Figuren/CharaktereGrover Cleveland

Figuren/Charaktere nach Umschlag

Werke (118)

The Accursed von Joyce Carol Oatesno longer US President
Action Presidents #3: Theodore Roosevelt! von Fred Van Lente
The Age of Reform von Richard Hofstadter
America Becomes a World Power von Saddleback Educational Publishing
America's road to empire; the war with Spain and overseas expansion von H. Wayne Morgan
American Heritage Book of the Presidents and Famous Americans, Volume 7 von American Heritage
American History at a Glance: From the Earliest Settlements to the Present von Marshall Smelser
American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century (Music in American Life) von Philip S. Foner
American Political and Social History von Harold Underwood Faulkner
The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made it von Richard Hofstadter
The American President: A Complete History von Kathryn Moore
The American Presidents von David C. Whitney
The American Presidents: Biographies of the chief executives from Washington through Clinton von David C. Whitney
The American Presidents: Biographies of the Chief Executives from Washington through George W. Bush von David C. Whitney
The American Presidents: Biographies of the chief executives from Washington through Reagan von David C. Whitney
April 1865: The Month That Saved America von Jay Winik
The Assassination: Death of the President von Champ Clarkamong the mourners in Buffalo, New York, USA
Benjamin Harrison von Charles W. Calhoun
The Best Men: Liberal Reformers in the Gilded Age von John G. Sproat
Bourbon leader: Grover Cleveland and the Democratic Party von Horace Samuel Merrill
The Buck Stops Here: The Presidents of the United States von Alice Provensen
Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson [1976 film] von Robert Altman
The Committee on Ways and Means: A Bicentennial History 1789–1989 von Donald R. Kennon
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1921 von James D. Richardson
Don't Know Much About the Presidents von Kenneth C. Davis
Down with the Old Canoe: A Cultural History of the Titanic Disaster: Cultural History of the "Titanic" Disaster von Steven Biel
Drawing the Vote: An Illustrated Guide to Voting in America von Tommy Jenkins
Dreamer and Deceivers; True Stories of the Heroes and Villains who Built America von Glenn Beck
Empires of Light: Edison, Tesla, Westinghouse, and the Race to Electrify the World von Jill Jonnes
Encyclopedia of U.S.Presidents von David Rubel
Fault Lines in the Constitution: The Graphic Novel (World Citizen Comics) von Cynthia Levinson
First Ladies von Betty Boyd Caroli
The First Ladies von Margaret Brown Klapthor
First Ladies: An Intimate Group Portrait of White House Wives von Margaret Truman
First Ladies: The Saga of the Presidents' Wives and Their Power, 1789-1961 von Carl Sferrazza Anthony
The Five of Hearts: An Intimate Portrait of Henry Adams and His Friends, 1880-1918 von Patricia O'Toole
The Forging of the American Empire: From the Revolution to Vietnam: A History of Ameri (Human Security) von Sidney Lens
Frank: The Story of Frances Folsom Cleveland, America's Youngest First Lady (Excelsior Editions) von Annette Dunlap
From Hayes to McKinley: National Party Politics, 1877-1896 von Howard Wayne Morgan
Eine Geschichte des amerikanischen Volkes von Howard Zinn
A Godly Hero: The Life of William Jennings Bryan von Michael Kazin
Grover Cleveland von Rexford G. Tugwell
Grover Cleveland von Henry F. Graff
Grover Cleveland (Encyclopedia of Presidents) von Zachary Kent
Grover Cleveland (Profiles of the Presidents) von Jean Kinney Williams
Grover Cleveland (United States Presidents) von Paul Joseph
Grover Cleveland Who Put Independent Thinking Into Party Politics (Builders of America Vol. XXII) von Clifford Smyth
Grover Cleveland: 22nd and 24th President of the United States (Presidents of the United States) von David R. Collins
Grover Cleveland: A Study in Character von Alyn Brodsky
Grover Cleveland: Our Twenty-Second and Twenty-Fourth President (Spirit of America: Our Presidents) von Ann Gaines
Hail to the Chiefs: Presidential Mischief, Morals, & Malarkey from George W. to George W. von Barbara Holland
History Comics: The American Bison: The Buffalo's Survival Tale von Andy Hirsch
History of American presidential elections, 1789-1968 von Arthur Meier Schlesinger
A History of the Supreme Court von Bernard Schwartz
Homes of the American Presidents von Cranston Jones
Homes of the Presidents von Bill Harris
An Honest President: The Life and Presidencies of Grover Cleveland von H. P. Jeffers
Hottest Heads of State: Volume 1: The American Presidents von J. D. Dobson
Ich war ein Sklave von Booker T. Washington
In the shadow of Presidents;: The American Vice-Presidency and succession system von Michael Harwood
Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States von United States Presidents
Inaugural addresses of the Presidents of the United States from George Washington 1789 to George Bush 1989 von President of the United States
John A. Kasson: politics and diplomacy from Lincoln to McKinley von Edward Younger
John Hay: from poetry to politics von Tyler Dennett
Life and Public Services of Grover Cleveland, Together with a Sketch of the Life and Public Services of Allen G. Thurman von W. U. Hensel
The lives of Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks: Democratic presidential candidates of 1884. An authorized, authen von Augustine Barnum
The lives of our presidents: From Washington to Wilson. For young people. Containing an account of the boyhood days, adventures, careers and homes of the twenty-eight presidents of the U.S. of America von Charles Morris
Lives of the Presidents: Fame, Shame (and What the Neighbors Thought) von Kathleen Krull
The Look-It-Up Book of Presidents von Wyatt Blassingame
March 1917: On the Brink of War and Revolution von Will Englund
McKinley, Bryan, and the people von Paul W. Glad
Minority Victory: Gilded Age Politics and the Front Porch Campaign of 1888 (American Presidential Elections) von Charles W. Calhoun
Mornings on Horseback: The Story of an Extraordinary Family, a Vanished Way of Life and the Unique Child Who Became Theodore Roosevelt von David McCullough
Nikola Tesla: Imagination and the Man That Invented the 20th Century von Sean Patrick
Our Presidents: Their Lives and Stories von Nancy J. Skarmeas
The Politics of War: The Story of Two Wars Which Altered Forever the Political Life of the American Republic 1890-1920 von Walter Karp
The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to Bill Clinton von Stephen Skowronek
The Populist Explosion: How the Great Recession Transformed American and European Politics von John B. Judis
The Presidencies of Grover Cleveland von Jr. Richard E. Welch
The Presidency von Michael Nelson
The President Is a Sick Man: Wherein the Supposedly Virtuous Grover Cleveland Survives a Secret Surgery at Sea and Vilifies the Courageous Newspaperman Who Dared Expose the Truth von Matthew Algeo
Presidential Anecdotes von Paul F. Boller
Presidential Campaigns: From George Washington to George W. Bush von Paul F. Boller
The presidential compaign and election of 1892 von George Harmon Knoles
The Presidential Election of 1896 von Stanley Jones
Presidential Wives: An Anecdotal History von Paul F. Boller
Presidents from Hayes through McKinley, 1877-1901: Debating the Issues in Pro and Con Primary Documents von Amy H. Sturgis
The Presidents of the United States of America von Frank Freidel
Presidents of the United States Reading Discovery Level 3 Reader (Fast Facts Book) von Dalmatian Press
Pulitzer: A Life in Politics, Print, and Power von James McGrath Morris
The racial attitudes of American Presidents, from Abraham Lincoln to Theodore Roosevelt von George Sinkler
The Reckless Decade: America in the 1890s von H. W. Brands
The Republican Era, 1869-1901: A Study in Administrative History von Leonard D. White
The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression von Academic Industries
The Robber Barons and the Sherman Antitrust Act: Reshaping American Business (Milestones in American History) von Tim McNeese
The Search for Order, 1877-1920 von Robert H. Wiebe
Secret Lives of the First Ladies: What Your Teachers Never Told You About the Women of the White House von Cormac O'Brien
Secret Lives of the U.S. Presidents: What Your Teachers Never Told You About the Men of the White House von Cormac O'Brien
The Senate, 1789-1989. Vol. 1. Addresses on the history of the United States Senate von Robert C. Byrd
Sherman's March von Burke Davis
So You Want to Be President? von Judith St. George
The Story of our Presidents from Washington to Taft, for Young People von Charles Morris
The Story of the White House von Kate Waters
Der Teufel von Chicago. Ein Architekt, ein Mörder und die Weltausstellung, die Amerika veränderte von Erik Larson
The Texas Senator von June Rayfield Welch
Theodore Roosevelt von Nathan Miller
Theodore Roosevelt (Trailblazers of the Modern World) von Geoffrey M. Horn
There is Power in a Union: The Epic Story of Labor in America von Philip Dray
The Titanic Story von Stephen D. Cox
To Marry an English Lord von Gail MacColl
To the Best of My Ability von James M. McPherson
United States Presidents: Arthur to Bush von Marion L. McGuire
United States Presidents: Arthur to Clinton (Reading in the content area) von Marion L. McGuire
A Useful Woman: The Early Life of Jane Addams von Gioia Diliberto
Why the People: The Case for Democracy (World Citizen Comics) von Beka Feathers
Wie ein Licht im Strom. von Lauren Belfer
William McKinley von Kevin Phillips
Yo, Millard Fillmore!: (And all those other Presidents you don't know) von Will Cleveland