Autoren-Cloud für Durbies

Anthony M. Abela(1) Anthony J. Abela-medici(1) Douglas Adams(3) Mark Adlard(2) Trevor Żahra(3) Kenneth Bulmer(2) Albert M. Cassola(1) Louisa May Alcott(1) Brian W. Aldiss(32) Alfred Sacco(1) Alfred Sant(3) STUART HAMPLE WOODY ALLEN(1) Woody Allen(1) Umar Ibn Muhammed Al-Nefzawi(1) George Żammit(1) Hans Christian Andersen(1) Kevin J. Anderson(1) Poul Anderson(12) Andrew P. Vella(1) Richard J. Anobile(1) Anthony M. Abela(1) Piers Anthony(1) Anton Buttigieg(1) Anton Cassar(1) Anton Grasso(3) Anton Manwel caruana(1) Joseph Aquilina(5) Guze Aquilinq(1) Edwin Lester Arnold(1) Lou Aronica(1) Abraham Ascher(1) Brian Ash(2) Asimov(1) EDITED BY ISAAC ASIMOV(1) Isaac Asimov(58) Isaac Asimov(1) Martin Harry Greenberg Isaac Asimov, and Charles G. Waugh(1) Amanda Atha(1) Saint Augustine(1) Anna(Introduction Jane(Author) ; Quindlen Austen(1) Author(3) Herbert R. Axelrod(1) Trezza Azzopardi(1) Sophia Backlund(2) James Baen(1) Desmond Bagley(1) J. G. Ballard(3) Brian N. Ball(2) Honoré de Balzac(1) Iain M. Banks(1) LARRY NIVEN; Jerry Pournelle; Steven Barnes(1) T. J. Bass(2) H. E. Bates(1) Jean-Dominique Bauby(1) Stephen Baxter(2) Barrington J. Bayley(4) David Beaty(1) Katrin Behrend(1) Hilaire Belloc(1) Gregory Benford(2) Margot Bennett(1) R. Bentmann(1) Bruce Bernard(1) Alfred Bester(3) Bible(1) Ambrose Bierce(2) Lloyd Biggle, Jr.(1) Ian Watson & Michael Bishop(1) R. D. Blackmore(1) Cherie Blair(1) David Blatner(1) James Blish(7) Daniel C. Blum(1) Enid Blyton(1) John Boardman(1) Frederick S. 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Davis(1) Lindlsey Davis(1) Lindsey Davis(1) David Day(1) Patrick Dearen(1) Dick Debartolo(1) Daniel Defoe(1) Daniel; Robinson Defoe, W B [illus.](1) Samuel R. Delany(2) Lester del Rey(2) Didier Destremau(1) Charles Dickens(9) Philip K. Dick(6) Gordon R. Dickson(1) Paul Dickson(2) Terrance Dicks(2) Reader's Digest(2) Thomas M. Disch(4) Mary Cable & the Editors of the Newsweek Book Division(1) Karen Dolan(1) Monty Don(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(2) Arthur Conan Doyle(3) Gardner Dozois(10) Bruce E. Drushel(1) Alexandre Dumas(1) W. Gordon East(1) Umberto Eco(1) Andrew Edney(1) George Alec Effinger(1) E.C. Eliot(1) George Eliot(3) Harlan Ellison(3) Roger Elwood(4) Christopher Evans(1) David Ewen(1) Helen Exley(1) Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe(1) Aldo Farini(1) Philip José Farmer(2) Stewart Farrar(1) Mick Farren(1) John Russell Fearn(1) Karm. Fenech(1) Jan Fennell(1) Ferdinando Fazio(1) Edward L. Ferman(1) Joseph W. 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Landay(1) Glen A. ; Robert Thurston larson(1) Marghanita Laski(1) Keith Laumer(2) LAURENCE MIZZI(1) Stephen R. Lawhead(1) D. H. Lawrence(1) Tanith Lee(3) Fritz Leiber(6) Murray Leinster(1) Stanisław Lem(1) Leo Charles Burkhard(1) C. S. Lewis(2) Willy Ley(1) Lino Spiteri(1) Jane Livingston(1) Alun Llewellyn(1) William John Locke(1) Frank Belknap Long(2) Barry B. Longyear(1) Jeffrey Lord(1) Konrad Lorenz(1) George Lucas(2) Richard A. Lupoff(1) Dott. Alessandro Lustig(1) Roderick MacFarquhar(1) Alistair MacLean(1) Ken MacLeod(1) Miranda MacQuitty(1) Analog Magazine(1) Kurt Mahr(1) Charles Eric Maine(3) JOSEPH MEEK MA(1) James Maloney(1) Barry N. And Bill Pronzini (Ed.) Malzberg(1) John Manduca(1) J. S. Manduca(1) George Mann(1) תומאס מאן(1) Katherine Mansfield(1) Manwel magri(1) Alessandro Manzoni(1) Zedong Mao(1) Marianne Tabone(1) Gabriel García Márquez(2) Diane T. Marsh(1) Ann M. Martin(1) Andrew Marvell(1) Groucho Marx(2) Berkely Mather(1) W. Somerset Maugham(2) Guy de Maupassant(1) P. G. Maxwell-Stuart(1) J. T. McIntosh(1) Vonda N. McIntyre(1) Patricia A. McKillip(2) Frank McLynn(1) Candia McWilliam(1) David Mellor(1) Herman Melville(1) Pauline Melville(1) Roy Menarini(1) Fred Metcalf(1) James A. Michener(1) Mikiel Anton Vassalli(1) Spike Milligan(1) Naomi Mitchison(1) Edgar Mizzi(1) Monsinjur Alwig Deguara(1) Trevor Montague(1) Simon Sebag Montefiore(1) Michael Moorcock(1) Various. Edited By Michael Moorcock(1) Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore(1) Patrick Moore(1) Robin Moore(1) Martin Morana(1) Simon Morden(1) Eric Morecambe(1) Edmund S. Morgan(1) Fidelis Morgan(2) John Morressy(1) Toby Musgrave(1) Vicki Myron(1) Dave Nasser(1) Richard Newman(1) Nicholas de Piro(1) Peter Nicholls(2) David F. Nighbert(1) Larry Niven(2) Richard Nixon(1) Andre Norton(7) Sherwin B. 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