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Ganz(1) Tricia Gardella(1) Better Homes and Gardens(12) Craig Shaw Gardner(2) James Garlow(1) Webb Garrison(1) Shannon Garst(1) Norman L. Geisler(2) Norman L.; Howe Geisler, Thomas A.(1) Paul J. Gelinas(1) Willem A. VanGemeren(1) Kenneth L. Gentry(1) Tibor Gergely(2) Edna Gerstner(2) John H. Gerstner(2) Joe Gibbs(1) Bo Giertz(2) F Gilbreth(1) Bill Gillham(1) Shannon Gilligan(1) John Gill(1) Dorothy Gilman(5) John Gilman(1) Edited By James charlton and Barbara Gilson(1) SUSAN L. GIMOTTY(1) John L. Girardeau(1) Mrs. George Gladstone(1) Walter D. Glanze(1) Terry W. Glaspey(2) God(1) Thomas Goodwin(1) Karen Elizabeth Gordon(1) R. K. Gordon(1) Bill Gothard(1) Christine Noble Govan(1) Ralph Gower(1) Ian Graham(1) Ruth Bell Graham(1) Walter B. Gibson(1) Andrew Gray(1) Williams S. Gray(1) Ashbel Green(2) Jay P. Green(1) Jen Green(1) John Green(4) Yuko Green(1) Stanley J. Grenz(2) Edward Dorr Griffin(1) W. E. B. 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