Figuren/CharaktereBenjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (182)

'Life of the Party: Benjamin Disraeli and the politics of performance' in The New Yorker, 3 July 2006 [review of Hibbert's 'Disraeli'] von Adam Gopnik
'You Have It, Madam': The Purchase, in 1875, of Suez Canal Shares by Disraeli and Baron Lionel de Rothschild von Victor ROTHSCHILD
1862 von Robert Conroy
1867 Disraeli, Gladstone and Revolution: The Passing of the Second Reform Bill (Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics) von Maurice Cowling
Against the Current: Essays in the History of Ideas von Isaiah Berlin
The age of Disraeli, 1868-1881 : the rise of Tory democracy von Richard Shannon
The American Civil War von Winston S. Churchill
Astro Vedica Series: Stellar Horoscopes von Dean Dominic De Lucia
Beaconsfield: In society, in Parliament, in literature von George M. Towle
Benjamin Disraeli (Very Interesting People) von Jonathan Parry
Benjamin Disraeli Earl of Beaconsfield, Cartoons from "Punch" von Punch
Benjamin Disraeli Letters: 1835-1837 (Volume 2) von Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli Letters: 1838-1841 (Volume 3) von Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli Letters: 1842-1847 (Volume 4) von Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli Letters: 1848-1851 (Volume 5) von Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli Letters: 1852-1856 (Volume 6) von Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli Letters: 1857-1859 (Volume 7) von Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli Letters: 1860-1864 (Volume 8) von Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield von Cecil Roth
Benjamin Disraeli: Prime Minister extraordinary von Neil Grant
Benjamin Disraeli: Scenes from an Extraordinary Life von Helen Langley
Biographical Dictionary of British Prime Ministers von Robert Eccleshall
A Brief History of Life in Victorian Britain von Michael Paterson
British Naval Policy in the Gladstone-Disraeli Era, 1866-1880 von John Beeler
British Orations von Ernest Rhys
British Party Politics, 1852-1886 von Angus Hawkins
British statesmen von Ernest Barker
Capitalism, Culture and Decline in Britain: 1750-1990 von W. D. Rubinstein
Charles Darwin: A Biography: Volume 2: The Power of Place von Janet Browne
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian von Shelby Foote
Conservatism and Foreign Policy During the Lloyd George Coalition 1918-1922 von Inbal Rose
Conservatism: Dream and Reality von Robert Nisbet
The Conservatives: A History von Robin Harris
Culture Wars in British Literature: Multiculturalism and National Identity von Tracy J. Prince
Dandy, Poet, Staatsmann: Die vielen Leben des Benjamin Disraeli von Adam Kirsch
The Dandy: Brummell to Beerbohm von Ellen Moers
The day they kidnapped Queen Victoria von H. K. Fleming
Death at Dawn von Caro Peacock
Debts of Honour von Michael Foot
Debunking History von Ed Rayner
Disraeli von Sarah Bradford
Disraeli von Ian Machin
Disraeli von André Maurois
Disraeli von John K. Walton
Disraeli von John Vincent
Disraeli (The Library of world biography) von Richard W Davis
Disraeli a Play in Four Acts von Louis N. Parker
Disraeli and conservatism von grinterrobin
Disraeli and Gladstone von D. C. Somervell
Disraeli and His World von Christopher Hibbert
Disraeli and the Rise of a New Imperialism von C. C. Eldridge
Disraeli and Victorian Conservatism von T. A. Jenkins
Disraeli in Love von Maurice Edelman
Disraeli rising : a novel von Maurice Edelman
Disraeli's reminiscences von Benjamin Disraeli
Disraeli's Jewishness (Parkes-Wiener Series) von Todd M. Endelman
Disraeli, Gladstone, and the Eastern question von R. W. Seton-Watson
Disraeli, portrait of a romantic von David Butler
Disraeli. Eine Biographie aus victorianischer Zeit von Robert Blake
Disraeli: A Biography von Stanley Weintraub
Disraeli: A Brief Life von Paul Smith
Disraeli: Or, the Two Lives von Douglas Hurd
Disraeli: The Adventurer [volume 1] von David Butler
Disraeli: the alien patriot, von E. T. Raymond
Disraeli: The Novel Politician (Jewish Lives) von David Cesarani
Disraeli: The Victorian Dandy Who Became Prime Minister von Christopher Hibbert
Disraelis Grand Tour Benjamin Disraeli von Robert Blake
Dizzy : a life of Benjamin Disraeli von Hesketh Pearson
Don't, Mr. Disraeli! von Caryl Brahms
The Earl of Beaconsfield von James Anthony Froude
Early novels of Benjamin Disraeli von Daniel R. Schwarz
Edward the Caresser: The Playboy Prince Who Became Edward VII von Stanley Weintraub
Elections and Party Management: Politics in the time of Disraeli and Gladstone. (Classics in Social and Economic History series) von H. J. Hanham
England in the Nineteenth Century von David Thomson
England's mission : the imperial idea in the age of Gladstone and Disraeli, 1868-1880 von C. C. Eldridge
England: A Concise History von F. E. Halliday
Enter the Lion: A Posthumous Memoir of Mycroft Holmes von Michael P. Hodel
Essays in English History (Pelican) von A. J. P. Taylor
Four English portraits, 1801-1851 von Richard Aldington
From Dickens to Hardy von Boris Ford
Gladstone von Roy Jenkins
Gladstone and Disraeli (Documentary History) von Patrick J Rooke
Gladstone and Disraeli (New Adventure History) von B.H. Abbott
Gladstone and Disraeli (Questions and Analysis in History) von Stephen J. Lee
Gladstone, Disraeli and Later Victorian Politics von Paul Adelman
Gladstone, Disraeli, and Queen Victoria: The Centenary Romanes Lecture Delivered Before the University of Oxford on 10 November 1992 von Robert Blake
Gladstone: Heroic Minister 1865-1898 von Richard Shannon
Gout: The Patrician Malady von Roy Porter
Great Britain since 1688; a modern history von K. B. Smellie
Great British Speeches: A Stirring Anthology of Speeches from Every Period of British History von Simon Heffer
Great Conservatives: Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Randolph Churchill, Joseph Chamberlain, Stanley Baldwin, Neville Chamberlain, Edmund Burke von Conservative Political Centre
The Great Democracies von Winston S. Churchill
The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia von Peter Hopkirk
Great Parliamentary Scandals: Four Centuries of Calumny, Smear and Innuendo von Matthew Parris
The Great Rivalry: Gladstone and Disraeli von Dick Leonard
Great Tales from English History Omnibus von Robert Lacey
Großmacht Diplomatie. Von der Staatskunst Castlereaghs und Metternichs. von Henry Kissinger
H.L. Mencken on Religion von H. L. Mencken
Heaven's Command: An Imperial Progress von Jan Morris
Helena: Princess Reclaimed : The Life and Times of Queen Victoria's Third Daughter von S. Chomet
The History of Anti-Semitism, Volume 3: From Voltaire to Wagner von Léon Poliakov
A History of England von David Harris Willson
Hours in a Library von Leslie Stephen
Immortal Last Words: History's Most Memorable Dying Remarks, Deathbed Statements and Final Farewells von Terry Breverton
India Black von Carol K. Carr
India Black and the Shadows of Anarchy von Carol K. Carr
India Black and the Widow of Windsor von Carol K. Carr
Jews and the Carlton Club, with notes on Benjamin Disraeli, Henry Louis Bischoffsheim and Saul Isaac, M. P von Michael Jolles
Der kauernde Löwe. Die Kolonialisierung Afrikas 1876 - 1912 von Thomas Pakenham
Kindlers Kulturgeschichte: Europäische Revolutionen. 1789 bis 1848. (Kindlers Kulturgeschichte) von Eric Hobsbawm
Krone der Liebe. Roman. von Jean Plaidy
Leben und Zeitalter der Königin Victoria von Dorothy Marshall
Lebendiges politisches Erbe : freiheitliches Gedankengut von Burke bis Santayana; 1790 - 1958 von Russell Kirk
The Letters of Disraeli to Lady Bradford and Lady Chesterfiel, Volumes I and II von Benjamin Disraeli
The Letters of Disraeli to Lady Bradford and Lady Chesterfield: Volume I, 1873 to 1875 von the Marquis of Zetland
The Letters of Disraeli to Lady Bradford and Lady Chesterfield: Volume II, 1876-1881 von Benjamin Disraeli
Letters to My Grandchildren von Tony Benn
The Life and Times of Edward VII von Keith Middlemas
Life at the Court of Queen Victoria von Barry St. John Nevill
The life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield von William Flavelle Monypenny
The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli von Richard Aldous
Little Journeys to the Homes of English Authors: Benjamin Disraeli von Elbert Hubbard
Lives of Victorian Political Figures: Palmerston, Disraeli And Gladstone by Their Contemporaries, Part 1 (Pt. 1) von Nancy Lopatin-lummis
Lord Beaconsfield : a study von Georg Brandes
Lord Beaconsfield's Correspondence with His Sister, 1832-1852 von Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli
Lord Beaconsfield: A Biography von Thomas Power O'Connor
Love Letters of Great Men von Ursula Doyle
Makers of modern England; the force of individual genius in history von Giovanni Costigan
Mark Twain: A Life von Ron Powers
Mary Anne Disraeli; the story of Viscountess Beaconsfield von James Sykes
Meine frühen Jahre von Winston S. Churchillmentioned
Memorable Men of the Nineteenth Century II: The earl of Beaconsfield, His Life and Work von Lewis. Apjohn
The Moral Imagination: From Edmund Burke to Lionel Trilling von Gertrude Himmelfarb
Mr. and Mrs. Disraeli: A Strange Romance von Daisy Hay
Mr. Doyle and Dr. Bell von Howard Engel
Mrs. Dizzy: Life of Mary Anne Disraeli, Viscountess Beaconsfield von Mollie Hardwick
On Royalty: A Very Polite Inquiry Into Some Strangely Related Families von Jeremy Paxman
One Hot Summer: Dickens, Darwin, Disraeli, and the Great Stink of 1858 von Rosemary Ashton
The Oxford history of the British Empire, Volume 3 : The nineteenth century von Andrew Porter
Pax Britannica: the Climax of an Empire von James Morris
Peacocks and Primroses: a Survey of Disraeli's Novels von Muriel Masefield
Persons of consequence: Queen Victoria and her circle von Louis Auchincloss
The politics of British foreign policy in the era of Disraeli and Gladstone von Marvin Swartz
A Prime Minister on Prime Ministers von Harold Wilson
The Prime Ministers, from Robert Walpole to Margaret Thatcher von George Malcolm ThomsonPrime Minister, 1868 and 1874 - 1880
Prince Albert, his life and work von Hermione Hobhouse
Princess Louise: Queen Victoria's Unconventional Daughter von Jehanne Wake
Queen Victoria von Lytton Strachey
Queen Victoria in Her Letters and Journals von Christopher Hibbert
Queen Victoria. Eine Biographie von Stanley Weintraub
The Queen, Her Lover and the Most Notorious Spy in History von Roland Perry
Reminiscences von Constance Battersea
Road to Khartoum von Charles Chenevix Trench
Die Romanows: Glanz und Untergang der Zarendynastie 1613-1918 von Simon Sebag-Montefiore
Salisbury: Victorian Titan von Andrew Roberts
The Sayings of Disraeli (Duckworth Sayings Series) von Benjamin Disraeli
Seks engelske politikere: Disraeli, Gladstone, Chamberlain, Asquith, Lloyd George, Churchill von Hans Alslev Lund
Shooting Victoria: Madness, Mayhem, and the Rebirth of the British Monarchy von Paul Thomas Murphy
A Short History of Canada von Desmond Morton
A Short History of England von Simon Jenkins
Slightly Foxed 45: Frankly, My Dear von Gail Pirkis'Endymion'
Sons, Servants and Statesmen: The Men in Queen Victoria's Life von John Van der Kiste
Strange gods von Susan Jacoby
The strange life of Lady Blessington von Michael Sadleir
Ten Englishmen of the Nineteenth Century von James Richard Joy
This Was Our Pact von Ryan Andrews
The Times Great Victorian Lives: An Era in Obituaries (Times (Times Books)) von Ian Brunskill
To Visit the Queen von Diane Duane
Uncrowned King: The Life of Prince Albert von Stanley Weintraub
Victoria and Disraeli: The Making of a Romantic Partnership von Theo Aronson
Victoria, Königin und Kaiserin: Ihr Leben und ihre Epoche von Elizabeth Longford
Victoria: A Biography von Christopher Hibbert
The Victorian age; the age of comfort and culture von R. B. Mowat
The Victorians von A. N. Wilson
We Two: Victoria and Albert: Rulers, Partners, Rivals von Gillian Gill
Whigs and Whiggism: political writings von Benjamin Disraeli
Who's Who in Victorian Britain: 1851-1901 von Roger Ellis
The young Disraeli von B. R. Jerman
The Young Disraeli, 1804-1846 von Jane Ridley
Young Mr. Disraeli von Elswyth Thane
Zulu: The Heroism and Tragedy of the Zulu War of 1879 von Saul David