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Andrew Johnson
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"They Have Killed Papa Dead!": The Road to Ford's Theatre, Abraham Lincoln's Murder, and the Rage for Vengeance
Anthony Pitch
Accidental Presidents: Eight Men Who Changed America
Jared Cohen
Action Presidents #4: John F. Kennedy!
Fred Van Lente
After the Thunder: Fourteen Men Who Shaped Post-Civil War America
Wilmer Jones
The Age of Jackson
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Alias Paine: Lewis Thornton Powell, the Mystery Man of the Lincoln Conspiracy
Betty J. Ownsbey
Almost America : From the Colonists to Clinton : A "What If" History of the U.S.
Steve Tally
America's First Dynasty: The Adamses, 1735–1918
Richard Brookhiser
American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies
Michael W. Kauffman
American Heritage Book of the Presidents and Famous Americans, Volume 6
American Heritage
American Political and Social History
Harold Underwood Faulkner
The American Presidents
David C. Whitney
American Presidents
David Levine
The American Presidents: Biographies of the chief executives from Washington through Clinton
David C. Whitney
The American Presidents: Biographies of the Chief Executives from Washington through George W. Bush
David C. Whitney
The American Presidents: Biographies of the chief executives from Washington through Reagan
David C. Whitney
Andrew Johnson
Annette Gordon-Reed
Andrew Johnson
Edwin Palmer Hoyt
Andrew Johnson (Checkerboard Biography Library: U.S. Presidents)
Anne Welsbacher
Andrew Johnson (Profiles of the Presidents)
Michael Burgan
Andrew Johnson and the uses of constitutional power (Library of American biography)
James E. Sefton
Andrew Johnson, Tailor from Tennessee
William Dwight Crane
Andrew Johnson: A Biography
Hans L. Trefousse
Andrew Johnson: A MyReportLinks.com Book (Presidents)
Judy Alter
Andrew Johnson: A Profile
Eric L. McKitrick
Andrew Johnson: America's 17th President (Encyclopedia of Presidents)
Don Nardo
Andrew Johnson: President on trial
Milton Lomask
Andrew Johnson: Seventeenth President of the United States (Encyclopedia of Presidents)
Zachary Kent
Andy Johnson: the tailor who become President
Milton Lomask
April 1865: The Month That Saved America
Jay Winik
The Assassin's Accomplice: Mary Surratt and the Plot to Kill Abraham Lincoln
Kate Clifford Larson
The Assassination: Death of the President
Champ Clark
Behind the Scenes: or, Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the White House
Elizabeth Keckley
The Bitterroots
C. J. Box
Black AF History : the un-whitewashed story of America
Michael Harriot
The Blockade: Runners and Raiders
William C. Davis
Blood on the Moon: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Jr. Edward Steers
The Buck Stops Here: The Presidents of the United States
Alice Provensen
Bungleton Green and The Mystic Commandos
Jay Jackson
Chasing Lincoln's Killer
James L. Swanson
The Civil War
Academic Industries
The Civil War in the West: Victory and Defeat from the Appalachians to the Mississippi
Earl J. Hess
Civil War Schemes and Plots
Webb Garrison
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville
Shelby Foote
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 3: Red River to Appomattox
Shelby Foote
The Civil War: An Illustrated History
Geoffrey C. Ward
The Clansman
Thomas Dixon
Color-Blind Justice: Albion Tourgee and the Quest for Racial Equality from the Civil War to Plessy v. Ferguson
Mark Elliott
A Compromise of Principle: Congressional Republicans and Reconstruction, 1863-1869
Michael Les Benedict
Damals Heft 9 / September 1974
Hans Rempel
Dark Union: The Secret Web of Profiteers, Politicians, and Booth Conspirators That Led to Lincoln's Death
Leonard F. Guttridge
Don't Know Much About the Presidents
Kenneth C. Davis
Drawing the Vote: An Illustrated Guide to Voting in America
Tommy Jenkins
Fault Lines in the Constitution: The Graphic Novel (World Citizen Comics)
Cynthia Levinson
First Ladies
Betty Boyd Caroli
The First Ladies
Margaret Brown Klapthor
First Ladies: An Intimate Group Portrait of White House Wives
Margaret Truman
First Ladies: The Saga of the Presidents' Wives and Their Power, 1789-1961
Carl Sferrazza Anthony
The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt
T. J. Stiles
The Five of Hearts: An Intimate Portrait of Henry Adams and His Friends, 1880-1918
Patricia O'Toole
Forever Free: The Story of Emancipation and Reconstruction
Eric Foner
Boris Pronsky
Eine Geschichte des amerikanischen Volkes
Howard Zinn
The Gilded Age
Judith Freeman Clark
Grand Inquests: The Historic Impeachments of Justice Samuel Chase and President Andrew Johnson
William Rehnquist
Ron Chernow
The Great Impeacher
Robert E. Horowitz
Hail to the Chiefs: Presidential Mischief, Morals, & Malarkey from George W. to George W.
Barbara Holland
Herndon's Life of Lincoln
William Henry Herndon
History of the United States, from the earliest period to the administration of President Johnson
Jesse Ames Spencer
Homes of the American Presidents
Cranston Jones
Homes of the Presidents
Bill Harris
Hottest Heads of State: Volume 1: The American Presidents
J. D. Dobson
A House Reunited: How America Survived the Civil War (Modern Scholar)
Jay Winik
How to Be an Antiracist
Ibram X. Kendi
Impeached: The Trial of President Andrew Johnson and the Fight for Lincoln's Legacy
David O. Stewart
The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation
Brenda Wineapple
The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson
Michael Les Benedict
Impeachment: An American History
Jon Meacham
In the shadow of Presidents;: The American Vice-Presidency and succession system
Michael Harwood
Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States
United States Presidents
Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States from George Washington 1789 to George Bush 1989
President of the United States
John A. Kasson: politics and diplomacy from Lincoln to McKinley
Edward Younger
John Hay: from poetry to politics
Tyler Dennett
The Kents
John Ostrander
Bill O'Reilly
The Life of Frederick Douglass: A Graphic Narrative of a Slave's Journey from Bondage to Freedom
David F. Walker
The Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth
George Alfred Townsend
Lincoln and Johnson
William O. Stoddard
Lincoln as I Knew Him: Gossip, Tributes, and Revelations from His Best Friends and Worst Enemies
Harold Holzer
The Lincoln Murder Conspiracies
William Hanchett
Lincoln Revisited: New Insights from the Lincoln Forum (Lincoln Forum Books)
Harold Holzer
Lincoln's Assassins: A Complete Account of Their Capture, Trial, and Punishment
Roy Z. Chamlee
Lincoln's Assassins: Their Trial and Execution
James L. Swanson
Lincoln's Avengers: Justice, Revenge, and Reunion after the Civil War
Elizabeth D. Leonard
Lincoln's War Cabinet
Burton Jesse Hendrick
The lives of our presidents: From Washington to Wilson. For young people. Containing an account of the boyhood days, adventures, careers and homes of the twenty-eight presidents of the U.S. of America
Charles Morris
Lives of the Presidents: Fame, Shame (and What the Neighbors Thought)
Kathleen Krull
The Look-It-Up Book of Presidents
Wyatt Blassingame
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer
James L. Swanson
Master of War: The Life of General George H. Thomas
Benson Bobrick
Maximilian and Juarez
Jasper Ridley
Monumental: Oscar Dunn and His Radical Fight in Reconstruction Louisiana
Brian K. Mitchell
More Tales of Tennessee
Louise Littleton Davis
The Murder of Abraham Lincoln
Rick Geary
Murdering Mr. Lincoln: A New Detection of the 19th Century's Most Famous Crime
Charles Higham
The Nation Reunited: War's Aftermath
Richard W. Murphy
Our Presidents: Their Lives and Stories
Nancy J. Skarmeas
The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to Bill Clinton
Stephen Skowronek
The Presidency
Michael Nelson
President Garfield: From Radical to Unifier
C. W. Goodyear
Presidential Anecdotes
Paul F. Boller
Presidential Campaigns: From George Washington to George W. Bush
Paul F. Boller
Presidential Leadership: Rating the Best and the Worst in the White House
James Taranto
Presidential Wives: An Anecdotal History
Paul F. Boller
Presidents North Carolina gave the nation : addresses and papers in connection with the unveiling of a monument to the t
The Presidents of the United States of America
Frank Freidel
Presidents of the United States Reading Discovery Level 3 Reader (Fast Facts Book)
Dalmatian Press
Raleigh: Capital of North Carolina
Federal Writers Project
Recognition Guide: ilClan Volume 09
Catalyst Game Labs
Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877
Eric Foner
Reveille in Washington, 1860-1865
Margaret Leech
Robert E. Lee: A Life
Allen C. Guelzo
Secret Lives of the First Ladies: What Your Teachers Never Told You About the Women of the White House
Cormac O'Brien
The Senate, 1789-1989. Vol. 1. Addresses on the history of the United States Senate
Robert C. Byrd
Sherman's March
Burke Davis
Sherman's March: Atlanta to the Sea
David Nevin
So You Want to Be President?
Judith St. George
Stanton; the life and times of Lincoln's Secretary of War
Benjamin Platt Thomas
Star Spangled Men: Americas Ten Worst Presidents
Nathan Miller
The Story of our Presidents from Washington to Taft, for Young People
Charles Morris
The Story of the White House
Kate Waters
The Struggle for Tennessee: Tupelo to Stones River
James H. Street
Tennessee: A Short History
Robert Ewing Corlew
That Kind of Mother
Rumaan Alam
Andrew Stone
To the Best of My Ability
James M. McPherson
The trial of Andrew Johnson
Noel Bertram Gerson
United States Presidents: Washington to Garfield
Marion McGuire
We Are Lincoln Men: Abraham Lincoln and His Friends
David Herbert Donald
When the Bells Tolled for Lincoln: Southern Reaction to the Assassination
Carolyn L. Harrell
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
Carol Anderson
U.S. president
With Malice Toward None
Honore Willsie Morrow
The Yankee from Tennessee
Noel Bertram Gerson
Yo, Millard Fillmore!: (And all those other Presidents you don't know)
Will Cleveland
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Zugehörige Figuren/Charaktere
Abraham Lincoln
Ulysses S. Grant
James Buchanan
Andrew Jackson
Rutherford B. Hayes
Theodore Roosevelt
John Quincy Adams
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Benjamin Harrison
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James A. Garfield
John Adams
James Madison
Grover Cleveland
Zachary Taylor
Franklin Pierce
John Tyler
William Henry Harrison
Millard Fillmore
John F. Kennedy
James Knox Polk
Richard M. Nixon
James Monroe
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Chester A. Arthur
William McKinley
Calvin Coolidge
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Warren G. Harding
Martin van Buren
Edwin M. Stanton
Mary Todd Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth
Herbert Hoover
Ronald Reagan
Jimmy Carter
Jefferson Davis
William Tecumseh Sherman
William Henry Seward
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Gerald Ford
Salmon P. Chase
Charles Sumner
Horace Greeley
Robert E. Lee
George B. McClellan
Gideon Welles
Julia Dent Grant
John Hay
Joseph E. Johnston
George A. Atzerodt
Lewis Powell
Henry Clay
George W. Bush
Frederick Douglass
Henry W. Halleck
Robert Todd Lincoln
Thaddeus Stevens
Alexander H. Stephens
Stephen A. Douglas
Benjamin F. Butler
David Herold
Winfield Scott
Samuel A. Mudd
Mary Surratt
Tad Lincoln
John Harrison Surratt, Jr.
Charles A. Dana
Winfield Scott Hancock
William Lloyd Garrison
Abigail Adams
John C. Calhoun
Henry Adams
Schuyler Colfax
Montgomery Blair
Eleanor Roosevelt
Carl Schurz
Ward Hill Lamon
Lew Wallace
Alexander Hamilton
David Dixon Porter
Michael O'Laughlen
Philip Henry Sheridan
Samuel B. Arnold
James Speed
Daniel Webster
Wendell Phillips
Orville Hickman Browning
Clara Harris Rathbone
Judah P. Benjamin
John Cabell Breckinridge
David Hunter
John Singleton Mosby
Lafayette C. Baker
Frederick William Seward
Joseph Holt
William Pitt Fessenden
Junius Brutus Booth
Christopher C. Augur
Edward Bates
Boston Corbett
Joseph Hooker
Edman Spangler
Ambrose E. Burnside
John Brown, abolitionist
Martha Custis Washington
P. G. T. Beauregard
Charles Francis Adams
Braxton Bragg
Henry Reed Rathbone
John Sherman
Nat Turner
Dolley Madison
David Davis
Willie Lincoln
Edwin Booth
William Henry Herndon
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Jubal A. Early
Henry Ward Beecher
Walt Whitman
Benjamin Franklin Wade
Andrew Carnegie
Reverdy Johnson
Booker T. Washington
Ralph Waldo Emerson
William S. Rosecrans
George Bancroft
Hannibal Hamlin
John G. Nicolay
William Jennings Bryan
Simon Cameron
Stonewall Jackson
Horatio Seymour
Robert Toombs
Asia Booth Clarke
William Cullen Bryant
Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams
Louis J. Weichmann
Barack Obama
James Russell Lowell
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston
Joseph K. Barnes
John T. Ford
Noah Brooks
John F. Hartranft
Lewis Cass
Varina Howell Davis
Augustus Seward
George Gordon Meade
Benjamin Franklin
John Charles Frémont
Bess Truman
Everton Conger
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
John Bell Hood
Fanny Seward
Robert Anderson
Thurlow Weed
James G. Blaine
Jay Gould
Nathan Bedford Forrest
W. E. B. Du Bois
Thomas T. Eckert
Zachariah Chandler
John Adams Dix
David Glasgow Farragut
Howell Cobb
Montgomery Meigs
Thomas Ewing, Jr.
Anna Surratt
Grace Coolidge
Henry J. Raymond
Pat Nixon
Clement Claiborne Clay
Richard Garrett
Alexander Gardner
John Clarvoe
Samuel Cox, Sr.
Mathew Brady
Patrick Henry
Phineas Densmore Gurley
Eliza Johnson
John W. Clampitt
Lyman Trumbull
Luther Byron Baker
Charles Francis Adams, Jr.
William H. Bell
Lucy Webb Hayes
Junius Brutus Booth, Jr.
William Ewart Gladstone
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Leonidas Polk
Charles Wilkes
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Thomas Hart Benton
Rachel Jackson
Gustavus Vasa Fox
George H. Thomas
Oliver O. Howard
John Pope
Napoleon III
Edith Wilson
Lou Hoover
Edward Dickinson Baker
Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur
John A. Andrew
John Slidell
Florence Harding
Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt
Nellie Taft
J. E. B. Stuart
Joseph Wheeler
Edward Everett
Frances Clara Cleveland
Frederick Stone
Roger Brooke Taney
Julia Gardiner Tyler
Laura Keene
John A. Logan
William M. Evarts
Joseph Burroughs
Harriet Tubman
Henry James
Roscoe Conkling
Edward P. Doherty
Sam Houston
John A. Bingham
Charles Forbes
Harry Hawk
Thomas A. Jones
Sojourner Truth
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Edward R. S. Canby
Francis Preston Blair, Jr.
John Atzerodt
George Templeton Strong
Rufus King
Wade Hampton
Frederick A. Aiken
Lucretia Rudolph Garfield
Jacob Thompson
Mary Custis Lee
John A. Campbell
James Longstreet
Stephen R. Mallory
Harriet Lane
Simon Bolivar Buckner
Robert M. T. Hunter
Mary Boykin Chesnut
Letitia Christian Tyler
Jane Pierce
Sarah Childress Polk
Elizabeth Monroe
Henry Winter Davis
Whitelaw Reid
John Lee
Oliver P. Morton
Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
John Hunt Morgan
Don Carlos Buell
Lady Bird Johnson
Honora Fitzpatrick
Barbara Bush
Leonard Swett
Hugh McCulloch
Susan B. Anthony
Preston Brooks
Winston Churchill
John Bell
Dean Acheson
Francis Lieber
Elizabeth Keckly
Jacob D. Cox
John Brown
Jesse James
John Schofield
Francis B. Carpenter
Frank James
Jay Cooke
William Dennison
Richard S. Ewell
Albert Sidney Johnston
August V. Kautz
William Woods Holden
Thomas Harbin
Lorenzo Thomas
William Dean Howells
Lucy Lambert Hale
George Ashmun
Thurgood Marshall
Nancy Reagan
Henry Clay Ford
Absalom R. Bainbridge
Preston King
Betty Ford
Caroline Lavinia Harrison
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Clement L. Vallandigham
Ida Saxton McKinley
Ira Harris
Samuel J. Tilden
Donald Trump
Robert F. Kennedy
Alexis de Tocqueville
Thomas Edison
James Gordon Bennett
John C. Pemberton
David Kellogg Cartter
Henry L. Burnett
Henry David Thoreau
Dred Scott
Isaac Surratt
Edmund Kirby Smith
Henry Cabot Lodge
John Russell, 1st Earl Russell
Cyrus B. Comstock
John Sleeper Clarke
Horace Porter
Francis Preston Blair
Allan Pinkerton
George Cottingham
David Dana
Sterling Price
Irvin McDowell
William James
Appolonia Dean
Mamie Eisenhower
Henry Wilson
William L. Marcy
Walter S. Cox
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Bret Harte
Washington Briscoe
Jesse Jackson
Mary Ann Holmes Booth
Thomas Paine
Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Edwards Pierrepont
John Jay
Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison
Samuel Knapp Chester
Maunsell B. Field
Boss Tweed
George P. Fisher
David Dudley Field
John B. Gordon
Mark Twain
Martin Van Buren
Denmark Vesey
Silas T. Cobb
William E. Doster
George Alfred Townsend
Brooke Stabler
Alexander Graham Bell
George Armstrong Custer
Henry Clay Frick
Rosalynn Carter
Kate Chase Sprague
Edward O. C. Ord
Martha Jefferson Randolph
Benn Pitman
John B. Magruder
Eric Foner
John D. Rockefeller
William Queen
Christian Rath
Mortimer B. Ruggles
William B. Hazen
Louis T. Wigfall
Nathaniel P. Banks
Elihu B. Washburne
John Ehrlichman
James M. Mason
Joshua Fry Speed
Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico
George Wallace
Napoleon Bonaparte
Henry H. Wells
John Locke
Godfrey Weitzel
Raphael Semmes
John Matthews
Patrick Ronayne Cleburne
William Lucas
John M. Schofield
James Harlan
Benito Juárez
Thomas Ewing
William Walker
Hamilton Fish
Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor
Aaron Burr
David R. Clendenin
Joseph Baden
Abigail Powers Fillmore
Al Gore
Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln
Elbridge Gerry
Albert Gallatin
John M. Lloyd
John P. Hale
Emerick Hansell
Clarence Thomas
Theodore Parker
Adam Badeau
Henry Ford
Ross Perot
Oliver North
Nelson W. Aldrich
Robert Morris
Gouverneur Morris
James Wadsworth
David Walker
Dean Rusk
Walter Mondale
John Mitchell
James McPherson
Gabriel Prosser
Andrew Young
Caspar Weinberger
James Wilson
Rosa Parks
Leonard Wood
John Winthrop
Charles P. Stone
William C. Cleary
James H. Wilson
George S. Boutwell
Sarah Antoinette Slater
Isham Harris
Benjamin Rush
Clarence King
Clover Adams
James Abram Garfield
Henry A. Wise
Henry Wirz
Alpheus S. Williams
Robert Green Ingersoll
Gouverneur K. Warren
James B. Steedman
David S. Stanley
Gustavus W. Smith
Ellen Ewing Sherman
James A. Seddon
Fitz-John Porter
George E. Pickett
James B. McPherson
Samuel Bowles
Pius IX, Pope
William W. Loring
Earl Warren
Edwin Stanton
Philip Sheridan
Strom Thurmond
Homer Plessy
Edmund G. Ross
Rudy Giuliani
Lee Atwater
H. R. Haldeman
Barry Goldwater
Manton Marble
Daniel E. Sickles
John Bigelow
Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom
William Lowndes Yancey
Chauncey M. Depew
John B. Floyd
Thomas Lincoln
Joshua R. Giddings
Shelby Moore Cullom
James K. Polk
Gideon J. Pillow
Wilmer McLean
Charles A. Leale
James P. Ferguson
Dennis Hanks
William Petersen
John F. Parker
James A. McDevitt
Joshua Lloyd
Edwin G. Lee
Norman B. Judd
Olivia Jenkins
Susan Mahoney Jackson
Albion Howe
George Gardiner
George Robinson
Elizabeth Todd Edwards
Peregrine Davis
Edward C. Carrington
David Homer Bates
William S. Jett
Izora Gouldman
Edwin Forrest
James R. Ford
John Fletcher, stable foreman
Benjamin F. Ficklin
Elizabeth Quesenberry
William Rollins
Stephen A. Hurlbut
Edward Porter Alexander
Julia Ward Howe
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
A. P. Hill
William J. Hardee
Samuel Francis Du Pont
George Crook
James R. Chalmers
P. T. Barnum
Orville E. Babcock
Andrew Wylie
George N. Sanders
John Palmer Usher
Charles Urquhart
Beverly Tucker
Charles H. Tompkins
Richard L. Taylor
James Tanner
Richard Stuart
Robert King Stone
John Sununu
H. W. Smith
Nelson A. Miles
Lucretia Mott
Margaret Fuller
Upton Sinclair
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Marcus Garvey
Eugene V. Debs
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Hubert Humphrey
August Belmont
Adam Smith
Samuel Gompers
Medgar Evers
John Kerry
William Randolph Hearst
Benjamin Banneker
Daniel Shays
Dorothea Dix
Malcolm X
Nathaniel Bacon
Philip Armour
Lucy Stone
John Lewis
Clarence Darrow
Alexander Haig
Bernie Sanders
William P. Dole
D. Willard Bliss
Clara Louise Stone Hay
Philip Hone
Isaac N. Arnold
Giacomo Antonelli
Frederick Law Olmsted
John A. Dahlgren
Charles Guiteau
Fidel Castro
John Marshall
Caleb Cushing
George Ticknor Curtis
Bradley T. Johnson
John Randolph
Augustus Saint-Gaudens
Roger Sherman
Big Bill Haywood
C. Dwight Hess
Michael Henry
Charles Boucher
Margaret Branson
Charlotte Cushman
Nathaniel Lyon
Edward Curtis
Andrew Gregg Curtin
William H. Crook
Frances Miller Seward
Samuel Cox, Jr.
Clara Barton
Ella Turner
Ulric Dahlgren
Sam Watkins
Eli Whitney
Mark Hanna
John Forsyth
Fannie Lou Hamer
Al Smith
Brooks Adams
Thomas Ritchie
John Deery
Fred Hampton
David V. Derickson
William Bryant
Mary Owens
William A. Browning
John Hancock
Ralph Nader
Hiram R. Revels
Thomas M. Harris
William Seward
A. C. Richards
Hartman Richter
George F. Robinson
Henry Safford
Augustus W. Bradford
Rosalie Booth
William Withers, Jr.
Richard Yates
Luke Pryor Blackburn
Nikita Khrushchev
Samuel H. Beckwith
Finis L. Bates
George Bateman
William E. Chandler
John Ericsson
Mary Lease
Charles Dickens
Oscar James Dunn
William G. Brownlow
Edward Bellamy
Henry Demarest Lloyd
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.
Rayford Logan
Jack London
Benjamin Wade
Seth Luther
J. Pierpont Morgan
Thomas Nast
Lord Byron
Henry Kissinger
William Wirt
Anita Hill
James A. Hardie
James C. Hall
Marquis de Lafayette
Joseph Brown
John Greenawalt
Thomas Green
Jefferson C. Davis
Zachariah W. Gemmill
William Howard Russell
Simon Gavacan
Christopher Columbus
Benjamin B. French
Ethan Allen Hitchcock
William Still
George Kennan
William Crook
John Ellsler
Angela Davis
Charles A. Dunham
Elizabeth Dixon
Thomas Hutchinson
Harold Ickes
Thomas Nelson Conrad
Matthew Josephson
Charles H. Davis
James A. Ekin
Robert S. Foster
Winslow Homer
Alexander Kelly McClure
William Garrett
Thomas Jones
John Fiske
Kit Carson
Charles Carroll
Stokely Carmichael
James F. Byrnes
William Faulkner
Edmund Burke
George W. Julian
Henri B. de Saint-Marie
Evander McIvor Law
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Fitzhugh Lee
Rose O'Neal Greenhow
Mansfield Lovell
Henry Heth
Richard Lyons, 1st Viscount Lyons
Alexander McDowell McCook
Voltaire Randall
Lafayette McLaws
Charles Marshall
Dabney Maury
Randolph Peyton
Thomas Pendel
David Preston Parr
William Nelson
John M. Palmer
Timothy O'Sullivan
Mary Mercer Thompson Ord
Richard Smoot
Ellen Hutchinson Stanton
Richard Oglesby
Ignatius Donnelly
Barnard E. Bee
Davy Crockett
Richard Arnold
Archibald Cox
George Young
Joseph E. Brown
Franklin Buchanan
Hernán Cortés
Marquis de Chambrun
Benjamin Franklin Cheatham
James Chesnut, Jr.
Thomas A. Hendricks
Sanford Dole
Grenville M. Dodge
John Gregg
Percival Drayton
John C. Thompson
Henry Stuart Foote
George Clinton
John G. Foster
Charles S. Taft
Oswell Swann
John Harrison Surratt, Sr.
Michael Dukakis
Parke Godwin
George W. Gordon
John Todd Stuart
George Stoneman
H. S. Olcott
James R. O'Beirne
Frances Wright
Adele Cutts Douglas
Mikhail Gorbachev
Stand Watie
John J. Hughes
Ella Baker
Thomas J. Wood
Bennett H. Young
Louisa May Alcott
Robert Smalls
Isham Haynie
John van Buren
Thomas Harris
George Harper
John Hanks
John G. Walker
Charles G. Halpine
Andrew H. Foote
Eddie Lincoln
Owen Lovejoy [Abolitionist, lawyer, minister]
Martha Johnson Patterson
Ann Rutledge
Elizabeth Todd Grimsley
Crispus Attucks
John Jacob Astor
Les Aspin
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Ethan Allen
Spiro T. Agnew
Andrew Goodman
Bernard Baruch
John Nothey
Theodore McGowan
P. J. Phillips
Louis Brandeis
Theodore Frelinghuysen
Benjamin M. Prentiss
William Clarke Quantrill
George D. Mudd
Lovell H. Rousseau
Edmund Ruffin
John Lothrop Motley
Julian Bond
Hezekiah Metz
John Sedgwick
James L. McPhail
Franz Sigel
Zebulon B. Vance
Henry W. Slocum
John A. McClernand
Gerrit Smith
John Frederick May
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom
William H. Seward
Alexander D. Lovett
Amy Carter
Henry George
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Charles Leale
George Todd
William Kent
P. B. S. Pinchback
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Langston Hughes
Colin Powell
Nancy Hanks Lincoln
Robert Rantoul, Jr.
Earl Van Dorn
Edmund Randolph
Herbert Clark Hoover
Tom Wicker
Hiram Revels
Belle Boyd
John Cass
John D. Johnston
Garrison Frazier
Thomas Hicks
August Spies
Albert Parsons
William Westmoreland
William Preston
Milton Hay
Henry Wallace
Dick Cheney
John McGill
Horatio Alger
Bob Dylan
Emmett Till
Emma Offutt
Elihu Root
George Powell
Beriah Magoffin
Leland Stanford
Francis Wayland
Nelson Rockefeller
Francis Pickens
Paul Robeson
Joseph Medill
Albert Gallatin Riddle
Robert Winthrop
Ozias Mather Hatch
Richard M. Johnson
Karl Marx
John Henderson
DeWitt Clinton
Cassius Marcellus Clay
John Smith
Samuel Pomeroy
Harriet Martineau
Ely Moore
Hannah van Buren
James Walker
Ellen Wilson
Melancton Smith
Cotton Mather
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Gerald R. Ford
William Miller
Samuel Miller
Robert McNamara
Muhammad Ali
Richard Wright
Almarin C. Richards
James Wilson Grimes
John Lloyd
Theodore Sorensen
Arthur MacArthur
Richard Olney
Richard Morgan
Joseph Gillespie
Joseph McCarthy
John Murrin
Robert McFarlane
Manuel Noriega
John Newton
James Smith
Victoria Woodhull
Ngo Dinh Diem
Jesse K. Dubois
James M. Ashley
George Bush
Charles Tiffany
James J. Andrews
Antonio López de Santa Anna
Virginia Tunstall Clay-Clopton
John Roberts
Douglas MacArthur
Ida Tarbell
John T. Wilder
John Brophy
D. H. Gleason
Adolf Hitler
John McCain
Michael Schwerner
Richard Cloward
Sylvanus Cadwallader
Rowland Berthoff
James M. Calhoun
Jocelyn Elders
Andrew J. Smith
Philip Berrigan
Barbara Ehrenreich
Albert Beveridge
Ezra Cornell
George Forquer
William Engle
James A. Smith
Henry Stanbery
Thomas B. Smith
Warren Billings
Nancy Cott
Leopold II, King of the Belgians
Ninian Wirt Edwards
Sanford Conover
Daniel Berrigan
Barton Bernstein
Blanche Kelso Bruce
Frederick Steele
John C. Brown
Alexander Berkman
Carter L. Stevenson
William M. Shy
Allan Bloom
Austin Gollaher
James Guthrie
Augustus Howell
Luis Brandaon
Charles Hay
William Bradford
Wilhelm II, German Kaiser and King of Prussia
Nathaniel Prentiss Banks
John S. Preston
James A. Hamilton
Richard Cooper
John A. Rawlins
James Bowdoin
Wilfrid Laurier
Robert E. Rodes
Randolph Bourne
Ferdinand de Lesseps
Eula Bingham
Eugene A. Carr
Mentor Graham
J. O. Shelby
Alexander P. Stewart
Margaret Corbin
Michael Blumenthal
William P. Carlin
Dorothy Bolden
John Copeland
Bowling Green
Claudius W. Sears
William G. Greene
John C. Carter
Raymond Bonner
Thomas H. Ruger
Thomas Drummond
Otho F. Strahl
Victor Berger
Cadmus M. Wilcox
John A. Winslow
Charles Dawson
Hans L. Trefousse
Hanson Baldwin
Hector St. John de Crevecouer
Samuel Baldwin
David B. Birney
Bernard Bailyn
George Ball
John Greenleaf Whittier
Martha Ballard
Albert J. Beveridge
William P. Tory
John Barbot
James Bennett
William Bagley
William Butler
Jack Armstrong
Tariq Aziz
Josiah Tattnall
Herman Badillo
Clement Attlee
Hannah Armstrong
François Achille Bazaine
Samuel Beatty
John Marshall, 4th Chief Justice of the United States
Jim Younger
Herbert Croly
William Berry
Samuel Ward
William Eaton
William Allen Fuller
James Watson Webb
Cadwallader Washburn
Richard Barnet
William N. Pendleton
Walter Taylor
Bernard Bellush
Betty Friedan
E. Merton Coulter
Daniel S. Dickinson
Gwendolyn Bennett
Samuel Young
Margaret Benston
Andrew Belcher
James Gifford
Azel W. Dorsey
William Swinton
Daniel Drake
Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria
Abel D. Streight
Fernando Wood
James H. Fowle
Bartolomé de las Casas
Ron Kovic
Edward C. Walthall
Donald Barlett
Julia Grant
George Creel
James Crawford
Philip F. Thomas
George D. Wagner
Emory Upton
Mary Dyer
Stephen Crane
James S. Wadsworth
Andrew Crawford
Thomas L. Crittenden
Charles Beard
Thomas Crafts
Archer G. Herndon
Marvel Cooke
George H. Pendleton
Benjamin H. Hill
Daniel Drew
Theophilus H. Holmes
Robert Coles
Bruce Catton
Thomas C. Hindman
Daniel Harvey Hill
William Chafe
Daniel Hough
James B. Eads
Francis Harrison Pierpont
Matthew D. Ector
Benjamin Hardin Helm
Zechariah Chafee
Alexander Hays
Elmer E. Ellsworth
John Zadoc Jenkins
Edward Hatch
Ebenezer Peck
Alexander Randall
McGeorge Bundy
William P. Frye
John Burgess
Bushrod R. Johnson
James F. Jaquess
John Collier
Albert Camus
William Byrd
Henry R. Jackson
Archibald Jenkins
Elizabeth Anne Jenkins
William Calley
Hiram Powers
Edgar Chamorro
W. A. Nichols
Benjamin F. Kelley
Carrie Chapman Catt
James R. Gilmore
Cadwallader Colden
Quincy A. Gilmore
John Gibbon
James McDevitt
John W. Geary
Samuel G. French
Lewis J. A. McMillan
Lucinda Cisler
William Harvey Coin
William B. Franklin
Henry S. Lane
Horatio King
Thomas Cochran
Empress Eugénie
States Rights Gist
Landon Carter
David McMurtrie Gregg
James Chancy
Shirley Chisholm
George Dewey
Simeon Francis
Sarah Mudd
William Sprague
Richard Harding Davis
George Washington Carver
William Osborn Stoddard
Daniel C. Govan
Josiah Gorgas
Henry Christman
William H. Emory
George William Curtis
John McIntosh Kell
John Commons
Elliott B. Herndon
Edwin D. Morgan
Bill Breeden
George F. Hoar
Napoleon Collins
John W. Morton
William Pitt Kellogg
James D. Morgan
Rachel Semus
Francis M. Cockrell
William Brennan
Herman Melville
Joseph Mayo
David J. Brewer
James W. Cooke
Carl Bridenbaugh
Jeremy Brecher
William Jayne
William Kirkpatrick
Fred Branfman
William Brandon
Jim Fisk
John Pegram
Jeremiah Black
John G. Parke
J. Rowan Herndon
Russell Conwell
Charles O'Conor
Thomas Hood
Nellie Bly
James Hope
Emerson Opdycke
Richard J. Oglesby
Robert Conot
Samuel Cooper
Edward Brooke
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
William Hunter
Stephen T. Logan
Herbert Brownell
John Letcher
Stephen D. Lee
Paul Conkin
Samuel P. Lee
Henry McHenry
William Garrott Brown
Samuel R. Curtis
James H. Ledlie
William B. Cushing
Richard Watson Gilder
Nathan Kimball
David C. Reed
Charles Darwin [Charles Robert: 1809-1882]
Maria Garland Longstreet
William Mahone
Robert E. Brown
Heywood Broun
John M. Corse
Harold Brown
William P. Connery
Gustav Koerner
Ranald S. Mackenzie
Ben McCulloch
Sam Brown
Samuel W. Crawford
Thomas Crawford
John Creswell
John McArthur
Sarah Lincoln Grigsby
Theodore Lyman
Marian Wright Edelman
Antoinette Brown Blackwell
Robert Barnwell Rhett, Sr.
Beverley Tucker
Robert Moton
George Meade
Samuel Phillips Lee
Joseph Booth
Mary Jane Anderson
Benjamin Moran
Aaron Wolford
Charles Wills
Harry Wayne
William Coxshall
Charles C. Walcutt
Theodore Upson
Pierre A. Rost
Joseph Smith
Shields Green
Joseph Bradley
Ho Chi Minh
Martha Carter
Jacob Walter
James I. Waddell
George B. Crittenden
Charles H. Nichols
Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby
Richard Hawes
James Ferguson
James Lane
Jonathan Kozol
David Porter
Joan Baez
L. Francis Griffin
Richard W. Johnson
Sid Mills
Louis Goldsborough
John M. Garrett
Orval Faubus
Orville H. Platt
Catesby ap Roger Jones
Robert S. Abbott
William Lee
Thomas F. Drayton
Henry Villard
John Hight
Robert Henry Newell
Charles King
Jessica Mitford
Robert Shaw
Henry V. Freeman
Carl Linnaeus
Charles Douglass
Henry Hitchcock
A. C. Cooper
David Conyngham
David Wilmot
Horatio Chapman
Jeff Sessions
A. P. Stewart
Frances Willard
Angelina Grimké
John H. Littlefield
George W. Morgan
Peter J. Osterhaus
Polly Baker
Gabriel Rains
Shadrach Minkins
Orlando Poe
Julia Taft Bayne
George Pepper
James Hardie
Josiah Crawford
Edward 'Allegheny' Johnson
John Logan
Ella Mitchell
A. H. Markland
Roger B. Taney
Eli Devore
Amadou Diallo
Charles D. Kerr
Michael Brown, Jr.
Harry Blackmun
John Potter
John Basil Turchin
Edwin Lawrence Godkin
Antonin Scalia
Lucius Quntus Lamar
Robert Bork
Harriot Hunt
Anne Hutchinson
Charles Green
Henry W. Grady
Jonathan Gibbs
William Blount
Benjamin Franklin Butler
George Denison
Ivan Illich
Emerson Etheridge
John Ashcroft
Francis A. Walker
William Carroll
Geraldine Ferraro
Patrick Buchanan
Henry L. Dawes
Trayvon Martin
Marco Rubio
Newt Gingrich
Paul Ryan
William Richardson
George Trenholm
Abbie Hoffman
James Swank
Walter H. Taylor
Sarah Grimké
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Joe Hill
George Zimmerman
King Philip, Sachem of the Wampanoags
John T. Trowbridge
Elihu Washburne
John McEnery
David A. Wells
Crazy Horse
Jesse Helms
Cornelius Bushnell
James L. Alcorn
Amos Akerman
James D. Bulloch
Charles Wood
Jeremiah T. Boyle
Rick Scott
John Foster Dulles
Mary Ann Turner
Rose Kennedy
James Thompson
Charles Cruft
Joseph B. Stewart
George Kistiakowsky
Amelia Bloomer
Oliver Ellsworth
Jacob Ritterspaugh
Joseph Kennedy
J. Edgar Hoover
John Covode
Moorfield Storey
Felix Grundy
Georges Clemenceau
John Paul Stevens
Francis L. Cardozo
Silas C. Buck
Waitman T. Willey
Warren Burger
Catharine Beecher
Elizabeth Blackwell
William Rehnquist
George Jackson
Mother Jones
Black Kettle
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Roy Benavidez
William W. Belknap
Hugh Lawson White
A. G. Browne
Jessie Benton Frémont
Armistead Burwell
Solomon Townsend
Charles Pinckney
Leroy Pope Walker
Tom Taylor
Henry Walke
Erastus B. Tyler
Amos Kendall
Absalom Baird
Charles Eliot Norton
John Rawlins
Orville Babcock
Perry Fuller
Charles F. Smith
Lighthorse Harry Lee
Ted Cruz
George Julian
Henry Lee
John Tyler Morgan
William H. L. Wallace
Roger Pryor
Frederick Seward
William Wallace
Karl von Clausewitz
Otto von Bismarck
Thomas Sampson
Anna Seward
M. Jeff Thompson
Duke Ellington
Benjamin Tappan
John Surratt
Mary White Ovington
Mary Clemmer Ames
John Wool
William Shakespeare
Ralph Abernathy
Isaac Murphy
Thomas Williams
William Howard
Elijah P. Lovejoy
Franklin Robey
Joseph Davis
Mary Jane Hale Welles
Katherine Harris
Judith Henry
J. P. Morgan
Charles A. Wickliffe
Emma Goldman
Abner Doubleday
Anson G. Henry
Henry Wilding
John J. Crittenden
Philip St. George Cooke
Bull Connor
William Graham Sumner
Ellen Craft
Philip Avillo
Thomas Carlyle
Sally Hemings
Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Jesse Grant
John L. O'Sullivan
James Grimes
Elliot Abrams
César Chávez
Champ Ferguson
Leonard Farwell
Gar Alperovitz
Horace Maynard
David Barsamian
Henry Woodland
Philip Kearny
Jeffrey Amherst
James Streshly Jackson
William Wermerskirch
George Mason
Laura Bush
Herbert Aptheker
John H. Winder
John Boyle
John Bingham
Nicholas Biddle
Charles Lyell
Tom Corwin
William H. Crawford
Benjamin Tillman
William Clark
William Morgan
Thomas Davis
Thomas Babington Macaulay
Mary Church Terrell
Paul Revere
Horatio Greenough
Mary Ann Griffin
Robert Livingston
Lucinda Holloway
Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Óscar Romero
Ethel Rosenberg
Patricia Robinson
Benjamin Perley Poore
Horace White
Charles E. Belknap
John S. Ash
Noam Chomsky
Robert Gould Shaw
Eric Holder
Morrison R. Waite
E. R. Artman
Edith Wharton
John Caldwell
John Gray
John Taylor
Malvina Reynolds
James Benton
Joseph Story
Henry C. Carey
Francis Burke
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
Julius Rosenberg
Robert R. Jones
Linda Stout
Henry Merrick
David Duke
Charles Stewart
John Jay Chapman
Duff Green
John Quincy Adams II
William Carney
Anthony Burns
Samuel Tilden
Carol Moseley Braun
William Thompson
Hubert H. Humphrey
John Sweeney
Thomas E. Dewey
Emma Willard
Lee Harvey Oswald
Thomas Platt
Alexander Lovett
William Foster
Zora Neale Hurston
Anna Julia Cooper
Stephen Girard
Theodore Dwight
John H. Eaton
Robert Fulton
John Fitch
Pete Seeger
William Franklin
Richard Henry Dana
Jerry Sousa
W. R. Keim
Abel Rathbone Corbin
John Russwurm
George Rogers Clark
Samuel Chase
Thomas Corwin
Charles Coffin
Somerset Leaman
William B. Bate
James Green
Howard Hunt
Abbot Smith
Henry Johnson
Leonard Lehrmann
John Golden
Willie Jett
Radhabinod Pal
Christabel Pankhurst
Benjamin Leisler
William C. McDougall
Leon F. Czolgosz
Richard Helms
Francis Channing Barlow
Samuel Slater
Henry Gonzalez
Matthew Paterson
Albert F. A. King
John Lehman
George P. Kane
Roi Ottley
John O'Sullivan
Eugene Genovese
Seymour Hersh
Marvin Gettleman
James Otis
Joshua Giddings
Angelo Herndon
Harry Gold
James Henretta
Thomas Nelson Page
Emrick Hansell
Henri Giraud
Robert Treat Paine
Ernest Hemingway
Richard Lee
Joseph Heller
Lawrence Goodwyn
Willard Gaylin
Jack Greene
William Simon
Britten A. Hill
Pablo Picasso
Thomas H. Hines
Douglas Pike
Wassily Leontief
Frances Piven
Eaton G. Horner
Roswell S. Ripley
Francisco Pizarro
John M. Poindexter
John T. Holohan
Augustus Spencer Howell
John Shy
C. L. Sulzberger
Ulrich Phillips
William Preston Johnston
James Hoban
John Foster
Ben Patterson
Henry Grady
Samuel G. Howe
Robert Lekachman
James T. Lemon
George W. Perkins
Ezra W. Abbott
Edward Pessen
George Arnold, Sr.
Samuel Chester
Vladimir Lenin
Kevin Phillips
Thomas Grantham
Joel Tyler Headley
Owen Lattimore
William Gatewood
Aldous Huxley
Frank Norris
Abram Dunn Gillette
Henry Lowe Mudd, Jr.
Carver Neblett
Gaylord Nelson
Frances Dyer Mudd
Huey P. Newton
Henry Nash Smith
Henry Lowe Mudd
Robert Novak
Marion Nowack
John Wesley Hardin
Sam Nunn
John C. Frémont
Isaac Friend
Victor Navasky
Henry Mudd
R. C. Morgan
Lewis Mumford
Isabella II, Queen of Spain
William Notson
John Hope Franklin
Hans Koning
Joyce Kornbluh
Gerald Mullin
Frank Munsey
Gary B. Nash
Joseph Adrian Booth
Irving Kristol
A. J. Muste
Gustavus Myers
Peter Kropotkin
James J. Gifford
Luigi Nardella
Richard Oakes
Carlos Fuentes
Elbert Gary
Peter Salem
Hamlin Garland
Fiorello La Guardia
Lloyd Garner
Julia Gouldman
Kate Richards O'Hare
John Maxwell
Andrew Oliver
Thomas Gage
Patrick C. Martin
Samuel Hooper
Mark Hertsgaard
Robert LaMonte
Aubrey Land
Peter Oliver
Bennett F. Gwynn
John McCullough
Edwin V. Sumner
James Pumphrey
Walter Lafeber
Richard Montgomery
Edward Gorsuch
Nettie Mudd Monroe
Lambdin P. Milligan
Howard Hiatt
Arnold Offner
Robert La Follette
Sarah Hamlin Batchelder
James B. Merritt
Paul Fussell
Theodore Tilton
Jesse Gouldman
John Yates Beall
James Oglethorpe
Nicholas Gage
Tom Hayden
Norman Pollack
Peg Mullen
Nate Shaw
Thomas A. Scott
John Poindexter
Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin
Samuel Felton
James Ekin
Bernard Gwertzman
James Schlesinger
John Fletcher
Robert Louis Stevenson
Anthony Russo
John Schroeder
William Dwight
William 'Bloody Bill' Anderson
Alphonso Donn
Claiborne Jackson
Eugene V. Rostow
Fanny Kemble
Virginia Woodbury Fox
Herbert Gutman
William Gaither
John Parker
Jean-Paul Sartre
Benjamin Sasway
Ned Freeman
Harry Rositzke
Amasa Stone, Jr.
Jonathan Schell
Robert Foster
Lafayette S. Foster
Charles B. Bishop
Alice Rossi
Benjamin W. Vanderpoel
Henry Holt
John Singer Sargent
Jack Ryan
Yip Harburg
Stephen Shalom
Francis Parkman
Buffalo Bill Cody
Robert Allan
James Murray Mason
William Cleary
Virginia Clarke
Alonzo Hamby
Mauritz Haligren
William Burtles
Richard Hamilton
Alfred Thayer Mahan
George Calvert
John D. Long
James Hammond
William Scott
Wild Bill Hickok
Thomas Fortune Ryan
Bolton Hall
Job Shattuck
William Bennett
Eli Devoe
Henry Deringer
Edward H. Wright
Douglas Haig
George Opdyke
Henry Brown
David Levy Yulee
Felix Zollicoffer
Joel Chandler Harris
Albert Daggett
Henry Hobson Richardson
Mar Hanna
John A. J. Creswell
Margaret Sanger
Grace Bedell
Terence Powderly
Vaclav Havel
Charles Hamilton
George Rawick
Oakes Ames
Benjamin Lincoln
Louis Lingg
Arthur Link
George L. Record
Richard Grenville
Augustus Peabody Gardner
Kenneth Lockridge
Patricia Harris
E. H. Harriman
J. W. Loguen
Averell Harriman
Sinclair Lewis
William Hanchett
John Parker Hale
Nathanael Greene
Meridel LeSueur
Martin Sherwin
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
A. Philip Randolph
Julius Lester
Mamie Doud Eisenhower
Lawrence Levine
Dan Rather
Constance Fenimore Woolson
Howard Levy
Leonard Levy
Mollie Lewis
David Greenglass
William Greider
Jeannette Rankin
Robert Lowell
J. Saunders Redding
Clarence Leonard Hay
Michael Rogin
William Grover
Russell Sage
William Rockefeller
Richard Baynham Garrett
Andrea Salsedo
Adelbert Stone Hay
Anthony Sampson
Irwin Shaw
Samuel Harp
George Bernard Shaw
Leslie R. Groves
Thomas L. Gardiner
James Roosevelt
John Harlan
Theodore Rosengarten
Frederick Jackson Turner
David Rockefeller
Alice Lynd
James Reston
John Reed
William H. Rehnquist
Helen Lynd
Erich Maria Remarque
Robert Remini
E. L. Godkin
Robert Lynd
Carter G. Woodson
Staughton Lynd
Adrienne Rich
Thomas Gourlay
Pierre Soulé
John Robinson
Charles Dudley Warner
Henry de St. Marie
Adelaide Delannoy Booth
Edwin H. Conger
George Franklin
Barbara Welter
Janvier Woodward
John Conness
John Eaton
Max Eastman
Thomas Dixon
William Z. Foster
Crystal Eastman
Roger Williams
Robert Wiebe
Joseph Carroll
Ralph Easley
Alexander Spotswood
Walter White
Burton Wheeler
Johnnie Tilimon
Charles E. Wilson
Thomas Swann
Otto Eisenschiml
Theodore Dreiser
Charles Drew
Mary Devlin
Susan Brownmiller
Jon Wiener
James Weinstein
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Sumner Welles
Elizabeth Drew
Robert Drinan
James Duke
Isabel Sumner
Maynard Jackson
William Appleman Williams
George Worcester
Jacob Collamer
Stewart Woodford
Rowland Evans
Lawrence Wittner
Mary Wollstonecraft
Benjamin Davis
Henry Billings Brown
F. A. Sorge
Matthew Simpson
John L. Smith
Luke Day
Basil Davidson
Robert E. Coxe
Rhys Isaac
Lou Tikas
C. Vann Woodward
Hosea Hudson
James Q. Wilson
Stanley Elkins
George Engel
Rodolphe Desdunes
Daniel Ellsberg
Horatio G. Wright
Charles Chesnutt
Darryl B. Wilson
Hugh Davis
Stanley Engerman
Kirby Smith
Joseph Ettor
George Henry Evans
Jacob J. Soles
Molly Ivins
Edmund Wilson
Benjamin Spock
Joel Spring
Simone Weil
Samuel Worcester
Anne Braden
John Todd
Frances Trollope
Henry Vincent
Saddam Hussein
Ely Devoe
Lincoln Steffens
Robert Vesco
Dale Van Every
Claude Julien
Pope John Paul II
Julius Ulke
Chauncey Depew
Herbert Stein
Tulio Suzzara Verdi
Alfred Cloughley
Irving Kaufman
William Monroe Trotter
James Stillman
W. M. Wermerskirch
John W. Wharton
Carl Degler
Joseph Tumulty
Vine Deloria, Jr.
Henry MacNeal Turner
Adalbert Volck
Richard Steinke
Toussaint L'Ouverture
June Jordan
John Steinbeck
Arthur Vandenberg
Sir John Abbott
Herman Kahn
Fred Vinson
John Weems
Cordell Hull
Wilcomb Washburn
Tom Watson
Anthony Wayne
J. Donald Cameron
William Weatherby
Francis Jennings
William T. Clark
Helen Keller
August Willich
James Thornton
James Weaver
William O. Douglas
Julia Spruill
Nathan Huggins
Elizabeth Sherman Cameron
John Wall
Virgil Vogel
Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla
James Steele
Peter Trotter
John Alexander McClernand
Alan Dawley
John Stockwell
Samuel Huntington
Aunt Molly Jackson
Margaret Walker
Charles R. Walker
Marvin L. Michael Kay
Thomas Dorr
Edward D. Townsend
Maurice Stans
John Dos Passos
Albion Tourgée
Joseph Simonds
Grace Thorpe
Walter Millis
Grant Foreman
Ford Madox Ford
George M. Dallas
Isaac Pitman
James A. Brawner
Philip Foner
Robert Fogel
Ruby Doris Smith
James J. Mill
Richard Minear
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
C. Wright Mills
Dirk Hoerder
Eleanor Flexner
Douglas Miller
Christopher Hill
H. M. Flagler
Paul Mattick
Andrew Mellon
Frederick W. Taylor
Marlin Fitzwater
Georgia Lee Tatum
Thomas F. Bayard
Akira Iriye
James W. Pumphrey
Ronald Hoffman
James Mellon
Benjamin Fletcher
Marvin Meyers
Eliza Holahan
Arthur Miller
Gottlieb Mittelberger
Moctezuma II
Emerson Fite
Gabriel Kolko
Samuel Barlow
Richard H. Garrett
Simeon Draper
Charles Eames
Justin H. Smith
Richard Morris
Thomas Fortune
William J. Pegram
Nathan Page
William Morris
Betty Ownsbey
Bob Moses
Mary Moylan
James Owens
Peter Kolchin
Countee Cullen
David Montgomery
Gustavus Swift
James Henry Lane
Sarah Jane Peyton
Tom Mooney
Lucy Peyton
Randall Forsberg
Romeyn B. Ayres
Merle Curti
Jack Garrett
Edmund Morgan
John Pierpont Morgan
John A. Foster
William L. Dayton
Joseph Bailey
Samuel Eliot Morison
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Dalton Trumbo
Richard Hofstadter
Cynthia McKinnon
Dwight Macdonald
John McNaughton
Eartha Kitt
Michael Howard
George McGovern
Claude McKay
Floyd McKissick
Victor Searcher
I. F. Stone
Archibald MacLeish
George W. Bunker
Studs Terkel
William G. McLoughlin
Thomas Smith
George H. Calvert
James McCord
Shulamith Firestone
Ferdinand Marcos
Margaret Wright
Boris Yeltsin
Marilyn Young
Thomas Young
David MacMichael
John Deveny
James Farmer
John McCone
Harold Faulkner
Morton Sobell
Henry Feingold
Elizabeth Martinez
Elizabeth McAlister
James Seddon
Charles Macune
Sidney Fine
Daniel Ruggles
Henry Knox
George C. Marshall
Robert Manning
John Mason
Phillips Brooks
Jackson Main
Pauline Maier
A. T. Mahan
Bettie Rollins
Henry W. Allen
Britton A. Hill
Ernest Hartman Richter
Maxwell Taylor
Harry Hopkins
Morton Horwitz
Adolph Fischer
Tullio Suzzara Verdi
Mary Musgrove Matthews
Marcus Daly
Richard Kleindienst
James Ford Rhodes
John Edwards
Bailey Payton
Paul Wolfowitz
J. W. Schuckers
Samuel C. Pomeroy
Lucius Robinson
Jane Swisshelm
Ozwell Swann
Isaac Basset
Hugo L. Black
Rudolph Schleiden
C. H. Tomkins
Wesley Clark
Henry Von Steinacker
Robert C. Bryd
Charles Stonestreet
Donald Rumsfeld
Richard Sweeney
John W. Bricker
Robert C. Schenck
Harry F. Byrd, Sr.
Samuel Alito
Belle Seaman
Chiang Kai-Shek
John L. Orr
Alben W. Barkley
William B. Allison
Paul O'Neill
John P. Sanderson
William E. Borah
André B. Roman
George Stone
Anthony Kennedy
George Tenet
Henry Jackson
William J. Donovan
Jerry Brown
Elizabeth Ogden Adams
Simon Stevens
Louisa Catherine Adams
Morris K. Udall
Bill Donovan
E. Howard Hunt
Alexander Agassiz
Cyrus Vance
Nicholas Anderson
Bert Lance
Jody Powell
Hamilton Jordan
Edmund Clarence Stedman
William Colby
Allen W. Dulles
Menachem Begin
Eugene McCarthy
Theodore White
Christopher P. Wolcott
Wilbur Mills
George W. Woodward
John Young
Charles Percy
James M. Winchell
Ray Blanton
G. Gordon Liddy
Robert B. Warden
William Wales
Isaac Toucey
Elizabeth Thompson
John Dean
Eduard de Stoeckl
Allen Dulles
Rufus P. Spalding
Anwar el-Sadat
Ari Fleischer
Anna Ward
James Wood
Tom DeLay
Bob Dole
Bernardin F. Wiggett
Paula Jones
Monica Lewinsky
Sarah Latham Webster
Kenneth Starr
Webster Hubbell
Eliza Ann Smith
Henry Hyde
Chester Alan Arthur
Condoleezza Rice
Ken Lay
Karl Rove
Caleb Blood Smith
William Wood
Dick Morris
John Anderson
Dan Quayle
David Stockman
Frances Lucretia Kellogg Thomas
William Casey
George Shultz
Jeane Kirkpatrick
Alan Greenspan
Lawrence Walsh
Richard Gephardt
Pat Robertson
Jack Kemp
Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.
David Souter
Strobe Talbott
William Cohen
Richard Holbrook
James L. Orr
Mary R. Beard
Thomas T. Connally
William Lewis
Thomas Gibbons
Daniel Tompkins
William H. Vanderbilt
James Polk
Erastus Corning
Horace Clark
James Fisk, Sr.
Daniel Allen
Jacob Vanderbilt
John Morrissey
Cornelius Garrison
Joseph White
John Davidson
Jared Linsly
James Selby
Margaret Williams
Edmund Cooper
Benjamin Curtis
James Legate
Sheridan Shook
Henry Smythe
Jane Addams
Emilio Aguinaldo
Sydney E. Ahlstrom
Russell A. Alger
Tom Allen
Robert Allison
John Peter Altgeld
Benjamin Arnett
Ray Stannard Baker
Lemuel Wilme
Bernardine Wiget
Wharton Barker
A. P. Striker
Minerva Rodgers
George Rutherford
Niles Searles
Adeline Seward
John Simonds
Henry Warren Smith
J. L. Smith
Martin Spalding
Annie Sprigg
E. M. Stebbins
Joseph Stewart
William Stewart
Robert Stone
Charley Stowell
Edwin Sumner
George Wheelock
James Ward
Rose Wheeler
John William Westfall
E. D. Webster
Henry Clay Weaver
Peyton Washington
Kate Warne
Thomas Walter
Oswald Swan
James Walsh
Richard Wallach
Sue Wallace
John Toffey
Anna Maria Thornton
Eluctus Thomas
E. Digby Baltzell
John Bartlett
Charles Ramsdell
Grover Stephen Cleveland
Daniel Burnham
Alexander B. Callow, Jr.
A. E. Campbell
Margaret Campbell
George Carmack
Harvey Carney
Gorton Carruth
Samuel Cary
Sean Dennis Cashman
Mary Cassatt
Kate Chopin
Kate Holladay Claghorn
Emmons Clark
Edward Hammond Clarke
D. C. Cloud
John W. Burgess
Elizabeth Cohn
Stanton Coit
Norman J. Colman
Anthony Comstock
James J. Corbett
Robert D. Cowdrey
Jacob Coxey
James Cranfill
De Witt C. Cregier
William A. Croffut
Jane Cunningham Croly
Cyrus H. K. Curtis
James L. Curtis
Harry Dacre
Anson Burlingame
B. K. Bruce
Katherine Lee Bates
Black Bart
Rosalyn Baxandall
Elijah Baxter
Cecilia Beaux
David Belasco
Francis Bellamy
Victor L. Berger
Colonial Beriah Sellers
Emile Berliner
Sarah Bernhardt
Louise Betheme
Mary McLeod Bethune
John Bidwell
Billy the Kid
James Black
Black Elk
Joseph Brooks
Charles Loring Brace
Frank Broaker
John W. Britton
E. G. Briggs
William Cowper Brann
Thomas J. Brady
Myra Bradwell
Mackenzie Bowell
Richard Bland
C. G. Bothner
M. L. Booth
Evangeline Booth
John M. Blum
Susan Elizabeth Blow
James Blount
Albert Riddle
James Purdum
John Sherman Cooper
Francis O. Wilcox
Jennings Randolph
Sam T. Rayburn
Joseph T. Robinson
Richard B. Russel
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr
Hugh D. Scott, Jr
Margaret Bayard Smith
John C. Spooner
Robert A. Taft, Sr.
Benjamin R. Tillman
Arthur H. Vandenburg
Benjamin F. Wade
Thomas J. Walsh
Burton K. Wheeler
Silas Wright, Jr.
Edmund S. Muskie
Austin Adams
Frank Atkinson
Isaac Bassett
George Batchelder
J. G. Harris
William Birth
John Blake
Frederick Bruce
Luther Barnett Bruen
Constantino Brumidi
Charles Bulfinch
Henry Burnett
J. S. Butler
Lewis Chubb
Gerald P. Nye
Wayne L. Morse
Spencer Clark
Marcus A. Hanna
Albert B. Cummins
Everett M. Dirksen
Paul H. Douglas
Samuel J. Ervin, Jr.
William P. Fessenden
J. William Fulbright
George B. Galloway
Walter F. George
William Branch Giles
Carter Glass
Barry M. Goldwater
Albert A. Gore, Sr.
Arthur P. Gorman
Theodore F. Green
Philip A. Hart
Justin S. Morill
John Langdon
A.S. Mike Monroney
Michael J. Mansfield
Kenneth D. McKellar
Joseph R. McCarthy
Scott W. Lucas
Russel B. Long
Robert M. La Follette, Jr.
Carl T. Hayden
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
William F. Knowland
Hiram W. Johnson
Henry M. Jackson
Gilbert M. Hitchcock
Robert Y. Hayne
P. M. Clark
George Coffin
John Proctor
William McPhail
George Kane
James Kane
Joseph Keifer
Robert Kennell
John Kimball
Albert King
W. W. Kirby
Larcille La Pierre
James Leaman
James Mason
John Mathews
John May
Helen Varnum Hill McCalla
Lewis McMillan
Richard Merrick
Robert Jones
William Millward
Helen Palmes Moss
Frank Monroe
Robert Murray
Reuben Mussey
Mary Newcomb
Simon Newcomb
Littleton Newman
Henry Olcott
George Otis
Marsena R. Patrick
Martha Patterson
Henry Philips
George Porter
Norman Judd
Henry Jarrett
Charles Collins
Solomon Foot
James Conness
Walter Cox
Charles Crane
A. M. Crawford
Francis Curran
Augusta Curtis
Edward P. Dohert
William Doster
George Doyle
John Driggs
Alphonse Dunn
Joseph Dye
Francis Farrell
Cypriano Ferrandini
Mary French
Francis de Haes Janvier
Sallie Hartranft
Richtmyer Hubbell
Giles Hotchkiss
Eaton Horner
John Holahan
Britton Hill
Dwight Hess
John Hamilton
Polk Gardiner
Charles Hale
Leonard Grover
David Gooding
Lawrence Gobright
Zachariah Gemmill
John Garrett
Willie Kettles
Tom Scott
John Harrison Sanderson
Robert Lansing
Mary Leiter
Joseph Leiter
John T. Leary, Jr.
O. U. Rice
Lucy Larcom
Jacob Davis
William M. L. Rickards
Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne
Mary Peirce Leonard
Vladimir Lambsdorff
John LaFarge
Paul Kruger
Philander Knox
Herbert Kitchener
Clemens von Ketteler
Louis Kempff
Frank B. Kellogg
David Augustus Leonard
Emanuel Leutze
Thomas Kearns
Josephine Shaw Lowell
Robert F. McCormick
Ray Neff
Wayne MacVeagh
Ralph T. G. Newman
James Owen
William Wood Parsons
Lewis Pence
Maurice Low
Li Hongzhang
Harriet Loring
Francis B. Loomis
George Peterson
Walter G. Pollock
Anna Cabot Mills Davis Lodge
Andrew Potter
Sir Chentung Liang-Cheng
Earl Potter
Hanson Risley
Richard Wilmer Rowan
Mary Harrison McKee
Edgar P. Stringer
Robert Burns Stewart
Theodor von Holleben
Garrett A. Hobart
Alfred E. Hippisley
David Jayne Hill
Lord Herschell
Tomás Herrán
Sir Michael Herbert
Stanley S. Smith
William Peters Hepburn
Prince Heinrich of Prussia
Perry S. Heath
Nathaniel Hay
Leonard Hay
Helen Leonard Hay
Richard Henry Stuart
Helen Hay Whitney
Alexander Turney Stewart
Horace Holley
Kate Scott
John C. Shaffer
William Henry Seward, Jr.
J. A. A. J. Jusserand
William Hight Jordan
John M. Johnson
Susan, Lady St Helier
Emile Jaurès
John B. Jackson
Henry Showalter
Anne Hooper
W. H. Hurlbert
Henry Huntington
John Simonton
William C. Hunter
Gaillard Hunt
Osborne Howells
M. A. DeWolfe Howe
Alfred Smith
Whippet Nalgai
St. Clair McKelway
Elizabeth Hay
James W. Boyd
Izola Mills Booth
Johnny Booth
Robert B. Pegram
Ogarita Booth
Caroline Boyd
Jacob Parrott
Robert C. Kennedy
Ringgold Browning
Brutus de Villeroi
Spiro Agnew
Claudia Taylor Johnson
William Arthur Browning
Thomas Caldwell
Joas Miguel Celestina
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy
Mary Cook
Sam Upham
Luke Blackburn
Ernest DeAngelo
Louis Blenker
Isaac N. Brown
James Virgul Barnes
Albert Gallatin Brown
John M. Brooke
Thomas Bragg
Alexander Robinson Boteler
John McKnight Bloss
William H. Bissell
Joseph Reid Anderson
John R. Baylor
Mary Stevens Beall
William H. Aspinwall
Turner Ashby
Alexander Asboth
Robert Bernard
Frank Armstrong
Richard Heron Anderson
Garrett Davis
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Martha Mills
Joseph N. Miller
Lindsay Lunsford Lomax
L. F. Moneypenny
F. A. Mitchell
Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto
D. Randolph Martin
Gaylord McCluer
John McGinnis
George von Lengerke Meyer
William H. Moody
Samuel Mather
Mrs. Bradley Martin
José Manuel Marroquín
Lydia McGinnis
James McMillan
Thomas C. McLean
Henry Megill
Abner McKinley
Patrick Kmat
David Kahn
Richard Demill
Roswell E. Goodell
Lucretia Garfield
William McKee Dunn
Lucy Ware Webb Hayes
Henry J. Eager
William B. Earle
George Forrester
Robert F. Fowler
Hiram Ulysses Grant
Annie Lomax Green
John Bassett Moore
Thomas E. Henry
John Scott Harrison
Thomas Hines
Charles Hughes
Edwin Hynson
Nikolay Muraviev
Osburne Morgan
John T. Morgan
Eugene G. Hay
Edward Hay
Catharinus Putnam Buckingham
Aimée Tourgée
A. S. Chapman
Winton Chanler
Zhang Zhidong
Zachary Chandler
Mary Endicott Chamberlain
Joseph Chamberlain
Adna Chaffee
Cipriano Castro
Joseph H. Choate
Arturo Cassini
Silas Casey III
Guy Wetmore Carryl
Emma Kilbourne Tourgée
Jules Cambon
Valentine Tourgée, Jr.
Edward L. Burlingame
Joe R. Warner
Prince Ching
Thomas Settle, Jr.
F. Burge
Louisa Patillo
Jemima Coulter
George B. Cortelyou
James E. O'Hara
Luis Felipe Corea
T. Jefferson Coolidge
Adaline Patillo
José Vicente Concha
Charlie Collins
Walter Christmas
Mary Patillo
John Middleton Clayton
Homer A. Plessy
Joseph C. Price
Sir John Clark
William A. Clark
Thomas Brackett Reed
Clarence D. Clark
Thomas Burke
Jonathan Worth
Samuel Sullivan Cox
Jane Tunis Poultney Bigelow
Charles H. Allen
Josh Billings
Madame de Bille
Richard Webster, 1st Viscount Alverstone
James B. Angell
Joseph W. Babcock
Christian de Bille
Grace Bigelow
Joseph Bucklin Bishop
Arthur Balfour
S. L. M. Barlow
Francis Bertie
John Spencer Bassett
Lord Charles Beresford
William Rose Benét
Arthur M. Beaupré
Charles A. Beard
Lord Alcasta
John C. Black
Edwin A. Abbey
W. Bertrand Acker
Jacob Bunn
John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair
Ishbel Hamilton-Gordon, Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair
Henry Bulwer, 1st Baron Dalling and Bulwer
Bernhard von Bülow
James Bryce
Aristide Briand
Mrs. Adair
Cornelius N. Bliss
Herbert Baxter Adams
Herbert Bowen
Alvey A. Atlee
Louis Botha
Sophia Keppel, Countess of Albemarle
William Keppel, 7th Earl of Albemarle
Lady Alcasta
Sir Robert Bond
Louis A. Martinet
Seneca Kuhn
Charles E. Hay
John Goodnow
John Van Ness
Niels Grön
David Gray
John B. Gough
Mark Wade
William C. Gorgas
Susan Wade
George Washington Goethals
Philip Van Doren Stern
Jeremiah Ward
Thomas A. Watkins
Daniel Watson
James Watson
Willem Alexander Frederick Gevers, Baron Gevers
Friedrich von Gerholt
Robert Daniel Watson
Frank A. Weaver
Adam Gurowski
Finella Urquhart
Lyman Judson Gage
John M. Harlan
Alice Hay Wadsworth
Alphonse Taft
Adam Hay
John R. G. Hassard
Francis Bret Harte
W. Marshall Taylor
Mary Saunders Harrison
Nathaniel Beverley Tucker
Mary Louise Turner
Stephen V. Harkness
Sir William Harcourt
Norman Hapgood
Marcus Alonzo Hanna
Andrew J. Hamilton
Murat Halstead
Edward Everett Hale
Levi C. Turner
Charles Milnes Gaskell
Elizabeth Burnley Wilkes
Catherine Impey
Cushman K. Davis
George Washington Cable
Byron W. Canfield
Otto von Diederichs
Charles William Frederick Dick
John De Pauw
Théophile Delcassé
William R. Day
Homer Davenport
Fanny Campbell Eames
T. Thomas Fortune
James M. Dalzell
George Frederickson
George M. Curzon
John Marshall Harlan
Sir Robert Cuncliffe
William Nelson Cromwell
Thomas W. Cridler
James R. Doolittle
Spencer Eddy
James B. Fry
William Patrick Wood
Frederick T. Frelinghuysen
John W. Foster
Charles William Foster, Jr.
J. W. Forney
Charles B. Foraker
Sarah Wilkes
Charles R. Flint
Henry M. Flagler
Ronald Munro Ferguson, 1st Viscount Novar
Stephen Elkins
John Hay Farnham
Evelyne Leonard Farnham
Lady Georgiana Fane
Charles W. Fairbanks
Joseph J. Woodward
Empress Dowager Cixi
Martin B. Anderson
Bill Blair
Jennie Baker
Charley Armstrong
Caroline Sanderson
Mrs. Philip Phillips
Charles Bennet Ray
Sallie Putnam
J. Woods Price
Samuel M. Pook
George F. Polley
William H. Phillips
Rebecca Dodge
Thomas F. Perly
Spotswood Rice
Frank P. Peak
Eli Parker
S. W. Owen
Johannes A. Oertel
Samuel Franklin Emmons
William C. Oates
William L. Nugent
Anne Palmer Fell
Elisha Hunt Rhodes
James W. Ripley
J. C. Nolt
A. M. Stewart
Susie King Taylor
Allen Tate
Ada Copeland Todd King
Jerry Sullivan
Henry B. Strong
Edwin Stoughton
Leander Stilwell
John Summerfield Staples
John Rock
Hercules Stannard
William F. Smith
Charles A. Smith
Robert Cunliffe
W. E. G. Shanks
Andrew J. Russell
Anna Cabot Mills Lodge
Washington Roebling
William Norris
Ernest Fenollosa
George Ticknor
Herman Haupt
Walter Jolley
Ellen Hooper Gurney
Edwin Jennison
William Jaquin
Anson Hurd
Ephraim William Gurney
Fort Henry
Gail Hamilton
Charles E. King
as Alice Hay
James Henry Hammond
Mrs. Nathaniel Greene
Asa Gray
Jesse Grant II
Warren Goss
J. G. Gilchrist
Helen Hay
R. W. Gilder
Newton Knight
Dangerfield Newby
Arthur MacArthur, Jr.
Philip Myers
Claude E. Minié
Isabella Stewart Gardner
John Stuart Mill
John R. Meigs
Ellen Marcy McClellan
Daniel McCallum
William Thompson Lusk
Paul Gaughin
James Gardiner
Thaddeus S. C. Lowe
Elizabeth Lindsay Lomax
Mary Livermore
Black Horse Harry Lee
Loomis L. Langdon
James H. Lane
W. Delos Lake
David L. Thompson
Sally Tompkins
George Hearst
Eliza Holohan
William Kelley
John F. Kelley
Andrew Kallenbach
Thomas Jenkins
James Archibald Jenkins
W. L. Hoyle
Mary Holohan
Charles Holohan
William Wallace Kirby
Henry Hawkins
T. M. Harris
Martha Cameron Lindsay
Thomas Harney
Frank Carpenter
Margaret Chanler
A. D. Guillette
Walter Griffin
W. R. Kennedy
Virginia Lomax
Daniel Gleason
George L. Porter
William Sturgis Bigelow
Foster Robinson
Thomas Robey
Andrew Robey
Floyd Riswold
Lewis Thornton Powell
Joseph Nott
James Lusby
John H. Nothey
Sarah Neale
Richard Neale
R. D. Muzzey
Mary Murray
J. B. Menu
R. H. May
Ed Martin
David S. Gooding
Jean Charcot
Régis de Trobriand
Alfred Waud
Jesse Bowman Young
Anna Mary Young
Peter Wilson
John J. Williams
William E. West
Rose Elizabeth Cleveland
William Waud
Thomas Warrick
David Barry
Robert Penn Warren
Ferdinand Ward
Anne Wallace
G. G. Walker
Elizabeth Van Lew
A. L. P. Valrin
Theodore F. Upson
Daniel Ullmann
Willard Cutter
Frances Foster Cleveland
Andrew Gardner
Manson Campbell
James Fitzpatrick
Joseph Finotti
Elbert G. Emack
Paul Dubriel
David Miller DeWitt
John W. Dempsey
J. M. Carlisle
J. G. Butler
Robert J. Brent
Charlotte Clark
Mary Branson
J. H. Bradley
John Clark
Francis Boyle
David Bigley
Edward H. Clarke
James E. Gibson
Theodore Gerrish
William Burton
Alexander Lawton
Joseph K. F. Mansfield
A. Dudley Mann
James N. Maffit
George B. McCall
Isaac Lynde
William F. Lynch
as Robert Edward Lee
Erasmus D. Keyes
Leroy Todd
James L. Kemper
Aileen Tone
George W. Johnston
Herschel V. Johnson
Edward "Allegheny" Johnson
John Robert Jones
John Johns
John Hughes, Archbishop of New York
Mahlon Manson
Dixon S. Miles
Anna Hazard Barker
Julia Stone
Charles Todd Quintard
Charles Quantrill
William David Porter
Albert Pike
Francis W. Pickens
John J. Pettus
Peter Pelican
Robert Patterson
Robert Milroy
Prince Philippe, Comte de Paris
William 'Bull' Nelson
James E. Montgomery
John K. Mitchell
William Wetmore Story
Carrie Sturgis Tappan
Barton W. Mitchell
Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel
Elihu Vedder
Sanford White
Henry M. Rector
Alfred W. Ellet
Charles Field
D. MacNeill Fairfax
Nathan G. Evans
Arnold Elzey
Alfred Ely
John W. Ellis
Charles R. Ellet, Jr.
Ebenezer Dumont
Harriet Alexander
Lawrence Angell
Herbert B. Anthony
George Crittenden
Thomas Cobb
Robert Hall Chilton
Prince Robert, Duc de Chartres
Eugene Carr
Horace Bushnell
Julius Alexander
Stephen C. Foster
Benjamin Huger
John P. Hatch
William Burr Howell
Eleanor Shattuck Whiteside
Henry Hill
Thomas H. Hicks
Josiah Dwight Whitney
Payne Whitney
Samuel P. Heintzelmann
Louis Hébert
Oscar Wilde
Samuel Garland
Nathaniel Gordon
George Henry Gordon
Louis M. Goldsborough
Charles C. Gilbert
James Sloan Gibbons
Robert S. Garnett
Richard Brooke Garnett
Betsy Wilder
George Wythe Randolph
Jesse L. Reno
Edward Hooper
John La Farge
Marian Howland
Henry Janin
Samuel Colt
Thomas R. R. Cobb
John Clem
William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin
Frances Clalin
John La Farge, Jr.
Samuel Curtis
Margaret La Farge
George Cabot Lodge
James Bulloch
John Buford
Richard Norris Brooke
Sir Denis Brogan
Judith Brockenbrough
Sallie Broadhead
Sam A. Cooley
Richard Dana
Elizabeth Marbury
Albert Ely
Edwin Forbes
Shelby Foote
Kate Foote
Christian A. Fleetwood
James Fisk, junior
Dan Emmett
Ellen Sturgis Hooper
Alfred Davenport
Catherine Thomson Hogarth Dickens
Robert Hooper
Florence King Howland
Theodore R. Davis
Sam Davis
George Howland
Jefferson Davis, Jr.
Annie Davis
William Merrick Bristol
Frank Mason
John F. Reynolds
George Sykes
David E. Twiggs
Tati Salmon
Isaac R. Trimble
David Tod
Lloyd Tilghman
William Terrill
Cecil Spring-Rice
Isaac I. Stevens
Ferdinand de Rothschild
Henry K. Stevens
Fanny Stevenson
Joshua Sill
Henry H. Sibley
James Shields
Joseph Trumbull Stickney
Israel B. Richardson
Adelbert Stone
Daniel Tyler
W. W. Rockhill
John Boston
William Barksdale
Monckton Milnes
S. Weit Mitchell
Reed Brockway Bontecou
Mary Ann Bickerdyke
J. R. Osgood
Anthony Berger
Stephen Vincent Benét
Julian Paunceforte
Sullivan Ballou
Roberdeau Wheat
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
Mary Adams Quincy
Enoch T. Baker
David Atchison
Louis Agassiz
Clifford Richardson
John L. Worden
Charles S. Winder
William Daniel
Jane Johnson
John M. Davis
Andrew Bryan
Cab Calloway
Callixtus or Callistus I, Pope
Richard Cain
Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca
Benjamin Butler
William Bull
Buffalo Soldiers
Jean Baptiste Brunet
Carlos I, King of Spain
John Edward Bruce
Morris Brown
James Brown
Bob Brown
Aurelia Browder
Charlotte Brooks
Eliza Briggs
Harry Briggs
Francis Lewis Cardozo
Samuel Adolphus Cartwright
François-Dominique Bréda
Robert Reed Church
James Cleveland
Mark Clark
Jim Clark
Robert Clare
Eric Clapton
William Claiborne
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106-43 BC
Louisa Ayers Church
John B. Cary
Ron Chernow
Charles II, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
Robert Charles
James Chaney
Daniel Chamberlain
Sidney J. Catts
Benjamin Cattle
Charles Case
Jackie Brenston
James S. Bradley
Dormetia Clyburn
Samuel Armstrong
Hannibal Barca
Charles Ball
Kuwasi Balagoon
Frank Baker
Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon
John Ashley
Henry Arnold
Samuel Argall
Marion Barry
Manuel Andry
Gilbert Andry
C. Alfred "Chief" Anderson
Samuel Zenas Ammen
Suzanne Alton
Robert Allston
Richard Allen
Alexander IV, Pope
William Barrett
Thomas Bell
Ervin Bradley
Stephen Blucke
Amelia Boynton Robinson
Zabdiel Boylston
Leroy Stafford Boyd
Yvette Lee Bowser
Walter Augustus Bowe
Dutty Boukman
Friedrich Blumenbach
Hugo Black
Thomas Bennett
Joan Bird
Beyoncé Knowles
James Bevel
Mary Bethune-Cookman
Mary MacLeod Bethune
Lee Berry
Chuck Berry
François Bernier
Henry Clinton
Eric Clyburn
D. Wyatt Aiken
David George
Fred Gray
John Brown Gordon
Lorinda Goodwin
Antáo Gonçalves
Reuben Goldberg
Quinn Glover
Ida Gibbs
Horatio Gates
Shad Hall
Juan Garrido
Margaret Garner
Archibald K. Gaines
Thomas Gaillard
Elizabeth Freeman
Joe Frazier
Eugene Frazier
James Franklin
Cecilia Simmons Green
Ed Hanrahan
Joseph Fossett
Richard Harris
Stephen Henderson
John Hemmings
James Hemings
George Haynes
Lydell Hawkins
Ali Bey Hassan
Hubert Harrison
Essie Harris
Dorothy Harriot
Seandra Harriot Molden
Comelita Harriot McGee
Robert Harriot
Phyllis Harriot
Marvell Harriot
Jannie Harriot
James "Buck" Harriot
James Harriot Jr.
Peter Fossett
Jeff Fort
Marvell Clyburn
Karen L. Cox
Charles Deslondes
William McCloud Dawson
William Dawson
Christopher Daniels
William Cushing
Norris Wright Cuney
Alfred Cranford
Benjamin Elton Cox
Thomas J. Dixon
Titus Cornelius
John Corlie
Tom Cook
Claudette Colvin
Addie Mae Collins
Robert Collier
Simon Coker
Reginald Clyburn
Moses Dickson
John Drayton
Joe Forest
Cecile Fatiman
George Ford
Ella Fitzgerald
W. C. Fields
John Ferguson
D'Brickashaw Ferguson
Ferdinand II of Aragon
Rebecca L. Felton
Esteban Dorantes
Thomas Drayton
Leif Eriksson
Lonnie Epps
Roderick Elliott
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Daniel Elfrith
James Malcolm Edwards
Earth, Wind & Fire
Ann Drayton
Ricardo Alegria
Manuel Méndez de Acuña
Henry VII, King of England
Paula Novak
Leezia Dhalla
Ted Strickland
Dana Perino
Gordon Smith
Orrin Hatch
Seth Novak
Jeff Novak
Hugh Williamson
Vincent Gray
George Read
Patrick Leahy
Leonidas C. Dyer
Richard Puckett
Jonathan Dayton
John Hanson
Chris Hayes
Kyrsten Sinema
Lloyd Doggett
Jennifer Gratz
Brian Kemp
Carl Bernstein
James Comey
Reuven Rivlin
Isaac Stevens
Robert Mueller
William Ruckelshaus
Elliott Richardson
Sam Ervin
Bob Woodward
Mary Lou Miller
Alexander Butterfield
Gunning Bedford
James Callaghan
Wendell Willkie
Thomas D. Garry
Alben Barkley
Jennifer Granholm
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Martha McSally
Stacey Abrams
William Barr
Fred Koch
Frank Johnson
Hosea Williams
Rick Perry
Tim Scott
Rand Paul
Charles Koch
David Koch
Fred M. Vinson
Rick Santelli
Louis Kraemer
Harlan F. Stone
Lonnie Smith
John J. Parker
Walter Francis White
Aaron Douglas
Furnifold Simmons
George Henry White
Harry Dent
Glenn Beck
Mike DeWine
Ben Carson
Tony Evers
H. R. McMaster
Franklin Graham
Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Gary Gensler
Donna Brazile
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Stephen Breyer
Rush Limbaugh
Sandra Day O'Connor
Phil Berger
Loretta Lynch
Pat McCrory
Alberto Gonzales
Michele Bachmann
William Buckley
Sean Hannity
Rod Rosenstein
Tom Burnett
Sundiata Acoli
Raymond-Roger Marsin
Thaddeus MacEoghan
Jerome Sandoval
Charles Joseph Pangle Domingo
Maren Averitt
Devlin Stone
Josh McDaniels
Jacob McDaniels
Katherine Steiner-Davion
Sturm Kintaro
Omiko Kurita
Francis Kay
Victor Steiner-Davion
Hohiro Kurita II
Calla Velanmorg
Yorinaga Kurita
Patrick Kell
Melissa Steiner-Davion
Jancee Turcot
Susie Morgraine-Ryan
Daniel Allard
Thomas Morris Chester
Michael Harriot
James Madison Wells
Louis C. Roudanez
Stephen B. Packard
Maria Dunn
James Dunn
Ellen Dunn Burch
Henry Clay Warmoth
Lon Volker
Brian K. Mitchell
Tintavel Tseng
Roman Tseng
Vigo Hall
Reinar Jorgensen
Thomas Michael Haase
Charles Ward
Michael Tate
Gray Noton
Justin Allard
Deena Burnett
John Merryman
Patrick Joseph Kennedy
Thomas Fitzgerald
Patrick Kennedy
Noah the Historkey
Gregory Watson
Phyllis Schlafly
Paul LePage
Chris Christie
Joseph Kennedy Jr.
Thomas Frieden
Kaci Hickox
Fred Korematsu
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Michel Temer
Dilma Rousseff
Spencer Darwin Pettis
Jim Matheson
John F. Fitzgerald
Neville Chamberlain
Erik Sandoval-Groell
John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Sir Walter Raleigh
James Hood
Vivian Malone
Henry V. Graham
Nicholas Katzenbach
David M. Shoup
Caroline Kennedy
Pappy the Confederate Crawdad
Biuku Gasa
Fulgencio Batista
Coretta Scott King
Robert A. Taft
George Norris
Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II
Lucius Lamar
Jackie Kennedy
Eroni Kumana
Henry the Navigator
Henry VIII, King of England
Sarah Palin
Herr Schtunk
Speed Jaxon
Mr Barry
The Monocle
Beebe Green
Greta Takze
Katherine Goebles
Fritz Poston
Benedict Arnold
Félix Éboué
Jack Knifey
Prince Whipple
Mystic Commandos
Pig Pullum
Professor Goebles
Bungleton Green
Red Greenman
John Henry
Doris Miller
The Dark Mystery
Jon Smythe
Snap Dragon
Wulf Huxley
Bud Happyhallow
George Riggs
Elvin Bell
Muddy Waters
George W. Williams
Phebe Whitesides
Ralph White
Pappy White
John Whipple
Kanye West
Cynthia Wesley
Lester Walton
Cornelia Grinnell Willis
Richard Martin Lloyd Walters
Maggie Lena Walker
Annie Walker
Amerigo Vespucci
James K. Vardaman
Luther Vandross
Robert F. Williams
Darren Wilson
Benjamin Goodwin
George Pickett
Emperor Alexander II of Russia
Priest Dionisiy
William Thomson
Grand Duke Konstantin
Marietta Davis
James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart
Ambrose Powell Hill
Oprah Winfrey
Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson
Henry Lee III
George Yeardley
Jeremiah Wright
Celia Parker Woolley
Ray Wood
Peter Wood
Henrietta Wood
Joseph Cinque
Hugh Mulzac
François Trépagnier
Camille Mortenol
Sam Langford
Bert Williams
Thelma Johnson Streat
Julius Caesar
Ludwig van Beethoven
Saint Maurice
Junius G. Groves
Ross D. Brown
Baron de Vastey
King Pedro I of Portugal
Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, King of Sweden
Jean Baptiste Jules Bernadotte
Simon of Cyrene
Thomas Fuller
Amir-Al Bahr
Bessie Coleman
Henry Noël
Burke Hinsdale
Eliza Ballou Garfield
Willard Bliss
Harmon Austin
Francois Marie Prevost
Antonio Ruiz
Jan E. Matzeliger
Abram Petrovich Gannibal
Peter the Great
Haile Selassie
Queen Lybonn
Tariq ibn Ziyad
Tony Simpson
Antonio Apache
Askia Muhammad
Pedro Alonso Niño
Steven Landrum
Needham Roberts
Alexander Pushkin
Prince Hall
Austin Dabney
Lemuel Haynes
Leonard Roy Harmon
Josiah Walls
Charles Young
Jack L. Cooper
John Henry Hale
Deborah Sampson
Granville T. Woods
Alexandre Dumas
Matthew Henson
Josiah Henson
Jean Baptiste Point Du Sable
Peter Ogden
James Derham
Louisy Mathieu
Price Collins
Oliva Jones
Paul Cuffee
John De Bolas
John Jones
John van Salee de Grasse
Daniel Hale Williams
George White
Edwin Heathcock
Paul R. Williams
Henry Ossawa Tanner
Osborne P. Anderson
George Washington Williams
Madison Washington
Phillis Wheatley
Nuno Tristao
James Townsend
Hilary Herbold
Alexander Manly
Calvin McDowell
Susie McDonald
Rosa McCauley
Morris Matthews
Louis Martinet
Manuel I, King of Portugal
Bliss Anne Malone
John McKeithan
Shepard Mallory
Daniel Mack
Annie Lumpkin
Mary Louvestre
Lemuel Longview
Peter Livingston
Viola Liuzzo
Wilbur Little
Brownie McGhee
William Wallace McLeod
Archy Lee
Hester Mohomet
John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore
Bilal Muhammad
Thomas Moss
Toni Morrison
August T. Mora
Richard Earl Moore
Aida White Moore
John Mitchell Jr.
Carol Denise McNair
Joh Millholland
William E. Miller
Gerardus Mercator
George Menefie
Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco
Betty Medsger
Timothy Meaher
Earlene McNeil
Cudjo Lewis
Charles Leclerc
David S. Muzzey
John Jacobs
R. O. Johnson
Carrie Johnson
Johnny "Speed"
John II, King of Portugal
John I, King of Portugal
Gregory Jay
James I and VI, King of England, Ireland, and Scotland
Harriet Jacobs
Gabriel Jones
Lee Jackson
Isabella I, Queen of Castile and León
Richard Humphreys
John Hulett
Oliver Howard
Callie Guy House
Sam Hose
Willie Horton
Absalom Jones
Eddie Joseph
Marie Laveau
James Bible King
Joe Laurie Jr.
Joshua Lambe
Ernest Kruttschnitt
Marie Knight
Gladys Knight
Elijah Kite
Kwando Kinshasa
Boston King
Colin Kaepernick
Kiluanji of Ndongo
Edgar Ray Killen
William Kerner
Benjamin Kent
Harry Kenner
Barrett G. Kemp
Ira Katznelson
Abayama Katara
Musa I
Thomas Nairne
Emanuel Timonius
Bobby Seale
Betty Slew
William Henry Singleton
Fred Shuttlesworth
Tupac Shakur
Lumumba Shakur
Thomas Semmes
Thomas Sedgwick
Martin Scorsese
John Smith, Captain
Arturo Schomburg
Rufus Saxton
Samuel Sawyer
Juan San Maló
Bayard Rustin
Isaac Royall
Gary Rowe
Rolling Stones
Jenny Slew
Mary Louise Smith
Fred Rochelle
Belinda Sutton
Thomas Tharpe
Sister Rosetta Tharpe
Rosetta Tharpe
Sonny Terry
Robert Terrell
Moses Taylor
Michael Tabor
Jane Suillivan
Melvin Cotton Smith
Fred Sullivan
Will Stewart
Pinckney Benton Stewart
Robert Stebbins
Bruce Springsteen
Otis Spann
James Somerset
Washington Smith
John Rolfe
Donatien-Marie-Joseph de Vimeur, vicomte de Rochambeau
Panfilo de Narvaez
Onesimus, runaway slave of Philemon
Dewey Phillips
Edmund Pettus
Albert E. Perry
Davidson B. Penn
Mary Peake
Jimmy Page
Candace Owens
William O'Neal
Mary Ellen Pleasant
Najee Omar
Shaba Om
Baba Odinga
Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba
E. D. Nixon
Nicholas V, Pope
Christopher Newport
Helen Plane
Edward Pollard
Jo Ann Gibson Robinson
Jo Reed
Carole Robertson
James Burchill Richardson
Hiram Rhodes Revels
Janet Reinitz
Jeremiah Reeves
Jeanetta Reese
Mary Reed
John Ratcliffe
Juan Ponce de León
Benjamin Randolph
Asa Philip Randolph
John C. Raines
Elvis Presley
Geronimo Pratt
Curtis Powell
Dorothy B. Porter
Robin Pooler
S. S. Calhoon
Morrison Waite
William Davis
Robert Van Wyck
Thomas E. Watson
E. C. Watkins
Lester Frank Ward
G. H. Wanton
Lillian Wald
Jules Verne
Thorstein Veblen
Jacqueline Van Voris
Allen Weinstein
George Vanderbilt
Charles Tupper
William Sylvis Trevellick
Richard A. Trevellick
Bertha Townsend
Charles A. Town
Jane Toppan
Augustus Tolton
James B. Weaver
George Westinghouse
Sir John Thompson
Harold D. Woodman
William Rufus Devane King
Brigham Young
Charles Tyson Yerkes
William Wrigley, Jr.
Carroll D. Wright
Frank W. Woolworth
Henry Woodward
John G. Woodley
Edith Newbold Jones Wharton
Annie Wittenmyer
Walter Clopton Wingfield
Simon Wing
William L. Wilson
Frederick Whittaker
William Allen White
James McNeill Whistler
William A. Wheeler
Henry Tibbe
Eliza Trimble Thompson
Henry A. Wallace
Arthur Sewall
S. M. Smith
Page Smith
Green C. Smith
E. P. Smith
Sitting Bull
Jack Shephard
Anna Howard Shaw
George B. Selden
John Spooner
Bessie Laythe Scovell
Michael Schwab
Jacob Schueler
Vida Schudder
Arthur M. Schlesinger
Robert Schilling
A. A. Sargent
Alice Sanger
John Philip Sousa
William M. Springer
Elihu Thompson
Levi Strauss
Augustus Thomas
F. W. Thayer
R. L. Taylor
A. A. Taylor
William H. Sylvis
Louis Sullivan
John L. Sullivan
Emily Howard Stowe
Frederick Stanley, 16th Earl of Derby
Mary Stone
Gideon Stewart
Adlai Stevenson
John Stevens
Benjamin F. Stephens
Uriah S. Stephens
Ellan Gates Starr
Henry Morton Stanley
Daniel D. Tompkins
Alvan Bovay
Lillian Russell
Henry Cabarrus
William McCulloch
Joseph DeLaine
Barbara Johns
Richard Conley
H. Rowan Gaither
Ezekiel Gathings
John Ben Shepperd
Garland Gray
Vera Bradley
James Lindsay Almond
Eugene Cook
Howard Smith
John Sammons Bell
George Bell Timmerman
Marvin Griffin
Sam Engelhardt
J. W. Milam
Clarence Mitchell
Allan Bakke
Elizabeth Eckford
Norwin Meneses
Edward Self
Terry McEachern
Tom Coleman
George P. Schultz
Duane Clarridge
Donald Gregg
Rick Ross
Oscar Danilo Blandón
Byron White
Enrique Bermúdez
William J. Casey
Anastasio Somoza
David Swinton
Vernon Jordan
Edwin Meese
William Bradford Reynolds
Hodding Carter
Ruby Bridges
Charles Johnson
B.K. Bruce
Benjamin Humphreys
Hampton Smith
Frederick Maitland
Walter George
Joseph McKenna
Matthew Foushee
Hiram Reese
William Garner
Carl Elliott
Mary Turner
Ossian Sweet
Felix K. Zollicoffer
Thomas N. Williams
John A. McLernand
David Twiggs
William H. Gist
Lewis Douglass
Harry Delameter
Sidney Johnson
William B. Wilson
Herman Talmadge
Robert Toms
Fielding Wright
James O. Eastland
James Byrnes
Roy Wilkins
Charles Hamilton Houston
Gladys Sweet
Arthur Garfield Hays
Philip Adler
Ned Cobb
Norton Schuknecht
Alexander Turner
Louise Bindman
Aaron Bindman
Louis F. Post
Earl Barnard
J.E.T. Bowden
D. W. Johnson
Susanna Madora Salter
Henry Rose
Desmond Tutu
Adolphus W. Greeley
Susan Hayhurst
David E. Harris
H. M. Harriman
Marshall Harlan
Kittel Halvorson
Asaph Hall
Jacob Haish
William E. Gray
O. Henry
William Grant
Linda Gordon
Fred Goldsmith
William Goebels
Joseph Glidden
Washington Gladden
Bradford Gilbert
Perry E. Giankos
Thomas W. Heathcoate
Georg Henschel
Frank Otto Gatell
Elbert Hubbard
David Starr Jordan
Robert W. Johanssen
Sarah Orne Jewett
Helen Hunt Jackson
James Otis Sargent Huntington
Richard Morris Hunt
Harvey Hubbell
Beatrice Hoyt
Henry Lee Higginson
Bronson Howard
DeWolf Hooper
James Stephen Hoog
Francis A. Hoffman, Jr.
Garret Augustus Hobart
Charles Elmer Hires
Paul Hines
J. J. Hill
John A. Garraty
Frank Doster
James Dwight
Frank Duryea
Charles Duryea
Charles F. Dunbar
Melvyn Dubofsky
Neal Dow
Charles Dow
Rudolf Diesel
Mary Baker Eddy
John Dewey
Bob Dewey
John A. DeNovo
Henry De Mille
Reginald De Koven
Carl N. Degler
William DeForest
W. R. Day
George Eastman
Ellen Eglui
Melville Weston Fuller
Stephen J. Field
Daniel Freeman
Thomas Jefferson Foster
Frances Folsom
Henry Ossian Flipper
Horace Fletcher
Clinton Fisk
Samuel Fielden
James G. Field
B. B. Elliot
S. D. Ferguson
A. J. Fellows
Charles Fairman
Matthew Evans
William H. English
Friedrich Engels
Richard T. Ely
John E. Ellis
Chief Joseph
John P. Roche
James A. Naismith
Thomas Paterson
Francis E. Parker
Walter Hines Page
M. J. Owens
Elwell Stephen Otis
John O'Mahony
Carrie Nation
Robert Manson Myers
Simon Patten
John Muir, naturalist
John R. Mott
Levi P. Morton
Julius Sterling Morton
William Morrison
William Godwin Moody
D. L. Moody
Maria Mitchell
Gilbert Patrick
Endicott Peabody
Samuel Freeman Miller
Albert E. Redstone
Jacob A. Riis
Louis Riel
Ronald F. Ried
Susan Reverby
Valentine Remmel
W. H. Remington
Frederick Remington
Joseph H. Rainey
Annie Smith Peck
George Railton
George Pullman
Edwin Prescott
Phillip Pratt
Johnny Powers
Caleb Powers
Terence V. Powderly
John Pemberton
John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers of America
Henry B. Metcalf
Albert Karson
Pierre Lorillard
Charles B. Lore
Enrique Dupuy de Lôme
Belva Ann Lockwood
Alan L. Lockwood
Bettie Locke
David Livingstone
E. Levasseur
Seth Low
Mary Elizabeth Lease
Emma Lazarus
Lillie Langtry
William Kemmler
John Harvey Kellogg
Robert Kelley
Oliver Hudson Kelley
Florence Kelley
Juliette Gordon Low
Russell Lowell
Ottmar Mergenthaler
José Martí
Thomas McGreevy
Thomas K. McCraw
Nettie Fowler McCormick
Cyrus Hall McCormick
Mike McCoole
Julie A. Matthaei
Charles H. Matchett
A. T. Marshall
John Roy Lynch
Caleb P. Marsh
Guglielmo Marconi
Joseph P. Maloney
Matthew Maguire
Ben Maddow
Sir Alexander MacKenzie
John A. Macdonald
Randy Credico
Lindsey Graham
Virginia Minor
Jason Riley
Melville Herkovits
Bill Cosby
Nathan Glazer
E. Franklin Frazier
Robert Park
Franz Boas
Linda James Myers
Alexander Crummell
John McWhorter
Gunnar Myrdal
John J. Dilulio Jr.
Mary C. Waters
Yoweri Museveni
Christopher Codrington
Abner Louima
Latasha Harlins
Rodney King
C. Delores Tucker
James Beattie
Ken Ham
Lewis Terman
Alice Walker
Margaret Hunter
Marching 100
Charles Murray
Richard Herrnstein
William Shockley
Carl C. Brigham
Theodore Simon
James Forman, Jr.
Alfred Binet
Lionel Ovesey
Abram Kardiner
Johy DeGruy
Philip Alexander Bruce
Jamie Johnson
David Horowitz
Peter Collier
O. J. Simpson
Camara Jones
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
George Luther Stearns
Soul Liberation
Tom Skinner
Carol Rogers
Larry Rogers
Ibram X. Kendi
John Usher
William Taber
Thomas Sims
Audre Lorde
Walter Scott
David Ruggles
Ned Roberts
Charles Roberts
Joseph Ricketson
Ellen Anna Richardson
Rick Reeves
John Punch
James Cone
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Nicholas Wade
Shem, son of Noah, father of Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram, lived 600 years
Francis Galton
Albion Small
Charles Darwin
Isaac la Peyrére
George Best
Japheth, son of Noah, father of Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, Tiras
Ham, son of Noah, father of Canaan, Cush, Mizraim, Put
Noah, of the Flood and the Ark, father of Shem, Ham, Japheth, walked with God, lived 950 years
Addison Gayle
Clarence Grim
Dinesh D'Souza
Chester Pierce
Gomes de Zurara
Prince Henry the Navigator
David Hume
Elaine Flake
Floyd H. Flake
Morgan Godwyn
Samuel Stanhope Smith
Isaac Post
Samuel Cornish
Mychal Bell
Robert Bailey Jr.
Jesse Ray Beard
Sadiqa Kendi
Kwame Toure
Boyce Watkins
Ben Tillman
Kayla Moore
Bryant Purvis
Roy Moore
Opal Tometi
Perry M. Lichtenstein
Cesare Lombroso
Havelock Ellis
Kimberlé Crenshaw
Philomena Essed
Maria Stewart
Carwin Jones
Theo Shaw
Frances Beal
Gretchen Whitmer
Fannie Barrier Williams
Frances Harper
Susanna Salter
Richmond Mumford Pearson
Edith Joyner
Blanche Bruce
Dana Nessel
Jocelyn Benson
Jena Six
Robin Vos
Abigail Spanberger
Elaine Luria
Christine Blasey Ford
Brett Kavanaugh
Megyn Kelly
Tommy Jenkins
Reed Walters
Toni Cade Bambara
Wilfred Quinby
Edwin Clifford Holland
Robert Whitaker
Leo Africanus
Ken Blackwell
Chris Rock
Mizell Stewart
Frances Cress Welsing
Michael Bradley
Cheikh Anta Diop
Alicia Garza
Tim Hershman
Wallace Fard Muhammad
Elijah Muhammad
Jeb Bush
Spike Lee
Edward Byron Reuter
George T. Winston
Richard Ligon
Ukawsaw Gronniosaw
Charles Herbert Stember
Melvin Van Peebles
Deborah Gray White
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Tamar Jacoby
David L. Kirp
Mamie Clark
Ama Mazama
Molefi Kete Asante
Lerone Bennett JR.
Peter Prioleau
Elizabeth Warren
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Kay Coles James
Oscar Lewis
Kenneth Clark
Samuel Pierce
John H. Johnson
William Hannibal Thomas
Walter Price
Amy Post
Rich Lowry
Elizabeth Stone
James Ashley
Jim Willis
Greg Brooks
Lorraine Brooks
Ivy Barber
Emily Edson Briggs
Ian Barber
Cheryl Barber
Jacob Stone
Christopher Stone
Priscilla Johnson
Rebecca Stone
William McKinnely
Martha Jefferson
Francis Blair, Jr.
Andrew Butler
Henry Halleck
John T. Monroe
Peter Van Winkle
Jerome Stillson
Daniel Sickles
Lavinia Ream
Henry Raymond
David T. Patterson
Thomas A. Nelson
George McClellan
Benjamin Robbins Curtis
Robert Johnson
Eliza McCardle Johnson
Oliver Otis Howard
Thomas Hendricks
William S. Groesbeck
George T. Downing
James Doolittle
Henry Dawes
Benjamin Bristow
Henry Louis Gates, junior
Charles Woolley
Ernest Montgomery
Mitt Romney
John Boehner
Joe Wilson
Michelle Obama
Ken Paxton
Nelva Gonzales Ramos
Greg Abbott
Bernard McGinley
Lawrence Otis Graham
Robert Bentley
Scott Walker
Emanuel Cleaver
Theodore Bilbo
Robert Brandon
Katie Connolly
Hans von Spakovsky
Paul Weyrich
Jelani Cobb
Dylann Roof
Rekia Boyd
Matthew Damschroder
Freddie Gray
Tamir Rice
Jonathan Ferrell
Sandra Bland
Tressie McMillan Cottom
Kevin McCarthy
Kris Kobach
Jon Husted
Trent Lott
Joan Walsh
Christopher Steele
Vladimir Putin
Aleksandr Dugin
Earl Holt III
Kyle Rogers
Roan Garcia-Quintana
Haley Barbour
James F. Wilson
John Russell Young
Helen Pitts
Thomas Dorsey
William Freeland
Rosetta Douglass
Lewis Henry Douglass
Helen Pitts Douglass
Frederick Douglass, Jr.
Anna Murray Douglass
Stephen Douglas
William Dixon
Henry Highland Garnet
Louis-Jacques Daguerre
Edward Covey
John Collins
William Coffin
Handy Caldwell
B.F. Blackall
John C. Beckinridge
Hester Bailey
William Gardiner
Thomas Garrett
Harriet Bailey
Daniel Lloyd
J.W.C. Pennington
Joel Page
Anna Murray
Hercules Mulligan
James Mitchell
J.W. Loguen
Edward Lloyd
Isaac Knapp
William Hamilton
Laurence Massillon Keitt
Aunt Katy
Nathan Johnson
Mary Johnson
Sandy Jenkins
James Hern
John Harris
Henry Harris
Henry Bailey
Eliza Bailey
Cassie Dewell
Cheyanne Kleinsasser
Jerry Allen/Antlerhead
Frannie Porte/ Erin Reese
Bull Mitchell
Rachel Mitchell
Isaac Newton
Rand Kleinsasser
Margaret Kleinsasser
Johnny Ortiz
Tristan Kleinsasser
Rochelle Kleinsasser
Horst Kleinsasser
Blake Kleinsasser
John Wayne Kleinsasser Jr.
Ronald C. Pergram " The Lizard King"
John Wayne Kleinsasser
Ben Dewell
Nayna Byers
Rick Zegerski
Betsey Bailey
Andrew Anthony
Tommy Auld
Thomas Auld
Sophie Auld
Rowena Auld
Lucretia Anthony Auld
Hugh Auld
Ottilie Assing
Aaron Anthony
Cody Hoyt
Glen Steel
Linda Sue Murdock
Lindy Glowd
Jody Hawk
Erin Kleinsasser
Governor Schreiner
Jessica Estrella
Jon Kirkbride
William Noyes Curtis
Garry Wills
William Starr Myers
Reuben Nations
Philip Sidney Post
Jessie Peters
Lizzie Perkerson
Harrison Prendergast
Daniel Oakey
Neff Neal
W. Neal
John D. Myrick
William A. Quarles
Thomas Murrell
Samuel P. Moore
James R. Maxwell
Mary Jones Mallard
John M. Maisch
John McQuaide
James McNeilly
Stephen W. Presstman
Charles T. Quintard
William Ludlow
John Shellenberger
Isaac R. Sherwood
William Tecumseh Sherman, jr.
Thomas Ewing Sherman
Mary Elizabeth Sherman
Maria Boyle Ewing Sherman
Eleanor Mary Sherman
Charles Robert Sherman
Alexander Shannon
Alfred Ransbottom
James A. Sexton
Ed Rucker
Richard Rowett
William L. Ritter
John Risedorph
Daniel H. Reynolds
James Redfield
Charles L. Lumsden
Mark Lowrey
George Washington Smith
William H. Clark
Lewis M. Dayton
Samuel A. Cunningham
Theodore Cox
S. L. Coulter
Charles Copeland
James H. Connelly
Henry C. Connelly
Alexander Chisholm
Tristram T. Dow
Henry A. Castle
John S. Casement
Theodoric Carter
Theodore Carter
Fountain Branch Carter
Horace Capron
Ellison Capers
W. O. Dodd
Patrick Dowling
James Ladd
F. Y. Hedley
Enoch D. John
James Hyde
Wiley Howard
Stuart F. Hoskinson
Sylvester Hill
George W. Herr
W. F. Henry
William R. Hartpence
Henry Otis Dwight
William A. Hammond
Anna Maria Green
Hiram Granbury
William D. Gale
Samuel T. Foster
Mortimer Flint
Stephen Fleharty
Winfield Scott Featherston
Charles Henry Smith
Gus Smith
Dolly Sumner Lunt Burge
Philip D. Armour
Henry Bessemer
Thomas Bayard
Gilbert H. Bates
William Francis Bartlett
Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
John H. Bankhead
Samuel C. Armstrong
Eliza Andrews
John R. Brooke
Mary Ames
Adelbert Ames
Alexander Wylie
Hans Von Winkelstein
Lizzie Williams
Mrs. William Sprague
Julia Adelaide Shephard
Benjamin Helm Bristow
Benjamin G. Brown
Peter Relyea
W. Hepworth Dixon
Lindley M. Garrison
William French
Joseph O. Fowler
Jeremiah Finley
Robert Brown Elliott
David P. Dyer
Sarah Dorsey
John W. De Forest
Charles Caldwell
William Corcoran
Raleigh E. Colston
Clinton A. Cilley
Charles Thomas Christmas
Daniel H. Chamberlain
Charles Chaillé-Long
Thomas H. Carter
Frances Adeline Miller Seward
Agnes Land Perry
George Spaulding
Charles R. Thompson
H. Wilson
Clark R. Wever
W. A. Washburn
Adin Underwood
William J. Twining
John Tourtellotte
William C. Thompson
Richard E. Taylor
John Young [American Civil War]
Mrs. Sykes
Robert Strong
Henry Stone
John H. Stibbs
W. Scott Stewart
Elijah Steel
F. E. P. Stafford
Henry C. Work
Pierce Manning Butler Young
Pete Muggins
Colonel Foster
Clara Morris
Charlie Lucas
John C. Howard
Mrs. Charles Griffin
Jenny Gourley
George Washington Gayle
Charles A. Gatch
Tom Flynn
Edwina Booth
Alfonso Dunn
Edward L. Davenport
Charles Calvert
Nancy Bushrod
Francis Burns
John E. Buckingham
Henry M. Brewster
Mrs. Branson
Samuel Byers
Rice Bull
Lawrence P. Graham
Peter Adams
Simón Bolívar
Henry St. John
George Berkeley
Alexander I
Thomas Boylston Adams
Samuel Adams
Joseph Adams
Elizabeth Cameron
John Adams II
John Adams, Sr.
George Washington Adams
Elihu Adams
Charles Adams
Abigail Brooks Adams
Abigail Adams Smith
George Cabot
George Canning
Robert Taft
Francis Dana
T. S. Eliot
Martin Duberman
James Duane
John Dryden
John Dickinson
Silas Deane
Enrico Davila
Jack Custis
Joseph Cartwright
William Crawford
John Singleton Copley
Thomas Conway
William Collins
Charles VII
Edward Chalfant
Catherine the Great
Wendell Wilkie
Alf Landon
John Ferling
James O'Neal
Frederic Remington
Thomas Pickering
Andrew Pickens
William Peterson
Ely Parker
Elijah Parish
R. R. Palmer
Adolph Ochs
John Roebling
Charles Minnergerode
Jesse McNeill
Francis Marion
Walter Lowrie
Uriah Phillips Levy
Margaret Leech
Custis Lee
Richard Richardson
John D. Sanborn
Coleman Younger
John Thrailkill
Frank Woolworth
James W. Wilson
John Wesley
Martin Waldseemuller
Mary Vaughn
Anthony Trollope
Charles Lewis Tiffany
Joseph Taylor
Eliza Scantling
Sue Tarleton
Thomas Sumter
Edwin H. Stoughton
Ezra Stiles
George L. Stearns
William "Extra Billy" Smith
Richard Warren Sears
John Locke Scripps
Ferdinand VI
Rodney Frelinghuysen
Irving A. Buck
Gilbert Stuart
Gore Vidal
Charles Gravier
Marquis de Vauban
John Trumbull
Louisa Hooper Thoron
Lewis Tappan
Benjamin Stoddert
Joseph Warren
Richard Stockton
James Smithson
William Smith
Peter Shaw
José San Martin
Ernest Samuels
John Russell
Voltaire "François-Marie Arouet", 1694-1778
Mercy Otis Warren
Charles Rollins
Samuel Arms
James Brandon
Joseph C. Boyer
Joseph Bostick
Philip Paul Bliss
Silas Blair
Henry Blair
L. G. Bennett
Private Arbridge
George Whitefield
George A. Anderson
John Adams [General]
Esther, Queen of Persia
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Wolfang Amadeus Mozart
Oliver Wolcott
Thomas Lindall Winthrop
Jonathan Russell
Caesar Rodney
Woldemar Galitzin
Rudyard Kipling
Thomas Lynch
Louis XVI
Meriwether Lewis
Richard Henry Lee
Arthur Lee
Etienne de la Boetie
Alexander Knox
Anne-Catherine de Ligniville
Niccolò Machiavelli
Zoltan Haraszti
Albert Gore, Sr.
Edward Gibbon
George III, King of the United Kingdom
George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Joseph Galloway
Abbé de Mably
William Maclay
Sam Quincy
Rembrandt Peale
Joseph Priestley
Ezra Pound
William Plumer
William Pitt the Younger
Zebulon Montgomery Pike, Jr.
Timothy Pickering
William Pepperell
Charles Wilson Peale
James McHenry
Henry John Temple
James Otis, Jr.
Don Luis de Onis
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900
Thomas Nelson
Marchamont Nedham
John Milton
J. Z. George
Orvil Grant
John T. Lampkin
Ida F. Clark
George Francis
R. C. Drum
John Debonay
William Clendenin
Joseph Clarke
P. W. Clark
General Gamble
George Cadwalader
George Bullock
Dan Bryant
Daniel R. Bigley
John Best
Carl Bersch
S. H. Beckwith
Detective Franklin
Cora Lee Garrett
James Barnes
William Cross Hazelton
Susan Jackson
Dunbar Hylton
B. B. Hough
J. Holt
General Holt
T. J. Hemphill
Clara Harris
Fannie Garrett
Lucy Hale
Dion Haco
James Hackett
Phineas T. Gurley
Rose Greenhow
Jennie Gourlay
Lillian Florence Garrett
Carrie Bean
Sergeant Bagley
J. R. Kenly
Joshua W. Sill
Alexander F. Stevenson
John C. Starkweather
Timothy R. Stanley
D. C. Spurlock
James G. Spears
Preston Smith
A. Sims
Philip H. Sheridan
T. C. M. Taliaferro
Oliver Shepherd
John S. Scott
John P. Schenkl
Felix Robertson
George W. Roberts
J. M. Rice
Mattie Ready
Francis Stanwick
Spencer Tally
Moses Walker
William H. Young
H. G. Wright
W. J. Worsham
William E. Woodruff
Sterling A. M. Wood
Jones M. Withers
John A. Wharton
John C. Walker
James Terrill
A. J. Vaughan
Horatio Van Cleve
J. T. Tunnell
Patrick Trecy
William Travis
R. P. Trabue
B. Frank Terry
William Rufus Terrill
John F. Kelly
John Kennedy
Samuel W. Price
Mary E. Surratt
Champe Thornton
Sam Thomas
Colonel Taylor
Peter Taltavul
Charles Sabin Taft
W. B. Sweitzer
Mary Swann
Mr. Stockton
J. W. Turner
General Stevenson
General Stevens
Ellen Stanton
Lyman Sprague
William M. Smith
J. P. Slough
Sarah Slater
General Torbert
H. L. Tyng
Wesley Severs
Lewis Weichmann
William Withers
W. W. Winship
Parson Wilmer
Captain Willauer
Mary Jane Welles
John Welles
H. H. Welles
John Weaver
John P. Usher
Captain Watkins
Frank Washington
Henry Warren
John Ware
John R. Walton
T. S. Verdi
Sig Vanodi
Frances Seward
General Rucker
Henry Key
General McDowell
J. B. Montgomery
John Millward
Clark Mills
Patrick Charles Martin
John F. Madlock
James L. Maddox
James McPhail
Charles Lucas
W. W. Morris
William Wallace Lincoln
Edwin Gray Lee
James E. Leaman
Richard Lawrence
Sergeant Koerth
Albert Freeman Africanus King
John H. Kimball
Lieutenant-Colonel Morgan
George Mudd
Charles H. Rosch
J. H. Pendleton
Betsy Rollins
James Earl Ray
General Rawlins
Henry Rathbone
James W. Purdum
F. H. Pierpont
Henry B. Phillips
Commander Parker
Sarah Frances Mudd
Colonel Orr
Abram B. Olin
Osborn H. Oldroyd
James O'Beirne
Basil Norris
Colonel Newport
T. Naylor
Seaton Munroe
James E. Rains
P. Sidney Post
James W. Grimes
Marshall Harvey Twitchell
Clement Bassett
Philemon P. Baldwin
James Patton Anderson
Daniel W. Adams
George L. White
George Wheeler
Henry Watterson
B. H. True
Ella Bishop
Laura M. Towne
Ben Tilman
Bayard Taylor
Gustavus F. Swift
Wager Swayne
Charles Stone
Christopher Sholes
John Beatty
John C. Breckinridge
Frances Roe
James P. Douglas
Julius P. Garesché
Richard Gano
James P. Fyffe
Speed Fry
George Ellsworth
Basil W. Duke
William W. Duffield
Daniel S. Donelson
Mary Breckinridge
Thomas T. Crittenden
James A. Connolly
Patrick R. Cleburne
Benjamin F. Cheatham
John W. Carroll
James Cameron
Asahel Bush
John D. Sandborn
Edmund Richardson
Ebenezer Gay
George Washington Custis Lee
John A. McDonald
James Lusk
Nat Love
Samuel Lockett
Milton S. Littlefield
William M. Levy
Robert E. Lee, Jr.
Moses Langhorne
William McKee
William P. Kellogg
William D. Kelley
Collis P. Huntington
Emma Holmes
James J. Hill
Webb Hayes
Birchard Hayes
Gordon McKay
Mary Mackie
John C. Reid
Temple Neeley
John Pool
Charles A. Pillsbury
James Shepherd Pike
George Whitefield Pepper
John A. Peer
George Peabody
Ismail Pasha
Thaddeus Mott
James F. B. Marshall
Franklin J. Moses, Jr.
Lot M. Morrill
Albert T. Morgan
Samuel Montague
Lewis Merrill
Elizabeth Avery Meriwether
Antonin Mercie
Thomas Mellon
Gilbert Gaul
Randall Gibson
Lucius E. Polk
T. H. McCray
Alfred E. Mathews
Humphrey Marshall
Mahlon D. Manson
Arthur H. Manigault
George Earl Maney
William J. McMurray
William McKay
John P. McCown
Leonidas Metcalfe
Robert Latimer McCook
John James McCook
John McCook
Edward Moody McCook
Daniel McCook, Jr.
Daniel McCook
Dan McCook
John Mendenhall
George K. Miller
Anson McCook
F. M. Nix
William Pike
Robert Parrott
Charles C. Parsons
John G. Parkhurst
Joseph B. Palmer
Elmer Otis
Oliver Norton
Bull Nelson
John F. Miller
James S. Negley
Bernard F. Mullen
Oliver Morton
James T. Morrison
Samuel Dodd Morgan
Absalom B. Moore
Ormsby M. Mitchel
Charles Morris McCook
Alexander McCook
William H. Gibson
William Joseph Hardee
Gustavus Adolphus Henry
Adolphus Heiman
Milo S. Hascall
Samuel J. Harris
Joseph E. Harris
Fazilo Harrington
Charles Garrison Harker
Roger W. Hanson
Wilbur F. Hinman
Wright Hackett
William Grose
Benjamin Grider
George St. Leger Grenfell
Michael Gooding
Nat Gooch
Charles Gilbert
Henry Hescock
Arthur Hood
Joseph T. McBride
John J. Landrum
George Lowe
J. Q. Loomis
St. John Liddell
Joseph Lewis
Asa Lewis
Henry C. Lester
William J. Laughton
G. C. Griffen
Charles Houghtaling
Edward N. Kirk
John T. Killingsworth
J. Mills Kendrick
Thomas Jefferson Jordan
Bushrod Johnson
John K. Jackson
James S. Jackson
Thomas H. Hunt
Francis Lawley
Kate King
Colonel Zeilin
Lucinda Metz
Richard Dyer Mudd
Mary Claire Mudd
James Anthony Mudd
Andrew Mudd
Basil E. Moxley
William G. Moore
Theodore Micheau
Thomas Mears
Patrick Murphy
Henry Mears
William McPeck
G. W. McElfresh
Zedekiah McDaniel
John W. McCoy
William May
Deborah Sampson or Samson Gannett
Sylvester Mudd
Mark E. Neely, Jr.
Charley Lucas
James Purdom
John Robertson
Edward Hastings Ripley
George Washington Riggs
Ronald Rietveld
Johann Richter
Gabriel James Rains
Joseph Queen
C. M. Prevost
Nathan Nelson
John Phoenix
Louis H. Pelouze
J. M. Peddicord
Thomas Pearce
William Parker
William Padgett
Frank O'Daniel
Enoch Mason
Joseph T. Lowery
Charles W. Rosch
William T. Howell
Godfrey Joseph Hyams
Nicholas Hutchings
T. T. Hurdle
Robert W. Hunter
Mary Victorine Hunter
George Hughes
A. C. Hubbard
Joseph Howard, Jr.
F. I. Ingmire
Blaine V. Houmes
James Holohan
Lucinda Hollaway
C. D. Hess
George S. Herron
J. R. Hawley
George Hawkins
Susan Hyde
George Jarves
Benjamin J. Lossing
Jessica Kuhn
George Lindsley
C. H. Lieberman
W. S. Lewis
Peter B. Lenaghan
Hattie Lawton
Myron H. Lamson
Thomas A. Laird
Robert Kinder
John D. Johnson
Martin Kerney
William Kenzie
John A. Kennedy
Jack Kelso
John Kelly
Henry Kelly
William F. Keeler
Joseph Kaplan
Franklin Roby
Theodore Roscoe
William C. Harris
James W. White
Isaac J. Wistar
Dick Wilson
Lemuel Wilmer
William Williams
Frank J. Williams
Daniel Whitehurst
William Curtis White
Charles Whitcomb
Joseph Zisgen
Edwin H. Webster
William Webb
Edwin B. Webb
John H. Weaver
Roderick D. Watson
Richard Washington
Thomas McCurdy Vincent
Henry Woodall
Roberto d'Aubuisson
Henry Ulke
Hamilton P. Bee
Edward Bouton
Thomas S. Bocock
James G. Blunt
P. P. Bliss
Chief Black Kettle
Berry G. Benson
Tyree H. Bell
René Beauregard
James Alden
John S. Barnes
Mary Theodosia Parker Banks
William W. Averell
Richard D. Arnold
George Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll
Richard H. Anderson
George T. Anderson
James H. Van Alen
Benjamin F. Twilley
Daniel H. Rucker
John A. Seddon
A. C. Smith
H. Robert Slusser
William Simms
Henry Simms
Jean Anderson Sherwood
Vaughan Shelton
Joseph Sheldon
Jack Scroggins
Richard M. Smith
G. W. Schofield
Joseph Schneider
Thomas Bradford Sanders
William Sample
John St. Helen
Henry S. Safford
George V. Rutherford
George W. Smith
William H. Snyder
Thomas R. Turner
Electus Thomas
Soloman Townsend
Lyman Beecher Todd
John B. Todd
George B. Todd
David Todd
Benjamin Tilghman
William A. Tidwell
D. C. Thomas
George E. Stevens
Walker Taylor
Sarah Knox Taylor
Edward Swan
Samuel C. Stuart
S. Tuberville Stuart
Julia Calvert Stuart
Silas Stringham
Kensey Johns Stewart
Joseph H. Hartley
George A. Harrington
Ralph B. Buckland
John F. Drill
Will Garrett
C. C. Fulton
Newton Ferree
Leonard J. Farwell
William Evans
E. A. Emerson
Joseph H. Dye
Henry Kyd Douglas
Alfred Gibson
John L. Debonay
Lorenzo Deangelis
William E. Cleaver
Edward M. Kennedy
João Celestino
Mary Ellen Cecil
Augustus R. Cazauran
Sidney Gay
Daniel H. L. Gleason
Matthew W. Canning, Jr.
John H. Jack
William C. Allen
Joshua Allen
Hannah Allen
J. G. Johnson
Zadock Jenkins
Henry C. Jarrett
Isaac Jaquette
Henrietta Irving
Lawrence A. Gobright
Timothy Ingraham
Jane Herold
William Heiss
John C. Hatter
Benjamin Gwynn Harris
Martin D. Hardin
Scipiano Grillo
Edward Carrington
William L. Bryant
S. S. Anderson
Arthur Schlesinger Sr.
David Koresh
Bruce Russett
Marco Polo
George S. Patton
Huey Newton
Benito Mussolini
Joseph Stalin
Edward Kennedy
Edward M. Alfriend
Robert Haldeman
Billy Graham
Deborah Sampson Garnet
John Galbraith
Roberto D'Aubuisson
Helen Caldicott
Robert Bruce, King of Scots
Hannah Van Buren
Aquilla Allen
John P. Brophy
Blanche Booth
Maggie Branson
Thomas J. Boynton
John H. Boyle
Walter Bowie
Richard Junius Booth
Richard Booth, baptized 1759
Clementina DeBar Booth
John T. Bolton
Henry H. Atwater
Dick Blazer
William H. Bennett
Edwin Bedee
Edwin Bates
John M. Barron
Walter M. Barnes
C. C. Bangs
Henry Marcellus Bailey
Finley Anderson
James J. Archer (
E. C. Harper
Norval E. Foard
C. D. Gatch
Ann Garner
Mary Melita Gardiner
David W. Gaddy
John Frizzell
S. T. Ford
Frank Ford
Cipriano Ferrandini
Z. W. Gemmill
Francis R. Farrell
Sara Frances Dyer
Jeremiah Dyer
George W. Dutton
A. T. Donn
Levi Axtell Dodd
R. K. Dillard
Robert Gatewood
David E. George
Charles E. Davis
J. C. Hall
Thomas E. Harney
John F. Hardy
Castner Hanway
Bradford Hambrick
Thomas W. Hall
Richard W. Hall
James O. Hall
Stephen Howler Hale
Dickinson Gorsuch
James W. Hackett
Jeremiah Gurney, Jr.
Jake Griffiths
Edwin H. Gray
Henry Gouldman
Tommy Gorsuch
Joshua Gorsuch
George W. Derby
E. L. Davenport
Louise Mudd Arehart
William Bland
George S. Bryan
Charles D. Brown
Thomas Brooke
Henry Byron Booth
Frederick Booth
Elizabeth Booth
James Bolton
Frederick Black
George Washington Bunker
August Bittersdorf
Daniel Bigley
Bob Bergantino
William Burton Benham
Warner Baxter
Henry Atzerodt
George William Arnold
John Buckingham
J. Dominic Burch
Charles P. Daly
H. V. Clinton
J. H. Crowell
J. R. Cronin
Cordial Crane
Charles H. Crane
John Corey
B. C. Cook
Daniel Mountjoy Cloud
Lewis L. Chubb
Ned Burke
George Christy
Joan L. Chaconas
Charles H. Cawood
Joseph Cantor
Robert Anson Campbell
William Byrne
John Butler
Nathan Burnham
John Brough
Abraham Buford
Samuel Jones
Adele Logan Alexander
Mr. Bingham
David Rankin Barbee
Julia Baker
Jean H. Baker
Aunt Charlotte
Aunt Bella
Paul Angle
Elizabeth Keckley
Mrs. John Brooks
W. W. Wright
Rebecca Wright
Ambrose R. Wright
John T. Wood
George H. Wood
Daniel Wolford
William T. Wofford
W. E. Brady
Hallie Q. Brown
Seth Williams
Lydia Maria Child
Henry Garnet
'Spot' Garland
Maggie Garland
Hugh A. Garland
Julia Edwards Baker
Elizabeth Edwards
William Craft
G. W. Carleton
William Wells Brown
Robert Burwell
Mary Cole Burwell
Elizabeth M. Burwell Putnam
Anne P. Burwell Garland
Anna Burwell
Joseph Bunn
Charles G. Browne
William W. Witherspoon
Orlando B. Willcox
Francis J. Grimke
Thomas Kilby Smith
Linton Stephens
John A. Stephens
Leroy A. Stafford
Jane Cochran Speed
G. Moxley Sorrel
Thomas D. Smyth
W. Sooy Smith
Morgan L. Smith
Thomas G. Stevenson
Martin L. Smith
Giles A. Smith
Charles H. Smith
Michael V. Sheridan
George F. Shepley
Alexander Shaler
Truman Seymour
George H. Steuart
John M. Stone
Williams C. Wickham
John C. Underwood
William H. C. Whiting
William D. Whipple
Gabriel C. Wharton
William T. Walthall
W. H. T. Walker
Tandy Walker
James Waddell
Robert Tyler
Flora C. Stuart
George W. Tucker
George A. Trenholm
Albert T. A. Torbert
John M. Thayer
Alfred H. Terry
William B. Taliaferro
Thomas W. Sweeny
Samuel D. Sturgis
Harry Gilmore
Ann Peck Harlan
Thomas M. Scott
Joel Colton
John Jackson Dickison
William Cranch
James Cox
Edward S. Corwin
Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis (
Thomas Cook
Thomas Conrad
Edward Coles
John S. Ford
Marcellus Clark
T. Morris Chester
I. Q. Chenowith
Susan Emmaline Jeffords Caldwell
Nathan Burwell
James Bowdin
Daniel Boorstin
Mary Fontaine
William Ford
Ike Berry
S. P. Hanscom
J. B. Jones
Houston Holloway
Moses Hoge
John H. Hinton
Sam Hildebrand
Joyce Heth
Davy Herold
Marat Halstead
Douglas Southall Freeman
Nathaniel Green
Priscilla Grant
Noah Grant
Matthew Grant
William Winkins Glenn
Wendell Phillips Garrison
Mittie Freeman
Albert Bierstadt
Ethelbert Barksdale
Pamela Harriman
Amelia Lancaster
Margaret Sumner McClean
Joseph Lovejoy
Little Joe
Alberta Elizabeth Lewis-Savoy
Mrs. Walker Lewis
Walker Lewis
Elizabeth Blair Lee
George W. D. Kirkland
'Nannie' Garland Meem
Alexander Kirkland
Margaret Todd Kellogg
James Keckly
George Pleasant Hobbs
Agnes Hobbs
Josiah Herrson
James D. Hart
Gilbert Simrall Meem
Prince Napoleon
Thomas J. Azy
Mary Welsh
Bill Anderson
Abraham Anderson
Stephen Ambrose
William Allen, 31st Governor of Ohio
Warren Akin
Thomas T. Accrete
Nathaniel P. Willis
Edgar Welles
Daniel A. Payne
John E. Washington
Alexander Todd
Arthur Swazey
Mary Johnson Stover
William Slade
Josephine Slade
Miss Ringold
James R. Putnam
George B. Seldon
Frederich S. Salomon
M. Calbraith Butler
Charles Griffin
Edward W. Hincks
Catherine Morgan Hill
Burton N. Harrison
Nathaniel H. Harris
Michael Hahn
James H. Hacket
Bryan Grimes
Benjamin H. Grierson
Robert F. Hoke
Fred Grant
Hiram B. Granbury
Archibald Gracie
James B. Gordon
T. J. Goodwyn
R. R. Goode
George W. Getty
Edward H. Hobson
Jedediah Hotchkiss
William Gaines
Micah Jenkins
William E. Jones
John M. Jones
Robert D. Johnston
Louisa McLane Johnston
James D. Johnston
William A. Johnson
Edward Johnson
Albert G. Jenkins
Joseph Howard
William H. Jackson
John D. Imboden
Andrew A. Humphreys
Walter Q. Hullihen
John A. Huff
Margaret Howell
Beckett K. Howell
Kenner Garrard
William Forrest
Lawrence M. Keitt
Henry DeLamar Clayton
Margaret Davis
Joseph Evan Davis
Lysander Cutler
Alonzo H. Cushing
Tunis A. Craven
Edward Crapsey
Alfred H. Colquitt
John S. Clark
Varina Ann Davis
Thomas J. Churchill
John M. Chivington
Empress Charlotte
Theodore H. Carter
James Cantey
William L. Cabell
Daniel Butterfield
Samuel Davis
William H. Davis
Jesse Forrest
George Washington Elliott
Manning F. Force
Joseph Finegan
Charles W. Field
Edward Ferrero
James F. Fagan
Clement A. Evans
Gilbert Elliott
James Dunlavy
Thomas C. Devin
Alfred N. A. Duffié
Jacob Douty
Kyd Douglas
Sarah E. Dorsey
Richard Hely-Hutchinson, 4th Earl of Donoughmore
James L. Donaldson
Charles H. Dimmock
Hubert Dilger
Robert Kean
Joseph B. Kershaw
Isaac M. St. John
Henry Pleasants
Robert B. Potter
Carnot Posey
David Pool
Edward A. Pollard
Camille Armand Jules Marie Polignac
William Poague
Alfred Pleasonton
S. Ledyard Phelps
Sally Buchanan Preston
H. Henry Perry
John J. Peck
Mosby M. Parsons
Thomas J. Page
Richard L. Page
Robert Ould
Lucius B. Northrop
George D. Prentice
Willie Preston
Gustavus A. Myers
Alexander C. Rhind
David A. Russell
Edmund W. Rucker
Thomas L. Rosser
John S. Rock
John C. Robinson
William C. Rives
James B. Ricketts
Joseph J. Reynolds
William Quarles
Harry Reese
John H. Reagan
Thomas Buchanan Read
Charles W. Read
Robert Ransom
Stephen Dodson Ramseur
Charles Quintard
Samuel Nelson
James E. Murdoch
Joseph F. Knipe
Francis R. Lubbock
Samuel McGowan
Edward M. McCook
Henry McClellan
John McCausland
Hylan B. Lyon
Patrick N. Lynch, Bishop of Charleston
Charles R. Lumsden
Lunsford L. Lomax
William L. McMillen
David Llewellyn
Joseph H. Lewis
Mortimer D. Leggett
W. H. F. Lee
Albert L. Lee
Jacob A. Lash
William Lamb
W. W. Mackall
John N. Maffitt
Thomas T. Munford
Daniel Morgan
Wolfgang a
Joseph A. Mower
Alfred Mouton
Gershom Mott
Charles M. Morris
Mattie Ready Morgan
John H. Morgan
Wesley Merritt
Andrew G. Magrath
Hugh W. Mercer
Christopher G. Memminger
Samuel B. Maxey
John W. Mauk
James S. Marmaduke
Arthur M. Manigault
George E. Maney
James P. Major
Dr. Woodward
Samuel Morse
Frances Miller
Charles de Lorencez
John H. Addams
Mrs. Bennett Able
Margarita Maza
Felix Salm-Salm
Alice Green Forrest
Agustín de Iturbide y Green
Luis Ghilardi
Ángela Peralta
Robert Allen
José Luis Blasio
Hortense Cornu
Edouard Thouvenel
Jules Favre
Santos Degollado
Porfirio Diaz
Miguel Miramón y Tarelo
G. T. Allen
Isaac Newton Arnold
Juan Prim y Prats
William Eleazer Bartlett
J. S. Bliss
Albert Taylor Bledsoe
William J. Black
Chauncey Forward Black
William Harrison Bissell
Hiram W. Beckwith
Newton Bateman
Truman H. Bartlett
Samuel Arnold
Oliver Rogers Barrett
Joseph H. Barrett
Mrs. Hardin Bale
L. B. Baker
Henry L. Baker
James Mitchell Asbury
Henry Asbury
Jesús González Ortega
Matias Romero Avendaño
John Minor Botts
J. G. Watmough
George Wilkes
Reuben M. Whitney
Walter Whitman
Samuel Whitcomb
Prosper P. Wetmore
John Wentworth
Noah Webster
Tobias Watkins
John Windt
Josiah Warren
Mike Walsh
Robert J. Walker
Amasa Walker
William S. Wait
Jonathan M. Wainwright
G. C. Verplanck
N. P. Willis
Hubbard Winslow
Alphonse Dubois de Saligny
James Moore
Charles-Louis Du Pin
Victor Emmanuel II of Italy
Napoleon II Franz, Herzog von Reichstadt
Joseph Radetzky von Radetz
Princess Sophie of Bavaria
Miguel Lerdo de Tejada
Melchor Ocampo
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Robert C. Winthrop
Jose Maria Gutierrez de Estrada
Carlota, Empress Consort of Mexico
Margaret Truman
Alice Roosevelt
Silas Wright
Levi Woodbury
A. H. Wood
George Wolf
Vincent Bogue
John A. Brackenridge
Peter van Ness
John Duncan
Abner Yates Ellis
William F. Elkin
David Elkin
Jonathan Elliot
Cyrus Edwards
Benjamin S. Edwards
Jacob M. Early
Jason Duncan
Revill W. English
Henry Enoch Dummer
Jesse Kilgore Dubors
Thomas Withers Dresser
Charles Dresser
John W. Drake
Wesley Diggins
William Martin Dickson
Ephraim Elmer Ellsworth
Pascal Paoli Enos
Mark William Delahay
Worthington Chauncey Ford
James Gentry
Allen Gentry
Gertrude Garrison
George Gage
Charles Friend
Mrs. Simeon Francis
Francis Newton
Thomas Ford
William Lee Davidson Ewing
Job Fletcher
A. P. Field
Orlando Bell Ficklin
W. J. Ferguson
Jesse W. Fell
Aaron Farmer
G. B. Fanchier
Theophilus Lyle Dickey
John D. Defrees
Sidney Breese
Evan Butler
Louis Candler
A. Campbell
John M. Cameron
William Calk
John Calhoun, surveyor of Sangamon County
Justin Butterfield
Speed Butler
Erasmus Reuben Burba
William Carpenter
John H. Bryant
William Brumfeld
Mrs. Orville Hickman Browning
Thomas C. Browne
Christopher Colombus Brown
Norman McAlbin Broadwell
Isaac S. Britton
Thomas Carlin
David Kellogg Cartter [sic]
Frederick S. Day
Burton C. Cook
John Dawson
Walter Davis
Oliver Lowndes Davis
J. B. Danforth
Ralph Crume
John Jordan Crittenden
Mrs. Josiah Crawford
James Cook Conkling
Peter Cartwright
Everton J. Conger
Isaac Cogsdale
W. T. Claggett
Charles W. Chatterton
Harriet Chapman
William Henry Channing
Charles Chandler
John Cassiday
Roberts Vaux
Gilbert Vale
Russell Godby
Washington Irving
James G. King
James Kent
William Kendall
Cave Johnson
Samuel Jaudon
Moses Jaques
Sarah Yorke Jackson
Charles Jared Ingersoll
Charles Knowlton
John H. Hunt
George Houston
William M. Holland
Thomas Hogan
Michael Hoffman
Isaac Hill
Richard Hildreth
Abner Kneeland
H. F. R. de Lamennais
Sir John Herschel
Elder John Leland
Richard Adams Locke
Edward Livingston
George Lippard
Levi Lincoln
William B. Lewis
Taylor Lewis
Dixon H. Lewis
Benjamin W. Leigh
Walter Savage Landor
William Leggett
Gideon Lee
Joshua Leavitt
Cornelius Lawrence
Amos Lawrence
Abbott Lawrence
S. D. Langtree
Thomas Herttell
David Henshaw
G. W. Lyman
Alexander H. Everett
Clara Fisher
Stephen Field
Henry Field
Cyrus W. Field
Charles G. Ferris
John Ferral
L. S. Everett
George H. Evans
Azariah C. Flagg
W. P. Eustis
William English
William Emmons
Fanny Elssler
William Rufus Elliott
Richard S. Elliott
John B. Eldredge
Theophilus Fisk
John Floyd
John Hecker
William H. Hale
Isaac Hecker
Richard Haughton
Stephen Hasbrouck
Eli Hart
Judge Hammond
J. H. Hammond
Benjamin F. Hallett
Galusha A. Grow
Roger L. Gamble
Moses H. Grinnell
William B. Greene
Nathaniel Greene
Charles Gordon Greene
William M. Gouge
William F. Gourdon
Henry D. Gilpin
James W. Gerard
S. K. Lothrop
George McDuffie
Abel P. Upshur
Theodore Sedgwick, Jr.
John K. Simpson
William Gilmore Simms
Michael Shiner
E. M. Shepard
Lemuel Shaw
Henry Shaw
John Sergeant
Theodore Sedgwick
Thomas Skidmore, Sr.
Catharine Maria Sedgwick
Arthur G. Sedgwick
Joseph A. Scoville
J. B. Say
John Savage
L. W. Ryckman
Richard Rush
Stephen Simpson
Levi D. Slamm
Clinton Roosevelt
William P. Taylor
Joseph Tuckerman
Nicholas P. Trist
Robert Townsend, Jr.
William W. Thompson
Waddy Thompson
Francis Thomas
Peter Oxenbridge Thacher
Nathaniel W. Taylor
Isaac S. Smith
Arthur Tappan
Nathaniel P. Tallmadge
Samuel Swartwout
William Sullivan
William L. Stone
John L. Stephens
Ambrose Spencer
Theron Rudd
James Ronaldson
Louis McLane
Marcus Morton
John Overton
Charles Ogle
John M. Niles
Hezekiah Niles
Thomas Low Nichols
Henry A. Muhlenberg
Marcus Morton, Jr.
Samuel F. B. Morse
Elihu Palmer
Thomas Morris
Alexander Ming, Jr.
Alexander Ming
Robert Mayo
Jeremiah Mason
Horace Mann
Nathaniel Macon
Robert Dale Owen
Isaac Parker
Frederick Robinson
Josiah Quincy, Jr.
William H. Roane
William Cabell Rives
John C. Rives
Joseph Ritner
George Ripley
Tapping Reeve
Condy Raguet
Josiah Quincy
Theophilus Parsons
William Hickling Prescott
Alonzo Potter
Edgar Allan Poe
Franklin Plummer
John Pickering
S. C. Philips
Andrew Preston Peabody
James Kirke Paulding
Kate Gentry
Grant Goodrich
John Worth Edmonds
Samuel J. Wayman
Charles H. M. Wood
William Winthrop
Benjamin Wier
Martha Todd White
Edward Montagu-Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, 1st Earl of Wharncliffe
Ezra B. Westfall
James D. Westcott
John B. van Dien
Bob Lincoln
John T. Tibbett
David Thurston
Young Thompson
William M. Thompson
Catherine Anne Jones Thompson
Benjamin J. Sweet
Charles B. Stewart
Phineas C. Wright
Clark Kent
A. F. Squarey
Jonah Hex
Mike Williams
William Strawhun
Bill Mulrey
William J. Fetterman
Belle Starr
Davis Tutt
John Younger
Jonathan Kent
Bob Younger
Cole Younger
Claiborne Fox Jackson
Daniel Woodson
Charles L. Robinson
Lois Lane Kent
Martha Kent
Ambrose Stevens
James Spence
Charles Ford
A. B. Olin
Frederick L. Penton
Pedro V, King of Portugal
D. Preston Parr
John Williamson Palmer
Montrose A. Pallen
Felici Orsini
William R. Orme
John O'Leary
James Prioleau
Davis S. Ogden
Louis O'Donnell
Columbus O'Donnell
John Nothrey
John W. Nichols
Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia
Charles S. Moorehead
Andrew Porter
Samuel A. Rainey
E. L. Smoot
Willard Saulsbury
William Prescott Smith
James W. Singleton
Joseph H. Simonds
Joseph Shaw
George H. Sharpe
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
Charles Selby
Virginia Sanders
John J. Reeves
Reid Sanders
Lewis Sanders
Anna Reid Sanders
George Augustus Sala
Julian S. Rumsey
Nicholas Rowe
Dean Richmond
Theodore B. Rhodes
Bob Ford
Lois Lane
James Merritt
William E. Dodge
David B. Hill
Albert Bushnell Hart
Matilda Gresham
Dudley S. Gregory
Violet Gist
John A. Gilmer
Catherine Garniss
Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
John T. Hogeboom
Alexander Cummings
Martin J. Crawford
Samuel Sullivan 'Sunset' Cox
Edgar Cowan
John Cochrane
Richard Cobden
Julia Davenport Coalter
Thomas Hillhouse
Anna Howard
L. E. Chittenden
J. Leavitt
Samuel Mercer
William Lyon Mackenzie
Benjamin Lundy
Sarah Dunlop Ludlow
Louis Napoleon
Benson J. Lossing
José Limantour
Mary Lawson
John Joseph Hughes, 1st Archbishop of New York
Jim Lane
Samuel Knox
George Washington Julian
William Jay
Malcolm Ives
Ellen M. Hutchinson
Randall Hunt
John J. Cisco
B. Gratz Brown
Edwin McMasters Stanton
Joseph 'John Peanut' Burroughs
Annie Garrett
William Jett
Absalom Bainbridge
Mortimer Ruggles
Joseph Barnes
Henry Stafford
Charles Taft
Edmund Spangler
Ben Cameron
Miss Clara Harris
Henry R. Rathbone
Edward Burke
Miss Laura Keene
Robert Lincoln
Mrs. Julia Grant
General Ulysses S. Grant
Lafayette Baker
Margaret Cameron
John Bright
James Barbour
Robert J. Breckinridge
John M. Botts
R. M. Blatchford
James Blair
Jeremiah S. Black
Hiram Barney
Samuel M. L. Barlow
Frederic Bancroft
Hon. Austin Stoneman
Gamaliel Bailey
Appoline Alexander
Ephraim D. Adams
Andrew Ellicott
Pierre Charles L'Enfant
U. S. Grant
Colonel Howle
Marion Lenoir
Charles Monck, 4th Viscount Monck
Christopher Memminger
James Gourly
Ralph Krume
Thomas Lewis
J. C. Lee
Luther W. Lawrence
G. W. Lawrence
James Larkins
Josiah Lamborn
James W. Lamar
Turner R. King
Jacob Lincoln
Charles W. Keyes
Robert Kenzies
William Jones
Sarah Johnston
Matilda Johnston
Julia Jayne
General James
Isaac Lincoln
Josiah Lincoln
Abraham Inlow
John McNamar
David Bates
Roy P. Basler
James M. Baillie
Frank H. Atkinson
Walter Ashley
Angelica Singleton Van Buren
John McNeil
John McLear
Mordecai Lincoln
Edward Wilson McGaughey
Joseph E. McDonald
Andrew McCormick
William Lyman
David Logan
Wallace A. Little
Nancy Lincoln
Benjamin Franklin Irwin
Elijah Iles
A. A. Belknap
William Grigsby
Joseph Hanks
Abraham Hanks
Abram Hammond
Squire Hall
Levi Hall
James Hall
Jackson Grimshaw
Reuben Grigsby
Thomas Hanks
Nathaniel Grigsby
Charles Grigsby
Aaron Grigsby
L. M. Greene
Johnson G. Greene
Gaines Greene
Nancy Green
Lucy Hanks
William H. Hannah
Charles R. Hurst
Jesse Head
Henry Horner
Thomas M. Hope
J. G. Holland
A. G. Hodges
Samuel Hill
James A. Herndon
John B. Helm
Caleb Hazel
Edward Hannigan
Samuel Haycraft
Logan Hay
Peyton J. Harrison
Peachy Quinn Harrison
Oscar F. Harmon
Jacob Harding
George Harding
John J. Hardin
William N. R. Beall
Natalie St. Martin Benjamin
James M. McMaster
John A. Jones
Andre J. LaPierre
Guillaume Lamothe
James Lamb
Lajos Kossuth
Robert Cobb Kennedy
Alexander Keith
William J. Jones
William Cornell Jewett
George Law
John Joseph Jennings
William N. Jeffers
George Iles
Godfrey Hyams
Washington Hunt
James Hughes
Mary Hudspeth
Jeremiah Larocque
Edward Lawrence
John T. Holahan
Robert M. Martin
Kate McGruder
Patterson McGee
William L. McDonald
John McClellan
Giuseppe Mazzini
John Matthews, actor
John Y. Mason
Hippolyte Magen
Alexandre-August Ledru-Rollin
Henry T. Loutham
Mrs. Loring
John L. Lomax
Anne Corbin Lomax
Joseph Loane
William Schaw Lindsay
Cassius Lee
James P. Holcombe
Henry Hogan
Alexander Beresford-Hope
Isaac Campbell
Thomas-Louis Connolly
Henry Lawson Clay
Frank O. Chamberlin
John B. Castleman
Jack Carter
Hosea B. Carter
William Henry Carroll
Bennett H. Burley
Charles Coursol
Robert Bunch
Josephine Brown
John Patts Brown
James Brooks
Sarah Brewer
David Black
George W. L. Bickley
John Douglas Corse
Ben DeBar
Henry H. Hine
Thomas S. Green
Bernard R. Hill
William Helmick
Emilie Todd Helm
John W. Headley
Charles A. Haswell
George Harrington
Frank L. Green
David Gleason
Blanche DeBar
William H. Ginley
J. Bevins Giles
Victor Frondé
Thomas C. Durant
Harrison H. Dodd
Joseph Dion
Bernard Devlin
George T. Denison
Thomas Elder
Margaret O'Neale Timberlake Eaton
Babe Ruth
Sam Blanchard
John Breckinridge
J. E. Brant
Lieutenant Bracht
George Bradley
David Boyd
Marie Boozer
Charles Booth
Francis P. Blair, Sr.
Thomas Bryan
William Bircher
Mary Anne Bickerdyke
Mrs. Daniel Bennett
James C. Bennett
Thomas Baylor
Willie Baugh
W. B. Bate
James B. Brooks
Mrs. Daniel Brown
Henry Barnum
S. H. M. Byers
K. J. Catterson
Lilla Carroll
Frank B. Carpenter
W. P. Carlin
F. W. Capers
Nora Canning
James Calhoun
Matthew Butler
Mrs. Joseph Brown
E. P. Burton
Dolly S. Burge
Munce Buford
George Buell
Mrs. Campbell Bryce
Charles S. Brown
Alonzo Brown
John Batchelor
Mary Barnett
Rachel Chamblee
L. C. Turner
William Welsh
Frederick Weichmann
James Watson Wallace
Mary Van Tyne
Glyndon Van Deusen
James Underwood
Thomas Reed Turner
William S. Thompson
H. Wigand
Daniel J. Thomas
Benjamin Thomas
V. O. Taylor
Charles Sweenay
Mary Victorine Hunter Surratt
Samuel Streett
Charles H. Stonestreet
Robert Wickliffe
B. F. Wiget
Francis Baker
Edward R. Ames
I. S. K. Axson
J. P. Austin
Thomas Atkinson
Smith Atkins
Henry Aten
Eliza F. Andrews
J. W. Anderson
Sara Aldrich
Nathaniel Wilson
Mrs. Alfred P. Aldrich
Robert N. Adams
D. L. Yulee
N. D. Young
Charles R. Woods
Charles H. Wood
Benjamin Wood
W. Winthrop
Washington S. Chaffin
James Chesnut
Mary Stephens
W. D. Hamilton
Charles Hartsell
William H. Harrison
Leroy W. Harris
Willie Hardee
Pincus Happ
General Hannon
Posey Hamilton
E. J. Hale
Sally Hawthorne
James Hagan
William Grunert
Thomas J. Green
Virginia Green
J. R. Green
Anna M. Green
William A. Graham
William Hawley
Richard Haywood
Juliette Gordon
William Humphrey
Benjamin Jordan
Ben Johnson
R. M. Johnson
Samuel Jarrett
Matthew Jamison
Oscar Jackson
Morton C. Hunter
William Y. Humes
F. Y. Headley
Mike Huddleston
Nelly Howard
W. P. Howard
Dexter Horton
Robert Hoke
Emma High
Charles Herbert
Nelly Gordon
Eleanor Gordon
Sally Chesnut
Charles Cornell
Theodore Davis
George Davis
Peter P. N. D'Alvigny
John Dahlgren
J. D. Cox
Sam Cothran
Louise Cornwell
E. J. Copp
Alex Downing
Chaplin Cole
Reverend Connor
James Connolly
George Cochran
Sgt. Walter Clark
John G. Clarke
Major Walter Clark
Captain Dayton
Blanton Duncan
William W. Gordon
Corydon Foote
Thomas L. Goodwyn
Private Gage
M. C. Garber
Nancy Furman
John W. Fuller
John L. Foster
Joseph Foraker
Stephen F. Fleharty
William Duncan
Thomas Fitzgibbon
Mrs. W. P. F. Finley
Amelia Feaster
Allen L. Fahnestock
Charles Ewing
Jane E. Elliott
Edward Edwards
J. J. Eckles
K. J. Stewart
David Stanton
Rufus Kelly
John Y. Simon
Lucy G. Speed
Mary Speed
Fanny Henning Speed
Elizabeth Hanks Sparrow
Harold Solomon
Coleman Snoot
Caleb B. Smith
James Short
Charles B. Strozier
John M. Rutledge
E. Anthony Rotundo
Kate Roby
Sarah Rickard
J. G. Randall
Charles Henry Philbrick
Miles O'Reilly
Daniel Stowell
James Swaney
Edward D. Neill
Douglas L. Wilson
Roger Bartman
Frank Ballard
William Ball
Johann Atzerodt
Mary Jane Arnold
A. K. Allison
Jesse Winans
John Williamson
Noah H. Swayne
Gary L. Williams
Jesse W. Weik
John Watt
Louis A. Warren
Paul H. Verduin
W. Scott Thompson
Lorenzo Dow Thompson
Denton Offut
Samuel F. Miller
Theodore S. Bell
Pen Bogart
Isaac Cogdal
Titian J. Coffey
Henry Clark
Thomas Chamberlin
Nicholas Murray Butler
Michael Burlingame
Eliza Caldwell Browning
John B. Baldwin
James C. Conkling
Stephen E. Ambrose
Elizabeth Abell
Bennett Abell
Lyndon B. Johnson
Buzz Aldrin
Neil Armstrong
Anthony McAuliffe
Nettie Colburn Maynard
Rodney O. Davis
Elijah Miller
Charles Hurst
Anna Miles
James H. Matheny
Randolph B. Marcy
John McLean
Leticia McKean
Jack Kelson
Jonathan Ned Katz
H. S. Huidekoper
Anna E. Dickinson
Mary Maxcy Herndon
Charles C. Halpine
B. B. French
John W. Forney
Archibald Fisher
Abner Y. Ellis
Matilda Edwards
James Duncan
W. W. Belknap
Augustus Bissell
Joseph Snevel
Francis McFall
Tom Mudd
Nelson Miles
John Miles
Richard T. Merrick
James E. Matterson
William Marvin
James M. McPherson
Leonidas McAleer
George Munger
J. M. McAlpine
Peter Lanihan
Frank Klement
M. W. Jacobus
Harold Hyman
Alvin P. Howe
D. H. Hoopes
William Mudd
J. Naylor
Mary Holt
J. L. Ripple
W. G. Smethen
Brooks Simpson
William L. Sharkey
Thomas Shankland
Tal P. Shaffner
Louis Schade
Andrew Rogers
Ellen Renshaw
Captain Noyes
Roger A. Pryor
Patience Powell
Oliver Powell
George Cader Powell
Benjamin Powell
Gary Planck
Osborne Oldroyd
Robert Holt
Margaret Holt
Eleanor Bloyce
Beckie Briscoe
Margaret E. Crosby
William Cooper
George E. Cooper
Roy Chamlee
Louis J. Carland
J. George Butler
H. S. Burton
Alexander Brawner
David DeWitt
Joseph H. Bradley, Sr.
Joseph H. Bradley, Jr.
Thomas Jefferson Boynton
Francis F. Boyle
George Boutwell
Father Boucher
Milledge L. Bonham
Charles Davis
Levi A. Dodd
Elizabeth Holohan
Francis Fitch
Joseph Hoare
John Hitz
Harrison Hiss
Mary Porter Herold
Adam Herold
D. P. Henderson
William H. Gleason
William Failing
W. C. Dodge
Estwick Evans
Bernard J. Early
Jere Dyer
Joseph M. Dye
T. H. Duval
J. N. Dunbarry
H. T. Drinkhouser
William H. Doherty
Alonzo Kelly
Mrs. James Kyle
Ralph Earl
Charles F. Brown
Professor Dowden
Edward Dicey
Andrew Curtin
Lucy N. Colman
Robert Burns
William A. Buckingham
Chevalier Bertinatti
Ernest Duvergier de Hauranne
Thomas Arnold, headmaster of Rugby School
E. W. Andrews
Elizabeth Abel
John Worden
John Taylor Wood
William Williamson
John Wilkinson
A. J. H. Duganne
Charley Forbes
George Alfred Trenholm
William A. Richardson
Benjamin P. Thomas
Horatio Nelson Taft
Holly Taft
Bud Taft
Judge Swain
Samuel E. Sewell
Henry Rood
Allen Thorndike Rice
Benjamin Franklin Hope
Charles Adolphe Pineton
William W. Morris
William McMurtry
William Knox
Henry W. Knight
Thomas D. Jones
Frederick Grant
Henry Van Brunt
George Thompson
Leonard Wells Volk
John Low
Charles Morris
James Morgan
Charles D. Morgan
John Marston
Ambrose Dudley Mann
Édouard Manet
John Newland Maffitt
David Herbert Llewellyn
James H. North
Stephan S. Lisovski
William Keeler
Henry Hotze
Augustus Charles Hobart-Hampden
Auguste Havas
John Harding
Jacob Garrick
George Morris
Hiram Paulding
Thomas Taylor
Thomas W. Sherman
Silas H. Stringham
Joseph W. Steele
Charles Ellery Stedman
Horatio J. Sprague
William W. Smith
Joseph Smith, Jr.
A. B. Smith
John E. Seabrook
Garrett J. Pendergast
Henry Shelton Sanford
Henry Reaney
H. Ashton Ramsay
John Porter
Ignatius Pollaky
Dinwiddie Phillips
Francis Pettit-Smith
William Perry
Mary Owens Vineyard
William Hayes Ward
Emile Erlanger
Lucretia Hart Clay
James Fenimore Cooper
John Commerford
Calvin Colton
William Coleman
William Cobbett
T. L. Clingman
A. S. Clayton
Rufus Choate
Victor Cousin
Julia Chinn
Michel Chevalier
William Ellery Channing
W. H. Channing
John Catron
Mathew Carey
Churchill C. Cambreleng
Thomas Cooper
Edwin Croswell
Jesse A. Bynum
George Washington Dixon
Jonathan Dwight
Warren Dutton
Andrew Dunlap
William J. Duane
William Duane
Thomas W. Dorr
Andrew Jackson Donelson
Samuel S. Dickinson
Joel Curtis
Moses Dawson
Matthew L. Davis
John Davis
Charles A. Davis
Peter Vivian Daniel
G. M. Dallas
David Daggett
Fitzwilliam Byrdsall
L. Byllesby
Peter H. Watson
William Appleton
Samuel Beardsley
William T. Barry
Daniel D. Barnard
Joel Barlow
Philip P. Barbour
John W. Baer
Caleb Atwater
Nathan Appleton
Jeremy Bentham
Fisher Ames
William Allen
Samuel Clesson Allen, Jr.
Samuel Clesson Allen
Bronson Alcott
Henry Clay Whitney
George Whitman
Lyman Beecher
Hobart Berrian
William O. Butler
Peter C. Brooks
William Allen Butler
Tristram Burges
Joseph T. Buckingham
James Silk Buckingham
Orestes A. Brownson
O. B. Brown
Thomas Brothers
Albert Brisbane
John M. Berrien
Jacob Brinkerhoff
William C. Bouck
Luther Borden
George Bond
John A. Bolles
James G. Birney
Horace Binney
Kingsley Bingham
Charles W. Flusser
Thomas H. Dudley
Agnes Law
Charles Powell
H. Clay Reynolds
Harvey Reid
John Reagan
Kenneth Rayner
Aaron Rawlins
Harriott Ravenel
Martha A. Quillen
Mary Eleanor Poppenheim
Alfred Rhett
Christopher Poppenheim
"Mammy" Pickett
Harrison Pendergast
Bugler Pelote
Sam Pegues
Samuel Paulding
U. H. Parr
Barnwell Rhett
Edmund Rhett
Thomas O'Reilly
Cornelia Screven
Henry Slocum
William G. Simms
Willy Sherman
Thomas Sherman
Minnie Sherman
Charles Sherman
P. J. Shand
Hugh Scott
William Rhoads
Joseph Saunier
Sarah J. Sams
Hosea Rood
Alfred Roman
Rhoderick Rockwood
J. C. Robinson
Bromfield Ridley
Peter Osterhaus
Friar O'Connell
Giles E. Smith
A. J. McClure
Jesse McQuade
Archibald McLean
Andrew McGrath
G. B. McDonald
Louisa C. McCord
A. S. McCollum
Alexander McClurg
F. M. McAdams
D. H. Mahan
Baptista Lynch
James Lynch
Edwin Lybarger
W. W. Lord
Lily Logan
Thomas Logan
Emma LeConte
Jesse Macy
Samuel Mahon
Josiah Obear
Bliss Morse
Henry Nourse
Theo Northrop
Kate L. Nichols
George W. Nichols
Samuel Neil
Samuel Murphy
Joseph Mower
Henry Morhaus
Frank Malcom
James R. Morgan
John Motley Morehead
Edward Monagan
Sam Merrill
Doc Matthews
Vincent Martin
Wade Manning
Stephen Mallory
Farquhar Smith
Janie Smith
John Downes
William Peace
Edward H. Crump