Figuren/CharaktereAlexis de Tocqueville

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (82)

"They Have Killed Papa Dead!": The Road to Ford's Theatre, Abraham Lincoln's Murder, and the Rage for Vengeance von Anthony Pitch
10 Books Every Conservative Must Read: Plus Four Not to Miss and One Impostor von Benjamin Wiker
After Tocqueville: The Promise and Failure of Democracy von Chilton Williamson Jr.
The Age of Jackson von Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Alexis de Tocqueville : a life von Hugh Brogan
Alexis de Tocqueville : demokratian ja vapauden moderni yhteensovittaja von Jermu Laine
Alexis de Tocqueville and American Intellectuals: From His Times to Ours von Matthew Mancini
Alexis De Tocqueville and Democracy in America von Michael G. Kammen
Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont in America: Their Friendship and Their Travels von Olivier Zunz
Alexis de Tocqueville and the art of democratic statesmanship von Brian Danoff
Alexis de Tocqueville and the Making of the Modern World von Prof Alan Donald Macfarlane
Alexis de Tocqueville and the New Science of Politics: An Interpretation of Democracy in America von John C. Koritansky
Alexis de Tocqueville, the First Social Scientist von Jon Elster
Alexis De Tocqueville. Prophet Des Massenzeitalters. von J. P. Mayer
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy's Guide von Joseph Epstein
America's First Dynasty: The Adamses, 1735–1918 von Richard Brookhiser
American Journey: Traveling With Tocqueville in Search of Democracy in America von Richard Reeves
Aristocratic liberalism : the social and political thought of Jacob Burckhardt, John Stuart Mill, and Alexis de Tocqueville von Alan S. Kahan
C-SPAN's Traveling Tocqueville's America: Retracing the 17-state tour that inspired Alexis de Tocqueville's poltical classic Democracy in America von Anne Bentzel
The Cambridge Companion to Tocqueville von Cheryl B. Welch
Charles Babbage and the Engines of Perfection von Bruce Collier
Conservatism: Dream and Reality von Robert Nisbet
The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot von Russell Kirk
Democracy and American Foreign Policy : Reflections on the Legacy of Tocqueville von Robert Strausz-Hupe
The Dictionary of Liberal Thought von Duncan Brack
Erinnerungen von Alexis de Tocqueville
Essays on politics and society von John Stuart Mill
Europe: Grandeur and Decline von A. J. P. Taylor
The Fire of His Genius: Robert Fulton and the American Dream von Kirkpatrick Sale
The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression von Amity Shlaes
France 1789-1815 von Donald M.G. Sutherland
French Political Thought from Montesquieu to Tocqueville: Liberty in a Levelled Society? von Annelien de Dijn
Eine Geschichte des amerikanischen Volkes von Howard Zinn
The Godless Constitution: A Moral Defense of the Secular State von Isaac Kramnick
Happy: Why More or Less Everything is Absolutely Fine von Derren Brown
History Vol. L No. 169 June 1965 (The Journal of the Historical Association) von Historical Associationreview article
The ideal of Alexis de Tocqueville von Manning Clark
Imperfect Garden: The Legacy of Humanism von Tzvetan Todorov
Individual choice and the structures of history : Alexis de Tocqueville as historian reappraised von Harvey Mitchell
Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism von Michelle Goldberg
Lebendiges politisches Erbe : freiheitliches Gedankengut von Burke bis Santayana; 1790 - 1958 von Russell Kirk
The Liberal Tradition in America von Louis Hartz
Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto von Mark R. Levin
Liberty, equality, and revolution in Alexis de Tocqueville von Irving M. Zeitlin
Lincoln as I Knew Him: Gossip, Tributes, and Revelations from His Best Friends and Worst Enemies von Harold Holzer
Lives of the Mind: The Use and Abuse of Intelligence from Hegel to Wodehouse von Roger Kimball
Main Currents in Sociological Thought, Volume 1 von Raymond Aron
The making of Tocqueville's America : law and association in the early United States von Kevin Butterfield
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming von Naomi Oreskes
Das Milgram-Experiment: Zur Gehorsamsbereitschaft gegenüber Autorität von Stanley Milgram
A Necessary Evil: A History of American Distrust of Government von Garry Wills
Parrot und Olivier in Amerika von Peter Carey
Phantom Terror: Political Paranoia and the Creation of the Modern State, 1789-1848 von Adam Zamoyski
The Place of Religion in the Liberal Philosophy of Constant, Tocqueville, and Lord Acton von Ralph Raico
Political Theory: The Classic Texts and Their Continuing Relevance von Joshua Kaplan
The Politics of Prudence von Russell Kirk
Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia von E. Digby Baltzell
Religion in a Revolutionary Age von Ronald Hoffman
The Roads to Modernity: The British, French, and American Enlightenments von Gertrude Himmelfarb
Ein säkulares Zeitalter von Charles Taylor
Slottet : en essä om Alexis de Tocqueville von Anders Ehnmark
The social and political thought of Alexis de Tocqueville von Jack Lively
Soft Despotism, Democracy's Drift: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, and the Modern Prospect von Paul Anthony Rahe
StatusAngst. von Alain De Botton
The strange liberalism of Alexis de Tocqueville von Roger Boesche
Theories of Democracy: A Reader von Ronald J. Terchek
Tocqueville von Jacques Coenen-Huther
Tocqueville and the old regime von Richard Herr
Tocqueville between Two Worlds: The Making of a Political and Theoretical Life von Sheldon S. Wolin
Tocqueville in America von George Wilson Pierson
Tocqueville on American Character: Why Tocqueville's Brilliant Exploration of the American Spirit is as Vital and Important Today as It Was Nearly Two Hundred Years Ago von Michael A. Ledeen
The Tocqueville Reader: a Life in Letters and Politics von Olivier Zunz
Tocqueville's Political and Moral Thought: New Liberalism von M. R. R. Ossewaarde
Tocqueville: A Biography von André Jardin
Tocqueville: A Very Short Introduction von Harvey C. Mansfield
Tocqueville: L'Apprentissage de la liberté (Le bien commun) von Laurence Guellec
Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty von Lucien Jaume
The Two Tocquevilles, Father and Son: Herve and Alexis de Tocqueville on the Coming of the French Revolution (Princeton Legacy Library) von R. R. Palmer
Virtue and the Promise of Conservatism: The Legacy of Burke and Tocqueville von Bruce Frohnen
Vrijheid, gelijkheid en de broederschap van Kain en Abel: Getuigenissen en documenten over de Franse Revolutie von E.M. Janssen Perio
Words in Time: Social History of English Vocabulary von Geoffrey Hughes
Der zaudernde Citoyen. Rückschritt und Fortschritt in der Französischen Revolution von Simon Schama