Autoren-Cloud für patrickhalbrook

Floyd Abrams(1) Beth Ackerman(1) Jay E. Adams(1) Mortimer J. Adler(1) Jonathan Aitken(1) Randy Alcorn(1) Stephen E. Ambrose(1) The Modern Language Association of America(1) James N. Anderson(1) Ryan T. Anderson(1) Sarah Bauer Anderson(1) Andrew(1) Michael Anthony(1) Richard I. Arends(1) Hannah Arendt(1) Roger Ariew(1) Herbert W. Armstrong(1) Karen Armstrong(1) Larry Arnn(1) Alan Arroyo(1) Gayle A. Asch(1) Bülent Atalay(1) Abu Atallah(1) David J. Atkinson(1) Robert Audi(1) Marcus Aurelius(1) A. J. Ayer(1) Edward L. Ayers(1) Nigel Bagnall(1) Greg L. Bahnsen(1) Chris Bail(1) Mike Baker(1) Gerald J. Baldasty(1) Larry Ball(1) James M. Banner(1) John Barber(1) Harry Elmer Barnes(1) Sylvan Barnet(1) John M. Barry(1) Norman P. Barry(1) Jacques Barzun(4) Susan Wise Bauer(3) Tom L. Beauchamp(1) Gavin de Becker(1) Samuel Beckett(1) Lewis White Beck(1) Robert Nelson Beck(1) William David Beck(1) Stephen Beers(1) Kevin Belmonte(2) Jules R. Benjamin(1) William J. Bennett(1) David W. Bercot(2) Louis Berkhof(1) Eric Berne(1) Alain Besançon(1) Michael R. Beschloss(1) Henry Bettenson(1) Simon Blackburn(1) Jeremy Black(1) Bob Blaisdell(1) Drew Blankman(1) Henri Blocher(1) David L. Block(1) Allan Bloom(1) Peter Boghossian(1) Dietrich Bonhoeffer(2) Daniel Boorstin(1) Marcus J. Borg(2) Robert H. Bork(1) Paul Borthwick(2) Jerry Bowyer(1) Charles F. Boyd(1) Gregory A. Boyd(1) Paul Boyer(1) Paul S. Boyer(2) Rick Boyer(1) Paul Brand(1) Janel Breitenstein(1) Alan Brinkley(1) Baruch A. Brody(1) Geoffrey W. Bromiley(1) Brother of the Resurrection Lawrence(1) Colin Brown(1) John Brown(1) Michael L. Brown(1) F. F. Bruce(1) Roger A. Bullard(1) Dave Burgess(1) Gracia Burnham(1) L. Russ Bush(1) Claudia L. Bushman(1) Ned Bustard(1) Bill Butterworth(1) Thomas Cahill(1) Susan Cain(1) Earle E. Cairns(1) Kutter Callaway(1) John Calvin(2) Ron Cameron(1) W. C. Campbell-Jack(1) Joseph Campbell(2) Ergun Mehmet Caner(1) Lee Canter(1) Michael Carrithers(1) Ben Carson(1) Jimmy Carter(1) Stephen L. Carter(2) Manuel Castells(1) Baldassare Castiglione(1) Luke Cawley(1) Francis Chan(1) Gary D. Chapman(1) J. Daryl Charles(1) G.K. Chesterton(3) James F. Childress(1) David Christie-Murray(1) Winston S. Churchill(1) Paul A. B. Clarke(1) Kenneth Clark(1) Roy Peter Clark(1) Tim Clinton(1) Frank Close(1) Charles T. Clotfelter(1) Henry Cloud(2) Rosetta Cohen(1) Charles W. Colson(2) Steve Corbett(1) Winfried Corduan(1) Mike Cosper(1) Arthur L. Costa(1) Martin Cothran(2) Ann Coulter(1) Sean Covey(1) Lawrence J. Crabb(1) Daniel A. Crane(1) Matthew B. Crawford(1) Reverend Ronald Creighton-Jobe(1) David F. Crew(1) F. L. Cross(1) Robert Cumming(1) Dean C. Curry(1) Bob Cutillo(1) Marsha Daigle-Williamson(1) Arthur C. Danto(1) Martin Davie(1) John Jefferson Davis(1) Stephen F. Davis(1) Andrew Delbanco(1) Gary DeMar(1) René Descartes(1) James W. 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Foreman(1) The Editors of Fortune(1) Richard J. Foster(2) John Foxe(1) John M. Frame(1) Audrey Frank(1) Benjamin Franklin(1) Viktor Frankl(1) Sigmund Freud(1) Milton Friedman(1) Bruce Frohnen(1) Erich Fromm(1) Full Cast(1) Connel Fullenkamp(1) Cheri Fuller(1) Frank E. Gaebelein(1) Carmine Gallo(1) Steven Garber(1) Patrick Gardiner(1) Howard Gardner(1) Duane Garner(1) José Ortega y Gasset(1) Christopher Gehrz(1) Tim Geiger(1) Norman L. Geisler(5) Harry Gensler(1) George(1) Jamie George(1) Robert P. George(1) Elizabeth Gerhardt(1) Martin Gilbert(1) S Gill(1) Ken Gire(1) Harry K. Girvetz(1) Terry W. Glaspey(1) Karen Glass(1) Dana Goldstein(1) Daniel Goleman(1) E. H. Gombrich(1) Wayde Goodall(1) David W. Gooding(1) Peter W. Gosnell(1) Diane C. Gossen(1) Gerald Graff(1) George Grant(4) J.D. Greear(1) Christopher Green(1) Theodore M. Greene(1) Joel B. Green(1) Thomas H. Greer(1) Norman E. Gronlund(1) Barna Group(1) Barbara Gruber(1) Wayne Grudem(2) Os Guinness(4) David Guretzki(1) Amy Gutmann(1) Gary R. Habermas(1) Jonathan Haidt(1) Trish Hall(1) Ken Ham(1) Hank Hanegraaff(2) Victor Davis Hanson(1) C. E. Harris(1) Harrison(1) Tish Harrison Warren(1) Sam Harris(1) D. G. Hart(1) Thom Hartmann(1) Roderick P. Hart(1) Jeremy Harwood(1) William Hasker(1) Nathan O. Hatch(1) Stanley Hauerwas(1) Gary A. Haugen(1) Stephen Hawking(2) F. A. Hayek(1) Michael Haykin(1) Richard B. Hays(1) Steven F. Hayward(1) Harold Hazelip(1) Henry Hazlitt(1) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1) David B. Hegeman(1) Muḥammad Ḥasanayn Haykal(1) Robert L. Heilbroner(1) Robert Heineman(1) Virginia Held(1) Nancy G. Heller(1) Howard G. Hendricks(1) Mark C. Henrie(1) Carl F. H. Henry(1) Abraham Joshua Heschel(1) Walt Heyer(1) Paul Heyne(1) John Hick(2) Michael Hidalgo(1) Jonathan Hill(1) Tim Hindle(1) Thomas Hine(1) Deana Hippie(1) E. D. Hirsch(3) Thomas Hobbes(1) Anthony A. Hoekema(1) Albert Hofstadter(1) Roland Hoksbergen(1) Amy Hollingsworth(1) Arthur Frank Holmes(1) Ana Homayoun(1) Mark Horne(1) Grant Horner(1) Walter E. Houghton(1) Ben House(1) Donald R. House(1) Ben Hubbard(1) Gladys Hunt(1) Tony Husband(1) I. A. Ibrahim(1) Kyle Idleman(2) Henry F. Schaefer(1) inc Theology Of Work Project(1) Ravi Jain(1) Elizabeth James(1) Jennifer Hauver James(1) William James(1) Malcolm A. Jeeves(1) Thomas Jefferson(1) Philip Jenkins(1) Ji-li Jiang(1) John Dewey (Author); Jo Ann Boydston (Editor); Harriet Furst Simon (Textual Editor); Stephen Toulmin (Introduction)(1) John H. Ball and Philip Rollinson(1) Eric L. Johnson(1) Kevin Orlin Johnson(1) LouAnne Johnson(1) Luke Timothy Johnson(1) Oliver A. Johnson(1) Paul Johnson(2) Phillip E. Johnson(2) Jeremiah J. Johnston(1) E. Michael Jones(1) Timothy Paul Jones(1) James B. Jordan(2) Armand M. Nicholi Jr.(1) Gleason L. Archer Jr.(1) James K. Dew Jr.(1) R. Albert Mohler, Jr.(2) Thomas E. Woods(1) Voddie Baucham, Jr.(1) Thomas S. Kane(1) Matthew T. Kapstein(1) Veronica Karaman(1) Howard Clark Kee(1) Craig S. Keener(1) Timothy Keller(2) Thomas a Kempis(2) D. James Kennedy(2) Paul Kennedy(1) Titus M Kennedy(1) Reinhold Kerstan(1) Judi Kesselman-Turkel(1) Alexander Keyssar(1) David S. Kidder(1) Paul A. Kienel(1) Søren Kierkegaard(1) John Killinger(1) Ross King(1) Gary R. Kirby(1) Elizabeth Kiss(1) John W. Kleinig(1) Elizabeth Knowles(1) Alfie Kohn(1) E. Christian Kopff(1) Peter Kreeft(2) Larry Krieger(1) Christopher Kul-Want(1) Steve Kumar(1) Robert Kunzman(1) Joel J. Kupperman(1) Harold S. Kushner(2) Donald B. Kuspit(1) A. Laats(1) Mark Labberton(1) Jessica Lahey(1) Wayne R. LaPierre(1) Catherine Claire Larson(1) Ann Lathrop(1) Brother Lawrence(1) Lechner(1) Jonathan Leeman(1) Robert Lee(1) John H. Leith(1) Kevin Leman(1) Doug Lemov(1) C. Lennox(1) Bruce Levine(1) Mark R. Levin(1) Daniel J. Levitin(1) Steven D. Levitt(1) Michael B. Levy(1) C. S. Lewis(7) Jack Pearl Lewis(1) Rosanne Liesveld(1) William Lindner(1) Hal Lindsey(2) Art Lindsley(1) Bryan M. Litfin(1) John Locke(1) D. Bruce Lockerbie(1) Barry Loewer(1) R. Keith Loftin(1) Tremper Longman, III(1) Dan Lucarini(1) Erwin W. Lutzer(2) William Lutz(1) Karl Löwith(1) John MacArthur, Jr.(3) David Macaulay(2) Niccolò Machiavelli(1) Bryan Magee(1) N. Gregory Mankiw(1) Molly Guptill Manning(1) Stephen Mansfield(1) Thomas A. Mappes(1) Jacques Maritain(1) Louis Markos(1) George M. Marsden(1) Celia Brewer Marshall(1) H. Wayne Martindale(1) Walter Ralston Martin(1) Martin E. Marty(2) The Voice of the Martyrs(1) Robert J. Marzano(2) Keith A. Mathison(1) Conrad Mbewe(1) James G. McCarthy(1) Wilfred M. McClay(1) Bruce R. McConkie(1) Brett McCracken(1) Joy D. McCullough(1) Gerald R. McDermott(1) Josh McDowell(3) Alex McFarland(2) Alister E. McGrath(2) Alyce M. McKenzie(1) Vernon K. McLellan(2) Marshall McLuhan(1) Timothy McMahan King(1) James M. McPherson(1) Allen N. Mendler(1) William A. Meninger(1) Thomas Merton(1) Neil Messer(1) Susan Mettes(1) Bruce M.; Michael D. Coogan (eds) Metzger(1) Marie C. Chester; Norrisey Michael(1) Robert Keith Miller(1) Stephen G. Miller(1) Timothy Miller(1) John Stuart Mill(1) Richard H. Minear(1) Christian Aid Mission(1) Carl Mitcham(1) James C. Mohr(1) A. R. Hope Moncrieff(1) Linda R. Monk(1) Simon Sebag Montefiore(1) John Warwick Montgomery(3) T. M. Moore(1) Frank Morison(1) Richard J. Mouw(2) Tim Muehlhoff(1) Robert P. Murphy(1) Andrew Murray(5) Ernest Nagel(1) Ronald H. Nash(3) National Conference of ...(1) Victor with Don Layman Nee(1) Thomas Nelson(1) Richard John Neuhaus(2) Jacob Neusner(2) Jim Newheiser(1) Randy Newman(2) Cal Newport(2) Stephen J. Nichols(1) H. Richard Niebuhr(1) Kathleen Nielson(1) Friedrich Nietzsche(4) Albert Jay Nock(1) Mark A. Noll(1) Gary North(5) Solomon Northup(1) Julian of Norwich(1) Henri J. M. Nouwen(2) Ronald L. Numbers(1) J. PAUL NYQUIST(1) Brandon J. O'Brien(2) Patrick O'Brien(1) Astrid Oesmann(1) Marvin Olasky(2) Andrew G. Oldenquist(1) Peter F. Oliva(1) Kirsten Olson(1) Richard G. Olson(1) Steven Ozment(1) Boyd K. Packer(1) J. I. Packer(2) Elaine Pagels(2) Parker J. Palmer(2) Jay Pathak(1) Jerry A. Pattengale(1) Kerry Patterson(1) Ron Paul(1) Frank Pavone(1) Jay Payleitner(1) Nancy R. Pearcey(4) Lee T. Pearcy(1) M. Scott Peck(1) Jaroslav Pelikan(2) Chaïm Perelman(1) John Perry(1) Alan Peshkin(1) Charles F. Pfeiffer(1) Donald T. Phillips(1) Mark I. Pinsky(1) John Piper(3) William C. Placher(1) Alvin Plantinga(1) Plato(1) David Platt(1) Helen Pluckrose(1) Richard Poe(1) David Popenoe(1) Richard H. Popkin(1) Neil Postman(4) Kara Eckmann Powell(1) David Powlison(3) A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada(1) Professor of Political Science Joshua Cohen(1) Holman Bible Publishers(2) Robert D. Putnam(1) Pierre Quoniam(1) James Rachels(1) Soong-Chan Rah(1) Walpola Rahula(1) Robert Rakestraw(1) Ayn Rand(1) Tom Rath(1) Janice G. Raymond(1) Sayed A. A. Razwy(1) Matt B. Redmond(1) Matthew B. Redmond(1) Eric Reenders(1) James Rees(1) Thomas Nelson(1) William H. Rehnquist(1) Rob Reich(1) Tony Reinke(1) John Phillips Resch(1) Princeton Review(1) Robert L. Reymond(1) Lawrence O. Richards(1) Don Richardson(1) Ney Rieber(1) Amanda Ripley(1) Pietra Rivoli(1) Vaughan Roberts(1) Wess Roberts(1) Adam Robinson(1) Daniel Robinson(1) Marilynne Robinson(1) Richard Rorty(1) Art Ross(1) Murray Rothbard(1) Paula S. Rothenberg(1) Jean-Jacques Rousseau(2) Gretchen Rubin(1) Sarah Ruden(1) Frederick Rudolph(1) R. J. Rushdoony(1) Bertrand Russell(1) Kirk Russell(2) E. Michael Rusten(1) Leland Ryken(3) Philip Graham Ryken(1) J. C. Ryle(1) Gad Saad(1) Oliver Sacks(1) William Safire(1) Michael J. Salevouris(1) J. Oswald Sanders(1) Jon Saphier(1) Chris Sasser(1) Dorothy L. Sayers(1) Francis A. Schaeffer(4) James V. Schall(1) Michael J. Schmoker(1) Herbert W. Schneider(1) William J. Schnell(1) Glen Schultz(1) Mark R. Schwehn(1) James C. Scott(1) Henry Scougal(1) Roger Scruton(1) Brian Seagraves(1) Anthony T. Selvaggio(1) and Noel Fleming Sesonske, editors Alexander(1) Martin Seymour-Smith(1) Russ Shafer-Landau(2) Ben Shapiro(1) Gardiner H. Shattuck, Jr.(1) Charles M. Sheldon(1) Brad Sickler(1) Fred S. Siebert(1) Daniel J. J. Siegel(1) Harvey F. Silver(1) Amy Simpson(1) Peter Singer(1) S. Fred Singer(1) James W. Sire(3) John Edward Skillen(1) Sarah E. Skwire(1) Barbara H. Smith(1) Brian Smith(1) Huston Smith(1) James K. A. Smith(1) Joseph F. Smith(1) R. Scott Smith(1) Dava Sobel(1) Douglas J. Soccio(1) Christina Hoff Sommers(1) Thomas Sowell(2) Matthew Spalding(1) Jackson J. Spielvogel(1) R. C. Sproul(2) R. C. Sproul(4) C. H. Spurgeon(1) Marsha Sramek(1) Chicago Editorial Staff(1) Forbes Magazine Staff(1) Tim Stafford(1) Kenneth M. Stampp(1) Jeremy Stangroom(1) David E. Stannard(1) Rodney Stark(2) Larry Starr(1) Richard Stearns(1) Manfred B. Steger(1) Robert J. Sternberg(1) Dave Sterrett(1) Bryan Stevenson(1) Robert Stevenson(1) Robert G. Stevenson(1) Kenneth J. Stewart(1) Mark Steyn(1) Ralph W. Stice(1) John R. W. Stott(2) Martha Stout(1) Mr. R. J. Stove(1) Leo Strauss(1) Lee Strobel(3) Andrew Sullivan(1) Glenn S. Sunshine(1) Ray R. Sutton(1) Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki(1) Charles R. Swindoll(5) Shirin Taber(1) Richard Tarnas(1) Thomas A. Tarrants(1) Tullian Tchividjian(1) Todd Temple(1) Merrill C. Tenney(1) Fiona Terry(1) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints(1) The Manhattan Declaration Drafting Committee(1) Helmut Thielicke(1) Robert Thoburn(1) Thomas Aquinas(1) Bob Thomas(1) Cal Thomas(1) Derek W. H. Thomas(1) Henry David Thoreau(1) Bruce S. Thornton(2) Melvin Tinker(1) Cynthia Ulrich Tobias(1) Scott Todd(1) Noah J. Toly(1) Cris Tovani(1) Elmer L. Towns(2) John Townsend(1) Richard Toye(1) Michael Treacy(1) James Trefil(1) Daniel J. Treier(1) Paul David Tripp(1) Tedd Tripp(1) Eugene A. Troxell(1) Tevi Troy(1) Kate L. 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