Figuren/CharaktereSir Walter Scott

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (68)

Abbotsford. The Personal Relics and Antiquarian Treasures of Sir Walter Scott von Mary Monica Maxwell-Scott
The Anglo-Scottish Ballad and Its Imaginary Contexts von David Atkinson
The autobiography of Arthur Machen von Arthur Machen
The Ballad & the Folklorist the Collected Papers of David Buchan von W. F. H. Nicolaisen
The Ballad Revival: Studies in the Influence of Popular on Sophisticated Poetry von Albert B. Friedman
Bloodlust & Bonnets von Emily McGovern
The Blue Heaven Bends Over All von Jane Oliver
The Border Ballads von James Reed
Border Wedding von Amanda Scott
A Brief History of Britain 1066 - 1485 von Nicholas Vincent
THE BRITISH LITERARY BALLAD: A Study in Poetic Imitation von Jr. G. Malcolm Laws
The broadside ballad : a study in origins and meaning von Leslie Shepard
Die Bruderschaft der Runen von Michael Peinkofer
Byron: Life and Legend von Fiona MacCarthy
The Civilized Imagination: A Study of Ann Radcliffe, Jane Austen and Sir Walter Scott von Daniel Cottom
The classics reclassified von Richard Armour
Confederate Ordeal: The Southern Home Front von Steven A. Channingmentioned
The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot von Russell Kirk
Crowded With Genius: The Scottish Enlightenment: Edinburgh's Moment of the Mind von James Buchan
Elizabeth I (Very Interesting People) von Patrick Collinsonauthor of Kenilworth
English Romantic Writers von David Perkins
Forward to Richmond: McClellan's Peninsular Campaign von Ronald H. Bailey
Gout: The Patrician Malady von Roy Porter
Great Tales from English History Omnibus von Robert Lacey
The Horologicon: A Day's Jaunt Through the Lost Words of the English Language von Mark Forsyth
How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World & Everything in It von Arthur Herman
Hugh Walpole von Rupert Hart-Davis
Humphry Davy von Harold Hartley
The Jacobite Song: Political Myth and National Identity von William Donaldson
The Life of Scott Vol I von John Gibson Lockhart
The Life of Scott Vol II von John Gibson Lockhart
Life of Scott, vol. III von J. G. Lockhart
The life of Sir Walter Scott von Stephen Lucius Gwynn
The life of Sir Walter Scott (Abridged by E. MacKerchar) von J. G. Lockhart
The Life of Sir Walter Scott (memoirs of), vol III of IX von John Gibson Lockhart
The Life of Sir Walter Scott (memoirs of), vol IV of IX von John Gibson Lockhart
The Life of Sir Walter Scott (memoirs of), vol IX of IX von John Gibson Lockhart
The Life of Sir Walter Scott (memoirs of), vol V of IX von J. G. Lockhart
The Life of Sir Walter Scott (memoirs of), vol VI of IX von John Gibson Lockhart
The Life of Sir Walter Scott (memoirs of), vol VII of IX von J. G. Lockhart
The Life of Sir Walter Scott (memoirs of), vol VIII of IX von John Gibson Lockhart
The Life of Sir Walter Scott Bart: Abridged from the Larger Work von J. G. Lockhart
The Life of Walter Scott: A Critical Biography (Blackwell Critical Biographies) von John Sutherland
A literary history of the popular ballad von David C. Fowler
The Lore of Scotland: A Guide to Scottish Legends von Jennifer Westwood
Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. von J. G. Lockhart
NPG Insights: Romantic Poets & Their CircleThe Romantic Poets and their Circle (National Portrait Gallery Insights) von Richard Holmes
The Oxford Companion to Scottish History von Michael Lynch
The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes von Iona Opie
The Rise of Tolkienian Fantasy von Jared C. Lobdell
Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries von Marilyn Butler
Scott on Himself von Sir Walter Scott
Scott-land: The Man Who Invented a Nation von Stuart Kelly
The Scottish Tradition in Literature von Kurt Wittig
Selected poems (Fyfield Books) von Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Scott von John Buchan
Sir Walter Scott von John Lauber
Sir Walter Scott von William Henry Hudson
Sir Walter Scott (Famous Personalities) von James Aloysius Carruth
Sir Walter Scott; the great unknown von Edgar Johnson
Sir Walter: A four-part study in biography (Scott, Hogg, Lockhart, Joanna Baillie) von Donald Carswell
Strictly Speaking von Edwin Newman
The Tale of Terror: A Study of the Gothic Romance von Edith Birkhead
A Terrible Tomboy von Angela Brazil
Washington Irving: An American Original von Brian Jay Jones
Who's Who in Late Hanoverian Britain: 1789 To 1837 von Geoffrey Treasure
The World of Washington Irving von Van Wyck Brooks