Figuren/CharaktereJames Monroe

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12 Americans speak; facsimiles of original editions selected and annotated von John E. Pomfret
1776 von David McCullough
1812: A Nation Emerges von Sidney Hart
1812: The Rivers of War (The Trail of Glory) von Eric Flint
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Amateurs, to Arms!: A Military History of the War of 1812 von John R. Elting
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American Aurora: A Democratic-Republican Returns von Richard N. Rosenfeld
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The American President: A Complete History von Kathryn Moore
The American Presidents von David C. Whitney
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The American Presidents: Biographies of the Chief Executives from Washington through George W. Bush von David C. Whitney
The American Presidents: Biographies of the chief executives from Washington through Reagan von David C. Whitney
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A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents von James D. Richardson
A comprehensive catalogue of the correspondence and papers of James Monroe von Daniel Preston
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Defiance to the Old World; the story behind the Monroe Doctrine von George Dangerfield
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The First Ladies von Margaret Brown Klapthor
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James Madison (Checkerboard Biography Library: U.S. Presidents) von Anne Welsbacher
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James Monroe von W. P. Cresson
James Monroe von Gary Hart
James Monroe (Childhoods of the Presidents) von Hal Marcovitz
James Monroe (Founding Fathers) von Stuart A. Kallen
James Monroe (Presidential Leaders) von Debbie Levy
James Monroe (Presidential Series) (Presidential Read Along Series) von Linda Wade
James Monroe (Profiles of the Presidents) von Michael Teitelbaum
James Monroe : an illustrated history von Daniel Preston
James Monroe : The 5th President von Diane Bailey
James Monroe, 5th President of the United States (Presidents of the United States) von Rebecca Stefoff
James Monroe, public claimant von Lucius Wilmerding
James Monroe: A Life From Beginning to End von Hourly History
James Monroe: America's 5th President (Encyclopedia of Presidents, Second) von Andrew Santella
James Monroe: Fifth President of the United States (Encyclopedia of Presidents) von Christine Maloney Fitz-Gerald
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James Monroe: Our Fifth President (Spirit of America: Our Presidents) von Ann Gaines
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James Monroe: Young Patriot von Rae Bains
James Monroe;: Hero of American diplomacy, von Noel Bertram Gerson
Jefferson and Monroe: Constant Friendship and Respect von Noble E. Cunningham Jr.
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Problems of the New Nation von Academic Industries
Prologue to War: England and the United States, 1805-1812 von Bradford Perkins
Quotations of James Monroe von Daniel Preston
Quotations of James Monroe on the subjects of his family, friends, private affairs, and public policy to which is appended : On the Monroes : a sampler of quotations from assorted personages on James Monroe and his family with a selection of portraits and views von Daniel Preston
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