Figuren/CharaktereMary Boykin Chesnut

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (32)

Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate States Armies von John Bell Hood
After the War: The Lives and Images of Major Civil War Figures After the Shooting Stopped von David Hardin
Amazing Women of the Civil War: Fascinating True Stories of Women Who Made a Difference von Webb Garrison
April 1865: The Month That Saved America von Jay Winik
Brother against Brother von William C. Davis
Civil War Wives: The Lives and Times of Angelina Grimké Weld, Varina Howell Davis, and Julia Dent Grant von Carol Berkin
The Civil War: A Narrative: Volume 3: Red River to Appomattox von Shelby Foote
The Civil War: An Illustrated History von Geoffrey C. Ward
The Confederate Nation 1861-1865 von Emory M. ThomasConfederate
Confederate Ordeal: The Southern Home Front von Steven A. Channing
A Diary From Dixie von Mary Boykin Chesnut
House of Abraham: Lincoln and the Todds, A Family Divided by War von Stephen Berry
Jefferson Davis: The Man and His Hour von William C. Davis
Lee Takes Command: From Seven Days to Second Bull Run von John L. Papanek
Mary Boykin Chesnut: A Biography von Elisabeth Muhlenfeld
Mary Boykin Chesnut: A Confederate Woman's Life (American Profiles) von Mary A. DeCredico
Mary Chesnut's Civil War von Mary Chesnut
Mary Chesnut's Illustrated Diary: Mulberry Edition von Mary Boykin Chesnut
Mary's World: Love, War, and Family Ties in Nineteenth-century Charleston von Richard N. Côté
Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War von Drew Gilpin Faust
Murdering Mr. Lincoln: A New Detection of the 19th Century's Most Famous Crime von Charles Highamas Mrs. Mary Chesnut
The Nation Reunited: War's Aftermath von Richard W. Murphy
The Private Mary Chesnut: The Unpublished Civil War Diaries von Mary Boykin Chesnut
The rhetoric of rebel women : Civil War diaries and Confederate persuasion von Kimberly Harrison
A Separate Battle: Women and the Civil War (Young Readers' History of the Civil War) von Ina Chang
Sherman's March von Burke Davis
Shrouds of Glory - From Atlanta to Nashville: The Last Great Campaign of the Civil War von Winston Groom
Spies, Scouts, and Raiders: Irregular Operations von William C. Davis
The Struggle for Tennessee: Tupelo to Stones River von James H. Street
War on the Mississippi: Grant's Vicksburg Campaign von Jerry Korn
White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color von Ruby Hamad
Women in the Civil War von Mary Elizabeth Massey