ISFDB Top 100 Novels - Critical List
Vergeben durch The Internet Speculative Fiction Database (ISFDB)
100 Werke 534,351 Bücher 11,077 Rezensionen 4.1
All novels which have been nominated for an award are scored based on the number of award wins and nominations. The results are then sorted. This is not an attempt to list the best works in the mehr anzeigen genre, just those which won the most awards. Since the proliferation of genre-related awards is a fairly recent phenomenon, these lists tend to favor more recent works.
The Critical List puts extra emphasis on those awards which are decided by jury. It attempts to construct a list which might appeal to those who prefer "Literate SF". It also attempts to balance the age factor by more heavily weighing older works.
Note that this version of the list hasn't been updated since 2005. weniger anzeigen
The Critical List puts extra emphasis on those awards which are decided by jury. It attempts to construct a list which might appeal to those who prefer "Literate SF". It also attempts to balance the age factor by more heavily weighing older works.
Note that this version of the list hasn't been updated since 2005. weniger anzeigen
Top Members
ringman (84 Werke), AsYouKnow_Bob (81), jcm790 (80), vicwong (80), tootstorm (78), Echinopsis (77), Rtrace (77), strangefate (77), tredegartrafalgar (76), chilperic (74), malloyd (74), paulhurtley (74), StormRaven (72), TerryWeyna (72), justifiedsinner (71), SFF1928-1973 (71), fitzwater (70), ginger.hewitt (70), Larou (70), JRMANDRAGON (68), Kaethe (68), kamintra (68), iftyzaidi (67), RedQueen (67), WestBranch (67), aulsmith (66), bertilak (66), DrPlokta (66), elieazoulay (66), jennmaine (66), VenRandle (66), andyl (65), gordon.krefting (64), SF4MLibrary (64), Surtac (64), AltheaAnn (63), everdonbooks (63), Natt90 (63), nwhyte (63), G_Riv (62), Jussiv (62), lorax (62), RobertDay (62), barrybaker (61), divinenanny (61), djewett (61), mick745 (61), psybre (61), steelprimate (61), EmScape (60), JasonBraun (60), Jon_Hansen (60), JVermillion (60), bookstopshere (59), cmthomas (59), parasolofdoom (59), anglemark (58), danebrood (58), dukedom_enough (58), IntangiblesInc (58), naokoken (58), Rynosseros (58), scififan42 (58), TomWeiss (58), amweb (57), DougBaker (57), MattZiss0u (57), M_L_Nagle (57), Rynemonn (57), slothman (57), sphericaltime (57), weesam (57), Ethaisa (56), FicusFan (56), HanJie (56), William_T_Goodall (56), goobertellii (55), iampliny (55), kenf (55), Markober (55), MartinWisse (55), Musereader (55), pipecad (55), randys_bookbuzz (55), ScoLgo (55), simulacrum (55), TairaNagasawa (55), aekfv20134 (54), bradleyhorner (54), dkennedy (54), jeanned (54), ljw87505 (54), murfman (54), StigE (54), cshalizi (53), MRN (53), ChrisRiesbeck (52), DGD (52), iansales (52), idanush (52), iluvvideo (52), karenb (52), kvrfan (52), Leischen (52), LoZioSpino (52), sdobie (52), Veeralpadhiar (52), venza (52), emmaliminal (51), ethorwitz (51), falkman (51), KelMunger (51), TaraWood (51), battlinjack (50), berkenberry (50), bragan (50), cosmicdolphin (50), esther_a (50), JaredMcLaine (50), jotoyo (50), JTandRobin (50), mgiuntoni (50), onela22 (50), PRDurham2 (50), saulegriza (50), thetwonky (50), xofelf (50), boxofdelights (49), boyboffin (49), Dureo (49), JillMcElderry (49), MaryPieroCarey (49), RabidGerbil (49), AndrewWheeler (48), BMDuggan (48), casa_tali (48), elenora (48), Espey1 (48), fred_mouse (48), MikeKn (48), Murphyslawyer (48), mvuijlst (48), rtttt01 (48), Shimo (48), Snowstorm14 (48), wpwhite (48), AlMargheim (47), calm (47), cusfs (47), doubtfulpalace (47), FredKiesche (47), kbuxton (47), labirinto (47), Maddz (47), mkozlows (47), thetalkingmoose (47), uscer (47), Zaltys (47), Archren (46), Brazgo67 (46), dustydigger (46), fjvidiella (46), hblanchard (46), NachoSeco (46), PhileasHannay (46), pinax (46), sbisson (46), TomVeal (46), belmbooks (45), cesious (45), DavidCraddock (45), efeltonf (45), hegadornr (45), inigos (45), johnnyapollo (45), Korvac (45), libraryofus (45), lquilter (45), mjfmjfmjf (45), oakes (45), readhead (45), shunn (45), Talvalin (45), wpisfs (45)
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