Autoren-Cloud für Neil_Burkinshaw

Edwin A. Abbott(1) Douglas Adams(6) John Joseph Adams(1) Kenneth Bulmer(14) Brian W. Aldiss(34) Nelson Algren(1) Nina Allan(1) Kingsley Amis(1) Kevin J. Anderson(8) Poul Anderson(26) Michael Andrews(1) Piers Anthony(2) Lou Aronica(2) Neal Asher(7) Mike Ashley(1) Isaac Asimov(64) Janet and Isaac Asimov(1) Pierce Askegren(1) Robert Asprin(2) Jane Austen(1) No Author.(1) James Baen(2) Hilary Bailey(1) J. G. Ballard(10) Brian N. Ball(1) Iain Banks(13) Iain M. Banks(15) Ralph Barker(1) Stephen Baxter(10) Stephen & Terry Pratchett Baxter(3) Barrington J. Bayley(4) Greg Bear(4) Boris Beizer(1) Gregory Benford(7) D. R. Bensen(1) Alexander Besher(1) Alfred Bester(8) Lloyd Biggle, Jr.(6) John Blackburn(1) Everett F. Bleiler(1) James Blish(31) Chay Blyth(1) Tom Boardman(1) Kyril Bonfiglioli(2) Desirina Boskovich(1) Ben Bova(18) Chris Boyce(1) John Boyd(1) Leigh Brackett(1) Ray Bradbury(5) David Brin(11) Charles N. Brown(1) Eric Brown(2) Fredric Brown(5) John Brunner(30) Edward Bryant(1) Algis Budrys(2) Lois McMaster Bujold(1) Anthony Burgess(1) Sue Burke(1) F. M. Busby(2) John Bushby(1) Shaun Bythell(3) Pat Cadigan(1) Martin Caidin(2) Steven Caldwell(4) Jack Campbell(9) James Campbell(1) John W. Campbell(6) Orson Scott Card(7) John Carnell(23) Terry Carr(2) Lin Carter(1) Jeffrey A. Carver(1) John Castle(1) Jack L. Chalker(1) A. Bertram Chandler(11) Perry A. Chapdelaine(1) Charles E. Fritch -(1) C. J. Cherryh(2) Robert Chilson(1) Arthur C. Clarke(27) Hal Clement(5) Michael Cobley(3) Theodore R. Cogswell(1) Richard Collier(1) Michael G. Coney(4) Groff Conklin(1) Michael Conner(1) Edmund Cooper(25) Viscount Norwich Duff Cooper(1) James S. A. Corey(1) Richard Cowper(1) Richard Cox(1) Michael Crichton(2) Edmund Crispin(2) John Crosby(1) John Crowley(1) Clive Cussler(5) Hjalti Danielsson(1) Clark Darlton(6) Peter Davison(2) Richard Davis(1) Richard Davis(3) Martyn Dean(1) Patrick Dearen(1) Len Deighton(1) Samuel R. Delany(10) Lester del Rey(1) John Denis(2) August Derleth(1) Philip K. Dick(28) Gordon R. Dickson(18) Thomas M. Disch(4) Donald and Terry Wollheim and Carr(1) Stephen Donaldson(1) David Drake(1) Spencer Dunmore(1) Malcolm Edwards(1) Steven Eisler(1) Harlan Ellison(7) Roger Elwood(3) John Fairfax(1) Philip José Farmer(33) Phil Farrand(2) Mick Farren(3) John Russell Fearn(1) Austin Ferguson(1) Alex Finer(1) Nicholas Fisk(1) Frederick Forsyth(2) Robert L. Forward(3) Chris Foss(7) Alan Dean Foster(12) Rupert Furneaux(1) Stephen Gallagher(1) Daniel F. Galouye(3) John Gardner(1) Martin Gardner(1) Brian Garfield(1) David S. Garnett(1) David Gerrold(1) William Gibson(4) Tom Godwin(1) Elinor Mavor(1) Ron Goulart(1) Robin L. Graham(1) Edwyn Gray(3) James Grazier(1) Andrew M. Greeley(1) Terry Greenhough(2) Colin Greenland(1) William Greenleaf(1) John Gregory(1) John Gribbin(1) Jon Courtenay Grimwood(2) Ursula K. Le Guin(3) Lindsay Gutteridge(2) Joe Haldeman(11) Adam Hall(1) Angus Hall(1) Peter F. Hamilton(22) Charles L. Harness(2) Harry Harrison(41) M. John Harrison(7) Robert Coover et al Harry Harrison and Brian Aldiss (Editors); Robert Silverberg(1) Raymond Hawkey(1) Robert A. Heinlein(29) Frank Herbert(19) Christopher Hibbert(1) Douglas Hill(1) Edward D. Hoch(1) Christopher Hodder-Williams(1) James P. Hogan(2) Robert Holdstock(1) John Eric Holmes(1) Robert Hoskins(1) David Houston(1) David Howarth(1) John Howlett(1) Fred Hoyle(5) FRED & GEOFFREY HOYLE(1) Trevor Hoyle(3) L. Ron Hubbard(1) Thomas J. Hubschman(1) Lawrence Huff(1) C. Hyde(1) Ray Asimov Isaac, Bloch, Bradbury etc Robert(1) Basil Jackson(1) John Jakes(1) Laurence James(4) P. D. James(1) Geoffrey Jenkins(13) Walter M. Miller, Jr.(2) Colin Kapp(4) William Katz(1) Leo P. Kelley(5) John Kelly(1) Arthur Kent(1) John and James Patrick Kelly Kessel(1) Daniel Keyes(1) Noel Keyes(1) K. H. Scheer and Kurt Mahr(1) Garry Kilworth(1) Donald Kingsbury(1) Kingsley Amis & Robert Conquest(1) Vincent King(1) Gérard Klein(1) Damon Knight(12) Dani Kollin(1) C. M. Kornbluth(2) William Kotzwinkle(1) Mary Robinette Kowal(1) Michael Kring(2) Henry Kuttner(2) Duncan Kyle(5) Ray Kytle(1) R. A. Lafferty(3) David Langford(1) Keith Laumer(5) David Lavallee(1) Lawrence m Janifer (ed)(1) Marianne Leconte(1) Donald Lehmkuhl(1) Fritz Leiber(4) Murray Leinster(3) C. S. Lewis(2) Brad Linaweaver(1) Douglas Lindsay(1) Alun Llewellyn(1) Charles Logan(1) Barry B. Longyear(5) James Lovegrove(1) Maja Lunde(1) Richard A. Lupoff(4) Gavin Lyall(2) John Lymington(2) David Mace(2) R. W. Mackelworth(2) Ken MacLeod(9) Axel Madsen(1) Kurt Mahr(4) Barry N. Malzberg(2) Ted Mancuso(1) Phillip Mann(2) Dave Marinaccio(1) Arkady Martine(1) George R. R. Martin(5) Peter Matthiessen(1) Paul J. McAuley(2) Anne McCaffrey(7) Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey(1) Wil McCarthy(1) Michael McCollum(2) Richard McEnroe(3) Mark J. McGarry(1) J. T. McIntosh(1) Mike McQuay(1) Richard C. Meredith(2) Judith Merril(4) China Miéville(4) John Miller(1) Robert P. Mills(1) David Mitchell(2) Naomi Mitchison(1) Walter Moers(1) Donald Moffitt(1) Richard Edwin Mooney(1) Michael Moorcock(7) C.L. Moore(1) Richard Morgan(2) John Morressy(3) Sam Moskowitz(2) John E. Muller(1) Lars Mytting(1) Sylvain Neuvel(3) Richard Newman(1) Peter Nicholls(2) Niven(12) Larry Niven(26) O. S. Nock(1) William F. Nolan(1) Edmund H and Franklin North and Coen(1) Claire North(1) Andre Norton(1) Warren Norwood(2) Alan E. Nourse(1) Kevin O'Donnell(1) Andrew J. Offutt(1) George Orwell(1) Adam Oyebanji(1) Thomas Page(1) Alexei Panshin(1) Michel Parry(2) Ludek Pesek(1) Ellis Peters(1) C. E. Lucas Phillips(1) H. Beam Piper(2) Charles Platt(1) Teresa Plowright(1) Pohl(7) Frederik Pohl(33) Hugh Popham(1) Jerry Pournelle(11) Neil Powell(1) Terry Pratchett(1) Christopher Priest(4) David Pringle(1) David Pryce-Jones(1) Davis Publications(1) John Rankine(1) Robert Rankin(1) Rick Raphael(3) Alastair Reynolds(19) Alfred Reynolds(1) Mack Reynolds(10) Adam Roberts(2) Keith Roberts(5) Kim Stanley Robinson(7) Spider Robinson(2) Michael Scott Rohan(1) William Rollo(1) Adam Rowe(1) Eric Frank Russell(16) Fred Saberhagen(3) Janet Sacks(1) John Sandford(1) K. H. Scheer(3) Walter K.H.; Ernsting Scheer(1) Bob Shaw(23) Robert Shea(3) Robert Sheckley(14) Charles Sheffield(3) Lewis Shiner(1) Tom Shippey(1) Robert Silverberg(39) Clifford D. Simak(36) Dan Simmons(5) John Sladek(4) Cordwainer Smith(1) E. E. Smith(27) George O. Smith(2) Warren Smith(1) Norman Spinrad(7) Brian Stableford(22) Olaf Stapledon(2) Bill Starr(1) Roy Stemman(1) Neal Stephenson(5) Jack Stoneley(1) Jonathan Strahan(1) Philip Strick(1) Charles Stross(7) Bradbury / Oliver / Sturgeon(1) Theodore Sturgeon(4) Rob Swigart(1) Peter Tanous(1) Dennis E. Taylor(4) Adrian Tchaikovsky(3) Patrick Tilley(1) James Tiptree Jr.(2) J. R. R. Tolkien(1) E. C. Tubb(1) Wilson Tucker(4) George Turner(1) Harry Turtledove(1) unknown author(3) Tom Valentine(1) Jack Vance(15) A. E. van Vogt(45) Robert E. Vardeman(1) John Varley(4) Jules Verne(2) Alan John Villiers(1) Joan D. Vinge(1) Vernor Vinge(5) Kurt Vonnegut(3) Jetse de Vries(1) Mark Walden(1) David Walker(1) Ian Watson(16) Peter Watts(1) Ian Weekley(1) Ellis Weiner(1) Andy Weir(2) H. G. Wells(2) Robert Wells(1) Peter Weston(3) James White(12) Kate Wilhelm(3) Amabel Williams-Ellis(1) Jack Williamson(8) Colin Wilson(6) John Winton(1) Gene Wolfe(7) Donald A. Wollheim(1) Philip Wylie(1) John Wyndham(13) Chelsea Quinn Yarbro(1) Frank M. Robinson Young, Cyril Kornbluth and others. Roger Flint.(1) Robert F. Young(1) Timothy Zahn(2) George Zebrowski(4) Roger Zelazny(14)