Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration
Vergeben durch Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)
Andere Namen: Kate Greenaway Medal (1955-2022; Englisch), Carnegie Medal for Illustration (2022-2023; Englisch)
1,303 Werke / 1,312 Elemente 993,785 Bücher 22,045 Rezensionen 4.2
Website The Kate Greenaway Medal was established in 1955, for distinguished illustration in a book for children. It is named after the popular nineteenth century artist known for her fine mehr anzeigen children's illustrations and designs.
The CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal is awarded annually for an outstanding book in terms of illustration for children and young people. weniger anzeigen
Winner 69
Shortlist 95
Nominee 1,245
Longlist 18
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