Figuren/CharaktereJohn Brown, abolitionist

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (117)

Abraham Lincoln von George S. McGovern
The Afterlife of John Brown von Andrew Taylor
Allies for Freedom and Blacks on John Brown von Benjamin Quarles
American Bloomsbury von Susan Cheever
American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies von Michael W. Kauffman
The American Civil War von Winston S. Churchill
American Legends: The Life of John Brown von Charles River Editors
Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers von Henry David Thoreau
April 1865: The Month That Saved America von Jay Winik
The Assassination: Death of the President von Champ Clark
The Battle Hymn of the Republic: A Biography of the Song That Marches On von John Stauffer
The Beleaguered City: The Vicksburg Campaign, December 1862-July 1863 (Modern Library) von Shelby Footementioned
Black AF History : the un-whitewashed story of America von Michael Harriot
The Black Hearts of Men: Radical Abolitionists and the Transformation of Race von John Stauffer
Black voices from Harpers Ferry: Osborne Anderson and the John Brown raid von Jean Libby
Blacks on John Brown von Benjamin Quarles
The Bloodiest Day: The Battle of Antietam von Ronald H. Bailey
The Boy Who Became Buffalo Bill: Growing Up Billy Cody in Bleeding Kansas von Andrea Warren
Brother against Brother von William C. Davis
The Civil War von Academic Industries
Civil War Schemes and Plots von Webb Garrison
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian von Shelby Foote
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 3: Red River to Appomattox von Shelby Foote
The Civil War: An Illustrated History von Geoffrey C. Ward
Cloudsplitter von Russell Banks
Confederate Admiral: The Life and Wars of Franklin Buchanan von Craig L. Symondsmentioned
Creating the John Brown Legend: Emerson, Thoreau, Douglass, Child and Higginson in Defense of the Raid on Harpers Ferry von Janet Kemper Beck
Die Erben Kains (Fackeln im Sturm 1) von John Jakes
Fiery Vision: The Life and Death of John Brown von Clinton Cox
Fire From the Midst of You: A Religious Life of John Brown von Louis Jr. Decaro
Flashman und der Engel des Herrn: Die Flashman-Manuskripte 10. Harry Flashman und John Brown in Virginia von George MacDonald Fraser
Eine Geschichte des amerikanischen Volkes von Howard Zinn
Gott segne Sie, Dr. Kevorkian. Rundfunkreportagen aus dem Jenseits von Kurt Vonnegut
Henry David Thoreau: Das reine Leben von Maximilien Le Roy
His Soul Goes Marching On: Responses to John Brown and the Harpers Ferry Raid von Paul Finkelman
Hudson, Ohio and the Underground Railroad von James F. Caccamo
Incident at Harper's Ferry; primary source materials for teaching the theory and technique of the investigative essay von Edward Stone
Jefferson Davis: The Man and His Hour von William C. Davis
John Brown von Jeannette Covert Nolan
John Brown von Tom Streissguth
John Brown von W. E. B. Du Bois
John Brown of Harper's Ferry: With Contemporary Prints, Photographs, and Maps (Makers of America) von John Anthony Scott
John Brown's Body. von Stephen Vincent Benét
John Brown's Spy: The Adventurous Life and Tragic Confession of John E. Cook von Steven Lubet
John Brown's Trial von Brian McGinty
John Brown's Body (song) von James E Greenleaf
John Brown's Raid von National Park Service
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry: A Brief History with Documents von Jonathan Earle
John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry (Cornerstones of Freedom Second Series) von Brendan January
John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry (Graphic History) von Jason Glaser
John Brown's Raid: A Picture History of the Attack on Harpers Ferry, Virginia von Lorenz Graham
John Brown's War Against Slavery von Robert E. McGlone
John Brown, 1800-1859; a biography fifty years after von Oswald Garrison Villard
John Brown, a Cry for Freedom von Lorenz B. Graham
John Brown, Abolitionist: The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seeded Civil Rights von David S. Reynolds
John Brown, an Address by Frederick Douglass at the fourteenth anniversary of Storer College von Frederick Douglass
John Brown, his soul goes marching on von Eve Marie Iger
John Brown: "The Thundering Voice of Jehovah" von Stan Cohen
John Brown: American martyr von Herbert Aptheker
John Brown: Defending the Innocent or Plotting Terror? (Fact Finders: Perspectives on History) von Nel Yomtov
John Brown: His Fight for Freedom von John Hendrix
John Brown: The Cost of Freedom von Louis A. Decaro
John Brown: The Legend Revisited von Merrill D. Peterson
John Brown: The Making of a Martyr (Southern Classics) von Robert Penn Warren
John Brown: The Making of a Revolutionary von Louis Ruchames
Kansas von Kenneth S. Davis
Lee Takes Command: From Seven Days to Second Bull Run von John L. Papanekreference to the capture of
The Legend of John Brown: A Biography and a History von Richard Owen Boyer
Lewis Hayden and the War Against Slavery von Joel Strangis
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong {original edition} von James W. Loewen
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong {revised & updated} von James W. Loewen
Lightning Time von Douglas Rees
Lincoln von David Herbert Donald
Lincoln as I Knew Him: Gossip, Tributes, and Revelations from His Best Friends and Worst Enemies von Harold Holzermentioned
Man on Fire; John Brown and the Cause of Liberty. von Jules Abels
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer von James L. Swanson
Marmee and Louisa: The Untold Story of Louisa May Alcott and Her Mother von Eve LaPlante
Meteor of War: The John Brown Story von Zoe Trodd
Midnight Rising: John Brown and the Raid That Sparked the Civil War von Tony Horwitz
Mine Eyes Have Seen von Ann Rinaldi
The Night I Freed John Brown von John Michael Cummings
North and South: The Complete Collection DVD von Richard T. Heffron
Not far from Pittsburgh; places and personalities in the history of the land beyond the Alleghenies von Clarence Edward Noble Macartney
The Old Man: John Brown at Harper's Ferry von Truman Nelson
Our Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln, John Brown and the Civil War Era von Stephen B. Oates
Patriotic Treason: John Brown and the Soul of America von Evan Carton
Pioneer Women: Voices from the Kansas Frontier von Joanna Stratton
The Portable Thoreau von Henry David Thoreau
The Portent: John Brown's Raid in American Memory von William M. S. Rasmussen
The public life of Capt. John Brown von James Redpath
The Raid On Harpers Ferry, October 16, 1859 A Brutal Skirmish Widens the Rift between North and South von Robert N. Webb
Raising Holy Hell: A Novel von Bruce Olds
The Road to Harpers Ferry von J. C. Furnas
The Road to Shiloh: Early Battles in the West von David Nevin
The Secret Six : John Brown and the Abolitionist Movement von Otto J. Scott
Secret Six: The True Tale of the Men Who Conspired with John Brown von Edward Renehan
Songs of the Civil War von Irwin Silber
Stealing the General von Russell S. Bonds
The Story of John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry von Zachary Kent
The Strange Story of Harper's Ferry - With Legends of the Surrounding Country von Joseph Barry
The sword and the spirit; a life of John Brown. Illustrated by Robert Hallock von Delight Ansley
This Mighty Scourge: Perspectives on the Civil War von James M. McPherson
Thunder at Harper's Ferry von Allan Keller
To Purge This Land With Blood: A Biography of John Brown von Stephen B. Oates
Toussaint Louverture and the American Civil War: The Promise and Peril of a Second Haitian Revolution von Matthew J. Clavin
The Triangle Histories of the Civil War: Leaders - John Brown von Helaine Becker
The tribunal : responses to John Brown and the Harpers Ferry Raid von John Stauffer
Verdicts of History von Thomas Fleming
Verdicts Out of Court von Clarence Darrowmentioned
Das verrückte Tagebuch des Henry Shackleford von James McBride
Voices of a People's History of the United States von Howard Zinn
A Volcano Beneath the Snow: John Brown's War Against Slavery von Albert Marrin
War to the knife von Thomas Goodrich
West Virginia (The States and the Nation series) von J.A. Williams
With Malice Toward None von Stephen B. Oates
A Yankee in Canada von Henry David Thoreau