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Jefferson Davis
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1858: Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant and the War They Failed to See
Bruce Chadwick
Robert Conroy
Abraham Lincoln
George S. McGovern
Abraham Lincoln - Vampirjäger: Roman
Seth Grahame-Smith
Abraham Lincoln versus Jefferson Davis
Irving Werstein
After the Thunder: Fourteen Men Who Shaped Post-Civil War America
Wilmer Jones
The Age of Jackson
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
America Today
Academic Industries
America's Great Debate: Henry Clay, Stephen A. Douglas, and the Compromise That Preserved the Union
Fergus M. Bordewich
American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies
Michael W. Kauffman
The American Civil War
Winston S. Churchill
American Pantheon: Sculptural and Artistic Decoration of the U.S. Capitol
Donald R. Kennon
American Presidents
David Levine
American song sheets, slip ballads, and poetical broadsides, 1850-1870; a catalogue of the collection of the Library Company of Philadelphia
Edwin Wolf
American Speeches: Political Oratory from the Revolution to the Civil War
Ted Widmerr
Der Amerikanische Bürgerkrieg
John Keegan
The Andrews Raid, or The Great Locomotive Chase
Samuel Epstein
Andrews' raiders
Roberta Strauss Feuerlicht
April 1865: The Month That Saved America
Jay Winik
The Assassin's Accomplice: Mary Surratt and the Plot to Kill Abraham Lincoln
Kate Clifford Larson
The Assassination: Death of the President
Champ Clark
The Atlas of the Civil War
James M. McPherson
Battle Chronicles of the Civil War - Leaders - Index
James M. McPherson
The Battle Hymn of the Republic: A Biography of the Song That Marches On
John Stauffer
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Volume 1: From Sumter to Shiloh
Robert Underwood Johnson
Behind the Scenes: or, Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the White House
Elizabeth Keckley
The Beleaguered City: The Vicksburg Campaign, December 1862-July 1863 (Modern Library)
Shelby Foote
Den bittra fejden : nordamerikanska inbördeskriget 1861-1865
Göran Rystad
Black AF History : the un-whitewashed story of America
Michael Harriot
The Blockade: Runners and Raiders
William C. Davis
Blood on the Moon: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Jr. Edward Steers
The Bloodiest Day: The Battle of Antietam
Ronald H. Bailey
Bloody Crimes: The Funeral of Abraham Lincoln and the Chase for Jefferson Davis
James L. Swanson
President, Confederate States of America
Brother against Brother
William C. Davis
The Cactus Throne: The Tragedy of Maximilian and Carlotta
Richard O'Connor
Capital Dames: The Civil War and the Women of Washington, 1848-1868
Cokie Roberts
Chasing Lincoln's Killer
James L. Swanson
The Civil War
Academic Industries
The Civil War in the West: Victory and Defeat from the Appalachians to the Mississippi
Earl J. Hess
Civil War Schemes and Plots
Webb Garrison
A Civil War Treasury of Tales, Legends & Folklore
B. A. Botkin
The Civil War, a narrative : Secession to Fort Henry
Time-Life Books
The Civil War: A Narrative
Shelby Foote
The Civil War: An Illustrated History
Geoffrey C. Ward
Co. Aytch: A Confederate Memoir of the Civil War
Sam R. Watkins
The Coastal War: Chesapeake Bay to Rio Grande
Peter M. Chaitin
Confederate Admiral: The Life and Wars of Franklin Buchanan
Craig L. Symonds
Confederate Emancipation: Southern Plans to Free and Arm Slaves during the Civil War
Bruce Levine
Confederate Generals in the Western Theater, Vol. 1: Classic Essays on America's Civil War (Western Theater in the Civil War)
Lawrence L. Hewitt
Confederate Military History, a Library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, Mississippi
Charles E. Hooker
The Confederate Nation 1861-1865
Emory M. Thomas
Confederate Ordeal: The Southern Home Front
Steven A. Channing
Confederate Tide Rising: Robert E. Lee and the Making of Southern Strategy, 1861-1862
Joseph L. Harsh
Congress and the Crisis of the 1850s
Paul Finkelman
Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam: Antietam - The Battle That Changed the Course of the Civil War (Pivotal Moments in American History)
James M. McPherson
Dark Union: The Secret Web of Profiteers, Politicians, and Booth Conspirators That Led to Lincoln's Death
Leonard F. Guttridge
Davis and Lee at War
Steven E. Woodworth
The Davis memorial volume; or, Our dead president, Jefferson Davis, and the world's tribute to his memory
J. William Jones
Dead Water
Barbara Hambly
Decoying the Yanks: Jackson's Valley Campaign
Champ Clark
A Diary From Dixie
Mary Boykin Chesnut
Divided We Fought: A Pictorial History of the War 1861-1865
Hirst Dillon Milhollen
Dixie Betrayed: How the South Really Lost the Civil War
David J. Eicher
The Elements of Confederate Defeat: Nationalism, War Aims, and Religion
Richard E. Beringer
Elizabeth Van Lew: Civil War Spy (Signature Lives: Civil War Era)
Heidi Schoof
Ellet's Brigade : the strangest outfit of all
Chester G. Hearn
Embattled Rebel: Jefferson Davis as Commander in Chief
James M. McPherson
Emperor Norton: Life and Experiences of a Notable Character in San Francisco 1849-1880
Albert Dressler
Fighting for the Confederacy: The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander
Edward Porter Alexander
The Final Fortress : The Campaign for Vicksburg 1862-1863
Samuel Carter
First Blood: Fort Sumter to Bull Run
William C. Davis
First Lady of the Confederacy: Varina Davis's Civil War
Joan E. Cashin
Forward to Richmond: McClellan's Peninsular Campaign
Ronald H. Bailey
Frock Coats and Epaulets: Psychological Portraits of Confederate Military and Political Leaders
Alf J. Mapp, Jr.
Für die Freiheit sterben. Die Geschichte des amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges
James M. McPherson
The Generals: Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee
Nancy Scott Anderson
Stephen W. Sears
Gettysburg--The First Day
Harry W. Pfanz
Gettysburg: The Confederate High Tide
Champ Clark
Gettysburg: The Graphic Novel
C. M. Butzer
Gettysburg: The True Account of Two Young Heroes in the Greatest Battle of the Civil War
Iain C. Martin
The Golden Book of the Civil War
Charles Flato
Grant Wins the War: Decision at Vicksburg
James R. Arnold
The Gray and the Black: The Confederate Debate on Emancipation
Robert Franklin Durden
The great locomotive chase; a history of the Andrews railroad raid into Georgia in 1862
William Pittenger
The growth of the American Republic
Samuel Eliot Morison
The Guns of the South
Harry Turtledove
A History of the Supreme Court
Bernard Schwartz
History of the United States Capitol : a chronicle of design, construction, and politics
William C. Allen
History's Greatest Rivals: Abraham Lincoln v. Jefferson Davis, Presidents of a Divided Nation
Ellis Roxburgh
An Honorable Defeat: The Last Days of the Confederate Government
William C. Davis
House of Abraham: Lincoln and the Todds, A Family Divided by War
Stephen Berry
A House Reunited: How America Survived the Civil War (Modern Scholar)
Jay Winik
How to Be an Antiracist
Ibram X. Kendi
I, Varina
Ruth Painter Randall
The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation
Brenda Wineapple
Invading Mexico: America's Continental Dream and the Mexican War, 1846-1848
Joseph Wheelan
Invincible Iron Man: The Search for Tony Stark
Brian Michael Bendis
The Irish Devil
Diane Whiteside
Jeff Davis: Confederate Boy
Lena Young De Grummond
Jefferson Davis
Hudson Strode
Jefferson Davis
Clement Eaton
Jefferson Davis
Patricia Miles Martin
Jefferson Davis
William E. Dodd
Jefferson Davis (Heroes of the Civil War)
Susan Lee
Jefferson Davis (Leaders of the Civil War Era)
David Aretha
Jefferson Davis and His Generals: The Failure of Confederate Command in the West
Steven E. Woodworth
Jefferson Davis and the Civil War Era
William J. Cooper Jr.
Jefferson Davis's Flight from Richmond : The Calm Morning, Lee's Telegrams, the Evacuation, the Train, the Passengers, the Trip, the Arrival in Danville and the Historians' Frauds
John Stewart
Jefferson Davis, American
William J. Cooper
Jefferson Davis, Confederate President
Herman Hattaway
Jefferson Davis: A Life from Beginning to End (American Civil War Book 5)
Hourly History
Jefferson Davis: American Patriot
Hudson Strode
Jefferson Davis: Confederate President
Hudson Strode
Jefferson Davis: Confederate President (Famous Figures of the Civil War Era)
Joey Frazier
Jefferson Davis: His Rise and Fall (Southern Classics Series)
Allen Tate
Jefferson Davis: President of the Confederacy (Signature Lives: Civil War Era)
Jean Kinney Williams
Jefferson Davis: The Man and His Hour
William C. Davis
Jefferson Davis: Tragic Hero
Hudson Strode
John Hay: from poetry to politics
Tyler Dennett
John Surratt: The Lincoln Assassin Who Got Away
Michael Schein
Joseph E. Davis: Pioneer Patriarch
Janet Sharp Hermann
Joseph E. Johnston; a Civil War Biography
Craig L. Symonds
Judah P. Benjamin: Confederate statesman
Robert Douthat Meade
The Kents
John Ostrander
The Killing Ground: Wilderness to Cold Harbor
Gregory Jaynes
The Lady of Arlington
Harnett T. Kane
Landscape Turned Red: The Battle of Antietam
Stephen W. Sears
The Last Campaign: Grant Saves the Union
Earl Schenck Miers
The Last Full Measure
Jeff Shaara
Lee Takes Command: From Seven Days to Second Bull Run
John L. Papanek
Lee's Maverick General: Daniel Harvey Hill
Hal Bridges
Life of Jefferson Davis, with a secret history of the Southern Confederacy, gathered "behind the scenes in Richmond." Containing curious and extraordinary information of the principal southern characters in the late war, in connection with President Davis, and in relation to the various intrigues of his administration
Edward Alfred Pollard
David Herbert Donald
Lincoln and Douglas: The Debates that Defined America
Allen C. Guelzo
Lincoln and the Triumph of the Nation: Constitutional Conflict in the American Civil War
Mark E. Neely, Jr.
Lincoln as I Knew Him: Gossip, Tributes, and Revelations from His Best Friends and Worst Enemies
Harold Holzer
Lincoln's First Crisis: Fort Sumter and the Betrayal of the President
William Bruce Johnson
Lincoln's Avengers: Justice, Revenge, and Reunion after the Civil War
Elizabeth D. Leonard
Lincoln's War Cabinet
Burton Jesse Hendrick
A Long Shadow: Jefferson Davis and the Final Days of the Confederacy
Michael B. Ballard
The Long Surrender
Burke Davis
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer
James L. Swanson
Maximilian and Juarez
Jasper Ridley
May I Quote You, General Lee?
Randall Bedwell
Miles Morales Vol. 1: Straight Out of Brooklyn
Saladin Ahmed
Miles Morales' father
The Modern Library Civil War Bookshelf 5-Book Bundle: Personal Memoirs, Uncle Tom's Cabin, The Red Badge of Courage, Jefferson Davis:The Essential Writings, The Life and Writings of Abraham Lincoln
Ulysses S. Grant
Montgomery C. Meigs and the Building of the Nation's Capital
William C. Dickinson
Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War
Drew Gilpin Faust
Mr. Davis's Richmond
Stanley Kimmel
Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails: The Untold Story of How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War
Tom Wheeler
Murdering Mr. Lincoln: A New Detection of the 19th Century's Most Famous Crime
Charles Higham
Narrative of Military Operations Directed during the Late War between the States
Joseph E. Johnston
Never for Want of Powder: The Confederate Powder Works in Augusta, Georgia
C. L. Bragg
On the Brink of Civil War: The Compromise of 1850 and How It Changed the Course of American History
John C. Waugh
Operation Sahara
Clive Cussler
Ordeal of the Union: Complete
Allan Nevins
The Oxford History of the American People
Samuel Eliot Morison
Partners in Command: The Relationships Between Leaders in the Civil War
Joseph Glatthaar
Confederate President
The Peace That Almost Was: The Forgotten Story of the 1861 Washington Peace Conference and the Final Attempt to Avert the Civil War
Mark Tooley
Presidents Under Fire: Commanders-in-Chief in Victory and Defeat
James Arnold
Private letters, 1823-1889
Jefferson Davis
Pursuit: The Chase, Capture, Persecution, and Surprising Release of Confederate President Jefferson Davis
Clint Johnson
The Real Lincoln: a New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War
Thomas DiLorenzo
Retreat from Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics, and the Pennsylvania Campaign
Kent Masterson Brown
Reveille in Washington, 1860-1865
Margaret Leech
A River Unvexed: A History and Tour Guide to the Campaign for the Mississippi River (The Civil War Campaigns Series)
Jim Miles
Robert E. Lee and Me: A Southerner's Reckoning with the Myth of the Lost Cause
Ty Seidule
Robert E. Lee Who Brought the South Back to the Union (Builders of America Series, Volume XX)
Clifford Smyth
Robert E. Lee: A Life
Allen C. Guelzo
Sarah Morgan: The Civil War Diary of a Southern Woman
Sarah Morgan Dawson
Savannah, Immortal City
Barry Sheehy
Secession on Trial: The Treason Prosecution of Jefferson Davis
Cynthia Nicoletti
Secret Missions of the Civil War
Philip Van Doren Stern
The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe
James D. Bulloch
Secretaries of war and secretaries of the army : portraits & biographical sketches
William Gardner Bell
The Senate, 1789-1989. Vol. 1. Addresses on the history of the United States Senate
Robert C. Byrd
Sherman's March
Burke Davis
Sherman's March: Atlanta to the Sea
David Nevin
The Shipwreck of Their Hopes: The Battles for Chattanooga
Peter Cozzens
The Siege of Washington: The Untold Story of the Twelve Days That Shook the Union
John Lockwood
Singing Soldiers a History of the Civil War in Son: The Spirit of the Sixties : A History of the Civil War in Song
Paul Glass
Singing the New Nation: How Music Shaped the Confederacy, 1861-1865
E. Lawrence Abel
The Slaves' War: The Civil War in the Words of Former Slaves
Andrew Ward
Songs of the Civil War
Irwin Silber
Spies, Scouts, and Raiders: Irregular Operations
William C. Davis
Stars in Their Courses : The Gettysburg Campaign, June-July 1863
Shelby Foote
Statesmen of The Lost Cause: Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet
Burton J. Hendrick
The Story of Jefferson Davis
Zachary Kent
The Struggle for Tennessee: Tupelo to Stones River
James H. Street
Superman: A Nation Divided
Roger Stern
Tenting Tonight: The Soldier's Life
James I. Robertson
The Texas Senator
June Rayfield Welch
This Mighty Scourge: Perspectives on the Civil War
James M. McPherson
To the Gates of Richmond: The Peninsula Campaign
Stephen W. Sears
The Training Ground: Grant, Lee, Sherman, and Davis in the Mexican War, 1846-1848
Martin Dugard
The Triangle Histories of the Civil War: Leaders - Jefferson Davis
W. Scott Ingram
Two Great Rebel Armies: An Essay in Confederate Military History
Richard M. McMurry
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Volume 4
Brian Michael Bendis
Charles Frazier
Varina Howell: Wife of Jefferson Davis
Eron Rowland
Varina Howell: Wife of Jefferson Davis, Vol. 1
Eron Rowland
Vicksburg Is the Key: The Struggle for the Mississippi River
William L. Shea
The war between the Union and the Confederacy, and its lost opportunities
William C. Oates
War Is All Hell: A Collection of Civil War Quotations
Randall J. Bedwell
War on the Mississippi: Grant's Vicksburg Campaign
Jerry Korn
War Songs and Poems of the Southern Confederacy 1861-1865
H. M. Wharton
We Sold Our Souls
Grady Hendrix
Where the People Speak: The United States Capitol and Its Place in History
Andrew R. Dodge
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide
Carol Anderson
Winnie Davis: Daughter of the Lost Cause
Heath Hardage Lee
With Malice Toward None
Stephen B. Oates
Zachary Taylor
John S. D. Eisenhower
Zeb Vance: champion of personal freedom
Glenn Tucker
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Zugehörige Figuren/Charaktere
Abraham Lincoln
Robert E. Lee
Ulysses S. Grant
William Tecumseh Sherman
George B. McClellan
Joseph E. Johnston
Edwin M. Stanton
P. G. T. Beauregard
Stonewall Jackson
Braxton Bragg
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James Longstreet
James Buchanan
Henry W. Halleck
William Henry Seward
Andrew Johnson
Winfield Scott
Benjamin F. Butler
John Cabell Breckinridge
Judah P. Benjamin
Salmon P. Chase
Joseph Hooker
John Wilkes Booth
Ambrose E. Burnside
Jubal A. Early
George Gordon Meade
John C. Calhoun
Gideon Welles
Henry Clay
Stephen A. Douglas
Horace Greeley
Mary Todd Lincoln
J. E. B. Stuart
Don Carlos Buell
John Bell Hood
John C. Pemberton
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Charles Sumner
David Glasgow Farragut
David Dixon Porter
John Brown, abolitionist
Frederick Douglass
Alexander H. Stephens
Nathaniel P. Banks
Varina Howell Davis
Winfield Scott Hancock
Charles A. Dana
Andrew Jackson
Philip Henry Sheridan
Montgomery Blair
Richard S. Ewell
George Washington
Zachary Taylor
John Charles Frémont
A. P. Hill
John Hay
John Quincy Adams
Daniel Webster
John Pope
Millard Fillmore
Simon Cameron
William S. Rosecrans
Julia Dent Grant
William Lloyd Garrison
Thomas Jefferson
Mary Boykin Chesnut
Thomas Hart Benton
Daniel Harvey Hill
Robert Anderson
Albert Sidney Johnston
Christopher C. Augur
Edmund Kirby Smith
Robert Toombs
Carl Schurz
Robert Todd Lincoln
George Armstrong Custer
Stephen R. Mallory
Orville Hickman Browning
David Hunter
Francis Preston Blair, Jr.
Alexander Hamilton
George A. Atzerodt
John Singleton Mosby
David Davis
Irvin McDowell
Leonidas Polk
Gustavus Vasa Fox
Lew Wallace
Oliver O. Howard
John Bell
Earl Van Dorn
James Knox Polk
Richard Heron Anderson
George H. Thomas
Wade Hampton
James Madison
John B. Gordon
Howell Cobb
Ward Hill Lamon
Wendell Phillips
Franklin Pierce
Lewis Powell
John A. Logan
Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
Daniel E. Sickles
Schuyler Colfax
Montgomery Meigs
Sterling Price
David Herold
Lafayette C. Baker
William Henry Herndon
Rutherford B. Hayes
George E. Pickett
Edward Porter Alexander
Joseph Holt
Fitz-John Porter
Edward Dickinson Baker
John Sedgwick
Mary Custis Lee
Mathew Brady
Francis Preston Blair
Edward Bates
Tad Lincoln
Thomas T. Eckert
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston
Patrick Ronayne Cleburne
John Harrison Surratt, Jr.
Lewis Cass
Allan Pinkerton
John B. Magruder
Godfrey Weitzel
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Napoleon III
Benjamin Franklin
Samuel B. Arnold
Thaddeus Stevens
William Cullen Bryant
Noah Brooks
Clara Harris Rathbone
Charles Francis Adams
John Adams
John Slidell
Henry Reed Rathbone
James Speed
John Adams Dix
Belle Boyd
Boston Corbett
Jacob Thompson
Mary Surratt
Richard L. Taylor
Gouverneur K. Warren
John Buford
Francis Channing Barlow
Fitzhugh Lee
William J. Hardee
John B. Floyd
Henry Adams
Samuel A. Mudd
John Russell, 1st Earl Russell
Preston Brooks
Junius Brutus Booth
James A. Seddon
Stephen D. Lee
Henry Ward Beecher
Zachariah Chandler
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry Heth
Lewis A. Armistead
Abner Doubleday
Simon Bolivar Buckner
John Sherman
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Edwin Booth
Theophilus H. Holmes
Roger Brooke Taney
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Joseph K. Barnes
Clement Claiborne Clay
Horace Porter
Ulric Dahlgren
John A. Campbell
John A. McClernand
John A. Bingham
Alpheus S. Williams
Andrew H. Foote
Lorenzo Thomas
John G. Nicolay
Michael O'Laughlen
Edwin V. Sumner
Rose O'Neal Greenhow
Henry J. Raymond
Thomas A. Jones
Evander McIvor Law
Edward 'Allegheny' Johnson
John Gibbon
Edman Spangler
Reverdy Johnson
Henry Kyd Douglas
John F. Hartranft
Edward R. S. Canby
John A. Dahlgren
William B. Franklin
John J. Crittenden
John Schofield
John P. Hale
Sam Houston
Lafayette McLaws
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Charles Francis Adams, Jr.
Alexander Gardner
James Seddon
Asia Booth Clarke
Anna Surratt
James B. McPherson
Theodore Roosevelt
Samuel Cox, Sr.
Frederick William Seward
Augustus Seward
Leroy Pope Walker
James Chesnut, Jr.
Louis J. Weichmann
Thomas Ewing, Jr.
John Hunt Morgan
Thurlow Weed
John Clarvoe
Willie Lincoln
George Bancroft
Everton Conger
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Roscoe Conkling
Charles H. Davis
Franz Sigel
Henry W. Slocum
James Gordon Bennett
Alexander Hays
Isaac R. Trimble
Stephen A. Hurlbut
James H. Wilson
Walt Whitman
James A. Garfield
Grover Cleveland
Cassius Marcellus Clay
William Pitt Fessenden
Richard Garrett
William Barksdale
Henry Wilson
Clement L. Vallandigham
Elmer E. Ellsworth
John A. Andrew
Cadmus M. Wilcox
Henry L. Burnett
Clara Barton
John Bigelow
William W. Loring
Darius N. Couch
Sojourner Truth
Benjamin Harrison
James H. Lane
Alfred Pleasonton
John T. Ford
John G. Walker
James Russell Lowell
Charles P. Stone
Frederick Stone
Joseph B. Kershaw
Junius Daniel
John D. Imboden
Mansfield Lovell
John W. Clampitt
Robert E. Rodes
Fanny Seward
Richard M. Nixon
William Dennison
Henry Clay Ford
Joseph Burroughs
Harry Hawk
Joseph Davis
Nathan G. Evans
John Gregg
Luther Byron Baker
Isaac N. Brown
Hannibal Hamlin
John Atzerodt
Adele Cutts Douglas
Gustavus W. Smith
Samuel W. Crawford
Patrick Henry
William Mahone
Josiah Gorgas
William L. Dayton
Edward Everett
William Ewart Gladstone
Harriet Tubman
George Thomas Anderson
Nat Turner
Martin van Buren
William H. Bell
Benjamin Franklin Wade
William Lowndes Yancey
James J. Andrews
Gideon J. Pillow
Ronald Reagan
Edward P. Doherty
Lawrence O'Bryan Branch
Francis B. Carpenter
Jay Cooke
Carter L. Stevenson
Rufus King
Charles R. Ellet, Jr.
Charles Rivers Ellet
John Ericsson
George W. Morgan
Franklin Gardner
Isaac N. Arnold
George Sykes
Alfred Waud
John F. Kennedy
Alfred Davenport
Winslow Homer
Lyman Trumbull
Nathaniel Lyon
Abel D. Streight
John M. Lloyd
Andrew J. Smith
William C. Oates
John S. Marmaduke
George P. Kane
Elizabeth Keckly
John Greenleaf Whittier
John Lee
Edward O. C. Ord
Peter J. Osterhaus
Timothy O'Sullivan
Samuel P. Heintzelmann
Francis Lieber
William L. Marcy
Kate Chase Sprague
James J. Archer
Henry A. Wise
Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico
Louis T. Wigfall
Benito Juárez
Joseph Wheeler
Booker T. Washington
Martin Luther King, Jr.
John Tyler
Henry Winter Davis
Raphael Semmes
Philip Kearny
Alexander Hunter
Horatio Seymour
Erasmus D. Keyes
Robert M. T. Hunter
Jesse James
William Clarke Quantrill
William Seward
Edmund Ruffin
William J. Pegram
William N. Pendleton
Samuel R. Curtis
Antonio López de Santa Anna
John S. Bowen
Harry S. Truman
John Marshall
Charles S. Wainwright
James S. Wadsworth
John Bright
John F. Reynolds
William Dorsey Pender
William Allen Fuller
Robert H. Milroy
James Monroe
Henry J. Hunt
Isaac Surratt
Andrew A. Humphreys
Birkett D. Fry
William H. French
Woodrow Wilson
George Alfred Townsend
James Barnes
Daniel Butterfield
Cuvier Grover
Samuel Knapp Chester
George Ashmun
David Dana
Appolonia Dean
Junius Brutus Booth, Jr.
William E. Doster
Lucy Lambert Hale
Absalom R. Bainbridge
Frederick A. Aiken
Walter S. Cox
Benjamin Henry Latrobe
Albert J. Beveridge
Charles Wilkes
Charles Forbes
Phineas Densmore Gurley
Honora Fitzpatrick
Thomas Harbin
William M. Evarts
John Sleeper Clarke
John A. Rawlins
Thomas Nelson Conrad
Jacob D. Cox
George Washington Custis Lee
Cyrus B. Comstock
Hugh McCulloch
Edwards Pierrepont
James Hope
Emerick Hansell
Jedediah Hotchkiss
Adolph von Steinwehr
Elizabeth Todd Grimsley
John Matthews
Stephen Gano Burbridge
Edwin Forbes
George W. Brown
Alfred Iverson
George H. Sharpe
Thomas J. Churchill
Harry T. Hays
David McMurtrie Gregg
George S. Greene
John W. Geary
Richard Brooke Garnett
John Fletcher, stable foreman
Horatio Greenough
William Franklin
James B. Ricketts
Edwin Forrest
DeWitt Clinton
Dorothea Dix
Julia Ward Howe
William H. Seward
Elihu B. Washburne
William F. Smith
G. Moxley Sorrel
Joseph E. Davis
James M. Mason
Orlando B. Willcox
Frederick Steele
Martin L. Smith
John M. Schofield
William B. Hazen
Jacob Parrott
George Doles
Laura Keene
Virginia Tunstall Clay-Clopton
John McArthur
George H. W. Bush
William Howard Russell
Constantino Brumidi
Alfred W. Ellet
Samuel Francis Du Pont
James L. Kemper
August V. Kautz
Maunsell B. Field
Régis de Trobriand
Pierre Soulé
Herbert Hoover
Thomas Ewing
Ellen Ewing Sherman
James I. Waddell
Mortimer B. Ruggles
George N. Sanders
P. T. Barnum
Mary Ann Holmes Booth
William 'Bloody Bill' Anderson
W. E. B. Du Bois
H. W. Smith
Thomas W. Sherman
James D. Bulloch
George Cottingham
Joshua Fry Speed
Philip Sheridan
Silas T. Cobb
Washington Briscoe
Robert King Stone
George Stoneman
Henry C. Carey
Henry H. Wells
William C. Cleary
Beverly Tucker
David Kellogg Cartter
Jesse Grant
Ira Harris
Rufus Dawes
Sam Watkins
Lysander Cutler
Samuel S. Carroll
John C. Caldwell
John M. Brockenbrough
George P. Fisher
David Dudley Field
James A. Walker
Benjamin F. Ficklin
Adelbert Ames
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Albert Gallatin
James P. Ferguson
Barry Goldwater
William Henry Harrison
John F. Parker
William Petersen
Brooke Stabler
Benn Pitman
Sarah Antoinette Slater
Wilmer McLean
John Forsyth
Gabriel James Rains
Christian Rath
Frank James
Joseph Baden
Leonard Swett
George Dewey
Aaron Burr
Thomas Crawford
John Brown
John Pegram
James A. Hardie
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Arnold Elzey
Samuel Phillips Lee
James G. Blaine
Daniel Boone
William Walker
Robert J. Breckinridge
Barnard E. Bee
Thomas Green
Truman Seymour
Dred Scott
Horatio G. Wright
Walter H. Taylor
Anthony Burns
Manton Marble
Dean Acheson
Samuel Colt
Jack Armstrong
Hillary Rodham Clinton
William N. R. Beall
George Wallace
Jefferson C. Davis
Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Zebulon B. Vance
Bradley T. Johnson
Benjamin Franklin Cheatham
Barack Obama
Milledge L. Bonham
Edward C. Carrington
George H. Steuart
Benjamin Huger
Benjamin H. Grierson
Alvin P. Hovey
John Letcher
James Shields
Izora Gouldman
Richard Lyons, 1st Viscount Lyons
William S. Jett
George W. Bush
Robert C. Schenck
Rudy Giuliani
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Marcellus M. Crocker
Thurgood Marshall
Nathan Kimball
Joshua R. Giddings
Henry Baxter
Jesse Jackson
Alexander Kelly McClure
Charles Marshall
Joseph Jones
Henry L. Benning
Jeremiah Black
Marquis de Chambrun
Eli Whitney
Lloyd Tilghman
Lighthorse Harry Lee
Charles A. Leale
Benjamin F. Kelley
Clarence Thomas
Chester A. Arthur
Richard Yates
August Belmont
Frederick Law Olmsted
M. Jeff Thompson
Lee Atwater
Thomas Lincoln
George A. McCall
Henry Walke
Ella Turner
Isaac E. Avery
William Wirt
George Todd
Walter Taylor
Albert Gallatin Riddle
Ninian Wirt Edwards
George Powell
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Romeyn B. Ayres
Abigail Adams
Warren G. Harding
Thomas Ritchie
Roswell S. Ripley
Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom
Solomon Meredith
Francis Pickens
Adam Badeau
Fred Grant
William Foster
George Templeton Strong
Robert F. Kennedy
Thomas Corwin
Chauncey M. Depew
John Foster Dulles
Robert Gould Shaw
Louisa May Alcott
Garrison Frazier
Earl Warren
David E. Twiggs
Preston King
Benjamin Butler
David Wilmot
John Allen
Dixon S. Miles
Roger B. Taney
Joseph K. F. Mansfield
George Young
Andrew Wylie
Beverly H. Robertson
Orion Howe
Herman Haupt
Charles Urquhart
John W. Headley
Andrew Hickenlooper
Joseph Reid Anderson
Charles H. Tompkins
David Todd
Charles G. Halpine
Edgar Allan Poe
James C. Conkling
Henry Villard
James H. Hammond
Robert C. Murphy
Samuel G. Howe
Jimmy Carter
H. R. Haldeman
John Ehrlichman
Bennett H. Young
Theodore Parker
George F. Robinson
Finis L. Bates
Hannah Armstrong
George Crook
Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
Luke Pryor Blackburn
Elizabeth Blair Lee
Andrew Carnegie
Robert Barnwell Rhett, Sr.
David S. Stanley
Thomas R. R. Cobb
Henry W. Allen
John Andrew
John M. Thayer
Benjamin Rush
Ann Rutledge
Martha Johnson Patterson
John Taylor Wood
John H. Forney
Owen Lovejoy [Abolitionist, lawyer, minister]
John Randolph
David B. Birney
Edward L. Baker
Bill Clinton
William Bensinger
Wilder Dwight
Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson
Gabriel Rains
Donald Trump
Israel B. Richardson
John C. Robinson
Alfred M. Scales
Alexander Schimmelfennig
William H. C. Whiting
Thomas Williams
John Wool
Cadwallader Washburn
Edwin Stanton
Wilson W. Brown
John Newton [engineer]
Turner Ashby
Robert Buffum
E. Jefferson Cain
William Campbell, member of the Andrews Raid
Nancy Hanks Lincoln
Daniel Allen Dorsey
Watson Smith
William Smith
Thomas O. Selfridge, Jr.
Robert Stiles
George William Curtis
Leonard A. Harris
Martin Jones Hawkins
Ambrose Powell Hill
Nelson A. Miles
Felix Zollicoffer
Andrew Porter
Roberdeau Wheat
Percy Wyndham
George Pickett
Samuel Bowles
William W. Blackford
Lucius E. Chittenden
Miles Morales
John Mitchell
Rio Morales
McHenry Howard
Charles Howard
David R. Jones
Homer Plessy
James Murray Mason
Napoleon Bonaparte
Robert Patterson
James J. Pettigrew
Joseph Medill
Thomas A. Scott
George Henry Gordon
Almarin C. Richards
Samuel Cooper
Winfield Scott Featherston
John Surratt
Stephen Dodson Ramseur
Micah Jenkins
James Walker
Danville Leadbetter
Thaddeus S. C. Lowe
William J. Knight
Elihu H. Mason
Sylvanus Cadwallader
William Pendleton
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom
John McGill
William Howard Taft
Robert Burns
John H. Reagan
George W. Randolph
George Brown
George Washington Rains
Emma Offutt
George S. Boutwell
James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart
Calvin Coolidge
Erastus Corning
Freeman McGilvery
Richard Cobden
William E. Jones
Samuel R. Johnston
John G. Hazard
Norman J. Hall
Sarah Morgan Dawson
Christopher G. Memminger
William B. Taliaferro
Arthur J. L. Fremantle
Alfred N. A. Duffié
James M. Ashley
William Brooks
Albert Gallatin Brown
Joseph R. Davis
Joseph Brown
Robert Smalls
Edward Hatch
Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel
James E. Montgomery
Robert S. Foster
Anthony Murphy
Andrew Curtin
William Pittenger
John Reed Porter
Shelby Moore Cullom
William H. Reddick
Marion A. Ross
James F. Sarratt
John M. Scott
James R. Chalmers
Philip G. Shadrach
Samuel Slavens
Francis M. Cockrell
Sally Tompkins
John Conness
George D. Wilson
James F. Byrnes
Paul Revere
John Alfred Wilson
John Wollam
Mark Wood
Montgomery C. Meigs
John Lothrop Motley
Isham Harris
Edward C. Ellet
Charles Bulfinch
Jacob Collamer
James B. Eads
John C. Thompson
Albert G. Jenkins
George Gardiner
Ambrose R. Wright
Benjamin M. Prentiss
George Harper
George D. Mudd
R. C. Morgan
Thomas H. Hines
Henry Brown
Albion Howe
Samuel H. Lockett
Henry E. McCulloch
William Shakespeare
John J. Hughes
Susan Mahoney Jackson
David R. Clendenin
James A. McDevitt
Olivia Jenkins
James R. Ford
Elizabeth Van Lew
Norman B. Judd
Zachariah W. Gemmill
John Frederick May
Ellen Hutchinson Stanton
George Ticknor Curtis
Mark Twain
James A. Ekin
James Harlan
William B. Cushing
Richard Stuart
William P. Dole
John Ellsler
William Queen
Elizabeth Quesenberry
Charles A. Dunham
Elizabeth Todd Edwards
William Preston
Joseph Finegan
Randolph Peyton
William Dwight
Marsena R. Patrick
Thomas Livermore
Theodore Lyman
John Nothey
William Rollins
Quincy A. Gilmore
Peregrine Davis
David Preston Parr
Percival Drayton
Henri B. de Saint-Marie
Charlotte Cushman
H. S. Olcott
William H. Crook
John A. J. Creswell
Elizabeth Dixon
Simon Gavacan
Oliver P. Morton
William Lucas
Whitelaw Reid
Franklin Buchanan
William H. Emory
Eugene A. Carr
Joshua Lloyd
Michael Henry
David Homer Bates
Henry Wirz
John Harrison Surratt, Sr.
Thomas M. Harris
Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln
Edwin G. Lee
Emory Upton
C. Dwight Hess
Mary Clemmer Ames
John H. Winder
John M. Brooke
Oswell Swann
Thomas Gourlay
John Parker Hale
Jerome B. Robertson
Theodore Gates
William Morgan
Edward Higgins
Philip Armour
Isaac Hall
John Catron
George Trenholm
George Bond
Bryan Grimes
Thomas Morris
John Lloyd
James Fagan
William Gamble
Hiram Berdan
Strom Thurmond
William E. Borah
Thomas W. Hall
Mollie Bean
Basil W. Duke
Benny Lang
James Cameron
Matthew D. Ector
Thomas Devin
James Earl Ray
Lafayette S. Foster
Richard Morgan
Emmett Till
George Opdyke
Lee Harvey Oswald
L. Francis Griffin
Thomas Rosser
Henry Kirke Brown
Dennis Hart Mahan
Catesby ap Roger Jones
James Gillette
James Fremantle
Claude E. Minié
Michael Brown, Jr.
Eric Foner
James H. North
Armistead H. Long
John Cass
Charles II, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
William Garrett
David McConaughy
Charles Eames
Simeon Draper
David L. Thompson
Richard Baynham Garrett
William E. West
Ganke Lee
James Hoban
James Johnston Pettigrew
Patrick Maloney
Sullivan Ballou
Thomas L. Gardiner
Richard Ewell
Joseph Henry
James K. Marshall
William W. Averell
E. Porter Alexander
Abram Duryée
Jessie Benton Frémont
James H. Fowle
Maxcy Gregg
John Henderson
Amadou Diallo
Harry Blackmun
Ellen Marcy McClellan
Robert R. Jones
Marshall Lefferts
John K. Jackson
John B. Jones
Edward F. Jones
Benjamin Wade
Samuel Hooper
James B. Fry
Stephen Douglas
Kingsley Bingham
Nicholas Biddle
Thomas H. Hicks
D. H. Gleason
John G. Foster
Judith Henry
Charles Griffin
Mary Jane Watson
Wladimir Kryzanowski
Henry V. Freeman
James Smith
Charles Hamilton
Charles Devens
A. C. Cooper
John Henry Winder
Edward Henderson
David Conyngham
John Beatty
James Alden
Willy Sherman
Henry H. Sibley
Tony Stark
Henry Haney
William Blackford
Charles Davis
J.E.B. Stuart
Henry K. Stevens
Joseph Smith
William T. Wofford
Thomas U. Walter
James Terrill
Hattie Lawton
Charles E. Belknap
Warren E. Burger
J. M. Williams
William T. Sherman
Leonard F. Ross
A. G. Browne
James Bryce
Enoch T. Baker
John Marshall, 4th Chief Justice of the United States
Charles Fuller
Samuel Barron
Horatio Chapman
William Kent
John A. Kennedy
Thomas O'Reilly
Jim Younger
Caleb Cushing
James Ovid Wellford Smith
Albert F. A. King
Tom Corwin
Julian Scott
Sanford Conover
Henry Barnum
Cole Younger
John Marston
Henry H. Bell
Pierce Butler
William David Porter
Samuel Byers
Isaac F. Quinby
William H. Crawford
Pierre A. Rost
John S. Ash
Paul J. Semmes
James F. J. Caldwell
John H. Johnson
Prince Philippe, Comte de Paris
Anna Ella Carroll
Thomas Francis Meagher
John Jarrette
James Patton Anderson
John Hanks
Dennis Hanks
William Hanchett
John L. Burns
George F. Hoar
Richard H. Garrett
Ethan Allen Hitchcock
John H. Chamberlayne
Tom Taylor
William Sprague
Louis M. Goldsborough
Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
Mary Livermore
John Brophy
David Donald
Robert Green Ingersoll
Richard Taylor
George Zimmerman
Captain America
James Wadsworth
Richard Arnold
Stephen Mallory
Oliver Brown
Stephen H. Weed
Davy Crockett
Charles Venable
Isaac Wistar
Robert B. Potter
William H. F. Lee
Charles R. Woods
Frances Clalin
Trayvon Martin
James Brown
Daniel B. Allen
Josiah Tattnall
Paul Ryan
Isham Haynie
Isaac C. Avery
James J. Gifford
Anson Hurd
Paul Joseph Revere
Patrick H. O'Rorke
Marie Laveau
James Tanner
Charles S. Winder
John Riggin
John F. DeCourcy
Jesse Dubois
Giles A. Smith
Charles Dickens
Augustus Dickert
William Drennan
James Barbour
John Emerson
David Levy Yulee
William Dayton
John Eaton
John R. Ellet
Robert Bork
Margaret Garner
William Colvill, Jr.
John G. Parke
D. Willard Bliss
Kate Foote
Osborne Oldroyd
Henry Stuart Foote
Richard Ellet
Emma Holmes
William Emory
William Elder
Charles B. Bishop
Benjamin H. Hill
Antonin Scalia
Nelson W. Aldrich
William A. Browning
James Ferguson
Alfred Mouton
George W. Morell
Alonzo H. Cushing
William Bryant
John Beauchamp Jones
John Sununu
John T. Wilder
Lucius E. Polk
Louis Agassiz
Richard Anderson
Charles Colcock Jones, Jr.
Charles Boucher
Patrick Buchanan
George Caleb Bingham
James G. Birney
William Carney
Al Gore
Thomas E. Rose
Margaret Branson
Thomas A. Davies
Edward D. Tracy
Victor Hugo
Oliver North
Theodore Davis
John C. Moore
Thomas H. Dudley
Robert J. Walker
Benjamin Hardin Helm
Gerrit Smith
Charles Allen
James C. Hall
Emrick Hansell
Elizabeth Abell
George C. Strong
Michael Lawler
William J. Worth
John Worsham
Eleanor Roosevelt
Joseph E. Brown
Joseph Bailey
William Waud
Ulysses S. Grant, Jr.
Oscar Jackson
Christopher Columbus
Douglas MacArthur
Peter Wilson
Augustus Spencer Howell
William Allen
John Minor Botts
John T. Holohan
Britten A. Hill
Louis Hébert
J. Edgar Hoover
Giacomo Antonelli
Charles Ewing
Spiro T. Agnew
James Lane
Amos Lawrence
Gerald Ford
Jane Swisshelm
Justin Butterfield
Warren Burger
William Rehnquist
Henry Kissinger
Herman Melville
Christopher Memminger
William Porcher Miles
Dangerfield Newby
John C. Palfrey
Mary Loughborough
Bennett F. Gwynn
Grace Bedell
Eugene McCarthy
Leander Stilwell
Roger Pryor
Haldimand Putnam
Eliza Caldwell Browning
John Esten Cooke
Robert Barnwell Rhett, Jr.
Hubert Humphrey
Charles Robinson
Dean Rusk
William Burtles
William Dean Howells
Edward A. O'Neal
Robert E. Lee, Jr.
William E. Dodge
Louis Blenker
W. H. F. Lee
Philip H. Sheridan
David Lang
Daniel S. Dickinson
Edward Dicey
Alphonso Donn
James Ashley
Daniel Skelly
Cyrus Vance
Henry L. Dawes
John Dougherty
Garrett Davis
Eli Devoe
Alexander Cummings
Henry Deringer
Julius Stahel
A. P. Stewart
Samuel Sullivan 'Sunset' Cox
John Covode
Jeremiah Sullivan
Jesse Gouldman
John Deery
John M. Jones
Philip St. George Cooke
Hugo Black
John Cochrane
Robert E. Coxe
Edward Gorsuch
Andrew G. Hamilton
Ned Freeman
Roger W. Hanson
Charles H. Morgan
Alexander Pendleton
Henry Ford
George Neese
Thomas T. Munford
Hunter McGuire
Robert Shaw
George W. Nichols
Thomas W. Osbourn
Gustave Paul Cluseret
Myles Walter Keogh
Joseph H. Choate
Robert Mayo
Orval Faubus
Elizabeth Eckford
Rosa Parks
Britton A. Hill
Dirk Pitt
Henry McClellan
Frederic D'Utassy
Isabella II, Queen of Spain
Benjamin W. Leigh
Elodie Todd Dawson
Robert Morris
Halbert E. Paine
George M. Bache
David R. Atchison
Alexander Lawton
Newton Bateman
William Bissell
Hiram Barney
Robert Allen
Thomas Bocock
Katherine Harris
William Cleary
Virginia Clarke
James L. Autrey
Emma Balfour
Henry Binmore
Newt Gingrich
Jesse Bright
George B. Boomer
Benjamin Moran
Charles H. Cawood
Mary Jane Anderson
John J. Pettus
Newton Knight
H. S. Burton
William O. Butler
George Calvert
Ethan Allen
John Roberts
Pedro de Ampudia
John J. Cisco
Andrew Gregg Curtin
Rufus Choate
Charles Henry Smith
Julia Gouldman
Harriet Chapman
Augustus H. Chapman
William E. Chandler
William Gilmore Simms
Cornelius Bushnell
Peter Cartwright
Sir Walter Scott
Charles E. Hazlett
Edward Curtis
James Ryder Randall
Oliver Norton
Shelby Foote
B. Gratz Brown
Bayard Wilkeson
Sidney Breese
John S. Preston
Philip P. Barbour
James Phelan
Samuel Cox, Jr.
Phoebe Yates Pember
Morgan L. Smith
John Greenawalt
John McCain
James P. Foster
Eaton G. Horner
George W. Gordon
John Hancock
George L. Stearns
Mary Anderson
Charles Johnson
A. H. Markland
Mary Ann Turner
James D. Johnston
Petroleum Vesuvius Nasby
John Floyd
Benjamin Tappan
Matilda Edwards
Robert Henry Newell
William Evans
Johnson K. Duncan
Rachel Semus
David Bates
Charles Walcott
Joseph Simonds
Thomas Paine
Thomas Pendel
Lucy Peyton
Charles Coffin
John Rawlins
George Meade
James Watson Webb
Joseph B. Stewart
John Anderson
Gabriel Prosser
Harry Wayne
Sarah Jane Peyton
David Mitchel
Charles Wills
Frances Miller Seward
John Logan
John Wentworth
Eddie Lincoln
Aaron Wolford
Thomas J. Wood
James Thompson
Henry Stanbery
Ella Mitchell
James G. Blunt
Thomas Drayton
Charles C. Walcutt
John L. Smith
Alexander Randall
Armistead Burwell
Frances Wright
Richard Oglesby
Samuel Curtis
Ely Moore
Henry L. Abbott
James R. O'Beirne
Jesse L. Reno
Thomas G. Stevenson
John Davis
Sam Davis
Jenny Lind
George S. Bernard
Richard Smoot
Jesse K. Dubois
Augustus Saint-Gaudens
Chapman Biddle
Alexander Doniphan
David C. Reed
A. J. Russell
Julia Edwards Baker
John L. O'Sullivan
Nathan Page
James McPherson
Otto von Bismarck
Mary Elizabeth Bowser
Karl von Clausewitz
William Withers, Jr.
James H. Ledlie
William Wallace
Mary Mercer Thompson Ord
Rosalie Booth
William Branch Giles
William Craft
Martha Custis Washington
Betty Ownsbey
Ellen Craft
Fernando Wood
Joseph L. Brent
Silas H. Stringham
Samuel Robertson
Charles H. Nichols
William Jennings Bryan
Marcus Garvey
Parke Godwin
Lovell H. Rousseau
Henry David Thoreau
Marat Halstead
Charles W. Flusser
William Chapman
Absalom Baird
Robert F. Hoke
James B. Steedman
Henry Safford
Beverley Tucker
Hartman Richter
Frederick Grant
Zora Neale Hurston
Oliver Wendell Holmes
William Howard
Ernest Hartman Richter
Martha Carter
George Robinson
Thomas L. Crittenden
Thomas B. Huger
John N. Maffitt
Denmark Vesey
Daniel Ruggles
Duff Green
Jay Gould
Thomas Edison
Matthew Fontaine Maury
Champ Ferguson
Malcolm X
John Yates Beall
Johnson Hagood
George Bateman
Bettie Rollins
Alexis de Tocqueville
Charles W. Field
Marcellus Clark
James Abram Garfield
John W. Dunnington
William Norris
Horatio Nelson Taft
William Allen, 31st Governor of Ohio
A. C. Richards
Philip F. Thomas
Lucretia Mott
James W. Pumphrey
Joseph Mayo
William Osborn Stoddard
Otto Eisenschiml
Jesse McNeill
Orlando Poe
Isaac Pitman
P. J. Phillips
William Coxshall
John Breckinridge
George Pepper
W. J. Whitsitt
Mary Devlin
Theodore Upson
Mary Owens
William P. Tory
Ezra W. Abbott
Marquis de Lafayette
John Boyle
Warren Akin
Victor Searcher
Empress Eugénie
J. B. Jones
Samuel Jones
Thomas Jones
George Julian
Voltaire Randall
Joseph Adrian Booth
William Woods Holden
Francis Lawley
Francis Marion
Charles A. Wickliffe
John van Buren
Henry Johnson
Carlota, Empress Consort of Mexico
Anna Julia Cooper
James C. Biddle
Margaret Fuller
Adelaide Delannoy Booth
George Arnold, Sr.
Henry Shaw
Charles King
William Cushing
David Fry
Alfred Torbert
W. M. Wermerskirch
David H. Todd
William Corby
James L. McPhail
George H. Calvert
Henry S. Lane
George Morell
Edward E. Cross
Benjamin Franklin Davis
J. Johnston Pettigrew
John H. Eaton
Henry Cabot Lodge
Benjamin F. Rittenhouse
Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh Dana
Georges Clemenceau
William R. Day
David Walker
Henry Lee
Samuel Young
Samuel D. Sturgis
Frank A. Haskell
Grenville M. Dodge
James C. Dobbin
Hezekiah Metz
James B. Merritt
Francis W. Pickens
Elizabeth Anne Jenkins
John Zadoc Jenkins
Richard M. Johnson
Horatio King
Julia Taft Bayne
John W. Wharton
Thomas H. Ruger
Alexander D. Lovett
August Willich
Tulio Suzzara Verdi
Frank Mills
Henry Hitchcock
W. A. Nichols
John Maxwell
Leopold II, King of the Belgians
Edward Ferrero
Amos Kendall
Francis Harrison Pierpont
Henry Ulke
Charles D. Kerr
Patrick C. Martin
John Palmer Usher
Carl Linnaeus
Julius Ulke
Samuel McGowan
Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria
David Porter
F. Y. Hedley
John M. Garrett
Peter Trotter
James McDevitt
Theodore McGowan
George Washington Cable
Conrad Wise Chapman
Benjamin R. Curtis
Lewis J. A. McMillan
Pius IX, Pope
John Hight
Edward S. Corwin
William T. Clark
Rose Greenhow
Thomas C. Hindman
John McCullough
John B. Clark
William A. Graham
Oliver Ellsworth
Lambdin P. Milligan
Henry Lowe Mudd
William Faulkner
Charles S. Taft
Andrew Cowan
Thomas Swann
John Locke
James A. Brawner
Robert Milroy
Henry Mudd
James Thornton
Edward D. Townsend
John A. Ellet
Augustus Howell
Jack Garrett
John Todd Stuart
Henry Lowe Mudd, Jr.
George McClellan
Jacob J. Soles
James W. Cooke
Samuel W. Ferguson
Thomas T. Craven
Daniel C. Govan
John R. Brooke
G. Campbell Brown
Cyrus W. Field
Elijah P. Lovejoy
Roger A. Pryor
John T. Monroe
Thomas O. Moore
Augustus W. Bradford
Lawrence M. Keitt
Winston Churchill
Henry Moore
Elizabeth Keckley
Elizabeth J. Layton
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Frances Dyer Mudd
Isabel Sumner
William Hunter
Richard Montgomery
Edward Livingston
Archibald Jenkins
Benjamin B. French
John Brooke
Elon J. Farnsworth
John A. Foster
George Hayes
George Crittenden
Nettie Mudd Monroe
William B. Mumford
George W. Bunker
S. L. M. Barlow
Charles H. Allen
James William Good
Anne Hooper
James Donald Cameron
Josh Billings
William M. L. Rickards
George Dern
Joseph W. Babcock
Robert P. Patterson
John Spencer Bassett
Newton D. Baker
Fanny Campbell Eames
Lindley Miller Garrison
W. H. Hurlbert
O. U. Rice
Luke Edward Wright
James Pumphrey
John De Pauw
Jacob M. Dickinson
Walter G. Pollock
George Peterson
Henry L. Stimson
Richard Watson Gilder
George W. McCrary
William Crowninshield Endicott
Earl Potter
James B. Angell
Daniel S. Lamont
James R. Doolittle
Russell A. Alger
John C. Shaffer
Joseph Bucklin Bishop
Otto von Diederichs
Kate Scott
Richard Wilmer Rowan
Charles William Frederick Dick
Arthur Balfour
Hanson Risley
Andrew Potter
Dwight F. Davis
Alfred Smith
Richard Webster, 1st Viscount Alverstone
E. L. Godkin
Norman Hapgood
Henry Showalter
Redfield Proctor
Marcus Alonzo Hanna
Andrew J. Hamilton
George Washington Goethals
Elihu Root
John Simonton
William Henry Seward, Jr.
Alexander Ramsey
Stephen Benton Elkins
Charles B. Foraker
Alphonso Taft
Jeremiah Ward
Murat Halstead
Henry M. Flagler
Lewis Pence
Thomas A. Watkins
John W. Foster
Simeon Francis
Edwin A. Abbey
Mary R. Beard
Charles A. Beard
John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair
Niels Grön
Ishbel Hamilton-Gordon, Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair
W. Bertrand Acker
Samuel Dexter
Joel Roberts Poinsett
Susan Wade
Mark Wade
Tullio Suzzara Verdi
John Van Ness
Hamilton Fish
Mrs. Adair
William C. Hunter
John Henry Eaton
James McHenry
Robert Daniel Watson
Sarah Wilkes
Elizabeth Burnley Wilkes
Charles R. Flint
Frank A. Weaver
Adam Gurowski
J. W. Forney
Joseph J. Woodward
Henry Huntington
Francis Bertie
William Eustis
Kemp Plummer Battle
Arthur M. Beaupré
John Armstrong
Charles William Foster, Jr.
Lord Charles Beresford
Peter Buell Porter
James Watson
Daniel Watson
Grace Bigelow
Henry Dearborn
William Rose Benét
Edward Everett Hale
Clover Adams
Gaillard Hunt
Spencer Eddy
Charles Magill Conrad
Alphonse Taft
Charles Milnes Gaskell
Friedrich von Gerholt
William Patrick Wood
Sophia Keppel, Countess of Albemarle
Empress Dowager Cixi
Stephen Elkins
William Keppel, 7th Earl of Albemarle
Henry Knox
Richard Henry Stuart
John Aaron Rawlins
Alvey A. Atlee
Madame de Bille
Lady Alcasta
Lord Alcasta
David P. Birney
Edgar P. Stringer
Robert Burns Stewart
Alexander Turney Stewart
William W. Belknap
Stanley S. Smith
Willem Alexander Frederick Gevers, Baron Gevers
Timothy Pickering
George W. Crawford
Frederick T. Frelinghuysen
John Hay Farnham
Philip Van Doren Stern
William P. Frye
Lyman Judson Gage
Herbert Baxter Adams
Finella Urquhart
Mary Louise Turner
Ronald Munro Ferguson, 1st Viscount Novar
John C. Spencer
Jane Tunis Poultney Bigelow
James Madison Porter
Levi C. Turner
M. A. DeWolfe Howe
Augustus Peabody Gardner
Evelyne Leonard Farnham
Osborne Howells
Thomas F. Bayard
Nathaniel Beverley Tucker
Lady Georgiana Fane
Christian de Bille
William Wilkins
Charles W. Fairbanks
W. Marshall Taylor
Kenneth Claiborne Royall
Horace Sherman
Théophile Delcassé
Christopher P. Wolcott
Simon Stevens
Eduard de Stoeckl
Elizabeth Thompson
John Goodnow
Theodore Tilton
Isaac Toucey
José Vicente Concha
John T. Trowbridge
Alfred E. Hippisley
William Wales
Robert B. Warden
James M. Winchell
Bernhard von Bülow
Charlie Collins
Aristide Briand
George W. Woodward
John Middleton Clayton
Sir John Clark
John Young
Charles E. Hay
Henry Highland Garnet
Red Jacket
David Jayne Hill
William A. Clark
James Otis
Angelina Grimké
Clarence D. Clark
Henry Bulwer, 1st Baron Dalling and Bulwer
Walter Christmas
Edmund Clarence Stedman
Rufus P. Spalding
Jubal Early
Edwin H. Conger
Francis Bret Harte
T. Jefferson Coolidge
Samuel Mercer
Frances Miller
Edwin D. Morgan
William Starr Myers
Theodor von Holleben
Isaac Newton
John R. G. Hassard
William Noyes Curtis
Louis Botha
James L. Orr
John L. Orr
Bailey Payton
Samuel C. Pomeroy
Eliza Ann Smith
James Ford Rhodes
Lucius Robinson
André B. Roman
Richard Demill
John P. Sanderson
Ernest DeAngelo
Herbert Bowen
Rudolph Schleiden
Adam Hay
J. W. Schuckers
Garrett A. Hobart
Adelbert Stone Hay
Alice Hay Wadsworth
Caleb Blood Smith
Prince Ching
John C. Fremont
William Lyon Mackenzie
Julius Alexander
John B. Gough
Joas Miguel Celestina
Arturo Cassini
Thomas Caldwell
William Arthur Browning
Ringgold Browning
Silas Casey III
Guy Wetmore Carryl
James W. Boyd
Edward L. Burlingame
Caroline Boyd
Ogarita Booth
Elizabeth Sherman Cameron
Harriet Alexander
Johnny Booth
William C. Gorgas
Oakes Ames
Lawrence Angell
Herbert B. Anthony
David Gray
Jules Cambon
Izola Mills Booth
Charley Armstrong
William Peters Hepburn
Luke Blackburn
Jennie Baker
J. Donald Cameron
James Virgul Barnes
Mary Stevens Beall
Robert Bernard
Samuel Chester
Mary Cook
Henry Halleck
Zachary Chandler
A. S. Chapman
Charles Hay
Lord Herschell
Philippe-Jean Bunau-Varilla
Winton Chanler
Jacob Bunn
Thomas Jackson
Samuel Morse
Clarence Leonard Hay
William Rosecrans
Tomás Herrán
Edward Hay
Zhang Zhidong
Elizabeth Hay
Eugene G. Hay
Prince Heinrich of Prussia
Mary Endicott Chamberlain
Helen Hay Whitney
F. Burge
Helen Leonard Hay
Joseph Chamberlain
Clara Louise Stone Hay
Leonard Hay
Adna Chaffee
Sir Michael Herbert
Milton Hay
Cipriano Castro
Nathaniel Hay
Perry S. Heath
Thomas Burke
Luis Felipe Corea
Benjamin Lundy
William Wood Parsons
Hiram Yeager
Al Giordino
Rudi Gunn
Hala Kamil
Zateb Kazim
Cushman K. Davis
Cornelius N. Bliss
Homer Davenport
Colonel Marcel Levant
Yves Massarde
St. Julian Perlmutter
Eva Rojas
James Sandecker, Admiral
James M. Dalzell
Stephen V. Harkness
D. Randolph Martin
Mary Lee Fitzhugh Custis
Jesse Root Grant
Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee
Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee
Isabelle M. Davis
Henry Ellet
Jack A. Ellet
George M. Curzon
Loyall Farragut
George N. Hollins
Stephen P. Lee
Thomas Hood
Lindsay Lunsford Lomax
Patrick Kmat
Edmund Hodgson Smart
Ebenezer Farrand
David Kahn
Henry Megill
Gordon Gray
James Owen
Ralph T. G. Newman
John C. Black
Frank Pace
Richard Harding Davis
Ray Neff
Robert Ten Broeck Stevens
Wilber Marion Brucker
Elvis Jacob Stahr, Jr.
Whippet Nalgai
Martha Mills
Stephen Ailes
Stanley Rogers Resor
Robert Frederick Froehlke
Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta
Howard Callaway
Lydia McGinnis
Martin Richard Hoffmann
Sir William Harcourt
John Otho Marsh, Jr.
Walter M. Brackett
Daniel Huntington
Robert Walter Weir
John Wesley Jarvis
Freeman Thorp
John McGinnis
Gaylord McCluer
Stephen William Shaw
Dabney Maury
John A. Stevenson
A.L. Long
Sarah Dunlop Ludlow
Ellen M. Hutchinson
Thomas Hillhouse
Roswell E. Goodell
Samuel Sullivan Cox
Horace Holley
Robert F. Fowler
John T. Hogeboom
John Foster
George Forrester
William B. Earle
Anna Howard
John Joseph Hughes, 1st Archbishop of New York
Jemima Coulter
Randall Hunt
George B. Cortelyou
Malcolm Ives
Henry Holt
Claiborne Jackson
William Jay
Henry J. Eager
George Washington Julian
Samuel Knox
William McKee Dunn
Gustav Koerner
Jim Lane
Mary Lawson
J. Leavitt
José Limantour
Benson J. Lossing
Mary Saunders Harrison
Louis Napoleon
David B. Hill
Albert Bushnell Hart
Ephraim D. Adams
Edwin Hynson
Appoline Alexander
Gamaliel Bailey
Sir Robert Cuncliffe
Frederic Bancroft
William Nelson Cromwell
Samuel M. L. Barlow
Jeremiah S. Black
James Blair
R. M. Blatchford
Sir Robert Bond
John M. Botts
Willie Jett
L. E. Chittenden
Julia Davenport Coalter
Edgar Cowan
James Wilson Grimes
Martin J. Crawford
Charles Hughes
George M. Dallas
Thomas Hines
Thomas E. Henry
Emerson Etheridge
Catherine Garniss
Annie Lomax Green
John M. Harlan
John A. Gilmer
Violet Gist
Dudley S. Gregory
Thomas W. Cridler
Matilda Gresham
Clifford Alexander, Jr.
James W. Gerard
George III, King of the United Kingdom
Isaac Hill
Moses Jaques
Sarah Yorke Jackson
Washington Irving
Charles Jared Ingersoll
John H. Hunt
George Houston
Philip Hone
William M. Holland
Thomas Hogan
Michael Hoffman
Richard Hildreth
Cave Johnson
Thomas Herttell
Sir John Herschel
David Henshaw
John Hecker
Isaac Hecker
Richard Haughton
Stephen Hasbrouck
Eli Hart
J. G. Harris
Mark Hanna
Samuel Jaudon
George W. Julian
J. H. Hammond
William Leggett
G. W. Lyman
Seth Luther
S. K. Lothrop
Richard Adams Locke
George Lippard
Levi Lincoln
William B. Lewis
Taylor Lewis
Dixon H. Lewis
Elder John Leland
Gideon Lee
Fanny Kemble
Joshua Leavitt
Cornelius Lawrence
Abbott Lawrence
S. D. Langtree
Walter Savage Landor
H. F. R. de Lamennais
Charles Knowlton
Abner Kneeland
James G. King
James Kent
William Kendall
Judge Hammond
James A. Hamilton
Louis McLane
Andrew Dunlap
William Rufus Elliott
Richard S. Elliott
John B. Eldredge
Thomas Elder
John Worth Edmonds
Margaret O'Neale Timberlake Eaton
Ralph Earl
Theodore Dwight
Jonathan Dwight
Warren Dutton
William J. Duane
William Emmons
William Duane
Thomas W. Dorr
Andrew Jackson Donelson
George Washington Dixon
Samuel S. Dickinson
Moses Dawson
Matthew L. Davis
Charles A. Davis
Peter Vivian Daniel
Richard Henry Dana
G. M. Dallas
Fanny Elssler
William English
Benjamin F. Hallett
Henry D. Gilpin
William H. Hale
Felix Grundy
Galusha A. Grow
Moses H. Grinnell
William B. Greene
Nathaniel Greene
Charles Gordon Greene
William M. Gouge
William F. Gourdon
Stephen Girard
Roger L. Gamble
W. P. Eustis
Theodore Frelinghuysen
Azariah C. Flagg
Theophilus Fisk
Clara Fisher
Stephen Field
Henry Field
Charles G. Ferris
John Ferral
L. S. Everett
Alexander H. Everett
George H. Evans
George McDuffie
Nathaniel Macon
Joel Curtis
Samuel Swartwout
William W. Thompson
Waddy Thompson
Francis Thomas
Peter Oxenbridge Thacher
William P. Taylor
Nathaniel W. Taylor
John Taylor
Arthur Tappan
Nathaniel P. Tallmadge
William Graham Sumner
Robert Townsend, Jr.
William Sullivan
Joseph Story
William L. Stone
John L. Stephens
Ambrose Spencer
Isaac S. Smith
Adam Smith
Levi D. Slamm
Thomas Skidmore, Sr.
Stephen Simpson
Samuel J. Tilden
Nicholas P. Trist
Michael Shiner
Tobias Watkins
N. P. Willis
George Wilkes
Reuben M. Whitney
Walter Whitman
Hugh Lawson White
Samuel Whitcomb
Prosper P. Wetmore
Noah Webster
Francis Wayland
J. G. Watmough
Josiah Warren
Joseph Tuckerman
Samuel Ward
Mike Walsh
Amasa Walker
William S. Wait
Jonathan M. Wainwright
G. C. Verplanck
Roberts Vaux
Peter van Ness
Gilbert Vale
Abel P. Upshur
Boss Tweed
John K. Simpson
E. M. Shepard
Horace Mann
John Overton
Alonzo Potter
Franklin Plummer
John Pickering
S. C. Philips
Andrew Preston Peabody
James Kirke Paulding
Theophilus Parsons
Isaac Parker
Elihu Palmer
Robert Dale Owen
Charles Ogle
William Hickling Prescott
John M. Niles
Hezekiah Niles
Thomas Low Nichols
Henry A. Muhlenberg
Marcus Morton, Jr.
Marcus Morton
Samuel F. B. Morse
Alexander Ming, Jr.
Alexander Ming
Jeremiah Mason
Harriet Martineau
Hiram Powers
Josiah Quincy
Lemuel Shaw
Theron Rudd
John Sergeant
Theodore Sedgwick, Jr.
Theodore Sedgwick
Catharine Maria Sedgwick
Arthur G. Sedgwick
Joseph A. Scoville
J. B. Say
John Savage
L. W. Ryckman
Richard Rush
Clinton Roosevelt
Josiah Quincy, Jr.
James Ronaldson
Frederick Robinson
William H. Roane
William Cabell Rives
John C. Rives
Joseph Ritner
George Ripley
Tapping Reeve
Robert Rantoul, Jr.
Edmund Randolph
Condy Raguet
David Daggett
Edwin Croswell
Hubbard Winslow
Samuel E. Sewell
Horace White
Peter H. Watson
William Hayes Ward
Leonard Wells Volk
Mary Owens Vineyard
Benjamin P. Thomas
Ida Tarbell
Holly Taft
Bud Taft
Judge Swain
Henry Rood
Henry Clay Whitney
William A. Richardson
Allen Thorndike Rice
Charles Adolphe Pineton
Ebenezer Peck
William W. Morris
William McMurtry
John H. Littlefield
William Knox
Henry W. Knight
Thomas D. Jones
George Whitman
Alex S. Abrams
Joseph Gillespie
William P. Benton
Elias Dennis
L. L. Daniel
George W. Covell
Augustus P. Cooke
Robert Buchanan
Isaac L. Brown
Cyrus F. Boyd
James H. Blood
Joseph P. Blessington
Robert Bevier
John S. Bell
W. Wirt Adams
Eugene Beauge
Edwin C. Bearss
James C. Bates
Frank Bartlett
Michael B. Ballard
William T. Balfour
William E. Baldwin
Nathan M. Baker
Joseph M. Bailey
Willoughby Babcock
Ephraim McDonald Anderson
John D. Johnston
Benjamin Franklin Hope
Edward T. Eggleston
Garrett J. Pendergast
A. B. Smith
John E. Seabrook
Henry Shelton Sanford
Henry Reaney
H. Ashton Ramsay
John Porter
Ignatius Pollaky
Dinwiddie Phillips
Francis Pettit-Smith
William Perry
Hiram Paulding
Melancton Smith
George Morris
Charles Morris
James Morgan
Charles D. Morgan
Ambrose Dudley Mann
Édouard Manet
John Newland Maffitt
John Low
David Herbert Llewellyn
Stephan S. Lisovski
John McIntosh Kell
Joseph Smith, Jr.
William W. Smith
Charley Forbes
Thomas Arnold, headmaster of Rugby School
Ernest Duvergier de Hauranne
A. J. H. Duganne
Professor Dowden
William Crook
Josiah Crawford
Lucy N. Colman
William A. Buckingham
Charles F. Brown
Chevalier Bertinatti
E. W. Andrews
Horatio J. Sprague
Elizabeth Abel
John Worden
John A. Winslow
William Williamson
John Wilkinson
Henry Van Brunt
George Alfred Trenholm
George Thompson
Thomas Taylor
Joseph W. Steele
Charles Ellery Stedman
Charles L. Dufour
Sarah Ellison
Victor Cousin
Samuel Beardsley
Albert Brisbane
Jacob Brinkerhoff
William C. Bouck
Luther Borden
John A. Bolles
Horace Binney
John M. Berrien
Hobart Berrian
Jeremy Bentham
Lyman Beecher
William T. Barry
Thomas Brothers
Daniel D. Barnard
Joel Barlow
John W. Baer
Caleb Atwater
William Appleton
Nathan Appleton
Fisher Ames
Samuel Clesson Allen, Jr.
Samuel Clesson Allen
Bronson Alcott
William Winters
Peter C. Brooks
O. B. Brown
Edward Washington
Michel Chevalier
Thomas Cooper
James Fenimore Cooper
John Commerford
Calvin Colton
William Coleman
William Cobbett
T. L. Clingman
A. S. Clayton
Lucretia Hart Clay
Julia Chinn
William Ellery Channing
Orestes A. Brownson
W. H. Channing
William Carroll
Mathew Carey
Churchill C. Cambreleng
Fitzwilliam Byrdsall
Jesse A. Bynum
L. Byllesby
William Allen Butler
Tristram Burges
Joseph T. Buckingham
James Silk Buckingham
James A. Williamson
Edward N. Waldon
Eugene Erwin
Owen J. Hopkins
Jacob Lauman
William J. Landram
Samuel C. Jones
Benjamin W. Johnson
Charles B. Johnson
William H. Jackson
Richard B. Irwin
George H. Hynds
Henry C. Huntsman
Richard L. Howard
Charles A. Hobbs
Hermann Lieb
Thomas Higgins
Francis J. Herron
Joseph Griffith
John S. Griffith
Martin E. Green
Isham W. Garrott
J. F. C. Fuller
William L. Foster
Philip H. Fall
James F. Fagan
Lewis Eyman
John A. Leavy
Daniel W. Lindsey
William Wade
Lionel A. Sheldon
John Vaughan
Henry H. Taylor
William E. Strong
John D. Stevenson
Isiah G. W. Steedman
Homer B. Sprague
Andrew F. Sperry
William H. Smith
John E. Smith
Melancthon Smith
Paul Reichelm
John L. Logan
Henry M. Rector
Isaac Pugh
Frederick E. Prime
J. M. Pearson
James S. Palmer
Alexandre Mouton
Louis Montgomery
Minos Miller
William R. Miles
Nicholas Messenger
William Lord
John Windt
Robert C. Winthrop
Young, Brigham, 1801–1877
David Gleason
Eliza Holahan
Henry Hogan
Henry H. Hine
Bernard R. Hill
William Helmick
Emilie Todd Helm
Charles A. Haswell
George Harrington
Frank L. Green
Thomas S. Green
William H. Ginley
James P. Holcombe
James R. Gilmore
J. Bevins Giles
Victor Frondé
Thomas C. Durant
Harrison H. Dodd
Joseph Dion
Bernard Devlin
John Deveny
George T. Denison
Blanche DeBar
John T. Holahan
Mary Hudspeth
Charles Coursol
James Lamb
Joseph Loane
William Schaw Lindsay
Samuel P. Lee
Cassius Lee
Alexandre-August Ledru-Rollin
Edward Lawrence
George Law
Jeremiah Larocque
Andre J. LaPierre
Guillaume Lamothe
Lajos Kossuth
James Hughes
Robert Cobb Kennedy
Alexander Keith
William J. Jones
John A. Jones
William Cornell Jewett
John Joseph Jennings
William N. Jeffers
James F. Jaquess
George Iles
Godfrey Hyams
Washington Hunt
Ben DeBar
John Douglas Corse
John L. Lomax
John C. Upton
Walter Williams
Steele Williams
Robert Weir
Fletcher Webster
Alonzo Watson
Frank Wasley
William D. Washington
Norman Walker
John Stewart Walker
W. P. Wainwright
William Trego
Phil Sheridan
Zealous B. Tower
John R. Thompson
George W. Taylor
David H. Strother
Isaac Stevens
Charles A. Stevens
Thomas Southwick
Frederick G. Skinner
Isaac G. Seymour
George Ruggles
Charles Ronald
Abel Wright
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Thomas-Louis Connolly
Josephine Brown
Henry Lawson Clay
Frank O. Chamberlin
John B. Castleman
Jack Carter
Hosea B. Carter
Joseph Carroll
William Henry Carroll
Isaac Campbell
Bennett H. Burley
Robert Bunch
John Patts Brown
Sir John Abbott
James Brooks
Sarah Brewer
David Black
George W. L. Bickley
Alexander Beresford-Hope
Natalie St. Martin Benjamin
A. A. Belknap
Roy P. Basler
James M. Baillie
Frank H. Atkinson
Walter Ashley
Anne Corbin Lomax
Mrs. Loring
W. W. Robins
Edward Montagu-Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, 1st Earl of Wharncliffe
Wild Bill Hickok
Martha Kent
Jonathan Kent
Clark Kent
Phineas C. Wright
Edward H. Wright
Charles H. M. Wood
William Winthrop
Benjamin Wier
Martha Todd White
Ezra B. Westfall
Charles L. Robinson
James D. Westcott
Samuel J. Wayman
John B. van Dien
Benjamin W. Vanderpoel
John T. Tibbett
David Thurston
Young Thompson
William M. Thompson
Catherine Anne Jones Thompson
Benjamin J. Sweet
Charles B. Stewart
Lois Lane Kent
Daniel Woodson
Henry de St. Marie
Mike Williams
Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey
George Curtis
George Canning
Napoleon Bonaparte Buford
Albert, Prince Consort
George Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen
James Henry Lane
Lois Lane
Charles Ford
Bob Ford
William Strawhun
Claiborne Fox Jackson
Bill Mulrey
Buffalo Bill Cody
Susan B. Anthony
William J. Fetterman
Belle Starr
John Wesley Hardin
Davis Tutt
Jonah Hex
John Younger
Bob Younger
Ambrose Stevens
A. F. Squarey
Henry T. Loutham
Charles Monck, 4th Viscount Monck
William R. Orme
A. B. Olin
John O'Leary
Davis S. Ogden
Louis O'Donnell
Columbus O'Donnell
John Nothrey
John W. Nichols
Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia
Charles S. Moorehead
James Merritt
Montrose A. Pallen
James M. McMaster
Kate McGruder
Patterson McGee
William C. McDougall
William L. McDonald
John McClellan
Giuseppe Mazzini
John Matthews, actor
John Y. Mason
Robert M. Martin
Hippolyte Magen
Felici Orsini
John Williamson Palmer
James Spence
Lewis Sanders
E. L. Smoot
William Prescott Smith
James W. Singleton
Joseph H. Simonds
Joseph Shaw
Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury
Charles Selby
Willard Saulsbury
Virginia Sanders
Reid Sanders
Anna Reid Sanders
D. Preston Parr
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury
George Augustus Sala
Julian S. Rumsey
Nicholas Rowe
Dean Richmond
Theodore B. Rhodes
John J. Reeves
Samuel A. Rainey
James Prioleau
Frederick L. Penton
Pedro V, King of Portugal
William Harrison Rockwell
Allen C. Redwood
George Wolf
John Pelham
Ann Catherine Lloyd Buchanan
Alice Lloyd Buchanan
Joseph Bryan
Samuel Breese
Abraham Bigelow
Silas Bent
Henry D. Bassett
Henry E. Ballard
John H. Aulick
William H. Allen
Dabney H. Maury
Ellen Buchanan
Clarence R. Yonge
William C. Whittle, Jr.
George T. Sinclair
Charles K. Prioleau
R. B. Pegram
Thomas J. Page
C. Manigault Morris
Colin J. McRae
Hunter Davidson
Sir Alexander Cockburn
Elizabeth Buchanan
Franklin Buchanan, junior
Irvine S. Bulloch
Alexander Claxton
Nancy Hardcastle Fisher
Barbara Fields
Edward Pellew, 1st Viscount Exmouth
John R. Eggleston
John Duer
Francis C. Doane
Stephen Decatur
Philip Daugherty
Daniel Conrad
David Conner
William Chauvenet
Franklin Buchanan, the admiral's father
Isaac Chauncey
James Chapman
R. M. Carter
George Budd
Sallie Buchanan
Rosa Buchanan
Nannie Buchanan
McKean Buchanan
Mary Tilghman Buchanan
Letitia McKean Buchanan
Laetitia McKean Buchanan
Calais, France
J. M. Brooke
French Forrest
Charles-Louis Du Pin
Edouard Thouvenel
Jules Favre
Santos Degollado
François Achille Bazaine
Porfirio Diaz
Miguel Miramón y Tarelo
Jesús González Ortega
Juan Prim y Prats
Matias Romero Avendaño
Alphonse Dubois de Saligny
Victor Emmanuel II of Italy
José Luis Blasio
Napoleon II Franz, Herzog von Reichstadt
Joseph Radetzky von Radetz
Princess Sophie of Bavaria
Miguel Lerdo de Tejada
Melchor Ocampo
James Moore
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Jose Maria Gutierrez de Estrada
Silas Wright
Levi Woodbury
A. H. Wood
Hortense Cornu
Ángela Peralta
L. Arman
William H. Morgan
Thomas Welsh
Thomas N. Waul
William H. T. Walker
Lucius M. Walker
Newitt Vick
James M. Tuttle
Isaiah G. W. Steedman
J. O. Shelby
William R. Rowley
David Pool
James P. Major
Charles de Lorencez
Michael K. Lawler
Charles S. Hamilton
Frederick D. Grant
Hamilton R. Gamble
James Deshler
Kidder R. Breeze
Margarita Maza
Felix Salm-Salm
Alice Green Forrest
Agustín de Iturbide y Green
Luis Ghilardi
Dulaney Forrest
W. S. Forrest
Robert Ransom
John E. Hames
Theodore Lang
John A. Koltes
W. James Kinchloe
Joe Joskins
Joseph Ives
Joseph Howland
James Hewison
Martin A. Haynes
John P. Hatch
Frank Haskell
Richard Griffith
William Latané
J. D. Goolsby
Horatio Gibson
Thomas Garnett
James M. Gadberry
Henry Forno
John W. Ford
Norman Fitzhugh
Samuel Fessenden
William Dougherty
James Dinkins
L. A. Daffan
John Latané
M. T. Ledbetter
Montgomery D. Corse
John W. Means
Alanson M. Randol
George W. Pratt
David Potts
Théophile Poilpot
Pat J. Penn
Samuel W. Owen
Edgar O'Connor
Charles F. Morse
J. Harrison Mills
James Cooper Miller
W. Roy Mason
Ann Hill Carter Lee
Louis Marshall
J. Foster Marshall
James J. Marks
Nathaniel C. McLean
Joseph A. McLean
William McIlvaine, Jr.
Edward McCrady
William A. McClendon
William Locke
Mildred Lee
Matilda Lee
Robert Lewis Dabney
Andrew Coats
Pierre Giraud
John Kelley
Charles Lowndes
Louis Philippe
Baptista Lorino
Andrew K. Long
John A. Lockwood
Henry Lockwood
Darius King
Beverley Kennon
John P. Kennedy
Edmund P. Kennedy
Kamehameha III
Alexander Slidell McKenzie
Thomas ap Catesby Jones
George Jones
Robert E. Johnston
William Inman
Joshua Humphreys
Robert E. Hooe
George W. Harrison
Louis S. Hargous
William T. Goldsborough
Mary Eleanor Goldsborough
Arsène Napoléon Alexandre Girault
Sarah Scott Lloyd Lowndes
John H. Maffitt
Eli Christian
William Averell
James H. Childs
Tom Burk
Thomas W. Brown
Thornton F. Brodhead
John H. Berrian
William Baylor
George Bayard
Andrew Barney
John Barnard
Camille Baquet
Thomas P. August
Thomas Mahon
Richard Snowden Andrews
George L. Andrews
Andrew B. Allison
Nathan Hunter
Billy Harwell
Donald Fairfax
Rebecca Devon
Valerie d'Estaing
Stephen Canty
James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan
Stephen D. Mallory
John B. Jackson
John Dabney
Henry James
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Clarence Grim
Dinesh D'Souza
Thomas Dixon
Chester Pierce
Gomes de Zurara
Prince Henry the Navigator
David Hume
Elaine Flake
Floyd H. Flake
Addison Gayle
Audre Lorde
Shem, son of Noah, father of Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram, lived 600 years
James Cone
Soul Liberation
Tom Skinner
Carol Rogers
Larry Rogers
Ibram X. Kendi
John Russell Young
Charles Woolley
James F. Wilson
Waitman T. Willey
Noah, of the Flood and the Ark, father of Shem, Ham, Japheth, walked with God, lived 950 years
Ham, son of Noah, father of Canaan, Cush, Mizraim, Put
Peter Van Winkle
Christopher Codrington
Robert Park
Franz Boas
Linda James Myers
Jason Riley
Alexander Crummell
Gunnar Myrdal
John J. Dilulio Jr.
Jeff Sessions
Mary C. Waters
Yoweri Museveni
Abner Louima
Japheth, son of Noah, father of Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, Tiras
Latasha Harlins
Rodney King
O. J. Simpson
Ken Ham
Camara Jones
Nicholas Wade
Francis Galton
Albion Small
Charles Darwin
Isaac la Peyrére
George Best
Elihu Washburne
Moorfield Storey
Nathan Glazer
Toni Ho
Carol Danvers
Captain Marvel
Leonardo da Vinci
Howard Stark
Victor Von Doom
Ceres Goldstein
Arno Stark
Madison Jeffries
Cynthia von Doom
Francis Blair, Jr.
Mom Williams
Living Laser
Dr. Anthony Stark
War Machine
James Rhodes
Samuel Barlow
Emily Edson Briggs
Jerome Stillson
Robert Johnson
Daniel Sickles
Edmund G. Ross
Lavinia Ream
Henry Raymond
Benjamin Perley Poore
Samuel Pomeroy
David T. Patterson
Thomas A. Nelson
Thomas Nast
Horace Maynard
Eliza McCardle Johnson
William G. Brownlow
Oliver Otis Howard
Thomas Hendricks
William S. Groesbeck
James Grimes
Perry Fuller
George T. Downing
James Doolittle
Henry Dawes
Benjamin Robbins Curtis
Benjamin Franklin Butler
Andrew Butler
E. Franklin Frazier
Bill Cosby
Iron Maiden
Tamar Jacoby
Havelock Ellis
Kimberlé Crenshaw
Philomena Essed
Maria Stewart
Toni Cade Bambara
Frances Beal
Wilfred Quinby
Charles Herbert Stember
Deborah Gray White
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
David L. Kirp
Perry M. Lichtenstein
Mamie Clark
Henry W. Grady
Ama Mazama
Molefi Kete Asante
Melvin Van Peebles
Lerone Bennett JR.
Elizabeth Warren
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Karl Marx
Kay Coles James
Cesare Lombroso
Opal Tometi
Kenneth Clark
Bryant Purvis
Dan Sumida
Aaron Davis
Iron Spider: Aaron Davis
Iron Spider
Spider-Man: Peter Parker
Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Reed Walters
Jena Six
Theo Shaw
Carwin Jones
Roy Moore
Mychal Bell
Robert Bailey Jr.
Jesse Ray Beard
Sadiqa Kendi
Kwame Toure
Bernie Sanders
Boyce Watkins
Ben Tillman
John Russwurm
Samuel Cornish
Kayla Moore
Oscar Lewis
Samuel Pierce
Melville Herkovits
Alfred Binet
Morgan Godwyn
Alice Walker
Margaret Hunter
Marching 100
Charles Murray
Richard Herrnstein
William Shockley
Carl C. Brigham
Lewis Terman
Theodore Simon
Lionel Ovesey
Samuel Stanhope Smith
Abram Kardiner
Johy DeGruy
Philip Alexander Bruce
Jamie Johnson
David Horowitz
Peter Collier
Eric Holder
James Forman, Jr.
James Beattie
John McWhorter
C. Delores Tucker
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Edwin Clifford Holland
William Hannibal Thomas
Cheikh Anta Diop
Peter Prioleau
Ukawsaw Gronniosaw
Richard Ligon
Leo Africanus
Ken Blackwell
Chris Rock
Mizell Stewart
Frances Cress Welsing
Michael Bradley
Robert Whitaker
Charles Chesnutt
Alicia Garza
Tim Hershman
Wallace Fard Muhammad
Elijah Muhammad
Jeb Bush
Spike Lee
Edward Byron Reuter
George T. Winston
Charles Carroll
Xavier King
J.E.T. Bowden
Arthur Garfield Hays
Clarence Darrow
Robert Toms
Philip Adler
Norton Schuknecht
Alexander Turner
Louise Bindman
Aaron Bindman
Louis F. Post
Earl Barnard
Robert Moton
Charles Hamilton Houston
D. W. Johnson
Ned Cobb
William B. Wilson
Robert S. Abbott
Richard Wright
Mary Turner
Sidney Johnson
Hampton Smith
Frederick Maitland
Walter George
Gladys Sweet
Roy Wilkins
Joseph Bradley
Garland Gray
Vera Bradley
Clarence Mitchell
William McCulloch
Joseph DeLaine
Barbara Johns
Richard Conley
H. Rowan Gaither
Ezekiel Gathings
John Ben Shepperd
Henry Cabarrus
James Lindsay Almond
James Byrnes
Eugene Cook
Howard Smith
John Sammons Bell
George Bell Timmerman
Marvin Griffin
Sam Engelhardt
J. W. Milam
Ruby Bridges
Herman Talmadge
Fielding Wright
James O. Eastland
Joseph McKenna
Matthew Foushee
Byron White
Kathryn Chase Sprague
Louisa Rodgers Meigs
Dolley Madison
Harriet Lane
Abigail Brooks Adams
Philip R Roxxon
Gwen Stacy
Amy Lafuente
Robbie Robertson
Maria Hill
Conrad Marcus
Emily Briggs
John Maddox
Betty Brant
Ben Urich
J. Jonah Jameson
Varina Anne 'Winnie' Davis
T.J. Rusk
Sam Rayburn
Francis Lubbock
James Hogg
John Garner
Lois Adams
Elizabeth Lomax
Hiram Reese
William Noyes
William Garner
Morrison R. Waite
Samuel Miller
Benjamin Humphreys
Carl Elliott
Ossian Sweet
Charles Wickliffe
Julia Gardiner Tyler
George Summers
William Rives
James Guthrie
Sara Rice Pryor
Phineas Gurley
Juliana Gardiner
John Crittenden
Lucius Chittenden
Samuel Llewellyn
Mrs. Hall
Alexander F. Crosman
John Charles Fremont
Josephine Griffing
Anne E. Dickinson
Mary Jane Windle
Allan Bakke
Hodding Carter
Amara Perera
James Blake
Mary O'Melia
Blount Scott
Laura Scott
Mary Chesnut
Florida Davis
Benjamin Montgomery
Burton Harrison
Jane Pierce
Henry Louis Gates, junior
Sara Dorsey
Rekia Boyd
Freddie Gray
Tamir Rice
Jonathan Ferrell
Sandra Bland
Tressie McMillan Cottom
Kevin McCarthy
Kris Kobach
Matthew Damschroder
Jon Husted
James McNeill Whistler
Oscar Wilde
Marco Rubio
Warden Mosley
Eric Lynch
Wrecking Crew
Stephen Crane
Iron Man
Mr. Lynch
Amanda Armstrong
Charles Pulaski
Scott Bolzek
Bill Thompson
Tuck Merryweather
Terry Hunt
Kris Pulaski
Joan Walsh
Christopher Steele
William Bradford Reynolds
Jesse Helms
Paul Weyrich
Rich Lowry
Lindsey Graham
Desmond Tutu
Randy Credico
Edward Self
Terry McEachern
Tom Coleman
George P. Schultz
John M. Poindexter
Duane Clarridge
Katie Connolly
Manuel Noriega
Donald Gregg
Rick Ross
Norwin Meneses
Oscar Danilo Blandón
Enrique Bermúdez
William J. Casey
Anastasio Somoza
David Swinton
Vernon Jordan
Edwin Meese
Hans von Spakovsky
Robert Brandon
Vladimir Putin
John Boehner
Aleksandr Dugin
Earl Holt III
Kyle Rogers
Roan Garcia-Quintana
Haley Barbour
Trent Lott
Dylann Roof
Lawrence Otis Graham
Jelani Cobb
Mitt Romney
Joe Wilson
Theodore Bilbo
Michelle Obama
Ken Paxton
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Nelva Gonzales Ramos
Greg Abbott
Ernest Montgomery
Rick Scott
Bernard McGinley
Robert Bentley
Scott Walker
Emanuel Cleaver
Barbara Rodriguez
Price Daniel
Gerardus Mercator
Toni Morrison
John Tyler Morgan
August T. Mora
Richard Earl Moore
Aida White Moore
Hester Mohomet
John Mitchell Jr.
Shadrach Minkins
Joh Millholland
William E. Miller
George Menefie
Bilal Muhammad
Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco
Betty Medsger
Timothy Meaher
Earlene McNeil
Carol Denise McNair
William Wallace McLeod
John McKeithan
Brownie McGhee
John McEnery
Calvin McDowell
Thomas Moss
John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore
Rosa McCauley
William O'Neal
P. B. S. Pinchback
Dewey Phillips
Edmund Pettus
Albert E. Perry
Davidson B. Penn
Mary Peake
Jimmy Page
Candace Owens
Mary White Ovington
Onesimus, runaway slave of Philemon
Najee Omar
Musa I
Shaba Om
Baba Odinga
Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba
E. D. Nixon
Nicholas V, Pope
Huey P. Newton
Christopher Newport
Panfilo de Narvaez
Thomas Nairne
David S. Muzzey
Susie McDonald
Morris Matthews
Mary Ellen Pleasant
Abayama Katara
Kwando Kinshasa
James Bible King
Boston King
Kiluanji of Ndongo
Edgar Ray Killen
William Kerner
Benjamin Kent
Harry Kenner
Barrett G. Kemp
Ira Katznelson
Colin Kaepernick
Gladys Knight
Eddie Joseph
Gabriel Jones
Absalom Jones
R. O. Johnson
Jane Johnson
Carrie Johnson
Johnny "Speed"
John II, King of Portugal
John I, King of Portugal
Gregory Jay
Elijah Kite
Marie Knight
Toussaint L'Ouverture
Cotton Mather
George Mason
Louis Martinet
Manuel I, King of Portugal
Alexander Manly
Bliss Anne Malone
Shepard Mallory
Daniel Mack
Annie Lumpkin
Mary Louvestre
Lemuel Longview
Ernest Kruttschnitt
Rayford Logan
Peter Livingston
Viola Liuzzo
Wilbur Little
John Lewis
Cudjo Lewis
William Lee
Archy Lee
Charles Leclerc
Joe Laurie Jr.
Joshua Lambe
Helen Plane
Edward Pollard
John Jacobs
William Thompson
Amerigo Vespucci
James K. Vardaman
Luther Vandross
Nuno Tristao
François Trépagnier
James Townsend
Albion Tourgée
Emanuel Timonius
Benjamin Tillman
Thomas Tharpe
Sister Rosetta Tharpe
Rosetta Tharpe
Sonny Terry
Robert Terrell
Mary Church Terrell
Moses Taylor
Michael Tabor
Belinda Sutton
Jane Suillivan
Fred Sullivan
Annie Walker
Will Stewart
Robert F. Williams
George Yeardley
Jeremiah Wright
Celia Parker Woolley
Carter G. Woodson
Ray Wood
Peter Wood
Henrietta Wood
Oprah Winfrey
Darren Wilson
Cornelia Grinnell Willis
George W. Williams
Maggie Lena Walker
Frances Willard
Phebe Whitesides
Ralph White
Pappy White
John Whipple
Kanye West
Cynthia Wesley
Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Muddy Waters
Lester Walton
Richard Martin Lloyd Walters
William Still
Pinckney Benton Stewart
Juan Ponce de León
Jeremiah Reeves
Gary Rowe
Rolling Stones
John Rolfe
Fred Rochelle
Donatien-Marie-Joseph de Vimeur, vicomte de Rochambeau
Jo Ann Gibson Robinson
Carole Robertson
James Burchill Richardson
Hiram Rhodes Revels
Janet Reinitz
Jeanetta Reese
Bayard Rustin
Mary Reed
Jo Reed
John Ratcliffe
Benjamin Randolph
Asa Philip Randolph
John C. Raines
Elvis Presley
Geronimo Pratt
Curtis Powell
Dorothy B. Porter
Robin Pooler
Isaac Royall
Peter Salem
Charles Stewart
Betty Slew
Robert Stebbins
Bruce Springsteen
Otis Spann
James Somerset
Washington Smith
Melvin Cotton Smith
Mary Louise Smith
John Smith, Captain
Al Smith
Jenny Slew
William Henry Singleton
Juan San Maló
Fred Shuttlesworth
Tupac Shakur
Lumumba Shakur
Thomas Semmes
Thomas Sedgwick
Bobby Seale
Martin Scorsese
Michael Schwerner
Arturo Schomburg
Rufus Saxton
Samuel Sawyer
James I and VI, King of England, Ireland, and Scotland
Harriet Jacobs
Rhino: Aleksei Sytsevich
François-Dominique Bréda
Jean Baptiste Brunet
John Edward Bruce
Morris Brown
Henry Billings Brown
Bob Brown
Aurelia Browder
Charlotte Brooks
Eliza Briggs
Harry Briggs
Jackie Brenston
Carol Moseley Braun
Buffalo Soldiers
James S. Bradley
Ervin Bradley
Amelia Boynton Robinson
Zabdiel Boylston
Leroy Stafford Boyd
Yvette Lee Bowser
Walter Augustus Bowe
Dutty Boukman
Julian Bond
Friedrich Blumenbach
Andrew Bryan
William Bull
Joan Bird
Daniel Chamberlain
Jim Clark
Robert Clare
Eric Clapton
William Claiborne
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106-43 BC
Robert Reed Church
Louisa Ayers Church
Ron Chernow
Robert Charles
James Chaney
Sidney J. Catts
Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca
Benjamin Cattle
Charles Case
John B. Cary
George Washington Carver
Samuel Adolphus Cartwright
Stokely Carmichael
Carlos I, King of Spain
Francis Lewis Cardozo
Cab Calloway
Callixtus or Callistus I, Pope
Richard Cain
Stephen Blucke
Beyoncé Knowles
James Cleveland
Starling: Tiana Toomes
Alexander IV, Pope
Ricardo Alegria
D. Wyatt Aiken
Manuel Méndez de Acuña
Sundiata Acoli
Ralph Abernathy
Michael Harriot
Margaret Mitchell
U.S. Grant
Tiana Toomes
Richard Allen
Frost Pharaoh
James Evans
Marisol Hurtado-Montes
Captain America: Steve Rogers
Tombstone: Lonnie Thompson Lincoln
Lyle Dutcher
Aleksei Sytsevich
Muhammad Ali
Robert Allston
James Bevel
Charles Ball
Mary Bethune-Cookman
Mary MacLeod Bethune
Lee Berry
Chuck Berry
François Bernier
Thomas Bennett
Thomas Bell
Marion Barry
William Barrett
Hannibal Barca
Kuwasi Balagoon
Suzanne Alton
Frank Baker
Ella Baker
Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon
John Ashley
Henry Arnold
Samuel Armstrong
Samuel Argall
Manuel Andry
Gilbert Andry
C. Alfred "Chief" Anderson
Samuel Zenas Ammen
Mark Clark
Henry Clinton
Lee Jackson
Lorinda Goodwin
James "Buck" Harriot
James Harriot Jr.
Dorothy Harriot
Ed Hanrahan
Fred Hampton
Shad Hall
Shields Green
Cecilia Simmons Green
Fred Gray
John Brown Gordon
Andrew Goodman
Marvell Harriot
Antáo Gonçalves
Reuben Goldberg
Quinn Glover
Ida Gibbs
David George
Horatio Gates
Juan Garrido
Archibald K. Gaines
Thomas Gaillard
Elizabeth Freeman
Jannie Harriot
Phyllis Harriot
Eugene Frazier
Henry the Navigator
Isabella I, Queen of Castile and León
Richard Humphreys
John Hulett
Oliver Howard
Callie Guy House
Sam Hose
Willie Horton
Hilary Herbold
Henry VIII, King of England
Henry VII, King of England
Stephen Henderson
Robert Harriot
John Hemmings
James Hemings
George Haynes
Lydell Hawkins
Ali Bey Hassan
Hubert Harrison
Richard Harris
Joel Chandler Harris
Essie Harris
Seandra Harriot Molden
Comelita Harriot McGee
Joe Frazier
James Franklin
Dormetia Clyburn
Benjamin Elton Cox
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
Charles Deslondes
Rodolphe Desdunes
William McCloud Dawson
William Dawson
Angela Davis
Christopher Daniels
Norris Wright Cuney
Alfred Cranford
Karen L. Cox
Hernán Cortés
Thomas J. Dixon
Titus Cornelius
John Corlie
Tom Cook
Bull Connor
Claudette Colvin
Addie Mae Collins
Robert Collier
Simon Coker
Reginald Clyburn
Marvell Clyburn
Eric Clyburn
Moses Dickson
John Drayton
Peter Fossett
Cecile Fatiman
Joseph Fossett
Jeff Fort
Joe Forest
George Ford
Ella Fitzgerald
W. C. Fields
John Ferguson
D'Brickashaw Ferguson
Ferdinand II of Aragon
Rebecca L. Felton
Medgar Evers
Ann Drayton
Esteban Dorantes
Leif Eriksson
Lonnie Epps
Roderick Elliott
Duke Ellington
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Daniel Elfrith
James Malcolm Edwards
Earth, Wind & Fire
Bob Dylan
David Duke
E.J. Davis
Thomas Connally
Emile Jaurès
Charles Shaler Smith
J. Van Buren
Emery Upton
J. T. Trezevant
George D. Tillman
Sylvanus Thayer
Philip Stockton
Ebenezer Starns
Mary Anne Shaler Smith
Frederick Rose Smith
Frederick Henry Smith
Isaac M. St. John
John P. Villepigue
James H. Rollins
Charles H. Rigdon
Thomas Reese
Homer Ramsdell
John Rains
Gabriel Mannigault Rains
Frances Josephine Ramsdell Rains
Ester Ambrose Rains
Charles A. Platt
William Percival
Cornelius Veronee
William Wadsworth
John Pendleton
Hetty Carey
Nathaniel Henry Rhodes Dawson
Lawrence Percy Dawson
Henry Dawson
James Roland Curry
Anne Curry
LeRoy Crockett
Martin Hardin Cofer
Brutus Clay
George Rogers Clark
Lydia Child
Mrs. William Butler
C. G. Wagner
Francis Edwin Brownell
Robert Breckenridge, Jr.
Ambrose Bierce
S. S. Baxter
Francis Bartow
John A. Bailhache
Elijah Babbit
Patton Anderson
Oliver Anderson
William H. Walker
Freeman Walker
Zemula Walker Pendleton
Edmund Pendleton
Seth Field
Edward W. Harker
William R. Hunt
Frederick Clinton Humphreys
Thomas H. Holleyman
Benjamin Hill
William M. Hight
Thomas Heckle
James Heath
Joseph G. Hawkins
Albert Hatch
Joseph Harpool
Theodore F. Hallam
Richard L. Hunter
T. P. Hall
W. B. Griffen
James A. Gray
Miller P. Grant
Isadore P. Girardey
François Girardey
Camille E. Girardey
W. G. Gill
T. Baudery Garesche
Mary Gordon Gairdner
Caleb Hose
Matthew M. Payne
Thomas Leech
C. M. Morris
W. H. McMain
G. W. Mays
Green B. Marshall
Francis C. Markey
John W. Mallet
John MacMurphy
Francis Strother Lyon
Orlando H. Lufburrow
Charles F. Lombard
Charles H. Latrobe
Thomas P. Irving
Joseph Lancaster
Brantley Kitchens
John P. King Mill
Andrew Key
James M. Kennard
Louis Jones
Charles Edgeworth Jones
C. C. Jones
W. H. Johnson
Julius J. Jacobus
George T. Jackson
Ninian Edwards
George Forquer
John Fraser
Samuel Buckmaster
Frederick Edwin Church
Robert Chambers
Clark Carr
Richard B. Carpenter
William H. Carlin
Thomas Carlin
Thompson Campbell
Alexander Campbell
Nehemiah Bushnell
Joseph Bartlett Burleigh
James N. Brown
Burton C. Cook
Jacob Brown
William Bross
Austin S. Brooks
Henry Bromwell
David Broderick
Hiram Bright
John K. Brewster
Jonathan Blanchard
Hugh Blair
Morris Birkbeck
Philip Conley
Isaac Cook
Caleb Bingham
Martha Martin Douglas
Ethelbert Barskdale
George Ballentine
Ransom Bailey
Nate Caudell
Henry Pleasants
Andries Rhoodie
Andias Roodie
Nathaniel Caudell
Hezekiah Ford Douglass
Robert D. Douglas
Theophilus Lyle Dickey
Increase Cooke
Chester P. Dewey
Mark Delahay
John A. Davis
James Davis
Jacob Davis
James Davidson
Joseph Cunningham
Leonard Crunelle
William Craddock
Norman Corwin
W. W. Corcoran
Kinsley Bingham
Henry W. Billings
Simon Girty
Judson Kilpatrick
David B. Parker
Lewis Paine
Robert Orrick
Thomas McNiven
Wilmer McClean
William H. Lounsbery
John Lohmann
Frederick W. E. Lohmann
Martin Lipscomb
Luther Libby
Harry S. Howard
John Reynolds
George C. Gibbs
Pauline Cushman
Eliza Carrington
Christian Burging
Sylvanus J. Brown
Fredrika Bremer
Hilary Baker
Dr. John Adams
Roger Hanson
Oliver Halsted
R. Gleeson
Edward Revere
Erasmus Ross
William Bigler
Philip G. Auchampaugh
Otto Bertschanger
John Bernard
Paul Berman
Hiram Beckwith
George Beatty
Pierre Bayle
John T. Barrett
Moses Bane
Samuel Baker
John C. Bagby
James Arthur
William S. Rowley
Duff Armstrong
John H. Addams
Jane Addams
Charles H. Ray
Charles Lanphier
Norman Beal Judd
John Van Lew
Eliza Louise Van Lew
Eliza Van Lew
Annie Van Lew
Anna Van Lew
Edmund P. Gaines
Thomas Ford
Josiah A. Beard
Billy Barlow
Mary Ann Bickerdyke
Anthony Berger
Stephen Vincent Benét
David Atchison
John Jacob Astor
Brutus de Villeroi
Sam Upham
Robert B. Pegram
Robert C. Kennedy
Bob Roebuck
Nicholas Trist
John Boston
Robert E. Stockton
William Marcy
George W. Kendall
Stephen W. Kearny
Joseph Eggleston Johnston
Nikolay Muraviev
Osburne Morgan
John T. Morgan
John Bassett Moore
William H. Moody
Reed Brockway Bontecou
William Merrick Bristol
F. A. Mitchell
Theodore R. Davis
Warren Goss
J. G. Gilchrist
James E. Gibson
Theodore Gerrish
Christian A. Fleetwood
James Fisk, junior
Dan Emmett
Albert Ely
Catherine Thomson Hogarth Dickens
Jefferson Davis, Jr.
Sallie Broadhead
Annie Davis
Charles Darwin [Charles Robert: 1809-1882]
Richard Dana
Sam A. Cooley
John Clem
John Jay Chapman
James Bulloch
Silas C. Buck
Richard Norris Brooke
Sir Denis Brogan
Judith Brockenbrough
L. F. Moneypenny
Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto
Asa Gray
Herbert Kitchener
Joseph Leiter
John T. Leary, Jr.
Wilfrid Laurier
Lucy Larcom
Robert Lansing
Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne
Vladimir Lambsdorff
John LaFarge
Paul Kruger
Philander Knox
Clarence King
David Augustus Leonard
Clemens von Ketteler
George Kennan
Louis Kempff
Frank B. Kellogg
Thomas Kearns
Wilhelm II, German Kaiser and King of Prussia
J. A. A. J. Jusserand
William Hight Jordan
John M. Johnson
Susan, Lady St Helier
Mary Leiter
Mary Peirce Leonard
Joseph N. Miller
Robert F. McCormick
George von Lengerke Meyer
Samuel Mather
Mrs. Bradley Martin
José Manuel Marroquín
James McMillan
Thomas C. McLean
William McKinley
Abner McKinley
St. Clair McKelway
Mary Harrison McKee
Wayne MacVeagh
Ferdinand de Lesseps
Thomas Babington Macaulay
Josephine Shaw Lowell
Maurice Low
Harriet Loring
Francis B. Loomis
John D. Long
Stephen T. Logan
Anna Cabot Mills Davis Lodge
Sir Chentung Liang-Cheng
Li Hongzhang
Emanuel Leutze
Jesse Grant II
Mrs. Nathaniel Greene
Henry William DeSaussure Ford
Jesse Bowman Young
Martha Averell
John Alonzo Attmore
James Adkins
Jacob W. Adam
Philip Werlein
John Schreiner
Harry McCarthy
John Hill Hewitt
Daniel Decatur Emmett
Armand Blackmer
Anna Mary Young
George T. Barnes
John J. Williams
Thomas Warrick
Robert Penn Warren
Ferdinand Ward
William H. L. Wallace
Anne Wallace
G. G. Walker
A. L. P. Valrin
Theodore F. Upson
Daniel Ullmann
John Frazer Lodlington Baddeley
George G. Barnwell
Susie King Taylor
William F. Dearing
E. H. Ford
N. S. Finney
Albert Fink
Henry Exall
Henry Eustis
Charles Estes
A. B. Dyer
Lammot duPont
Alfred I. du Pont
Julius A. de Lagnel
Richard M. Cuyler
Oliver Curtney
A. O. Cunningham
Florence Fleming Corley
David Connor
William Congreve
Mirabeau L. Collier
Frederick L. Childs
Henry Caminade
William Callis
Georgiana Callis
James H. Burton
George Ticknor
Allen Tate
James Henry Hammond
William Thompson Lusk
S. W. Owen
Johannes A. Oertel
William L. Nugent
J. C. Nolt
Philip Myers
J. Pierpont Morgan
John Stuart Mill
John R. Meigs
Daniel McCallum
Arthur MacArthur, Jr.
Elizabeth Lindsay Lomax
Frank P. Peak
Black Horse Harry Lee
Loomis L. Langdon
Lucius Quntus Lamar
W. Delos Lake
Charles E. King
Walter Jolley
Edwin Jennison
William Jaquin
William James
James Streshly Jackson
Fort Henry
Eli Parker
Thomas F. Perly
William Swinton
Tom Scott
Jerry Sullivan
Henry B. Strong
Edwin Stoughton
A. M. Stewart
John Summerfield Staples
Hercules Stannard
Charles F. Smith
Charles A. Smith
Roger Sherman
W. E. G. Shanks
Andrew J. Russell
Mrs. Philip Phillips
Washington Roebling
John Rock
James W. Ripley
Spotswood Rice
Elisha Hunt Rhodes
Charles Bennet Ray
Sallie Putnam
J. Woods Price
Samuel M. Pook
George F. Polley
William H. Phillips
Gideon Bass
Billy Beddingfield
John Connally
Everett M. Dirksen
Arthur P. Gorman
Albert A. Gore, Sr.
Barry M. Goldwater
Carter Glass
Walter F. George
George B. Galloway
J. William Fulbright
William P. Fessenden
Samuel J. Ervin, Jr.
Paul H. Douglas
Albert B. Cummins
Marcus A. Hanna
John Sherman Cooper
Thomas T. Connally
George Clinton
Chiang Kai-Shek
Robert C. Bryd
Harry F. Byrd, Sr.
John W. Bricker
Hugo L. Black
Isaac Basset
Alben W. Barkley
Theodore F. Green
Philip A. Hart
John Edwards
Joseph R. McCarthy
Jennings Randolph
James K. Polk
Orville H. Platt
Gerald P. Nye
Edmund S. Muskie
Wayne L. Morse
Justin S. Morill
A.S. Mike Monroney
Michael J. Mansfield
Kenneth D. McKellar
Scott W. Lucas
Carl T. Hayden
Russel B. Long
John Langdon
Robert M. La Follette, Jr.
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.
William F. Knowland
Hiram W. Johnson
Henry M. Jackson
Hubert H. Humphrey
Gilbert M. Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Robert Y. Hayne
William B. Allison
Samuel Alito
Joseph T. Robinson
Geraldine Ferraro
Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.
Dick Cheney
Jack Kemp
Michael Dukakis
Pat Robertson
Richard Gephardt
Dan Quayle
Lawrence Walsh
John Poindexter
Robert McFarlane
Anthony Kennedy
David Souter
Mikhail Gorbachev
Alan Greenspan
Jeane Kirkpatrick
Caspar Weinberger
George Shultz
Alexander Haig
William Casey
David Stockman
George Bush
Nancy Reagan
William Bennett
Anita Hill
Wesley Clark
Condoleezza Rice
John Kerry
Donald Rumsfeld
John Ashcroft
Paul O'Neill
Paul Wolfowitz
George Tenet
Colin Powell
Ari Fleischer
Karl Rove
Ken Lay
Ralph Nader
Ross Perot
Henry Hyde
Kenneth Starr
Monica Lewinsky
Paula Jones
Bob Dole
Tom DeLay
Webster Hubbell
Dick Morris
Richard Holbrook
William Cohen
Strobe Talbott
Sam T. Rayburn
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Menachem Begin
Harry Delameter
Clifford Arrick
Mother Mathilda Beasley
Richard D. Arnold
Charles A. L. Lamar
David Twiggs
Hiram Revels
William H. Gist
Jonathan Gibbs
Lewis Douglass
Charles Douglass
Francis L. Cardozo
Frederick W. Seward
B.K. Bruce
Alvan Bovay
James L. Alcorn
Jesse Owens
Ralph Metcalfe
Eddie Tolan
Adolf Hitler
Hugh Mulzac
Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.
James Nabrit
Roger Jones
Benjamin Banneker
Jim Crow
John A. McLernand
Richard Coke
Horace Chilton
William Blakley
Ralph Chaplin
Tillie Pierce
Robert Remini
David Potter
Felix K. Zollicoffer
Thomas N. Williams
John Alexander McClernand
Beriah Magoffin
Charles Curtis
George B. Crittenden
Nathaniel Prentiss Banks
Narciso Lopez
John A. Quitman
Robert Neighbors
John Munroe
Henry S. Foote
David Yulee
Pierre Charles L'Enfant
Andrew Ellicott
Filippo Costaggini
Ernest Green
Yuri Gagarin
Richard B. Russel
Silas Wright, Jr.
James Gentry
Don Fehrenbacher
James Conklin
Bruce Catton
Richard Carwardine
John Bunyan
Robert H. Brown
John A. Brackenridge
William Berry
Henry Anson
Francis O. Wilcox
Henry Sturges
Burton K. Wheeler
Thomas J. Walsh
Benjamin F. Wade
Arthur H. Vandenburg
Martin Van Buren
Benjamin R. Tillman
Robert A. Taft, Sr.
John C. Spooner
Margaret Bayard Smith
Hugh D. Scott, Jr
Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr
Denton Offut
Robert Smith Todd
Alan B. Shepard, Jr.
Vicente T. Ximenes
Fidel Castro
Fulgencio Batista
Jeremiah Parson
Barbara Wylie
Burke Marshall
James Meredith
Ross Barnett
Jack Ruby
Robert Weaver
Carl Stokes
César Chávez
Walter E. Hoffman
Sirhan Bishara Sirhan
Shirley Chisholm
Neil Armstrong
Zhou Enlai
Chiang Kai-shek
Mao Zedong
Leonid Brezhnev
James McCord
Melvin R. Laird
Robert Odle
John J. Sirica
Anwar el-Sadat
Walter Mondale
Ruffin Biggs
Willem van Pelt
B. L. Wynn
William Winstead
Louis Wigfall
Ben Whitley
Rex Van Lew
Wren Tisdale
John Thorp
Kennel Tant
Jeb Stuart
J. P. Strange
Alexander Stephens
Bob Southard
Tom Short
George W. Rains
Virgil Quincy
Granbury Proctor
Francis Boyle
David Miller DeWitt
Eli Devore
John W. Dempsey
J. M. Carlisle
Manson Campbell
J. G. Butler
Robert J. Brent
Mary Branson
J. H. Bradley
David Bigley
David Barry
Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor
William W. S. Bliss
Mary Elizabeth Taylor Bliss
Emelius Pullen
Edwin Powell
Elbert G. Emack
Lucy Eure
J. D. Halyburton
Andrew Gwynn
Ernie Graaf
Avram Goldfarb
Yancey Glover
Wilhelm Gebhard
Lucius Gartrell
Bob Finney
Asbury Finch
George Faribault
Dempsey Eure
Edwin Helper
Will Dunn
Ben Drake
Charles Dimmock
Konrad de Buys
Varina Davis
Fred Darby
Rufus Daniel
Isaac Cockrell
Willie Blount
Barbara Bissett
Piet Hardie
Allison High
Jonas Perry
Mildred Childe Lee
George Pendleton
Paschall Page
John Nicolay
John Moring
Lloyd Morgan
Otis Massey
Iverson Longmire
Raeford Liles
George Lewis
David Leonard
Mary Anna Custis Lee
George Hines
Eleanor Agnes Lee
Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II
William Lacy
William Kirkland
Duncan Kenner
Preston Kelly
Henry Joyner
Cornelius Joyner
John Johns
Alsie Hopkins
Paul Dubriel
Joseph Finotti
Hamilton Jordan
Giuseppe Franzoni
Bill Donovan
Bernard Baruch
Norton I, Emperor of the United States
Robert Mills
Nicholas Gevelot
Enrico Causici
Antonio Capellano
Antonio Canova
Vinnie Ream
Pierre-Jean David d'Angers
Giuseppe Ceracchi
Harold Ickes
John Trumbull
William Penn
Sir Frank Brangwyn
Basil Biggs
William H Johnson
David Wills
John Imboden
Eliza Farnham
William Wood
Leonard Wood
William J. Donovan
Joseph McCarthy
Bernardin F. Wiggett
G. Gordon Liddy
Jody Powell
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Andrew Young
Bert Lance
Henry Jackson
Morris K. Udall
Jerry Brown
John Paul Stevens
William Colby
E. Howard Hunt
John Dean
Allen W. Dulles
Charles Percy
Nelson Rockefeller
Wilbur Mills
William Westmoreland
Robert McNamara
Theodore Sorensen
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
Theodore White
Rose Kennedy
Joseph Kennedy
Allen Dulles
James Wood
Sarah Latham Webster
James Fitzpatrick
Mary Holohan
James Lusby
Virginia Lomax
William Wallace Kirby
W. R. Kennedy
William Kelley
John F. Kelley
Andrew Kallenbach
Thomas Jenkins
James Archibald Jenkins
W. L. Hoyle
Eliza Holohan
R. H. May
Charles Holohan
Thomas Hicks
Henry Hawkins
T. M. Harris
Thomas Harney
James Hardie
A. D. Guillette
Walter Griffin
David S. Gooding
Daniel Gleason
Andrew Gardner
Ed Martin
J. B. Menu
Anna Ward
Caroline Sanderson
Jacob Walter
Henry Von Steinacker
C. H. Tomkins
Richard Sweeney
Ozwell Swann
Charles Stonestreet
George Stone
Belle Seaman
John Harrison Sanderson
Mary Murray
Foster Robinson
Thomas Robey
Andrew Robey
Floyd Riswold
Lewis Thornton Powell
George L. Porter
Joseph Nott
John H. Nothey
Sarah Neale
Richard Neale
R. D. Muzzey
William Keeler
George S. James
Henry Hotze
William Browne
W. H. C. Whiting
William F. "Baldy" Smith
George Catlin
James Campbell
Given Campbell
Armistead Burt
Waller Bullock
Abram Buford
Eli Bruce
William J. Bromwell
John Calvin Brown
Bill Briscoe
B. W. Brisbow
Frederika Bremer
William C. P. Breckinridge
Joshua B. Brant
Mary Bradford
Amanda Davis Bradford
A. B. Bradford
Hamilton Boykin
Davis Boyce
John W. Branch
Joseph Edward Dixon
William W. Bliss
Ira W. Chaflin
James Doyle
Jeremiah Dixon
Francis Cutting
George Cuthbert
George E. Cunningham
Joseph S. Conrad
Edward J. Conner
Aurelius F. Cone
James A. Chisholm
Joseph A. Carney
James Chester
Maria Weston Chapman
John Carmody
Andrew P. Butler
Charles Calistus Burleigh
Watson Brown
Thomas J. Berry
Francis Beach
Thomas C. Baylor
Robert H. Anderson
Nathan Boone
Alfred T. Bledsoe
Henry S. Farley
Charles Wheelock
LeGrand Wilson
Samuel J. Williams
Joseph Williams
George Wilcox
Benjamin W. Wilber
Edward Whittier
Stephen C. Whitehouse
W. Ross White
Thomas H. White
William Wheeler
David R. E. Winn
Cornelius Wheeler
Rufus W. Wharton
John Wellman
Stephen M. Weld
Christian Weldman
Elias Weidensaul
Charles C. Wehrum
Robert S. Watrous
Jerome Watrous
William Warren
Frederick C. Winkler
Langhorne Wister
Albert T. Bledsoe
Edward Anderson
Robert H. Bishop
George Bickley
Lewis Bates
Roger Barton
William H. Bartlett
Robert Barnwell
Alexander D. Bache
Matthew Arbuckle
D. Appleton
Samuel R. Anderson
Daniel Ammon
Thomas Withrow
Wirt Adams
Stephen Adams
John J. Abert
Louis G. Young
Henry F. Young
William N. Yeaton
Horatio Yeager
William A. Wyburn
Nathaniel A. Wright
John Witmoyer
J. H. Elliott
Charles E. Farrand
Henry C. Wall
Henry Ambrose
William Boyce
Susah Leigh Blackford
John Bills
Blind Tom Bethune
Cullen Baker
George Bagby
S. J. Anderson
Warren Ambrose
Ellsberry Ambrose
Sallie Brock
Mrs. Allston
Lawrence M. Allen
James Alcorn
Allen Wilkinson
Fred Wilkins
Abram C. Wildrick
George H. Weeks
Mary Webb
Lewis Washington
Edward R. Warner
Mason Brayman
Abram Brown
Charles J. Walker
Augusta Jane Evans
John M. Higgins
Paul Hamilton Hayne
Constance Harrison
George Washington Harris
John Berkley Grimball
John Green
Arthur Lyons Fremantle
Dora Franks
Charlotte L. Forten
Stephen Elliott
John L. Burrows
Catherine Ann Edmonston
Mrs. S. D. Drewry
James D. B. De Bow
Edward Cooper
Jaspar Collins
Henry Cleveland
Sherrard Clemens
Henry T. Clark
Charles Clark
Hetty Cary
Jonathan Walker
William Upham
Daniel Hough
Henry C. McNeill
John McLean
Ben McCulloch
T. B. M'Cormick
Arthur Livermore
Thomas J. Lee
Manning M. Kimmel
George A. Kensel
David F. Jamison
George W. Holt
Charles Mason
Josiah Henson
Hinton Helper
George E. Haynsworth
Peter Hart
James Harris
Thomas Gray
J. G. Foster
Hugh Forbes
Oliver H. Fish
Samuel S. Ferguson
John T. Magruder
Richard K. Meade
James Tallmadge
Franklin B. Sanborn
Theodore Talbot
George W. Snyder
William P. Smith
J. L. Kirby Smith
Adam Slemmer
O. R. Singleton
William Sinclair
Henry Sherman
Bill Sherman
Wilson Shannon
George Ryan
Michael P. O'Connor
Augustus G. Robinson
Henry M. Robert
Marcus A. Reno
Charles Lenox Remond
Andrew Reeder
Paul J. Quattlebaum
Louis Petigru
Lafayette Peck
Richard Parker
Frank Waller
William H. Waldron
Mary Jackson, Richmond bread riot leader
Daniel McDermott
Francis Mahler
Dan McMahon
William L. McLeod
Robert McLean
Moses McLean
James McLean
Charles W. McKay
David McIntosh
George McFarland
William McCreery
John Mansfield
C. W. McCreary
Albertus McCreary
Charles H. McConnell
Mary McAllister
James A. Lumpkin
William I. J. Lowrance
John R. Lowe
Samuel Lohr
Samuel H. Leonard
Charles Lemmon
Jefferson B. Mansfield
Emanuel Markle
George Legate
Robert W. Mitchell
Adam Muenzenberger
Henry Morrow
Roland G. Morris
Louis Morrell
Roby Moore
Jack Moore
William H. Moon
Walter Montgomery
Joseph A. Moesch
George Mills
Richard A. Marston
Francis Miller
Clyde Miller
Theodore Meysenburg
Christopher F. Merkle
Albert Mericle
John T. Mercer
Henry Meals
William H. May
John L. Marye
Edward A. Marye
Julius Leinbach
Alfred E. Lee
William B. Murphy
Andrew L. Harris
Thomas Herndon
William L. Heermance
John Hauser
William T. Haskell
Henry T. Harrison
Lloyd Harris
James I. Harris
Furguson S. Harris
Avery Harris
George Harney
Alpheus Hodges
Frank M. Harney
Amelia Harmon
John Harland
William Hardy
William M. Hammond
Don P. Halsey
James A. Hall
Daniel Hall
George Guinn
Andrew J. Grover
Thomas Hightower
J. William Hofmann
Charles N. Lawson
Michael Jacobs
John R. Lane
John A. Kress
George Kimball
James A. Kelly
Thomas B. Kelley
Marcellus Jones
Francis Jones
John O. Johnson
Aaron B. Jerome
Albert Jenkins
Henry Jacobs
Jacob Hoke
J. Warren Jackson
Allan H. Jackson
Francis Irsch
Frank Hunneycutt
Amos Humiston
Henry S. Huidekoper
Dick Huftill
Simon Hubler
William H. Howe
Jacob Hollinger
Henry Muldoon
John D. Musser
Craig Wadsworth
Levi Showalter
Albert J. Sofield
William M. Sneed
James P. Smith
Jacob Smith
Frederick Smith
Abner Smead
Abner Small
Thomas Slattery
David Slagle
Washington P. Shooter
John P. Spofford
Samuel G. Shepard
William Henry Shelton
Carrie Sheads
Levi S. Shafer
John Shafer
William Seymour
Alfred Sellers
Clark Scripture
Edward Salomon
George Sager
William J. Speed
Samuel H. Starr
John Rush
Charles Tilden
Adolphus D. Vogelbach
Andrew R. Venable
Charles Veil
William N. Ulmer
Romulus M. Tuttle
Jacob B. Turney
Vines Turner
Thomas T. Turner
John Trombean
John Ticknor
John G. Stephenson
David Thomson
J. Arthur Taylor
John Tarbox
James P. Sullivan
Roy Stone
John M. Stone
John T. Stillman
James Stewart
Belle Stewart
J. Frank Sterling
William Sackett
Reuben Ruch
Salome Myers
Albert Peck
Henry W. Pond
Andrew Pitzer
Volney Pierce
Samuel B. Pickens
Samuel Pickens
Abner M. Perrin
Charles Pergel
Alexander S. Pendleton
Samuel L. Peiffer
W. Wallace Paynton
Franklin Pratt
Gabriel Rene Paul
Francis Parker
Robert E. Park
R. Channing Page
William C. Ousby
John W. C. O'Neal
Edward R. O'Neal
Terrence O'Connor
Bert O'Connor
Joseph Newman
Alice Powers
Gilbert Prey
Thomas Rowley
Sylvester Riley
Joseph G. Rosengarten
Roswell Root
Adrian Root
Peter Rogers
E. Clayton Rogers
John Roder
William W. Robinson
James S. Robinson
Walter Robertson
Atlas K. Roberts
William Riddle
Frank Price
Hollon Richardson
Henry B. Richardson
Joseph H. Richard
Gilbert Reynolds
William H. Remington
Howard Reeder
William R. Ramsey
Edward Pye
Shepherd G. Pryor
Adolph Proskauer
William Holden
Herschel V. Johnson
Albert van de Graaff
Jessie Peters
William L. Ritter
John Risedorph
Daniel H. Reynolds
James Redfield
Alfred Ransbottom
Charles T. Quintard
William A. Quarles
Stephen W. Presstman
Philip Sidney Post
Lizzie Perkerson
Ed Rucker
Harrison Prendergast
Emerson Opdycke
Daniel Oakey
Neff Neal
W. Neal
Reuben Nations
John D. Myrick
Thomas Murrell
Samuel P. Moore
James R. Maxwell
Richard Rowett
Claudius W. Sears
John M. Maisch
Gus Smith
Henry Stone
John H. Stibbs
W. Scott Stewart
Alexander P. Stewart
Elijah Steel
F. E. P. Stafford
George Spaulding
Thomas B. Smith
James A. Smith
George Washington Smith
James A. Sexton
William M. Shy
Isaac R. Sherwood
William Tecumseh Sherman, jr.
Thomas Ewing Sherman
Mary Elizabeth Sherman
Maria Boyle Ewing Sherman
Eleanor Mary Sherman
Charles Robert Sherman
John Shellenberger
Alexander Shannon
Mary Jones Mallard
John McQuaide
Robert Strong
Alexander Chisholm
Lewis M. Dayton
Samuel A. Cunningham
Theodore Cox
S. L. Coulter
John M. Corse
Charles Copeland
James H. Connelly
Henry C. Connelly
William H. Clark
Henry A. Castle
Tristram T. Dow
John S. Casement
Theodoric Carter
Theodore Carter
John C. Carter
Fountain Branch Carter
Horace Capron
Ellison Capers
James M. Calhoun
Dolly Sumner Lunt Burge
Rice Bull
W. O. Dodd
Patrick Dowling
James McNeilly
George W. Herr
Arthur MacArthur
Charles L. Lumsden
William Ludlow
Mark Lowrey
James Ladd
Enoch D. John
James Hyde
Wiley Howard
Stuart F. Hoskinson
Sylvester Hill
W. F. Henry
Henry Otis Dwight
William R. Hartpence
William A. Hammond
Anna Maria Green
Hiram Granbury
States Rights Gist
William D. Gale
Samuel G. French
Samuel T. Foster
Mortimer Flint
Stephen Fleharty
Otho F. Strahl
Mrs. Sykes
John C. Brown
Charles Rainsford Jennison
Frederick W. E. Lohman
Pryor Lewis
Bazel Lazear
Joseph Lane
John H. Lane
Robert Klein
Thomas Jordan
Andrew Vern Emen Johnston
Jesse Johnsey
Jesse James, mill owner
Lily Mackall
Fielding Hurst
Francis Key Howard
Houston English
Tom Hines
Russell Hinds
Thomas Hindman
Samuel S. Hildebrand
Philip Henson
Bettie Hassler
Henry Thomas Harrison
Charles Russell Lowell
John B. McMaster
David Graham
F. Rennehan
James Shanks
John Scully
T. Parkin Scott
John Scobell
Lawrence Sangston
Samuel Ruth
David Ruggles
Beale Richardson
Tom Reynolds
William R. Plum
John Hanson McNeill
Charles Perley
Charles Page
Mrs. O'Bannion
Edward Norton
Albert J. Myer
James Montgomery
Walter G. Monks
Samuel C. Means
Mary Malone
George Maddox
Robert Greenhow
J. H. Gordon
Richard E. Taylor
John Young [American Civil War]
Egbert Brown
Stephen Bowerman
Charles Blair
C. G. Birbeck
Dabney Ball
John C. Babcock
Daniel Anthony
Josephine Anderson
Pierce Manning Butler Young
Henry C. Work
Charles Carter
H. Wilson
Clark R. Wever
W. A. Washburn
Edward C. Walthall
George D. Wagner
Adin Underwood
William J. Twining
John Tourtellotte
William C. Thompson
Charles R. Thompson
E. Pliny Bryan
Albert Chandler
William Wilkins Glenn
Captain Ferrandini
Harry Gilmor
Ira W. Gifford
Lieutenant Gibbs
Samuel Gholson
Mrs. George Gelson
Richard Gatling
Charles Gaston
Henry Sanford Gansevoort
William Forbes
Clinton Fisk
Samuel Ferguson
Kate Clarke
Samuel H. Felton
Jane Featherstone
Betty Duvall
George Donellan
Miss Dix
James W. Denver
Stowton Dent
Harry Davies
John D'Arcy
Archie Clement
Irving A. Buck
James Brandon
Robert Kean
John T. D. Gisiner
Mary Anna Morrison Jackson
Laura Jackson
Elinor Junkin Jackson
Eliza Hopewell
Wells J. Hawks
Kenton Harper
William Harman
John Harman
Stephen Hannas
William Gilham
Joe Kaufman
Robert Garnett
Oliver Funsten
Samuel Fulkerson
Thomas Flournoy
Robert L. Dabney
Stapleton Crutchfield
Zephaniah T. Conner
Thomas Childs
Robert P. Chew
John O. Casler
Warren Jackson
Daniel Keily
Lucy Buck
William Makepeace Thayer
Gaston Coppens
Edward K. Butler
Francis E. Brownell
Francis S. Bartow
William F. Barry
Francis C. Barlow
James G. Barker
Erastus B. Tyler
Augustus J. Turner
Francis H. Smith
John R. Kenly
Edward C. Shepherd
John Roestler
Thomas B. Robinson
Alexander Repetti
J. T. L. Preston
John M. Patton
Angus McDonald
James H. Langhorne
Peter L. Kurtz
George W. Kurtz
Jesse Burks
Michael Bowman
Arthur Cummings
Betty Herndon Maury
George F. Pierce
William Pettigrew
Benjamin Palmer
James P. Newcomb
Abraham C. Myers
Sally Moore
Marinda B. Moore
William Merrell
Henry Maury
Louis Manigault
Sarah Pryor
Mary Mallory
Judith McGuire
Mary Webster Loughborough
Augustus B. Longstreet
Joseph Le Conte
James Leach
Sidney Lanier
Ben Knight
Joseph Killibrew
James Keith
Robert K. Porter
Unus Riddle
Alexander Robinson Boteler
James Madison Wells
Billy Bowlegs
Edward Beyer
George D. Bayard
John G. Barnard
John Woolfolk
Joe Woods
John G. Winter
Charley Williams
Calvin H. Wiley
Charles Whiteside
Thomas Watts
William C. Rives
Joseph A. Turner
Henry Timrod
Francis Ticknor
James Thornwell
Ella Clanton Thomas
Kate Stone
John G. Shorter
David Shelton
Cordelia Lewis Scales
Abram Joseph Ryan
Michael Corcoran
Andrew G. Curtin
Joseph C. Boyer
Eppa Hunton
Randolph B. Marcy
Tennent Lomax
William R. Lee
Curtis Lee
Henry S. Lansing
Frederick W. Lander
William W. Lamb
Edmund Kirby
Prince François, Prince de Joinville
Truman Head
Timothy O'Meara
Robert Hatton
Clinton Hatcher
Frederick Harvey
Robert Greaves
Warren Lee Goss
James F. Gibson
Charles A. Fuller
James W. Forsyth
Thomas Egan
Richard Delafield
Alfred Mordecai
John J. Peck
Milton Cogswell
John Adams [General]
Joseph Bostick
Philip Paul Bliss
Silas Blair
Henry Blair
L. G. Bennett
William B. Bate
Orville E. Babcock
Samuel Arms
Private Arbridge
George A. Anderson
Jacob P. Wilson
Charles Philbrick
Charles B. Wildman
Reinhold Wesselhoeft
J. H. Hobart Ward
Orlando Wagner
Randolph Abbot Shotwell
Frederick D. Sewall
John Rodgers
Robert R. Roddy
Hiram W. Pursell
Roger E. Pryor
Jacob Cox
Prince Robert, Duc de Chartres
Ebenezer Dumont
James W. Jackson
William B. Ott
John Bankhead Magruder
George Brinton McClellan
Charles S. McCauley
Thomas M. Logan
Francis Lewis
Luther Ladd
Benjamin Kelley
Charles C. Jones
Benjamin Huske
Robert P. Parrott
A. P. Hubbard
Edward H. House
David Hart
Joseph Hamblin
John T. Greble
Thomas Goldsby
Robert Selden Garnett
W. M. Gardner
Nathan Evans
Bettie Duval
William Overton
Ebenezer Pierce
Silas Casey
Daniel Tyler
Thomas H. Carter
Erasmus R. Burt
William T. H. Brooks
Sanford Brooks
James Brady
Alfred Bellard
William Francis Bartlett
Alois Babo
John Jacob Astor III
George D. Wells
Frederick Townsend
Francis H. Pierpont
George H. Terrett
John Slocum
John Sheffee
Charles Sandford
Israel Richardson
Thomas Rhett
George Wythe Randolph
R. C. W. Radford
George A. Porterfield
C. R. M. Pohlé
Wharton J. Green
George T. Gordon
E. C. Smeed
John D. Johnson
Robert Kinder
Martin Kerney
William Kenzie
Jack Kelso
John Kelly
Henry Kelly
William F. Keeler
Joseph Kaplan
William Preston Johnston
George Jarves
Thomas A. Laird
F. I. Ingmire
Susan Hyde
Godfrey Joseph Hyams
Nicholas Hutchings
T. T. Hurdle
Robert W. Hunter
Mary Victorine Hunter
George Hughes
A. C. Hubbard
William T. Howell
Jessica Kuhn
Myron H. Lamson
Blaine V. Houmes
G. W. McElfresh
James Anthony Mudd
Andrew Mudd
Basil E. Moxley
William G. Moore
Theodore Micheau
Lucinda Metz
Thomas Mears
Henry Mears
William McPeck
Zedekiah McDaniel
Charles Leale
John W. McCoy
William May
Enoch Mason
Charley Lucas
Joseph T. Lowery
Benjamin J. Lossing
George Lindsley
C. H. Lieberman
W. S. Lewis
Peter B. Lenaghan
Joseph Howard, Jr.
James Holohan
Richard Dyer Mudd
Robert Foster
Z. W. Gemmill
Robert Gatewood
C. D. Gatch
Ann Garner
Mary Melita Gardiner
William Gaither
David W. Gaddy
John Frizzell
Virginia Woodbury Fox
S. T. Ford
Dickinson Gorsuch
Frank Ford
Norval E. Foard
John Fletcher
Cipriano Ferrandini
Samuel Felton
Francis R. Farrell
James Ekin
Sara Frances Dyer
Jeremiah Dyer
George W. Dutton
David E. George
Joshua Gorsuch
Lucinda Hollaway
John F. Hardy
C. D. Hess
George S. Herron
J. R. Hawley
George Hawkins
Joseph H. Hartley
William C. Harris
Thomas Harris
George A. Harrington
E. C. Harper
Thomas E. Harney
Castner Hanway
Tommy Gorsuch
Bradford Hambrick
Richard W. Hall
James O. Hall
J. C. Hall
Stephen Howler Hale
James W. Hackett
Jeremiah Gurney, Jr.
Jake Griffiths
Edwin H. Gray
Henry Gouldman
Mary Claire Mudd
Sylvester Mudd
Levi Axtell Dodd
Benjamin F. Twilley
Edwin H. Webster
William Webb
Edwin B. Webb
John H. Weaver
Roderick D. Watson
Richard Washington
Adalbert Volck
Thomas McCurdy Vincent
James H. Van Alen
Thomas R. Turner
James W. White
Soloman Townsend
Lyman Beecher Todd
John B. Todd
George B. Todd
Benjamin Tilghman
William A. Tidwell
Electus Thomas
D. C. Thomas
Walker Taylor
Sarah Knox Taylor
Charles Whitcomb
William Curtis White
Samuel C. Stuart
William Archibold Dunning
David Rankin Barbee
Julia Baker
Jean H. Baker
Aunt Charlotte
Aunt Bella
Paul Angle
Adele Logan Alexander
Lysander Spooner
James J. Hill
Edmund Wilson
Daniel Whitehurst
John C. Frémont
Joseph Zisgen
George Worcester
Janvier Woodward
Henry Woodall
Isaac J. Wistar
Dick Wilson
Lemuel Wilmer
William Williams
Frank J. Williams
Edward Swan
S. Tuberville Stuart
Patrick Murphy
C. M. Prevost
Charles W. Rosch
Franklin Roby
John Robertson
Edward Hastings Ripley
George Washington Riggs
Ronald Rietveld
Johann Richter
Joseph Queen
James Purdom
John Phoenix
Daniel H. Rucker
Louis H. Pelouze
J. M. Peddicord
Thomas Pearce
William Parker
William Padgett
James Owens
Frank O'Daniel
William Notson
Nathan Nelson
Mark E. Neely, Jr.
Theodore Roscoe
George V. Rutherford
Julia Calvert Stuart
William Simms
Silas Stringham
Kensey Johns Stewart
George E. Stevens
William H. Snyder
Richard M. Smith
Kirby Smith
George W. Smith
A. C. Smith
H. Robert Slusser
Matthew Simpson
Henry Simms
Henry S. Safford
Jean Anderson Sherwood
Vaughan Shelton
Joseph Sheldon
John A. Seddon
Jack Scroggins
G. W. Schofield
Joseph Schneider
Thomas Bradford Sanders
William Sample
John St. Helen
A. T. Donn
R. K. Dillard
W. E. Brady
Phillip Elman
Melville Weston Fuller
Felix Frankfurter
Abe Fortas
Richard Flynn
Stephen J. Field
Thomas W. Ferry
Charles Fairman
Mitsuye Endo
Dr. Emerson
T. S. Eliot
John Kenneth Galbraith
Albert Einstein
George F. Edmunds
J. H. Eaton
Gabriel Duval
W. A. Dunning
William O. Douglas
Thomas Wilson Dorr
Mr. Dooley
John Dickinson
Robert Fulton
Elbridge Gerry
Jonathan Dayton
Warren Hastings
Sarah Hamlin Batchelder
John M. Barron
Walter M. Barnes
C. C. Bangs
Henry Marcellus Bailey
Henry H. Atwater
Aquilla Allen
Edward M. Alfriend
William Hayburn
Robert H. Harrison
Thomas Gibbons
John Marshall Harlan II
John Marshall Harlan
Learned Hand
Matthew Hale, Lord Chief Justice
Robert C. Grier
Simon Greenleaf
Horace Gray
John Temple Graves
Arthur J. Goldberg
Clarence Gideon
John Dewey
H. W. Davis
Samuel H. Beckwith
Abraham Baldwin
Dr. Bonham
Samuel Blatchford
John Blair
William Blackstone
Harry A. Blackmun
Hugo Black, Jr.
Francis Biddle
Alexander Bickel
Henry Baldwin
Alfred Austin
Robert H. Bork
W. H. Auden
Matthew Arnold
Archimedes of Syracuse
John Appleton
Horatio Alger
Thomas Adams
John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton
Cyrus Edwards
Mercy Ann Levering Conkling
David Hunter Strother
Sherman M. Booth
Elias Boudinot
Peter V. Daniel
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
Oliver Cromwell
Judge Cranch
William R. Coleman
George Coldstream
Edward Coke
Nathan Clifford
John H. Clarke
Tom C. Clark
Kenneth B. Clark
Samuel Chase
Henry de Bracton
Matthew H. Carpenter
Benjamin N. Cardozo
Harold H. Burton
Edmund Burke
John W. Burgess
Henry B. Brown
David J. Brewer
William J. Brennan, Jr.
Louis D. Brandeis
Joseph P. Bradley
Edwin Bates
Edwin Bedee
David V. Derickson
August Bittersdorf
George S. Bryan
Charles D. Brown
Thomas Brooke
Henry Byron Booth
Frederick Booth
Elizabeth Booth
James Bolton
William Bland
Frederick Black
Daniel Bigley
George Washington Bunker
Bob Bergantino
William Burton Benham
Warner Baxter
Henry Atzerodt
George William Arnold
Louise Mudd Arehart
James J. Archer (
S. S. Anderson
Finley Anderson
William C. Allen
John Buckingham
J. Dominic Burch
Hannah Allen
John Corey
George W. Derby
Charles E. Davis
E. L. Davenport
Charles P. Daly
Albert Daggett
J. H. Crowell
J. R. Cronin
Cordial Crane
Charles H. Crane
B. C. Cook
Ned Burke
Daniel Mountjoy Cloud
H. V. Clinton
Lewis L. Chubb
George Christy
Joan L. Chaconas
Joseph Cantor
Robert Anson Campbell
William Byrne
John Butler
Nathan Burnham
Joshua Allen
J. G. Johnson
William H. Bennett
John P. Brophy
Alfred Cloughley
William E. Cleaver
João Celestino
Mary Ellen Cecil
Augustus R. Cazauran
Edward Carrington
Matthew W. Canning, Jr.
Lord Byron
William L. Bryant
Phillips Brooks
John L. Debonay
Maggie Branson
Thomas J. Boynton
John H. Boyle
Walter Bowie
Richard Junius Booth
Richard Booth, baptized 1759
Clementina DeBar Booth
Blanche Booth
John T. Bolton
Dick Blazer
Lorenzo Deangelis
Ely Devoe
Zadock Jenkins
Scipiano Grillo
Henry C. Jarrett
Isaac Jaquette
John H. Jack
Henrietta Irving
Timothy Ingraham
Jane Herold
William Heiss
John C. Hatter
Benjamin Gwynn Harris
Martin D. Hardin
Lawrence A. Gobright
John F. Drill
Daniel H. L. Gleason
Abram Dunn Gillette
Alfred Gibson
Sidney Gay
Will Garrett
C. C. Fulton
Newton Ferree
Leonard J. Farwell
E. A. Emerson
Joseph H. Dye
Mr. Bingham
Mrs. John Brooks
Archibald Godwin
Edwin W. Sutherland
Daniel P. Walling
Henry Wake
John L. Tuthill
Reuben Townsend
J. H. Townsend
James D. Thompson
David S. Taylor
David Tallerday
John W. Sutherland
Thomas R. Stockridge
Samuel Weaver
Thomas R. Stockdale
P. J. Stevens
Frederick A. Starring
James R. Soley
William F. Slemons
William F. Scott
Charles W. Sawtelle
Charles F. Russell
Andrew S. Routh
Mark Root
William F. Warren
George Q. White
James Robarts
Edwin G. Aylesworth
Theodore Bean
Cullen A. Battle
John H. Bassler
William C. Barnes
L. B. Barnard
David Ballenger
Ambrose N. Baldwin
Edward C. Baird
Billy Baber
Charles W. Assmussen
R. M. White
Richard Ashurst
Hezikiah L. Andrews
George von Amsberg
Arthur Allen
James Aiken
Zebulon York
William H. Wright
Clark Wright
Thomas G. Woodward
William F. Wood
Calvit Roberts
Hugh T. Reid
George Bell
Ed G. Hughes
Joseph C. Lea
John W. Lawrence
Cyrus Lathrop
W. P. Lane
John B. Kirk
John Kelso
Joseph Kargé
W. A. Johnson
James W. Hunter
James M. Hubbard
Charles E. Lippincott
Charles Hubbard
David E. Hooper
George Hollins
William R. Hoel
Samuel Henecks
John P. Hawkins
F. M. Haughey
James P. Harper
William Gwin
Thomas C. Groshon
W. M. Lewis
Thomas Littell
Thomas E. G. Ransom
E. H. Nichols
Augustus Ralston
James H. Purdy
Almon J. Pierce
Joseph Phillips
S. Ledyard Phelps
James K. Periman
Alexander M. Pennock
William H. Parsons
John Park
Elias K. Owen
Isaac D. Newell
William S. Lovell
Samuel J. Nasmith
R. S. Murphy
Joseph A. Mower
Eli Morse
Wilson McGunnegle
Miles H. McGehee
William H. McDonald
Henry E. McCollough
John D. McClain
James D. McClain
Robert K. Beecham
Alfred H. Belo
Colton Greene
John W. Daniel
John Cabell Early
Walton Dwight
William W. Dudley
Martin Douglas
Theodore Dodge
Adolphus Dobke
Hubert Dilger
James Davison
William S. Davis
Edmund Dana
Timothy E. Ellsworth
Dennis B. Dailey
Thomas J. Cureton
William Cunningham
Burlington Cunningham
Robert P. Cummins
Alanson Crosby
James Crowder
Edward Croft
Benjamin H. Crippen
Richard Coulter
Albert Edwards
Joseph A. Engelhard
Joseph T. Copeland
John Frueauff
James Glenn
William G. Glen
Leopold von Gilsa
Richard L. Gilligan
Newton J. George
John J. Garnett
Catherine Garlach
Anna Garlach
William F. Fulton
Edward Fowler
Harry Evans
Douglas Fowler
Catherine Foster
George W. Forrester
Samuel Forney
John B. Ford
Charles B. Fleet
John Fite
Louis Fischer
George Fairfield
Lucius Fairchild
Charles R. Coster
John D. S. Cook
Josiah Benner
Elijah T. Boland
Henry Brehm
George Breck
Allen G. Brady
Edmund C. Brabble
William Boyd
Samuel Boyd
William H. Bower
Bailey A. Bowen
Samuel Boone
Hans Boebel
Edward P. Brooks
William H. Blount
Asa Blanchard
John A. Blair
Lewis Bishop
George H. Biddle
Alexander Biddle
John L. Beveridge
Wilbur G. Bentley
Barry Benson
R. Tyler Bennett
Sarah Broadhead
Joseph N. Brown
John K. Connally
Thomas Chamberlin
John Conn
Cyrus B. Coiner
J. F. Coghill
James Coey
Henry P. Claire
Daniel H. Christie
William S. Christian
Newel Cheney
H. Whitney Chatfield
George Chapman
Thomas Henry Carter
Philip P. Brown
John J. Carroll
James McDowell Carrington
Frank Carr
Lorenz Cantador
John B. Callis
John Calef
Stowell L. Burnham
Henry K. Burgwyn
Abraham Buckles
Daniel Buck
Walter Q. Gresham
Jesse B. Gordon
Hallie Q. Brown
Nathaniel Bacon
Susan Emmaline Jeffords Caldwell
Nathan Burwell
James Bowdin
Daniel Boorstin
Albert Bierstadt
Ike Berry
James Bennett
Alexander Graham Bell
Ethelbert Barksdale
Thomas J. Azy
T. Morris Chester
Les Aspin
Bill Anderson
Abraham Anderson
Stephen Ambrose
Thomas T. Accrete
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria
Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher
Nathaniel P. Willis
Mary Welsh
Mary Jane Hale Welles
I. Q. Chenowith
Edward Coles
John E. Washington
Mittie Freeman
S. P. Hanscom
Nathaniel Green
Priscilla Grant
Noah Grant
Matthew Grant
Samuel Gompers
William Winkins Glenn
Wendell Phillips Garrison
Henry Clay Frick
Douglas Southall Freeman
Joel Colton
William Ford
John S. Ford
Mary Fontaine
Leonard Farwell
John Jackson Dickison
William Cranch
James Cox
Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis (
Thomas Cook
Thomas Conrad
Edgar Welles
Alexander Todd
Joyce Heth
Elizabeth Edwards
Pamela Harriman
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Ann Peck Harlan
Francis J. Grimke
Harry Gilmore
Henry Garnet
'Spot' Garland
Maggie Garland
Hugh A. Garland
Lydia Maria Child
Anson G. Henry
Thomas Carlyle
G. W. Carleton
Robert Burwell
Mary Cole Burwell
Elizabeth M. Burwell Putnam
Anne P. Burwell Garland
Anna Burwell
Joseph Bunn
Charles G. Browne
William Wells Brown
James D. Hart
Josiah Herrson
Arthur Swazey
Joseph Lovejoy
Mary Johnson Stover
William Slade
Josephine Slade
Miss Ringold
James R. Putnam
Daniel A. Payne
Prince Napoleon
'Nannie' Garland Meem
Gilbert Simrall Meem
Margaret Sumner McClean
Maria Garland Longstreet
Agnes Hobbs
Little Joe
Alberta Elizabeth Lewis-Savoy
Mrs. Walker Lewis
Walker Lewis
Amelia Lancaster
George W. D. Kirkland
Alexander Kirkland
Margaret Todd Kellogg
James Keckly
George Pleasant Hobbs
Davy Herold
Sam Hildebrand
Charles A. Gilchrist
Mary Ellet Cabell
James R. Crandall
Henry Couden
Billie Corrie
Asgill Conner
S. F. Cole
Edward E. R. Canby
James H. Campbell
Charles M. Callahan
S. Cadman
A. C. Byerly
Warren D. Crandall
Joseph C. Butler
Alexander S. Burnett
Symmes Browne
Oscar F. Brown
James C. Brooks
A. T. Bowie
David S. Booth
Tobias S. Benson
Amos Bellows
Eleazer W. Bartlett
John Crandall
George E. Currie
William Wirt Adams
Elvira Ellet
Thomas W. Garvey
Edward C. Gabaudan
LeRoy Fitch
Graham N. Fitch
Calvin G. Fisher
Charles D. Falconer
Perry Evans
Henry Erben
James W. Ellis
Richard C. Ellet
John N. Edwards
H. G. Curtis
J. C. Duncan
David M. Dryden
Sylvester Doss
Peter Dister
Elias S. Dennis
Andrew J. Dennis
Francisco V. De Coster
Adam Decker
Mrs. Smith C. Daniels
Robert Dalzell
Thomas Baldwin
William Harrow
John H. Hinton
Adolph Ochs
Charles Pinckney
Thomas Pickering
Andrew Pickens
William Peterson
Ely Parker
Elijah Parish
R. R. Palmer
James O'Neal
Richard J. Oglesby
Charles Eliot Norton
Hiram R. Revels
John Murrin
Charles Minnergerode
Walter Lowrie
Uriah Phillips Levy
Margaret Leech
Custis Lee
John T. Lampkin
Kate King
Houston Holloway
Moses Hoge
Frederic Remington
Richard Richardson
Coleman Younger
Charles Lewis Tiffany
Frank Woolworth
John Winthrop
James W. Wilson
Garry Wills
Tom Wicker
John Wesley
Stand Watie
Martin Waldseemuller
Mary Vaughn
Anthony Trollope
John Thrailkill
John Roebling
Joseph Taylor
Sue Tarleton
Thomas Sumter
Edwin H. Stoughton
Ezra Stiles
William "Extra Billy" Smith
Richard Warren Sears
John Locke Scripps
Eliza Scantling
John D. Sanborn
Larkin Skaggs
Bush Smith
Augustus Charles Hobart-Hampden
T. H. Duval
William H. Gleason
James Gifford
Francis Fitch
William Failing
Estwick Evans
William Eaton
Bernard J. Early
Jere Dyer
Joseph M. Dye
J. N. Dunbarry
Adam Herold
H. T. Drinkhouser
William H. Doherty
W. C. Dodge
Levi A. Dodd
David DeWitt
Charles Dawson
Margaret E. Crosby
William Cooper
George E. Cooper
Roy Chamlee
D. P. Henderson
Mary Porter Herold
J. George Butler
Peter Lanihan
Nelson Miles
John Miles
Richard T. Merrick
James E. Matterson
William Marvin
James M. McPherson
Francis McFall
Leonidas McAleer
J. M. McAlpine
Frank Klement
Harrison Hiss
M. W. Jacobus
Harold Hyman
Alvin P. Howe
D. H. Hoopes
Robert Holt
Mary Holt
Margaret Holt
Elizabeth Holohan
Joseph Hoare
John Hitz
Louis J. Carland
Beckie Briscoe
Tom Mudd
John Newton
Bessie Mason Alexander Ficklen
Bettie Mason Alexander
Louis Trezaunt Wigfall
Andrew B. Moore
A. Dudley Mann
Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb
Thomas H. Watts
J. B. Robertson
Carnot Posey
William L. J. Lowrance
Frank Huger
Joseph W. Latimer
June Kimble
John A. Harmon
Milton J. Ferguson
Arthur Devereux
E. Raleigh Colston
John R. Chambliss
Mary Greenhow Lee
Oliver Weems
Jeremy Francis Gilmer
Alexander Brawner
Roger Bartman
Joseph H. Bradley, Sr.
Joseph H. Bradley, Jr.
Thomas Jefferson Boynton
Francis F. Boyle
George Boutwell
Father Boucher
Eleanor Bloyce
Augustus Bissell
Theodore S. Bell
W. W. Belknap
Frank Ballard
William Ball
Johann Atzerodt
Mary Jane Arnold
A. K. Allison
William Hazen
Marry Todd Lincoln
Lara Lor-Van
Sarah Kent
Josephus Kent
Sarah Mudd
William Mudd
Sophie Vannure
Henry Aten
W. B. Bate
John Batchelor
Mary Barnett
Francis Baker
Orville Babcock
I. S. K. Axson
J. P. Austin
Thomas Atkinson
Smith Atkins
Eliza F. Andrews
Thomas Baylor
J. W. Anderson
Edward R. Ames
Sara Aldrich
Mrs. Alfred P. Aldrich
Robert N. Adams
John S. Wise
Robert Martin
Caleb Huse
Harry W. Gilmor
Sarah Emma Edmonds
Willie Baugh
James C. Bennett
Adam Rankin Johnson
Thomas Bryan
E. P. Burton
Dolly S. Burge
Munce Buford
George Buell
Mrs. Campbell Bryce
Charles S. Brown
Alonzo Brown
Mrs. Joseph Brown
Mrs. Daniel Brown
James B. Brooks
Mrs. Daniel Bennett
J. E. Brant
Lieutenant Bracht
George Bradley
David Boyd
Marie Boozer
Charles Booth
Sam Blanchard
Francis P. Blair, Sr.
William Bircher
Mary Anne Bickerdyke
Morris Shaff
Spencer Kellogg Brown
George Munger
Louis Schade
K. J. Stewart
Mary Stephens
David Stanton
Joseph Snevel
W. G. Smethen
Brooks Simpson
William L. Sharkey
Thomas Shankland
Tal P. Shaffner
Andrew Rogers
Samuel Streett
J. L. Ripple
Ellen Renshaw
Patience Powell
Oliver Powell
George Cader Powell
Benjamin Powell
Gary Planck
Charles O'Conor
Captain Noyes
J. Naylor
Charles H. Stonestreet
Mary Victorine Hunter Surratt
D. L. Yulee
Frederick Weichmann
N. D. Young
Charles H. Wood
Benjamin Wood
W. Winthrop
Nathaniel Wilson
Henry Wilding
B. F. Wiget
H. Wigand
Robert Wickliffe
William Welsh
James Watson Wallace
Charles Sweenay
Mary Van Tyne
Glyndon Van Deusen
James Underwood
Thomas Reed Turner
L. C. Turner
Hans L. Trefousse
William S. Thompson
Daniel J. Thomas
Benjamin Thomas
V. O. Taylor
Rose Vitrac
Mark Souter
S. H. M. Byers
Francis Burke
William Clendenin
Joseph Clarke
William Clark
P. W. Clark
Ida F. Clark
John Caldwell
George Cadwalader
George Bullock
John Debonay
Dan Bryant
Daniel R. Bigley
John Best
Carl Bersch
James Benton
S. H. Beckwith
Carrie Bean
Sergeant Bagley
E. R. Artman
Thomas Davis
R. C. Drum
Clara Harris
Susan Jackson
Dunbar Hylton
B. B. Hough
J. Holt
General Holt
Lucinda Holloway
T. J. Hemphill
William Cross Hazelton
Lucy Hale
George Francis
Dion Haco
James Hackett
Phineas T. Gurley
Mary Ann Griffin
Jennie Gourlay
Lillian Florence Garrett
Fannie Garrett
Cora Lee Garrett
General Gamble
Detective Franklin
John F. Kelly
Mrs. Mulligan
Seamas Donovan
Sheriff Lloyd
Ming Long
Commodore Lindsey
Little Jenny
Secretary of War Belknap
Reverend Chambers
Charlie Jones
Lily Mae
Ted Johnson
Red Niall
Mickey Clark
Ensign Johnston
Mr. McBride
Doc Hughes
Mr. Graham
Belinda Carlyle
Mr. Lowell
Captain Peterson
Lady Aurelia
Red Padraig
Lord Philip
Richard Lindsey
China Mary
Ah Lum
Desdemona Lindsey
Mr. Fitzgerald
Lord Charles Mitchell
Miss Whittington
W. R. Keim
J. R. Kenly
Hannibal Sefton
Sam Thomas
John R. Walton
T. S. Verdi
Sig Vanodi
John P. Usher
H. L. Tyng
J. W. Turner
Solomon Townsend
General Torbert
Champe Thornton
Colonel Taylor
Henry Warren
Peter Taltavul
Charles Sabin Taft
W. B. Sweitzer
Mary Swann
Mary E. Surratt
Mr. Stockton
General Stevenson
General Stevens
Ellen Stanton
Lyman Sprague
John Ware
Frank Washington
J. P. Slough
Dr. Woodward
Kevin Molloy
Livia Janvier Levesque
Benjamin January
Ned Gleet
Olympe 'Olympia Snakebones' Corbier
Dixon Miles
James Mason
Charles Harvey Brewster
Colonel Zeilin
Henry Woodland
Captain Watkins
William Withers
W. W. Winship
Parson Wilmer
Captain Willauer
William Wermerskirch
Mary Jane Welles
John Welles
H. H. Welles
Lewis Weichmann
John Weaver
William M. Smith
Sarah Slater
John Kennedy
General McDowell
Lieutenant-Colonel Morgan
J. B. Montgomery
John Millward
Clark Mills
Henry Merrick
Patrick Charles Martin
John F. Madlock
James L. Maddox
James McPhail
Charles Lucas
George Mudd
Alexander Lovett
William Wallace Lincoln
Edwin Gray Lee
Somerset Leaman
James E. Leaman
Richard Lawrence
Sergeant Koerth
Albert Freeman Africanus King
John H. Kimball
Henry Key
W. W. Morris
Sarah Frances Mudd
Frederick Seward
James W. Purdum
Frances Seward
Anna Seward
Wesley Severs
Thomas Sampson
General Rucker
Charles H. Rosch
Betsy Rollins
Franklin Robey
General Rawlins
Henry Rathbone
F. H. Pierpont
Seaton Munroe
Henry B. Phillips
J. H. Pendleton
Commander Parker
Colonel Orr
Abram B. Olin
Osborn H. Oldroyd
James O'Beirne
Basil Norris
Colonel Newport
T. Naylor
Matthew Butler
James Calhoun
Maggie Watson
Morgan Cammack
Helen Moore Carter
Frances Priscilla Howell Carter
Florence Carter
Albert G. Carter
Albert Eugene Carter
Robert Carnal
Louisa Brunot Carnal
Auguste Capdevielle
Thomas D. Cammack
Fanny Cammack
Lilly Carter
Charles W. Cammack
Mary Ann Cain
Dempsey P. Cain
Dempsey J. Cain
Thomas Butler
Sarah Hildreth Butler
Minna Bull
Mrs. Andrew G. Bull
D. P. Buckner
Howell Carter
William Carter, Jr.
Mrs. Bryan
R. L. Coffin
Lucy Daigre
Gilbert Daigre
Robert H. Crockett
N. A. Cravens
Sue Covington
J. D. Conn
John H. Comstock
Isadora Comstock
George C. Comstock
L. E. Coffin
William P. Carter
John Clark
Charles E. Clark
Mr. Christmas
Mrs. Charles E. Cate
Charles E. Cate
Thomas Castleton
Mollie Castleton
Henry Castleton
Nathan Castle
Henry Castle, Jr.
Benjamin F. Bryan
Sophia Jones Brunot
Seth David
Thomas Barker
Solomon Benjamin
Mr. Bell
Hamilton P. Bee
A. H. Beauchamp
William Beanham
Sidney Bean
Ambrose Baumstark
Cornelia Barr
Thomas 'Tom' Barker
Charles Barker
Ann Morgan Barker
Alphonse Barbot
Oscar Barbee
Wallace Badger
Mary Carter Badger
Francis Edmond Badger
C. Wallace Badger
Anna Badger
Pierre Paul Babin
Thomas Appleton
William K. Bennett
Joseph Bernard
James M. Brunot
James L. Bradford
Felix Brunot
Eugenia Brunot
Annette Brunot
J. N. Brown
Elizabeth Keller Brown
A. Porter Brown
Mrs. Brown
Mr. Breedlove
Gustave A. Breaux
Emilie Breaux
J. McPherson Bradford
Mr. Bird
J. B. Bradford
Mrs. Roger T. Boyle
Roger T. Boyle
James Bowen
Ernest Bourges
James Boswell
Leon Bonnecaze
Jules Blineau
Thompson J. Bird
Abraham Bird
Mary C. Daigre
Nannie Davidson
Nellie Worth
Charles Richardson
Justin Morrill
Joseph Elgar
John M. Carrere
George Blagden
Giovanni Andrei
James E. Whitehorne
William W. White
William Blount Shepard
Paul Jones Semmes
R. Prosper Landry
William Thornton
William E. 'Grumble' Jones
George William Imboden
Nicholas Collin Hughes
James F. Hart
John Alexander Harman
John M. Hancock
Lafayette Guild
George Malcolm Emack
John Thompson Darby
Ulrich Dahlgren
Louis C. Rabaut
George M. White
Joseph Edward Claggett
Robert Porrett Collier
Auguste Havas
John Harding
Louis Goldsborough
Jacob Garrick
Emile Erlanger
Thomas F. Drayton
John Downes
Edwin de Leon
Napoleon Collins
Tom Burroughs
Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard
John M. Browne
Homer C. Blake
Thomas Baker
Francis H. Baker
Lucien Arman
John Mercer Brockenbrough
Cornelius Boyle
Alexander Boteler
J. Keith Boswell
John Baylor
Carl von Clausewitz
Daniel Harvey Christie
Thomas Green Davidson
Susie Emily Drum
Mary Elder
Victorine Duralde
Joseph V. Duralde
Lucius Jacques Dupré
Alcée Louis Dupré
Thomas J. Duggan
N. A. M. Dudley
Jean Bertrand Duchein
Richard C. Drum
Henry Enders
Lavinia Morgan Drum
John A. Dougherty
Caleb Dortch