Berly Turns the Page #3

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Forum75 Books Challenge for 2021

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Berly Turns the Page #3

Bearbeitet: Apr. 24, 2021, 2:28 am


In the last few weeks, I have helped my daughter and my son move out, and my sister (who moved out here from MN and has been staying with us since last August) mostly moved out, but then her daughter and fiancée moved here at the end of March, so they quarantined in her new condo while my sister and nephew continued to stay safe at my house, so I still had guests for...another month! LOL. Also my other daughter sold her house and found a new one. Sooooo much change and during COVID...I am wiped! But I can't stay away any longer--I miss you guys!!

UPDATE--IT'S OFFICIAL -- I am now an empty nester! As of 4/19/21.

Which makes me happy and sad at the same time. : )

Bearbeitet: Apr. 19, 2021, 10:52 pm

So many choices!! What should I read?

Reading Now
Special Circumstances (K 460 pages) by Sheldon Siegel with my Dad
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro, RL Bookclub
My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk, LT Group
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent (B 395 pages) by Isabel Wilkerson

April -- Odds Against from the 1960s, first in the Sid Halley series, Dick Francis, LT Group
May -- An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo, Lit Arts
May -- Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi with ffortsa/Judy
ARC -- Ancient Bones
ARC -- Voyagers
ARC -- The Immune System...
??? Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater (SouloftheRose's fault)
The Topeka School (B 287 pages) by Ben Lerner with Twin/BLBera

Bearbeitet: Apr. 19, 2021, 10:45 pm

Read in April ?? pages / ?? 🎧 hours
2021 Total // pages / ?? hours
22. @ Beginner's Mind (🎧 1.5 hours) by Yo-Yo Ma
21. @ Between Two Kingdoms (🎧 13 hours)by Suleika Jaouad
20. @ Sleeping Dogs Lie (🎧 2 hours) by Samantha Downing

Read in March ?? pages / ?? 🎧 hours
2021 Total // pages / ?? hours
19. ✔ In the Name of Truth (K 459 pagers) by Viveca Sten 3.5
18. @ Anxious People (K 349 pages) by Fredrik Backman, RL Bookclub 4.5
17. ✔ The Sandman (🎧 3 of 8.5 hours) by Neil Gaiman ✗
16. @ IR Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam 4.0
15. @ In the Woods (B 431 pages) by Tana French 4.0

Read in February 1,802 pages / 25 🎧 hours
2021 Total // 3,475 pages / 50 hours
❤️ @ Untamed: The Wildest Woman in America and the Fight for Cumberland Island (B 310 pages) by Will Harlan 5.0
14. @ The Book of Delights (B 141/274 pages) by Ross Gay ✗
13. @ The Cipher (K 325 pages) by Isabella Maldonado 3.75
12. ✔ IR Did You Ever Have a Family (B 295 pages) by Bill Clegg IR #55 with Paul 4.0
11. ✔ In the Shadow of Power (K 393 pages) Book #7 by Viveca Sten 3.5
10. ✔ In Search of Black History (🎧 5.5 hours) by Bonnie Greer 3.75
9. @ Dead Heat (B 338 pages) by Patricia Briggs 3.5

Read in January 1,673 pages / 25 🎧 hours
8. @ Keep Sharp (🎧 8 hrs) by Sanjay Gupta 4.0
7. @ The Viscount Who Loved Me (K 344 pages) by Julia Quinn 3.75
6. ✔ Squeeze Me (B 336 pages) by Carl Hiaasen 4.0
5. @ Banker (K 323 pages) by Dick Francis 3.5
4. ✔ Heaven's River (🎧 17 hrs) Bobiverse #4 by Dennis Taylor 3.75
❤️ @ Themes and Variations (K 17 pages) Essay by David Sedaris 4.0
2. ↩ Jazz (K 244 pages) by Toni Morrison 3.0
❤️ ✔ Girl Waits With Gun (B 409 pages) by Amy Stewart 4.25

❤️ Favorite(s) of the month
Loved it! 5.0
Really Good 4.0
Good 3.0
Hmmmm 2.0
Don't Bother 1.0

IR = Indiespensable Readers
LT = LibraryThing Early Reviewer
✔ = Off the shelf (not acquired this year)
L = Library
↩ = Reread
@ = Acquired this year
✗ = DNF

B = Printed Book
🎧 = Audio
K = Kindle
= Graphic Novel

Bearbeitet: Apr. 19, 2021, 10:54 pm

Catalogued shelves -- I am determined to finish this in 2021 and I am off to a good start.

1/5 -- I am now in the M's.
1/25 -- In the N's.
3/19 -- In the P's.
3/22 -- In the R's
3/25 -- In the S's.
4/19 -- More S's.

Books Freed = 0
Powell's isn't open for drop-offs....although I do have a bag waiting to go and I just found out I can enter them by ISBN and see if they are willing to take them. Another project!!! : )

Bearbeitet: Apr. 12, 2021, 6:04 pm

RL Book Club #1
✅ February - News of the World by Paulette Jiles
✅ April - Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
June - Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
August - The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner
October - The Intuitionist by Colson Whitehead

RL Book Club #2
February - Caste by Isabel Wilkerson
April - Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

Literary Arts 2020-2021
September, 2020 -- ✅ The Nickel Boys & ✅ The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
October 13, 2020 -- H is for Hawk and ✅ Vesper Flights by Helen McDonald
January 28, 2021 -- ✅ Circe by Madeline Miller
February 18, 2021 -- ✅ How To Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi
April 8, 2021 -- ✅ The Book of Delights: Essays by Ross Gay
April 20, 2021 -- An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo
May 18, 2021 -- Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 30, 2021, 11:20 am

Powell's Indiespensable Readers Challenge

Hubby signed me up for this (Thank you!!). Over the years I have received over 90 installments (some with two books), and I haven't read all the books yet. Not even close! In an effort to catch up -- I want to read 12 this year. The complete list (such as it is) can be found here:

Let me know if you want to read one with me!!

2021 Shared Reads
March -- The Topeka School by Ben Lerner with Twin/BLBera
May -- Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi with ffortsa/Judy

1. Did You Ever Have A Family with Paul
2. Leave the World Behind

Bearbeitet: Apr. 19, 2021, 10:46 pm

The Nerd 2021 Reading Challenge
To help motivate me to set off BOMBs!! (Books Off My Bookshelf) There are 52 categories and I have chosen 26 and made a few changes ('cuz this is supposed to be fun and not a chore!).

1) An Audiobook
2) An LT Trending Book
3) Gold on the Cover
4) Two Word Title
5) Author Starting with E
✅ Part of a Trilogy - Jazz by Toni Morrison
7) NYT Bestseller - The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
8) Debut Author
✅ Title Starts with G or K - Girl Waits With Gun by Amy Stewart
✅ Multiple Perspectives - Heaven's River by Dennis E. Taylor
11) Features Traveling
✅ Standalone - In Search of Black History by Bonnie Greer
13) Set in Winter
14) SF or Mystery
15) A New-To-Me Author
16) Over 400 pages
17) Food on the Cover
18) Same First Initial as Me (K)
19) Romance or YA
20) Set in the Future
✅ Released in 2020 - Squeeze Me by Carl Hiaasen
22) Purchased Years Ago
23) A Book Gifted To Me
24) A Book I Never Finished
✅ Five Word Title - In the Shadow of Power by Viveca Sten
26) Body Part in the Title

Bearbeitet: Apr. 19, 2021, 10:48 pm

I can't resist buying books!!

I seem to manage to read around 50% of my newbies, except in 2019 where I (ahem) added a few more books to my collection than normal. But then in 2020 I killed it and read almost 75% of my newbies!!

2017 47/85
2018 45/88
2019 45/128
2020 75/103

Let's see how I do this year...

2021 9/24 Read

Keep Sharp by Sanja Gupta MD
2. Paradise by Toni Morrison
Themes and Variations: An Essay by David Sedaris *
4. Hadley and Grace by Suzanne Redfearn *
5. Cold Earth by Sarah Moss (Thank you TwinB!) *
6. The Liar's Dictionary by Eley Williams
The Book of Delights by Ross Gay - DNF
8. Effie by Suzanne Fagence Cooper (Thank you Whisper1!) *
9. Infinite by Brian Freeman *
10. Voyagers by Robert Silverberg * ARC
The Cipher by Isabella Maldonado
12. How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates
Untamed: The Wildest Woman in America and the Fight for Cumberland Island by Will Harlan
14. In the Woods by Tana French
15. In Bad Company by Viveca Sten
16. The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
18. Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
19. The Light Through the Leaves by Glendy Vanderah *
20. My Year Abroad by Chang-Rae Lee * IR # 90 (Thank you Hubby!)
21. Hummingbird Salamander by Jeff VanderMeer
Beginner's Mind by Yo-Yo Ma *
Between Two Kingdomsby Suleika Jaouad *
Sleeping Dogs Lie by Samantha Downing *

* Free or gift

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 19, 2021, 1:27 am

Favorites from 2020
Miss Suzy by Miriam Young (Childhood Favorite)
The Night Before Christmas by Jan Brett (Christmas Tradition)
The Institute by Stephen King
There, There by Tommy Orange
Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson
The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch
The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter

I Am, I Am, I Am by Maggie O'Farrell
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi
Vesper Flights by Helen Macdonald
Still Life with Oysters and Lemon by Mark Doty
Liquid: The Delightful and Dangerous Substances That Flow Through Our Lives by Mark Miodownik

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 19, 2021, 12:44 am

I am going to try and keep track of series I am currently enjoying here:

Series/Author/Next Book
Bobiverse / Dennis E. Taylor / #5 not yet published
Bridgerton / Julia Quinn / #3 An Offer From A Gentleman
The Chronicles of St Mary's / Jodi Taylor / #6 What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Cormoran Strike Series / Robert Galbraith / #5 Troubled Blood
Kinsey Millhone Mystery Series / Sue Grafton / Read ABCDEQX / Next F is for Fugitive
Kopp Series / Amy Stewart / #2 Lady Cop Makes Trouble
Sandham Murders / Viveca Sten / #8

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 19, 2021, 1:01 am

Mrz. 19, 2021, 1:20 am

Happy new thread!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 1:28 am

Thank you!! Happy to be back here. : )

Mrz. 19, 2021, 2:05 am

Happy New Thread!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 2:13 am

Happy new thread!

Are you using the LT app for cataloguing? I catalogued about 5,000 books in our club library. First I did it by manually typing in, then I got a cue cat and things sped up - but then they brought out the app and (with the kids’ help) things really went fast. Of course, sorting through your own catalogue is much more fun especially as it can take you down some nostalgic paths - but that does take longer.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 3:09 am

Woohoo, Berly is back :)
Sounds like you have been busy!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 3:24 am

Kimmers! Happy new thread.

>4 Berly: I have 7 of the books on your shelf.

>15 humouress: I catalogued all my 12,000 plus books manually. Didn't really know that there was any other way of doing it to be honest.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 4:31 am

Happy new thread, Kim - good to see you back.
>4 Berly: A great achievement - you will make it!.
>15 humouress: >17 PaulCranswick: The app came too late for my inventory, but I am entering new books with it, it works very well.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 5:44 am

Happy new one

Mrz. 19, 2021, 5:50 am

Happy new thread, Kim.

I hope that things settle down sooner than later for you, my dear.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 7:18 am

Happy new one, Kim. Wow, you ARE busy!
Just last week, I watched a very interesting interview with Kazuo Ishiguro about his new book, which I see you have lined up, and other things. If you are interested in hearing it, I can post a link for you.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 7:30 am

Happy Friday, Kim! Happy New Thread. I love the topper and the update. I sure hope you finally get some down time, later next month. You sure deserve it. Congrats on reading another OTS shelf.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 7:54 am

Dieser Benutzer wurde wegen Spammens entfernt.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 8:32 am

Welcome back, Kim! You've definitely been through an extraordinarily busy period. Pull up a chair and sit a spell here. It's always nice to see you.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 8:36 am

Happy new thread!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 9:48 am

Happy New Thread, Kim! And Happy Friday!

I hope you have a good, book-filled weekend.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:03 am

Happy new thread!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:13 am

>14 mahsdad: Thanks! Hopefully, this time I can not only keep uo on my own thread, but make the rounds. : )

>15 humouress: Yes, I am using the LT app. I love being able to scan in the bar code using my phone camera. It's just a matter of finding the time to actually do it!! LOL. Probably not this month, while I still have guests in the house, but soon...!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:16 am

Hey TwinK. Happy new thread. I'm #1 on the list for The Topeka School! I hope to get my hands on a copy soon.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:18 am

Update: There's an audio available. I just checked it out. I'll start listening when you are ready!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:18 am

>16 LovingLit: Yes, "busy" certainly sums up life at my house lately! I haven't even had much time for reading. Grumble, grumble.

>17 PaulCranswick: Hello there! The book shelf holds books I have read. Did you read your 7 or are they in your TBR mound? And 12,000 books is impressive! I am not sure I would have the patience to catalog that many. Glad I only have a few bookcases to go.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:22 am

Good to see you again Kim.

Neil Gaiman's Sandman is a good one

We didn't much like My Name is Red

Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:22 am

>18 SirThomas: Hi! Thanks for your enthusiastic belief in my cataloging abilities! : ) The app really does help. The hard part is deciding which books to keep and which ones I can part with....

>19 figsfromthistle: Very glad to be back!

>20 karenmarie: I think I have about a month to go before things calm down. Hanging in there... Did I mention there were two engagements and a wedding? : )

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:28 am

>21 jessibud2: Oooh! I'd love the Ishiguro link. Please do post it!

>22 msf59: Thanks, man. Luckily, all the hoopla around in my life has been good stuff lately. I could still use a little "boring" right about now. ; )

>24 lauralkeet: My first taste of "empty nesting" will be this weekend. My sister and nephew are going to spend the weekend at their condo, painting and setting things up. Don't know if they will stay there until my niece shows up at the end of the month or if they are still going to hang here, but sounds like they will shelter here during the newcomers' quarantine. Just trying to go with the flow.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:29 am

>25 thornton37814: Thank you!! Looking forward to catching up the threads this weekend. Yay!

>26 jnwelch: I like how you think. Same to you. : )

>27 drneutron: Thanks! It's Friday!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 10:32 am

>29 BLBera: >30 BLBera: I can probably start The Topeka School after this weekend. Let's do it!

>32 magicians_nephew: I am having trouble with The Sandman on audio--not finding the time or place to listen. I think I may switch to the print version.

Hopefully, I enjoy My Name is Red more than you did!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 11:01 am

Here you go, Kim. I hope you are able to view it. It's a good one:

(full disclosure: I am not sure I have an interest in reading his new book. I have only read one book by him, Remains of the Day and I didn't like it. But I do have a thing about author interviews. I like learning about authors! Even if I don't like what they write! Yeah, I'm weird that way) ;-)

Mrz. 19, 2021, 11:29 am

>7 Berly: Ah, where did you find the category list? I need a push myself, otherwise I'm always reading titles NOT on my shelf!

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 19, 2021, 11:44 am

>37 jessibud2: Thank you so much! I listened to it right away and loved it. Can't wait to read the actual book now and I will share this link with my bookclub. You rock. : ) I am not sure why your didn't enjoy the book you read by Ishiguro, but maybe you'd like this book better; he says it is more optimistic than some of his earlier works.

>38 ffortsa: Here's a link to the Nerd 2021 Challenge. Have fun choosing categories and good luck reading your BOMBs!! (Books Off My Bookshelf)

Mrz. 19, 2021, 11:53 am

>36 Berly: Perfect!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 12:57 pm

>37 jessibud2: ooo, I'll watch that, I've just started the novel. Thanks for the link Shelley.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 19, 2021, 1:45 pm

>17 PaulCranswick: Gosh - 12,000? Your poor family; I know how much space the club's books took up. (ETA: my mistake. The club had 9,000 books)

>28 Berly: I could get through about 10 books in a morning entering them manually (trying to find the Dutch books and the older books was especially time consuming) but if I could convince the kids to help me, they didn't even have to take books off the shelves to scan the barcodes while I could sit at the computer and fill in extra details. We could get through a bookcase or two in a morning.

As for what to get rid of - I can't. I try to be selective in acquiring books in the first place because I know my space is limited and I find it very hard (read 'impossible') to deacquisition.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 3:11 pm

>40 BLBera: : )

>41 Caroline_McElwee: I won't start it for a bit, but I'll look for your thoughts on Klara and the Sun.

>42 humouress: Well, dang. I should have used my child manual labor before they all moved out! LOL. You've motivated me to go do a shelf....

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 19, 2021, 4:21 pm

I did three more shelves!! Now I am in the P's. This is the next shelf of books I've read, waiting to be catalogued.

I only found 2 books I could part with today. Powell's isn't taking in-person trade-ins, but I found on their site that you can upload the ISBN's and see if they'll take them and then send them by mail for a store credit. Another project!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 5:30 pm

>39 Berly: What makes this list nerdy? It looks pretty random to me.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 5:36 pm

Happy new (ish) thread Kim. I recognise the Pullman on your shelves but that's about it.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 5:41 pm

>44 Berly: Nice shelf! I always enjoy seeing these types of photos. Like browsing a library virtually. Library of souls looks interesting.

>39 Berly: I absolutely love Ishiguro's works. I have a few on my shelf that are waiting for me to read.

Anyhow, Have a splendid weekend.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 6:11 pm

Hi Kim my dear, happy new thread and so nice to see you on here, it seems as though there is constant house moving going on with the various members of your family, i wonder if all this house moving will affect you to think about a move, lol.

Besides all this moving going on you have had some health issues and i hope that they are now over and once you and Walt have your jabs you can enjoy getting out and about. All this cataloging is making me think i need to have a better check on the books.

I need to get on with making the shelving for my Wisden, Playfair and Yorkshire Cricket Club annuals as Karen keeps pestering me about it and then when i cam get to Ikea i need to buy another Billy bookcase.

I hope that you and the family have a great weekend and we both send love and hugs to you all dear friend.

P.S, i wish our bookshops had mugs to buy, the Powell's one looks great.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 6:38 pm

Oh man, I’m looking forward to reading that Kazuo Ishiguro book. I hope it’s as good as it sounds.

Say hi to Walt for us, and I hope you have a good weekend.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 7:57 pm

>45 quondame: LOL. I didn't name it!! I agree with your assessment but I'm just going with it. : )

>46 charl08: Oh this thread is still new. It's only day 2. The shelf above this one was half-filled with Jodi Picoult books. Have you heard of her?

Mrz. 19, 2021, 8:00 pm

>47 figsfromthistle: Yeah, I love seeing other people's collections, too. Glad you got a kick out of mine.

Ishiguro is a favorite author. Reminds me I should make sure he is actually on my LT Favorite Author List! I haven't updated that in a while and I am sure I am missing a few authors.

Happy weekend!

Mrz. 19, 2021, 8:06 pm

>48 johnsimpson: All the housing pieces are moving around here. It's literally one after the other. But the nice thing is that everyone is really psyched about their new abodes and it is all good. My oldest daughter just got an amazing offer on her house -- it's totally a seller's market right now because no one has been putting their houses on the market with COVID. She may rent for a it and wait until the market settles and then they will look for a new house and make a profit!

Health issues have been about one a quarter for me this year. Each one a different thing. The latest is my thyroid got completely off. Still trying to get it back in range. Oh well. Could be worse.

Can't wait to get my "jab"!! (That made me laugh.) I should qualify for the next group of people which is over 45 with underlying health issues. That is so me!!

Yes, it sounds like you better get going on the book organization and shelving. Good luck! Wishing you a happy weekend and say Hi! to Karen.

Mrz. 19, 2021, 8:10 pm

>49 jnwelch: Hi Joe! Walt says Hi! back. : ) I am hoping to start the Ishiguro in a week or so. I have a Zoom happy hour with some of my bookclub friends, so I think we will set our discussion date tonight.

Hope you and Debbie have a nice weekend ahead. I am going to try and catch up with all my peeps on LT. : )

Mrz. 19, 2021, 9:18 pm

Happy new thread, Kim!

Mrz. 20, 2021, 3:09 am

>43 Berly: Absolutely! That's what they're there for, aren't they? Although I find that a lot of the time, it actually takes more time and effort getting them to help than just doing it myself in the first place.

Go, go Kim!

Mrz. 20, 2021, 8:16 am

Happy new thread! Glad to see you back despite life still being so busy!

Mrz. 20, 2021, 9:22 am

Happy new thread, Kim! I don't envy you all the activity, but then again, you have a much better attitude than I do :)

Have a great weekend!

Mrz. 20, 2021, 9:48 am

Hi Kim!

>50 Berly: I’ve only read one by Picoult but it was an absolute stunner – My Sister’s Keeper. If you could recommend one more by her that you think I should read, which one would it be?

Mrz. 20, 2021, 12:48 pm

>1 Berly: Happy new(wish) thread. You're missed too so glad you're back.

Mrz. 20, 2021, 1:31 pm

I hope you get your jab soon, TwinK! I got my first one and felt a huge sense of relief.

I always enjoy browsing your shelves.

On my spring break, I did rearrange the furniture in my bedroom. I am so sick of my house, I would love to gut it. I guess I'll probably do some painting instead...

Mrz. 20, 2021, 2:21 pm

Hey Kim! Happy new thread! Oh my, you've been quite the Airbnb! Glad you're determined to get back into the swing of things on LT. I'm looking forward to joining you on the group read of My Name is Red. I ordered a copy because it is my favorite book and I should own it, right?

Mrz. 20, 2021, 8:39 pm

Happy new thread, Kim. Good to see you back. It sounds like all the moves have been positive, hopefully givers of energy in spite of the work they cause.

Mrz. 21, 2021, 4:59 pm

Fun to see an old Tom Robbins on that shelf - someone who made me laugh out loud back in the day and seems to have fallen into obscurity

Mrz. 22, 2021, 2:33 pm

You seem to me to be running a sort of residential hotel, with folks registering for long-term stays. Yoicks.

Mrz. 22, 2021, 7:36 pm

>54 bell7: Thank you! Feels good to be back, even if it is still sporadic. : )

>55 humouress: LOL. Yes, managing the young ones takes time and skill! And just seeing your enthusiasm cheer...I am off to go do another shelf right now!!

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 22, 2021, 8:53 pm

Srsly Kimmers, your media buyer is falling down on the job. There was no pop-over on LT's home screen announcing your new thread, even! I get that the NYT buy is a bit much in COVID days, but no pop-over? Fire them!

At any rate, I've found you, so where shall I put the chaise longue?

ETA size!

Mrz. 22, 2021, 9:52 pm

I started listening to The Topeka School, not sure about it yet; teenage boy angst doesn't interest me all that much. Still, I'll give it a try.

Mrz. 22, 2021, 11:42 pm

>56 ChelleBearss: Trying to get back to "normal" life, which includes LT. : )

>57 katiekrug: Ha!! I am glad I am portraying my positive attitude here. There have been days....

>58 karenmarie: I loved My Sister's Keeper! Others Picoult's I would suggest: Change of Heart, Leaving Time, and Nineteen Minutes. But honestly, all of them have been pretty good.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 22, 2021, 11:45 pm

>59 RebaRelishesReading: Hi Reba!! Thanks for missing me. : ) I will do my best to be back. Still have my sister here a month and my daughter moves out of her house in April, so.....

: )

>60 BLBera: I am scheduled for my first jab this Sunday!! I am so excited!!

I'll have to take another picture of the latest shelf I catalogued today.

Mrz. 22, 2021, 11:46 pm

>61 Carmenere: Oh, so glad to hear that My Name is Red is a favorite for you! I have my copy right by my nightstand ready to go.

>62 Familyhistorian: Yes, all the moves have been much anticipated, which makes all the hoopla much easier to handle. : )

Mrz. 22, 2021, 11:50 pm

>63 magicians_nephew: That's exactly what I was thinking...I loved Tom Robbins! I wonder what he has done lately. I should look....

And one minute later, here's what I found! : )

✅ ones I have read.

Another Roadside Attraction (1971) ??? maybe read
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1976) ✅
Still Life with Woodpecker (1980) ✅
Jitterbug Perfume (1984) ✅
Skinny Legs and All (1990) ✅
Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas (1994)
Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates (2000)
Villa Incognito (2003)
Wild Ducks Flying Backward (2005) -- a collection of essays, reviews, and short stories.
B Is for Beer (2009) -- Novella

Mrz. 22, 2021, 11:54 pm

>64 weird_O: Yeah. It's been a long haul, but not without a lot of joy. My sister and nephew spent the weekend at their condo and my Hubby and I were home ALL ALONE for the first time in what seems like forever. I have to was nice.

>66 richardderus: Well, my media buyer is fired for sure! WTH? I can only say I am glad you found me. The lounge looks lovely. Does it come in all red?

>67 BLBera: Okay. I'll start The Topeka School tomorrow and see how it goes. Hopefully it picks up for you.

Mrz. 22, 2021, 11:58 pm

So, I just got invited to be a first round judge for Literary Arts Poetry Slam Competition!! How fun is that?


#Virtualandia! 2021 is an exciting opportunity for Portland Metro high school students to take part in a dynamic virtual slam poetry competition for the chance to win prizes and the title of #Virtualandia slam champion. This program includes free workshops for students and schools, individual feedback sessions for competing poets, and professional video production for the top 10 students who advance to the final rounds.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 23, 2021, 12:27 am

>65 Berly: Woo woo! Another shelf! You must have nearly finished by now; you were already at R?

>66 richardderus: Oh darn, Kim, we didn't hide you well enough. He's found you ;0)

>72 Berly: It sounds like you're having fun with everyone staying but it's nice to have your own space again, too.

>73 Berly: Congratulations!!!

Mrz. 23, 2021, 5:26 am

Congratulations, judge Kim!

Mrz. 23, 2021, 6:53 am

Congratulations Kim!!

Mrz. 23, 2021, 7:25 am

> Congratulations Judge TwinK!

Mrz. 23, 2021, 10:44 am

>73 Berly: ...I'm glad you're pleased, he shuddered...

>74 humouress: Evil. That supervillainess is just *evil*to*the*bones.

Mrz. 23, 2021, 12:57 pm

>73 Berly: How cool!! Congratulations! Didn't I read elsewhere that you're scheduled for second Covid shot? If I'm right about that -- congrats there too!!

Mrz. 23, 2021, 4:23 pm

Your life is a whirlwind! I finally got a break from work just in time to visit my parents in Pennsylvania last week now that we are all vaccinated. Back and settling in to the spring gardening season.

Haven't visited threads for awhile so stopping by mostly to say hello!

Mrz. 23, 2021, 4:26 pm

>73 Berly: Exciting Kim. I look forward to hearing all about it.

Mrz. 23, 2021, 10:39 pm

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 25, 2021, 1:06 pm

>74 humouress: I finished the Rs and now I am in S. S is off to a slow start though -- I found several books that I hadn't logged in yet and they were ones that the ISBNs didn't work on. One was a leather-bound complete collection of Shakespeare's works. Gold leaf. Love it! And then Shandy, an old, probably college-era copy. Hand-entering takes a lot longer than the phone LT app!! LOL. And I purged three books.

This is the S shelf up next for verifying cataloging. Books I have read.

Mrz. 25, 2021, 12:39 pm

>75 SirThomas: >76 lauralkeet: >77 BLBera: Thanks! I should receive entries in the beginning of April. Each entry is supposed to be 1 to 3 minutes long and I am only allowed to view them once before judging. That's all I know so far!

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 25, 2021, 12:48 pm

>78 richardderus: Yup, I am! I think judging is going to be fun! I have been to several of the poetry slams and my appreciation for the art has grown so much. It has also been a fun thing to do with my middle daughter. I am looking forward to something new and exciting to do during COVID and honored to be asked.

Bwaaa-ha-ha!!! (Props to Humorous!)

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 25, 2021, 1:07 pm

>79 RebaRelishesReading: Thank you! And regarding the jab, I am scheduled for my first one this Sunday!!! Whoohoo!

>80 witchyrichy: Hello! Glad you got to visit with relatives and that you are all vaccinated up. I need to get going on the gardening, but I am already pleased because, after completely re-doing the front garden last spring, I can already see several of my perennials popping back up and some of them are in full bloom! Now I just have to figure out how to get rid of all the moss....

Mrz. 25, 2021, 12:58 pm

>81 Caroline_McElwee: I'll be sure to post updates on the Poetry Slam. : )

>82 humouress: Bwaa-ha-ha again!!

Mrz. 25, 2021, 1:04 pm

I was SOOOO excited to read this book, because I just could use some pure joy amidst all the garbage of 2020, and there definitely is some, but it is also often predicated by sad things, so I have stalled out about halfway through. I think my expectations may have blinded me to the beauty of this book (he is a poet and I love poetry), but his is also writing in a more steam of thought fashion, and it seems unedited to me, losing some of the depth and meaning of what he is trying to say. Ross Gay is the Multnomah County Library's Everybody Reads author this April, so I will listen to him and see if I can get back on board. Maybe give it another try....

Mrz. 25, 2021, 1:10 pm

Lurking through, my friend. Hi ya.

Mrz. 25, 2021, 1:38 pm

>86 Berly: Nice garden, TwinK!

Mrz. 25, 2021, 3:07 pm

>88 Berly: This is in my near future too Kim. Your cover is nicer.

Mrz. 25, 2021, 3:20 pm

>89 weird_O: As always, I love seeing you here. Thank you for the visit. I hope things are going okay for you.

>90 BLBera: Thanks, TwinB!

>91 Caroline_McElwee: I look forward to your thoughts! And I will definitely give it another go after I hear him speak.

Mrz. 25, 2021, 6:19 pm

I see you're up to the "Sh" -- Nice going.

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 27, 2021, 2:14 am

Yes, Sh as in author "Showalter"! I think I am actually going to finish cataloging this year. But Shhhhh! (I don't want to jinx myself.)

Mrz. 26, 2021, 10:03 am

Hi Kim!

>67 BLBera: Thanks for the Picoult recommendations – I constantly surprise myself with what’s on my shelves. I have the three you mentioned, plus one you didn't mention, Handle With Care. All three have an LT average rating of 4. Leaving Time is in the room I’m sitting in, so I’ve tagged it as a possible read for this year. Thanks.

>69 Berly: Congrats on your first dose.

>83 Berly: I love seeing photos of your book shelves. Glad you’ve moved into the S’s.

Mrz. 26, 2021, 6:59 pm

>73 Berly: Congrats!

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 27, 2021, 2:14 am

One of our own -- Beverly Cleary Sculpture Garden, Portland, OR.

Rest in peace.

Mrz. 27, 2021, 2:27 am

The Beverly Cleary books were such a big part of my childhood. I was reading some of the articles about her on the NY Times and she seemed to have a lot of Ramona in her!

Mrz. 27, 2021, 6:13 am

>97 Berly: - The Ramona books were my faves. Great pics, Kim!

Mrz. 27, 2021, 6:24 am

>83 Berly: Gold leafed Shakespeare; nice!

>86 Berly: Your garden is looking pretty. That's why I miss spring.

>85 Berly: >87 Berly: Soul mate ;0)

>97 Berly: I don't think I ever read any of her books but I've certainly seen them around.

Mrz. 27, 2021, 9:02 am

Happy Saturday, Kim. The garden looks great. Any feeders out there? Or at least a hummingbird feeder? Grins...

Have a great weekend.

Mrz. 27, 2021, 1:59 pm

>97 Berly: Love that statue - sorry we didn't know to go see it when we were last in Portland.

Loved Beverly Cleary too. Her stories will live on forever

Mrz. 27, 2021, 4:19 pm

Happy Saturday, Kim! Thanks for posting the Cleary statue... I love that park.

Mrz. 27, 2021, 5:03 pm

Belated happy new thread, Kim!

>44 Berly: >83 Berly: Yay for progress! :-)

Mrz. 28, 2021, 9:52 pm

>97 Berly: That is so cool! I'm going there on my next Portland visit! I wonder if Scout has started with Ramona yet? I'll have to ask my daughter.

Mrz. 30, 2021, 11:32 am

>95 karenmarie: I hope you enjoy a Piccoult in the near future. I think you'll enjoy her and the stats back me!

>96 figsfromthistle: I just got an outline of the judging criteria as well as a sample video (which I should probably watch today). I am excited for the poetry slam!

Mrz. 30, 2021, 11:35 am

>98 ursula: I read Cleary as a child and then again with my own kids. I love her spunky Ramona.

>99 jessibud2: She will definitely be missed. I am glad she left us so many awesome books!

>100 humouress: Definitely soulmates. : )

Mrz. 30, 2021, 11:41 am

>101 msf59: Three hummingbird feeders (2 in the back, one in the front) and a suet feeder, too!!

>102 magicians_nephew: You know that means you just have to come visit again!

>103 banjo123: Happy Tuesday! I haven't visited the Cleary park in ages. Will have to get myself there again.

Mrz. 30, 2021, 11:43 am

>104 FAMeulstee: Hello there! And thanks for being on the cheering squad. I really want to finish cataloging THIS YEAR. (If I say it enough times, my chances of success should increase, right?)

>105 BLBera: I will take you to visit Cleary. Can't wait until we can visit again. Is Scout a Ramona fan? : )

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 30, 2021, 12:03 pm

In the Name of Truth by Viveca Sten. Book #8 in the Sandhamn Murder series. 3.5 Stars

Two separate plot lines follow a court case and missing children from a summer sailing camp; again we follow the personal lives of the two main characters, Thomas and Nora, as the mysteries unfold. I enjoyed this book in the series, as per usual, although this one seems a little darker. #9 set for the group read in June!

Bearbeitet: Mrz. 30, 2021, 12:09 pm

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman 4.5

This is a crazy story about a bank robber and the hostages. It is actually a very touching story filled with humor and lots of plot twists. Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed the way Backman connects me to the emotions of people's lives. I laughed and teared up on this one. Recommended.

Mrz. 30, 2021, 12:33 pm

>111 Berly: ditto that

Mrz. 30, 2021, 12:35 pm

: )

Mrz. 30, 2021, 12:49 pm

And in other news, I got my first vaccination shot on Sunday! No side effects, save a little sore on the arm. Yay!

However, I am still trying to get my thyroid meds adjusted and the heart palpitations haven't gone away yet. The doctor explained that adjusting the meds is like trying to change the course of large barge: frickin' SLOW! As long as it doesn't act like the one that got caught sideways in the Suez canal, which they finally broke free, thank goodness, I can deal with it. Not that I really have a choice, LOL. I can't really exercise until it returns to normal, so I have to pass on the TKD test next week. Bummer, but I don't really need the added stress after all the moves going on in my household. time!

Mrz. 30, 2021, 12:57 pm

Hope your meds get adjusted before long and that your stress levels drop. Hooray for Covid shot. Our daughter got hers on Sunday too. So glad to see you younger folks are getting yours finally.

Mrz. 30, 2021, 1:14 pm

Yay for your Covid shot!
>111 Berly: another BB, hopefully there will be a translation soon - I loved A Man Called Ove.

Mrz. 30, 2021, 2:58 pm

Congratulations, Judge Kim. Only seeing the entry once sounds like a challenge. I missed the last Viveca Sten read. How did that happen. Hope your barge is soon sailing smoothly.

Mrz. 30, 2021, 3:56 pm

Congrats on getting your first shot! I get my second next week.

I don't know whether Scout has read Ramona yet. It's time, if not.

Mrz. 30, 2021, 4:39 pm

>114 Berly: Great vaccination news somewhat overshadowed by the thyroid crud. So sorry!

>110 Berly: I have to get back to these....

Mrz. 31, 2021, 9:34 am

>109 Berly: If it helps I will repeat: Kim wants to finish cataloging this year!

>114 Berly: Good luck with adjusting your thyroid meds. I know what a nuisance it can be.

Mrz. 31, 2021, 11:52 am

Judy's cousin lives in Portland so we have LOTS of good reasons to make the pilgrimage once things settle down around here

Mrz. 31, 2021, 3:19 pm

>120 FAMeulstee: I too know how annoying medication adjustments can be. I went through that some years ago, and I'm not inclined to change the dose or the medication itself now. What's good is that my endocrinologist sees me every year and says I'm her most boring patient!

Apr. 2, 2021, 12:38 pm

>114 Berly: I ended up getting a minor case of hives. They redness and bumps didn't last long, but I still itch a bit.

Apr. 3, 2021, 7:56 pm

That's great that you got the vaccine, and no side effects. :)

One step closer to a Portland LT Meet-Up!

Apr. 4, 2021, 2:26 am

My thyroid medication has been fairly stable (touch wood) but we're doing the barge turning with Jasper's diet to try and cure his scratching problem. Of course, it doesn't help when he sneaks off with my golf ball and chews it to bits.

Yay for the vaccine! (Who thought I'd say that?) I got my first one on Friday.

Apr. 7, 2021, 9:20 pm

>115 RebaRelishesReading: My thyroid levels must be slowly turning around. I am basing that on how I feel, not bloodwork. I have to wait two more weeks for that. But my heart has finally calmed down a day or two ago so I am encouraged. Now maybe I can get some sleep! LOL.

>116 SirThomas: It is so nice to have the first shot under my belt and also to see people around me getting theirs. I feel hope!!

And I hope they translate Anxious People soon. ; )

Apr. 8, 2021, 2:28 am

Yes, the light at the end of the tunnel is slowly becoming visible.
Even if it will still take some time, but hope is rising.

Apr. 8, 2021, 2:51 am

>126 Berly: Glad to read you are feeling better, Kim. I'm hoping to get going with My Name is Red for the group read after my translation book group meeting tonight. Thanks for getting everything together for this.

Apr. 8, 2021, 10:54 am

I hope the meds get straightened out soon, TwinK. Good that you had no effects from the vaccine. After the first one, I didn't even have a sore arm, but after the second, I had all the possible side effects: headache, muscle aches, massively sore arm, chills. In other words, 24 hours of misery. So, hope for the best, expect the worst!

Apr. 8, 2021, 12:07 pm

So glad you're feeling better, Kim!

Apr. 8, 2021, 1:12 pm

Kim, I am so glad you are feeling better. I know you're still waiting on blood work but feeling better is worth a lot!!!

I posted on the group read thread for My Name is Red. It looks like such a good book and I'm not sure when I'll get to it. I'm really enjoying Ask Again, Yes at present and I also have Murder in Old Bombay in the queue from the library. Both so different from MNiR ... Ha. But of course, as both you and I have said (and sometimes meant), timelines and reading plans are flexible and CAN BE ALTERED. I'll follow along with some of the discussion even if I don't actually read it until late this month or even next month.

Apr. 8, 2021, 1:14 pm

By the way, I was chuckling the other day as I realized how many conversations I have that include, at some point, updates about where each participant is with getting vaccinated. It's great that we have finally reached this stage of the pandemic but it's also kind of weird or surreal how relevant vaccination status is to our daily experience right now!

Apr. 8, 2021, 3:54 pm

>132 EBT1002: Ain't that the truth. Yesterday Becky cut her work day a bit short on news of walk-in availability, and Mike drove her out to the north end of the valley to get vaccinated. Now in a couple of weeks we'll all be as immune as is currently possible.

Apr. 9, 2021, 6:52 pm

>133 quondame: Excellent news!

Apr. 16, 2021, 8:48 pm

Dropping in to say hello. Glad you are beginning to feel better!

Apr. 16, 2021, 9:18 pm

Hey yo, Kim, you way over there on the other side of the country. Hiya hiya. I'm good.

Apr. 16, 2021, 11:10 pm

Hi Kim, on the other side of the world! It’s good to know you’re feeling better.

Apr. 19, 2021, 10:16 pm

>117 Familyhistorian: The Poetry Slam is supposed to be live, so normally you would only have one chance to view the presentation, so they asked us not to go back and watch the videos again, but to just go with first impressions. Excited to see the final 10, which were professionally recorded. Results are scheduled for the end of the month!

>118 BLBera: Hurray for being vaccinated!! We are all moving along in the process in my family. Everyone is now scheduled for their first shot except for my niece's fiancee. I think now that they have opened up to all ages, they are asking people alphabetically, but that's just a guess.

Apr. 19, 2021, 10:19 pm

>119 richardderus: If it's not one thing it's another. LOL. Making progress though. Smooches.

>120 FAMeulstee: Thanks for the encouragement. I did another shelf in the S's today!!!

>121 magicians_nephew: Excellent! Well, I will have my second dose this Sunday. Soooo ready for things to calm down COVID-wise. : )

Apr. 19, 2021, 10:21 pm

>122 ffortsa: Boring can be a good thing!!! My levels had been consistent for years, so not sure what changed. But moving forward I think I would like to get it checked at least twice a year so I don't fall into this hole again.

>123 thornton37814: I can deal with a few hives. And I have Benadryl handy. ; ) I am planning on a day of feeling like crud afterwards, but we'll see....

>124 banjo123: One of these days, yes, yes, we will have another Portland meet-up!! Maybe sometime this summer...

Apr. 19, 2021, 10:25 pm

>125 humouress: Congrats on getting the vaccine and a stable thyroid level! Good luck with Jasper, poor dear.

>127 SirThomas: I like your positive attitude! Yes, as I know more and more people who have gotten vaccinated, my hope does rise. I just worry about getting the rest of the world done, too.

>128 charl08:. My pleasure. Although I have been an awful thread leader on MY Name IS Red. RL has just been so time consuming!! But I am now an official empty nester, so maybe I can get back to reading again. It's been a SLOOOOOW month for me.

Apr. 19, 2021, 10:28 pm

>129 BLBera: Okay, well that's kinda the reaction I am planning on after the second shot. Not fun, but manageable. This Sunday!! Planning nothing for Monday.

>130 RebaRelishesReading:. Thank you, Reba!! : )

>131 EBT1002:. Yes, reading has to be flexible, and definitely not a chore!! It's supposed to be my fun, my escape, so if my planned shared reads don't work exactly, I have to let go of the guilt. I am only hitting 50%ish of my group reads this month. Oops!

Apr. 19, 2021, 10:30 pm

>132 EBT1002:. I know! It's crazy how much we are focused on getting these damn shots! But I love hearing updates because it fills me with hope that we are gonna beat this thing.

>133 quondame:. Awesome! See, news like that makes me so happy.

>134 EBT1002:. : )

Apr. 19, 2021, 10:32 pm

>135 figsfromthistle:. Hello!! Yes, making progress. Slowly. ; )

>136 weird_O:. Hello over there!! Nice to see you. Glad you are well. Keep it up, okay?

>137 humouress:. And now across the world, hello to you, too! Yes, starting to feel better. Just have to keep the trend going. : )

Apr. 19, 2021, 10:37 pm

Hope I didn't miss anyone. Apologies if I did! : )

So let's, see, what else is new?

1. My middle daughter got a promissory ring from her boyfriend. Boy is she happy!

2. My son was chosen as the employee of the week for his company and they posted his picture and the really nice message a customer left about him on their newsfeed. Yay!

3. My oldest daughter sold her house and found a new one. They close in the beginning of May. She is busy packing. Woohoo!

4. My niece and her fiancee have finished quarantining after moving here from MN and

5. My sister and nephew moved out of my house into their condo this weekend so....

I am officially an empty nester!!

Apr. 20, 2021, 5:15 am


Apr. 20, 2021, 6:49 am

>145 Berly: Yay. As ever, plenty going on in your life Kim. Maybe a bit of quiet time now though.

Apr. 20, 2021, 7:45 am

Congrats on the empty nest, Kim!

Apr. 20, 2021, 7:55 am

>145 Berly: "I am officially an empty nester!" Yah! And God bless your patience. Thanks for the happy update.

Hey, Kimmers. We are camping this weekend and then Bree and I fly out for Oregon on Monday. Looking forward to seeing my family and hopefully doing a Meet-Up. B.A.G.

Apr. 20, 2021, 8:12 am

Hi Kim, and congratulations on getting your first dose of vaccine, second dose on Sunday, and being an empty nester!

>126 Berly: Good news about feeling better. I hope the thyroid levels return to normal soon.

Apr. 20, 2021, 8:24 am

>145 Berly: Yikes, that's a lot of change. Hope you and the other half have some sitting down planned (or maybe that's just my reaction to it all!)

Apr. 20, 2021, 8:26 am

>140 Berly: If y'all don't mind a bit of a drive (we're very near where the 5 and 205 come together on the north end), I would love to host on our deck.

>145 Berly: Wow! What a string of good news events!! Congratulations to one and all.

Apr. 20, 2021, 9:03 am

Woah, congrats, empty nester! Glad you were able to get your first vaccine too.

Apr. 20, 2021, 12:22 pm

>145 Berly: - Wow! That is a lot of good news! :-) Enjoy! (and, dare I suggest, RELAX...)

Apr. 20, 2021, 7:17 pm

Congrats, TwinK. Can you take some time and relax and enjoy it a bit?

Don't worry about the shared reads. I haven't been doing so well either. And reading should be enjoyable, right?

Apr. 21, 2021, 6:35 pm

I'm super excited that you're an empty nester in case I need to live with you in between homes. LOL (truly, just kidding!!!!)

Homeland Elegies is really, really good.

Apr. 22, 2021, 1:01 am

How's the empty nest going??!? (>156 EBT1002: lol!)

Kim, do you want to read On Beauty with me!?!? We are both dying to, I know it! I will start soon if you are keen :)

Apr. 22, 2021, 1:34 am

>145 Berly: So much good news. Congratulations!

Apr. 23, 2021, 1:26 pm

>145 Berly: Congrats! Enjoy the quiet! I am sure after an adjustment period you will like being an empty nester

Apr. 23, 2021, 1:34 pm

Congratulations on being an empty nester!

Apr. 23, 2021, 1:37 pm

>146 SirThomas: : )

>147 Caroline_McElwee: Ah, for some quiet time. I could surely use some of that.

>148 lauralkeet: Thank you! I am happy sad about empty nesting, but right now mostly happy!

Apr. 23, 2021, 1:40 pm

>149 msf59: Hurray! Safe travels and can't wait to see you. We can talk next week to figure out details.

>150 karenmarie: I am definitely on the mend and less stressed. Looking forward to sunny spring and summer weather--another mood lifter.

>151 charl08: I don't know if there will be a lot of sitting down time, but at least we will have time to get to our own stuff!! LOL

Apr. 23, 2021, 1:43 pm

>152 RebaRelishesReading: Thanks for the offer! I will check with Mark and see what works for him. I am also able to host outside around my garden. I'll keep you posted.

>153 bell7: It is quite a switch to go from 7 people down to 2. I sure have a lot more dinner leftovers!! ; )

>154 jessibud2: RELAX...a very nice concept. That, and then the opposite -- I haven't done TKD in a month because life has been so busy and I have to get back to it!! And I kinda don't want to start because I know I am woefully out of shape. Sigh.

Apr. 23, 2021, 1:48 pm

>155 BLBera: Thanks for understanding about the shared reads. I have done so little reading this month. Hopefully, I can get back in the groove, but I don't want to stress about it. : )

>156 EBT1002: Ha, ha!! Under other circumstances you would be more than welcome to come hang out here between abodes. ; )

>157 LovingLit: LOL. Love the enthusiasm. But only if you can put it off for two weeks or so. If you can't wait, I understand. I am still feeling a little swamped and need to chill out with with no reading pressure. xoxo

Apr. 23, 2021, 1:52 pm

>158 humouress: Thank you! So far, so good. But I am not holding my breath. One of my younger kids might return for a bit. Who knows? But having lived on their own and enjoyed the freedom, I am sure if they had to come back if wouldn't be for very long. LOL

>159 figsfromthistle: Definitely still adjusting to empty nesting, but I am up for the challenge!

>160 banjo123: Thanks. I think empty nesting agrees with me so far. And I still talk to my kids several times a week, so they don't feel that far away.

Bearbeitet: Apr. 23, 2021, 7:43 pm

Now about books....

I have mostly been a listener this month.

Beginner's Mind (🎧 1.5 hours) by Yo-Yo Ma
A pleasant listen with some insights from Ma followed by beautiful music pieces illustrating his points.

Between Two Kingdoms (🎧 13 hours)by Suleika Jaouad
A young woman battles leukemia and this book follows her journey through the illness and back to health on the other side. Insightful, inspiring and surprisingly uplifting.

Sleeping Dogs Lie (🎧 2 hours) by Samantha Downing
A dog walker plays a pivotal role in solving this murder mystery. Surprising plot twists. The ending left a little to be desired, but still fun.

And I am still reading Klara and the Sun about A.I. There's a lot going on in this book, and I am not sure exactly where it is going, but I am in for the ride!

Apr. 23, 2021, 2:32 pm

Hey, I just got Klara and the Sun from the library, so will be reading it soon -- I guess we are doing, sort of, a shared read. :)

Apr. 23, 2021, 7:05 pm

I'm too knackered to type after reading about all the goings and goings-on chez vous.

*smooch* for your empty-at-last nester-ness

Apr. 23, 2021, 7:42 pm

>167 BLBera: Yay! We can read Klara and the Sun together. It's by chance, but I will take it!

>168 richardderus: You think YOU are knackered!! LOL. I think I may finally decompress and collapse this weekend. Also, I get my second shot on Sunday...

Smooches very happily accepted. And returned. : )

Apr. 23, 2021, 8:09 pm

Don't plan anything the day after your second shot - I was miserable!

Apr. 23, 2021, 9:32 pm

>163 Berly: Ha! I actually did the same thing when I moved out of my parents' house (not that I did all the cooking, but I learned meal planning for seven), and it was quite an adjustment to go down to one. I still have to write down the dinners I'm planning on making with my grocery list to make sure there are no more than four so that I don't end up with too much to cook and too many leftovers.

I haven't yet bitten the bullet on Klara and the Sun but I'm contemplating it so I'll look forward to your thoughts on it.

Apr. 24, 2021, 6:43 am

>164 Berly: reading pressure? Not here, no sirree, no way, not from me :)

Apr. 24, 2021, 11:50 am

>166 Berly: Beginner's Mind is ravishing.

Apr. 24, 2021, 3:27 pm

I would so love to come to a Portland get together. I know I've been saying it for years but maybe this will be the year ....

I have Klara and the Sun on my library hold list, but I'm not sure when I will get it. In the meantime, I am trying to whittle down my pile from the library.

Apr. 24, 2021, 7:18 pm

>163 Berly: Hmmm. I have that one hanging in my virtual shopping basket. Can't decide if I should buy it yet or wait a little while longer.

Enjoy the weekend.

Apr. 24, 2021, 11:38 pm

>174 streamsong: I won't make it to Portland this year but it is a long standing ambition of mine too, Janet.

Realistically 2023 I will be there on the sidewalk outside Powell's waiting for it to open and ready to show in real time what a Cranswickian haul looks like!

Have a lovely weekend Kimmers. xx

Apr. 25, 2021, 2:36 pm

>176 PaulCranswick: adding a possible Portland meet to our hypothetical calendar for 2023, Paul.

Apr. 26, 2021, 8:51 am

'Morning, Kim!

Here’s the thread for the next Dick Francis SHARED Read, just created: Third Race at the LT Racetrack: Book 3, Bonecrack

Apr. 27, 2021, 2:10 pm

Hi Kim! (that is all)

Apr. 27, 2021, 11:40 pm

Hi All! Got my second shot on Sunday and I had a few symptoms, of course. LOL. Dizzy, nauseous, and then the fever and chills. Just started to feel better today after lunch. Should be all fine by tomorrow when I'll be back to answer posts. Thanks you guys!

Apr. 28, 2021, 4:42 am

>180 Berly: there seems to be a lot of side effects similar to yours. I hope you bounce back!

Apr. 28, 2021, 11:25 am

Vaccination side effects I did not experience. While that makes me thankful, it also wonders me: did the vaccine "take"?

Apr. 29, 2021, 4:22 am

>182 weird_O: You can find the answer to that in the SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 (20) thread, msg 125.

Apr. 29, 2021, 7:57 am

>183 FAMeulstee: Thank you Anita, I had wondered the same thing since I had almost no reaction to either Pfizer shot. Comforting to know that's OK.

Apr. 30, 2021, 2:44 pm

How's Klara and the Sun coming along? I'm about halfway. Interesting stuff.

Apr. 30, 2021, 4:00 pm

I hope you're rarin' to go and with something perfect on the burner.

Apr. 30, 2021, 4:34 pm

Hi Kim my dear, glad to hear that you have both of your Covid shots, we get our second shot on the 8th of June.

Hope that life is treating you and the family well and that you are getting used to being an empty nester.

We are still waiting for Amy to give birth, her due date was yesterday but still no sign as yet, oh well it will come when it is good and ready.

Hope that you and the family have a really lovely weekend my dear and we both send love and hugs to you and the family dear friend.

Mai 1, 2021, 3:43 am

Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful weekend, Kim.

Mai 1, 2021, 6:40 pm

happy weekend, Kim!

Mai 3, 2021, 1:21 pm

Hey TwinK! I hope you are OK. I just wanted to tell you that I finished Klara and the Sun and loved it. :)

Mai 4, 2021, 9:06 pm

>183 FAMeulstee: I love this group - that there is an informed vaccination thread to discuss such things rationally ((((Hugs all of LT))))

Mai 10, 2021, 2:54 am

*waving hello!*

Mai 12, 2021, 8:30 am

Hi, kim.

I"m another one who enjoyed Klara and the Sun. I hope it's working for you.

Congrats on getting both shots. Is it a load off your mind? It was for us.

as much as we love the kids, we really enjoy being empty-nesters. I suspect it will be similar for you and Walt.

Mai 13, 2021, 10:34 pm

>170 BLBera: I was miserable after the second shot. But I got it!!

>171 bell7: Cooking for 2 rather than 7, has the perk of leftovers. I just have to be careful that I cook for 4 people NOT 8 or I get too MANY leftovers! LOL

>172 LovingLit: Thank you for no reading pressure. I still haven't gotten back into the groove yet.

Mai 13, 2021, 10:39 pm

>173 ffortsa: I figured you might like Yo-Yo Ma's Beginner's Mind!!

>174 streamsong: Well, if you ever get to Portland, make sure to give me a shout-out for a meet-up! And good luck whittling down the book piles. Ha! A lifetime mission.

>175 figsfromthistle: Hi there! Not sure which book you have dangling in your to-be-bought basket, but did you buy it? : )

Mai 13, 2021, 10:41 pm

>176 PaulCranswick: Paul, just let me know when you are coming, whatever year it is!, and I will meet you on the sidewalk outside Powell's.

>177 magicians_nephew: Perfect!! I'd love to see you, too. : )

>178 karenmarie: Back to the racetrack! I have it on my Kindle; now I just have to get to it.

Mai 13, 2021, 10:46 pm

>179 EBT1002: Hi Ellen!! Happy Thursday! (Now I can say, 'That's All!'"

>181 LovingLit: I am totally recovered from the vaccine, but have been dealing with a few other medical issues. So far, recovered from 2 of the 3. Dr appt on the third issue tomorrow.

>182 weird_O: Yes, I am sure it took and you just got lucky with no side effects!! Jealous. :P

Mai 13, 2021, 10:52 pm

>183 FAMeulstee: Thank you for posting the COVID info link on LT!!

>184 RebaRelishesReading: : )

>185 BLBera: Loving it! I got interrupted, but have 50 pages left. Should finish Klara and the Sun tomorrow. My other friends reading it are also enthralled.

Mai 13, 2021, 10:55 pm

>186 richardderus: Mmmmm. Having good days and not so good days. But the number of issues is dwindling, so that's good. : )

>187 johnsimpson: I heard congratulations are in order, right Grandpa? : ) Congratulations!!

>188 SirThomas: Thank you! And I am going to return the favor and wish you a happy upcoming weekend!!

Mai 13, 2021, 10:56 pm

>189 banjo123: Happy weekend to you!!

>190 BLBera: See >185 BLBera:. : )

>191 LovingLit: LT love!! Yes, indeed.

Bearbeitet: Mai 13, 2021, 11:00 pm

>192 humouress: *Hello!*

>193 jnwelch: Yes, it is a big load off my mind to have the second vaccine. And I am excited to be around others who are "safe" and not have to wear the darn masks anymore!! I still plan on wearing the masks around crowds, both to protect myself from those who are unvaccinated and to encourage others to keep wearing masks if they are not fully vaccinated.

I wish the CDC hadn't come out with such global statement about mask wearing. I worry those who are anti-vaccines will just feel free to never get it and they'll stop wearing masks.

At least masks are still required for travel.

Mai 13, 2021, 11:02 pm

Hope I didn't miss anyone!

Hope all those on the East Coast are not running out of gas. Yikes!

More on books this weekend.

Hugs. : )
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