Figuren/CharaktereCharles Darwin [Charles Robert: 1809-1882]

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (378)

12 Books That Changed the World von Melvyn Bragg
12 pioneers of science von Harry Sootin
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave von Dave Breese
Adventures in Genius von Will Durant
The Adventures of Alexander von Humboldt von Andrea Wulf
The Adventures of Charles Darwin von Peter Ward
Der Affe von Hartlepool von Jérémie Moreau
The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science von Richard Holmes
Alphabet des Lebens von Matt Ridley
The Amazing Voyage of Charles Darwin (Great explorer) von Anna Nilsen
Ancestors in Our Genome: The New Science of Human Evolution von Eugene E. Harris
Angels and Ages: A Short Book About Darwin, Lincoln, and Modern Life von Adam Gopnik
Anybody Out There? von Ben Miller
Apes, Angels, & Victorians: The Story of Darwin, Huxley, and Evolution von William Irvine
Archetypes and Ancestors: Palaeontology in Victorian London, 1850-1875 von Adrian Desmond
Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love von Elizabeth A. Johnson
Der Aufstieg des Menschen von Jacob Bronowski
Autobiographies: Charles Darwin and T.H. Huxley (Oxford Paperbacks) von Gavin De Beer
Autobiography and selected letters von Charles Darwin
Back to Darwin: A Richer Account of Evolution von John B. Cobb Jr.
Der Baum des Lebens: Charles Darwin von Peter Sís
The Beagle letters von Charles Darwin
Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors von Nicholas Wade
Beyond the Tragic Vision: The Quest for Identity in the Nineteenth Century von Morse Peckham
Der blinde Uhrmacher: Warum die Erkenntnisse der Evolutionstheorie zeigen, daß das Universum nicht durch Design entstanden ist von Richard Dawkins
Bloodtide von Jonathan Morris
Bournemouth's Founders and Famous Visitors von Andrew Norman
Breakthroughs in Science von Isaac Asimov
A Brief History of Creation: Science and the Search for the Origin of Life von Bill Mesler
Burke & Hare von Martin Conaghan
Butts: A Backstory von Heather Radke
C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy von Jeff Sharlet
The Cambridge Companion to Darwin von Jonathan Hodge
The Cambridge Companion to the 'Origin of Species' von Robert J. Richards
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Darwin and Evolutionary Thought von Michael Ruse
Cambridge Scientific Minds von Peter Harman
Care for the Earth von Russell Lord
Carl and the Meaning of Life von Deborah Freedman
The Cartoon Introduction to Philosophy von Michael F. Patton
Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith von Deborah Heiligman
Charles Darwin von Michael Ruse
Charles Darwin von David C. King
Charles Darwin von Don Nardo
Charles Darwin von Leonard Huxley
Charles Darwin von Gavin De Beer
Charles Darwin von Ann Fullick
Charles Darwin (Raintree Perspectives: Science Biographies) von Nick Hunter
Charles Darwin (Scientists Who Made History) von Cath Senker
Charles Darwin (Volume 53) (Little People, BIG DREAMS, 53) von Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Charles Darwin : der stille Revolutionär von Franz M. Wuketits
Charles Darwin : herinneringen von Alfred Russel Wallace
Charles Darwin : naturalist von Alexandra Hanson-Harding
Charles Darwin : On the Origin of Species : The definitive guide to the book that changed the world von The Guardian
Charles Darwin and Down House von Jessie Dobson
Charles Darwin and Evolution von Bernard Stonehouse
Charles Darwin and His World von Julian Huxley
Charles Darwin and the Evolution Revolution von Rebecca Stefoff
Charles Darwin and The Origin of Species von Walter Karp
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution von Heather Adamson
Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle von Nora Barlow
Charles Darwin at Down House von Solene Morris
Charles darwin memorial at down house
The Charles Darwin Memorial at Down House, Downe, Kent von Philip Titheradge
Charles Darwin's Zoology Notes and Specimen Lists from H. M. S. Beagle von Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin's the origin of species : new interdisciplinary essays von David Amigoni
Charles Darwin, 'a man of enlarged curiosity' von Peter Brent
Charles Darwin, Geologist von Sandra Herbert
Charles Darwin. "Nichts ist beständiger als der Wandel". Briefe 1822-1859 von Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin. Mein Leben 1809-1882 von Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin. Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. von Johannes Hemleben
Charles Darwin: - kurz und bündig von Adrian Desmond
Charles Darwin: A Biography [2-volume set] von Janet Browne
Charles Darwin: A Biography: Volume 2: The Power of Place von Janet Browne
Charles Darwin: A New Life von John Bowlby
Charles Darwin: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works (Significant Figures in World History) von J. David Archibald
Charles Darwin: Der große Naturforscher und seine Theorie der Evolution von David Quammen
Charles Darwin: His Life and Work (Leaders in Science) von Charles Frederick Holder
Charles Darwin: On the Trail of Evolution von Clint Twist
Charles Darwin: Revolutionary Biologist von J. Edward Evans
Charles Darwin: The Making of a Scientist von Roy A. Gallant
Charles Darwin: The Man and his Influence von Peter J. Bowler
Charles Darwin: The Naturalist Who Started a Scientific Revolution von Cyril Aydon
Charles Darwin: The Scholar Who Changed Human History von Patrick Tort
Charles Darwin: the years of controversy; The origin of species and its critics, 1859-1882 von Peter J Vorzimmer
Charles Darwin: Victorian Mythmaker von A. N. Wilson
The Civil War: An Illustrated History von Geoffrey C. Ward
Comets von Clive Algar
Coming of Age in the Milky Way von Timothy Ferris
A Commentary on Psalms 1-72 von John F. Brug
Complete Works of Charles Darwin [Kindle ed.] von Charles Darwin
Continent of Curiosities: A Journey Through Australian Natural History von Danielle Clode
Copernicus, Darwin and Freud: Revolutions in the History and Philosophy of Science von Friedel Weinert
Corpse Talk: Groundbreaking Scientists von Adam Murphy
Curing Hiccups with Small Fires von Karl Shaw
Darwin von Adrian Desmond
Darwin von Wilma B. George
Darwin & die Evolution von Paul Strathern
DARWIN & HENSLOW: GROWTH OF AN IDEA (LETTERS 1831-1960) von Charles Darwin
Darwin (Lifelines) von F.D. Fletcher
Darwin (Norton Critical Edition) von Philip Appleman
Darwin (The Routledge Philosophers) von Tim Lewens
Darwin : a beginner's guide von Gill Hands
The Darwin Affair von Tim Mason
Darwin and Butler; two versions of evolution von Basil Willey
Darwin and Darwinism: Revolutionary Insights concerning Man, Nature, Religion, and Society von Harold Y. Vanderpool
Darwin and Evolution for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities von Kristan Lawson
Darwin and Huxley in Australia von Alan John Marshall
Darwin and Modern Science von A. C. Seward
Darwin and the Barnacle: The Story of One Tiny Creature and History's Most Spectacular Scientific Breakthrough von Rebecca Stott
Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution von Gertrude Himmelfarb
Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior von Robert J. Richards
Darwin and the Galapagos von John A. Livingston
Darwin and the Making of Sexual Selection von Evelleen Richards
Darwin and the Mysterious Mr. X von Loren Eiseley
The Darwin Conspiracy von John Darnton
The Darwin Experience: The Story of the Man and His Theory of Evolution von John van Wyhe
Darwin for Beginners von Jonathan Miller
Darwin in Tierra del Fuego von Anne MacKaye Chapman
Darwin on Trial von Phillip E. Johnson
Darwin Slept Here: Discovery, Adventure, and Swimming Iguanas in Charles Darwin's South America von Eric Simons
Darwin und die Götter der Scheibenwelt von Terry Pratchett
Darwin Up to Date/A New Scientific Guide von Jeremy Cherfas
Darwin's Apprentice: An Archaeological Biography of John Lubbock von Janet Owen
Darwin's Century: Evolution and the Men Who Discovered It von Loren Eiseley
Darwin's Garden von Michael Boulter
Darwin's hunch : science, race and the search for human origins von Christa Kuljian
Darwin's mentor : John Stevens Henslow von S. M. Walters
Darwin's Sacred Cause: How a Hatred of Slavery Shaped Darwin's Views on Human Evolution von Adrian Desmond
Darwin's Super-Pooping Worm Spectacular von Polly Owen
Darwin's Armada: Four Voyages and the Battle for the Theory of Evolution von Iain McCalman
Darwin's Blind Spot: Evolution Beyond Natural Selection von Frank Ryan
DARWIN'S GARDEN: An Evolutionary Adventure von David Kohn
Darwin's Ghosts: The Secret History of Evolution von Rebecca Stott
Darwin's Illness von Ralph Colp
Darwin's Origin of Species: A Biography von Janet Browne
Darwin's Pious Idea: Why the Ultra-Darwinists and Creationists Both Get It Wrong von Conor Cunningham
Darwin's Plots: Evolutionary Narrative in Darwin, George Eliot and Nineteenth-Century Fiction von Gillian Beer
Darwin's Pupil: The Place of Sir John Lubbock, Lord Avebury, 1834-1913, in late Victorian and Edwardian England von Michael Thompson
Darwin's Religious Odyssey von William E. Phipps
Darwin's Worms: On Life Stories and Death Stories von Adam Phillips
Darwin, His Daughter, and Human Evolution von Randal Keynes
Darwin, Marx, Wagner: Critique of a Heritage von Jacques Barzun
Darwin, Wallace en de anderen : evolutie volgens Redmond O'Hanlon von Alexander Reeuwijk
Darwin: A Life in Poems von Ruth Padel
Darwin: A Life in Science von Michael White
Darwin: A Life of Evolution von Alexander Kennedy
Darwin: A Very Short Introduction von Jonathan Howard
Darwin: An Exceptional Voyage von Fabien Grolleau
Darwin: Discovering the Tree of Life von Niles Eldredge
Darwin: Portrait of a Genius von Paul Johnson
Darwin: rivoluzionario della scienza von Jacopo Olivieri
Darwinian Myths: The Legends and Misuses of a Theory von Edward Caudill
A Darwinian Worldview von Brian Baxter
Darwins Black Box : biochemische Einwände gegen die Evolutionstheorie von Michael J. Behe
Darwins Garten: Leben und Entdeckungen des Naturforschers Charles Darwin und die moderne Biologie von Steve Jones
Darwins gefährliches Erbe. Die Evolution und der Sinn des Lebens von Daniel C. Dennett
Darwins große Reise von Alan Moorehead
Darwins Kapitän von Peter Nichols
The Dawn of the Deed: The Prehistoric Origins of Sex von John A. Long
Dear Mr. Dickens von Nancy Churnin
Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds von Phillip E. Johnson
A Delicate Arrangement: The Strange Case of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace von Arnold C. Brackman
The Descent of Man; The Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle; On the Origin of the Species; [and] The Autobiography [4-volume set] von Charles Darwin
Diesseits von Gut und Böse. The moral animal. Die biologischen Grundlagen unserer Ethik von Robert Wright
Dinosaurierjäger. Der Wettlauf um die Erforschung der prähistorischen Welt. von Deborah Cadbury
Discovering the Philosopher in You: The Big Questions in Philosophy (Modern Scholar) von Colin McGinn
Dispelling the Darkness: Voyage in the Malay Archipelago and the Discovery of Evolution by Wallace and Darwin von John van Wyhe
Divinity of Doubt: The God Question von Vincent Bugliosi
Doctors of Modernity: Darwin, Marx, and Freud von R. F. Baum
Down House : the home of Charles Darwin von Solene Morris
Der Drache in meiner Garage oder Die Kunst der Wissenschaft, Unsinn zu entlarven von Carl Sagan
Drawing Caricatures: How to Create Successful Caricatures in a Range of Styles von Martin Pope
Earnest Victorians; six great Victorians as portrayed in their own words and those of their contemporaries von Robert A. Rosenbaum
The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms von Amy Stewart
East Anglia's history : studies in honour of Norman Scarfe von Christopher Harper-Bill
Elstaraj Artikoloj En Bg.Wiki: Leonardo Da Vinci, Tero, Charles Darwin, Galilejo, Parizo, Evoluismo, Nord-Koreio, Venuso, Isaac Newton, Marso, Luno, ... Vulgara Latina, Merkuro, Edgar Allan Poe von Fonto: Wikipedia,
Emil du Bois-Reymond : neuroscience, self, and society in nineteenth-century Germany von Gabriel Finkelstein
Emma Darwin V1: A Century of Family Letters, 1792-1896 (1915) von Henrietta Litchfield
Emma Darwin V2: A Century of Family Letters, 1792-1896 (1915) von Henrietta Litchfield
Emma Darwin, Wife of Charles Darwin: A Century of Family Letters von Henrietta Emma Litchfield
Emma Darwin: A Victorian Life von James D. Loy
Emma Darwin: The Inspirational Wife of a Genius von Edna Healey
Das Ende vom Anfang der Naturgeschichte von Stephen Jay Gould
England: 1000 Things You Need to Know von Nicholas Hobbes
Die Entstehung der Arten durch natürliche Zuchtwahl von Charles Darwin
The Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease and Inheritance by Carey, Nessa (2012) Paperback von Nessa Carey
The Erotic Life of Manuscripts: New Testament Textual Criticism and the Biological Sciences von Yii-Jan Lin
Etty Darwin and the Four Pebble Problem von Lauren Soloy
Evangelical Lutheran Dogmatics II von Adolf Hoenecke
Everything You Need to Ace Science in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete Middle School Study Guide (Big Fat Notebooks) von Workman Publishing
Evolution : A Very Short Introduction von Brian Charlesworth
Evolution : Von der Sintfluttheorie zur modernen Abstammungslehre von Linda Gamlin
Evolution and Conversion: Dialogues on the Origins of Culture von René Girard
Evolution and Human Sexual Behavior von Peter B. Gray
Evolution and Religious Creation Myths: How Scientists Respond von Paul F. Lurquin
Evolution for Everyone: How Darwin's Theory Can Change the Way We Think About Our Lives von David Sloan Wilson
The Evolution of Evolution: Darwin, Enlightenment and Scotland von Walter Stephen
Evolution of Your Body: Leading Edge Thinking on Brain, Eye, Development, Regeneration, and More von Scientific American
Evolution, Old & New Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin von Samuel Butler
The Existence of God von Wallace I. Matson
Explor-A-Maze von Robert Snedden
Extinct [2021 film] von David Silverman
The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of the Whole Stupid World von Matt Kracht
Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence von Hector Avalos
Flying Free von Nigel Farage
Fossilien, Zeugen der Urzeit (Abenteuer Geschichte 15) von Yvette Gayrard-Valy
Fossils, Finches, and Fuegians: Darwin's Adventures and Discoveries on the Beagle von Richard Keynes
From Aristotle to Darwin & Back Again: A Journey in Final Causality, Species and Evolution von Étienne Gilson
From Darwin to Derrida: Selfish Genes, Social Selves, and the Meanings of Life (The MIT Press) von David Haig
Galapagos Regained von James Morrow
Gegenseitige Hilfe in der Tier- und Menschenwelt von Peter Kropotkin
Das Gen: Eine sehr persönliche Geschichte von Siddhartha Mukherjee
Genesis and Geology: A Study in the Relations of Scientific Thought, Natural Theology, and Social Opinion in Great Britain, 1790-1850 von Charles Gillispie
Gesammelte Werke: Reise eines Naturforschers um die Welt, Über die Entstehung der Arten durch natürliche Zuchtwahl oder die Erhaltung der begünstigten ... bei dem Menschen und den Tieren von Edward O. Wilson
Der Gesang des Dodo. Eine Reise durch die Evolution der Inselwelten von David Quammen
Ghost Hunters: William James and the Search for Scientific Proof of Life After Death von Deborah Blum
Gipfel des Unwahrscheinlichen. Wunder der Evolution. von Richard Dawkins
Girlhood von Melissa Febos
Gladstone: Heroic Minister 1865-1898 von Richard Shannon
Glimpses of the Wonderful: The Life of Philip Henry Gosse von Ann Thwaite
God's Funeral: The Decline of Faith in Western Civilization von A. N. Wilson
Gout: The Patrician Malady von Roy Porter
The Graphic Canon, Vol. 2: From "Kubla Khan" to the Bronte Sisters to The Picture of Dorian Gray von Russ Kick
The Great Scientists: From Euclid to Stephen Hawking von John Farndon
Die großen Denker von Will Durant
H.L. Mencken on Religion von H. L. Mencken
Haeckel's Embryos: Images, Evolution, and Fraud von Nick Hopwood
Hand & Fuß: Wie die Evolution uns zu Menschen machte von Chip Walter
The Heretic in Darwin's Court: The Life of Alfred Russel Wallace von Ross A. Slotten
Herndon's Life of Lincoln von William Henry Herndon
Heroes Of Civilization von Joseph Cottler
The Heyday of Natural History von Lynn Barber
Historical and Descriptive Catalogue of the Darwin Memorial at Down House, Downe, Kent von Not Known
History of Modern Psychology von Duane P. Schultz
History VIPs: Charles Darwin von Kay Barnham
Hitler's Philosophers von Yvonne Sherratt
A Home of Their Own: The Heart-warming 150-year History of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home von Garry Jenkins
The Horologicon: A Day's Jaunt Through the Lost Words of the English Language von Mark Forsyth
Hottentot Venus von Barbara Chase-Riboud
How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking von Jordan Ellenberg
How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog): Visionary Scientists and a Siberian Tale of Jump-Started Evolution von Lee Alan Dugatkin
Human Universals von Donald E. Brown
Huxley: From Devil's Disciple to Evolution's High Priest von Adrian Desmond
The Hypochondriacs: Nine Tormented Lives von Brian Dillon
Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong von Jonathan Wells
Ideas That Changed the World von Felipe Fernández-Armesto
Impressions of great naturalists; reminiscences of Darwin, Huxley, Balfour, Cope and others von Henry Fairfield Osborn
In Darwin's Shadow: The Life and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace: A Biographical Study on the Psychology of History von Michael Shermer
In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life von Henry Gee
Joseph Conrad & Charles Darwin: The Influence Of Scientific Thought On Conra von Redmond O'Hanlon
Eine Kindheit in Cambridge von Gwen Raverat
The Kingdom of Speech von Tom Wolfe
Eine kurze Geschichte der Menschheit von Yuval Noah Harari
Lamarck's Revenge: How Epigenetics Is Revolutionizing Our Understanding of Evolution's Past and Present von Peter Ward
Later Bloomers: 35 Folks Over Age 35 Who Found Their Passion and Purpose von Debra Eve
Leben : Ursprung und Merkmale des Lebens auf der Erde (Sehen. Staunen. Wissen : Faszinierende Forschung) von David Burnie
Leben : verblüffende Erfindungen der Evolution von Nick Lane
Letters of Note - Briefe, die die Welt bedeuten von Shaun Usher
Letters to My Grandchildren von Tony Benn
Life and Death in the Andes: On the Trail of Bandits, Heroes, and Revolutionaries von Kim MacQuarrie
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin von Charles Darwin
Life of Charles Darwin von G. T. Bettany
The Life of Charles Darwin von Francis Darwin
The Literary and Cultural Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe (The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe) von Thomas F. Glick
Literary Darwinism: Evolution, Human Nature, and Literature von Joseph Carroll
The living thoughts of Darwin von Julian Huxley
Love Letters of Great Men von Ursula Doyle
Love: A Discovery in Comics von Margreet de Heer
Lucy's legacy : sex and intelligence in human evolution von Alison Jolly
Lyell and Darwin, geologists : studies in the earth sciences in the age of reform von M. J. S. Rudwick
Die Lösung von Darwins Dilemma. Wie die Evolution komplexes Leben schafft von Marc W. Kirschner
Mamas letzte Umarmung: Die Emotionen der Tiere und was sie über uns aussagen von Frans de Waal
Der Mann. Ein Irrtum der Natur? von Steve Jones
Der Medien-Code Marilyn Monroe, Berthe Morisot, Charles Darwin, Comenius und Platon im Gespräch über die digitale Gesellschaft von Christian Doelker
Men, Ships, and the Sea von Alan John Villiers
The Minutes of the Lazarus Club von Tony Pollard
Mister Darwin's Shooter von Roger McDonald
Mit Darwin leben: Evolution, Intelligent Design und die Zukunft des Glaubens von Philip Kitcher
Monkey's Uncle von Jenny Diski
The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show: Season 1 von John Sanford
The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show: Season 3 von John Sanford
Mrs Robinson's Disgrace: The Private Diary of a Victorian Lady von Kate Summerscale
Na de Amazone von Redmond O'Hanlon
A Narrative of the Voyage of HMS Beagle von Robert Fitzroy
Naturalist: A Graphic Adaptation von Jim Ottaviani
Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience, and What Makes Us Human von Matt Ridley
The Neandertal Enigma von James Shreeve
Neue Sternstunden der Philosophie von Otto A. Böhmer
New Scientist, 12 March 1987 von New Scientist
New Scientist, 15 January 1994 von New Scientist
New Scientist, 16 July 2016 von New Scientist
New Scientist, 4 September 1980 von New Scientist
Non-human thought: The mysteries of the animal psyche von Jacques Graven
Obelisk von Stephen Baxter
On Giants' Shoulders: Great Scientists and Their Discoveries from Archimedes to DNA von Melvyn Bragg
One Hundred and One Botanists von Duane Isely
The Origin of Species: Darwin's Theory of Evolution (Words That Changed History) von Don Nardo
Our Great Heritage Volume 1 von Lyle W. Lange
Panati's Extraordinary Endings of Practically Everything and Everybody von Charles Panati
The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained von Will Buckingham
Philosophy: A Discovery in Comics von Margreet de Heer
Pilgrim on the Great Bird Continent: The Importance of Everything and Other Lessons From Darwin's Lost Notebooks von Lyanda Lynn Haupt
The Pirate Life von John "Chumbucket" Baur
Die Piraten! von Peter Lord
Piraten! Ein Affentheater auf hoher See von Gideon Defoe
The Pirates! Band of Misfits: Original Motion Picture Score von Theodore Shapiro
The Pirates!: An Adventure with Scientists & An Adventure with Ahab von Gideon Defoe
A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching: Getting to Know the World's Most Misunderstood Bird von Rosemary Mosco
The Price of Altruism: George Price and the Search for the Origins of Kindness von Oren Harman
Promethean Ambitions: Alchemy and the Quest to Perfect Nature von William R. Newman
Puzzle Menschwerdung : Auf der Spur der menschlichen Evolution von Ian Tattersall
Der Quastenflosser. Die abenteuerliche Geschichte der Entdeckung eines lebenden Fossils von Samantha Weinberg
Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature von Linda Lear
Reinventing Darwin: The Great Debate at the High Table of Evolutionary Theory von Niles Eldredge
Reise eines Naturforschers um die Welt von Charles Darwin
Reptilien : Die Welt der Schlangen, Echsen und Schildkröten. Entwicklungsgeschichte, Artenreichtum, Lebensgewohnheiten von Colin McCarthy
Los retos actuales del darwinismo ¿una teoría en crisis? von Juan Moreno Klemming
Revelation Through Science von James G. Martin
Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge, and Truth von Mirza Tahir Ahmad
The Rise and Reign of the Mammals: A New History, from the Shadow of the Dinosaurs to Us von Stephen L. Brusatte
The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression von Academic Industries
Der Rosinenkönig von Fredrik Sjöberg
Rounding the Horn von Dallas Murphy
The Sacred Journey von Charles Foster
The Sandwalk Adventures: An Adventure in Evolution Told in Five Chapters von Jay Hosler
Sapiens: A Graphic History, Vol. 1: The Birth of Humankind von Yuval Noah Harari
Saving Darwin: How to Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution von Karl Giberson
der schoepfung wunderbare wege von Irving Stone
Die Schöpfungslüge. Warum Darwin Recht hatte von Richard Dawkins
Science Comics: Dinosaurs: Fossils and Feathers von MK Reed
Science Comics: Dogs: From Predator to Protector von Andy Hirsch
Science: A History von John Gribbin
The Scientists: A History of Science Told Through the Lives of Its Greatest Inventors von John Gribbin
Seeing Further: The Story of Science, Discovery, and the Genius of the Royal Society [ SEEING FURTHER: THE STORY OF SCIENCE, DISCOVERY, AND THE GENIUS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY ] by Bryson, Bill (Author) Nov-08-2011 [ Paperback ] von Bill Bryson
The Selfish Genius: How Richard Dawkins Rewrote Darwin's Legacy von Fern Elsdon-Baker
The seven mighty blows to traditional beliefs von A. J. Mattill
Sex on Six Legs: Lessons on Life, Love, and Language from the Insect World von Marlene Zuk
The Shape of the New: Four Big Ideas and How They Made the Modern World von Scott L. Montgomery
Shaping Natural History and Settler Society : Mary Elizabeth Barber and the Nineteenth-Century Cape von Tanja Hammel
Six Great Scientists: Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Darwin, Marie Curie, Einstein von James Gerald Crowther
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: The Evolutionary Origins of Belief von Lewis Wolpert
Sociobiology: The Abridged Edition von Edward O. Wilson
The Spirit in the Gene: Humanity's Proud Illusion and the Laws of Nature (Comstock Book) von Reg Morrison
Der Sprachinstinkt. Wie der Geist die Sprache bildet. von Steven Pinker
Step Aside, Pops: A Hark! A Vagrant Collection von Kate Beaton
A Student's Introduction to Charles Darwin von Jeffrey C. Brautigam
The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life von David Quammen
This Thing of Darkness von Harry Thompson
Tierra del Fuego von Sylvia Iparraguirre
The Times Great Victorian Lives: An Era in Obituaries (Times (Times Books)) von Ian Brunskill
The Trouble With Women von Jacky Fleming
Das unbeschriebene Blatt von Steven Pinker
An Unconventional Wife: the life of Julia Sorell Arnold von Mary Hoban
Unser Kosmos. Eine Reise durch das Weltall. von Carl Sagan
A Useful Woman: The Early Life of Jane Addams von Gioia Diliberto
The Value of Freethought: How to Become a Truth-Seeker and Break the Chain of Mental Slavery von Bertrand Russell
Victorians Undone: Tales of the Flesh in the Age of Decorum von Kathryn Hughes
The Voyage of the Beagle [Penguin Classics, abridged] von Charles Darwin
Voyage of the Beagle: Darwin's Extraordinary Adventure Aboard Fitzroy's Famous Survey Ship von James Taylor
Voyages to the South Seas: In Search of Terres Australes von Danielle Clode
We Are Our Brains: A Neurobiography of the Brain, from the Womb to Alzheimer's von Dick Swaab
We Were There with Charles Darwin on HMS Beagle von Philip Eisenberg
The Wellborn Science: Eugenics in Germany, France, Brazil, and Russia von Mark B. Adams
What Mr Darwin Saw von Mick Manning
When Darwin Sailed the Sea: Uncover how Darwin's revolutionary ideas helped change the world von David Long
When the Earth Was Flat: All the Bits of Science We Got Wrong von Graeme Donald
Which Way to a Free World?: A Consideration of the Difference Between the Natural and Supernatural, with Reasons why the Former is the Better Way to Go von Robert G. Ingersoll
Who Was Charles Darwin? von Deborah Hopkinson
Why Darwin Matters von Michael Shermer
Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior. von Bobbi S. Low
Wie der Wal zur Flosse kam. Ein neuer Blick auf den Ursprung der Arten von Steve Jones
Das Wissenschafts-Buch von Adam Hart-Davis
Wo gute Ideen herkommen: Eine kurze Geschichte der Innovation von Steven Johnson
The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part I: Fossil Mammalia von Charles Darwin
The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part II: Mammalia von Charles Darwin
The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part III: Birds von Charles Darwin
The Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle, Part IV: Fish and Part V: Reptiles von Charles Darwin
Zufall Mensch. Das Wunder des Lebens als Spiel der Natur von Stephen Jay Gould