1839
Henry Kyd Douglas
Augustus W. Bradford
William E. Doster
David B. Birney
John A. Bingham
Thomas Flournoy
Eugene V. Rostow
Samuel Barron
John Bright
Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin
Ezra W. Abbott
Sam Rayburn
Jon Stewart
Jack Ryan
Anthony Russo
Dustin Tahmahkera
William Weatherford
Arturo Vasquez
Marcos Shake
Philip Uzielli
Charles Totemoff
David Rowsch
John Lothrop Motley
Samuel Mercer
Joe Trento
William Starr Myers
Frances Miller
Walker Roche
Timothy O'Sullivan
Tempest Storm
Louis Napoleon
Mary Spink
Michael Springmann
J. Leavitt
Lenora Stewart
Jaime Wolf
Joseph Stiglitz
Samuel Phillips Lee
Lawrence Summers
José Limantour
Benson J. Lossing
Peter Sutherland
Bob Torricelli
Mark Swedlund
Sarah Dunlop Ludlow
Michael Taylor
Thelos Auburn
William Lyon Mackenzie
Rodolfo Terragno
Terry Thorn
Sharonus Wayne
Marlene Thorogood
Manton Marble
Cyndos Thomlinson
Hunter Thompson
Neil Volder
Anthony Pryor
Pete Wilson
Fredda Weinberg
Casper Weinberger
Stuart Weir
Thomas Hart Benton, Senator
André B. Roman
Mark Weisbrot
Jack Welch
Willie D. Whiting
Willie J. Whiting
Michael Wildes
John P. Sanderson
Vin Weber
Peter Windsor
James Wolfensohn
Robert C. Schenck
Edward Wolff
Carl Wood
James Woodle
Sam Wyly
Daphne Wysham
Anthony York
Louis S. Hargous
Dr. Dre
William Webster
Rhonda Snord
Ann Venamin
Bailey Payton
William Noyes Curtis
Dennis Maltesta
Adrian Macleod
Anibal Veron
John Verrall
George Opdyke
Javier Vial
James L. Orr
Mary Lawson
John L. Orr
Lord John Wakeham
Nick Weber
Arnold Ling
Samuel C. Pomeroy
Troy Walker
Lori Wallach
James Ford Rhodes
Charlotte Deblois
Ed Wallis
Sam Walton
William A. Graham
Cranston Snord
Lucius Robinson
Samuel Soria
Oliver Shykles
Jim Lane
Ann Richards
Vladimir Putin
Philip Randall
Simeon Draper
Gilbert Regaldo
Charles Eames
Linda Regaldo
Janos Marik
Robert Reich
Harry Reid
John Rex
Wayne Waco
Len Ritter
Jonathan Powell
Clayton Roberts
Emerson Etheridge
A. Willis Robertson
William M. Evarts
Samuel Sneede
Geoffrey Robinson
Catherine Garniss
John A. Gilmer
Ali Rodriguez
John Malvinson
Zhu Rongji
John Prescott
Pedro Pou
Etta Rosado
Geoff Norris
Daniel Murphy
William Musa
Martin J. Crawford
Perver Musharraf
George Nelson
Alexander Cummings
Agnes Nichols
Don Nickles
Abdul Latif Nizamani
Andrew Gregg Curtin
Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
Randall Oliphant
Theo Polasek
Oscar Olivera
Greg O'Neill
Jerrold Oppenheim
William E. Dodge
Bob Ortega
David Pallister
Jaime Pasamora
Kenneth Payne
Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Augusto Pinochet
Jake Walmar
Violet Gist
Dudley S. Gregory
Danuta Soderman Pfeiffer
Robert Zoellick
Claiborne Jackson
Danny Schecter
Rene Schneider
Amartya Sen
Robert Shapiro
Kerlin Ward
Tim Sharp
David Shayler
Anjali Sheffrin
William Jay
George Washington Julian
Misha Auburn
Jacob Schaulsohn
Glenn Simpson
Bill Sizemore
Chuck Smith
Horatio King
Samuel Knox
Dee Smith
Patrick Smith
Nicholas Kerensky
Guy Snowdon
Henry S. Lane
Aleksandr Kerensky
Malcolm Ives
Ellen M. Hutchinson
Thomas Mahon
Alan Rusbridger
James Rose
Frank Rosen
Matilda Gresham
Albert Bushnell Hart
Robin Ross
David B. Hill
Dave Ruppe
Thomas Hillhouse
John T. Hogeboom
Samuel Hooper
William T. Goldsborough
Eddie Sadlowski
Randall Hunt
Howard Safir
Lord Sainsbury
Ignazio Salvatierra
Anna Howard
Terry Malvinson
Ion Sancho
John Joseph Hughes, 1st Archbishop of New York
Carlos Santillan
Shalimar Windall
Thomas Saporito
Joshua Wolf
Rudolph Schleiden
Rufus P. Spalding
J. W. Schuckers
Anson Hurd
Asa Gray
Edwin Stoughton
A. M. Stewart
Mrs. Nathaniel Greene
Rose O'Neal Greenhow
James Henry Hammond
Herman Haupt
Fort Henry
Judith Henry
James Hope
John Summerfield Staples
James Streshly Jackson
Warren Goss
William Jaquin
Edwin Jennison
Walter Jolley
Hercules Stannard
William F. Smith
Philip Kearny
Charles E. King
Charles F. Smith
Newton Knight
Charles A. Smith
W. Delos Lake
Lucius Quntus Lamar
Jesse Grant II
J. G. Gilchrist
James H. Lane
Daniel Ullmann
Richard Dana
Annie Davis
Jefferson Davis, Jr.
Elizabeth Van Lew
Sam Davis
Theodore R. Davis
Catherine Thomson Hogarth Dickens
A. L. P. Valrin
Theodore F. Upson
Elmer E. Ellsworth
Albert Ely
George Ticknor
James E. Gibson
Dan Emmett
James Fisk, junior
David L. Thompson
Christian A. Fleetwood
Susie King Taylor
Kate Foote
Allen Tate
Shelby Foote
Jerry Sullivan
Edwin Forbes
Theodore Gerrish
Henry B. Strong
Robert Gould Shaw
W. E. G. Shanks
Sam A. Cooley
J. Pierpont Morgan
George Washington Custis Lee
Danville Leadbetter
William Thompson Lusk
Arthur MacArthur, Jr.
Darius King
Daniel McCallum
Ellen Marcy McClellan
Mrs. Philip Phillips
John R. Meigs
John Stuart Mill
Claude E. Minié
Philip Myers
William H. Phillips
J. C. Nolt
William Norris
Beverley Kennon
Thomas F. Perly
William L. Nugent
Frank P. Peak
Edmund P. Kennedy
John Kelley
Kamehameha III
Eli Parker
William C. Oates
Johannes A. Oertel
Henry Lockwood
John A. Lockwood
Loomis L. Langdon
Elisha Hunt Rhodes
Tom Scott
Black Horse Harry Lee
George Jones
Mary Livermore
John Schofield
Andrew J. Russell
Washington Roebling
John Rock
Elizabeth Lindsay Lomax
John H. Maffitt
James W. Ripley
Spotswood Rice
Charles Bennet Ray
Andrew K. Long
Alexander Slidell McKenzie
Sallie Putnam
Sarah Scott Lloyd Lowndes
J. Woods Price
Charles Lowndes
Louis Philippe
Samuel M. Pook
Thaddeus S. C. Lowe
Baptista Lorino
Thomas ap Catesby Jones
George F. Polley
Gideon J. Pillow
Samuel Curtis
Philip St. George Cooke
Little Turtle
Isaac Toucey
James M. Winchell
Elizabeth Thompson
George Clarke
Codwallader Colden
John Dickenson
Snowshoe Thompson
Jonathan Edwards
Theodore Tilton
Catherine Ferguson
John Francis
Isabella Graham
Adoniram Judson
Benjamin Church
Evaline Fawcett
Ann Judson
Samuel Kirkland
Rebecca Motte
Lindley Murray
Harriet Newell
John T. Trowbridge
Stephen Olin
William Wales
Adolph Sutro
William Pinkney
Julia Baldwin
Philip F. Thomas
William Channing
Rufus Putnam
Alexander Dickson
William Eustis
Harry Comstock
Jean Laffite
Caleb Blood Smith
Eliza Ann Smith
William Moultrie
Pierre Soulé
Charles Woodmason
Verona Baldwin
George Grenville
S. W. Owen
Edmund Clarence Stedman
George Robert Gleig
Matthew Carey
John Keane
John Lambert
Simon Stevens
A. Lacarriere Latour
Lewis Robards
John Astor
Jennie Dexter Baldwin
John Audobon
Thomas Baldwin
Eduard de Stoeckl
Hosea Ballou
Edwin V. Sumner
A.H. Lissak
David Ramsay
Charles Coffin
Silas C. Buck
William E. West
Mary Ann Bickerdyke
Reed Brockway Bontecou
John Boston
William Merrick Bristol
Sallie Broadhead
Judith Brockenbrough
Alfred Waud
Thomas Warrick
Sir Denis Brogan
Richard Norris Brooke
Robert Penn Warren
John Wool
Ferdinand Ward
William H. L. Wallace
John Buford
Anne Wallace
G. G. Walker
James Bulloch
William Carney
Henry Walke
John Jay Chapman
John Clem
Thomas R. R. Cobb
James I. Waddell
John J. Williams
Anna Mary Young
William Unruh
Headless Horseman
William Baldwin
Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford of the Holy Roman Empire
Stephen Van Rensellaer
Mason Weems
Anita Baldwin
Phillis Wheatley
George W. Harrison
George W. Baldwin
Robert E. Hooe
Louise Perkins
Elias J. "Lucky" Baldwin
Mary Clemmer Ames
Diedrich Knickerbocker
Jesse Bowman Young
William 'Bloody Bill' Anderson
David Atchison
Ichabod Crane
Robert B. Warden
John Murray II
William Inman
Sullivan Ballou
William Barksdale
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Stephen Vincent Benét
Anthony Berger
Robert E. Johnston
Rupert Murdoch
Trent Lott
Samuel Sullivan 'Sunset' Cox
Madeleine Albright
Robert Witherspoon
Gunning Bedford, Jr.
John Scott Harrison
Hiram Ulysses Grant
Julia Grant
Lucy Ware Webb Hayes
Lucretia Garfield
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Claudia Taylor Johnson
Floyd Abrams
Kenneth Adams
Cornelia Bell Paterson
Nancy Alexander
Edward Winslow
Rachel Bird Wilson
William Blackstone
Mohammed Al Khilewi
Roger Alton
LaNell Anderson
Manny Aragon
Hank Asher
Bruce Babbitt
James Baker III
Kathleen Baker
Will Baker
Abdulah Bakhash
Ed Balls
Hugo Banzer
Mary Brewster Beach Johnson
Anne Williams
Maude Barlow
John Owen
Mary Alsop King
Edward Kershaw
John Lancaster
Sean Lyons
Bill MacDonald
Maria Apthorpe Williamson
Robert Macfarlane
Thomas Darcy McGee
Thomas Morton
Henry Baldwin
Maureen O'Donnell
Jim O'Neill
Ruth Barlow Baldwin
Egan O'Rahilly
Edward Phillips
Richard Weston
George Washington Plunkitt
Jean Balfour Blair
Daniel Ridgeway
James Rous
Ann Ennals Bassett
Samuel Sidney
John Siney
Captain John Smith
Anne Beach Johnson
Elizabeth Sprigs
Richard Bassett
James Stephens
Jonathan Swift
Gabriel Thomas
John Blair
Ben Barnes
Ian Keown
Bob Butterworth
Cedric Brown
Gordon Brown
Norman O. Brown
George Bruder
Tanzania Bulyanhulu
George H. Bush
Jeb Bush
Neil Bush
Prescott Bush
Miguel Bustamante Madriz
David Butler
Mary Cadwalader Dickinson
Margaret Allison Caldwell McHenry
David Russell Butler Jr.
Charles Calomiris
Richard Butler
Alastair Campbell
Starlet Cannon
Janet Catabelli
Mariah Carey
Pedro Carmona
Rebecca Call Gorham
William J. Casey
Domingo Cavallo
Hugo Chávez
Martin Fagan
Pepe Fanjul
Eleanor Carroll
Daniel Fessler
Janet Finn
Tom Brokaw
Samuel Brittan
Antony Barnett
Khalid bin Mahfour
Juan Barreto
Oscar Barrios
Mary Grainger Blount
James R. Bath
Khalifa Ahmad Bazelya
Thomas Blount
Margaret Beckett
Mary Francis Berry
Benazir Bhutto
David Brearly
Abdullah bin Laden
Omar bin Laden
Osama bin Laden
Salim bin Laden
Teel Bivins
Leon Brittan
Rachel Pierce Broom
Wayne Brinkley
Martin Bright
Lewis Bredow
Mary Middleton Butler
Richard Branson
David Bositis
Jacob Broom
Elizabeth Mullen Brearly
Christopher Bond
Earlene Blake
Elizabeth Higbee Brearly
Morton Blackwell
Helen Blackwell
Viking Bjork
Levi Allen
Joseph P. Kennedy
Eduardo Frei
George Bomford
Alexander Cornells
Richard J. Ellis
Jim Cornells
William Henry Allen
Josiah Francis
Benjamin Hawkins
Joseph Bainbridge
High Head Jim
Albert James Pickett
Sir Alexander Ball
Maj. John Pitchlyn
David Tate
Gen. Thomas S. Woodward
Dr. John Bullus
James Morone
John Surman Carden
Hannah van Buren
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
William Crane
Benjamin Crowninshield
Ellen Wilson
Ann Decatur
Ann Pine Decatur
James Bruce Decatur
Jane Barron
Stephen Decatur, sr.
William Johnson
Susan Wheeler Decatur
Bushrod Washington
Ferdinand L. Claiborne
J. David Greestone
Joseph W. Martin
Clay Duncan
Happy Boy
Wee Willie Weehawken
Palomino Sue
Big Warrior
Christopher P. Wolcott
George W. Woodward
John Young
John Jolly
George Guess
Jesse Chisholm
Seymour Martin Lipset
Maj. Jeremiah Austill
Sam Maverick
Capt. Dixon Bailey
Maj. Daniel Beasley
Henry Highland Garnet
Red Jacket
Edward Ball
Henry Morrison Flagler
Pedro de Avilés Menéndez
Ponce de Leon
Col. James Caller
Col. Joseph Carson
Stephen Douglas
Samuel P. Huntington
Joseph G. Cannon
John McCormack
Ira Allen
John Doyle
Morris Birkbeck
William Blake
Hugh Boulter
John Cabot
William Chambers
Titus Cranshaw
Robert H. Milroy
Nicholas Cummins
Robert Patterson
John Darroch
Mary Darroch
John Davies
Stephen de Vere
James Shields
Matthew Farrar
Luke Bentley
William Faux
John Fisher
Young, Brigham, 1801–1877
James Hoban
John F. Fitzgerald
W. E. Forster
Vere Foster
John Griscom
Richard Hakluyt
John Hammond
John Hughes
Henry Johnson
Francis Alison
Mary Harris Jones
Robert Beverley
Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey
Tip O'Neill
Charles Morris
Jesse Duncan Elliott
Charles Gordon
Thomas Brackett Reed
Thomas Masterman Hardy
Catherine "Kitty" Harper
Robert Goodloe Harper
Howard W. Smith
Bashaw Yusuf Karamanli
Jim Wright
Francis P. Blair
John C. Calboun
George Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen
Edward "Ned" Latimer
Albert, Prince Consort
Alexander Murray
William Bell
George Curtis
Munroe, James
Gallatin, Albert
Castlereagh, Viscount Robert Stewart
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
Bathurst, Earl Henry
Adams, John Quincy
Prevost, Lt General Sir George
Lewis A. Armistead
Luke Wheeler
Littleton Waller Tazewell
Robert Barraud Taylor
Napoleon Bonaparte Buford
William Shaler
Edward Preble
Frank Fisher
John Carroll
Greg Munson
Stephen P. Lee
Pascal Lamy
James Fagan
Ken Langone
Edward Laumann
Loyall Farragut
Ben Laurance
Franklin Gardner
Cuvier Grover
Andrew Hickenlooper
Edward Higgins
George N. Hollins
Alvin P. Hovey
Orion Howe
Thomas B. Huger
Samuel H. Lockett
Sally Kvasnikoff Ash
George W. Morgan
William B. Mumford
Neal Lawson
Peter J. Osterhaus
Thomas O. Selfridge, Jr.
Horace Sherman
Thomas W. Sherman
Willy Sherman
John A. Stevenson
Earl Van Dorn
Ephraim D. Adams
Appoline Alexander
Gamaliel Bailey
Stephen D. Mallory
Art Laffer
William Emory
James Barbour
Charles Davis
Thomas Willing
Robert Yates
John Breckinridge
John S. Bowen
Isaac N. Brown
Horst Kohler
George Washington Cable
Nikolas Kompkoff
Thomas T. Craven
Paul Kompkoff
Marcellus M. Crocker
Ted Koppel
Lee Koppelman
Edward Malcolm Korry
Isabelle M. Davis
Richard Ellet
David Kowalczyk
Johnson K. Duncan
Alfred W. Ellet
Charles R. Ellet, Jr.
Ray Kroc
Charles Rivers Ellet
Edward C. Ellet
Anne Krueger
Henry Ellet
James Howard Kunstler
Robert Kuttner
Jack A. Ellet
Vincent Kvasnikoff
John R. Ellet
Frederic Bancroft
Samuel M. L. Barlow
Charles G. Koch
Lord Milner
Julia Davenport Coalter
Richard McDonald
John Cochrane
Wallace McDonald
Cynthia McKinney
Mark McKinnon
Cisco McSorley
Jon Mendelsohn
Carlos Menem
Dave Miliband
Ed Miliband
Margaret Miller
John Conness
Karl Milner
Bucky Mitchell
John J. Cisco
Hiroaki Mitsuya
Mobutu Sese Seko
Jim Bob Moffett
Alicia Montgomery
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
Lisa Moonan
Stephen Moore
Stanley Morgan
John Covode
Sandra Mortham
Janet Mudrow
Edgar Cowan
Brian Mulroney
Peter Munk
Maurice McDonald
L. E. Chittenden
Kenneth Lay
Stephen Littlechild
James Lee
Hiram Barney
Matthew Lee
David Leigh
Steve Letbetter
Jeremiah S. Black
Elaine Levenson
R. M. Blatchford
John M. Botts
Roger Liddle
Judy Liebert
Carl Lindner
Daryl Lindsey
Tundu Lissu
Lawrence Littwin
Sherrie Mayernik
Edward C. Carrington
Nicholas Mayernik
William E. Chandler
Mark Mauer
Jeffrey Manza
Adolf Lundin
Paul Lukasiak
B. Gratz Brown
Liz Lloyd
Ben Lucas
Amory Lovins
Jamie Love
Robert J. Breckinridge
Samuel Bowles
George S. Boutwell
Charles Willing
Lawrence Washington
Abraham Clark
Elizabeth Pettit Ingersoll
Andrew Hackett
Nathaniel Gorham
Charles Hamel
Hannah Gray Wilson
Elizabeth Grimke Rutledge
Elizabeth Hartwell Sherman
Steve Hanke
William C. Houston
Michael Hansen
William Houstoun
Arnold Harberger
Jared Ingersoll
Mark Hatcher
Jared Ingersoll, Sr.
William Jackson
Susannah French Livingston
J. Franklin Jameson
Margaret Haydon
Tawanna Hayes
Daniel Jenifer
Joe Hazelwood
James Hermiller
Randall Higginbotham
Sean Higginbotham
William Samuel Johnson
William Lambert
Jim Hightower
Beverly Hill
Elizabeth Sherburne Langdon
John Lansing, Jr.
Nicholas Gilman, Jr.
Deborah Read Franklin
Wu Hongda
Samuel Dickinson
Milton Friedman
David C. Claypool
Thomas Friedman
George Clymer
Ralph Garcia
Bill Gates
Elizabeth Meredith Clymer
Melinda Gates
Harold Geneen
Anthony Giddens
Gary Gilman
William R. Davie
Carlo Giuliani
Elias Dayton
Mary Norris Dickinson
Andy Groh
George Gordaoff
Clifford Groh
Carol Griffin
Thomas Fitzsimons
Catherine Meade Fitzsimons
William Few
Boyden Gray
Ron Goldstein
Sharon Diggs
Bernard Goldberg
Catherine Nicholson Few
Arthur Goldberg
Phyllis Glazer
Thomas Fairfax, 6th Lord Fairfax of Cameron
David Glass
Christopher Hitchens
Jerome Horowitz
Rich Kinder
Gertrude Ross Till Read
Klaus Janberg
Thomas Johnson
Edmund Pendleton
Oliver Phelps
William Pierce
Mary Stead Pinckney
Rebecca Prescott Sherman
Maude Jones
Herbert Putnam
Meirion Jones
Vernon Jordan
Rana Kabbani
A. Q. Kahn
Joseph Read
Joseph Reed
Thomas James
Iftikhar Kahn-Chaudhry
George Ross
Jacob Shallus
Richard Dobbs Spaight
John Stanly
Janet Keels
John Stark
Thomas Stone
John Kemp-Welch
Donald M. Kendall
Stephen Kerr
Adnan Khashoggi
Comte de Vergennes
George Walton
Edgar Patterson
Euphemia White Paterson
Jacob Horton
Alexander Martin
Mary Eleanor Laurens Pinckney
Philip K. Howard
Peter Lawson
Linda Howell
Arianna Huffington
Mary Leach Spaight
Rev. Littlejohn
Philip Livingston
William Livingston
Mike Huffington
Mark Hull
Will Hutton
James McClurg
Sam Insull
Pam Iorio
Jane B. Parker
John Moland
Sarah Morris
Johnny Jackson Jr.
Mary White Morris
Anne Cary Randolph Morris
Lewis Morris
Charles D. Montesquieu
Sarah Morris Mifflin
Michael Isikoff
Sarah Middleton Pinckney
John Mercer
John Fitzgerald Jackson
Bernardo Issel
Robert Meade
Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
Winston Nearon
Michael Flynn
Clame McDonald
Chris Hayes
Seth Novak
Jeff Novak
Paula Novak
Patrick Leahy
Leonidas C. Dyer
Richard Puckett
John Hanson
Kyrsten Sinema
Gordon Smith
Martha McSally
Brian Kemp
Stacey Abrams
Rick Scott
Mike DeWine
Tony Evers
H. R. McMaster
Orrin Hatch
Dana Perino
Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Thomas D. Garry
James Comey
Reuven Rivlin
Isaac Stevens
Robert Mueller
Carl Bernstein
Bob Woodward
James Callaghan
Alben Barkley
Ted Strickland
Jennifer Granholm
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Mary Lou Miller
Jennifer Gratz
Vincent Gray
Lloyd Doggett
Leezia Dhalla
Franklin Graham
Gary Gensler
Rod Rosenstein
Lonnie Smith
Marco Rubio
Rand Paul
Charles Koch
Orval Faubus
Fred M. Vinson
Louis Kraemer
Harlan F. Stone
John J. Parker
Rick Perry
Walter Francis White
Moorfield Storey
Aaron Douglas
Furnifold Simmons
George Henry White
S. S. Calhoon
Sarah Palin
Tim Scott
Hosea Williams
Donna Brazile
Pat McCrory
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Ben Carson
Stephen Breyer
Sandra Day O'Connor
Phil Berger
Eric Holder
Loretta Lynch
Alberto Gonzales
Frank Johnson
Michele Bachmann
William Buckley
Sean Hannity
Rush Limbaugh
Glenn Beck
Rick Santelli
Harry Dent
Jeff Sessions
William Barr
Virginia Minor
James Bevel
Walter Augustus Bowe
Dutty Boukman
Friedrich Blumenbach
Stephen Blucke
Hugo Black
Joan Bird
Beyoncé Knowles
Mary Bethune-Cookman
Leroy Stafford Boyd
Mary MacLeod Bethune
Lee Berry
Chuck Berry
François Bernier
Thomas Bennett
Thomas Bell
Marion Barry
Yvette Lee Bowser
Amelia Boynton Robinson
Hannibal Barca
Henry Billings Brown
Buffalo Soldiers
Andrew Bryan
Jean Baptiste Brunet
John Edward Bruce
Morris Brown
Michael Brown, Jr.
James Brown
Bob Brown
Ervin Bradley
Aurelia Browder
Charlotte Brooks
Eliza Briggs
Harry Briggs
Jackie Brenston
François-Dominique Bréda
James S. Bradley
William Barrett
Charles Ball
Tom Burnett
Thomas Frieden
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Gregory Watson
Phyllis Schlafly
Paul LePage
Roger B. Taney
John Merryman
Chris Christie
Kaci Hickox
William Taft
Fred Korematsu
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Michel Temer
Dilma Rousseff
Spencer Darwin Pettis
Jim Matheson
Deena Burnett
The Bionic Woman: Jaime Sommers
Kuwasi Balagoon
Gilbert Andry
Frank Baker
Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon
John Ashley
Henry Arnold
Samuel Armstrong
Samuel Argall
Manuel Andry
C. Alfred "Chief" Anderson
Michael Harriot
Samuel Zenas Ammen
Suzanne Alton
Robert Allston
Richard Allen
Alexander IV, Pope
Ricardo Alegria
D. Wyatt Aiken
Manuel Méndez de Acuña
Morrison Waite
Fannie Barrier Williams
Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca
Emma Hale Smith
Eliza R. Snow
Joseph Fielding Smith
Joseph F. Smith
Joseph Smith, Sr.
Hyrum Smith
George A. Smith
Shem, son of Noah, father of Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram, lived 600 years
Charles R. Savage
Samuel, the Lamanite
Elizabeth J. D. Roundy
Mitt Romney
Sidney Rigdon
Parley P. Pratt
Orson Pratt
Hosea Stout
John Whitmer
Ziba Peterson
Noah the Historkey
Liver-Eating Johnson
Santa Claus
Uncle Sam
Thomas Nast
Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt
Martha Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt, Sr.
Red Cloud
Wilford Woodruff
Joseph Brant
Secret Service
Doug the Dog
Zina D. H. Young
Zina Huntington Young
W. W. Phelps
Emily Partridge
Redhead Finnegan
Ham, son of Noah, father of Canaan, Cush, Mizraim, Put
Jacob, husband of Rachel, son of Isaac and Rebekah "Israel"
Orson Hyde
Dimick Huntington
Zenos Hill
Maraboots Sarah Hatch
Jacob Hamblin
Eliza Hamblin
John Gunnison
Silas James
E. B. Grandin
Peter Gottfredson
Susa Young Gates
Green Flake
Richard W. Cummins
Oscar Crosby
Oliver Cowdery
Jane Manning James
Sylvester James
Eliza Partridge
Isaac Morley
Isaac McCoy
Isaac Lewis Manning
Don Pedro León Luján
Janet Leavitt
Japheth, son of Noah, father of Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, Tiras
Dudley Leavitt
Sarah Lawrence
Maria Lawrence
Heber C. Kimball
Sally Kanosh
Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel, brother of Benjamin
Hell-Roaring Bill Jones
Edith Carow Roosevelt
Frances Harper
Matt Gaetz
Mitch McConnell
Lindsey Graham
Ron DeSantis
Alex Jones
Wayne LaPierre
Mike Lindell
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Chief Joseph
Bernie Madoff
Leona Helmsley
H.R. Haldeman
John Erlichman
Chuck Colson
Roy M. Cohn
Frank Wilderson
Cynthia Parker
George Bush Jr.
John R. Brinkley
Robin Vos
Susanna Salter
Richmond Mumford Pearson
Edith Joyner
Blanche Bruce
Dana Nessel
Gretchen Whitmer
Jocelyn Benson
Abigail Spanberger
Huey Long
Elaine Luria
Christine Blasey Ford
Brett Kavanaugh
Megyn Kelly
Jesse Helms
Tommy Jenkins
Mike Pence
Theodore Bilbo
Harry Sinclair
George Bird Grinnell
José Manuel Marroquín
Walker White
Rosewell Pickney
Charlie Taft
Edward Stead
Quentin Roosevelt
Morris Michtom
Clifford K. Berryman
Vasco Núñez de Balboa
Cândido Rondon
John Flammang Schrank
John F. Schrank
James Benjamin Parker
Leon Czolgosz
Garret Augustus Hobart
John D. Long
Kermit Roosevelt
Ethel Roosevelt
Edward Doheny
Sarah Howe
Albert Fall
Mary Mallon
Maria Butina
Benjamin Ryan Tillman
Jared Kushner
George A. Custer
Steve Bannon
Ivanka Trump
Archibald Roosevelt
William M. Tweed
Roger Stone
Donald Trump, Jr.
Arsène Napoléon Alexandre Girault
David Rice Atchison
Paul Manafort
Michael Cohen
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.
William Bull
Richard Cain
Charles Caldwell
Dewey Phillips
Dorothy B. Porter
Robin Pooler
Juan Ponce de León
Edward Pollard
Mary Ellen Pleasant
Helen Plane
P. B. S. Pinchback
Edmund Pettus
Geronimo Pratt
Albert E. Perry
Davidson B. Penn
Mary Peake
Jimmy Page
Candace Owens
Onesimus, runaway slave of Philemon
William O'Neal
Curtis Powell
John C. Raines
Shaba Om
James Burchill Richardson
Isaac Royall
Gary Rowe
Rolling Stones
Fred Rochelle
Donatien-Marie-Joseph de Vimeur, vicomte de Rochambeau
Jo Ann Gibson Robinson
Carole Robertson
Hiram Rhodes Revels
Asa Philip Randolph
Janet Reinitz
Jeremiah Reeves
Jeanetta Reese
Mary Reed
Jo Reed
John Ratcliffe
Benjamin Randolph
Najee Omar
Baba Odinga
Peter Salem
Carol Denise McNair
William E. Miller
Gerardus Mercator
George Menefie
Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco
Betty Medsger
Timothy Meaher
Earlene McNeil
William Wallace McLeod
Shadrach Minkins
John McKeithan
Brownie McGhee
John McEnery
Calvin McDowell
Susie McDonald
Rosa McCauley
Morris Matthews
Joh Millholland
John Mitchell Jr.
Musa I
Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba
E. D. Nixon
Nicholas V, Pope
Christopher Newport
Panfilo de Narvaez
Thomas Nairne
David S. Muzzey
John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore
Hester Mohomet
Bilal Muhammad
Thomas Moss
Toni Morrison
John Tyler Morgan
August T. Mora
Richard Earl Moore
Aida White Moore
Bayard Rustin
Juan San Maló
Louis Martinet
Maggie Lena Walker
Pappy White
John Whipple
Kanye West
Cynthia Wesley
Muddy Waters
Lester Walton
Richard Martin Lloyd Walters
Annie Walker
Phebe Whitesides
Amerigo Vespucci
James K. Vardaman
Luther Vandross
Nuno Tristao
François Trépagnier
Ralph White
Frances Willard
Albion Tourgée
Celia Parker Woolley
Klemens Wenzel, Prince von Metternich
Dolly Parton
Brett Favre
Alan Jackson
Olaudah Equiano
George Yeardley
Jeremiah Wright
Carter G. Woodson
George W. Williams
Ray Wood
Peter Wood
Henrietta Wood
Oprah Winfrey
Darren Wilson
Cornelia Grinnell Willis
Robert F. Williams
James Townsend
Emanuel Timonius
Samuel Sawyer
Robert Shaw
Mary Louise Smith
John Smith, Captain
Robert Smalls
Jenny Slew
Betty Slew
William Henry Singleton
Fred Shuttlesworth
Tupac Shakur
Washington Smith
Lumumba Shakur
Thomas Semmes
Thomas Sedgwick
Bobby Seale
Martin Scorsese
Arturo Schomburg
Rufus Saxton
Melvin Cotton Smith
James Somerset
Benjamin Tillman
Michael Tabor
Thomas Tharpe
Sister Rosetta Tharpe
Rosetta Tharpe
Sonny Terry
Robert Terrell
Mary Church Terrell
Moses Taylor
Thomas Swann
Otis Spann
Belinda Sutton
Jane Suillivan
Fred Sullivan
William Still
Will Stewart
Pinckney Benton Stewart
Robert Stebbins
Bruce Springsteen
Manuel I, King of Portugal
Callixtus or Callistus I, Pope
Ann Drayton
Esteban Dorantes
Leif Eriksson
Lonnie Epps
Roderick Elliott
Daniel Elfrith
James Malcolm Edwards
Earth, Wind & Fire
Thomas Drayton
Rebecca L. Felton
John Drayton
Thomas J. Dixon
Moses Dickson
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
Charles Deslondes
Rodolphe Desdunes
William McCloud Dawson
Cecile Fatiman
Ferdinand II of Aragon
Christopher Daniels
Elizabeth Freeman
Antáo Gonçalves
Reuben Goldberg
Quinn Glover
Ida Gibbs
Juan Garrido
Archibald K. Gaines
Thomas Gaillard
Garrison Frazier
D'Brickashaw Ferguson
Eugene Frazier
Peter Fossett
Joseph Fossett
Jeff Fort
Joe Forest
George Ford
Ella Fitzgerald
William Dawson
William Cushing
John Brown Gordon
Sidney J. Catts
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106-43 BC
Robert Reed Church
Louisa Ayers Church
Ron Chernow
Robert Charles
James Chaney
Daniel Chamberlain
Benjamin Cattle
Robert Clare
Charles Case
John B. Cary
George Washington Carver
Samuel Adolphus Cartwright
Carlos I, King of Spain
Francis Lewis Cardozo
Cab Calloway
Eric Clapton
Jim Clark
Norris Wright Cuney
Bull Connor
Alfred Cranford
Karen L. Cox
Benjamin Elton Cox
Titus Cornelius
John Corlie
Anna Julia Cooper
Tom Cook
Claudette Colvin
Mark Clark
Addie Mae Collins
Robert Collier
Simon Coker
Reginald Clyburn
Marvell Clyburn
Eric Clyburn
Dormetia Clyburn
James Cleveland
Lorinda Goodwin
Fred Gray
Alexander Manly
Harry Kenner
Elijah Kite
Kwando Kinshasa
James Bible King
Kiluanji of Ndongo
Edgar Ray Killen
William Kerner
Benjamin Kent
Barrett G. Kemp
Marie Knight
Ira Katznelson
Abayama Katara
Colin Kaepernick
Eddie Joseph
Gabriel Jones
Absalom Jones
R. O. Johnson
Gladys Knight
Ernest Kruttschnitt
Carrie Johnson
Peter Livingston
Bliss Anne Malone
Shepard Mallory
Daniel Mack
Annie Lumpkin
Mary Louvestre
Toussaint L'Ouverture
Lemuel Longview
Viola Liuzzo
Joshua Lambe
Wilbur Little
Carl Linnaeus
Cudjo Lewis
Archy Lee
Charles Leclerc
Marie Laveau
Joe Laurie Jr.
Jane Johnson
Johnny "Speed"
Cecilia Simmons Green
Phyllis Harriot
Ali Bey Hassan
Hubert Harrison
Richard Harris
Essie Harris
Seandra Harriot Molden
Comelita Harriot McGee
Robert Harriot
Marvell Harriot
George Haynes
Jannie Harriot
James "Buck" Harriot
James Harriot Jr.
Dorothy Harriot
Ed Hanrahan
Shad Hall
Shields Green
Lydell Hawkins
John Hemmings
John II, King of Portugal
Zora Neale Hurston
John I, King of Portugal
Gregory Jay
James I and VI, King of England, Ireland, and Scotland
John Jacobs
Harriet Jacobs
Lee Jackson
Isabella I, Queen of Castile and León
Richard Humphreys
Stephen Henderson
John Hulett
Oliver Howard
Callie Guy House
Sam Hose
Willie Horton
Hilary Herbold
Henry VII, King of England
Henry the Navigator
Solomon Nunes Carvalho
Cain, son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel
Fengo Olesko
Marcus A. Hanna
William F. Knowland
Hiram W. Johnson
George F. Hoar
Gilbert M. Hitchcock
Robert Y. Hayne
Carl T. Hayden
Philip A. Hart
Theodore F. Green
Russel B. Long
Arthur P. Gorman
Albert A. Gore, Sr.
Barry M. Goldwater
Carter Glass
Walter F. George
George B. Galloway
J. William Fulbright
Robert M. La Follette, Jr.
Scott W. Lucas
Samuel J. Ervin, Jr.
Jennings Randolph
John C. Spooner
William H. Seward
Hugh D. Scott, Jr
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr
Richard B. Russel
Joseph T. Robinson
Sam T. Rayburn
Orville H. Platt
Joseph R. McCarthy
Gerald P. Nye
Edmund S. Muskie
Wayne L. Morse
Justin S. Morill
A.S. Mike Monroney
Michael J. Mansfield
Kenneth D. McKellar
William P. Fessenden
Paul H. Douglas
Benjamin R. Tillman
William Cohen
Condoleezza Rice
Henry Hyde
Kenneth Starr
Paula Jones
Tom DeLay
Webster Hubbell
Richard Holbrook
Strobe Talbott
Ari Fleischer
David Souter
Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.
Richard Gephardt
Dan Quayle
Lawrence Walsh
Antonin Scalia
Robert Bork
Ken Lay
George Tenet
Albert B. Cummins
Hugo L. Black
John Sherman Cooper
Thomas T. Connally
Chiang Kai-Shek
Robert C. Bryd
Harry F. Byrd, Sr.
John W. Bricker
William E. Borah
Albert J. Beveridge
Paul Wolfowitz
Isaac Basset
Alben W. Barkley
William B. Allison
John Edwards
Samuel Alito
Wesley Clark
Donald Rumsfeld
Robert A. Taft, Sr.
Arthur H. Vandenburg
Jeane Kirkpatrick
Porter Hanks
Maurice Richard
James Wolfe
Louis Riel
Emily Murphy
Anne Brontë
Charlotte Brontë
Emily Brontë
Mary Clark
Robert Service
James Clark
Ann Ames
Issac Brock
Moses Smith
Oliver Perry
Sir George Cockburn
Abel Brown
Frederick Banting
Emily Carr
Henry A. Wallace
Jules Verne
William Hare
William Burke
Ludwig van Beethoven
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr.
Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.
John H. Watson
Charlie Bucket
Annabel Lee
Willy Wonka
Anne Shirley
Mick Ronson
David Bowie
Sherlock Holmes
Robert E. Peary
Billy Bishop
Sarah Brown
William Rufus Devane King
Benjamin F. Wade
Henry Dodge
Erastus Corning
William H. Vanderbilt
Moses M. Strong
Marshall M. Strong
Harrison Reed
Byron Kilbourn
James Duane Doty
Ramsay Crooks
James Fisk, Sr.
Rachel Carson
Sarah Winnemucca
David Levy Yulee
Silas Wright, Jr.
Francis O. Wilcox
Burton K. Wheeler
Thomas J. Walsh
Horace Clark
Amasa Stone, Jr.
William Hamilton Merritt
Bob Kowalski
Edward Baynes
Tilda Frieberg
Nadine Gardner
Pimo Jackson
Amelia Cutter
Jeff Cutter
Craig Cutter
Jack Morrow
Daniel Allen
Ruth Cutter
Jared Linsly
John Davidson
Joseph White
Chauncey M. Depew
Cornelius Garrison
John Morrissey
Jacob Vanderbilt
Anthony Kennedy
William Casey
Frida Kahlo
Darleen Dorviski
Kay Vassar
Fay Vin
Trey Kress
Veerman Hoost
Linda Velesko
Kappara Shing
Benniko Yareng
Kraven Losti
Leo Gray
Veng Lo Ho
Gabbon Lawrence
Vistoli Uriksson
Terrence Kivis
Dakkari Bureau
Marcus Serret
Teresa Lorrison
Sev Torrman
Jonathan Taylor
Bentley Markisson
Samatha Tabbs
Jimm Lillibrigg
Victo Franz
Fasha Sivis
Inga Verster
Martha Zuritas
Pavel Ridzik
Kinkelli Kavit
Felix Ferrington
Allen Forbes
Chris Rojem
Darrian Rowels
Baxter Howell
Elizabeth Carrington
Stanley Pudlo
Frank Sivitiz
Dana Hollis
Banglor Follis
Travis Chin
Boris Dagin
Daniel Trump
Yolinda Brekner
Travis Horr
Richter Nikmen
Nathan Hauck
Archie Ferris
Dorchester Quinn
Darrell Lanst
Carter Malvinson
Bright Thomlinson
Marleen Danules
Betty Orzenchi
Deb H'Chu
Melissa Steiner-Davion
Morgan Kell
Katrina Steiner
Solomon Storm
Victoria Rose
Linda Thomlinson
Vell Torris
Thomas Marik
Sen-Chu Lingh
Alfred Padilla
Stefan Amaris
Brandon Lee
Anastasius Focht
Tommy Gahertty
Bonnie Storm
Scotty Rowsch
Blade Windall
Alexandria Natasha Snord
Dalid Burns
Richard Burkeman
Darwin Morgan
Roger H'Chu
Nanette Warkentin
Baca Tsaprazis
Fasha Nagaraj
William Griffiphs
Candy Shakos
David Stockman
William Alexander Graham
Weston R. Gales
Seaton Gales
William Boylan
Joseph Gales
Robert V. Remini
Cecil Calvert, 2d Lord Baltimore
William Seward
William J. Donovan
Lord Baltimore
Stephen Austin
Anne, Queen of Great Britain
Stephanie Labby
Nondi Steiner
Theodore Kurita
Bill Donovan
Allen W. Dulles
Tango Holt
Morris K. Udall
John Anderson
Menachem Begin
Hamilton Jordan
Jody Powell
Bert Lance
Cyrus Vance
Henry Jackson
Jerry Brown
Allen Dulles
William Colby
Warren Burger
William Rehnquist
Wilbur Mills
Theodore White
Rose Kennedy
Joseph Kennedy
Severin Faslt
Carter Yols
Diane Doubleu
Akida Samsun
Troy Sanchuie
Marcus Aeolus Wernke
Daverius Bunkerara
Jorge Delphinus
Paulus Noble
Lenny Markbright
Reggie Randall
Donna de la Kalbe
Jim Smith
Joe Don Hoe
Joe Zeek
Anita Chu Lai
D.D. Winston
Rusty Anderbon
Ivar Spallis
Johnny Knoxx
Eric Long
Anita Michel
Drekker Neece
Theresa Marisoon
Keiper Vancer
Daido Trent
Pace Reederson
Lydia Baker
Yammen Teris
Dakara Singh
Ferrison Grabrial
Streeda Dent
Abusan Frazer
Dagga Fex
Joe Tawbitz
Shree Breknoth
Bee Kai
Eillen Maccartisoon
Ronn Bewrow
Sabu Kann
Keith Bentilson
John Muir, naturalist
Wonder Woman
Lilburn Boggs
Frederick the Great, King of Prussia
Henri II, King of France
Denis Healey
Joseph Goebbels
Manuel Godoy
Muammar al-Gaddafi
Frederick III, German Emperor and King of Prussia
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria
Ferdinand Foch
Victoriano Huerta
Joschka Fischer
Porfirio Diaz
Charles de Gaulle
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria
Alexander I, Emperor of Russia
Paul von Hindenburg
Ismail Pasha
Yuri Gagarin
Maximilian I von Habsburg, Emperor
Philippe Pétain
Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia
Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia
Vyacheslav Molotov
Slobodan Milosevic
Angela Merkel
Mehmet Ali
Louis Philippe I, King of France
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
Erich Ludendorff
Louis XV, King of France
David Lloyd George
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
Paul Kruger
Wenzel Anton Kaunitz-Rittberg
Helmut Kohl
Alan Shepard
Jack the Ripper
Philip II, King of Spain
Thomas Adams Smith
Philip Broke
Charles Stewart, Jr., American naval officer
William Henry Winder
James Winchester
David Rogerson Williams
Joseph Gardner Swift
Robert Swartwout
Eleazar Wheelock Ripley
George Downie
Moses Porter
Thomas Parker
Alexander Parker
David Meriwether
Duncan McArthur
George Mathews
Nathaniel Massie
John B. Campbell
Jesse Elliott
Joseph Willcocks
Toussaint Charbonneau
Xerxes I, son of Darius I, king of Achaemenid Empire, married Esther "Xerxes the Great"
Leonidas I of Sparta
Henry Bathurst
David Crockett
Adam Huntsman
William Wells
Edmund P. Gaines
John Borlase Warren
Arthur Sinclair
Roger H. Sheaffe
Charles de Salaberry
Zebulon Pike
John Norton
George McClure
Peter the Great
Philip III, King of Spain
Simon Kenton
Alexander Shepherd
Constance Green
James Greenleaf
Mary Ann Hall
Christian Hines
Thomas Law
Nathaniel Michler
Ropes, Hannah
Marcia Van Ness
Sayles Bowen
T.J. Rusk
Francis Lubbock
James Hogg
John Garner
James Ferguson
E.J. Davis
Price Daniel
Henry Cooke
Orville Babcock
John Connally
Elias Polk
Black Pete
John Bernhisel
George Bean
William Anderson
Elijah Abel
John Reynolds
Ninian Edwards
Gracy Bradley
John Quincey Adams
Alfred Jackson
Dinwiddie or Dunwoody
Monkey Simon
Paul Jennings
Oney Judge
Luther Martin
Thomas Connally
Richard Coke
Philip V, King of Spain
Edwin Dwight
William Kummooolah
Nathan Perkins
Joseph Harvey
John Treadwell
John Honoree
George Tamoree
Samuel J. Mills, Jr.
Thomas Hopoo
Timothy Stone
Henry Obookiah
Wenzel Anton, Prince of Kaunitz-Rietberg
Sir Henry Wilson
Victor Emmanuel II of Italy
Charles Townshend
Margaret Thatcher
Suleiman the Magnificent
George Nahemah-hama Sandwich
Herman Daggett
Horace Chilton
Benjamin Gold
William Blakley
Samuel Clemens
John Rollin Ridge
John Rossiter
Photius Fisk
Lydia Northrup
Harriet Gold
Jeremiah Evarts
Archibald Campbell
David Brown
Isaac Bunce
Sarah Bird Northrup
Eunice Williams
William Tennooe
Kamehameha I
Thomas Gallaudet
Morgan Lee
Richard Mentor Johnson
Zelda Fitzgerald
Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov
Nancy Drew
Alfred Pennyworth
Harley Quinn
Nick Carraway
Johannes Brahms
Robinson Crusoe
Ada Byron Lovelace
King Lear
Jay Gatsby
Tom Buchanan
Jean Francois Millais
Madame Curie
Jane Addams
Queen Victoria
Joan of Arc
King Charles XIII of Sweden
Jenny Lind
John Everett Millais
Daisy Fay Buchanan
Raphael, artist
Florence Nightingale
Robert Louis Stevenson
Edward VI, King of England
Jordan Baker
Rodrigo Borgia
Saint Peter
Isreal Putnam
Jack Kerouac
Captain Nemo
Francis of Assisi
Lord Lovat
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie
Rosalind Franklin
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Agrippina the Younger
Prince Charming
Sleeping Beauty
Big Bad Wolf
Little Red Riding Hood
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Nikola Tesla
Johannes Kepler
Bertha Mason
Edward Rochester
Jane Eyre
Fitzwilliam Darcy
Elizabeth Bennet
God "Elohim" "Yahweh"
Edward Gorey
Moses, wrote the first 5 books of the Bible
Adolf Verloc
Søren Kierkegaard
William Butler Yeats
Evangeline Booth
Nathan Hale
Benjamin Chew Howard
John Adair
Samuel Smith
Benjamin Harrison V
Nicholas Trist
John Chapman
Grigori Rasputin
Hetty Green
Gilles de Rais
James Appleton
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Cecil Rhodes
Robert Clive
Anthony Comstock
Alexander VI, Pope
Pauline Daniels
Shirley Kaiser
David Adams
George Armistead
John Surcouf
John Chandler
William Henry
Joseph Graham
John Floyd, 1783 - 1837
Joseph Desha
Thomas Humphrey Cushing
Leonard Covington
Green Clay
Marquis Calmes
Reasin Beall
John Cadwalader
Henry Burbeck
Jacob Jennings Brown
John Parker Boyd
Joseph Bloomfield
Daniel Bissell
Perry Benson
Gary Voccio
Edward Bolton
Molly Pitcher
William Mayo
Louis Kossuth
William the Silent of Orange
Andreas Hofer
Judas Maccabeus
Lord Nelson
Robert Bartlett
Russell H. Conwell
William James Mayo
Daniel O'Connell
Charles Horace Mayo
Charles Mayo
Marcus Whitman
Paul Jones
Johnny Appleseed
Marguerite de Roberval
Charles Cogburn
Danny Daniels
Stephanie Nelle
Andrea Carbonell
Edwin Davis
Scott Parrott
Clifford Knox
Quentin Hale
Jonathan Wyatt
Cassiopeia Vitt
Pierre Esprit Radisson
Cotton Malone
Wilfred Grenfell
Wilfrid Laurier
Joseph Howe
Albert Lacombe
United Empire Loyalists
Alexander MacKenzie
Madeleine de Verchères
Mary Eleanor Goldsborough
Don Carlos de Grand-Pre
Pierre Giraud
Louis Frey, Jr.
Virgilio R. Gonzalez
Gerhard A. Gesell
Connie Gerrard
David Gergen
Leonard Garment
Grace Garment
Frank Gannon
Indira Gandhi
Steve Ford
Andrei Grechko
Margaret Foote
Walter D. Flowers
Peter M. Flanigan
Hamilton Fish, Jr.
Robert Finch
Paul J. Fannin
Bernard Fall
John N. Erlenborn
Fred Graham
Anne Grier
David Eisenhower
Bryce Harlow
William Henkel
Richard M. Helms
William Randolph Hearst, Jr.
Richard Hauser
Robert Hartmann
Muriel Hartley
Carol Harrington
Brooks Harrington
Ken Harding
Marjorie Griffin
Clifford P. Hansen
Morton H. Halperin
Henry Haller
Patricia Haig
Frank Haig
Diana Gwin
Andrei Gromyko
Robert P. Griffin
Julie Nixon Eisenhower
James O. Eastland
William Hewett
Kenneth Cole
Frank Cormier
Andrew Coombs
Harold D. Cooley
Marlow W. Cook
John B. Connally
John B. Conlan
Barber B. Conable, Jr.
Charles W. Colson
William S. Cohen
Norris Cotton
William P. Clements, Jr.
Ken W. Clawson
Dwight L. Chapin
John Chancellor
Red Caveney
Frank A. Capell
Joseph Califrano
John W. Byrnes
John Cort
Edward Cox
Lawrence Eagleburger
Samuel L. Devine
Helene Drown
Sam Donaldson
Peter Dominick
Peter V. Domenici
Susan Dolibois
John Doar
William Dixon
Joan Didion
Frederick B. Dent
Tricia Nixon Cox
Tom De Cair
Ken Davis
Glenn Davis
Sam Dash
Clifton Daniel
Pamela Dallas
Kenneth H. Dahlberg
Carl T. Curtis
Seymour M. Hersh
Coleman Hicks
Imogene Sanders Buzhardt
James H. Meredith
Rogers C. B. Morton
Hugh Morrow
Ann Morgan
Jonathan Moore
G. V. Montgomery
John N. Mitchell
J. William Middendorf II
Robert Michel
John McLaughlin
Jerry Murphy
Patricia McKee
James W. McCord, Jr.
J. A. McClure
Robert McClory
John L. McClellan
Jack McCahill
Wiley Mayne
Patricia Matson
Roger Mudd
James Neal
Diane Mathews
Henry E. Petersen
Herbert L. Porter
Dan Popeo
Milton Pitts
Luigi Pirandello
Harold Pinter
Julie Pineau
Robert Pierpont
Howard Phillips
Charles H. Percy
Jack Nelson
Kenneth Wells Parkinson
David Parker
Ron Ostrow
Manuel Ogarrio Daguerre
Francis O'Brien
Lloyd Norman
Karin Nordstrom
Ron Nessen
Charles M. Mathias, Jr.
Eugenio R. Martinez
Lawrence Higby
Leon Jaworski
Kenneth Khachigian
Richard Kaiser
Robert Kaiser
George Joulwan
Jerry Jones
Judy Johnson
Johnnie Johnson
Albert Jenner
Jacob K. Javits
Richard G. Kleindienst
Terry Ivey
Edward Hutchinson
Thomas Charles Huston
Howard Hughes
Malcolm Howard, Jr.
Paul Houston
John Hoornstra
David Hooper
Herb Klein
Baruch Korff
J. Willard Marriott
William Lukash
Robert C. Mardian
Mike Mansfield
James R. Mann
Fred Malek
Jeb Stuart Magruder
Nancy Maginnes
Lawrence Lynn
James T. Lynn
Charles L. Lowman
Tom Korologos
Winston Lord
Russell Long
Morris Leibman
Brian Lamb
Anthony Lake
Melvin R. Laird
Phillip Lacovara
Sybil Kucharski
Robert E. Byrd
J. Fred Buzhardt
Sam Powers
Nathan Burwell
Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis (
Thomas Cook
Thomas Conrad
Joel Colton
Marcellus Clark
T. Morris Chester
I. Q. Chenowith
Susan Emmaline Jeffords Caldwell
James Bowdin
James Cox
Daniel Boorstin
Albert Bierstadt
Ike Berry
Ethelbert Barksdale
Thomas J. Azy
Bill Anderson
Abraham Anderson
Stephen Ambrose
Edward S. Corwin
John Jackson Dickison
Warren Akin
Noah Grant
John H. Hinton
Sam Hildebrand
Joyce Heth
Davy Herold
S. P. Hanscom
Marat Halstead
Nathaniel Green
Priscilla Grant
Matthew Grant
Leonard Farwell
William Winkins Glenn
Wendell Phillips Garrison
Mittie Freeman
Douglas Southall Freeman
William Ford
John S. Ford
Mary Fontaine
Champ Ferguson
William Allen, 31st Governor of Ohio
Thomas T. Accrete
Houston Holloway
Gabriel C. Wharton
John A. Winslow
James H. Wilson
Seth Williams
Alpheus S. Williams
Cadmus M. Wilcox
Williams C. Wickham
William H. C. Whiting
William D. Whipple
Elihu B. Washburne
William T. Wofford
Cadwallader Washburn
William T. Walthall
Edward C. Walthall
W. H. T. Walker
Tandy Walker
George D. Wagner
Zebulon B. Vance
John Palmer Usher
William W. Witherspoon
Daniel Wolford
Charles Pasley
Edmund J. Davis
Henry Brougham
Sir Alexander Cochrane
Sir Edward Codrington
Walter Prescott Webb
J. W. Throckmorton
Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar
John Coffee Hays
John Salmon Ford
Juan Nepomuceno "Cheno" Cortina
George H. Wood
Jim Younger
Bennett H. Young
W. W. Wright
Rebecca Wright
Horatio G. Wright
Ambrose R. Wright
Thomas J. Wood
John T. Wood
Moses Hoge
J. B. Jones
Earl L. Butz
John M. Ashbrook
William Baroody
Ross Barnett
Bernard L. Barker
Jan Barbieri
Hanson W. Baldwin
Howard H. Baker, Jr.
Ollie Atkins
Hafez al-Assad
Roy L. Ash
Richard Ben-Veniste
Anne L. Armstrong
Leslie C. Arends
John B. Anderson
Robert Amory, Jr.
Mort Allin
James B. Allen
Ralph Albertazzie
Carl Albert
Wallace Bennett
Harry A. Blackmun
Herman Talmadge
Shelley Buchanan
Wally Butts
Caldwell M. Butler
Arthur F. Burns
Warren E. Burger
Dean Burch
Stephen Bull
James L. Buckley
Philip Buchen
Shirley Browne
Robert H. Bork
Mary Brooks
Jack Brooks
Edward W. Brooke
William E. Brock
Leonid Brezhnev
William J. Brennan
Jack Brennan
Willy Brandt
Robert A. Abplanalp
Coleman Younger
Thomas Jones
Charles Minnergerode
William Peterson
William J. Pegram
Ely Parker
Elijah Parish
R. R. Palmer
James O'Neal
Adolph Ochs
Charles Eliot Norton
Jesse McNeill
Thomas Pickering
Walter Lowrie
Uriah Phillips Levy
Margaret Leech
Custis Lee
Francis Lawley
John T. Lampkin
Kate King
George Julian
Andrew Pickens
John Rawlins
Frank Woolworth
M. Jeff Thompson
James W. Wilson
Garry Wills
John Wesley
Martin Waldseemuller
Mary Vaughn
Anthony Trollope
Charles Lewis Tiffany
John Thrailkill
Joseph Taylor
Frederic Remington
Sue Tarleton
Edwin H. Stoughton
William "Extra Billy" Smith
Richard Warren Sears
John Locke Scripps
Eliza Scantling
John D. Sanborn
John Roebling
Richard Richardson
Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
Vladimir N. Pregelj
Robert Tyler
Charles W. Hill
Joseph Jones
Lemuel Jeffries
Jacob E. Hyneman
Alexander Hunter
McHenry Howard
William Hoffman
Jennie Hodgers
Harrison C. Hobart
George Hegeman
Edward Latham
F. Y. Hedley
Luther Hardy
Roger W. Hanson
Isaac Handy
Andrew G. Hamilton
John Hagan
R. E. Guthrie
John L. Gray
Curtis King
Thomas Livermore
Benjamin F. Falls
William Oatley
William C. Raulston
Adam Radar
Richard Puffer
E. Pollard
John Pickle
Phoebe Yates Pember
Richard Owen
John T. Omenhausser
Oliver Norton
Carlton McCarthy
Thomas H. Mooney
Thomas Meagher
George Maret
Vannoy H. Manning
James McMahon
James McIntosh
John McElroy
Frank McElhenny
Arthur B. Fuller
George Elliot
Nathaniel Rollins
Henry Barnum
Allen Brady
Chaplain Blemill
William Blackford
Edward Black
John D. Billings
Mollie Bell
Mary Bell
John Beatty
Charles Allison
William Brooks
Richard Ackerman
Allen Wilkinson
Fred Wilkins
Abram C. Wildrick
George H. Weeks
Mary Webb
Lewis Washington
Edward R. Warner
George K. Brady
Rice C. Bull
George Eggleston
Billy Crump
Sara Edmonds
Richard Eddy
Michael Dresbach
Henry Dikeman
Frederic Denison
John William De Forest
Hugh Wythe Davis
Kate Cumming
Edward Cross
Thomas E. Caffey
Samuel Croft
Samuel A. Craig
Elbridge Copp
Alonzo Cooper
James Austin Connolly
A. S. Clyne
R. B. Chaffin
Albert Cashier
F. L. O. Roehrig
George Root
Charles J. Walker
Albert F. A. King
George D. Mudd
Clara Morris
James B. Merritt
John Frederick May
Theodore McGowan
John McCullough
Charlie Lucas
John M. Lloyd
Edward 'Allegheny' Johnson
Pete Muggins
Albion Howe
John C. Howard
George Harper
Mrs. Charles Griffin
Jenny Gourley
George Washington Gayle
Charles A. Gatch
Robert S. Foster
Frances Dyer Mudd
Charles H. Nichols
Tom Flynn
George F. Robinson
Brooke Stabler
Mrs. William Sprague
Jacob J. Soles
Sarah Antoinette Slater
Julia Adelaide Shephard
Frances Adeline Miller Seward
George N. Sanders
Bettie Rollins
Jacob Ritterspaugh
John Nothey
A. C. Richards
Peter Relyea
Christian Rath
James W. Pumphrey
Agnes Land Perry
Thomas Pendel
Martha Johnson Patterson
James R. O'Beirne
Colonel Foster
James A. Ekin
Thomas E. Rose
Frank Thompson
William E. Wiatt
Henry H. Waugh
William Watson
Werner Von Bachelle
David Van Buskirk
Richard Turner
John Trice
George A. Townsend
Joseph Clay Stiles
L. J. Williams
Joel S. Stevens
George Stevens
Truman Smith
Robert C. Smith
Philip Smith
William Ludwell Sheppard
James Seddon
Walter Scott
Frank Wilkeson
John H. Winder
Alfonso Dunn
John E. Buckingham
John Deery
Edward L. Davenport
Charlotte Cushman
John A. J. Creswell
William Coxshall
Charles Calvert
Nancy Bushrod
Francis Burns
William A. Browning
Thomas Witherspoon
Henry Brown
Henry M. Brewster
Mrs. Branson
Joseph Booth
Edwina Booth
W. Wrightman
John Worsham
Abraham Wolf
Jonathan Walker
William Upham
Raymond K. Price
Louis XVI
James Otis, Jr.
Don Luis de Onis
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900
Marchamont Nedham
Thomas Babington Macaulay
Abbé de Mably
Charles Lyell
Etienne de la Boetie
William Pepperell
Alexander Knox
Rudyard Kipling
Clarence King
Anne-Catherine de Ligniville
Clara Louise Stone Hay
Zoltan Haraszti
Albert Gore, Sr.
Edward Gibbon
Henry John Temple
William Plumer
Rodney Frelinghuysen
Charles Gravier
Esther, Queen of Persia
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Wolfang Amadeus Mozart
Thomas Lindall Winthrop
Edith Wharton
Voltaire "François-Marie Arouet", 1694-1778
Gore Vidal
Marquis de Vauban
Ezra Pound
Louisa Hooper Thoron
James Smithson
Peter Shaw
José San Martin
Ernest Samuels
John Russell
Charles Rollins
Sam Quincy
Woldemar Galitzin
Hamilton Fish
Robert H. Anderson
Dr. William Rickman
Brooks Adams
Abigail Brooks Adams
Wendell Wilkie
Robert Taft
Alf Landon
William Tomison
Jean-Francois de Galoup
Dr. Esteban Morel
Dr. Shippen
John Adams, Sr.
Robert Sutton
James Phipps
Edward Jenner
Tom Rhodes
John J. Rhodes
Betty Rhodes
Bebe Rebozo
Thomas F. Railsback
Clover Adams
John Adams II
John Ferling
Charles VII
Ferdinand VI
T. S. Eliot
Martin Duberman
John Dryden
Enrico Davila
Jack Custis
Abel Rathbone Corbin
Thomas Conway
Edward Chalfant
John Quincy Adams II
Catherine the Great
Joseph Cartwright
Elizabeth Cameron
George Cabot
Henry St. John
George Berkeley
Alexander I
Richard Anderson
David R. Atchison
James Tallmadge
Christopher Memminger
Haldimand Putnam
Louis Petigru
Lafayette Peck
Richard Parker
John C. Palfrey
Michael P. O'Connor
Charles H. Morgan
William Porcher Miles
Richard K. Meade
Andrew Reeder
John T. Magruder
Henry C. McNeill
T. B. M'Cormick
Arthur Livermore
Thomas J. Lee
Manning M. Kimmel
George A. Kensel
David F. Jamison
Paul J. Quattlebaum
Charles Lenox Remond
Henry Sherman
Theodore Talbot
George C. Strong
George W. Snyder
William P. Smith
J. L. Kirby Smith
Adam Slemmer
O. R. Singleton
William Sinclair
Bill Sherman
Marcus A. Reno
Wilson Shannon
Franklin B. Sanborn
George Ryan
Charles Robinson
Augustus G. Robinson
Henry M. Robert
Robert Barnwell Rhett, Jr.
George S. James
George W. Holt
Thomas C. Baylor
Maria Weston Chapman
Ellen Craft
Joseph S. Conrad
Edward J. Conner
Aurelius F. Cone
John B. Clark
Ira W. Chaflin
James A. Chisholm
James Chester
John Carmody
George E. Cunningham
Andrew P. Butler
Charles Calistus Burleigh
Watson Brown
Oliver Brown
Jeremiah Black
George Caleb Bingham
Thomas J. Berry
Francis Beach
William Craft
George Cuthbert
Emma Holmes
J. G. Foster
Josiah Henson
Hinton Helper
George E. Haynsworth
Peter Hart
James Harris
James H. Hammond
Norman J. Hall
Thomas Gray
Hugh Forbes
Francis Cutting
Oliver H. Fish
Samuel S. Ferguson
Charles E. Farrand
Henry S. Farley
John Emerson
J. H. Elliott
Augustus Dickert
John C. Underwood
George W. Tucker
Charles S. Taft
Thomas Gainsborough
François-Joseph Paul de Grasse
Marie Grand
Ferdinand Grand
Geoffrey Gilbert
Conrad Gerard
Edmund Charles Genet
Edme-Jacques Genet
Elizabeth Gates
John Fries
Richard Grenville-Temple, Lord Cobham
Mary Frazier
William Temple Franklin
Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld
Gilbert Fox
Alleyne Fitzherbert
Joseph Field
Esther Field
John Fenno
Harrison Gray
Jeremiah Gridley
Francis Eppes
Madison Hemings
Stephen Hopkins
William Hooper
C. F. Hoochera
Amos Holbrook
William Hogarth
Joseph Hewes
William Herschel
Moses Hemmenway
Bob Hemings
Roger Griswold
Betty Hemings
Madame Helvetius
Claude-Adrien Helvétius
Zab Hayward
Lucien Hauteval
David Hartley
James Harrington
Robert G. Harper
Mary Jefferson Eppes
Elizabeth Eppes
Jean Conrad Hottinguer
Peter Carr
Joseph Coolidge, Jr.
Marquis de Condorcet
Benjamin Chew
Charles Chauncey
Jacques Donatien Le Ray, Comte de Chaumont
François Jean de Beauvoir, Marquis de Chastellux
Charlotte Augusta
Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom
Lord Carmarthen
Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis
James T. Callender
Fanny Burney
Joseph Bunel
Archibald Bulloch
Charles Bulfinch
Mather Brown
Lancelot Brown
Andrew Brown
Thomas Coombe
Maria Cosway
Marie-Louise-Elisabeth de la Rochefoucauld, Duchesse d'Enville
Daniel Defoe
Joseph-Siffred Duplessis
Lord Dunmore
Robley Dunglison
Charles W. F. Dumas
John Sackville, 3rd Duke of Dorset
Thomas Digges
Samuel Dexter
Charles-Henri Theodat d'Estaing
Edward Davis
Richard Cosway
Enrico Caterino Davila
George-Jacques Danton
Tristram Dalton
Charles Cushing
Richard Cranch
Mary Smith Cranch
Lucy Cranch
Betsy Cranch
Joseph Hopkinson
George Howe
Monsieur Brillon
Louis XVII of France
John Penn
Andrea Palladio
Louis-Guillaume Otto
Samuel Otis
Richard Oswald
Arthur Onslow
Frederick North, 2nd Earl of Guilford, Lord North
Nicholas Noel
William Pitt the Elder
Jean de Noailles, Duc d'Ayen
Mordecai Noah
George Nicholas
William Vans Murray
Judith Sargent Murray
John Morton
Richard Montgomery
Francesco de Miranda
Adrien Petit
Alexander Pope
Joseph Mayhew
John Quincy
Joshua Reynolds
James Reynolds
Guido Reni
Thomas Mann Randolph
Ellen Wayles Randolph
Andrew Ramsay
Allan Ramsay
Samuel Quincy
Hannah Quincy Lincoln Storer
Henry Popple
Esther Quincy Sewall
Eliza Susan Quincy
Edmund Quincy
James Putnam
James Prince
Richard Price
Thomas Preston
Samuel Powel
Philip Mazzei
Jean-Frederic Phelypeaux de Maurepas
Richard Howe
Peter Jefferson
Jean de La Fontaine
Adrienne Francoise de Noailles, Madame de Lafayette
George Washington Lafayette
Thomas Knox
John Kemble
John Jouett
Joshua Johnson
Edmund Jenings
Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson
Luke Lambert
Jane Jefferson
Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson
Isaac Jefferson
James Jay
Ralph Izard
John Huxham
Francis Hutcheson
William Howe
Chevalier Anne-Cesar de La Luzerne
John Laurens
Timothy Matlack
Louis XVIII, King of France
John Marston
Christopher Marshall
Joseph Marsh
Jean-Paul Marat
Duke of Manchester
Matthew Lyon
John Luzac
James Lovell
George Logan
Duc de La Vauguyon
Samuel Locke
James Lloyd
Henrietta Liston
Bela Lincoln
Philippe-Henry-Joseph de Letombe
Andre Le Notre
Francis Lightfoot Lee
Charles Lee
John Henry Browere
J. P. Brissot de Warville
Matthew Ridley
George Bateman
John T. Bolton
Dick Blazer
Luke Pryor Blackburn
William H. Bennett
Edwin Bedee
Samuel H. Beckwith
John Yates Beall
Edwin Bates
Sarah Hamlin Batchelder
Clementina DeBar Booth
John M. Barron
Walter M. Barnes
C. C. Bangs
Henry Marcellus Bailey
Henry H. Atwater
George Arnold, Sr.
Aquilla Allen
Edward M. Alfriend
Blanche Booth
Joseph Adrian Booth
Hannah Van Buren
John P. Brophy
William E. Cleaver
João Celestino
Mary Ellen Cecil
Augustus R. Cazauran
Edward Carrington
Matthew W. Canning, Jr.
George H. Calvert
William L. Bryant
Phillips Brooks
Adelaide Delannoy Booth
James A. Brawner
Maggie Branson
Thomas J. Boynton
John H. Boyle
Walter Bowie
Rosalie Booth
Richard Junius Booth
Richard Booth, baptized 1759
Mamie Doud Eisenhower
David Koresh
Lorenzo Deangelis
Charles Cooper
Warner Mifflin
Phillip Mazzei
Martin Luther
John Laurance
Elizabeth Hamilton
Joseph Fauchet
Fernando Fairfax
Maria Jefferson Eppes
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
John Pemberton
John Church
James Callender
Theodosia Burr
Aedanus Burke
John Henri Browere
Isaiah Berlin
Anthony Benezet
John Andre
Benjamin Moore
Thomas Pinckney
Bruce Russett
Helen Caldicott
Marco Polo
Huey Newton
Arthur Schlesinger Sr.
Edward Kennedy
Robert Haldeman
Deborah Sampson Garnet
John Galbraith
Roberto D'Aubuisson
Horatio Alger
Thomas Scott
John M. Poindexter
Deborah Sampson or Samson Gannett
Roberto d'Aubuisson
Alfred North Whitehead
St. George Tucker
William Loughton Smith
Venture Smith
Sidi Mehemet Ibrahim
Alfred Cloughley
John L. Debonay
Anne-Louise Boivin D'Hardancourt Brillon de Jouy
Jonathan Austin
Joseph Bass
Josiah Bartlett
John Barry
William Barron
Gilbert Barkley
Charles Bankhead
Edward Bancroft
Margaret Bache
Princess Augusta, Duchess of Cambridge
James A. Bayard
Henriette d'Arguesseau
William Alexander
Priscilla Alden
John Alden
Thomas Affleck
Susanna Boylston Adams
Susanna Adams
Sally Smith Adams
Seth Bass
Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
Louisa Catherine Adams
J. B. Binon
Mary Briesler
John Briesler
Carter Braxton
Dr. Bourke
Mademoiselle de Bourbon
James Boswell
Widow Borland
Henry St. John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke
William Bingham
Marchese di Beccaria
Anne Bingham
Christopher Billopp
Charles Biddle
Francis Bernard
William Bentley
Pierre Bellamy
Robert Bell
John Behrent
Mary Adams
Hannah Bass Adams
Ely Devoe
George P. Fisher
Abram Dunn Gillette
Alfred Gibson
Sidney Gay
Will Garrett
Jack Garrett
C. C. Fulton
Benjamin B. French
John A. Foster
Newton Ferree
Lawrence A. Gobright
Leonard J. Farwell
William Evans
E. A. Emerson
John Ellsler
Otto Eisenschiml
Joseph H. Dye
John F. Drill
Elizabeth Dixon
Daniel H. L. Gleason
Edward Gorsuch
Edith Squire Adams
Henrietta Irving
Ann Harrod Adams
William Abdee
Phoebe Abdee
J. G. Johnson
Zadock Jenkins
Henry C. Jarrett
Isaac Jaquette
John H. Jack
Timothy Ingraham
Scipiano Grillo
Augustus Spencer Howell
John T. Holohan
Jane Herold
William Heiss
John C. Hatter
Benjamin Gwynn Harris
Martin D. Hardin
Emrick Hansell
Bennett F. Gwynn
Samuel Richardson
Maximilien de Robespierre
George A. Trenholm
Hugh McCulloch
George E. Maney
James P. Major
Andrew G. Magrath
John N. Maffitt
William L. McMillen
Ranald S. Mackenzie
W. W. Mackall
Samuel McGowan
Edward M. McCook
James S. Marmaduke
Alexander McDowell McCook
Henry McClellan
John McCausland
Hylan B. Lyon
Patrick N. Lynch, Bishop of Charleston
Charles R. Lumsden
Francis R. Lubbock
Maria Garland Longstreet
Arthur M. Manigault
John W. Mauk
David Llewellyn
Mattie Ready Morgan
James E. Murdoch
Thomas T. Munford
Wolfgang a
Joseph A. Mower
Alfred Mouton
Gershom Mott
John W. Morton
Charles M. Morris
John H. Morgan
Dabney Maury
James D. Morgan
Daniel Morgan
Nelson A. Miles
Wesley Merritt
Hugh W. Mercer
Christopher G. Memminger
John Maxwell
Samuel B. Maxey
Lunsford L. Lomax
Joseph H. Lewis
Samuel Nelson
John A. Huff
Micah Jenkins
Albert G. Jenkins
James F. Jaquess
William H. Jackson
Henry R. Jackson
John D. Imboden
Andrew A. Humphreys
Walter Q. Hullihen
Margaret Howell
Edward Johnson
Beckett K. Howell
Oliver O. Howard
Joseph Howard
Jedediah Hotchkiss
Robert F. Hoke
Edward H. Hobson
Thomas C. Hindman
Edward W. Hincks
Bushrod R. Johnson
William A. Johnson
John Letcher
Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
Mortimer D. Leggett
W. H. F. Lee
Samuel P. Lee
Albert L. Lee
Jacob A. Lash
William Lamb
Joseph F. Knipe
Nathan Kimball
Joseph B. Kershaw
Louisa McLane Johnston
John McIntosh Kell
Lawrence M. Keitt
Robert Kean
Benito Juárez
William E. Jones
John M. Jones
William Preston Johnston
Robert D. Johnston
Gustavus A. Myers
Lucius B. Northrop
Henry Heth
William M. Shy
Thomas B. Smith
Morgan L. Smith
Martin L. Smith
James A. Smith
Gustavus W. Smith
Giles A. Smith
Charles H. Smith
Henry W. Slocum
Michael V. Sheridan
W. Sooy Smith
George F. Shepley
J. O. Shelby
Alexander Shaler
George B. Seldon
Claudius W. Sears
Thomas M. Scott
Frederich S. Salomon
Isaac M. St. John
Thomas Kilby Smith
Thomas D. Smyth
Thomas H. Ruger
John M. Stone
Albert T. A. Torbert
John M. Thayer
Alfred H. Terry
William B. Taliaferro
Thomas W. Sweeny
Samuel D. Sturgis
Flora C. Stuart
Otho F. Strahl
Alexander P. Stewart
G. Moxley Sorrel
Thomas G. Stevenson
George H. Steuart
Linton Stephens
John A. Stephens
James B. Steedman
David S. Stanley
Leroy A. Stafford
Jane Cochran Speed
David A. Russell
Edmund W. Rucker
Charles O'Conor
George H. Pendleton
David Pool
Edward A. Pollard
William Poague
Henry Pleasants
P. J. Phillips
S. Ledyard Phelps
H. Henry Perry
William N. Pendleton
John Pegram
Robert B. Potter
John J. Peck
Mosby M. Parsons
John G. Parke
John M. Palmer
Thomas J. Page
Richard L. Page
Robert Ould
Emerson Opdycke
Carnot Posey
George D. Prentice
Lovell H. Rousseau
Harry Reese
Thomas L. Rosser
Robert E. Rodes
John S. Rock
John C. Robinson
William C. Rives
James B. Ricketts
Alexander C. Rhind
Joseph J. Reynolds
John H. Reagan
John S. Preston
Thomas Buchanan Read
Charles W. Read
Robert Ransom
Stephen Dodson Ramseur
Charles Quintard
William Quarles
Willie Preston
Sally Buchanan Preston
Catherine Morgan Hill
Edward Hatch
Lord Rockingham
John Wayles
Princess Wilhelmina
Anthony Wibird
Peter Whitney
George Whitney
Alexander White
Thomas Whately
Harriet Welsh
Nathan Webb
Elkanah Watson
John Witherspoon
Benjamin Waterhouse
James Warren
Marie Verrieres
Claudine-Genevieve Verrieres
Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes
Leonard Vassall
Baron van Lynden van Hemmen
Francis van der Kemp
William V, Prince of Orange
Oliver Wolcott, Sr.
Bartholomeus van den Santheuvel
William W. Averell
René Beauregard
Samuel Beatty
François Achille Bazaine
William B. Bate
John S. Barnes
Mary Theodosia Parker Banks
Orville E. Babcock
Romeyn B. Ayres
Richard D. Arnold
Sarah Yard
Richard Arnold
George Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll
Richard H. Anderson
George T. Anderson
James Alden
Edward M. House
Edward Young
Joseph Yorke
Baron Joan Derk van der Capellen tot den Pol
Royall Tyler
Tyree H. Bell
William Shaw
John Adams Smith
Isaac Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Caroline Smith
Sarah Siddons
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
William Shenstone
William Shelburne
Elizabeth Smith Shaw
William Smith, Jr.
Samuel Sewall
Jonathan Sewall
Jonathan Sergeant
Nathan Sellers
Gabriel Sartine
Peter Paul Rubens
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Thomas Rodney
Louisa Smith
William Stephens Smith
Thomas Twining
John Sullivan
Anne-Robert-Jacques, Baron de l'Aulne
Cotton Tufts
Thomas Tucker
Samuel Tucker
Pierre Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture
Matthew Thornton
John Thaxter
Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Henry Strachey
William Steuben Smith
Ebenezer Storer
Charles Storer
Joseph Stockbridge
Laurence Sterne
Joseph Stephens
Thomas Sparhawk
John Sparhawk
Tobias Smollett
Hamilton P. Bee
Berry G. Benson
Burton N. Harrison
Clement A. Evans
John G. Foster
William Forrest
Jesse Forrest
Manning F. Force
Joseph Finegan
Charles W. Field
Edward Ferrero
James F. Fagan
Empress Eugénie
Samuel G. French
William H. Emory
Gilbert Elliott
George Washington Elliott
William Dwight
James Dunlavy
Jacob Douty
Kyd Douglas
Sarah E. Dorsey
William B. Franklin
William Gaines
James L. Donaldson
Archibald Gracie
Nathaniel H. Harris
James Harlan
Michael Hahn
James H. Hacket
Bryan Grimes
Charles Griffin
David McMurtrie Gregg
Hiram B. Granbury
Daniel C. Govan
Kenner Garrard
James B. Gordon
T. J. Goodwyn
R. R. Goode
States Rights Gist
James R. Gilmore
Quincy A. Gilmore
John Gibbon
George W. Getty
Richard Hely-Hutchinson, 4th Earl of Donoughmore
Grenville M. Dodge
Chief Black Kettle
Daniel Butterfield
Empress Charlotte
James R. Chalmers
Theodore H. Carter
John C. Carter
William P. Carlin
James Cantey
James M. Calhoun
William L. Cabell
M. Calbraith Butler
John M. Chivington
Abraham Buford
Ralph B. Buckland
Blanche Kelso Bruce
John C. Brown
John Brough
Edward Bouton
Thomas S. Bocock
P. P. Bliss
Benjamin Franklin Cheatham
Thomas J. Churchill
Charles H. Dimmock
William B. Cushing
Hubert Dilger
Thomas C. Devin
William H. Davis
Varina Ann Davis
Samuel Davis
Margaret Davis
Joseph Evan Davis
Lysander Cutler
Alonzo H. Cushing
John S. Clark
John Creswell
Tunis A. Craven
Edward Crapsey
John M. Corse
James W. Cooke
Alfred H. Colquitt
Napoleon Collins
Francis M. Cockrell
Henry DeLamar Clayton
Isaac Surratt
James Thompson
W. S. Forrest
William Appleton
Nathan Appleton
William Allen
Samuel Clesson Allen, Jr.
Samuel Clesson Allen
Bronson Alcott
John W. Baer
Tustunnugee Thlucco
Henry Clay Whitney
George Whitman
Peter H. Watson
William Hayes Ward
Leonard Wells Volk
Mary Owens Vineyard
Caleb Atwater
Philip P. Barbour
Horatio Nelson Taft
George Bond
James Silk Buckingham
O. B. Brown
Thomas Brothers
Peter C. Brooks
Albert Brisbane
Jacob Brinkerhoff
William C. Bouck
Luther Borden
John A. Bolles
Daniel D. Barnard
Horace Binney
Kingsley Bingham
John M. Berrien
Hobart Berrian
Jessie Benton Frémont
Jeremy Bentham
Samuel Beardsley
William T. Barry
Benjamin P. Thomas
Holly Taft
Tristram Burges
Elizabeth Abel
Lucy N. Colman
William A. Buckingham
Charles F. Brown
Chevalier Bertinatti
David Homer Bates
Thomas Arnold, headmaster of Rugby School
E. W. Andrews
James Lucas Yeo
Andrew Curtin
Henry Proctor
William Jones, Secretary of the Navy
Alexander Forrester Inglis Cochrane
Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl of Bathurst
Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool
William Huskisson
Ferdinand VII, King of Spain
Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry
William Crook
Edward Dicey
Bud Taft
William McMurtry
Judge Swain
Samuel E. Sewell
Henry Rood
William A. Richardson
Allen Thorndike Rice
Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom
Charles Adolphe Pineton
William W. Morris
William Knox
Professor Dowden
Henry W. Knight
Thomas D. Jones
Elizabeth Todd Grimsley
Frederick Grant
Benjamin Franklin Hope
Charley Forbes
Ernest Duvergier de Hauranne
A. J. H. Duganne
Joseph T. Buckingham
William Allen Butler
Azariah C. Flagg
Moses H. Grinnell
William B. Greene
Charles Gordon Greene
William F. Gourdon
Henry D. Gilpin
James W. Gerard
Roger L. Gamble
John Floyd
Clara Fisher
William H. Hale
Stephen Field
Henry Field
Cyrus W. Field
Charles G. Ferris
John Ferral
L. S. Everett
Alexander H. Everett
George H. Evans
Galusha A. Grow
J. H. Hammond
William English
Michael Hoffman
Samuel Jaudon
Moses Jaques
Sarah Yorke Jackson
Charles Jared Ingersoll
John H. Hunt
George Houston
William M. Holland
Thomas Hogan
Isaac Hill
Judge Hammond
Thomas Herttell
Sir John Herschel
John Hecker
Isaac Hecker
Richard Haughton
Stephen Hasbrouck
Eli Hart
J. G. Harris
W. P. Eustis
Fanny Elssler
William O. Butler
Rufus Choate
Edwin Croswell
Victor Cousin
Thomas Cooper
John Commerford
Calvin Colton
William Coleman
T. L. Clingman
A. S. Clayton
Julia Chinn
David Daggett
William Ellery Channing
W. H. Channing
John Catron
Mathew Carey
Churchill C. Cambreleng
Fitzwilliam Byrdsall
Jesse A. Bynum
L. Byllesby
Joel Curtis
G. M. Dallas
William Rufus Elliott
Warren Dutton
Richard S. Elliott
John B. Eldredge
Thomas Elder
John Worth Edmonds
Margaret O'Neale Timberlake Eaton
Ralph Earl
Theodore Dwight
Jonathan Dwight
Andrew Dunlap
Peter Vivian Daniel
William J. Duane
Thomas W. Dorr
George Washington Dixon
Samuel S. Dickinson
Moses Dawson
Matthew L. Davis
John Davis
Charles A. Davis
Patrick Ferguson
Robert L. Taylor
Charles King
Bennett Abell
Titian J. Coffey
Henry Clark
Thomas Chamberlin
Michael Burlingame
Jeremiah T. Boyle
Pen Bogart
John B. Baldwin
Stephen E. Ambrose
Samuel de Champlain
Nettie Colburn Maynard
William H. Winder
Nathan Towson
Eleazer W. Ripley
Isaac Chauncy
Sir St. George Gore
Caledonia Johnston
Old Rummy
Odo Pinabel
Isaac Cogdal
James C. Conkling
General Craufurd
Charles C. Halpine
William Pitt Kellogg
Jonathan Ned Katz
Charles Hurst
H. S. Huidekoper
Thomas Hood
Thomas Hicks
Mary Maxcy Herndon
Charles Hay
B. B. French
Thomas L. Crittenden
Virginia Woodbury Fox
John W. Forney
Archibald Fisher
Matilda Edwards
James Duncan
Anna E. Dickinson
David V. Derickson
Rodney O. Davis
Eddie Lincoln
Lord Oxie Nesbitt, Earl of Sunderland
Walter Jagger
Sir Guy Berkert
Lord Gideon Pakes, Viscount Eaton
Lettice Tomlin
Lady Sarah Sophia Villiers, Countess of Jersey
Elizabeth Nesbitt
Lady Magdalen Nesbitt, Countess of Sunderland
Armand Gauthier
Bartholomew Boothe
Lady Allegra Nesbitt
Lieutenant John R. Madison
Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry
George Mason Graham
Arsene Latour
Nicholas Lockyer
Judge Dominic Hall
Daniel Tod Patterson
Fredrick Nesbitt
Horatio Boothe
Conor O'Neil
Reginald Underwood
Sir Arthur Greeley
Lord Freddie, Earl of Buckhaven
LordWilliam Nesbitt, Earl of Sunderland
Harry Pigeon
Lord George Hastings, Viscount Chirton
Lady Jane Hastings, Countess Chirton
Sir Henry
Duchess of Quorm
Sir Roger Trembly
Lord Simon Roxbury, Viscount Brockton
Lady Caledonia Roxbury, Viscountess Brockton
Miss Halliburton
Jack Kelson
Leticia McKean
Alfred A. Taylor
Robbin Craven
John H. Glenn, Jr.
John Kenneth Galbraith
Sigmund Freud
Martin Feldstein
Stuart Eizenstat
Marriner Eccles
David Eccles
Michael Deaver
Philip E. Coldwell
Lee Iacocca
William Cahill
Robert C. Byrd
Arthur Burns
Alexander Wilson
John Randoph
Augustus Longstreet
Fitz-Greene Halleck
Oliver Goldsmith
Lyle E. Gramley
William M. Isaac
Alexander Campbell
Frank Goad Clement
Austin Peay
Malcolm Patterson
Kenneth McKellar
Hill McAlister
Luke Lea
Ben W. Hooper
Isham Harris
Edward H. Crump
Newton Cannon
Lawrence A. Kudlow
John P. Buchanan
William G. Brownlow
Gordon Browning
Ray Blanton
onald Reagan
Frank Morris
William McChesney Martin
Preston Martin
Philip Pendleton Cooke
Charles Brockden Brown
Beriah Magoffin
J. G. Randall
Elizabeth Hanks Sparrow
Harold Solomon
Caleb B. Smith
John Y. Simon
John M. Rutledge
E. Anthony Rotundo
Kate Roby
Sarah Rickard
Charles Henry Philbrick
Mary Speed
Miles O'Reilly
Denton Offut
Edward D. Neill
Samuel F. Miller
Elijah Miller
Anna Miles
James H. Matheny
Randolph B. Marcy
Fanny Henning Speed
Lucy G. Speed
Charles Lucien Bonaparte
Jesse Winans
Robert Montgomery Bird
William Bartram
Alexander Anderson
Willie Blount
Ruth Henshw Bascom
Elizabeth Lanesford Foster
Ethan Allen Brown
Clinton DeWitt
Douglas L. Wilson
Daniel Stowell
John Williamson
Gary L. Williams
Jesse W. Weik
John Watt
Paul H. Verduin
W. Scott Thompson
Noah H. Swayne
James Swaney
Charles B. Strozier
William Kendall
James G. King
Vincent Gambi
Reuben Grigsby
Lucy Hanks
Joseph Hanks
Abraham Hanks
Abram Hammond
Squire Hall
Levi Hall
Jackson Grimshaw
William Grigsby
Nathaniel Grigsby
William H. Hannah
Charles Grigsby
Aaron Grigsby
L. M. Greene
Johnson G. Greene
Gaines Greene
James Gourly
Grant Goodrich
Kate Gentry
Thomas Hanks
Edward Hannigan
Allen Gentry
Anson G. Henry
Benjamin Franklin Irwin
Abraham Inlow
Charles R. Hurst
Henry Horner
Thomas M. Hope
J. G. Holland
A. G. Hodges
James A. Herndon
John B. Helm
George Harding
Jesse Head
Caleb Hazel
Samuel Haycraft
Logan Hay
Peyton J. Harrison
Peachy Quinn Harrison
Oscar F. Harmon
Jacob Harding
James Gentry
Gertrude Garrison
Julia Jayne
Mark William Delahay
Jesse Kilgore Dubors
Thomas Withers Dresser
Charles Dresser
John W. Drake
William P. Dole
Wesley Diggins
William Martin Dickson
Theophilus Lyle Dickey
John D. Defrees
Benjamin S. Edwards
Frederick S. Day
John Dawson
Walter Davis
Oliver Lowndes Davis
J. B. Danforth
Ralph Crume
John Jordan Crittenden
Mrs. Josiah Crawford
John Duncan
Jonathan Elliot
George Gage
W. J. Ferguson
Charles Friend
Simeon Francis
Mrs. Simeon Francis
Francis Newton
Worthington Chauncey Ford
Thomas Ford
Job Fletcher
A. P. Field
Jesse W. Fell
David Elkin
Aaron Farmer
G. B. Fanchier
William Lee Davidson Ewing
Pascal Paoli Enos
Revill W. English
Ephraim Elmer Ellsworth
Abner Yates Ellis
William F. Elkin
General James
Matilda Johnston
James Cook Conkling
Alice Lloyd Buchanan
Mary Tilghman Buchanan
Letitia McKean Buchanan
Laetitia McKean Buchanan
Franklin Buchanan, the admiral's father
Franklin Buchanan, junior
Ellen Buchanan
Elizabeth Buchanan
Ann Catherine Lloyd Buchanan
Joseph Bryan
Nannie Buchanan
John M. Brooke
Samuel Breese
Abraham Bigelow
Silas Bent
Henry D. Bassett
Henry E. Ballard
John H. Aulick
William H. Allen
McKean Buchanan
Rosa Buchanan
Commodore Edward Preble
James C. Dobbin
French Forrest
Dulaney Forrest
Nancy Hardcastle Fisher
Barbara Fields
Ebenezer Farrand
Edward Pellew, 1st Viscount Exmouth
John R. Eggleston
John Duer
Francis C. Doane
Sallie Buchanan
Philip Daugherty
Daniel Conrad
David Conner
Alexander Claxton
William Chauvenet
James Chapman
R. M. Carter
George Budd
Commodore Thomas Truxtun
Commodore Issac Hull
Sarah Johnston
Luther W. Lawrence
Wallace A. Little
Nancy Lincoln
Mordecai Lincoln
Josiah Lincoln
Jacob Lincoln
Isaac Lincoln
Thomas Lewis
J. C. Lee
G. W. Lawrence
Owen Lovejoy [Abolitionist, lawyer, minister]
James Larkins
James Henry Lane
Josiah Lamborn
James W. Lamar
Ralph Krume
Turner R. King
Charles W. Keyes
Robert Kenzies
David Logan
William Lyman
Midshipman David Farragut
James Barron
Commodore Stephen Decatur
Commodore William Bainbridge
William Whately
William P. Vann Ness
David S. Terry
William J. Graves
Jonathan Cilley
David C. Broderick
Leon F. Czolgosz
John Alexander McClernand
Charles Guiteau
Angelica Singleton Van Buren
John McNeil
John McNamar
John McLear
Edward Wilson McGaughey
Joseph E. McDonald
Andrew McCormick
Burton C. Cook
Everton J. Conger
Abner Kneeland
Theron Rudd
Henry Shaw
John Sergeant
Catharine Maria Sedgwick
Arthur G. Sedgwick
Joseph A. Scoville
J. B. Say
John Savage
L. W. Ryckman
Clinton Roosevelt
E. M. Shepard
James Ronaldson
William H. Roane
William Cabell Rives
John C. Rives
Joseph Ritner
George Ripley
Tapping Reeve
Condy Raguet
Lemuel Shaw
John K. Simpson
William Hickling Prescott
William P. Taylor
Abel P. Upshur
Joseph Tuckerman
Nicholas P. Trist
Robert Townsend, Jr.
William W. Thompson
Waddy Thompson
Francis Thomas
Peter Oxenbridge Thacher
Nathaniel W. Taylor
Thomas Skidmore, Sr.
Arthur Tappan
William Graham Sumner
William Sullivan
William L. Stone
John L. Stephens
Ambrose Spencer
Isaac S. Smith
Levi D. Slamm
William Preston
Alonzo Potter
Roberts Vaux
Dixon H. Lewis
Louis McLane
G. W. Lyman
S. K. Lothrop
Richard Adams Locke
George Lippard
Levi Lincoln
William B. Lewis
Taylor Lewis
Elder John Leland
Horace Mann
Benjamin W. Leigh
Gideon Lee
Joshua Leavitt
Cornelius Lawrence
S. D. Langtree
Walter Savage Landor
H. F. R. de Lamennais
Charles Knowlton
Nathaniel Macon
Jeremiah Mason
Franklin Plummer
John L. O'Sullivan
John Pickering
S. C. Philips
Andrew Preston Peabody
Theophilus Parsons
Isaac Parker
Elihu Palmer
Robert Dale Owen
John Overton
Charles Ogle
Robert Mayo
John M. Niles
Hezekiah Niles
Thomas Low Nichols
Henry A. Muhlenberg
Marcus Morton, Jr.
Marcus Morton
Alexander Ming, Jr.
Alexander Ming
Peter van Ness
G. C. Verplanck
W. T. Claggett
Hiram W. Beckwith
John A. Brackenridge
John Minor Botts
J. S. Bliss
Albert Taylor Bledsoe