Figuren/CharaktereJoseph E. Johnston

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (106)

"They Have Killed Papa Dead!": The Road to Ford's Theatre, Abraham Lincoln's Murder, and the Rage for Vengeance von Anthony Pitch
"To Prepare for Sherman's Coming": The Battle of Wise's Forks, March 1865 von Wade Sokolosky
1862 von Robert Conroy
Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate States Armies von John Bell Hood
After the War: The Lives and Images of Major Civil War Figures After the Shooting Stopped von David Hardin
American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies von Michael W. Kauffman
The American Civil War von Winston S. Churchill
Der Amerikanische Bürgerkrieg von John Keegan
April 1865: The Month That Saved America von Jay Winik
The Army of Tennessee von Stanley F. Horn
The Assassination: Death of the President von Champ Clark
Atlanta von Jacob D. Cox
Atlanta 1864: Last Chance for the Confederacy von Richard M. McMurry
Autumn of Glory: The Army of Tennessee, 1862-1865 von Thomas Lawerence Connelly
Battle at Bull Run: A History of the First Major Campaign of the Civil War von William C. Davis
The Battle Of Bentonville: Last Stand In The Carolinas von Mark L. Bradley
The Beleaguered City: The Vicksburg Campaign, December 1862-July 1863 (Modern Library) von Shelby Foote
Bentonville: The Final Battle of Sherman and Johnston von Nathaniel Cheairs Hughes Jr.
Den bittra fejden : nordamerikanska inbördeskriget 1861-1865 von Göran Rystad
Blood on the Moon: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln von Jr. Edward Steers
Campbell Brown's Civil War: With Ewell and the Army of Northern Virginia von Terry L. Jones
A Chain of Thunder: A Novel of the Siege of Vicksburg von Jeff Shaara General
Civil War Battles von Curt Johnson
Civil War Commanders von T. J. Stiles
The Civil War in North Carolina von John G. Barrett
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville von Shelby Footeas Joseph Eggleston Johnston
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian von Shelby Foote
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 3: Red River to Appomattox von Shelby Foote
The Civil War: An Illustrated History von Geoffrey C. Ward
Co. Aytch: A Confederate Memoir of the Civil War von Sam R. Watkins
Confederate Admiral: The Life and Wars of Franklin Buchanan von Craig L. Symonds
Confederate Generals in the Western Theater, Vol. 1: Classic Essays on America's Civil War (Western Theater in the Civil War) von Lawrence L. Hewitt
Confederate Military History, a Library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, Mississippi von Charles E. Hooker
The Confederate Nation 1861-1865 von Emory M. ThomasConfederate
Confederate Ordeal: The Southern Home Front von Steven A. Channing
The Confederate War von Gary W. Gallagher
Decision in the West: The Atlanta Campaign of 1864 von Albert E. Castel
Decoying the Yanks: Jackson's Valley Campaign von Champ Clark
Divided We Fought: A Pictorial History of the War 1861-1865 von Hirst Dillon Milhollen
Elizabeth Van Lew: Civil War Spy (Signature Lives: Civil War Era) von Heidi Schoof
Ellet's Brigade : the strangest outfit of all von Chester G. Hearn
Fighting for the Confederacy: The Personal Recollections of General Edward Porter Alexander von Edward Porter Alexander
The Final Fortress : The Campaign for Vicksburg 1862-1863 von Samuel Carter
First Blood: Fort Sumter to Bull Run von William C. Davis
Forward to Richmond: McClellan's Peninsular Campaign von Ronald H. Bailey
Frock Coats and Epaulets: Psychological Portraits of Confederate Military and Political Leaders von Alf J. Mapp, Jr.
Für die Freiheit sterben. Die Geschichte des amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges von James M. McPherson
A Gallant Little Army: The Mexico City Campaign von Timothy D. Johnson
General J. E. Johnston and G.T. Beauregard at the Battle of Manassas, July, 1861 von Gustavus W. Smith
General James Longstreet: The Confederacy's Most Controversial Soldier von Jeffry D. Wert
General Lee's Army: From Victory to Collapse von Joseph Glatthaar
Generals South, Generals North: The Commanders of the Civil War Reconsidered von Alan Axelrod
Gettysburg von Stephen W. Sears
Gone for Soldiers von Jeff Shaara Captain
A history of the Sixth Iowa infantry, von Henry H. Wright
An Honorable Defeat: The Last Days of the Confederate Government von William C. Davis
Joseph E. Johnston and the Defense of Richmond von Steven H. Newton
Joseph E. Johnston: A Different Valor (The Civil War Library Series) von Gilbert E. Govan
Joseph E. Johnston; a Civil War Biography von Craig L. Symonds
Kennesaw Mountain: Sherman, Johnston, and the Atlanta Campaign von Earl J. Hess
The Killing Ground: Wilderness to Cold Harbor von Gregory Jaynes
Leaders of the Lost Cause: New Perspectives on the Confederate High Command von Gary W. Gallagher
Lee Takes Command: From Seven Days to Second Bull Run von John L. Papanek
Lincoln as I Knew Him: Gossip, Tributes, and Revelations from His Best Friends and Worst Enemies von Harold HolzerConfederate General
Lincoln's Avengers: Justice, Revenge, and Reunion after the Civil War von Elizabeth D. Leonard
Lincoln's Lieutenants: The High Command of the Army of the Potomac von Stephen W. Sears
Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer von James L. Swanson
Master of War: The Life of General George H. Thomas von Benson Bobrick
Moore's Historical Guide To The Battle Of Bentonville von Mark A. Moore
The Most Glorious Fourth: Vicksburg and Gettysburg, July 4, 1863 von Duane P. Schultz
Murdering Mr. Lincoln: A New Detection of the 19th Century's Most Famous Crime von Charles Higham
Narrative of Military Operations Directed during the Late War between the States von Joseph E. Johnston
The Nation Reunited: War's Aftermath von Richard W. Murphy
Never for Want of Powder: The Confederate Powder Works in Augusta, Georgia von C. L. Bragg
North Carolina: The Final Battles (Civil War Regiments , Vol 6 No 1) von Mark Snell
Nothing but Victory: The Army of the Tennessee, 1861-1865 von Steven E. Woodworth
The Old North State at War; The North Carolina Civil War Atlas von Mark A. Moore
One Gallant Rush: Robert Gould Shaw and His Brave Black Regiment von Peter Burchard
Partners in Command: The Relationships Between Leaders in the Civil War von Joseph GlatthaarConfederate General
Raleigh: Capital of North Carolina von Federal Writers Project
A River Unvexed: A History and Tour Guide to the Campaign for the Mississippi River (The Civil War Campaigns Series) von Jim Miles
Robert E. Lee: A Life von Allen C. Guelzo
A Scythe of Fire: A Civil War Story of the Eighth Georgia Infantry Regiment von Warren Wilkinson
Sherman's March von Burke Davis
Sherman's March: Atlanta to the Sea von David Nevin
Spies, Scouts, and Raiders: Irregular Operations von William C. Davis
Stars in Their Courses : The Gettysburg Campaign, June-July 1863 von Shelby Foote
Stonewall Jackson as Military Commander von John Selby
The Struggle for Tennessee: Tupelo to Stones River von James H. Street
Texas and New Mexico on the eve of the Civil War : the Mansfield and Johnston inspections, 1859-1861 von Jerry Thompson
Their Tattered Flags von Frank E. Vandiver
This Astounding Close: The Road to Bennett Place von Mark L. Bradley
To the Gates of Richmond: The Peninsula Campaign von Stephen W. Sears
Triumph and Defeat: The Vicksburg Campaign von Terrence J. Winschel
Two Great Rebel Armies: An Essay in Confederate Military History von Richard M. McMurry
Van Dorn: The Life and Times of a Confederate General von Robert G. Hartje
Vicksburg 1863: Grant Clears the Mississippi von Alan Hankinson
Vicksburg and the Opening of the Mississippi River, 1862-63: a history and guide prepared for Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi (Handbook) von Division of Publications *
Vicksburg Is the Key: The Struggle for the Mississippi River von William L. Shea
Vicksburg: The Campaign That Opened the Mississippi von Michael B. Ballard
War on the Mississippi: Grant's Vicksburg Campaign von Jerry Korn
War So Terrible: Sherman and Atlanta von James L. McDonough
War Songs and Poems of the Southern Confederacy 1861-1865 von H. M. Wharton
The Web of Victory: Grant at Vicksburg von Earl Schenck Miers
When the Bells Tolled for Lincoln: Southern Reaction to the Assassination von Carolyn L. Harrell
Worthy Opponents: William T. Sherman and Joseph E. Johnston: Antagonists in War-Friends in Peace von Edward G. Longacre