Book Club Classics

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Book Club Classics

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Nov. 12, 2006, 7:15 pm

In your opinion, what are two classic works everyone should read?

Nov. 13, 2006, 12:46 pm

The Bible (King James) and the Complete works of William Shakespeare.

Bearbeitet: Nov. 14, 2006, 10:06 am

The Iliad and El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. (Hmmm, the Touchstones made a dog's brekkers of that. I only capitalized El and the proper nouns. Let's try: Don Quijote. That was better, if over-upper-cased.) Then they can discuss the progression of literature over the centuries from the one to the other.

Nov. 14, 2006, 3:10 pm

Middlemarch - though take at least two months to read it...then, er...can't decide on number 2...

Bearbeitet: Nov. 21, 2006, 3:21 pm

The Magic Mountain and The Brothers Karamazov represent two that are high on my list of must read "classics".

Nov. 27, 2006, 1:25 pm

Catcher in the Rye and the The bell Jar

I love and adore those books and would call them classics

Honorable mention to Franny and Zooey, The life of Pi and The joy Luck Club

Dez. 7, 2006, 1:06 pm

I Capture the Castle...everyone in my club loved it, a good winter read. The Handmaids Tale...that made us all think about our lives more than any other book we've read. Oh...just for info my club is an all women group so these selections may not work as well in a mixed group.

Dez. 7, 2006, 2:31 pm

(Re #4 marfita): Read The Iliad a few months ago and found some of the long battle scenes a little tedious. Then read The Odyssey and not only enjoyed it much more but suspect it is referenced more often. Am at present reading The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood and the pleasure is increased enormously by having read the latter.

Dez. 7, 2006, 8:40 pm

Can you believe it? I have almost no patience for The Odyssey! The Iliad makes me mad, makes me sad, makes me laugh (not intentionally). It makes me mention it all the time (in increasingly strident tones) and sit down with it to write down each method of dying. At one point I was working on a song I called, "There must be 50 ways to kill an Achaean." Almost every single death is distinct and personal. I crafted a Dream Team of Celebrities (not just actors) to enact the roles to pass the time. I have a friend who claims that you can sing the Iliad to the Johnny Cash hit "I walk the line." And he sent me a tape to prove it. Next obsession for me: how many ways there are to "sit down" in ancient Greek. First I will have to finish reading that Homeric Greek version of Harry Potter, though. I should have stayed in Boston for those last three Greek classes!

Dez. 8, 2006, 9:48 am

Well I get the impression you're reading is from the original Greek - I'm afraid I'm stuck with a translation. But perhaps the Odyssey resonates more because of the stories we heard or read as children - the Cyclops, Circe and the pigs, the Sirens and a number of others. And even the wooden horse gets worked in here.

Dez. 9, 2006, 4:36 pm

Nah, I read it in English. I have it in Greek and can refer to it to, but it's too big of a struggle. Just like Harry. I've been at Harry for almost a year.